| | r||~, |1||‘ i o _,_;nl.-.-'!:r;' | CENTRAL RESEAR CH L gy il co RN oL LT C-84 - Reactors - Special Features - 1 = 3 445k 03b1ckT b of Aircraft Reactors Q?' A A E‘i s AEC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT i A 5 rm; W A ENRGIFIT o BECLASSHLD | B . AR el 1RES i CLASSIFICATION CHANGED Taoz 5 Soamv e i _ - = f ORITY ‘u'r".---Q,-;—.g.-r.._.-.‘.....:fl_:...(fl_é__-_-___ By AUt y By: L .:fi_xflcfl-_s.;j..__)e:‘_%.:_‘\:fl__ et A ZERO POWER REFLECTOR-MODERATED @ REACTOR EXPERIMENT AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURE D. Scott G. W. Alwang E. F. Demski W. J. Fader E. V. Sandin R. E. Malenfant TDT AT > A K !_I:._\.'..I—‘J.' & i ST R e " i T oF i e CENTRAL RESEARCH LISK DOCUMENT COLLECTION i | - LIBRARY LOAN COPY % : . DO NOT TRANSFER TO ANOTHER PERSON If you wish someone else to see this document, send in name with document and the library will arrange a loan. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION s o v FETRICTED T ORNL-2536 C-84-Reactors -Special Features of Aircraft Reactors This document consists of 100 pages Copy ;‘- of 214 copies. Series A Contract No. W-T405-eng-26 Applied Nuclegr Physics Division A ZERO POWER REFLECTOR-MODERATED REACTOR EXPERIMENT AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURE Dunlap Scott, G. W. Alwang, E. F. Demski,* W. J. Fader,* E. V. Sandin,¥* R, E, Malenfant Date Issued AUG 11958 * Pratt and Whitney Aircraft OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION TTSSSsAnaiannE. & TNy 3 4456 03klaLg g _ i SUMMARY An experiment using a full-scale mockup of the core and reflector of Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Reactor No. 1 (PWAR~l), a reflector-moderated reactor, was performed at zero power and elevated temperatures in the ORNL Critical Experiments Facility. The mockup consisted of a 8.l-in.-dia cylindrical beryllium central region surrounded by a fuel annulus contained between twe Hastelloy X core shells. The inner shell was 8.5 in. in diameter and 0.125 in. thick. The ocuter one varied from 21.4k in. in diameter and 0.156 in. in thickness at the midplane to 14.8 in. in diameter and 0.25 in. in thickness at the ends. This core shell assembly was covered by a 13-in.- thick beryllium reflector. Coolant passages, but not the coolant, were mocked up in both beryllium regions. The control and safety rod consisted of & 2.4-in.-0D x 2.00-in.-ID cermet anmulus ccmposed of T0% nickel and 30% rare earth oxides contained in a 0.035-in,-thick Inconel jacket which was guided along the reactor exis by a 2.875-in.-0D Inconel tube with 0.120-in.- thick walls. The fuel was a mixture of the fused fluoride salts of sodium, zirconium, and uranium. The critical concentration of the clean reactor was 10.22 wt% U235 at 1258°F. The calibration of the control rod over the range from the midplane to the tog of the beryllium resulted in an increase in fuel concentration to 12.2 wt% U230 and an indicated value of $2.5. The specific mass reactivity coefficient (Amm)/( Ak/k) was 5.90 * 0.5 and was constant within experimental error over the range of the experiment. The temperature reactivity coefficient for this mockup, measured between 1200 and 1350°F, was -0.47¢/CF. The effect of a B1O neutron filter between the fuel annulus and the beryllium in the entrance duct region was evaluated for the fast leakage, fission rate distribution, and reactivity. The power distribution through the fuel region was measured by counting the fission fragment gemms, -ray activity in small uranium disks positioned in the fuel amnnulus throughout the experiment. A measure of the neutron flux distribution in the reflector was made with gold foils. In addition to a presentation of the measurements this report also includes a discussion of the important engineering design features and construction problems. - iji PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The elevated temperature experiment for the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Corporation Reactor No. 1 (PWAR-l) was performed as a cooperative effort of PWAC and Osk Rdige National Laboratory. The component design and fabrication, which were patterned after a highetemperature experiment that had previously been performed at ORNL, were largely completed by PWAC at the Hartford, Connecticut plant under the direction of E. V. Sandin and G. W. Alwang of PWAC and W. C. Tunnell of ORNL. The final component assembly was carried out by ORNL personnel under the direction of W. C. Tunnell, and the experiment was performed in the ORNL Critical Experiments Facility by both PWAC and ORNL personnel. ‘ Once the reactor was brought to the operating temperature it was kept at that temperature until all experimental work was completed. This necessi- tated 24-hr operation, for which personnel was assigned in three shifts as follows: ) Chief Reactor Operation Date. Processing Instrumentation D. Scott E. Demski* M. K, Albright 'V. G. Harness E. Sandin¥* D. Harvey* R. Malenfant J. F. Ellis W. Fader* J., J. Lynn G. W. Alwang¥* E. R. Rohrer In addition, other personnel was available, continuously during the approach to critical and on short notice thereafter, for special services. These included J. E. Eorgan, George Nessle, and Jack Truitt of the ORNL Materials Chemistry Division; R. D. Parten, L. C. Johnson, and W. D. Carden of the ORNL Health Phiysics Division; and W. F. Vaughn of the ORNL Analytical Chemistry Division. * PWAC iv App. A II. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUmmary « . .+ .+ o« e e . e s . e Préface and Acknowledgements . . . . . Introduetion . . . . . . .. .+ . . Description of Reactor Assembly . . . . Experimental Results e & s a4 s+ e -Critical Uranium Concentration . . . . Control Rod Evaluation . . . . . . . Effect of B1O Sleeves on the Reactivity . Critical Concentration as a Function of Rod and B0 Sleeve Position The Specific Mass Reactivity Coefficient . The Effect of Temperature on Reactivity . Fuel Importance in End Duct . . . . . Fast-Neutron Leakage Measurements . . . Longitudinal Fission Rate in End Duct . . Radial Fission Rate Distribution . e e Gold Neutron Flux Distribution in the Beryllium Reflector e e s e e e e e e Engineering Report . . . . . . . . Description of Assembly Components . . . Reactor Tank e e e s e e s e Sump Tank el e e e s e e e e e Enricher . .« « + =« o & o« « & o Control Rod Drive . . . . . . . Source Drive e e o e . e Gas System and Nuclear Controls . . Filling and mixing circuit . Standby heljum supply circuit . Moderstor helium supply circuit . . Fuel level indicators .. . . . Position Connéctions between gas system and nuclear controls « .+ .. .+ ¢ ¢ & . . Nuclear instruments and controls . Snow Traps . .« +« + 4+ o * s+ e Heating and Temperature Control Circuits Construction of Assembly Components s o Welding . . e e « e« s W Fgbrication of Core Shells e o s o e v Page No. iii iv Fabrication of Blo Fabrication of Gold Foils Sleeves . Fabrication of ByC-Cu Plates Fabrication of Beryllium Parts Fabrication of Control Rod . Fuel Manufacture o . Material Failures . . Typical Sequence of Operation Enriching . . .« .« . Mixing e« + e« s+ e Sampling . « » « s Instrument Checks . . Filling the Reactor Core Temperature Readings . Approach to Critical (Routlne) Maintaining the Power level Shutdowvn .« .« =« « o App. B. Composition and Weights of Reactor Materials App. C. List of Figures . e e App. D. List of Tables . . . . & O a INTRODUCTION - A reflector-moderated reactor experiment was performed at elevated temperatures at the Critical Experiments Facility of the Oak Ridge National Leboratory (ORNL) as part of the circulating-fuel reactor program of the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Campany (PWAC). In general, the purpose of the experiment was to experimentally verify the theoretically predicted nuclear properties of a PWAC reactor (designated as PWAR-1l) and, in addition, to establish those properties of the reactor system which are not susceptible to accurate theoretical analyses. Prior to the experiment some effort had been expended in correlating PWAR-1l analytical work t¢ the room-temperature and elevated-temperature critical experiments performed at ORNL in conjunction with the Aircraft Reactor Test (ART).l Owing to the similarity of the design between the ART and PWAR-1l, this was of considerable value in esteblishing analytical techniques suitable to the PWAR-1l; however, it was recognized that before absolute confidence could be placed in these techniques the results should be verified by an experiment designed especially to mock up the PWAR-1. The choice of an elevated-temperature experiment, as opposed to a more versatile room-temperature experiment, was largely based on the following considerations: 1. The over-all PWAR-1 design was considered to be well established, since it was possible to check analytical procedures against the series of ART roam~temperature experiments. 2. The information still to be determined, therefore, could be obtained better in an elevated temperature mockup which not only conformed more exactly to the design in temperature, - but also in geometry and in the physical composition and properties of its component materials. 5+ The ease with which uranium concentration could be increased in an elevated-~temperature experiment made it more feasible from an operational point of view. ~ The decision to perform the elevated-temperature experiment was made early in January, 1956, after discussion between representatives of both PWAC and ORNL. At that time the responsibility for design and fabrication of most of the components was assigned to PWAC. Accordingly, advanced estimates of material requirements were made and by the end of February, 1956, essentially all materials~had been. ordered. At the same time preliminary drawings of the moderator had been supplied tp the Brush Beryllium Company and fabrication of the moderator was begun. Engineering design work was continued and final layouts were campleted late in March, 1956. By May 8, 1956, all detail drawings had been released. It was hoped that < the fabrication and assembly of all ‘components could be campleted by July 1, 1956, but, because of exceptionally long delivery times for nickel-based alloys - 1. The ART has been described in various progress reports, see, for example, "ANP Quar. Prog. Rep. for Period Ending Sept. 10, 1955," ORNL=1947, p. 58; "for Period Ending Dec. 10, 1955," ORNL-2012, p. T1. Gy and many problems encountered in fabricating the core ghells and the moderator, the component assemblies of the experiment did not arrive at ORNL until November 9, 1956. - Final setting up of the experiment began immediately. A variety of problems were encountered during this period and the experiment was not ready for the introduction of fuel and the beginning of multiplication messurements until Jamuary 28, 1957. A sumary and description of the problems which occurred during fabrication and final assembly are contained in Appendix A. The experiment was made critical on February 5, 1957, and by the end of February all data had been taken and disassembly had begun. The experiment was run at essentially zero nuclear power. The operating temperature was held constant at approximately 1250°F, which corresponds closely to the design operating temperature of the PWAR-1 moderator; this temperature was maintained by external heaters. Dufing the course of the experiment various nuclear parameters were investigated as requested by PWAC. ] . T oW oy 3y L. 7 3'1[*"‘" I. DESCRIPTION (F REACTOR ASSEMBLY The apparatus consisted of the following major components (see Fig. 6): the .the the the reactor assembly, reactor tank, sump tank, enricher, the control rod drive, source drive and supports, the inert gas system, " | nuclear control and instrumentation circuits, heating and temperature control circuits. - . - A . O~ O\ £\ N The reactor assembly was mounted within the reactor tank in a helium atmos- phere. The sump tank, located under the reactor tank, contained the fuel when it was not in the reactor core. BHelium pressure was used to transfer the fuel from the sump tank up through a fill and drain line to the reactor core. The fuel consisted of the ternary system NaF-ZrF)-UF) which has a liquidus temper- ature in the neighborhood of 1000°F. Additional uranium in the form of NapsUFg was added to the fuel in the sump tank by means of the enricher. After criticality was achieved a chemical analysis was determined after every third enrichment. A continuous inventory of the contents of the sump was maintained and was used to indicate the uranium concentration when a chemical analysis was not available. Table 1 gives the weight percent of each component as obtained by the two methods and demonstrates that the calibration of the Sample 12 was the initial critical concentration. enricher. wag reasonable. Table 1. Fuel Constituents Uranium (wt%) UFy (wtb) NeF (wth) ZrFy (wt%) By By By By By _ By By By Number iAnalysis| Inventory|Analysis|Inventory|Analysis [Inventory| Analysis |Inventory 12 10.97 10.963 | 14.514 | 1k.501 20.082 20.152 | 65.416 | 65.343 13 11.13 11.066 14 .640 20.154 65.206 14 11.26 11.180 14 .790 - 20.155 65.054 15 11.39 11.310 14.969 20.157 6L4.873 16 11.52 11.450 15.148 20.159 64 .692 17 11.64 11.58% 15.325 20.161 64.513 18 11.8% 11.718 15.502 20.163 64.335 19 11.96 11.851 15.678 20.165 64.156 20 12.09 11.983 15.853 20.166 63.979 21 12.20 12.137 16 .057 20.169 . 63.773 22 12.52 12.312 | 16.563 | 16.288 20.453 20.171 | 63.050 | 63.540 The configuration of the reactor assembly is shown in Fig. 1. The fuel was contained in the annulus formed by the inner and outer Hastelloy X core shells. Incremental volumes in this core are given in Table 2. The outer shell was 0.156 in. thick in the region of the midplane (cross section at meximim core Adiameter) and 0.250 in. thick in regions further than T- 3/4 in. above and below midplane. The inner core shell was uniformly 0.125 in, thick except in the lower end duct where its thickness increased to 0.250 in. Due to difficulties encountered in the fabrication of these shells, variations in the wall thickness of #0.025 in., as well as out-of-roundness and de- partures fram designed contour, occurred. Appendix A gives an account of these difficulties plus a detailed picture of the final shapes and thicknesses. The central moderator column, or the island, consisted of beryllium through which longitudinal holes 0.250 in. in diameter were drilled to mock up coolant passages. The distribution of these holes is given in Table 3. An annular void 0,125 in. in average thickness was located between the inner core shell and the island beryllium to mock up a coolant passage. Because of engineering and operational ccomplications, none of the coolant passages contained sodium as they would in the power reactor itself. A 2.935-in.-dia longitudinal hole through - the center of the island contained. the control rod thimble, a 2 B875=in.-0D Inconel tube with 0.120-in.-thick walls. A 12.5-in.-long beryllium cylinder, contained in a stainless steel jacket, was placed in the bottom of the thimble to limit the lower travel of the rod in the event of mechanical failure in the rod support linkage. | The control rod, which also served as a safety rod, con31sted of a 2.430-in.-0D x 2. 000-in.-ID anmlus of T0% Ni, 30% Lindsay Mix® cermet 36 in. long (see Appendix A). This annulus was physically contained in a 0.035-in.