AL LARORATORY LIBRARY ’;‘//‘__.—.;\ I i !I_‘I\_ill.ll_!!&h[“|_I|llilmh_";'_\.“h\.lihll.-.i|:\|l\_| CENTRAL RESEARCH LIBRARY 193 & DOCUMENT COLLECTION [I |||,M il "| 3 4y5 ORNL-2464 UC-80 Reactors-General TID-4500 (15th ed.) ART REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY A. A. Abbatiello F. R. McQuilkin OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S5. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Printed in USA, Price & Availeble from the Dffice of Technical Services Department of Commarce Washington 25, D.C. LEGAL NOTICE This roport was prepared as on occount of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, not the Commiszion, nor any persen ccting on behalf of the Commission: A. Mekes wmny werronty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the sccuracy, cemplatensss, or usefulness of the informotion contained in this report, or that the use of any Information, epparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report moy not infringe privately ewned rightz; ar B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any informotion, appaoratus, methad, or process disclosed in this 'rnpefl. As used in the obova, ""person ccting on behalf of the Commission' includes aony employee or confractor of the Commission, or employse of such contracter, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access 1s, any information pursudnt-to his employment or controct with the Commission, or his employment with such contractar. i Contract No, W-7405-eng-26 REACTOR PROJECTS DIVISION ART REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY A. A. Abbatiello and F. R. McQuilkin DATE ISSUED MAR 4 1960 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL-2464 R mm o 0N W CONTENTS e INTRODUCGTION .ottt st cas s et st st e sb s s st s s e b a s s on e s basa s basbensessssatsasases OBJECTIVES AND CRITERIA oottt crtseiste s ceststssava st et ssessas et e sonssresessessssassssssesessnsssssessss FRfOrmation REQUITEd.. ..o ettt r et et e s e e e e b e s sbesenas etentessnasasseesesseensarons Problems Considered ...ttt et e ettt et aete s bt s eaearer et e bt tereeret e enen b bees Off2Gas LeaKage . coocuiiieeiiiiieiitie ettt st sttt e sttt ats s eas se e teasasbesaasaens sesesaasternsntesnssesseestssnseseress ReEMOVAI MEthods ..ocueeiieee ettt et s et et e s m e e e s s essese e tessersens satesensasesasnnas Disassembly Facility .o et st ns e e st saa b s bans s et eaans REMOV AL oottt ettt eere et vee e teae s e e s tat e e seesas s e e e e sanaee sesssnea e sesassaseasasnssss seantsnsssassassnsasassorsnssssrnnnsns Philosophy and General Plan for Removal ......ccooveiiiinininceiiececnnin et csresses s esnssssssssssssnens RAIOGCHIVITY ittt et ettt b sate s bs e e e bt esbeeseesabeeaeaesssessaeabasabesabessaesneeensennsaenesantenstesnsaensas Access into the 7503 Cell .. e ettt e e et a st s e s e s e et a e s e e e ennennas Severing the Reactor for REMoval ..ottt sttt et ere s b eaaateeae W NArawal OF the Re GO Or woooveiieeecciie i e eeeeteeseeeeteteeesases e asesaassasesaeeaeasansasesssssasnsesssssssusssssansnnnsussaseeesssnsas DISASSEMBLY ..ottt ittt et et e et et be bbb a e s ee bt ebabesttats b ebe st emeab b et abebesbeseas shesenbere e eteasebebeseaseabarane Disassembly in the Hot Cell ..ottt sr e et s et bs s beas b b erebas s et s bessans Hot Cell EQUIpMent Criteria oot ettt es s etsaei bt et ass s st s e s bseseben b esemeaeensebsetersessssa s CUtING MEhod S oottt ettt e et e e e b se e e besbesaeeaesabetesssbaansen Methods of MeasSUIEMENT .. ...cieeeieerteieeee ettt tete et et et et ere e he et e ae e e et s esns serseemteaantesaas e eaes seeseebeeas SPECIAL STUDIES oiioteiiiietetetteeteissee e seesetes s ete st ssasseses bbb ssansanessesasesbusssssessestasnsesessesentsasesesssessensesnsns ShiElding StUIES eeveei ittt e et e st e seas e e s et s nt e sn e en e et g st e s e s s e neeenes Decontamination of Pressure Vessel, Hot Cell, and Tools ...coovooeieiniinieien e Size Distribution of Waste Particles from Severance Techniques .....ccoooeiverivimiiniicnncni i Disposal of Radioactive Materials ....c.coevieirnenriceiini ettt ne s sae s Facility Mockup for Cold Testing... oo iriconieceioniite ettt s e Underwater Disassembly STUAY .o et s s seares et ses seeseaseseseaens crasaesensseses F A G L T Y et et ees et st e b e s e s e en e e sa e s et £ e anae e e aeneeeeare e s renae st sae e b Consideration of 7503 Facility vttt e s s Consideration of Other Arrangements.........ccvevirriieneeiiien ittt bbb Proposed Facility oo e e e St INVESH GATIONS 1ouieiiiiiiieriseeesse sttt ettt e sene seme et sae bt s st b ae st s aes e sr e a bbb bbb ea bbb nes Scale Model of Large Hot Cell .ottt e e . SCHEDULE AND COST ESTIMATE .....ccccvves et eeeeee e et e et et eeehae e e e e ah e e e tee et eaas e e b as et s b sne e s resenneaan SR AULE e et e e e e e e eae e e aaeeetan——————meennaesee b eetoetnneetesutestatnesstutentrasreraatsaastrntasaeraarnras OSt E S imM@t® ovovvveeieirerererssuseeessenereaessesanaeseseaneaeenressbesaassesaesssssssusssssssatasnssessanssnsssasssssssnensnssssrassntssnsessrararsnsons ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -ttt sttt sttt st e sh bbb e st sh e ber e s e snsans e e snes APPENDICES COMPILATION OF REQUIRED ART SAMPLES, MEASUREMENTS, AND EXAMINATIONS .ottt sttt s ae s b s be e va s b e bR b sh e ek s s b ek e e s be st e s e banaeba e sara s . OUTLINE OF ART DISASSEMBLY PROBLEMS ..ot RDHC HOT CELL EQUIPMENT oottt ittt sa e s sas e s e sas s be s sasi e s . ABRASIVE GRINDING INVESTIGATIONS .coiiiciiiericititinins ettt b s sre s s HELIARC TORCH CUTTING oottt sns s s as s eas sasens s e sab s et ULTRASONIC CUTTING (ALSO CALLED MAGNETOSTRICTION)....coomiiiiitiniit e G, ELOX CUTTING . ettt sttt st sr e bbb bbb ettt e b e s b e s bbb bt s b assaesbeaneb b see s 76 H. A COMPARATIVE CONTOUR MEASURING SYSTEM...cciiviiiiimirice ettt s 78 . FLAME SPRAYED REPLICAS. ..ottt sttt ssebe sttt st st s s s s b b 80 J. SPRAYING OF GYPSUM CEMENT .ottt s eriinssss et snes e s s 81 K. CAST GYPSUM CEMENT REPLICAS ..ot s 82 L. OPTICAL MEASUREMENTS THROUGH HOT CELL WINDOWS (ZINC BROMIDE)...ccoccvevemeueieierine. 84 M. OPTICAL MEASUREMENTS THROUGH HOT CELL WINDOWS (EARLY DESIGN LEAD GLASS) ittt sttt svsn et s e sassarrbsn s sb et a e 86 N. OPTICAL MEASUREMENTS THROUGH HOT CELL WINDOWS (CURRENT DESIGN LEAD GLASS) oottt st sresaeas sasissnsnsssansnsestevsess s s se s 88 0. ART DISASSEMBLY CELL (ADC) FACILITY CRITERIA .o s, 91 P. SITE INVESTIGATIONS — REACTOR ENGINEERING HOT CELL A L T IES ettt e s et ee e e et e s et sae e s e st e nebecnebesat sete sarateenen 116 ABSTRACT A study of a high-level-activity hot cell for the major dissection of the ART was made. Such dissection was necessary to obtain metallurgical and design data on which future high-performance reactors might be based, The study included severing ond removing the reactor from the test cell after operation, o procedure for a component removeal sequence, and a proposed disessembly build- ing facility. Evaluations of handling, measuring, and cutting techniques for remote work are presented. Al- though these are based on limited experimenta!l work, progress is edequate to indicate their poten- tial value for any high-level reactors which must be hondled ofter irradiation. In many cases details of the work in the form of the original report have been included in the Appendix. With the termination of the ART project in September 1957, the draft for what was to have been a status report was revised to become this termination report. Thus, the plans ond experimental work are recorded for those who may find the information useful on similar problems. ART REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY 1. INTRODUCTION The major effort of the ANP program at ORNL was directed toward the construction and operation of a reactor known as the Aircraft Reactor Test (ART). It was expected that much information would be de- rived during the scheduled 1000-hr test period. However, there were many items which could not be learned except by disassembly and careful analysis of the reactor itself after the completion of the oper- ating period. With the recent decision not to com- plete and operate the reactor, actual performance and test data will not be available, but the detailed planning carried out for the disassembly of this re- actor should provide a sound basis for any com- parable reactor. Because of the unusual performance requirements, the ART was to operate with power densities many times higher than had heretofore been obtained. Weight limitations for aircraft reactors require a highly refined design in which many of the parts may undergo plastic deformation during operation. While predictions of the conditions of the ART re- actor parts have been made, based upon careful analysis of a long series of experiments on a smaller scale, it is not possible to duplicate all of the operating conditions simultaneously prior to running the reactor. Thus it was extremely im- portant that a fairly complete disassembly and post- mortem examination be conducted on the reactor to determine how well it withstood the test conditions. Therefore, the disassembly, inspection, and precise measurement of the parts, coupled with complete metallographic examinations, were to be a vital phase of the over-all experiment. It was recognized from the inception of the ART project that disassembly of the reactor would be re- quired. However, it had been believed that the ART reactor pit and the hot fuel dump tank pit, plus the surrounding area in Building 7503, would be ade- quate and available for the ART reactor as it was for the ARE disassembly.] Accordingly, this phase of the project work was not pursued immediately, as an all-out effort was needed to get the ART reactor components into the production stage and to modify and prepare the 7503 building so that it would be 1. E. Crabtree, Disassembly of the Aircraft Reactor Experiment, ORNL CF-57-3-56 (Apr. 5, 1957). suitable for the ART test. Sufficient progress was made in both of these phases to show clearly that disassembly of the ART reactor would have been a very difficult operation and that the existing ARE pits in Building 7503 were grossly inadequate. In extrapolating experience gained in the disas- sembly of the ARE, the differences in proposed power level and operating time for the ART were taken into account. The ARE was operated for a total of 100 Mwhr, whereas the ART was scheduled to operate for a total of 30,000 Mwhr. This increase by a factor of 300 in the total irradiation of the re- actor components meant vastly increased difficulty in disassembly. Since the bulk of the radioactivity 100 days or more after shutdown would be from long- fived isotopes, the radioactivity would be directly proportional to the number of megawatt-hours that the reactor was operated. Whereas disassembly of the ARE was possible in the Building 7503 pits by using improvised methods and ‘‘long-handled tools"”’ from above with roof plugs removed (see Fig. 1), the operation was marginal and certainly could not have been repeated for disassembly of a reactor having a radiation level 300 times greater. Both the shield- ing and dusting problems would have made it pro- hibitive. The ARE reactor was a relatively simple piece of equipment, consisting of six sets of parallel-flow pipe runs, each formed into a serpentine shape with a series of U-bends arranged with headers at either end, surrounded by the solid moderator and all con- tained within a welded tank. Disassembly of this unit was accomplished by removing the end plates and pipe header manifolds, cutting the U-bends from one end, and pulling all remaining pipe from the re- actor container. However, the ART reactor (Fig. 2) is a complex piece of machinery which is best de- scribed as a multilayer pressure vessel because of its multiplicity of precision-made shells, or casings, which either direct the flow of the fuel or encase such components as the reflector-moderator, the boron carbide shield, and the several sodium pas- sages required for internal cooling. Atop the reactor is the north head, consisting of a series of pre- cision-built labyrinth-type channels. Heat ex- changers built to close-tolerance specifications were to be located within the fuel-channel layers of the vessel and within the north head. Because of the numerous precision-built parts in this reactor, it UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 14205 @ d ] " | A - # 1y U II‘ I el Y e R S oS Fig. 1. Disassembly of the ARE. Main fuel pump being lifted from cell. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 16041 FUEL PUMP CONTROL ROD . . . Na EXPANSION TANK . NoK FUEL EXPANSION TANK.._ Na-TO-NoK HEAT EXCHANGER - _ = LJ : z 3 HEAT EXCHANGER 2 ASSEMBLY - —~PRESSURE SO SHELL REFLECTOR 7> N ASSEMBLY . _ J|FUEL TURN T VANES ~, N ., ~, DN THERMOCOUPLE JINSTALLATION - v NN \‘\\\k S SRR TILE LAYER -~ |} ~ ~ S ~ BERYLLIUM ™/ - REFLECTOR— /"~ “ MODERATOR .|~ A e ~FUEL-TO-NoK HEAT EXCHANGER SPHERICAL B,C TILE LAYER . THERMOCOUPLE SLEEVE -~ FILLER PLATES FUEL DRAIN-— Fig. 2. Cross Section of the ART Reactor. was known that both the assembly process and the disassembly operation would be difficult and te- dious. Since the ARE reactor was essentially a plumbing system, the principal types of information sought by disassembly were those obtainable from chemical and metallurgical studies. Since the unit was rela- tively simple and operated at very low stress levels, there was no need for accurate physical measure- ments to determine dimensional changes resulting from its operation. However, the ART reactor is de- signed very closely; in fact many parts were ex- pected to deform no more than 0.2% during the start- up and off-design-point operations. Many non- nuclear tests, such as the ETU, were planned to prove the design insofar as possible, but without nuclear heat the actual temperature distribution can- not be exactly duplicated. Therefore precise physical measurements were to be taken after oper- ation to confirm many of the decisions made during the design, assembly, and operation of the machine. For these reasons, the requirements for postoper- ation measurements and samples for chemical and metallurgical studies were numerous. Accordingly, approximately a year ago a concerted effort by the ANP Project was started to examine the problems of ART reactor removal and disas- sembly. Although the experience gained from the ARE disassembly was available, the fact remains that neither the Oak Ridge National Laboratory nor any other USAEC installation has performed a thorough dissection of a radioactive reactor to obtain information such as that required for the ART. Therefore the objective of developing a program for safe removal and disassembly of the ART con- stituted something of a pioneering effort in a new field. Significant progress was made; however, much of the work is preliminary. Even so, it was deemed advisable to bring together in one report the results of work accomplished. This is a termination report designed to present the plans, methods, and information as tentatively developed. Not only has preparation of the report provided the authors another opportunity to evaluate the numerous facets of the program, but its study by reviewers should stimulate development of program improve- ments and application of this information to other reactor studies. The authors, therefore, solicit com- ments and suggestions from readers. - In general, the investigations have been divided into the following categories: 1. Removal: disengagement, withdrawal, and transportation of the radioactive reactor and com- ponents from the Building 7503 operations cell to the disassembly hot cell 2. Disassembly: dismantling of the radioactive reactor and components in a hot cell plus obtaining the required postoperation specimens and infor- mation 3. Special studies: shielding studies, particle size distribution, cutting methods evaluations, sealing systems, replication and measuring tech- niques, and scale models 4. Hot cell facility: the physical plant, including dismantling hot cell, service and maintenance hot cell, hot storage, and basic equipment as required for the disassembly operations - Before the detailed discussions under the above headings, a discussion of criteria has been included to make the program objectives more definitive. For completeness, a brief review of tentative schedules and budget considerations is presented at the end of the report. A considerable portion of the material has been included in the Appendix in order to permit presentation of the information in detail without dis- turbing the continuity of the report. While the development of handling methods, meas- urement techniques, and cutting processes has been directed toward a specific reactor, namely, the ART, it is believed that many of the features are appli- cable to the dismantling of other large reactors. Certainly the basic schemes may be adapted to other disassembly situations. Experience has in- dicated that each new advance in technology re- quires a corresponding advance in its associated facilities. Thus, the highly radioactive reactor equipment requires specialized methods capable of safely handling the physical units. The necessity . for working through remote devices increases the difficulties by a large factor. |t is realized that practically all new reactors will be faced with similar problems, and any solutions which are de- veloped during this work should find application in reactors which follow. 2. OBJECTIYES AND CRITERIA Information Required The major types of information required from dis- assembly of the ART were: 1. information and dimensional data on the effects that power operation of the reactor has upon the structural stability, distortion, warping, crack- ing, and local behavior in the vicinity of welds, brazed joints, ete., of all major reactor compo- nents; 2. chemical analyses of samples of the reactor parts to determine whether significant reactions occurred during operation; 3. metallurgical study of specimens from each region and each major part of the reactor to as- certain the extent of plating-out of fission products, if any occurred, and to determine what changes were brought about by the unique oper- ation of radiation, temperature, fuel circulating velocities, pressure, and corrosion; 4. material studies to ascertain the compatibility of beryllium and Inconel, the integrity of a boron carbide shield layer and its cladding, and the effects of radiation damage on various metals, particularly those associated with the boron carbide layer; 3. in the event of a failure of any part during oper- ation, study of the exact conditions at the point of failure. The first step after the formation of the ART Dis- assembly Group was to establish in precise termi- nology exactly what was required from the disas- sembly that would satisfy the above general require- ments.? A compilation of the resulting details can be seen in Appendix A. A study of the ‘‘before’’ and “‘after’’ measurements required for creep defor- mation revealed that simpler methods of getting this data could be devised, as will be explained later. Problems Considered Accordingly, steps were taken to identify all problems and circumstances which would exist or might arise that would have a definite bearing on the disassembly operations. Therefore, in an effort to establish an early set of design criteria, a report entitled Outline of ART Disassembly Problems was prepared and discussed with all parties who were to 2L. W. Love, Meeting on Measurements Related to ART Disassembly, ORNL CF-57-4-31 (Apr. 12, 1957). be concerned with this project. This report is pre- sented herein as Appendix B. At this stage it was recognized that the ART Dis- assembly Group could progress faster if the group could review its work and problems frequently with Project management as well as others concerned. Accordingly, a “‘Disassembly Planning Meeting'’ was organized on a semiformal basis. In the weekly meetings during late 1956, considerable assistance was obtained through the establishment of several important criteria, particularly those dealing with the conditions for which shielding, ventilation, and accessibility are vital. Minutes of these meetings are available in the Project records; however, all technical data have been included in this report in the appropriate places. Another major step in the establishment of criteria was a series of studies of the postpower operations and shutdown procedures for the ART. From these, determinations were made of likely starting con- ditions for removal and disassembly of each com- ponent. A. P. Fraas® prepared the first report on a general basis at the outset of the disassembly pro- gram; W. B. Cottrell4 reviewed the problems in detail late in 1956. Off.Gas Leakage In connection with shielding requirements, a de- cision was made to establish an arbitrary, though realistic, radiation source of a certain intensity that could be used for calculations. Accordingly, an as- sumption was made that during the operation of the ART there would occur from the reactor inside the pressure vessel an ‘‘off-gas’’ leakage of 1%. This value is considered to be an abnormal one with ref- erence to a successful and normal operation by the ART, but it is believed that the use of this figure is conservative and also provides a safety factor ex- cept in the case of a major reactor failure. Activity levels have been calculated for normal reactor oper- ations and have been reported.® Removal Methods The exact method of removing the ART from the pressure vessel was not determined; however, five 3A. P. Fraas, Disassembly of the ART, ART Design %V\emc)) No. 2-A-1, ORNL CF-DM-55-1-104, vol 1 (Aug. 8, 956 . 4w. B. Cottrell, ART Disassembly Operating Proce- dures, ORNL CF-56-12-131 (Dec. 27, 1956). SA. P. Fraas and A. W, Savolainen, Design Report on the Aircraft Reactor Test, ORNL-2095 (Dec. 7, 1956). methods or basic types of equipment were analyzed. The final selection of one of these methods would have established most of the design criteria asso- ciated with the ART removal phase of this program. The five principal methods considered were: 1. radisphere, flat top or floating floor, remote C-crane, rigid polar, . swinging polar. S SEANN Studies indicated that either the floating floor or the remote C-crane was likely to be the most practical method, with the final selection to be made on the basis of existing activity level, accessi- bility, and cost. Disassembly Facility With regard to the large hot cell facility, design criteria were established in rough draft form as pro- posed for submittal to an architect-engineer. The architect-engineer, in turn, was to prepare the de- tailed engineering and construction drawings for the facility. In addition to the problems associated with space, equipment, maintenance, and basic design of the large hot cell, two problems that were of par- ticular concern were contamination and personne! shielding. The air-borne radicactivity would require adequate filtering systems and a negative air pres- sure within the cell in order to keep the operating area low in activity. Complete circulating, filtering, and disposal systems were required for all working solutions, such as cutting fluids, decontaminants, and wash solutions. Personnel shielding was to be provided by 4'/2-ft-fhick barytes concrete walls and shielded viewing windows. 