- thick Inconel jacket. Its motion for control purposes was confined to the region fram 24.155 in. above to 1.415 in. below the midplane. A k.3 x lO6 neutrons/sec (Jan. 31, 1957) Po-Be source rode longitudinally down through the c¢enter of the annular control rod into the control rod thimble to its normal position which, during multiplication measurements and startups, was a little below the reactor midplane. The reflector was built up around the core shell assembly, Fig. 2, with Yoin,-thick beryllium rings as shown in Figs. 3 and 4., Holes 0,250 in. in diameter were drilled through these slabs to approximate the probable distri- bution of coolant passages in the reflector of the power reactor. The distri- bution of these holes at three elevations as a function of radial distance from the reactor axis is shown in Table 3. A coolant anmulus having an average thickness of 0.125 in. was also provided between the outer core shell and the reflector beryllium, Again no sodium was contained within these coolant pessages; however, & helium atmosphere was maintained in the reactor tank as shown in Fig. 5 to protect the beryllium. For the radial gold foil acti=- vation measurements, foil holders were provided which were placed into slots in the reflector at three elevations. The complete assembly, with its covering insulation, is shown in Fig. 6. * Lindsay Mix is a rare earth oxide mixture consisting of 63.8 wt% Sm, 26.3 wt% Gd, L. 8 wt% Dy,and 0.9 wth Nd. 4R ORNL-LR-DWG 29826 CONTROL ROD THIMBLE CONTROL ROD BELLOWS EXPANSION JOINT I~y " RE-ENTRANT TUBE—\ " FILL PROBE M I ’ | T - - | |l 1&‘ 1l |‘ I (ke OUTER AND INNER j \“ BORON SLEEVES i !i TOP PLATE REACTOR TANK al‘_ I i N ‘ i[ INNER CORE SHELL BERYLLIUM ISLAND OUTER CORE | SHELL 5 D 5 4 BERYLLIUM REFLECTOR DETECTOR TUBES FUEL A NUL | . ,, | FNTOLes W 8 _ MID-PLANE B b, BERYLLIUM PLUG b ‘ Oy BOTTOM PLATE REACTOR TANK - LOWER B,C-Cu PLATE OUTER AND INNER 8,C-Cu RINGS FILL AND DRAIN LINE FIGURE 1. REACTOR ASSEMBLY -~ MAJOR COMPONENTS Teble 2. Incremental Core Volumesa 7.0ne Voll.tlnE;b Zone Volume (in. above midplane) (in.2) (in. below midplane) (1n.”) 26 to 25 115.14 0tol 292.87 25 " 24 115.19 1 "2 288.24 24y " 23 115.23 2 "3 280.06 23 " 22" 115.33 3 "4 270.69 22" 21 115.47 L "5 260.19 21 " 20 115.70 5 "6 247.70 20" 19 116.40 6-" 7 233.94 19" 18 117.57 7 "8 219.61 18" 17 119.44 8 "9 205.65 17" 16 121.57 9 " 10 191.48 16" 15 124 .66 10 " 11 176.91 15" 14 131.16 11 " 12 162.50 " 13 140,26 12 " 13 149.58 13" 12 150.60 13 " 14 139.27 12" 11 162 .24 s " 15 130,43 11" 10 175.01 15 " 16 124.18 10" 9 189.82 6 " 17 119. 4k v 8 204,50 17 " 18 119.97 8" T 218.73 18 " 19 115.02 "6 233.33 19 " 20 117.00 6" 5 247.39 20 " 21 119.00 "o 259.56 21 " 22 120.80 L "3 269.86 22 " 23 123, bk 3" 2 279408 23 " a2k 155.01 2" 1 286 .60 24 " 25 117. Tk 1" 0 292 .54 25 " 26 85.99 26 " 27 83.71 a. Fach core volume quoted for a l-in.~high zone was obtained by numerical integration of the final core dimensions. The total volume to 2 in., sbove the beryllium obtained by integration was 9159 in.? or 150.2 liters; the measured volume whs.14Ta2-liders. - : b. These volumes correspond to- an unheated assembly. The volumes for an gssembly at 1250°F are obtained by multiplying by 1.032. Tsble 3. Distribution of Holes® in the Reflector and Moderator | f In Reflector - . - L 16 in., Above and Below 8 in. Above and Below In Island | e Midplane _ Miiplane " . At Midplane. at All Elevations Redius, No. of sb © No. of Radiusb No. of Redius, No. of (m.) Holes - (in.) Holes (in.) Holés (in.) Holes 8.123 120 - 9.897 120 11.134 120 1.787 16 8.626 60 10.400 60 11.637 60 2.137 16 8.710 60 10.484 60 11.721 60 2.687 - 32 9,162 60 10,900 60 12.137 60 3,287 32 9,234 60 -11.067 60 12,304 60 3.687 32 9.793 60 ~11.567 60 12,80k 60 ‘ 10,126 - €0 11,900 60 13.137 60 10.626 60 -12,400 60 13.637 60 11.126 60 -12.900 60 14,137 60 11.626, 60 13,400 60 14,637 60 12.293 60 14,067 60 15.304 60 12.960 60 14 o T3Y 60 15.971 60 14,626 60 - 16.400 60 17.637 60 . All holes were O, 250 in. in diameter and were distributed equa.lly around 560 d.eg at the given radius. be. The radii given apply only at the indicated elevations since these are continuous hojles which roughly follow the ocuter core shell contour. Straight lines between corresponding hole ra.dii describer the path. ST PHOTO 27699 | - l | -<+— CORE SHELL ASSEMBLY H : = o | BOTTOM PLATE ® REACTOR TANK K FILL & DRAIN LINE | ‘J =i el _ ‘ - g S [t | ) Fig. 2. Core Shell Assembly in Place. - PHOTO 27700 L r d A LS - SR <— BERYLLIUM COOLANT CHANNELS : o) ' ; g REFLECTOR £ -ty -t N BOTTOM PLATE REACTOR TANK t _'_- .1;': q OUTER_BORON ' SLEEVE-—-— < A THERMO COUPLE l . B l i . . -‘ ,a\'.*_, 1‘_{ ,.- \ H. X f. " L : < i&f X BOTTOM PLATE |8 REACTOR TANK (i L Fig. 4. Reactor Assembly Complete. UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 27830 UPPER SNOW TRAP [/ N BN~ REACTOR TANK LOWER SNOW TRAP Fig. 5. Reactor Tank in Place with Heaters. _12_ , ' UNCLASSIFIE[q PHOTO 28232 I ]" {'<— CONTROL ROD AND _®&\ - SOURCE DRIVE ..-.-fll “ i 0 .‘. @ —_— . ENRICH ER \\w P Sie i Fig. 6. Assembly Complete. 15 Ratural boron carbide-copper plates, which.simulated'boron-containing regions in the PWAR-1 design, surrounded the lower end duct. A bordh carbide- copper plate was also placed at the bottom of the island to limit fissioning to the core region. The areal density of boron carbide in these pldtes was 0.35 g/cmC. 1 Sleeves containing elemental B1O powder packed to a density of 1.5 S/Cc in an annulus 0.060 in. thick surrounded the upper end duct. These sleeves, which acted as neutron shields, could be moved from a position of complete retraction to their fully inserted position about 6 in. below the top of the beryllium by actueting rods protruding from the top of the reactor through gastight fittings. Longitudinally through the end duct anmlus, in the neighborhood of these shields, a re-entrant tube was provided in which fission rate measurements were made for various positions of the boron shields. ' It will be noted that while the reflector shapes in the power reactor consisted of continuous curves, these curves were approximated by straight- line segments and step functions in the experiment. The sketch shown in Fig. 7 gives a comparison between the power reactor and the critical experi- ment. o ’ The level of the liquid in the core was normally held 1iin. above the top of the beryllium moderator. The safety system was arranged to dump the fuel into the sump tank under various hazardous conditions, muclear or mechanical, which will be described later. It required 1.8 to 2.0 sec for the fuel to drop the first 6 in. and 29 to 30 sec to campletely empty the Detailed dimensions of the reaetor assembly relevant to interpretation of the experimental results are given in Fig. 8 and Table 4. Appendix A contains, in addition to a discussion of all other components of the experi- ment, a further account of the engineering problems associated with the" reactor assembly. Appendix B gives analyseg of the materials contained in the assembly as well as weights of the moderator and core shell components. 11. EXPERTMENTAL RESULTS Introduction Upon the request of PWAC, the following experimentel informstion was dbtained: l. Criticel concentration as a function of control rod position. &. Reactor period for small displacements of the control rod. 5. The effect on control rod worth of increasing the areal density of - rod poison. . 4, Critical concentration as a function of the position of BLC shields around the upper end duct. G ORNL-LR-DWG 29827 vzl CORE SHELLS | pmomes=eomeee- - REACTOR BERYLLIUM REACTOR BORON ------- CRITICAL EXPERIMENT BERYLLIUM CERIEENE CRITICAL EXPERIMENT BORON q--—- o e A et s B M T M e D S m S e e e e - ———— - - i e mm e SE W MR R W G b S M WA W S e e e m m e m el A —= \ == \\\\\\\\ 'N - — TR R TR PP e fudln® ok el o'’ " S | v e e e s mw e o e o e o mm ey e yw W s e e sm S iSO S i b3 FIGURE 7. A COMPARSION OF THE POWER REACTOR DESIGN (PWAR-i) AND THE ELEVATED TEMPERATURE CRITICAL ASSEMBLY 5. The over-all temperature coefficient of reactivity between isothermal states in the region between 1200 +to 1350°F. 6. Leakage of fast neutrons fram the upper end duct for various positions ~of the B1O ghields. | | T. Longitudinal power_distribution in the upper end duct for various positions of the B1O ghields. 8. Radial power distribution at three elevations in the core and at one position in the lower end duct. : | 9. Radial neutron flux distribution at three elévations in the moderator as indicated by gold foil activation. Critical Uranium Concentration The clean critical uranium concentration is defined as that concentration of uranium in weight percent of a specified fuel for which, at a specified temperature, the experiment was critical with the control rod and BlO gleeves campletely withdrawn. This concentration was approached stepwise by additions of fluoride salt mixtures of high UF} concentrations to the mixtures in the fuel sump. During the approach to criticality both B0 sleeves were fixed in their full-out positions, and the temperatures of the fuel sump and reactor were approximately 1250°F. The initial content of the sump was 523.7 kg of a N&F-Zth-UFh mixture, with g uranium concentration of h.35 wt%. Previous experience with ART mockup critical assemblies at room temperature and at 12009 indicated that this concentration would be far below the critical concentration. The fuel was raised into the reactor core to the level of the fill probe, the control rod was withdrawn, and the neutron counting rates of two BFz long counters and one Hornyak sgintillation counter were determined while The Po-Be neutron socurce (4.3 x 10 neutrons/ sec) was at the reactor midplane. About 13.8 kg of NapUFg containing 59.8 wt% uranium was then added to the fuel sump. The fuel mixture was homogenized by raising it to the level of the reactor midplane and dropping it back into the sump 15 times. To check the effectiveness of this mixing procedure, a sample of the fuel was extracted for chemical analysis after 10 mixings and asgain ‘after five more mixings. The reported analyses of the uranium concentrations of the two samples differed by 1% of the value, which was 5.86 wt% uranium. The probable error reported was +0.2% of the value. The fuel was then raised to the level of the £i11 probe, the control rod was withdrawn, and the counting rates of the neutron counters were determined while the Po-Be source was in the reactor as before. Four more batches of 12.6 to 13.8 kg of Ne,UFg were added to the fuel sump. After each addition the fuel was mixed 15 times, a sample was extracted for chemical analysls, and the neutron counting rates were determined as above. The four additions resulted in a uranium concentration of 10.Th4 wt% by chemical analysis, 16 Table 4. Dimensions for Réactor Assembly Sketch , Cold Hot . Designation® (in.) (in.) Description A 23%.906 2} ,155 Contrpl rod ‘zero B 25.855 2h.155 Midplane to top of island beryllium C 24,250 2L4.553 Midplane to top of reflector—béryllium D - é5.527 Midplane to top of fuel, fill probe on E 17.757 17.924 Midplane to lover limit of longitudinal power ' traverse : F 25,649 25.927 Mid.plané to top of inner B)C-Cu ring inside lower end duct ‘ G 23,750 24.028 Midplane to top of outer BhC-Cfi ring around lower end duct N H 14%.812 14.949 Midplene to top of heryllium plug in lowefi portion of control rod thimble | T 26.750 27.028 Midplane to base of reflector beryllium : K 27.149 27.427 Midplane to base of island beryllium | P 10.529 10.639 Meximum inside radius of the ofiter core shell ‘ M 24,000 24.274 Redius of reflecto£ (sidb G) N 4.000 4.0M6 Radius of island beryllium P 1,318 1.332 Radius of control rod thimble R 16,000 16,182 Radius of reflector (slsb B) S 8.920 9.013 Redius of outer core shell in lower end duct. T 7.250 7.325 Radius of imner core shell in lower end duct a. Refer to Fig. 8. b. Arrow displaced for clarity. < ORNL-LR-DWG 29828 _MID-PLANE FIGURE 8 REACTOR ASSEMBLY ~-DIMENSIONS 18 Subgequent additions of uranium were made from the enricher in increments of about 750 g of NapUFg containing 59.8 wt$ uranium. The procedures of mixing, sampling and neutron counting rate determinations were carried out after each addition. In Fig. 9 the ratios of the neutron counting rates obgerved st the 4.35 wt% concentration to the counting rates observed at higher concentrations are plotted versus the uranium concentrations in weight percent reported from chemical analysis. The reactor first showed a positive period with the control rod and source withdrawn at a concentration of 10.37 wtb + 0.02 wt$ uranium (10.22 wt$ U235). The reactivity corresponding to this period was 4.63 cents as calculated from the inhour formula with B = 0.0073. The mean reactor temperature at this point was 1248CF. Using the value of =0,473 cents/OF for the temperature coefficient of reactivity (p. 32), it was determined that with the rod withdrawn this concentration would constitute a critical system at 12580F. The probable error is that reported for the result of the chemicsal analysis. Chemical analyses of the sample containing 10.97 wt$ uranium showed that other constituents in the mixture were as follows: zirconium, 35.7 t 0.2 wtk; sodium, 11.0 £ 0.1 wt$; and fluorine, 42.4 £ 0.4 wtb. The corresponding value of the UF) concentration in mol percent is 5.09 ¥ 0.0l. Control Rod Evaluation The reactivity worth of the control rod was evaluated over the part of its travel fram the midplsne to approximately the upper surface of the beryllium island. The lower end of the rod was used as the reference in indicating the rod position. The value of the rod in cents was obtained from period measurements in the following manner. A small known amount of the enriching salt was added from the enricher and thoroughly mixed with the fuel. The fuel was then raised into the reactor and the rod pulled out to its previous position at critical, which put the reactor on a positive period. At an appropriate power level the rod was inserted to determine the new position at critical. The period was de- termined from the strip chart record of the logarithm of the neutron level as seen by a BFz ionization chamber. The reactivity in cents required to override this period was calculated using the inhour equation with five delayed neutron groups and an effective delayed neutron fraction of 0.0073. From these data the average sensitivity of the rod in cents per inch over this interval of rod travel was found by dividing the value of the period expressed -in cents by the distance in inches the rod traveled to override this period. A plot of the sensitivity as & function of control rod position is given in Fig. 10. If during control rod calibrations the fuel additions are of an appropri- ate size so that a reasonsble period, i. e., between 100 and 200 sec, is obtained when the rod is withdrawn to the pervious critical position, the total value of the rod can be obtained by summing the values obteined for each successive enrichment. At least two determinations of the period were made for each en- richment. Since slightly different critical positions were usually obtained after each period determination, the rod position used for the next enrichment 3 . 10 ~ ORNL-LR-DWG 29829 T [ I I I ADJUSTED BAl POINT O COUNTER # [0 HORNYAK BUTTON O COUNTER #3 0.8} . 0.6 £ 1 M ¢ 04l 0.2t~ - O 0 00 L 1 i 1 { ] O, 40 50 60 70 80 90 10.0 1.0 URANIUM CONCENTRATION (weight percent) FIGURE 9. RECIPROCAL MULTIPLICATION _20_ ORNL-LR-DWG 29830 25 TEMPERATURE 1255° F 20~ SENSITIVITY {cents/inch) MiD-PLANE 24.155" 0 / | ] | 0 5 10 i5 20 25 * DISTANGCE CONTROL ROD INTO BERYLLIUM (inches) FIGURE 10. CONTROL ROD SENSITIVITY . - was chosen either as the average value of the preceding critical positions - or, in cases where the positions varied a considerable amount, as the last position obtained. In using these data to obtain the integrated value of the rod, each period value in cents found for any one enrichment was added to the - 'wiugiég'the rod for the position used during the period. In most cases the values so obtained when plotted against rod position defined a curve with a glope near the value of the sensitivity of the rod determined directly from the peripd. This Jjustified using a direct interpolation to campute the inte- grated value of the rod for the position used to put the reactor on a positive period after the next enrichment, if this did not coincide with a previous critical position. In some cases the curve through these sums had a slope of the wrong sign, probably due to temperature changes during the run, in which case an inverse interpolation was performed to find the integrated value of the rod for the position used during the succeeding period. 21 In one case the poslition of the rod used to produce & period was outside the previously calibrated range. For this case, the integrated value of the rod was found by extrapolation, using the sensitivity determined directly from the period. This extrapolation was short, 0.2 in. of rod travel. A plot of the total control rod value in cents as & function of the rod position is shown in Fig. 11. The data used to plot this curve are listed in Teble 5. The position of the rod plotted in all cases is the distance the tip of the rod was inserted below the top of the island beryllium as indicated on the Veeder Root counter attached to the selsyn repeater on the control panel. The relation between the Veeder Root indication and the actual position of the control rod was checked before each run, The evaluation of the control rod by this method assumes that the tempera- ture remains constant during the time of the run. The fuel was usually raised into the reactor region and allowed to remain there about 45 min so that it would reach thermal equilibrium before the reactor was put on a positive period. The method of averaging the data to obtain the curve of the integrated value of the control rod versus position effectively gives a reduced weight to any measurement for which the error due to changes in temperature during a run is . large. ' The period produced by setting the rod at or near a previous critical position is. a result of the net reactivity change which occurred since the last time the reactor was critical and the value of the period is independent of what specific changes occurred. Experiments indicated that the sensitivity of the rod did not change apprecisbly with changes in concentration and temperature for the range over which these quantities vdried during the course of the experiment. Therefore, the increment of the rod required to override the periods produced during rod calibration runs, when only the concentration and temperature varied, was independent of what changes occurred. For small changes in temperature the effect of changes in dimensions of the rod due to thermal expansion was assumed to be negligible. Thus, this method of . evaluating the rod is independent of temperature changes which occur between runs. However, in using the curve of total rod value versus control rod position as a calibration curve to evaluate any specific reactivity change -2 - CRNL-LR-DWG 29834 25 20 | [ | GGI'p2 3INVIJ-AIN w o n n o ul r 2 & — w a = Ll T WNITTAY38 aNvsl 40 dO1 LBBE'0 WNITIAY3E HO103743H 4O 401 Le4El 38084 T4 Ly TIAZIT 13N4 4O LHOIEH | | _ ? 8 3 3 N o - - D {Siu=0) 3NTIYA AOH TI0H1INO DISTANCE CONTROL ROD INTO BERYLLIUM (inches} CONTROL ROD EVALUATION FIGURE 23 Table 5. Reactivity Value of the Control Rod at Various Positions Distance Between lower End of Rod and Top of Beryllium Rod. Value (in.) | (cents) 0,000 0.0 5.520 3.80 6.180 6.80 7.960 13.89 8.075 14.10 9.460 21.85 10.660 29.76 11.270 34,95 12,384 45.24 13.136 53.41 14.019 63.86 14.705 72.29 15.420 - 81.9% 16.000 90.14 16.685 100.40 16.809 103.14 17.208 109.89 17.755 118.90 18.285. 127.30 18.726 135.73 19.201 1hh by 19.735 154,84 20,489 169.15 20.970 179.30 21.284 185.16 21.688 193.76 22.090 202.48 22.475 210.90 22,950 221.20 23.350 230.05 24.000 2k ,15 24,155 . (Midplane) which is produced in the reactor, any change in average temperature which occurs during the time the desired change is made must be, taken into account. A camplete temperature survey of the reactor, therefore, was recorded during each run of the experiment, and an average reactor temperature was found by the method described on page 30. 2h The total effectiveness of the rod extrapolated to the midplane from the measurements of this experiment was 248¢ or a ak of about 1.8%. This was considerably less than the value of about 5.8% predicted by multigroup calculations performed by PWAC. In order to check the effect of increasing the density of rare earth poisons in the rod as a possible way of increasing the effectiveness of the rod, one of the control rods used in the ART Hot Critical Experiment was modified so that it could be inserted inside the rod used in this experiment. This ART rod had a 30-in.-long annulus of Lindsay Mix rare earth oxides 1/8-in.-thick with an cutside diameter of 1.275 in. It was enclosed in an 1.34-in.-0D Inconel tube with 0.020-in.-thick walls. At the end of the experiment this rod was inserted so that its lower end was within 1/4 in. of the end of the outer rod. The system was critical when the combined rod was 3.25 in. from the midplane or 1.7 in. from the previous critical position. This is about 40¢ or a net increase in effectiveness of approximately 16%. If this reactivity value is considered as an areal effect and the rod diameters are used to correct it, the value becomes T6¢, which gives a 50% increase as an upper limit. While large in magnitude, this is not enough of an increase to account for the large difference between the calculated and experimental values. Effect of B1O Sleeves on the Reactivity The effect on the reactivity of the movable B1O s1ceves was evaluated for three uranium concentrations and for several degrees of insertion. The results are listed in Table 6 and a plot of the data is shown in Fig. 12. The position of the sleeves was determined from notches filed in each of the three support pins attached to the inner and outer sleeves. These marks were made during the initial warm-up of the reactor when the sleeves were at the bottom of the slots provided for them in the island and reflector be- ryllium. The marks coincided with the top of the collar in the Conax fittings through which the pins passed. Since the slots in the beryllium were 6 in. deep, the position of the sleeves listed in Table 6 is the average of the distagce measured between these marks and the top of the collar subtracted from in. Because of difficulty encountered in moving the outer sleeve for the experiments at the two higher uranium concentrations, two of the three actuating pins broke loose; it was later discovered during disassembly that all three pins had been severely bent. Therefore, the position of the outer sleeve is somewhat uncertain except in the fully inserted position when it was possible to feel the sleeves strike the bottom of the beryllium slots. When the sleeves were withdrawn to the "Out" position the distance from the file marks to the Conax collar was more than 5-1/2 in. in all cases. Therefore, since it is doubtful that the pins straightened out or stretched apprecisbly when the sleeves were pulled up, the sleeves in the "Out" position extended no more than 1/2 in. into the beryllium. For the position "1/2 In" at a concentration of 12.20 wt% uranium, the file marks were 3 in. from the collar, but the uncertainty in the position of the outer sleeve is probably 1/2 in. or more. 25 Teble 6. Effect on Reactivity of Inserting the BO Sleeves into the End Duct Beryllium Average Depth of Sleeves in Uranium Loss in Beryllium Concentration Reactivity (in.) (wt%) (cents) 0.26 11.52 0 (Reference) 1.3 11.52 2.6 3.0 11.52 16.5 5.5 11.52 64.1 Out 11.83 0 (Reference) In 11.83 T3.2 Outer Sleeve In, Immer Sleeve Out 11.83 54.8 Inner Sleeve In, Outer Sleeve Out 11.83 27.6 Oout 12.20 0 (Reference) 1/2 In 12.20 12.6 In 12.20 69.6 The control rod position for criticality was determined for each position of the sleeves. An average temperature over the reactor was cobtained from the thermocouple readings and the rod position data corrected for temperature changes from run to run. The reactivity sensitivity of the rod at each sleeve position was determined from period measurements and compared with the sensi- tivity obtained during the calibration of the rod. The sensitivity had de- creased slightly, especially for the cases where the sleeves were fully inserted, but no correction was made. Neglecting this effect overestimates the value of the sleeves fully inserted by less than 10% for the 11.52 wt% uranium case, where the effect is greatest, and less than 2% for the 12.20 wt% uranium case. At a concentration of 11.83 wt% of uranium the effect of each sleeve was determined by inserting each sleeve separately to the full "In" position while the other sleeve remained in the "CQut" position and finding the rod position for critiecality. These results also appear in Table 6 and are plotted in Fig. 12 and indicate that the outer sleeve is a@bout twice as effective as the inner sleeve. The interaction of one sleeve with the other is indicated by the fact that the sum of the values of each sleeve alone is greater than the effect of both sleeves together by about 15%. (cents) CGHANGE IN REACTIVITY 80 _26_ S ORNL-LR-DWG 29832 70— | | | O 1152 WT % U A 1183 WT %U O 12.20WT. %U A OUTER SLEEVE IN INNER ™ | SLEEVE ouT A INNER SLEEVE IN OUTER SLEEVE__ ouT I 2 3 4 5 6 DISTANCE BORON SLEEVES INTO BERYLLIUM (inches) FIGURE 42. EFFECT OF BORON SLEEVES ON REACTIVITY a7 During several runs, uranium foil detector tubes were inserted in the re-entrant tube to determine the effect of the sleeves on the fissioning rate in the end duct as described on page 57. The effect of adding this uranium in this region on the reactivity measurements for the sleeve was investigated by determining the critical rod position with and without the detector tube for several sleeve positions. No measurable effect was observed. Critical Concentration as a Function of Rod Position and BIU Sleeve Position The concentration of uranium in the salt mixture was determined frequent- ly throughout the experiment by performing a chemical analysis on a sample removed fram the sump. A running inventory of the sump contents was maintained from which a reasonably accurate uranium concentration could be calculated for cases when no chemical analysis was available. Thus the variation of critical concentration with control rod position and with B1O gleeve position can easily be obtained. By correcting both the rod and BlO sleeve data to the same temperature, the interrelationship of all three parameters can be shown simul- taneously as a three-dimensional surface. Figure 13 depicts this surface for a temperature of 1225°F and Table 7 gives the data obtained at the points where chemical analyses for uranium concentrations were made. This surface shows there is little change in the shape of the curve of concentration versus rod position as the B0 gleeves are inserted. Likewise, there is little change in thelshape’ ofithe curve of concentration versus sleeve position as the control rod is inserted. ' Table 7. Control Rod Position as a Function of Uranium Concentration and BlO Sleeve Position Distance Control Rod is Inserted .into Beryllium (in.) Uranium Concentration B1O gieceve Positions (wt%) 0 in. 1.5 in. 3 in. 5.5 in. ~ 6 in. 10.97 3.66 11.1% 9.1k 11.26 12.47 11.39 | 14.81 | 11.52 , 16 .85 16.70 15.80 11.77 11.64 18.42 11.83 19.93 11.96 21.26 12.09 22.55 12.20 2h,11 23.53 ‘ 20.87 12.48 | 22 .64 URANIUM CONCENTRATION (weight percent) 1200 11.50 _28_ S ORNL-LR-DWG 29833 TEMPERATURE 1255° F © EXPERIMENTAL A CALCULATED MID-PLANE CONTROL ROD ODISTANCE INSERTED FIGURE {3. CRITICAL SURFACE FOR PWAR -1 ELEVATED TEMPERATURE CRITICAL ASSEMBLY 29 The Specific Mass Reactivity Coefficient The specific mass reactivity coefficient was calculated as the ratio of Am/m, the fractional incresse in the mass of uraniwm in the reactor core When the uranium concentration is changed, to ak/k, the reactivity caused by the change in concentration. The uranium concentration was determined by chemical analysis after each three additions fram the enricher. For each set of these additions a m/m was calculated as the ratio of the increase of uranium in the reactor core to the mass of uranium in the core after the additions according to the relation fece-f;C fi Ci Am/m: _—.?.-a_L_L =] - i ¢ Cp Pe Ce where C; = initial uranium concentration, wt%, Ce = uranium concentration after three additions of NepWFg to: the initial concentration, wt%, | f; = initial fuel mixture density, g/cm3, fp = fuel mixture density after three additions of Na,UFg to the . initial concentration, g/cm3, | m = mass of uranium in the reactor core corresponding to the uranjum concentration Ce. Since precise values for the initial final fuel mixture densities at 1250°F were not availsble, the ratio /1//7 was calculated with the aid of a rule established by Cohen and Jones® which states that the density of - any mixture of fluoride salts over the temperature range of 600 to 900°C is proportional to the density of the mixture at roam temperature calculated by the formula N = M.f F= =1 J J N s (uy/ fe, J=1 where Mj molecular weight of the jth component fluoride salt, fj mol fraction of the jth component fluoride salt, FJ = room temperature density of the jth ccmponent fluoride salt. The mean deviation of the ratios of the densities of 15 fluoride mixtures - measured at elevated temperatures fram the densities calculated by this formula for room temperature is 3%. 2. S. I. Cohen and T. N. Jones, "A Summary of Density Measurements on Molten Fluoride Mixtures and a Correlation for Predicting Densities of Fluoride Mixtures,” ORNL-1702 (July 19, 1954). 30 The net reactivity Ak/k caused by each set of three additions was - calculated in the following way. The rod value in cents at the critical position for the initial concentration was subtracted from the rod value at the critical position for the final concentration, that is, the concentration after three additions from the enricher. Next, a correction was made for the effect of temperature on reactivity, using the coefficient of -0.473 cents/F reported on page 32 and the difference in the temperatures at which the two critical rod positions had been determined. The temperature corrected difference in the rod value in cents was multiplied by B = 0.0075 to obtain the reactivity z:k/k caused by the change in concentration. Values of (am/m)/( Ak/k) calculated for eight increases in the concentration are listed in Table 8. Table 8. Specific Mass Reactivity Coefficients Room Uranium Temperature Rod Value Concen- Fuel at Reactor Temperature tration Density Critical Temperature Correction (am/m) (wtd) (g/cmd) Am/m (cents) (°F) (cents) ak/k (ak k)2 11.13 L.142 - 21.8 1251.0 11.26 L, 1hk 0.0122 45.2 1257.0 +2 .84 0.00192 6.35 11.39 4,146 0.0120 T72.1 1258.0 QL7 0.00200 6.00 11.52 4,148 0.0119 103.1 1255.7 ~1.09 0.00218 5.45 11.64 4,150 0.0109 128.0 1260.5 +2.27 0.00198 5.50 . 11.83 L.152 0.0165 15L4.7 1262 .3 0.85 0.00201 8.21 11.96 L4.155 0.0115 185.2 1253.5 -h.16 0,00192 5.99 12.09 L.157 0.0113 210.9 1258.2 +2,22 0,00204 5.54 . 12.20 4,160 0.0103 244.2 1259.5 0.61 0.00247 4.17 a. The mean value of (Am/m)/(Ak/k) calculated as the numerical average of the eight values listed is 5.90 £ 0.5. The principal source of error in this value is the uncertainty in the values of the uranium concentrations. The probable error of *0.5 assigned to (am/m)/(a k/k) reflects a probable error of *0.01 wt% reported for the results of the chemical analyses. The Effect of Temperature on Reactivity The effect of the reactor temperature on the reactivity was measured over the temperature range of 1200 to 13500F for a uranium concentration of 11.83 wt%. For this concentration the control rod critical positions were measured at temperatures 1197.0, 1256.5, 1265.1, 1306.9, and 1355.5°F. These - temperatures are numerical averages of the temperatures indicated by 16 reactor thermocouples, identified by asterisks in Fig. 27 of Appendix A. The control rod value corresponding to the critical positions were read from the curve of ) rod value versus rod position, shown in Fig. 11. A plot of the control rod position versus reactor temperatures, shown in Fig. 14, is, within the experimental ORNL-LR-DWG 298349 ¢ 220}— —0.473 %o 200— — 180— CONTROL ROD VALUE (cents) 140}— 20— 100 l l 1200 1250 1300 1350 TEMPERATURE F FIGURE 14, EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON REACTIVITY 32 errors, a straight line with a slope of -0.473 cents/ofi. Table 9 lists the control rod positions determined at critical for the five temperatures and the control rod values corresponding to the critical positions. Since the control rod sensitivity variation with temperature is smaller than other experimental errors, the use of the control rod calibration, which was performed at temperatures near 1250°F, was Justified. These rod sensi- tivities were determined by measuring positive periods for small control rod displacements fram the critical positions at 1197.0, 1306.9, and 1355.5°F. The control rod sensitivities, in cents/in., observed at these temperatures are included in Table 9. Sensitivities observed for the same positions of the rod at temperatures near 1250°F are also given for camparison. Table 9. Variation of Critical Control Rod Position and Rod Value with Temperature Uranium Concentration = 11.83% wtd Rod Rod Rod Sensitivity Rod Sensitivity Pemperature Position Value at Temperature at 1250°F (°F) (in.) (cents) (cents/in.) (cents/in.) 1197.0 21.35 186.7 20.6 20.8 1256.6 19.89 157.6 1265.1 19.68 153.6 1306.9 18.55 132.6 18.0 17.9 1355.5 17.3%2 111.