3. REMOVAL Upon completion of operation of the ART it was planned? that, while the pressure vessel of the 7503 cell was still closed, all the process fluids would be transferred to their respective removal containers. The fuel system was to be rinsed, the NaK was to be removed, and the sodium was to be drained from all parts of the reactor except the contro! rod. All these operations were to be performed by remote control. After sufficient time for decay of activity in the fuel, the cell (Fig. 3) was to be unsealed and cautiously opened. At this stage the program for disassembly of the ART was to begin. Philosophy and General Plan for Removal While successful removal, transport, and disas- sembly of the ART were to be dependent upon the radioactivity level of the fuel and equipment, it must be recognized that the possible activity level could have been anywhere from very low to very high. The former represented the case wherein operational difficulties occurred shortly after nu- clear operations began, while the latter represented the extreme case of a near catastrophe, in which efforts to recover the equipment could yet have been justified, The normal case was to be that in which the reactor was successfully operated for 500 hr at 60 Mw without leaks from the off-gas, fuel, NaK, or sodium systems, and consequently all activity in the cell would have been successfully contained. However, for the design case, criteria were assumed that would represent a situation somewhere between the normal and subcatastrophe cases. The two basic situations recognized as causes for trouble- - some activity were leaks from the off-gas system and accidents where fuel would get outside the con- tainers and shields. Either case would require both - means for controlling or reducing contamination, and shielding protection for man entry into the cell. Arbitrarily, it was established that removal design criteria would not go beyond the case of off-gas system leaks. Improvised measures would be em- ployed for worse situations. To avoid the possibility of contaminated lines at the manhole and to ensure an early transfer of fuel to the recovery tank, it was planned to relocate the control panel for the fuel transfer from the temporary location on the main floor to the auxiliary equipment room panel. Also, to eliminate the need for vacuum distillation of sodium from the reactor, plans were to permit the sodium in the control rod to freeze. It was to be removed subsequently from the reactor in the disassembly hot cell. To reduce the quantity of sodium within the com- ponents, the reactor shell sodium and moderator sodium were to be drained through separate lines to - a common line having a bismuth valve and then through the 7503 cell wall to a drain tank in the radiator pit, It was recognized that residual sodium would remain in pockets within the reactor. Because of the possible contamination on all sur- faces within the cell, it was proposed to wash these many surfaces down with a portable deluge shower head. To remove the waste water and to simplify drainage of the water from shield systems, it was UNCL ASSIFIED r S PHOTO 28275 Fig. 3. Model of the ART. The reactor is shown in the operating cell prior to removal. planned to install a sump pump that could transfer water to a safe drainage system. To facilitate removal of components with remote equipment, it was proposed that every line that had to be cut should have an accessible horizontal sec- tion of pipe. The only exception to this was the fuel drain line. For this, it was first proposed to preinstall a severance device; however, later it was planned to use a portable one. Wherever gas leak- age from severed pipes appeared likely, a sealing device such as the ‘'sealant injector’’ was to be used, In order to reduce spread of contamination in the building, it was planned to provide a containment can into which the fuel recovery tank could be drawn for the transfer. The can was to be equipped with a blower and filters to promote convection cooling of the tank. For removal and transportation of the hot reactor, it was proposed to drain the reactor water shield, lift and carry it through the 7503 building with the remotely controlled 30-ton building crane, and mount it on a heavy-duty low-boy trailer. If deemed neces- sary, the reactor water shield would be refilled for the trip to the disassembly hot cell. Radioactivity A compilation of postoperation dose rates as pre- dicted for the ART is presented in Table 1, Pursuant to the decision that shielding design criteria would be based on the off-gas system leak Table 1. Predicted Dose Rates for ART Reactor* 100 days aofter shutdown Based on operation for 500 hr at 60 Mw Dose Rate at No. Case Shield Surface (r/ hr) 1 Undrained reactor, 100% of fuel, 6500 no water, and no lead shield 2 2% of fuel, no water shield, and 750 no lead shield 3 2% of fuel, no water shield, but 0.4 with lead shield 4 2% of fuel, water in shield, and 3.5 x 10~3 lead shield *D. E. Guss, ANP Quar. Prog. Rep. Dec, 31, 1956, ORNL-2221, p 85; A, A, Abbatiello, Dose Rates for ART Reactor, ORNL CF-57-7-91 (July 25, 1957). case, calculations for gamma dose rates and amounts of beta activity were performed by D, E. Guss of the Solid State Division, It was assumed that: 1. during the entire operation period 1% of the off- gas somehow leaked from the off-gas plumbing system into the 7503 cell, 2, the gaseous fission products which escaped plated out on the simple geometrical surface of a 12-ft-radius sphere, 3. the computed dose rate would be based on the gamma activity of the daughters of these fission products at 10 days after shutdown following 500 hr of continuous operation at 60 Mw. For this case the gamma dose rate through a 1-in. lead shield would be 6 r/hr. The most serious of- fender in dose would be La'4? with l]/z-Mev gamma- ray energy. Since it is the decay product of 12.8- day Ba'40 and has a 40-hr half life itself, the dose rate should fall fairly fast to the next dose-rate level as the La'4% decays. This new level is a - dose rate of 600 mr/hr through a 1-in. lead shield approximately 40 days following the shutdown. The amount of beta activity in the cell 10 days - after shutdown was calculated to be as follows: Half Life Curies 13 days 710 20 days 1387 28 years 13 Total 2110 Most of these betas are of 1',-Mev energy and have a maximum range of 18 ft in air. This amount of activity would require appropriate protection for personnel in the vicinity of the open manhole. Since approximately ¥ cm of Lucite should be sufficient to stop betas at the manhole location, it was recog- nized that the gamma dose through the cell top fol- lowing such an off-gas leak might well be the more serious problem, It would exist immediately upon lowering of the annulus water level. Access into the 7503 Cell ) Five methods were considered for providing ac- cess and for performing the removal from the pres- . sure cell, These methods are described below and are compared in detail in Table 2, 1. Radisphere. — This device is a shielded per- sonnel container with windows and with articulated cutting tools mounted externally. The operator and all controls are inside the container, which is at- tached to the pressure cell crane hook. Precautions Table 2. Comparison of Pressure Cell Guillotine Handling Systems* Factor Relative . o Contamination Failure ) Device Cost Safety Maneuverability Viewing Spread Consequence Advantage Disadvantage Radisphere 1(10) Bad (0) Fair to bad Good direct; Some (5) Large (0) QOperater can Failure of motors (55) (10) good TV approach work or controls locks (30) operator in radia- tion field Floating floor 1.25 (8) Good (20) Good (20) Fair direct; Little (8) Small (10) Good air control, Requires maximum 91) good TV visibility, cell opening at an (25) shielding, and early date control Remote C- 0.5 (20) Fair to good Fair to bad Poor direct; Some (5) Small (10) Goed air control Large inertial forces crane (80) (15) (10) good TV and shielding will make exact (20) placement difficult Rigid polar 1 (10) Good (20) Fair to good Poor direct; Some (5) Large (5) Good air control, Long stroke of (75) (15) good TV shielding, and cylinder (7 ft) (20) control would complicate design Swinging polar 0.75 (13) Good (20) Goed (20) Poor direct; Little (8) Large (5) Good air control, lInertia of tool would (86) good TV (20) shielding, con- trol, and sim- plicity require care in operation *Numbers in parentheses ore arbitrary rating factors. taken in the design of this tool should include dual controls for the crane (internal and external), radi- ation monitoring equipment, communication equip- ment, and an external source of breathing air. 2, Floating Floor. = This device consists of a ring-shaped float on which a circular floor is placed, The circular floor contains a rotating disk which has a slot across the diameter. A vertical tube, which carries the shear, operates through the slot in the floor. The shear can be manipulated to any point in the cell by a combination of rotary and linear travels. Shielding is provided on the floor and is limited only by the buoyancy of the float. The device is locked at any point by flooding the float tank and letting the floor rest on the pressure cell edge. 3. Remote C-Crane. — The tool used in this tech- nique is a large horseshoe made of large-diameter pipe. One end of the horseshoe is suspended from the 30-ton crane, and the other end is snaked through the manhole. The in-cell end of the tool has a shear attached to it which is moved by a combination of the crane movements and fulcrum location. 4. Rigid Polar. — This method makes use of the pressure cell crane bridge, to which is attached a trolley containing a vertical telescoping member that carries the shear. The telescoping member would have to have a long travel, 8 to 10 ft, which may not be practical. 5. Swinging Polar. = In this system the hydraulic shear is suspended from the hook of the pressure cell crane and is placed in position by crane move- ments. A rotation at the hook would have to be added to the existing equipment; in addition, it would be necessary to motorize the trolley and to provide external crane controls. Of the systems described, the floating floor and the remote C-crane appear the most attractive. Final selection was deferred for completion of de- sign studies. The floating floor method offered direct visual observation through shield-type win- dows placed in the floor, while the remote C-crane would depend upon properly located television cameras for directing and observing the work. Since televiewing for removal was considered promising by some, in a preliminary test with one camerq, it is believed that a satisfactory job could be done in the cell with three cameras of types that are com- mercially available. One would be suspended from the outside edge of the manhole, pointing in the general direction of the reactor. It would have re- mote plane, tilt, focus, and lens change, and would 10 watch the over-all operation, Two fixed-lens cam- eras would travel with the remotely operated tool carrier and follow the progress of the operation. One would be mounted on the carrier so as to look down on the tool; the other would be mounted on the tool itself so as to look horizontally at the work. Severing the Reactor for Removal Choice of methods for severing the reactor free of its numerous connections was based on the follow- ing factors: 1. It must sever the connections effectively. 2. It must cause a minimum of contamination. 3. It must require a minimum of time to do the work. 4, It must lend itself to remote operation. 5. It must require a minimum of maintenance. 6. It must be priced within economic justification. An evaluation study was made to determine which cutting method most nearly approached the ideal, as well as to determine which facets of the ideal must be relaxed to achieve the desired end result. For removal from the cell, shearing of pipes, wires, and instrument lines appeared most desirable because of the minimal activity spread and the partial closure effected when the cut was made. Accordingly, it was decided that severing of large diameter pipe (3]/2-in.-|D sched-40 Inconel) in the pressure cell should be done with a hydraulic guillotine-type cutter (Fig. 4). The shear has been designed and built, and tests have demonstrated that it will cut 4-in. pipe satisfactorily.® It is hydraulically oper- ated and is manipulated by the crane. The hydrau- lic controls provide rotational motion, so that the tool can be adjusted to the proper cutting angle for the pipe. Small pipes (3/8-in.