% 15.8 15.9 Fuel Importance in End Duct The effectiveness of dumping the fuel as a means of shutting down this experiment depended on the time required to remove the fuel from the first few inches of the end duct and the reactivity value of this fuel. Fuel drop times were determined and are reported elsewhere in this report. The importance of the fuel was investigated by determining the control rod position for different fuel levels in the end duct. The results could also be used to estimate the effectiveness of the boron sleeves in suppressing the fissioning rate in the end duct. Control rod positions at criticality were found for fuel levels 1, 3, 5, and 7 in. below the fill probe level, which was approximately 1 in. above the top of the beryllium. Defining the tip of the fill probe as the reference level of the fuel, the position of an adjustable probe when its tip was at this reference level was found as follows. e s 33 The salt was raised until it contacted the fill probe. Then the ad- Justable probe was moved until it Jjust contacted the salt. The salt level was allowed to drop and the time and order in which the two probe lights went out was noted. The adjustable probe was then moved in accordence with these indications, the salt sgain raised and the time between and order of lighting of the probes. noted. This procedure wes repeated until the probes were contacted nearly simultaneocusly. Usually a condition was reached where the order in which the salt contacted and fell off the probee no longer was consistent, which was taken as an indication-that the probes were essentially at the same level and the position of the ad justable probe was noted. The adjustable probe was then inserted the desired distance from this position and the fuel was raised until it contacted the probe. The helium supply was then shut off and the fuel height was mesintained during the run by the gas tightness of the system. The adjustable probe was also used to probe for the fuel height after most of the runs, and the readings obtained indicated that during any one run the fuel height dropped less than 1/16 in., the equivalent of less than a 2% error in the magnitude of the reactivity value of the fuel displaced. Because of a possible interaction between fuel height and rod sensitivity, period measurements were made for each fuel height and the sensitivity of the rod was calculated. The values cbtained are listed in Tgble 10 along with the sensitivities obtained for the same rod travel with the fuel at the f£ill probe level. Since a significant effect was noted, the sensitivity values obtained for each fuel height were plotted as a function of rod position and the inte- gral under a smooth curve through these points was camputed to find the loss in reactivity as the fuel height was lowered. The results are listed in Table 11 and plotted in Fig. 15. Comparing this result with the B1O gleeve data indicates that inserting the BlY sleeves 6 in. into the beryllium is nearly 80% as effective from a reactivity standpoint as lowering the fuel level to the same depth in the beryllium. Table 10. Effect of Fuel Height on Rod Sensitivity Fuel Height Rod Distance Below Position Rod Sensitivity (cents/in.) Fill Probe at Criticality Fuel Below Fuel at (in.) (in.) Fill Probe Fill Probe® 0 19.7h 19.4 19.4 1 19.53 19.1 19.0 3 18.61 17.4% . 17.8 5 16.93 14.8 15.% T 13.%6 8.35 10.6 a. These values were determined during the initial calibration of the rod; see Fig. 10. {cents) IN REACTIVITY CHANGE - 34— —_— ORNL-LR-DWG 29835 100 [ | I I sol— ®© BASED ON ROD SENSITIVITY MEASURED DURING EXPERIMENT 80— 70— 60_._ SO+— 40.__ 30— 20— IOl— | | | l I | 0 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 DISTANCE OF FUEL BELOW FILL PROBE (inches) FIGURE 15. EFFECT OF FUEL LEVEL ON REACTIVITY Pk & L A 35 Teble 1l. Effect of Fuel level on Reactivity Fuel Height Distance Below Loss in Fill Probe Reactivity (in.) (cents) 1 3.7 3 20.6 5 48.2 1 91.7 Fast-Neutron lLeakage Measurements The relative effectiveness of each of several arrangements of the B1O sleeves in the upper end duct in the reduction of the leakage of fast neutrons from that region of the reactor was measured. A fast-neutron scintiliation counter sensitive only to neutrons with energies above about 1 Mev, and similar to one developed by H’orny'ak,3 was secured to the top of the reactor tank for this purpose. The scintillator, a 2-in.-dia, 1/4~in.-thick ZnS- Lucite disk, was viewed by a DuMont 6292 photomultiplier tube, and both were mounted in a water-cooled brass can. A water flow rate of about 1 liter/min was sufficient to hold the photomultiplier temperature near 68°F when the ambient temperature outside the can was 110°F. Figure 16 showe the location of the neutron detector. The thermal insulation between the detector and the reactor assembly was Superex, a calcined diatomaceous silicg product of Johns- Manville. During all of the leskage measurements the fuel level was at the tip of the fill probe. The fast-neutron leakage measurements were made in two serieg, one during the reactivity evaluation of the B1O sleeves (p. 24) and the other during the uranium foil exposures described in the following section. The first series included three arrangements of the sleeves: (l) both sleeves inserted 1.3 in. into the beryllium, (2) both sleeves inserted 3.0 in. into the be- ryllium, and (3) both sleeves inserted 5.5 in. into the beryllium. Four sleeve configurations were used in the second series: (l) both sleeves inserted less than 0.5 in. into the beryllium, (2) the outer sleeve inserted approximately 6 in. and the inner sleeve inserted less than 0.5 in. into the beryllium, (3) both sleeves inserted approximately 6 in, into the beryllium, and (4) the inner sleeve inserted approximately 6 in. and the outer sleeve ingerted less than 0.5 in. into the beryllium. The effect of the difference in the fuel concentration and the presence of the uranium foils was within experimental error. For both series of measurements the counting rate of 3. W. F. Hornyak, Rev. Sci. Instr. 23, 264 (1952). _36_ L ORNL-LR-DWG 29836 77 L L L L L L L L L L LA PHOTOMULTIPLIER 1l TUBE 3 \ «JN-6.25"fiis 1\ /~ FiLL PROBE HORNYAK | N SCINTILLATOR \ ]‘ 1 - - ¥ Lo i ..... .{‘,‘. 5‘-“‘6‘1‘- L R o R RGeS “CONTROL T, ) REACTOR TANK) T T T T T T T T T T T M W N K . N 5 :\"' ! 6 NNNE § F NN : N FUEL BERYLLIUM: FIGURE 46. LOCATION OF FAST NEUTRON LEAKAGE OETECTOR 57 a BF_ long counter, located on the floor approximately 20 ft fram the reactor, was used to correct the leakage meagurements for variations in reactor power. ‘ The results are summarized in Table 12, where the neutron scintillation ‘ detector counting rate, corrected for reactor power, is tabulated for each sleeve arrangement. In Flg. 17 the ratio of the power-corrected counting rate for each sleeve arrangement to that for both sleeves inserted less than 0.5 in. into the beryllium has been plotted versus sleeve insertion. These ratios are also listed in Table 12. The horizontal bars on the data points at 1/4 in. and 6 in. indicate the uncertainties in the positions of the sleeves for those points. Table 12. Fast-Neutron leakage Measurements ZBl'0 Sleeve Positions (in. Below Top of Beryllium) Inner Outer Counting Rate® Ratios of Counting Sleeve Sleeve (counts/min) RatesP 0.5 (Out) 0.5 (Out): 9870 1.00 1.3 1.3 9280 0.9h 3.0 3.0 8090 0.82 5.5 5.5 6220 0.63 6 (In) 6 (In) 6120 0.62 0.5 (Out) 6 (In) 6910 0.70 6 (In) 0.5 (out) 9080 0.92 a. Corrected for reactor power. b. Ratio of counting rate to that when both sleeves are inserted less than 0.5 in. ' Longitudinal Fission Rate in End Duct The longitudinal fission rate distribution in the upper end duct for various positions of the BlO sleeves was determined by exposing enriched uranium foils, 3/% in. in dismeter and 4 mils thicks, in the fuel annulus. The foils were distributed between 1/8-in.-thick calcium fluoride spacers to simulate the fuel mixture. This arrangement resulted in a uranium density of 0.6 g/cc as compared with O.4 g/cc for the reactor fuel, The discrepancy is primarily due to the fact that the detectors were designed well in advance of the experiment when a higher value of fuel concentration was estimated. Uy ORNL-LR-DWG 29837 o7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 FAST NEUTRON LEAKAGE (arbitrary units) 0.2 0.1 O B0TH B SLEEVES INSERTED D INNER SLEEVE ONLY A OUTER SLEEVE ONLY 1 | I ] 2 3 4 5 6 DISTANCE BORON SLEEVES INTO BERYLLIUM (inches) FIGURE 17. EFFECT OF B° SLEEVES ON LEAKAGE OF FAST NEUTRONS IN THE REGION OF THE UPPER END DUCT _89_ 39 Sixty-one foils were arranged in each of six detector tubes. A representative number of these foils were within a narrow weight range for counting purposes and the others were selected to give the correct average density. The detector tubes consisted of 7/8-in.-0D Inconel tubing with a 0.035=-in.=thick wall and 0.076-in.-thick end caps. The calcium fluoride spacers were made cup-like to isolate the uranium from the Inconel, thereby preventing intermetallic diffusion at operating temperature. In addition, aluminum oxide spacers were placed at the ends of the tubes where welds were made since the stability of calcium fluoride at the welding temperature was in doubt. The physical arrangement of material in the detector tubes is shown in Fig. 18. The detector tubes were introduced into the reactor fuel annulus through the re-entrant tube (Fig. 1) which was constructed of 1.125-in.-0D Inconel tubing with a 0.062-in.-thick wall and a 0,062-in,-thick bottom cap. The exact orientation of the re-entrant tube is not known due to warping and dimensional changes during the reactor assembly and heating. The last available orientation placed the tube axis at an angle of O deg 55 min to the reactor axis with the bottom of the tube closer. to the inner core shell. The distance from the inner core shell to tube axis at this point was 1.237 in. ' Longitudinal fission rate distribution measurements were made for five settings of the parameters. (It was assumed that with the bottom of the control rod below the bottom of the detector tube, changes of rod position would have little effect on the fission rate distribution in the end duct.) Table 13 gives the reactor conditions during the runs. A total of six runs were made, five with 20-min exposures at a relative power of 0.05, and one with a 180-min exposure at a relative power of 0.10. The relative fission rates of the foils from the five 20-min exposures were compared by counting their normalizers at equal decay times for a period of 45 hr. The long, high-power run, Vi, was made under essentially the seme effective conditions as run V. The data are given in Fig. 18 and Table 1k. Table 13. Conditions of Reactor During Longlitudinal Fission Rate Traverses in the Upper End Duct Distance Between Fuel B1O sleeve Positions . Bottam of Control Concentration (in. Below Top of Beryllium) Rod and Top of Run (wt%) Toner Sleeve Outer Sleeve Beryllium Island (in.) I 10.98 0.5 (Out) 0.5 (out) 6.2 11 11.83 0.5 (Out) 0.5 (Qut) 19.89 111 11.83 6 (In) 0.5 (Out) 18.49 TV 11.83 0.5 (Out) 6 (In) 16.79 Vg 11.83 6 (In) 6 (In) 15.63 Vi * 12.48 6 (In) 6 (In) 20.90 * Long exposure. ACTIVITY, ARBITRARY UNITS -40- ORNL-LR-DWG 29838 SERIES BORON SLEEVES CON'LI?EOLWT%OD ISTA INNER | OUTER | aemyivim, Woues out®| out 6.2 ouT 19.89 IN** 18.49 ouT 16.79 v a IN 15.63 *0.5-in. INSERTION *% 6-in. INSERTION 7 / / / BERYLLIUM REFLECTOR / J // 7 INCONEL- U FOILS SPAGERS ityp.) INCONEL FUEL BERYLLIUM ISLAND CONTROL ROD ? 6 5 4 3 2 1 Q DISTANGE INTO BERYLLIUM ISLAND {inches} FIGURE I8. LONGITUDINAL FISSION RATE DISTRIBUTION Table 14. Longitudinal Fission Rate Distribution in the Upper End Duct Distance from Top of Island Beryllium®& Relative Activity (in.) Run I Run II Run III Run IV Run V, Run V"~ 6.23%0 0.483%3 0.4162 0.3806 0.3LL40 0.31%2 0.3142 5.730 0.4504 0.3841 0.3399 0.3109 0.2660 0.2669 5.105 0.4150 0.3487 0.2843 0.2682 0.2141 0.2087 4 . 180 0.3621 0.3150 0.2377 0.2259 0.1558 0.1594 3.855 0.3208 0.2767 0.1999 0.1878 0.1206 0.1261 3,230 0.2762 0.237h 0.1665 0.1561 0.0933 0.0973 2.605 0.2350 0.2905 0.1%22 0.1287 0.0758 0.0786 1.980 0.1948 0.1734 0.1188 0.1068 0.0611 0.0621 & 1.355 0.1559 0.1409 0.0971 0.0831 0.0467 0.0496 0.730 0.1198 0.1106 0.0790 0.0661 0.0%00 0.0422 0.105 0.0881 0.0812 0.0622 0.0477 0.0311 0.0336 -0.520 0.0607 0.0580 0.0478 0.0383 0,0288 0.0302 -1.145 0.047 0.0405 0.0381 0.0363 0.0340 0.0338 a., Positive direction is down. % Long exposure. 42 The relative activities were obtained by counting the foils in two pairs of scintillation counters. Each pair was connected to a common RCL AID-P preamplifier, which, in turn, was connected to an RBL 2204 single=-channel analyzer through an RCL 2420 linear amplifier. Each scintillation counter consisted of a 1-1/2 x 3 in. NeI(Tl) crystal mounted on a Dumont 6363 photo- multiplier tube. These counters were arranged face-to-face to approximate a hn counter geometry and were assembled in a lead shield 2 in. thick. Both tubes in each pair were supplied by a single RCL Mark 15 Model 22 high-voltage supply through a voltage divider so that they could be peaked together. Inte- gral counts of gamma rays with energies above 0.5 Mev were recorded. Each foil was counted twice in each counter assembly, with the normalizer foil from the same tube in the other. The normalizer foil was exposed at the same time as the counting foils and represented the same position in the reactor for each set of runs. For each longitudinal run, the foil nearest the bottom of the detector tube was chosen for the normalizer. Since this method was used, no decay correction was necessary to determine the ratio of foil activation to normalizer activation after epplication of background corrections to the ob-~ served counting rates. Counting in this manner also corrects for any slow change in counter sensitivity with time. Statistics were good to 1%; however, a small variation in the thickness of the fluoride spacers or change in orientation of the re-entrant tube would lead to an indeterminate error. Correctigns for changes in counter sensitivity between runs were made by counting a Co O standard under the same counting conditions used for the normalizer foils. Corrections were also made for differences in reactor power during the various foil exposures. The reactor power was monitored with a BF3 proportional counter. The counting rates were also corrected for both the counter background and the initial activity of the uranium foils. A determination of the counting rates of ten unexposed foils from the same weight group as those exposed in the reactor indicated that the variation of this activity between foils was small. Therefore, the values obtained were averaged and applied to each of the foil counting rates in the same manner as a background correction. As the background and average initiael activity were only a small percentage of the gross activity, the statistics are still within 1%. As plotted in Fig. 18, the relative activity, R. A., for each foil used to reasure the *longitudinal fission rate distribution is given by Cr(t) - Bp - T ooy R.A, = Cn(t) - By - 1 where Cp(t) and Cy(t) activities of exposed foil and normalizer, J respectively, observed at time t after exposure, Bp, By = counter background during counting of foll and normalizer, respectively, I = average initial activity of both foil and normalizer, h3 P = normalization factor for reactor power {from § BF3 counters), S = normalizgtion factor for counter sensitivity (from Co®0 counting rates), normalization factor to compare aetivities from different detector tubes (from normalizer foils). = i Radial Fission Rate Distribution The radial fission rate distribution was measured at three elevations in the resctor core and at one in the lower end duct. Uranium foils were used for detectors. These were placed in detector tubes which were positioned in the fuel as shown in Fig. 19 and Table 15. ' Table 15. Positions of Radial Detector Tubes Distance fram Reactor Midplane Angle of _at Point of Attachment (in.) Core Shell Tube Axis to Tube In Cold In Hot to Which Reactor Axis Designetion Assenbly Assembly Attached (deg) Above Midplane Dg 11.00 11.11 Outer 76 D), 10.06 10.17 Inner 90 At Midplane A 0 0 Outer g0 B 0.07 0.07 Inner 90 Below Midplane D3 11.00 11.11 Outer 104 Do 1.4k 11.56 Inner 90 Dy * 2k, 32 2k .57 Inner 41 * ITn lower end duct. The detector tubes were welded to the core. shells and remained in the reactor during the entire period of operation. The detector tubes consisted of T/B-in.- 0D Inconel tubing with a 0.035-in.-thick wall and 0.035-in.-thick end caps. The tube lengths varied with their positions in the assembly. The uranium foils inside the tubes were separated with calcium fluoride spacers as they were for the longitudinal fission rate measurement deseribed previously. The counting procedure was also the same. w © < o Y q S - O | Lt @ O = L 2 T 3 i @ >-F = > .— Q | DISTANCE FROM REACTOR AXIS 26 TOP ~ENTRAN 20 FIGURE 19. PWAR-| 0 | DISTANCE FROM REACTOR MID-PLANE (inchesc)) ELEVATED TEMPERATURE CRITICAL FISSION RATE DISTRIBUTION ORNL-LR-DWG 29839 O T=00 ON INNER CORE SHELL V T=025 Q T=050 A T=075 O T=1.00 ON OUTER CORE SHELL T=FRACTIONAL DISTANCE ACROSS FUEL ANNULUS FROM INNER CORE SHELL 20 28 BOTTOM ASSEMBLY 30/83 W5 The radial foil activities are plottefi with respect to the average relative activity, defined by the equation ' J A(r,2) av Vg - Agy = Vg where V. fuel volume , A(r,Zg = relative activity at r,Z, ‘ radial coordinate, Z = s8axial coordinate. It This integration was performed numerically. The fuel annulus was approxi- mated by a series of 1l cylindrical anpuli (Fig. 19) of height AZ. Each annulus was Turther divided into a series of concentric shells of thickness ar and mean radius r. The relative activity for each incremental volume was interpolated from the relastive activity of the radial foil data. This value was assumed to be independent of Z over each cylinder. The average relative activity was then determined fram the summationt 14 N s = A (rij) ry Arl'] AaZg o =1 g=d bav = W EE T em A where (r,.,) = relative activity in the jth cylindrical shell of the iJ ith section, ryj = mean radius of the cylindrical shell of the Jjth section, ALryy = thickness of the ith cylindrical shell of the Jjth section, AZs; = height of the ith section. The volume of the fuel region, as determined by this method, is 148.7 liters, as compared with the measured value of 147.2 liters in the cold assembly. The activities were then normalized to this average relative activity. Teble 16 gives the results of all of the radial tubes. Foil positions in this table are given as the perpendicular distance of the foil from the inner core shell. This distance, together with the distance of the attachment point of the detector tubes from the midplane and the angle of the detector tube axis to the reactor axis listed in Table 15, gives the exact positions of the 1ndiv1dual foils. The data are plotted in Figs. 20 and 21. 4. W. L. Scott, "predicted Power Distribution in ART Core,"” ORNL=CF=55«12-176 (Dec. 16, 1955) Table 16. Redial Fission Rate Distribution (Relative to Reactor Average) Distance from Inner Core Shell (in.) Relative Activity Tube D5, Above Midplane 2.061 0.691 2.546 0.733 3,031 0.825 3.516 1.05k 3.880 1.388 4.123 1.781 Tube D), Above Midplane 0.05k 1.08k 0.30h4 0.930 0.679 , 0.798 1.179 0.713 1.679 0.685 2.179 0.711 Tube A, At Midplane 0.174 1.503 0.799 1.090 1.549 0.93%6 2.299 0.863 3,049 0.858 3,67k 0.921 4.299 1.0k2 46Tk 1.174 5.049 1.423 5,299 1.638 5.549 1.987 5.799 2.516 6.049 3.378 Tube B, At Midplane 0.054 1.804 0.30k4 1.491 0.554 1.306 0.804 1.173 1.179 1.050 1.804 0.922 2.429 0.878 47 Table 16. {cont.) - *‘.[, el Distance from Inner Core Shell {in,) Relative Activity | Tube | D3,; Bglow Midpla.ne 2,061 | 0.899 2.546 0.919 3,031 1.0L45 3.516 1.340 3.880 1.764 " ok 4,123 2.325 Tube Dp, Below Midplane ke » anlienuglh 0.054 1.613 0.304 1.327 1,179 0.940 1.679 0.896 24179 0.905 i sttt onnfetisadtateiats " Tube Dy, Below Midplane i 4 o . .y e o o ’ : 0130,4- ' a2 0.679 | 0,322 15544 . 04399 1.929 0,505 2.179 0.631 ittt e P A g - o e s, a.s Foils destroyed, probably by leak in detector tube. A ORNL-LR-DWG 29840 40 T [ [ | [ O TUBE B-0.69" BELOW MID-PLANE o TUBE A-AT MID-PLANE A TUBE D,-11.56" BELOW MID-PLANE QO TUBE D,-I1.1I" BELOW MID-PLANE (AT CORE SHELL) A TUBE D,-10./7" ABOVE MID-PLANE L @ TUBE D,- 111" ABOVE MID-PLANE (AT CORE SHELL! Led = 30 < — & Q = - 1 " o 2 3 O T W i g n & T @ W ] w o o w x o Q oc < 1o Q x O o & & o Q = - w 3 z 3 5 x 20 O - O | w > () 2 & \ -] ‘&J 0] r A > E O e L) .o \ — L D Oy =11 - - 0 l ] l l | 27" RN 1O 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 DISTANGE FROM INNER GORE SHELL (inches) FIGURE 20. RADIAL FISSION RATE DISTRIBUTION, TUBES A, B, D,—Dg. 7.0 -49 - ACTIVITY, RELATIVE TO REACTOR AVERAGE el ORNL ~-LR-DWG 29841 08 0.7 06k 0.5 | | - o T L:E n « L) o g |w s 3 © ac T = Z 3 < 0.3 02} 0.1 0 U FOILS GaF, SPACERS /gEACTOR AXIS Al, 04 INCONEL | | | | 2 3 DISTANCE FROM INNER CORE SHELL (inches) FIGURE 21. RADIAL FISSION RATE DISTRIBUTION - TUBE D, 24.57" BELOW MID PLANE AT CORE SHELL 50 s g Counting statistics for these foils were within 1%. Any error introduced by the numerous normalizations or assumptions will affect the absolute magni- - tude of the relative activities as plotted but will not affect their relative values. Gold Neutron Flux Distribution in the Beryllium Reflector Gold foils were used to measure the neutron flux distribution in the beryllium reflector of the remctor at three nominal elevations: the midplane, 8 in. below the midplane, and 16 in, below the midplane. The actual positions of the foils in both the hat and the cold assembly are given in Table 17. ' Table 17. Longitudinal Positions of Gold Foils in Cold and Hot Assemblies Distance fram Midplane (in.) In Cold _ In Hot RNominal Position Assembly Assembly At midplane 0.03 (below) 0.03 (below) 8 in. below midplane 8.0% 8.09 16 in. below midplane 16.03 16.16 The gold foils were 5/16 in. in diameter and 2 mils thick. They were held in - covered beryllium oxide cups and placed in slots in berylljum slabs which were then placed in the reflector. The foils remained in the reflector throughout the period of operation. Technical difficulties prevented the comparison of these bare foils with cadmiumecovered foils (see Appendix A). The final reactor run was mede nine times as long and a factor of two greater in power then any other run so that the major part of the activity observed in the foils would result from this run for which the rod position and fuel concen- tration were known. In this run the bottom of the control rod was 3.25 in. above the reactor midplane and the fuel concentration was 12.28 wt% uranium. When the foils were removed from the reactor, they were found to have melted and, in some cases, gave the appearance of having vaporized or diffused into the beryllium oxide. For this reason it was necessary to count the entire beryllium oxide assembly along with a piece of tape which had been used to pick up any smsll particles which possibly had fallem out of the cup into the foil slot in the beryllium slab. In some cases, the additional material so obtained raised the counting rate by 5%. The condition of the foils indicated an alloying with some material. Spectroscopic examination of an exposed foil revealed considerable quanti- ties of zine. Zinc concentration in unexposed foils was negligible. As a . halflife determination of the material was in go reement with the accepted halflife of gold, it is reasonable to ‘&ssume that only gold 51 activity was being counted. Ro conclusions have been drifin as to the source of the zinc. The relative actitivies of the gold foils were obtained with the same counting procedures used for the uranium foils except that gamma rays above 0.33 Mev were accepted. The results are given in Fig. 22 and Tsble 18, An estimation of the absolute @€rror iIn these meagurements is complicated by the fact that some material may have been lost. For this reason, the negative indeterminacy in the results is less than 1%, which represents the counting statistics, whereas the positive indeterminacy may be large. This fact was considered when the curves shown in FPig. 22 were drawn. Teble 18. Radial Gold Neutron Flux Distribution in the " Beryllium Reflector Distance from Inner ‘ Relative Activity Surface of Beryllium O in. Below . 16 in. Below Reflector (in.) At Midplane Midplane Midplane 0.190 0.473 0.478 0.217 1.125 0.687 0.826 0414 2.125 0.866 0.998 0.412 2.875 0.600 3.125 1.000% 1.008 3.625 0.613% 3.875 0.998 0.951 4,375 0.559 4,625 0.947 0.841 6.375 0.739 0.711 6.500 0.350 T.375 0.595 0.610 74935 0.122 8.875 0.450 0.420 10.375 0.269 0.257 11.710 0.095 13.010 0.063 a, This foil used for normalization. 7 g™ _ag_ ORNL-LR-DWG 29842 1.0f— 2 A a 0 't w ul A Q €l 5 8l Q 09— 2 ! wl g »| @ (J ) o = N g B 3 /X & d| - x A A 08— w| 4 =] > wl wnl a D | W w I| @ A £ 07— ® MIDPLANE - A . > 0.6/ O A\ 8" BELOW MIDPLANE g .. < [7) 18" BELOW MIDPLANE wl > go.s—- ™ QD @ 04t— 03— 16" BELOW MIDPLANE 8" BELOW MIDPLANE MIDPLANE () A 02— CJ 0.tp— MIDPLANE - OUTER EDGE OF BERYLLIUM REFLEGCTOR {8"85'—0\" MIDPLANE ‘T \O\ I L ) I 16" BELOW MIDPLANE - : | | | , 0 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ( 112 13 DISTANCE INTO BERYLLIUM REFLECTOR (inches ) FIGURE 22. RADIAL NEUTRON FLUX - GOLD FOILS Fvomihl Appendix A ENGINEERING REPORT In this appendix the various components comprising the critical experi- ment assembly are described in detail. In addition, some account of the fabri- cation techniques and problems encountered is given, as well as a simple de- scription of the operation of the equipment. If greater detall is required, engineering drawings, circuit diagrame, etc. may be obtained from the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Engineering Assembly Specification Index FXR548 and from Oak Ridge National Laboratory.¥* Drawings of specific subassemblies are indi- cated by the T numbers shown in Fig. 23, which is a sketch of the entire assembly. Description of Assembly Components Reactor Tank The reactor tank was constructed of Inconel and served to contain the entire reactor assembly as shown in Fig. 23. Calrod-type heaters attached around the entire external envelope of the tank were capable of providing a maximum of 200 kw for heating, although it was found that about 11.9 kw sufficed to maintain an average temperature of 1250°F in the assembly. Risers in various positions on the tank top accommodated thermocouple leads. The exterior of the reactor tank was insulated with kh-in.-thick blocks of calcined diatamaceous silica, and the tank assembly was mounted about 5 ft above floor level on a stainless steel stand. The reactor tank was pressurized with helium through a gas inlet-outlet line located on the tank top. A gastight connection between the top of the reactor tank and the reactor assembly was made by a bellows coupling to allow for differential thermal expansion. The helium pressure in the tank was held at about 10 psig or about 4 psig above the maximum pressure expected in the reactor core. A permanently installed gas line between the reactor tank and the island region assured equalization of pressure in the two beryllium regions. Sump Tank The sump tank, also constructed of Inconel, had a capacity of 287 liters at operating temperature. It was suspended from a tripod stand located below the reactor tank (Fig. 23) and connected to the core region of the reactor through a vertical 3.5-in.-OD Inconel fill and drain line (0.216-in.-thick wall). Since this line was welded directly to the bottom of the reactor, and since the sump tank and reactor tank were separately supported, it was necessary to use a bellows coupling gas seal at the point of entry of the line into the sump tank to allow for differential expansion. Risers and fittings on the top of the sump tank provided for a thermocouple * Changes incorporated in the design during the course of the experiment and described in this report are not included on the available engineering drawings. 53 < E 14 i6 19 BUZZER 2 l 9 Tse3 i/ SWIToH- ' Posimion THoLD | FiLL [oume | w ) N L A 13 Rel ¥ Ryl N F R L o e L 2 L Posmon Troip | Fiu Joume | mix O OOOO ¢ b 9 b & o 60 1] @) T e Ve /s /7 CAL E; ) T, T | TN\ N TN Tswi Jsva]svs va [ sdal N Ifl =5 TN 5 N\ TN fsve X X X | (v$-3) | (vs2) & sv-2 X KEY —- e | SwiTeH Sv-3 X X X | 15A SV-5 X X " ISAMP-2 POLE HIGH LEVEL RUN LIGHT DUMP LIGHT FILL LIGHT ADJUSTABLE LOW MODERATOR KEY RELEASE : - - TOGGLE SWITCH LIGHT PROBE LIGHT PRESSURE PERMIT LIGHT VALVE POSITlONS VALVES CLOSED IN POSITIONS INDICATED By "x" POSITION HOLD | FILL |[DUMP | MIX . _ —jaE 1o CONGTLET ¢ CONTACT DC. TEST SWITCH FOR = P2 1l x X X SUMP TANK LEVEL O‘”‘O’!l‘gkz 33 3 4 3 X ) L 10A OHFOHKD |4 ° 105/115/125-120v-1 § Q BATTERY |w——CONTAINS INTERNAL 5 Sl-o 5 X POLARITY CHARGER ON/OFF SWITCH TO BUILDING 500 VA. TRANSFORMER 34 REVERSE {TRICKLE) O’“‘Q_"fi_ G e —d EMERGENCY SWITCH +| - 7 8 7 X X SUPPLY I I0A 35 + sl ADD ADJ. RESISTOR TO OitOHO (8| . °© o |3 HIGH FILL ADJ. l = ngngE LIMIT CHARGE RATE TO 9 10 g| x X X 15 AMP- 2 POLE LEVEL | PROBE | PROBE = -2 AMPS WITH FULLY o+ ol PROBE BATTERY CHARGED BATTERY O" o !-9 |'0_ (R Y RSN S TOGGLE SWITCH REACTOR R.4 no12 {n| x X X | ° OIFHHO (12} SUMP 13 14 |13; X X | TANK A " = iHFHKO |18 15 16 15| X X | o EMOTE HFOHKO |16 l GROUNO T0 —w== 7 o8 17| X BUILDING GROUND~ EMERGENCY SUMP PROBE LIGHTS {OHHEOA Ol 18 4j FIGURE 25. PWAR-I ELEVATED TEMPERATURE DEVELOPMENT _OF SB SWITCH EVEN NUMBERED CONTACTS NOT REQUIRED AND ARE NOT THEREFORELISTED. ODD NUMBERED CONTACTS ARE CLOSED IN POSITIONS INDICATED BY "X CRITICAL ASSEMBLY ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM _09_ 61 PCV-5 with PI~7 before applying any pressure to the sump. This prevented the inadvertent application of a dangerously high pressure to the sump. HV-11 was always closed before gas was admitted through this system, thus insuring that the gas flowed through the enricher into the sump. In addition, a2 mechanical interlock between HV-15 and -12 made it impossible to open HV-15 before HV-12 had been opened and also prevented HV-12 from being closed before HV-15 had been closed, This insured that SV-3 and -k were bypassed and no difference in pressure between the sump and the reactor core cauld develop which would raise the salt into the reactor during standby operation. Two standby procedures were used. In one the sump was vented’ through SV-1 and CV-1 and -2 and a continuous bleed of helium through PCV-5 was maintained. This was used primarily for sampling operations. In the other procedure SV-1, -2, and .--5 were closed and a constant pressure of 2 or 3 psig vas maintained on the sump by means of PCV-5. The latter procedure was used for all extended shutdown periods. | Moderator Helium Supply Circuit. During all operations an inert gas atmosphere was maintained in the two moderator regions. The circuit which supplied helium to these regions of the system consisted of HV-2 and PCV-3 and -4 as shown in Fig. 24. Two pressure regulators were used to insure safety by re- ducing the possibility of applying a dangerously high pressure to the moderator regions. The pressure was indicated on PI-4 and -5. Pressure switch PS-i wasg set to open when the pressure in the moderator region fell below & pressure which was slightly higher than the hydrostatic pressure produced by the normal height of salt in the reactor core above the bottom plate of the reactor tank. The opening of PS-4 dumped the fuel and dropped the control rod. This fore- stalled the creation of the potentially dangerous condition in which the hydrostatic pressure of the salt in the reactor core was higher than the helium . gas pressure in the moderator. If a leak in the core shells had occurred under such a condition, it would have been possible for salt to enter the moderator region with an attendant addition of a large asmount of positive reactivity; The control rod was dropped to provide additional safety in the event some salt did leak into the moderator region. This switch also turned on a flashing light and rang a bell. A vent was provided for the moderator regions through HV-3, Fuel level Indicators. In addition to the indication of the salt level given by the pressure gauges PI-1 and -2, three probes were provided at the top of the reactor core region, two in fixed positions and one variasble. The tip of one of the fixed probes was approximately 1 in. above the-level of the beryllium island. This probe was called the fill probe and was used to determine the normal height of the salt for most runs. The salt contacting the fill probe turned on a light on the gas panel and activated a buzzer. The buzzer could be silenced by a switch provided in its circuit (see Fig. 25). 