-|D sched-40 Inconel) would be cut with a "*hook-shear."”” This device, which would be smaller for use in close quarters, has yet to be designed and tested. A logging-type saw which could be fitted with a band filer has also been considered for this service. Test work would be required for an evaluation of this tool. A special problem was encountered where the fuel drain line connects the reactor and the dump tank. It was planned to use the large hydraulic shear, mounted in the horizontal position, for this cut. A cartridge-actuated sealant injector (Fig. 5) was SA. A. Abbatiello, Remote Shearing, ORNL CF-58-11-7 (Nov. 5, 1958), UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 31563 Fig. 4. Hydraulic Shear for 4-in. Pipe. 11 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 35467 TWO CONCENTRIC PIPES '\ GUARD ADAPTER RING "DRIVE-IT 410" OR EQUAL STUD GUN NEW BARREL COLLAR WITH BALL DETENT "HYP0 NEEDLE HOLLOW TUBE TO SEALANT SUPPLY TO CPERATE 1., PLACE ADAPTER RING OVER GUN MUZZLE . 2. SET "HYPONEEDLE" IN BARREL TO GAGE DEPTH. . 3. PLACE CHARGE iN BREECH AND LOCK. 4. HOLD STUD GUN FIRMLY AGAINST SURFACE TO BE PIERCED AND RELEASE TRIGGER. Fig. 5. Cartridge-Actuated Sealant Injector for Pipes Containing Radioactive Materials. 12 designed’ for sealing the activity within this pipe before it was severed. Figure 6 shows a cross section of two concentric pipes into which injection- type pins were driven with a stud gun in a prelimi- nary test for the purpose of determining the proper propelling force for adequate penetration. As indi- cated in Fig. 5, the concentric pipes would be crimped prior to injection of the sealant, After the inner pipe was sealed, the two pipes would then be severed by means of the guillotine cutter. The same general scheme, except for different pipe sizes, would be used for the snow-trap vent lines. Although development work on this device is incom- plete, it is believed that this method of sealing would have prevented the spread of activity from the severed ends of pipes. ?A. A. Abbatiello, Cartridge Actuated Sealant Injector for Radioactive Pipes, ORNL CF-57-5-59 (May 21, 1957). l!]fllll Ilr'fTIl l'l'!'lll 0 1 2 INCHES The tool maintenance problems for the severance devices were expected to vary with the extractability of the tool system. Dropping of cut lines was con- sidered as probably acceptable but somewhat un- desirable, Schemes for eliminating this exist, so it was not considered a serious problem. Withdrawal of the Reactor The possibility of the reactor wedging on the sup- port columns was considered. |t was recognized that for this possible problem, as well as other un- scheduled difficulties, a foolproof removal tool such as an extended cutting torch would have to be available as a contingency tool. Whatever the re- moval scheme is, special attention would be re- quired for releasing the reactor stop device. When all severing of reactor connections was com- plete, it was planned to lift the reactor by means of UNCLASSIFIED FHOTO 28724 Fig. 6. Two Concentric Pipes Pierced with Hollow Sealant Injector Needles by Using Stud Gun. 13 a bail carried by the building crane. This bail was designed to engage the lifting pins on the support structure with only visual observation from above. If activity levels permitted, the crane operator would work from the crane cab; otherwise, a remote control cable would be necessary, The crane was to lift the reactor and carry it to the front of the building, where it would be placed on the low-boy carrier. Since the capacity of the building crane is fimited, it was intended to drain the water jacket for this phase, and then replace the water in the jacket for the additional shielding it would provide during transit. Adequate dust covers to prevent the spread of activity would be applied, and the unit would then be towed to the hot cell. Suitable shielding was to be placed between the reactor and the operator during transit. 4, DISASSEMBLY Upon arrival of the reactor at the Reactor Dis- assembly Hot Cell (RDHC), it was to be positioned in the unloading area under the extended rails for the hot cell bridge crane. After the water shield was drained to reduce weight, the reactor was then to be transferred into the cell. At this stage dis- section operations were to begin, The program was to make visual observations, take physical measurements, make replications, take photographs, and remove original specimens as the reactor was dismantled in a carefully planned sequence. Pieces removed were to be decontami- nated and conveyed to hot storage for subsequent dissection and examination or for disposal. It was planned that operations performed in the large hot cell would be limited to large units, while work on the smaller items would be done in specially equipped small cells.® A component disassembly method (the approxi- mate reverse of the assembly order) was planned to provide the best accessibility, as well as to yield the required specimens with minimum distortion. Disassembly in the Hot Cell A detailed set of operation planning sheets forms the nucleus of the disassembly procedure. These 8Hz’gb-.Raa’iatz'on-Leve.e' Examination Laboratory. Part [ grel]imsim)zry Proposal No. 243, ORNL CF-57-5-105 (May 3, 1957). 14 sheets cover a step-by-step analysis of each oper- ation required to disassemble the ART and are ar- " ranged in a sequence that specifies the cutting operations, the samples to be obtained, the measure- ments or observations to be taken, and the tools re- quired. They also include views of the reactor at various stages of disassembly, so that the reader can visualize the operations more easily. |t starts with the arrival of the ART aboard a low-boy at the main entrance doors of the large hot cell. For the convenience of the reader in understanding the procedures which follow, a series of sketches has been included, Figure 2 shows the reactor in cross section. Figures 7—9 show the reactor at various stages of disassembly, and Fig. 10 is a typical page from the eighty-odd operation sheets that were developed for the sequential disassembly work. By means of the 30-ton hot cell overhead crane, the support structure with the reactor attached is - picked up from the low-boy and transported into the disassembly section of the hot cell, where it is suspended from wall brackets. The water shield - sections are removed, and the lower NaK manifolds and the fuel dump lines are severed with a hydraulic shear. The purpose of this operation is to permit removal of the south lead shield and to permit at- tachment of machining fixtures. The south lead and equatorial lead shield sections are then removed. The reactor is then moved into the turntable area of the hot cell, where final machining and trimming of the south NaK manifolds, the fuel dump lines, thermocouple stubs, and any other projections on the bottom of the reactor are performed. Next to be re- moved is the snow trap, which is suspended from the support structure. It is followed by the fuel pumps and sodium pumps, which are removed from the reactor as individual units, By raising the turntable, the reactor load is transferred from the support structure to the turntable, and the support structure is then removed from the reactor. At this point the reactor is securely attached to the turn- . table on a special mounting fixture which readily permits positioning and alignment of the reactor, In order to remove the north lead, the north NaK manifolds are then severed and trimmed. Next, the four pump barrels are cut off as close as possible to Shell VIl by using a tool similar to an internal boring bar. The control rod is severed near Shell VI, and all other projecting elements from the north head are machined away to give maximum UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 20286A V“@N L i 2 (o) () T [ ] : . -~ g - s v Fig. 7. Preparatory Steps for Disassembly of the ART in the Hot Cell. (a) Remove water jacket, (4) Remove lead shield. (c) Trim off NoK headers. (4) Remove snow trap. structure. (e) Place reactor on turntable and remove support 15 Step 1 a, Trim NaK lines b. Remove pump barrels | + Step 4 a. Cut Shell VI just below girth weld b. Remove Shell VI, north head, heat exchanger, and reflector- moderator subassembly Step 7 a. Remove north islond beryllium b. Cut lower holf of Shell 1 verti- cally and at bottom c. Remove lower half of Shell Step 2 a, Trim off thermocouple stubs b, Remove sodium expansion tank dome ¢. Remove control rod thimble d. Free Shell Vi from fuel pump barrel adapter e, Drill thermocouples and tubes to free Shell V1I f. Drill three holes through to Shell IV to establish reference points g. Cut Shell VI below girth weld h. Remove upper halt of Shell VIl Step 5 a. Cut Shell VI around circumfer- ence at blowout patch leval b. Remove upper portion of lower half of Shell VI c. Remove thermocouple frombottom of island Step 8 a. Invert subassembly b. Drill out sodium drain tube c. Remove section of Shell VII with sleeve intact d. Counterbore thread on island tis-down rod e. Remove Shell Vii, filler plates, Shell V1, and Cu-B4C disk under island UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG. 44400 Step 3 a, Remove upper portion of lower half of Shell Vi1 b. Remove fuel chamber top Step 6 Step 9 a. Clear turntable b, Return Shell VI, north head, heat exchanger, and reflector- moderator subassembly to turn- table Fig. 8. Major Steps for Disassembly of the ART. Steps 1-9. 16 Step 9A a, b. Ste, ad. b. St a. b. Drill out pins which join heat exchanger channels to Shell Vi Affix retention band about girth of hect exchangers Cut weld joining lower deck to Shell V| Remove Shell VI north {with Shell V and tiles) p 12 Invert remeaining assembly Cut Shell 1V north at north end and at equator, then make two vertical cuts digmetrically oppo- site each other on north portion Remove all segments of Shell |V ep 15 Invert to upright position Sever Shell |1 4 in. south of north end Drill access holes through load ring aond drill out locks and screws attaching beryllium to load ring Remove strut ring and Shell (11 upper UNCL ASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG. 35469 HEE] Step 10 a, Cut beryllium suspension tube {sodium return outer wall) b. Lift off north head Step 11 a. Remove heat exchangers Step 13 Step 14 a, Remove equatorial tiles a, Make equatorial cut in Shell 11§ and one specific tile b. Sever Shell Il south from Shell Il c. Remove Shell I1l south a®® ael MTEagar o S gy ENTRAL HIGH - RADIATION ~ LEVEL EXAMINATION LABORATORY BUILDING 3525 PLOT PLAN PLOT PLAN 00 %0 © 100 200 300 400 500 [ 4 ) ' ‘ y HIGH-RADIATION - LEVEL EXAMINATION LABORATORY SCALE IN FEET BUILDING 3525 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY C-28494 NOT CLASSIFIED DRAWING A Fig. 22. Plot Plan for Proposed Reactor Disassembly Hot Cell. Scale Model of Large Hot Cell niques envisioned. It is believed that it will aid A model of the hot cell (Figs. 23—-25) has been in the further development of such items as hot cell constructed to a scale of 1in. = 1 ft. In order to design criteria, operational sequences, handling visualize more clearly in three dimensions the fixtures, tools, and equipment. It was expected that handling and cutting problems associated with the the completed model, together with the operation - ART disassembly, sufficient detail has been pro- manual, would aid in dissemination of information vided to permit a realistic approach to the tech- and in hot cell operator instruction. 38 UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 29864 Fig. 23. Scale Model of Proposed Reactor Disassembly Hot Cell: Front View. The completely shielded re- actor and support structure are shown being placed on the wall brackets. The location of the mounting stands for optical tooling is shown in the foreground, as well as the lift-turntable and the mounted cutting head units. 39 UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 28279 Fig. 24. Scale Model of the Proposed Reactor Disassembly Hot Cell: shown mounted on the disassembly table picture. Top View. The cutting and machining tools are mounted near the bottom of the The unshielded reactor is 40 _ v : sEamen ; SEETIUNCL ASSIFIED - . i E ! as e . A:;diafil""’*“. PHOTO 28277 o 7 o Fig. 25. Scale Model of the Proposed Reactor Disassembly Hot Cell: Perspective View of Disassembly Area. 4] 7. SCHEDULE AND COST ESTIMATE Schedule Construction of the large hot cell and procurement of disassembly tools and fixtures were scheduled so that they would have been available for use in the event that disassembly of the ART was required fol- lowing commencement of nuclear operation,!' 