62 The tip of the other fixed probe was 1 in. above the fill probe and was called the high-level probe. This probe acted as a safety device to prevent the selt from rising too high in the core region. When the salt contacted it, solenoid valves were actuated such that the salt was dumped until it dropped below the fill probe. The valves then returned to the condition they were in before the high-level probe was contacted. The adjustable probe was used to determine salt levels other than the fill probe height and was also used to more accurately determine the salt level at the fill probe. To do the latter, the adjustable probe was moved until it was very nearly at the same height as the fill probe and the salt level was then maintained so it was in contact with one but not the other probe. In this fashion the level of the salt could be determined and held to within about 1/64 in. of the levél of the fill probe. Fuel in contact with the adjustable probe caused lights on both the gas panel in the control room and the cabinet in the reactor roam to turn on. A probe was also used in the sump tank to indicate when the salt was in the sump. This probe, as.well as the other three, was supplied with 110 volts ac through an isolation transformer from the building emergency power circuit. Therefore, in the event of a power failure, which should automaticelly dump the fuel, the sump probe would be supplied with power from the building emergency motor generator set and could then be used to determine whether the salt was in the sump. For the minute or so required for the motor generator set to come up to voltage, or for the case in which it failed campletely, a storage battery was provided which, by pushing & button, would put 6 volts dc on the probe. Since a probe in these salts quickly becomes polarized when direct current is applied to -it, & polarity reverse switch was also included so that it could be depolarized. . Connections Between Gas System and Nuclear Controls. The gas system was connected to the nuclear control circuits in three places. First, as was mentioned above, loss of the moderator pressure dropped the control rod and dumped the fuel. Second, the nuclear scram circuit was connected to the gas system so that initiation of a scram signal also dumped the fuel. And third, an interlock was provided in the circuit of SV-5 so that when the salt was in the sump, SV-5 could not be opened to admit gas to raise the salt unless the control rod and source were both inserted to the midplane of the reactor. This prevented the salt from being raised into the reactor core when the control rod or source was in ean ungafe position. After the salt had been raised high enough in the reactor core so that the probe in the sump no longer was in contact with the salt, the rod and source could be moved and SV-5 would remain open. This permitted the Moore regulator, PCV-2, to add gas through SV-5 to maintain the fuel level during the operation of the reactor. Nuclear Instruments and Controls. The nuclear instrumentation used for this experiment was identical with that used for the low-temperaturfi experi- ments performed at this facility and described in detail elsewhere. congisted of the following components: two BFxz ionization chambers connected to vibrating reed electrometers whose output was indicated on linear strip charts, a BF3 ionization chamber connected to a logarithmic smplifier with a range of about 6-1/2 decades (this same amplifier also provided & signal to indicate pile period); a EFx chember connected to & .dc amplifier which was read on a linear strip char% an anthracene gcintillation counter read on a linear strip chart; two BF3z proportional counters connected to linear ampli- fiers and scalers; and a Hornyak scintillator (zinc sulfide in lucite) connected to a linear amplifier and scaler. The outputs of the two vibrating reed electrometers and the anthracene scintillator were connected to the scram circuit. A special control panel, designed and built for the ART Elevated - Temperature Experiment,l was used again in this experiment with minor modifications. It contained the switches, lights, Veeder Root counter, and circuitry for the control of the motion and indication of the position of the source and control rod and the interconnection of these with the nuclear scram circuit and the gas system. Snow Trags Two reaction traps packed with aluminum oxide pellets were installed in the experiment to remove zirconium fluoride vepor, or "snow', from the displaced gas during filling and dumping operations. One trap was mounted in the offgas line fram the top of the reactor; the second trap was installed in the vent line from the sump tank. The traps were similar except that the sump tank trap was made from 10-in.-dia pipe while the reactor trap was made from 8-in,-dia pipe. The sump tank trap was larger because of the higher gas flow rate through the vent line during fuel dumping procedures. Each trap consisted of a reaction section and a filter section. The reaction section, which was 12 in. long, contained 4 to 8 mesh aluminum oxide pellets which reacted with the zirconium fluoride vapor to form nonvolatile zirconium oxide and slightly volatile aluminum fluoride. This section was insulated and heated with heaters to a temperature in excess of 1400°F. The filter section contained 3-1/2 in. of Demister packing.followed by 1l in. of Fiberfax packing and another 1 in. of Demister packing. This section was intended to remove the small amount of aluminum fluoride vapor formed in the reaction section, as well as any unreacted zirconium fluoride vapor. The filter section was uninsulated and cooled by natural convection and radiation. Heating and Temperature Control Circuits The primary power supply for heating the critical experiment was a 100-KVA transformer feeding a three-phase 4OO-amp disconnect at 460 v. Fram this disconnect two smaller transformers were supplied. A 75-KVA L. F. T. Bly, J. F. Coneybear et al., "NEPA Critical Experiment Facility," NEPA-1769 (April 1951). 64 transformer provided the power for a series of variable auto transformers which controlled the voltage across all heaters except those on the sump tank. Auto transformers controlling the sump tank heaters were fed from a 25-KVA transformer. 1In the event of a primary power supply failure, a switch gear was so arranged that the sump tenk variable auto transformers were ' supplied from a 25-KVA capacity diesel standby power system. A1l the variable auto transformers were mounted in cabinets in the control room. It was therefore not necessary to enter the test cell to adjust power to the heaters. The positions of the heater units on the rig are shown in Fig. 26. | Thermocouples were located at various positions throughout the assembly as shown in Fig. 27. The thermocouple leads ran to patch panels where, by appropriate patching arrangements, they could be made to read on any point of three 16-point Brown recorders or on two fast Brown recorders. The 16-point recorders were used in each of the three major areas, the reactor, the sump tank and the enricher. There was duplication in the installation of thermocouples to allow for failure during the course of the experiment. The fast Brown recorders permitted continuous reading of any ‘four thermocouples. They were most frequently used for observing the temperature transient in the enricher transfer line during additions of enriched fuel and the approach of the fuel and reactor assembly to thermal equilibrium after filling. Variable auto transformers were adjusted until all temperatures being recorded for a given assembly read in a close group at the temperature desired. The minimum attainsble temperature spreed was typically of the order of 200F, Construction gg_Aséembly Components As was previously noted, the responsibility for most of the component construction was assumed by Pratt and Whitney Aircraft; however, the nuclear control and instrumentation circuitry, the control rod and source drives, most of the enricher assembly, and the reactor tank support stand were components which had previously been used at the ORNL Critical Experiments Facility. In addition, ORNL performed the following tasks: the final assembly of the detector tubes that contained the foils; manufacture of the control rod meat and assembly of the rod; drilling of coolant holes in the larger beryllium island pieces; manufacture of ByC-Cu shields; reassembly of the enricher barrel; and final setup of the experiment including heaters, insulation, heating circuits, gas lines and the reactor tank closure welds. Although the manufacture of most of the assemblies and components involved standard techniques and methods, fabrication of certain items was problematical. These problems are discussed below. ] AR ORNL-LR-DWG 29846 [— s V-9 [ ] [ ] V-20 V-2iv-22 v-|o{[ J ] ] — | v-23 0 ,\ V-1l ] ¢ / NN t [ | o [ ] o ® » r * - ® - | v-17 ||® V=16 o \ f o [ : - ® N\ - ® ] _I D VAT ® e o . o | 1 N\ - ® : e > V-l4 - ¢ ;] . L ® , v-27 | d : >V-13 3 : V-8 ¢ ¢ .’ A\ /f. ] v-28 * N / V-18 v FiLL V-FG + V-19 & 29 [ —— v-12 Vv-24 V-6 V-7 ¢ v-28 v-28 N~ v-30 E‘}v-z . V-5 < I W — 1 e 0 0 0608 0 00 0 g 0" ® & o & o © o o L CT291492 15 g - 20.270. 0.01 0.151 0.00 / 16 20.829 0.020 0.15k4 0.005 /7 - 17 21 ou6 21.058 0.010 0.148 0.007 2 —— B BB B B b i - — 1 20. . © 0. 0. 0. /3 5 19.90k 19.578 0.200 0.15% 0.012 4 2 21 18 82 18.&8{13; 0.034 0.15L 0.012 15 - 77 in 23 uik 174 0.0%6 0.149 0.011 7 - 2 L1400 16.466 - 0.010 0.152 0.011 . é _ 2 15 576 15.632 0.024 0.15 0.011 17— S 25 E .038 E 0.010 0.15 0.016 18 - 26 850 1 0.152 8.818 _ 3/, ; 2 15. o 2 0.15 .01 . 12 774 7 > 15.713 0.156 0.010 20 - — 21 - ~ | 22 | B. Average Wall Thickness for Each Section 23 - 7 29/492 24 -+ | o Average Wall 25 4 Section Thickness (in.) ‘267 - I.inersd 2 | \/2729/493 T 29148 0.156 + 0.005 ’ PO ) QW itE : ower . + 0.005 723/490 .T 2911+90 0.156 ¥ 0.005 Stiffenersd | T2 © 0.09% + 0.00 - T 2 hge Eupper; 0.08h ;'O;OOE T 291492 (lower 0.094 ¥ 0.005 T 291493 0.094 ¥ 0.005 a. All dimensions are for room temperétufe b. I.e., the difference between two perpendicular diameters. c. T numbers are Pratt and Whitney drawing.numbers corresponding to the sections being described. d. Gaps between stiffeners and liners = O to 0.020 in. T2 boric oxide. As the temperature of the powder increased the boric acid lost its water of crystallization and the pressure in the annulus increased. . Gases adsorbed on the boron powder also contributed to this pressure increase until the elastic modulus of the anmilus walls was exceeded and permanent deformation occurred. . Although this problem could have been corrected by outgassing the sleeves at high temperature, it was decided to rebuild the sleeves to & new design, since considersble doubt had arisen about the ability of the copper plate on the interior of the sleeves to completely prevent embrittlement of the Hastelloy X due to the effect of boron. It was extremely difficult to main- tain the continuity of the plated surfaces due to scratching during the boron packing process. The following design changes were therefore made. Type 410 stainless steel, which contains no nickel, was substituted for the Hastelloy X, and means were provided for continuously controlling the pressure in the snnulus. Because stainless steel has less strength than Hastelloy X at high temperatures, it was necessary to increase the wall thickness to 0.062 in. The boron annulus thickness was accordingly decreased to 0.062 din., some of which was required to allow for slightly increased clearances between the core shells and the moderator in the region of sleeve travel. During assembly of the experiment a vacuum pump was connected to the boron annuli of the sleeves so that, during leak checks and outgassing of the moderator regions, the pressure differential across the sleeve walls was never in the direction of bursting stresses. Iater when the experiment was in operation and the moderator pressure was the order of 25 psia, pressure in the sleeves was raised to atmospheric. Fabrication of ByC-Cu Plates Boron-containing neutron shields in the lower hemisphere of the reactor - were designed to be a BjyC-Cu cermet clad in stainless steel.* Unfortunately, efforts to fabricate one of these shields, the largest piece, failed. Because of this difficulty the shields were redesigned as Inconel cans containing boron carbide powder. The cans of boron carbide were outgassed at roam temperature and the final closure was made under vacuum (<1 in. Hg). At this time the significant hydroscopic and adsorption properties of the elemental boron powder was becom- ing evident. It was decided therefore to check the outgassing properties of the boron carbide powder with a quick experiment in which a mockup of a boron carbide shield was made and outgassed at room temperature. The shield was then heated and the internal pressure noted. Beginning at -28 in. Hg the pressure increase followed the ideal gas law up to about 140°C, at which point considerable quantities of gas began evolving. When 200°C was reached, the pressure was 60 psig. This pressure was then bled to atmospheric and the heating was continued. The P/T ratio remained approximately constant until the temperature reached about 500°C, when the evolution of gas was again noted. The experiment ended when a temperature of about 600°C was reached and a pressure of 60 psig had again built up. As a result of the experiment plans to use the boron carbide cans were abolished. * This BjyC-Cu cermet was developed by the ORNL Metallurgy Division. T35 Analysis of the gases coming off the boron carbide powder showed them to be primarily composed of water vapor with smaller amounts of 50, SOs;, NO, CO;, CO and hydrocarbons being present. The primary source of evolving gases appeared to be water of crystallization in the boric oxide impurity of the boron carbide. Unfortunately one of the boron carbide shields had been installed in the core shell assembly before the experiment with the shield mockup was performed and it was necessary to remove it. The parts originally produced as BjC-Cu sintered pieces were then re-examined. Although the large piece was badly warped and cracked, reworking it straightened it sufficiently so that it could be fitted into position around the lower duct. The reworking caused some additional cracks, but since structural integrity was of no particular importance in the neutron shields the sintered pieces were canned and used despite the cracks. ' The conditions under which the smaller B)C-Cu sintered parts were manu- factured was as follows: boron carbide was blended with copper powder in the ratio of 25 vol % boron carbide and 75 vol % copper. This was poured into stainless steel tubes which were then flattened, evacuated and hot rolled. The part was then cold formed and machined to bring it within the desired tolerances. The large plece was sintered first, then enclosed in stainless steel, evacuated and hot rolled. Fabrication of Beryllium Parts The technigues for hot sintering and machining of large beryllium parts were developed by the Brush Beryllium Company and no fabrication problems were encountered due to the processes used. However, the excessive machining time required to produce each beryllium part delayed delivery dates long beyond the original schedule. This holdup was somewhat alleviated by supply- ing Brush with extra drill presses required to drill approximately 800 coolant holes in each h-in.-thick reflector ring. A small percentage of the coolant holes were chipped at the bottom surface of the rings. This apparently occurred as the drill bit broke through during the drilling operation. For the purpose of the critical experiment this defect was of no consequence. The deep hole drilling in the two long island pieces was performed at the Y-12 Plant. The deviation from the designed path of the coolant holes in these pieces was the order of 0.003 in. per inch of hole length. This de- parture from design tolerance was also of no consequence in the experiment. Fabrication of Gold Foils As previously noted, gold foils used for activation measurements during the experiment were placed in slots provided for them at various radial positions in the beryllium reflector. Since an investigation of the compati- bility of gold and beryllium at high temperature showed a strong tendency for the two metals to alloy, an attempt was made to find a suitable covering for the gold foils that was also compatible with the beryllium. Tests with Th ceramic wafers of both beryllium oxide and aluminum oxide in contact with gold on one side and beryllium on the other showed no detectable degeneration of the gold foils at high temperatures (14OOOF) in an inert atmosphere. On the basis of these tests it was decided to use hot-pressed beryllium oxide as the gold foil holders. Despite the above results, it was found when the gold foils were removed at the end of the experiment that considerable physical change in the foils had occurred. ©Spectral analysis showed the presence of sufficient quantities of zinc in the gold to form a low melting alloy. The source of this contami- nant is unknown but it was established that the original foils and the ceramic containers were zinc free. Some effort was expended in attempting to find a cadmium-containing cover for the foils in the hope that a comparison of the total activation with the activation by neutrons above the cadmium cutoff could be made. The only materials which had suitable physical properties and were available were cadmium oxide and cadmium silicate. A series of experiments were run to check the compatibility of these materials with gold and beryllium and the results were negative. Because time was not available to lsunch a thorough investi- gation of this problem, the effort was dropped. Fabrication of Control Rod The control rod meat was made by the ORNL Metallurgy Division Ceramics Iaboratory by pressing and sintering a blend of rare earth oxides and nickel powder into the form of cylindrical annmuli about 2.3 in. long. Sixteen of these cermet pieces were then machined and used to make up the poison section of the control rod. The resultlng cylindrical annulus was contained between two Inconel tubes. The first rod that was fabricated had a constent outside diameter; however, it was found that in order to maintain the desired clearance between the rod and its thimble (0.062 in.) straightness requirements on the rod weldment, thimble weldment and upper thimble extension would be impossible to meet without a major alteration in fabrication technique. It was also found that when the cold rod entered the hot thimble it tended to bend at points of contact with the thimble wall because of the more rapid heating of the rod at these points. This resulted in a blnding of the rod in the thimble. In an attempt to eliminate the binding problem, the design of the rod was changed. The outside tube of the rod was removed between the top of the poison section and the rod lifting flange and replaced by a tube with a smaller outside diameter (see Fig. 28). With this change it was only necessary for the 0.062-in. clearance requirement to be met over 38 in. of the rod length rather than over its entire length. Considerably more curvature of the thimble and the rod could then be tolerated and no further problems were experienced with control rod motion. ORNL-LR-DWG 29848 0.215" " 0.035 . , 2-1/4"long x |6 pieces e il ottt ol P I P B P 5 R R B B B P R P L et et it et ettt il et [ l | ol |l l 1.93" 375("+.005" 2.185/'t 005" \\\ ' / //// \ \ flireer | e e = = e SN ”'I ~—1/2' CERMET COMPOSITION : 70 % Ni 30 % LINDSAY MIX 7/8" 325" M 38 FIGURE 28. PWAR-I ELEVATED TEMPERATURE CRITICAL ASSEMBLY CONTROL ROD 76 Fuel Manufacture / P The fuel was manufactured by the ORNL Materials Chemistry Division. The procedure used was as follows: The NapUFg and NeF-ZrF}, . were made separately. In each case, a low hafnium content mixture of the raw fluorides was prfpared. The mixture was heated to 1500°F in ai hydrogen fluoride atmosphere ... Tree . processing steps then were performed. In the first step reduction of U sulphates and oxides to sulphides and lower order oxides was accomplish@l with hydrogen gas. Next hydrogen fluoride was used to convert the reduced. products to fluarides and drive off hydrogen sulfide. Finally hydrogen gas was again used to reduce the metallic impurities to base metals, therepy releasing hydrogen fluoride. . ' A more detailed account of the fuel manufacturlng processes is presented elsewhere. Material Failures The ma jor material failure which occurred during the course of the experi- ment was & leak in the fabricated 6-in. schedule 40 Inconel pipe cap at the bottom of the sump tank. When the final assembly was complete and all checks were made the sump tank was filled with barren salt (NaF-ZrFj). A few hours later a heater failure occurred on the bottom of the sump tank at the pipe cap. This heater was disconnected from the heater power circuits and, since no other symptoms of a failure were evident, operational checks were begun. Among other things these checks included testing the mixing operation and raising the salt into_the reactor core to check the level probes. About a day after the filling operation had been completed & strang smell of hydrogen fluoride was noticed - in the test cell. Examination of the sump tank bottom revealed a salt leak. The barren salt was immediately removed from the sump tank and power to the heaters was cut off. Removal of the insuletion disclosed extensive leaking at - the 6-in. pipe cap. Cracks in the walls of the pipe cap extended for about an inch vertically up to but not into the weld that Jjoined the cap to the bottom of the tank (see Fig. 29). Extensive fluoride attack had occurred all over the tank bottom and even up along the tank walls. All insulation and heaters were removed and the tank was completely cleaned with abrasive wheels. The 6-in. cap was removed and an 8-in. forged cap was welded in position to replace it. After the heaters and insulation had been Teinstalled, the tank was again ready for service. Re-examination of the X rays of the weld of the 6-in. cap to the sump tank disclosed no defects either in the weld or in the parent metal, although the X -ray sensitivity for the parent metal was only the order of 5% Dye checks made during the fabrication of the sump tank also disclosed no defects. An additional pipe cap which had been made from the sgme piece of Inconel bar stock as that used in the assembly was also die checked and radiographed, but again no defects were apparent. 5. E. L. Youngblood et al., "Aircraft Nuclear Propu131on Fluoride Fuel ’ Preparation Facility," ORNL-CF-54-6-126 (June 1954). | _??_ O td i W 0 < - O = = 4 UNCLASSIFIED ¥ = 2400 (&) Inside Crack. Fig. 29. Sump Tank Pipe Cap Failure — (@) Outside Crack 78 In investigating the failure of the cap the following points were noted: 1. During fabrication, the pipe cap weld had been subjected to approxi- mately 12 repairs. There had been no subsequent stress relief. 2. The pipe cap had been machined from Inconel bar stock, which had been substituted for the originally specified wrought Inconel due to a delay in shipment. Defects in rolled Inconel plate and bar are frequently detectable only in sonic tests, and the cap could therefore have been defective prior to installation. 3, The pipe cap wall thickness was 0.280 in. This was Jjoined to the bottom plate of the sump tank which was 1-1/2 in. thick. During initial heat-up, unequal heating of these two parts could have caused stresses due to differential expansion. 4. The tenk temperature during the initial fill had been 1250°F, while the temperature of the entering salt during the fill had been 1300°F. There had also been a temperature differential between the reactor core and the sump tank of no greater than S50°F during the aforemention- ed operational checks. Thermal shock from these sources would appear to be negligible. 5. It is the general opinion that the heater failure at the pipe cap occurred after the leak had begun, although this could not be definitely established. The failure could have been due to any or all of items (1), (2), and (3) above. Another gmall leak developed during the course of the experiment at & Swagelok fitting in the sump tank sampling line. The first indication of this legk was the inability to hold the fuel level during a refilling operation. During this operation some fuel was always forced up into the sampling line (see Fig.23), which extended down into the sump tank, until the fuel level in the sump tank dropped below the bottom of the line. The leak in the line above the tank was suspected when a loss of the gas pressure in the sump became apparent. Investigation showed that the leak did exist but fortunately only a few hundred cubic centimeters of fuel had been lost. This amount of fuel was sufficient to cause considerable fluoride attack to the sump tank top. After removing the insulation and investigating the damage, it was deemed necessary to remove the heaters on the top of the sump tank from the heating circuits. It was possible to maintain the sump tank temperatures without these heaters so the experiment was comtinued with no replacements being made. Upon removal of the uranium fission rate detector foils from the detector tube Dy, it was found that a few of the foils nearest the inner core shell were damaged. This, plus discoloration of the inside of the tube body and the - calcium fluoride spacers in the same region, indicated a very minor leak in the detector tube, although no defects had been detected when the tubes were leak and dye checked prior to installation. It was necessary to machine through T9 the weld at the tube end in order to remove the foils; therefore, the probable source of the failure was destroyed prior to its discovery and no investigation of the origin of the leak was possible. Toward the end of the experimental program two of the 1/8-in. Inconel actuating pins on the outer boron sleeve failed at the weld which Joined them to the upper support ring of the sleeve. Subsequent movement of the sleeve was impossible and it remained in the "in" position for the remainder of the experi- ment. This failure was believed to be due to too small a diameter of the actuating pins, flextre of the pins when in use and the tendency of the sleeve to cock and bind while being moved. When the reactor assembly was disassembled these actuating pins:were observed to be badly bent at their lower ends. Considerable difficulty was experienced with sheathed thermocouple wires used in the test. These commercial thermocouples consist of chromel and alumel wires surrounded by a packed powder magnesis insulstor, the whole con- tained in an Inconel sheath. A marked tendency for these thermocouples to short and ground out was observed. Investigation proved the alumina to be very loosely packed in certain regions and sometimes even completely absent. Wherever possible, beaded thermocouple wires were used. Typical Sequence of gggratiofi Operation of the assembly was performed by & crew of four persons for each shift: a crew chief, a gas panel operator; a nuclear controls operator, and a recorder. The steps included in the operation consisted of enriching, mixing, and sampling the fuel, checking the operation of the instruments, filling the core, bringing the system to critical, maintaining the required nuclear power level, and finally shutting down the system. These steps are descrlbed below. Enriching In order for the enricher to function properly it was necessgary that its axis be vertical. Two bubble levels, at right angles to each other, were permanently mounted on the enricher lead screw hou51ng so that the level of the enricher could be checked prior to each enrichment. Because of changes In the ambient temperature in the test cell plus small changes in the temper- &ture of the experiment components, with resulting changes in thermal ex- pansion, it was frequently necessary to make level corrections. This.was ac- complished by adjusting the support brackets which ran from the enricher barrel to the adjacent wall of the test cell. When the enricher was not in use its plston was backed off about three turns (3/8 in.) to ensure that the NagUFg level was well below the wier and thus to preclude the possibility of any accidental enrichment. The first step in enriching was therefore to raise the level of the NasUFg to the wier. 80 The required position of the piston for raising the NaosUFg level was de- * termined by noting the maximum reading of the enricher Veeder Root counter during the previous enrichment. The approach of the NaoUFg to the wier level could be noted by observing the resistance reading on a Simpson meter which was connected to the enricher outlet liquid level probe. When this probe was contacted, the Na,UFg level was about 0.16 in. below the wier. When the wier level had been reached, any desired amount of uranium could be added to the sump tank by continuing to lower the piston into the enricher barrel. One turn of the hand wheel was equivalent to 165 g of uranium. Since the enricher temperature was 1400°F and all other components in the experiment were maintained at about 12509%F, it was possible to observe the flow of the enriching salt to the sump tank by noting the temperatures recorded by thermocouples attached to the enricher transfer line. After each enrichment the hand wheel was backed off about three turns as previously noted. During each enrichment, Veeder Root readings were made as follows: (1) the reading found prior to the enrichment, %2) the reading at which the outlet liquid level probe was contacted, (3) the reading to which the piston was lowered, (4) the number of turns added, and (5) the reading to which the piston was returned after the enrichment. Because of the importance of this operation readings 3 and 5 were checked by a second operator. Mixing A description of the mixing operation is given with the description of the inert gas system (p.57). Analysis of samples during the first phase of the experiment verified that 15 mixing cycles were sufficient to assure uniform mixing. The helium supply pressure was adjusted to give a mix cycle time of gbout 2 min. As the fuel was being raised for the first mix cycle of each series, response of the period meter was observed. The apparent period was never allowed to become less than 30 sec; therefore, with the higher uranium concentrations toward the end of the experiment, it was necessary to increase the mix cycle time somewhat. It will be recognized, of course, that the positive period observed during fuel mixing and raising operations did not necessarily represent positive reactivity of the system. Also, during the first mix cycle, operation of the mix pressure switches and associated circuitry was checked for proper functioning. After initial ad justment of pressure trip levels no difficulties were encountered through- out the experiment. ‘ Sampling Fuel samples were taken for chemical analysis after every third enrichment - following attainment of the first critical concentration. The sampling pro- cedure was as follows: First the sump tank was vented. A graphite-lined, flanged pot containing a smsller graphite-lined stainlesgss steel cup was then connected to the sampling line. The sampling line was then evacuated and heated to greater than 14OOSF by electric heaters and, on uninsulated parts 81 of the line, by a blowtorch. The vacuum applied to the flanged pot caused fuel to be drawn from the sump tank into the pot, spilling first into the stainless steel cup, then overflowing into the pot proper. The beginning of this overflow was detected with a liquid level probe, and immediately after it began the pot was pressurized and fuel remaining in the sample line was blown back into the sump tank. The pot was then disconnected and taken to an ORNL Analytical Chemistry Division laboratory for sample analysis. (This lsboratory and the experiment were located in . ‘the same building. . | Instrument Checks In general, complete instrument checks were not made prior to each run, but they were made at least once during each 8-hr shift. These consisted of checking the response of the BF3 proportional and Hornyak button counters and checking the nuclear scram on two continmuously reading BF; ionization chambers and one gamma-ray sensitive channel. Each channel was chécked separately and the control rod was allowed to drop. The fuel dump was checked on at least one channel. Response of the log N period meter and one dc amplifier channel not connected to the scram