720 Allowing the time necessary to remove and transfer the ART to the RDHC, it was concluded that, to avoid delaying the program, the completion date was to be September 30, 1960, If the RDHC facility had not been available for use at that time, there would wOak Ridge National Laboratory Proposal for Reactor gggi'ngeseg)ing Hot Cell Facilities, ORNL CF-56-8-96 (Aug. 20J. A, Swartout, Construction Project Data Sheet for the Reactor Engineering Hot Cell Facility at ORNL, ORNL CF-56-8-105 (Aug. 20, 1956). have been a delay in inspecting and evaluating the reactor machinery to obtain the valuable data on what happened to the ART components during re- actor operation, It was estimated that disassembly of the ART would take 12 to 18 months. When that operation was finished, the cell was to be available for dis- assembly and maintenance requirements of other large radioactive equipment. It would also meet one of the basic facility requirements for the de- velopment of advanced aircraft reactors. Cost Estimate The cost of the basic RDHC structure is estimated to be $528,000. This does not include the shielded hot cell. The cost of services, estimated at $705,000, includes air conditioning for building work areas and a separate system for special filtration and cleaning of contaminated air from the hot cell. Table 5. Details of Cost Estimates for RDHC Contractor ORNL Total ) Engineering, design, and inspection® $ 250,000 ¢ 447,000 $ 697,000 Construction costs** Land and land rights Improvement to land 50,000 50,000 Building Structure 508,000 20,000 528,000 Services 700,000 5,000 705,000 Other structures Structure 275,000 109,000 384,000 Services 25,000 1,000 26,000 Utilities 90,000 5,000 95,000 Equipment and installation 1,330,000 1,639,000 2,969,000 Removal costs less salvage Contingency 323,000 223,000 546,000 " Tatal $3,551,000 $2,449,000 $6,000,000 *Major Contractor and Intended Type of Contract: ORNL ($447,000): title | engineering services for building, and titles li, 1ll, and 1V engineering services for cells and cell equipment. AEC ($250,000): **Construction: prime AEC contract — Titles Il and Ill engineering services for building. ORNL ($2,002,000): utility extensions and connections and all specialized cell equipment. AEC ($3,301,000): 42 lump-sum prime contract, construction of facility. The estimated cost of $384,000 for other struc- tures covers the shielded storage cell for radio- active reactor components and parts. The cost of the shielded transfer tunnel connecting the storage cell with the main disassembly cell is also in- cluded. The large item of $2,969,000 for equipment and installation covers the very expensive heavily shielded hot cell with its crane and built-in equip- ment plus the remote-control equipment needed in reactor disassembly. The transparent shielding windows to permit viewing of the operations are included in the total equipment cost, along with the manipulators, cutting and machining tools, and special equipment items required to make the hot cell fully usable for the purposes for which it is designed. A tabulation of the estimated cost is presented in Table 5. 8, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the leadership and guidance of S. J. Cromer, W. F. Boudreau, and M. Bender. Valuable assistance was given by D.B. Trauger and W. B. Cottrell in the activity levels study and the removal and disassembly phases. The cooperation of F. Ring, Jr., and his associates, par- ticularly A. M. Tripp and M. G. Willey, was invalu- able in developing the cell plans and the operating procedures. A. P. Fraas and R. V. Meghreblian provided able assistance from the Power Plant Engineering Department. V. J. Kelleghan contri- buted with the cell facility criteria. The shielding studies were developed by W. E. Browning, R. P. Shields, and D. E. Guss of the Solid State Division. The early coordination of this program with other ORNL hot cell studies was provided by S, E. Dismuke and O. Sisman. It would be difficult to recognize individually all those who contributed to the test and development work, but some who come to mind will be mentioned for their specific part. The Chemical Technology Division provided facilities and assistance for the Elox test and also for the hot cell optical tooling test, The dry grinding test was made with equipment and help of the Engineering and Mechanical Division in their Source and Fissionable Material Machine Shop. Other work contributed by that division in- cluded the cutting methods evaluations tests, ma- chining of the sealant injection needles, and the optical flat for the optical tooling test. One of our consultants was Professor J. Litton of Purdue University, who collaborated on the early re- moval studies and later reviewed the over-all plan, with which he generally concurred, To associated contractors on this Project we are indebted to Pratt & Whitney Aircraft for the help provided by L. W. Love, especially on the studies of replication by casting and metallizing, and to Convair for the services of J. H, Dowdy, who made many contributions to the planning studies. Commercial equipment manufacturers cooperated in providing equipment or tests at no cost on items which were not otherwise available to us, We are grateful to the Osborne Equipment Co. of Knoxville for the gun-emplaced gypsum replicas, to the Ty-Sa- Man Machine Co. of Knoxville for the wet grinding test on Inconel, to the Lucey Boiler & Manufacturing Corp. of Chattanooga for the Heliarc torch cutting demonstration, and to the Brunson Instrument Co. of Kansas City, Mo., for the optical tooling course and the loan of the optical measuring instruments. 43 APPENDIX A. COMPILATION OF REQUIRED ART SAMPLES, MEASUREMENTS, AND EXAMINATIONS 45 9y Table A-1. Sample Request Compilation. Part 14 Observations Requiredb Number of 5 - Sample or Observation I_\S,:mp.lesd Visual BT:‘::,:.::: Dye Photomi- chemical Other Notes Requester® quire After Check crograph |. Sheils A. Inner core shell, Ne. | 1. At points of greatest temperature 2 * * * M,H,C fluctvation 2. At inlet 2 * * * M H,C 3. At outlet 2 * * * M, H, C 4. At midplane 2 * * * Include weld samples M, H, C 5. At turning vane 3 * * H B. Outer core shell, No. |l 1. At points of greatest temperature 2 * * H fluctuation 2. At inlet 2 * * M,H,C 3. At outlet 2 * * M, H, C 4. At midplane 2 * * Include weld samples M, H, C 5. Weld ot south end 3 * H 6. Weld, Shell Il to Shell I1, at top 3 * H C. Shell No. 1l 1. Weld at equator 2 * H 2. Lower region 2 * * * Observe buckling at bottom M 3. Joint between Shells 11l and 1V * Observe alignment M D. Shell No. IV 1. At midplane 2 * * * Include weld samples M, H, C 2. Atinlet 2 * * * M, H, C 3, At outlet 2 * * * M, H,C E. Shell No. V 1. At midplane 2 * * * Include weld samples M, H,C 2. At inlet 2 * * * M, H,C 3. At outlet 2 * * * M, H,C 4. Special samples, Shell ¥ 15, 1in.2 * * Radiochemical For evaluation of chemical proc- B surface essing plant problem; should come from top, center, and bottom of walli 5. Joint between Shells V and VI * Observe alignment M F. Shell No. VI 1. Shell No. VI 2 * * H, M 2, Shell Vi blowout patch 1 * Section required H, M Table A-1 (continued) Sample or Observation Observations Required® Notes Requester® Ly G. Shell No. VI 1. Island {girth?) weld Weld, Shell Vi1 to Shell VI Weld, Shell VIl to MF pump barrel Weld, Shell VII to sedium pump barrel Blowout patch, Shell VII Pressure shell {No. VIi) o e W H. Shell ot bottom of island 1. Shell buckling 2. Expansion joint at isiand top I. Shell ot core exit channel J. Thermal sleeves 1. Thermal sleeves distortion 2. Thermal sleeve attached to lines and Shell ViI K. Support ring 1. Support ring welds at base 2. Support ring 3. Support ring feet L. Weld of ByCcanto island at south end M. Lead from shield Beryllium reflector A. Slices (pie cuts) at various latitudes B. Coolant heles (inner surface) C. Region under support ring pads D. Inconel-beryllium competibility . Spacer holes . Staples . Spacers from island . Ring support . Beryllium in contact with ring support . Control rod thimble o A WN e —_— N N W AN O BN MW oy N A Large weld sample required, commen- surate to weld size Weld actually part of north head Creep deformation required Creep deformation required Section required Creep deformation Buckling of shells enclosing tiles Thermal distortion Buckling of shells enclosing tiles Thermal distortion as seen in longi- tudinal section preferred Stress concentration in weld Creep deformation Observe vicinity of Na heles; include one section at outlet One from last row at south end Take from south end Contact points I O T T =T X M,C.H x I I = - LT T T T ITX 8y Table A-1 (continued) Observations Required® Number of 5 - Sample or Observation Samples tmensions . Not Requester® P Required Visual Before ond Dye Photomi- ¢ omical Other e °s q After Check crograph 7. Centrol rod thimble section 1 * H 8. Beryllium around control rod thimble 2 * At contact points M 9. Seal grooves and support pads 3 * For stress concentration M E. Dimensions of outer contour 30 * Photographs and general visual in- M spection, particularly the region under strut F. Cu-B,C at pressure ring 2 * * H l1l. Main heat exchanger A. North header with &' of tube intact 12 or 3 min. * * > * * Chemical analysis Examine tube-to-heoder welds M,H,C,5 of deposits B. South header with 6'' of tube intact 12 or 3 min, * * * * * Chemical onalysis Examine tube-to-header welds S, M,H,C of deposits C. One complete heat exchanger in channel 1 * * * * * For flow test If obtainable, might supplant lIID, F § D. Heat exchanger channals 2 * > For creep deformation information M E. Channel wedge from heat exchanger 1 To be taken where channel is hottest H F. & section with spacer comb at equator 12 or 3 min. * * * * Chemical anolysis S of deposits 1V. Auxiliary heat exchangers A. Inlet header with 8" of tube of heat ex- 1 * * * * * Analysis of deposits Flow tests may be required; include $,H,C changer A or B and activation 4’ of inlet nozzle if from B B. Outlet header as before for same heat 1 * * * * * Analysis of deposits Flow tests may be required; include S,H,C exchanger and activation 4" of inlet nozzle if from B C. Sample at midpoint of heat exchanger 2 Analysis of activation and mass C transfer V. Boron carbide tiles A. BC tile from equator region 1 * Complete tile requested H, C B. Cu=B,C tile from equator region 1 * Complete tile requested H C. Cu-B,C disk intact from south end of 1 * Complete tile requested - H island D. Cu-B,C from pressure ring 1 * Complete tile requested H V1. North head A. Sleeves on pump barrels 2 * Follows cut No. 2 M B. Sodium expansion tank dome top 2 * * * Follows cut No. 3; discontinuity M stress or therma! shock ) 4 Table A-1 (continued) Observations Requiredb Number of 5 - Sample or Observation Samples Imensions . Notes Requester® P Re rired Visual Before and Dye FPhotomi- o) Other 4 q After Check crograph C. Sodium expansion tank dome floor 2 * * * Follows cut No. 5; discontinuity mé stress or thermal shock D. Intersection of upper deck to expansion 2 * Section weld M tank E. Sodium pipe expansion joints 2 * * Thermal distortion M F. Sodium return tube from reflector 1. Return tube 1 * * Creep deformation of part attoched M to torus 2. Weld ot sodium cutlet from reflector 2 * H G. Structure exposed to surface radiation 1. Expansion tank lines 2 * * * Thermal distortion; examine for M, C deposits 2. Contro!l rod thimble 2 * * * Thermal distortion; examine for M, C deposits H. Flat plates, disks, wolls under pressure 1. Bottom of expansion chamber * * Examine for deposits C 2. North head lower deck 2 * Creep deformation M 3. North head upper deck 2 * Creep deformation M 4., Wall below liquid level 2 * Creep deformation M4 5. Wall above liquid level 2 * Outside and inside castings after l. Snow trap line 2 * * Mass and octivity Examine for deposits of