circuits was also checked. All checks were made using a Po-Be neutron source or a radium gamma-ray source. Tmmediately before each run, the relation of the Veeder Root counter reading on the control rod panel and the physical position of the rod was established. The rod was brought down to the midplane limit switch and the Veeder Root reading was again recorded. At the same time the distance between the control rod flange and the top of the rod thimble extension was physically measured and recorded. Filling the Reactor Core With the fuel in the sump tank, the control rod was brought to midplane and the source put in the "in" position. As previously noted, interlocks were provided which required this before the helium pressure could'be placed on the sump tank., The fuel was then raised, using PCV-2 (see Fig. 24) as the maximum pregsure control valve and FI-1 to indlcate the rate of gas addition, to the level of the fill probe, noting carefully the response of the period and power level meters as a guide to the rate of rise. This system of filling gave an almost idealized startup condition since the rate of gas addition varied in- versely with sump pressure and the sump pressure increase rate decreased with increased sump pressure. This rate decrease was a result of the increased gas volume in the sump as the sump pressure increased. Because the temperature of the sump tank was not usually identical to the temperature of the reactor core, it was necessary to keep the fuel within the core for about 45 min prior to each critical run to allow for thermal equilibration. If this were not done, temperature transients would disturb the reactivity measurements being made. A thermocouple in the variable probe which read fuel temperature in the top of the core and a thermocouple on the outer core shell were continucusly recorded by a fast Brown recorder located on the gas panel. By this means the approach to thermal equilibrium could be observed. Temperature Reedings As noted under "Experimental Results," average temperatures for each run 82 were determined by reading a series of selected thermocouples in the reactor assembly. These readings for each run were usually taken shortly after the neutron level was reached and shortly before the control rod position was recorded in an attempt to obtain a mean of the slow transient temperatures. Approach to Critical (Routine) When all of the sbove steps had been accomplished the experiment was ready for operation. The estimated critical position of the control rod was noted by the operator and withdrawal of the rod from the midplane began. The rate of rod removal was determined by the period meter which was never allowed to be below 30 sec. When the neutron level was sufficiently high, removal of the source began. The criterion for complete source removal was the low response of the neutron level to source motion. With the source out, withe- drawal of the rod continued until the rod was at the critical position for the last enriclment. The power level was then allowed to increase on a period defined by this rod position. Increments of uranium added were always such as to make this period the order of 100 sec during a typical run. When the log N meter indicated the desired level, the rod was moved in until reactor power was level and the period infinite. The change in power level during the constant period was usually the order of two decades. Measurement of this period determined the reactivity difference for the rod positions. The second measurement was made by reducing the neutron level for a short interval and then repeating the positive period step. Maintaining the Power lLevel Since automatic means were not provided, the power level was maintained by the operator. A tendency of the system to drift in level was attributed to slow thermal transients and convection currents in the reactor assembly and fuel and fuel level drift. Thus slow and unpredictable reactivity changes required frequent minor adjustments of the control rod position. Two means were provided for maintaining fuel level: autamatic regulation of the pressure through PCV-2 (see Fig. 24) could be used, or the helium supply could be closed off. Of these, the latter means was more frequently used but because of the finite helium leak rate of the system it was necessary to occasionally read just the fuel level during a run. Whenever the helium leak rate became excessive it was necessary to remove the accumulation of ZrF), from the valve seats of SV-3 and SV-bk (Fig. 24). shutdown The system was shut down by dumping the fuel and returning the control rod to the midplane. Immediately after shutdown the source was moved to the "in" position. After a short wait the test cell was entered and the gas system put in standby operation. Appendix B COMPOSITIONS AND WEIGHTS OF REACTOR MATERTALS Teble 21. Camposition of BIO Pieces Material wtd Total Boron g4 Iron 0.23 Oxygen ~s6 Table 22, Composltion of Control Rod Cermet Material | wt% Nickel 70 Lindsay Mix® 30 (Rare Earth Oxides) Sm (b) 63.8 cd (v) 26.3 Dy (b) L.,8 Nd (b) 0.9 h,2 Misc. (b) a. The europium was removed fram the mixture. b. In the form of an oxide; the weight percent quoted includes the oxygen. Table 23. Composition of Beryllium Oxide Foil Holders Material wth Material wtb Al 0.2 Mg ~ 0.05 B 0.002 Mn = 0.02 Ba. < 0.02 Mo < 0.02 Ca < 0.1 Na, < 0,01 Cu < 0,05 Ni < 0,05 Cb < 0.1 Pb < 0.1 cd < 0,001 S1 0.1 Co < 0.05 Sn < 0.05 Cr < 0,05 T4 < 0.02 Fe < 0.02 v < 0.02 K < 0.01 Zr <0.l Ii < 0.01 BeO Remainder 83 Table 24. Composition and Weights of Beryllium Reflector and Island Parts » Compositiofib : a a P and W wth, - ppm Density Weight Piece Dwg. No. Be BeO Fe Al Mo L1 Co N cd B (g/cc) (kg) Reflector A T 291496 98.29 1.72 0.15 0.025 90 ¢0.3 5 190 20.2 1.1 1.843 47.2 B T 291497 99.20 1.18 0.12 0.041 80 <0.3 5-10 150 < 0.2 0.8 1.840 64.8 C T 291498 98.85° 1.38 0.15 0.03%8 80 <0.3 3 190 £ 0.2 0.1 1.840 68.2 D T 291499 98.90 1.54 0.16 0.057 70 <0.3 20 400 ~0.2 0.8 1.84 118.4 E T 291500 98.50 1.62 0.15 0.019 120 0.3 3 260 £ 0.2 0.2 1.853 139.2 F T 291501 98.90 1.46 0.10 0.025 120 0.3 b 160 40.2 1.3 1.852 167.8 G T 291502 98.90 1.50 0.14 0.020 130 <«0.3 4 200 £ 0.2 1.3 1.850 175.8 H T 291503 98.60 1.81 0.12 0.026 130 <0.3 L 160 <0.2 1.8 1.849 172.5 I T 291504 98.60 1.78 0.1k 0.013 130 <«0.3 L 180 <0.2 0.6 1.849 168.6 J T 291505 98.60 1.61 0.15 0.019 120 «0.3 3 260 . 0.2 2.0 1.853 140.6 -éz K T 291506 98.90 1.39 0.1k 0.0k41 80 £0.3 6 230 0.2 1.1 1.856 118.8 ' L T 291507 98.67 1.46 0.15 0.028 100 £0.3 L 210 -0.2 c 1.8k45 69.3 M T 291508 98.40 1.48 0.14 0.046 80 £0.3 1 160 <0.2 1.1 1.847 66.9 TOTAL 1518.1 Island 1 T 291509 98.38 1.70 0.12 0.0k41 80 £0.3 1 90 <0.2 0.6 1.860 13.46 2 T 291510 98.30 1.81 0.15 0.035 90 ~0.3 2 2L0 «£0.2 c 1.854 5.83 3 T 291511 98.80 1.40 0.15 0.025 90 «£0.3 5 270 £0.2 1.4 1.860 26.83 L T 291513 98.40 1.6k 0.13 0.031 80 £0.3 2 150 Z0.2 ¢ 1.857 20.33 TOTAL 66.45 o Refer to Fig. 23, p. 5h. Four samples were checked for rare earths; the results all showed that Gd, Eu, Sm, and Dy constituted £0.0005% of the samples. Not detectable. d. Meagured weight. Table 25. Composition and Weights of Core Bhells Composition P and W wtdb ppmP Weight Piece® Dwg. No. Mo Fe Cr Co Mn W Ni In B Dy Ca Eu Sm Gd (kg) Outer Core Shell Top liner T291489 9.41 17.2 23.3% 1.45 0,70 bal. c 0.001-0.0001 c 15.12 Middle linerd T291488 Upper, A 8.2 20.8 22.9 1.71 0.71 bal. - - 5 - 5 5 5 22.53 Upper, B T.4 17.6 23,0 1.69 0.9 - bal. - - 5 - 5 5 5 Lower, C 8.5 19.5 18.4 1.27 0.58 bal. - - 5 - 5 5 5 21.95 Lower, D 8.5 17.3 22.5 1.55 0.48 - bal. - - 5 - 5 5 5 Top stiffener T291491 7.91 17.0 21.7 1.7% 0.67 - bal. c 0.001-0,0001 c 9.13 Middle stiffener T291492 - Upper 8.55 17.8 20.1 - 0.92 - bal. - - 5 - 5 5 5 7.4k e Lower 6.76 16.8 21.6 1.2 0.61 bal. - - 5 - 5 5 5 7.42 Bottom liner T291490 10.2 17.1 22.5 1.19 0.5 - bal. c 0.001-0.0001 c 10.81 Bottom stiffener T291493 8.69 17.2 22.9 1.21 0.56 - bal. c 0.001-0.0001 c . Total 9L.LO Inner Core Shell Top liner T2914 9k 7.50 17.3 24.5 1.61 0.72 - bal. - - 5 - 5 5 5 23,04 Bottom liner T291495 7.66 16.9 23.3 r.12 1.21 - bal. - - 5 - 5 5 5 8L Bottom stiffener T291521 7.50 15.0 2L4.5 2.1k 0.62 - bal. c 0.001-0.0001 c 5. Total 28.88 a. Refer to Tables 19 and 20, pp. 70 and T71. b. These values are lower limits of the analytical method and the actual contents are less than the amounts listed. c. Not detectable. d. Sample A was taken near the top of the upper section of the middle liner, while Semple B was taken near the bottom of the upper section. Similarly, samples C and D were taken near the top and bottom, respectively, of the lower section of the middle liner. Appendix C LIST OF FIGURES Figure Ho. 1. Reactor Assembly - Major Components . . . . . 2. Core Shell Agsembly in Place . . .+ . ¢« =« 1k, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Partial Reflector Assembly . . .« . « « =« Reactor Assembly Complete . . « « + . . Repetor Tenk in Place with Heaters . . . . . Assembly Complete .« . e e e s s » -. . A Comparison of the Power Reactor Design (PWAR-1) the Elevated Temperature Critical Assembly . . , Reactor Assembly - Dimensions . . . « ¢« =« Reciprocal Multiplication . . « + « + « . Control Rod Sensitivity « . +« + + + .. . Control Rod Evaluation « . + +» « « « =« Effect of Bl0 Sleeves on Reactivity . . +» « . Critical Surface for PWAR-1l, Elevated Temperature Critical Assembly O Effect of Temperature on Reactivity . . . . Effect of Fuel lLevel on Reactivity . . « .+ & Location of Fast-Neutron leakage Detector . . . Effect of BlO Sleeves on leakage of Fast Neutrons the Region of the Upper End Duet . . . . . Longitudinal Fission Rate Digtribution . . . PWAR-1 Elevated Temperature Critical Assembly Fission Rate Distribution e s+ s e e & e s Radial Fission Rate Distribution, Tubes A, B, Dy - D5 86 in Page No. 10 11 14 17 19 20 22 26 28 31 36 Lo Ll Figure No. 21. Radial Fission Rate Distribution, Tube D; . . 22, Radial Neutron FIuX « . « « .« < . . . 23.lSketch of Crifica.l Assenmbly Showing Dimensions 24, Flow Diagram of Inert Gas System . . . . . 25. Electrical Wiring Disgram . . . . . . . 26. Heater Locations . . . . . « « .« . . 27. 'I'hemocouple i.ocations e e e o e« s e » 28. Control Rod e & o s e« o s & e e 29. Sump Tank Pipe Cap Failure . o & e a2 Page No. | o 52 54 58 60 65 66 75 7 Appendix D LIST OF TABLES Tabie No. l. 1z2. 13. 1k, 15, 16. 17. 18. 195. 20, Fuel Constituents . . . . Incremental Core Volumes Distribution of Holes in the Reflector and Moderator Dimensions for Reactor Assembly Sketch . Reactivity Value of the Control Rod at Various Positions Effect on Reactivity of Imserting the Blo Sleeves into the End Duct Beryllium . Control Rod Position as a Function of Uranium Concentration and B1O Sleeve Position Specific Mass Reactivity Coefficients Varistion of Critical Control Rod Position and Rod Value with Temperature « o . Effect of Fuel Height on Rod Sensitivity Effect of Fuel Level on Reactivity Fast-Neutron Leakage Measurements Conditions of Reactor During Longitudinal Fission Rate Traverses in the Upper End Duct Longitudinal Fission Rate Distribution in the Upper End mct . - - - ® . - ° Positions of Radial Detector Tubes Radial Fission Rate Distribution . Longltudlnal Positions of Gold Foils in Cold and Hot Agsemblies . . .+ . .« . Radial Gold Neutron Flux Distribution in the Beryllium Reflector o o e e e » Dimensions of Inner Core'Sheli Dimensions of OCuter Core Shell 88 - - 16 23 25 2T 30 32 33 35 3T 59 L1 b3 b6 50 51 70 T1 Teble 21. 22. 23, 2k. 25. 89 List of Tables (cont.) No. Composition of B0 Pieces . . . . Camposition of Control Rod Cermet . Composition of Beryllium Oxide Foil Holders . Composition and Weights of Beryllium Reflector and Island Parts . . . e o + e Coamposition and Weights of Core Shells . Page No. 83 83 83 85 -91-~ e ORNL-2536 . 7% Reactors-Special Features of Aircraft Reactors M-3679 (21st ed.) INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION . 1. C. E. Center 38. D. S. Billington 2. Biology Library 39. H. E. Seagren 3. Health Physics Library 40. A. J. Miller 4-5. Central Research Library 41. M. J. Skinner 6. Reactor Experimental 42. R. R. Dickison Engineering Library 43. J. A. Harvey 7-11. Laboratory Records Department 44. A. Simon 12. Laboratory Records, ORNL R.C. 45. F. C. Maienschein 13. A. M. Weinberg 46. C. E. Clifford 14. L. B. Emlet (K-25) 47. A. D. Callihan 15. J. P. Murray (Y-12) 48. R. R. Coveyou 16. J. A. Swartout 49, W. Zobel 17. E. H. Taylor 50. F. L. Keller 18. E. D. Shipley 51. C. D. Zerby 19. A. H. Snell 52. D. K. Trubey 20. E. P. Blizard 53. S. K. Penny 21. M. L. Nelson 54. R. W. Peelle 22. W. H. Jordan 35. W. K. Ergen 23. G. E. Boyd 56. A. P. Fraas 24, R. A. Charpie 57. W. R. Grimes 25. 8. C. Lind 58. W. D. Manly 26. F. L. Culler 59. A. M. Perry 27. A. Hollaender 60. H. W. Savage . 28. J. H. Frye, Jr. 61. W. C. Tunnell 29. M. T. Kelley 62. F. L. Friedman (consultant) 30. J. L. Fowler 63. H. Goldstein (consultant) . 31. R. S. Livingston 64. H. Hurwitz (consultant) 32. K. Z. Morgan 65. L. W. Nordheim (consultant) 33. T. A. Lincoln 66. R. R. Wilson (consultant) 34, A. S. Householder 67. ORNL ~ Y-12 Technical Library, 35. C. P. Keim Document Reference Section 36. C. S. Harrill 37. C. E. Winters EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 68-71. Air Force Ballistic Missile Division 72-73. AFPR, Boeing, Seattle 74. AFPR, Boeing, Wichita /5. AFPR, Curtiss-Wright, Clifton ~76. AFPR, Douglas, Long Beach 77-79. AFPR, Douglas, Santa Monica 80. AFPR, Lockheed, Burbank 81-82. AFPR, Lockheed, Marietta _ 83. AFPR, North American, Canoga Park 84. AFPR, North American, Downey 85-86. Air Force Special Weapons Center 87. Air Materiel Command . .88% Air Research and Development Command (RDTAEF) 89. Air Research and Development Command (RDZPSP) - 90. 91-93. 94, 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100 -105. 106. 107. 108-109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117-118. 119. 120. 121. 122-127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132-133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143, 144, 145 159. 160. 161. 162. -163. i o et s e Ty AT e T Ty -92- Air Technical Intelligence Center ANP Project Office, Convair, Fort Worth Albuquerque Operations Office Argonne National Laboratory Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, Sandia Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, Washington Army Ballistic Missile Agency Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, R&D Atomic Energy Commission, Washington Atomics Intermational Battelle Memorial Institute Bettis Plant (WAPD) Bureau of Aeronautics Brueau of Aeronautics General Representative BAR, Aerojet-General, Azusa BAR, Convair, San Diego BAR, Grumman Aircraft, Bethpage BAR, Martin, Baltimore Bureau of Yards and Docks Chicago Operations Office Chicago Patent Group Curtiss-Wright Corporation Engineer Research and Development Laboratories General Electric Company (ANPD) (copy to M. C. Leverett General Nuclear Engineering Corporation Hartfocrd Area Cffice Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory Lockland Area Office Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (copy to H. C. Paxton) Marquardt Aircraft Company Martin Company National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Cleveland National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Washington National Bureau of Standards . Naval Air Development Center Naval Air Material Center Naval Air Turbine Test Station Naval Research Laboratory New York Operations Office Nuclear Metals, Inc. . Office of Naval Research 146. 147. 148, 149-158. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OP-361) Patent Branch, Washington Phillips Petroleum Company e X h,'i.:':, voa and J. W. Morfitt) Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Division (copy to G. W. Alwang, A. Carson, W. J. Fader, W. G. Kennedy, E. V. Sandin, and R. I. Strough) Redstone Arsenal San Francisco Operations Office Sandia Corporation School of Aviation Medicine Sylvania-Corning Nuclear Corporation 164. 165. 166. 167. 168-169, 170-188. 189-213. 214, -93 - Technical Research Group USAF Headquarters USAF Project RAND U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory University of California Radiation Laboratory, Livermore Wright Air Development Center (copy to R. E. Malenfant) Technical Information Service Extension, Oak Ridge Division of Research and Development, AEC, ORO