deposits J. Sodium level device 1 * Observe for thermal distortion ond w condition of MgO packing K. Reactor thermocouples 6 Remove for cali- w bration check L. Pressure transmitters 2 Remove for cali- W bration check M. Heated section of rod 1 * * Radiochemical N. Sodium sample from rod thimble 1 * Radiochemical Observe for leaching of rod VIl. Both MF and MN reactor pumps A. Rotary elements, MF 2 * * * * Inspect for erosion and damage; re- D, H move one element intact B. Rotary elements, MN 2 * * * * Inspect for erosion and damoge; re- D, H move one element intact C. Thermal barrier, MF Tor2 * * * * Observe for deposits in cooling D, H passages, distortion; ramcve one intact o o Table A-1 (continued) Observations Requiredb Number of = - . imensi ’ Somple or Observation ;p:mp'letj Viseal Bef:re ::: Dye Photomi- Other Notes Requestar® quire After Check crograph D. Thermal barrier, MN 1or2 * * * As for MF, Jesser importance D E. Volutes, MF Surfoce * * * H F. Volutes, MN Surface * * * H G. Shaft, MF 1 * Load-deflection test D H, Shaft, MN 1 * Load-deflection test f. Seal assembly, MF 1 * Bellows spring Observe for damage and deposits, D characteristics condition of seal faces J. Seal assembly, MN 1 * Bellows spring As for MF D characteristics K. Oil samples, MF ond MN 4 * Physical properties Observe for carben D L. Lubricating and cooling possoges All for one MF * Observe for carbon and resin D and one MN M. Beorings, MF 4 * * * Determine hardness Check for wear D N. Bearings, MN 4 * * * Determine hardness Check for wear 0. Elastomer seals, MF ond MN All for one MF * * Determine hardness and one MN and elosticity P. Off-gas lines (supply and catch * Activity of deposits Observe for snow, gunk, salt D basin), MF Q. Off-gas lines (supply and catch * Observe for gunk and NaK D basin}, MN VIII. NaK auxiliary pumps A. Rotary elements 2 * * * * Inspect for erosion and damage; re- D move one intact B. Volutes 2 * * Determine hardness Inspect for erosion D C. Shaft 1 Load-deflection D. Seol assembly 2 * Bellows spring Inspect seal faces for wear charocteristics E. Lubricating and cooling passages One pump * Observe for carbon F. Bearings 2 * * * Determine hardness Check for wear D G. Elastomer seals All for one * * Observe general condition D pump H. Gas lines (supply and catch basin} All for one * Observe for NaK D pump LS v 1 ' v 2 Table A-1 (continued) Nomber of Cbservations Requiredb umber o Sample or Observation Samples Dimensions . P Required Visuol Before and Dve Photomi- oo pig| Other Notes Requester® After Check crograph IX. NaK special pumps A. Rotary elements 2 * * * * Inspect for erosion and damage; re- o move one intact B. Volutes 2 * * Determine hordness Inspect for erosion D C. Shaft 1 Load-deflection D D. Seal assembly 2 * Bellows spring Inspect seal faces for wear D characteristics E. Lubricating ond cooling passages One pump * Observe for carben D Bearings 2 * * * Determine hardness Check for wear D G. Elastomer seals All for one * * Observe general condition D pump H. Gas lines (supply and catch basin) All for one * * Observe for NoK - D pump X. Dump valves A. Valve seat 2 * * * Remove intact B. Valve stem and poppet 2 * * * Remove intact C. Bellows 1 * * X|. Dump tank A. Heads 4 * * * Measure distortion and remove M samples B. Lower region of cylindrical shell 3 * Remove samples at liquid-gos inter- M, C face and at bottom for examination C. Tube sheet with &'’ of all tubes 1 * * * * * Flow test may be Chemical analysis of deposits only S required Xil. Reactor snow trap A. Samples at inlet, center, outlet 3-6 * * Radiechemical Determine total amount of snow B. Dump tank snow trap * Determine total amount of snow X{lk. Off-gas line A. Representative samples 4 * * Radiochemical Observe for deposits B. Solencid valves in line 2 * Observe for deposits, particularly around seat C. Throttle valves 1 * Observe for deposits C s Table A-1 (continued) Observations Requiredb Number of B - Sample or Observation Samples Imensions . Notes Requester® P Re Sired Visval Before and Dye Photomi- cpemical Other g q After Check crograph D. Disoster block valve * Observe for deposits E. Representative samples in adsorber * * Radiochemical C XIV. Miscellaneous items from cell A. Fluid samples 1. Postpower sampling pots * Radiochemical and Deliver tanks to Chemicol Tech- C physical nology Division 2. Sodium > Radiochemical Remove sample when draining C system 3. Qil from rad drive gear box * B. Rod drive gear box * Mechanice! con- Remove intoct W dition C. Hydraulic motor seal {MF pump) * Radiation damage C XV, ltems outside reactor cell A. Main radiator * * * > * Flow tests; chemi- Remove intact S, C col analysis of deposits B. Special radiator * * * * * Flow tests; chemi- Remove intact 5, C cal analysis of deposits C. Pipe joints in NaK manifolds * * Examine for thermal distortion M 1. Inside cell on reactor 2. Samples from weld at onchor point D. Hydraulic drive oil E. Lube oil (type K stands) F. Auxiliary radiator Radiochemical Radiochemical Radiochemical Check for damage and contamination Check for damage and contamination Compare activities of deposits with those for main radiators; other meas- vrements for main radiator of interest if main shows damage 9This sample list, deted September 18, 1956, wos compiled by D. B. Trauger from items submitted by the Power Plant Engineering, Chemistry, Metollurgy, and Solid State organizatians. It was the basis af ecrly planning, although revisions were later made when better measurement and replication metheds were develaped. A summary of the changes made after discussions with the Stress Analysis Group is shown in Table A-2. Blndicoted by asterisks. “Symbols: M Meghreblion, Power Plant Engineering, Stress Anclysis C Cottrell, Reactor Operotions H Hikido, Metallurgy S Schultheiss, Power Plont Engineering, Heot Transfer 9Request canceled March 5, 1957. D Dytko, Engineering Development W Walker, instrumentotion B Bruce, Chemical Technology, Fuel Reprocessing wn w Table A-2. Somple Request Compilation, Part nab Observations Required® {tem Reference Direct Measyrement Replication Standord Photos General Remarks Before After Before Aiter Remarks Before After Shell | 3 weld buttons on tap transition None None * * {Hydracal cast) * * Shell 11 {Prick marks an top of collar) None None * * (Hydrocal cast) - * Shell {1{ 3 prick punzhes an support ring; 2" scratch * None None * {None} * Decision on 2" or coarser grid (Meghreblion grid on lower machine bregk edge or chisel says 2" OK); feasibility of reforence and mark on spur {meridian mark with azimuth measurement during assembly (Abala says determined) oK) Shall IV None None Neone ™) {None} (None)} {Nane) {Contour photo before ond after of lower half} Shell Vv None None None * (See generol remark s} None {None) (Salad bowl: Hydrocal; type V—-V| weld: Hydrocal) Shell V) 2 punch moark s outside near blowout patch - * None . Qur choice None None Shel! Vil girth weld 2 sets af 7 punch marks for diameter * * None None None None measurement Weld, sheli VIl to MF pump borrel d d None Nene None None 6 weld specimens esach borval Weld, shell VIl to MN pump barrel d d None None None None 2 wald spacimens saoch borrel Shell VII 2 sets of 3 weld buttons * * None * {Local) {Cast 2' of None None circumference) Thermal sleaves {None) None Nane None None None 1 thermal sleeve sample Support ring Nane * None None None None Beryllium reflector None None None None {None) * Main heat exchanger d d None * None None 1 haat exchangsr required intact Auxiliory heat exchanger None None None None None None Sodium exponsion tank dome top 2 weld beads on dome None None * > {L ead or Hydrocal OK) None None Fluid exponsion tank top None None None * {Lead or Hydracal OK) None None Intarsaction of upper deck to expansion tank None Neone None None Nona None 2 wald samples Sodium pipe expansion joints None None Nons None None None Remove intact as sample Sodium return tube from reflector None None None None None None Remove intact as sample Expansion tank lines None None None None None None Remove sections os samples Cantrol rad thimble None None Nane None None None Remove intact as somple North head lower deck None *e None None None Nons North head upper deck None * None None None None Wall below liquid level None None - * {Abele to investigate) None None Dump tank heads None None Nane * None None Lower region of cylindrical shell None None None * None None aSummury of revised measyrements after meeting on March 5, 1957, with Stress Analysis Group. Compiled by F, R, McQuilkin, doted June 13, 1957, Comments from raview meeting an June 11, 1957, are in parentheses, SIndicatad by ostarisks, Plans in abeyance, “Special gage required. APPENDIX B. OUTLINE OF ART DISASSEMBLY PROBLEMS'I |. Reactor removal. A. Removal preparations. 1. Establishment of fluid removal sequence. a) Need for NaK as heating medium during draining and flushing to keep fuel and Na hot. b) Accessibility of fluid removal connections. c) Pressure and temperature restrictions on fluid circuits during draining and flushing. d) Conditions which must be established for charging investment material, if used. 2. Safety requirements of cell during removal operations. a) Conditions for water to be drained from around reactor cell. b) Circumstances when manhole cover can be removed from cell. ¢) Conditions and methods under which upper part of cell can be cut off and removed. d) Ventilation and purging requirements placed on cell when cover is removed. ¢} Decontamination requirement of the cell interior to permit personnel entrance. Provisions necessary for fire protection during rinsing and disassembly operations. Personnel access limitations during removal operations. (1) When the fuel has been rinsed from the reactor, can personnel enter the cell without being shielded if water bag is filled? If so, for how long? (2) When water is drained from the water bag, will this impose additional access restrictions on the cell? b) Establish radiation dosage per hour for personnel in cell during removal operations under conditions as follows: (1) After the reactor fuel passages have been rinsed. (2) When the Chem Tech tank and fuel samples have been removed. (3) When the snow trap is removed. i) How will spread of active chips, dust, and vent gases be controlled to reduce con- tamination? 3. Rinsing operations. a) What is the fuel holdup in the reactor after draining, and how much activity is it contributing to the reactor? b) What rinsing fluids can be used to reduce the residual fuel activity? (1) Are the potential rinse fluids limited to barren carrier, fused salts, lead, and . lead alloys? (2) Of the rinse fluids considered, how are they evaluated for the following: di- lution of residual activity, wall washing, residual fuel displacement, distortion and corrosion effect on the reactor components, interference with subsequent in- spection, potential shielding value? 1Report by M. Bender and F. R. McQuilkin dated September 14, 1956. 54 c) How will sodium be removed? (1) Will permanent lines be needed from the moderator and island circuits? (2) Will vacuum extraction equipment be needed for the moderator circuit? (3) Can a displacement fluid be used? d) After the NaK is drained, how will low spots be flushed? (1) Can the NaK be displaced by another fluid? (2) Whaf dangers will be introduced in line severing if all NaK is not removed? e) Can fuel rinse fluids be stored and transferred to the reactor from points outside the cell? (1) If so, what are the locations and connections required? (2) How are the spent fluids handled? (3) How are fluids transported into and out of the reactor? f) How will effectiveness of fuel rinse be determined? (1) Can rinse fluid be monitored to determine the amount of activity being removed? (2) What means can be used to determine the reduction in activity in the cell re- sulting from rinsing? Will the spectrometer tubes be useful for this purpose? (3) What facilities are required for this operation? Investment materials. a) Can lead, lead alloys, fused salt, plaster of paris, plastic, or other materials be used to invest the reactor? b) What value is gained from investment material? (1) Dimensional relationship of parts may be fixed. (2) Possible displacement of fuel may reduce activity. (3) Possible self-shielding effect of investment material. c) Disadvantages of investment. (1) Difficulty in investing any parts except fuel passage. (2) Possible distortion of parts by excessive mass and shrinkage stresses, (3) Difficulty of insuring thorough investment because of gas entrapment and shrinkage pockets. (4) Possible concealment of evidence by investment material. (5) Introduction of additional cutting problems during disassembly. (6 7 Problem of radiation deterioration of organic investment materials. ——— ) ) Additional handling load problems from investment materials. ) Dust problems introduced from plaster of paris. ) (8 (9 Need for transfer device for investment material. B. Cell disassembly. 1. Components to be removed from cell. a) Fuel containers ~ Chem Tech tank, sample tubes. b) Snow traps — must these be removed in the cell? c) Offgas lines. 55 d) e) /) g) h) 1) 7) Instruments and lines including control rod. NaK piping - main and auxiliary. Auxiliary piping — lube, hydraulic, air, water. Dump valve actuator. Water bag — should this be removed in hot cell? Reactor, including support platform. Fuel dump tank. 2. Handling of high-activity parts requiring shielding and remote handling. a) b) c) d) Shearing techniques for shielded lines, including preinstallation. Shielding devices for active parts and severed lines. Remote lifting devices and manipulators. Observation tools. 3. Handling of moderate activity parts. a) b) c) d) Application of quick mounting and extension tfools. Contamination dust control by vacuum and liquid washing. Handling fixtures for moderate activity parts. Personnel shielding for *‘in cell’” operations. 4. Handling of low-activity parts. a) b) c) d) e) Physical access problems. Protection against radiation exposure from adjacent equipment during “‘in cell”’ operations. Hazard problems other than radiation. Tools required for severing of low-activity lines. Handling means for equipment during severing operations, particularly reactor support. (1) Shielding requirements or remote operating requirements for overhead crane and transport truck. (2) Attachment fixtures and appurtenances for parts. (3) Remote observation devices such as periscopes, mirrors, closed circuit TV, etc. 5. Personnel requirements for disassembly. a) b) c) Radiation dose limits of personnel. Period of time personnel can be in cell: (1) In shielded basket. (2) Without shielding. ; Manpower estimates for disassembly, including craft classification. 6. Self-shielding considerations of reactor parts. a) 56 Will the water bag have sufficient shielding value to warrant leaving it on until the reactor is removed to the hot cell? (1) Can it be filled with a fluid more dense than water during disassembly for shield purposes? (2) Can the reactor assembly be handled when the water bag is full of fluid? &) Will investment materials provide any self-shielding benefits? C. Experimental program requirements. 1. Chemical. a) Evaluate fuel rinse fluids for the following: corrosion effects, evidence of destruc- tion, reduction of activity by fuel dilution and displacement, wall washing effect, personnel hazard, potential distortion of parts. b) If investment materials are used, evaluate their shielding benefits, chemical reac- tivity with fuel, soundness of solidification, gas entrapment, potential distortion effects, and compatibility with other fluids such as Na and NaK. c) Evaluation flushing media for the NaK and Na systems for the following: displace- ment effect, reactivity, conditions of charging, potential hazard, compatibility with reactor structure and contents. d) Review chemical sample requirements. 2. System testing. a) Determine system holdup in ETU by spiking fuel or by preliminary check with other fluids. b) Determine heat exchanger holdup from measurement of holdup in heat exchanger test rigs. c) Try flushing operations for removal of Na and NaK on ETU. d) Test flushing operations for fuel on ETU, e) Attempt investment charging on ETU or other mockup, if evaluation shows that it would be desirable. 3. Metallurgical. a) Review and condense metallurgical specimen requirements for all parts of reactor, including connecting equipmeni and instruments. ' b) Evaluate the pros and cons of investment materials for the following: metallurgical information to be gained, techniques to be developed, evidence of destruction, metallurgical compatibility with the structure. c) Cutting materials for shears which must be preinstallied adjacent to hot lines. d) Practicability of induction melting for line shearing techniques. e) Electrical and gas-torch cutting equipment for disassembly operations where chips, fumes, dust, and spatter must be completely controlled. 4. Mechanical development. a) Design, procure, and test remote tools such as shears, induction melting coils. b) Test manipulating devices for removing hot equipment from cell. c) Metallurgical evaluation of severing devices. D. Design program. 1. Establish personnel access, remote operation, and remote removal requirements of all disassembly operations. 2. Review the practicability of introducing flushing media from outside the cell, the means of transporting it to and from the reactor, the storage problems, the fuel rinse cycle, the Na extraction techniques. 57 58 Establish the sequence of equipment removal and line severing from physical access considerations. Incorporate working space for disassembly operations and preinstalled tools in the cell design. Make provisions around lines for preinstalled severing tools, where needed. Modify 7503 design to incorporate remote crane operation, cell ventilation requirements, additional cell penetrations, and flushing facilities. Il. Reactor disassembly. A. Transport requirements for movement with 30-ton building crane in 7503. 1. 2. ~NOON O What are the attachments and conditions of the reactor at the time of removal? What are the limitations or specifications of each unit to be removed plus its environ- ment for both the normal and abnormal situations? What lifting lugs or rig will be on the reactor? Will the lifting rig permit remotely controlled hook engagement? Will shielding of the crane cab be necessary? Will a remote control for the crane be necessary? . What special precautions should be observed while lifting, moving, and placing reactor with building crane? B. Transport carrier. 1. |s there certainty that the transport carrier will not be a limiting factor in the transfer of the reactor under abnormal conditions? Technique for mounting reactor on trailer — must this operation be done remotely? What shielding, it any, is required for trailer cab — will sky shine and road reflection amplify this problem? Would refilling the water bag provide useful shielding? Would modification of the mounting be required? Problem of shielding a K-25 trailer and/or cab to be borrowed for reactor movements — will this trailer be available for this purpose? What special precautions should be observed while transporting reactor to hot cell? a) Will unusual traffic control be required? - Will incident control be required? 0 ) ) ) Will personnel evacuation be necessary? ) &, Will road contamination control be necessary? ) Should a drip pan or drop cloth be used on trailer? o C. Hot cell facility requirements. 1. Establish physical location for facility using the following criteria: a) Within the controlled ORNL area. b) Economically near the heavy-duty roadway to 7503. c) At a location that is economically feasible with respect to ORNL reactor instal- lations (present and future) and with respect to access by the construction con- tractor. d) Economically near power and water service and preferably near steam service. e) g) b) i) j) Either near an available tall stack or at a location where it is feasible and permis- sible to erect one, if necessary, for either the GTHC or the ADC, On terrain and soil economically suitable for a large, heavy structure with under- ground facilities. Either economically near the tank farms or on terrain and in a locale where release of contaminated wastes is feasible (or include in the design an economically fea- sible method for a large holdup volume with provision for pumping or transporting appreciable yolumes of contaminated liquids). At a location available for construction July 1, 1957. At a location where transport time would be negligible as compared to loading and unloading problem of small contaminated parts. At a location away from heavy traffic so as to minimize contamination liability. Firm up physical layout in regard to: a) b) c) d) e) ) g) ) i) i) k) ) Cell dimensions in plan and elevation. Tooling and equipment layout, including special manipulators, instruments, pit- mounted pedestal turntable. [s there economical advantage in pit-mounting the pedestal turntable? Receiving and setup areas — is the truck access and tool storage area sufficient and not excessive? Underground transfer and storage facility. Access requirements and cell doors for personnel and equipment. Office and laboratory space — what groups must be housed in the facility? Personnel decontamination rooms. Building services area for ventilation, air conditioning, pumps, valve stations, etc. Layout requirements for sleeves and penetrations through cell wall, including mi- croscopy viewing ports. Roof hatches. Provision for future alterations. Knockout- or block-type construction around windows. Firm design criteria. a) b) c) d) e) Shield criteria for walls, windows, doors, and roof in various areas. Temporary or otherwise partitions or enclosures (dry boxes, hoods, etc.) to isolate particulates. Viewing arrangement and requirements. Decontamination system and permanently installed equipment — chemicals, materials of construction, volumes, services, holdup, drainage, and disposal arrangement. Ventilation and exhaust requirements. (1) Ventilation for functional areas — air changes? (2) Vacuum cleaning system. (3) High-velocity vacuum system. (4) Filtration requirements. 59 60 /) (5) Exhaust stack - what are dimensional requirements of stack for ADC, if re- quired? (6) Pressure differentials for areas. Building services and equipment criteria. Lighting and electrical services, ) (2) Emergency power. (3) Heating. (4) Cranes. (5) Water. (6) Steam. (7) Sanitary waste. (8) Process water waste. (9) Air. (10) Air conditioning. (11) Demineralized water. - (12) Drainage. Lost-tool transfer scheme. - Cell liner and wall inserts. Cell-to-cell transfer device. Floor loading. Criteria for underground transfer and storage facility. (1) Dimensions and weights of items stored. (2) Conveyor devices. Safety and fire protection. Supporting facilities and services, (1) Intercommunications — telephone, PA system, cell communications, alarms. (2) Instrumentation — radiation and ventilation. D. Disassembly program and equipment. 1. Evaluate the conditions specified in IIA] above that may hold for the reactor as re- ceived at ADC, a) b) c) d) e) / g) h) Is the water bag in place and empty? Will the pumps be in place? Will the control rod drive be removed? Will the nuclear activity counter pods be in place? Will the snow trap under the support bridge be in place? Will dump valves and actuators be in place? Will all instruments within the water bag outer skin be in place? Will all lines and leads that have been severed be dangling and possibly dusty with, or dripping, radicactive or other hazardous materials? 2. Movement of reactor into disassembly cell. a) Will the operation be reverse to the 7503 movement? Must this operation be done remotely? b) Will the reactor be held on the 30-ton crane for stripdown operations, or set on a rigid fixture using the bridge support? 3. Stripdown operations. a) Establish methods for removal of the following external components and parts: (1) Water bags. 2) NaK pipes. 3) Manifolds. 4) Snow traps. 5) Dump valves and actuators. 6) Nuclear counter pods. 7) Lead shield — How will it be removed? Can it be unbolted? 8) Superfluous portions of bridge support that may be removed. 9 All other items. b) What provisions must be made for stripdown in midair to facilitate maneuverability and to avoid setting reactor on its bottom until shield weight is removed? ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( c) Will these tools be adequate for stripdown — wrenches, torches, cutoff wheels, and pipe cutting shears worked from Oman-type manipulator? d) Will suspended reactor hold steady if an antitorque device is used? e) Will a dropcloth scheme for contamination control be feasible? f) Will bosses on top and bottom of reactor pressure shell be suitable for mounting of the stripped reactor on a mating turntable fixture? g) Remove pumps — will wrenches, with perhaps a persuader worked from a manipu- lator, accomplish this? h) Remove remainder of bridge support structure — will wrenches and persuader worked from a manipulator do this? 4. Disassembly operations. a) Type of information needed from specimens — detailed list of all visual and meas- vrement information and specimens required — will investment material reduce visual and measurement examination? b) Type of disassembly operations required ~ core drilling vs component removal vs . section sampling — as outlined in following sections. Evaluate each as to suita- bility for providing required information and specimens. Establish advantages and disadvantages of each method. c) Core drilling. (1) Evaluate core drilling as one approach to reactor disassembly ~ is it a feasible method for obtaining any of the information sought in the ART disassembly? (2) Would core drilling the equator (if a suitable tool is available) be desirable whether or not investment material is used? (3) If core drilling cannot be done, will a trepanning scheme with some means of popping out the B,C tiles and B,C~copper be feasible? 61 62 d) Component removal. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) As the second approach to reactor disassembly, evaluate the methods and tools required to obtain complete components from the reactor. Can suitable tools and techniques be employed in reverse to the assembly process so as to free the top half of the pressure shell at the north head where assembly welds occur such as the four auxiliary NaK lines and around the con- trol rod thimble? Can the various shell layers be freed in this type of disassembly? Can all components required for study be obtained? How will reactor be held rigid when the need for tilting arises? Could this disassembly be done with such tools as grinder, large circular saw, and milling tool? As a last resort, would use of a cutting torch be permitted? How will handling devices be influenced by the cutting tools used? Would any of the reactor assembly fixtures be useful for this disassembly method? e) Section sampling. (1) ) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) As a third approach to reactor disassembly, evaluate the methods and tools re- quired to obtain limited portions of severed and dismembered components by use of large-diameter, deep-cutting tools. Will dismembered pieces of components be adequate? Could this disassembly be done with a milling tool or slow-speed saw, or per- haps a grinding wheel? Would cutting limits be fixed by tool size and cutting methods? Would the cutting method be particularly influenced by the scheme for removal of B,C tiles and B ,C~copper? How will handling devices be influenced by the cutting tools used? Would any of the reactor assembly fixtures be useful for this disassembly method? 5. Tooling requirements. a) Establishment of the disassembly tooling program, with evaluation of the following possible tools: (1) Cutting devices. (a) Horizontal cutting tool. () Vertical cutting tool. (¢) Interchangeable heads for both cutters. i) Grinder head (large diameter disk). ii) Miller or slow-speed saw. iii) Boring head. iv) Trepanning head. (d) Electric discharge cutter. (e) Ultrasonic cutter. (f) Cutting torch with accessories, including water jacket cutting tools. (g) Do-All band saw. (2) Manipulators. (@) Oman type with General Mills unit. () Wall-mounted General Mills unit. (c) Argonne-type mod. 8. (3) Optical measuring devices. (a) Periscope ~ Kollmorgan type. (6) Optical rectilinear device — Lenox type. (c) Binoculars and mounts. (d) Gages and measuring tools. (e) Microscope. (f) Stereomicroscope. (4) Tumntable rig. (a) Main lift and turntable for reactor. () Tool mounting ring for cutters. (5) Miscellaneous. (a) Portable tools, including saws, impact wrenches, shears, etc. (b) Portable storage racks for tools, gages, etc. E. Decontamination. 1. What decontamination fluids should be used? 2. Techniques of decontamination. a) b) c) d) e) f Are methods such as dipping or hosing likely to give satisfactory results? Type of contamination removed — what will be its nature and what particular prob- lems can be anticipated? What checking methods should be planned? Should scanning probes movable by manipulators be planned? Identify the fluid handling problems. Can the wash fluid be recirculated? What transfer, storage, and disposal problems should be anticipated? Are there chemical hazards that can result from unremoved sodium, NaK, fuel, or oil that must be considered? Should methods for cleaning large parts from NaK, sodium, or fuel systems be pro- vided to aid visval inspection? F. Contaminated parts transfer and storage. 1. 2, 3. 4 Transport procedure. Viewing methods. Access arrangements. System for parts identification. a) b) Photographs. ldentification plates. 63 64 c) Storage location identification. d) Record system. Future handling and disposal of parts. a) Will all parts be passed through storage to GTHC? [f not, how are parts to be handled for disposal? What are the dimensional and activity limitations? b} Should the lead from the shield be washed for disposal instead of stored? G. Experimental program requirements. 1. Tools and gage development. a) Establish requirements for and possibility of measurements during disassembly. b) Evaluate cutting methods as they affect every material in the reactor — grinding, milling, circular saw, etc. c) Evaluate measurement methods — need for coordination of planning for ‘‘before’’ and *“‘after’’ measurements. d) Establish development contracts for gages, optical and measuring devices — Manco, Lenox. Decontamination development. a) Techniques and fluids for decontamination of parts. b) System and technique for cell, tool, and equipment decontamination. Hot cell examination development. a) Development of laboratory procedures and techniques for hot cell examination of reactor parts and materials. (1) Macroscopic and microscopic inspection. (2) Physical testing. (3) Metallurgical examination. (4) Chemical analyses. H. Testing and training requirements. 1. 2. 3. Test disassembly equipment and procedures in a mockup facility prior to availability of ADC. For this purpose establish location, arrangement, and preliminary planning for the func- tion. Plan procedures and training program sufficiently to establish criteria for architect- engineer design. |. Design program requirements. 1. Verify the fact that the reactor design will satisfy requirements for its movement and 2. 3. 4, placement with remotely controlled equipment. Will lifting arrangement be adequate? Can reactor be affixed to disassembly turntable? A preliminary design of the trailer shield should be prepared to ascertain feasibility of transporting reactor. Firmly establish location of facility. Prepare layout and required design sketches and design criteria suitable for use by architect-engineer for both facility and tools. Prepare a preliminary proposal for the project. Procurement specifications for disassembly tools, giving functional and operating con- ditions, by architect-engineer. Pictorial representations of disassembly operations, by architect-engineer. Inspection tools — specifications suitable for procurement. Architect-engineer design of ADC facility and mockup facility. Make model of disassembly facility, 65 APPENDIX C. RDHC HOT CELL EQUIPMENT Introduction The equipment tobe installed and used in the dis- assembly cell may be grouped into five general cate- gories: A, Handling Equipment B. Cutting Tools C. Observation Tools D. Measurement Tools E. Cell Service Equipment The tools and equipment will be listed along with the criteria for each, This outlines the plans for the equipment at this time, Where only the name of an item is given it indicates arequired tool for which criteria had not yet been developed. The equipment is based upon facility dimensions given in “ART Disassembly Cell Facility Criteria.’*? A. Handling Equipment (All Remotely Operable) 1. 30-Ton Crane, ~ Remotely operable with con- trols at viewing windows or by easily attached pend- ant; hook travel from 3 f+ above floor of lowest pit to highest retracted position available with stand- ard crane; adequate high and low speeds on bridge, trolley, and lifting motion to permit accurate posi- tioning and rapid equipment removal — use 7503 crane speeds as a guide; the crane track and power supply shall permit the crane to pass through the large shieldingdoors (a hinged track is envisioned); a method is required for retrieving the crane should it fail while the cell is hot, 2, Overbead Manipulator (Bridge Type). - Re- motely operable from any viewing window; tele- scoping support such as used on Farrell-Birmingham or General Electric manipulators (this support would carry a General Mills or a Borg-Warner type arm); two of these units would be mounted on a single bridge; each on a separate trolley; manipulator hand would have to reach floor and retract to 21 ft above cell floor or higher; coverage of full cell floor area desirable, 3. Bracket for Support Structure. — Assume sup- port structure plus reactor weighs 30 tons; bracket to extend from wall far enough to support end of bridge support; bracket to be readily removable with manipulators. 4. Turntable and Lift. — The lift platform shall be 8 ft in diameter; the lift capacity shall be 20 ll""’relimim:lry report by V. J. Kelleghan dated January 28, 1957. 2Appendix O of this report. 66 tons plus turntable; the lift shall lower the top of the reactor 5 ft below the cell floor and raise the bottom of the platform 3 ft above it; the lift pit shall be drainable and a wiper shall seal the plat- form edge to the pit wall; a locking device such as opposed hydraulic cylinders shall lock the lift plat- form in position; the turntable mounted on the lift platform shall have a high and low speed to permit its use for rough turning or accurate angular posi- tioning; table diameter to be 5]/2 ft; table to have self-centering 3-jaw chuck traversing from 60 in. to 30 in. circle, 5. Pump Gripper. — This tool will resemble ice tongs or a gear puller and will be used for with- drawing the fuel or sodium pumps after they are freed by their jack bolts; the tool will be hung from a crane hook on the manipulator. 6. Model 8 Manipulator. — A number of Argonne National Lab Model 8 type manipulators will be re- - quired; American Machine and Foundry is one sup- plier of this type unit, 7. Radisphere. — A self-propelled and shielded - vehicle for safe man entry into the hot cell is de- sired; shielding equivalent to 1 ft of high density concrete; integral air supply; two manipulator arms; one-man capacity; communication; adequate viewing to permit maintenance work; safety cable for re- trieving car. 8. Holding Vise. — A number of positioning and holding vises will be required for machining specific parts, 9. Special Slings and Bails, — In order to pick up some equipment with the head room available, special slings will be required (this applies also to delicate equipment with poor weight distribution); special bails which fit the 30-ton crane hook and which can be engaged remotely will be required. 10. Dollies for Lead Shield. — Dollies are required to hold the sides of the lead shield while they are disengaged. It is expected that the dollies used for attaching the lead shield will be available for its removal, 11. Jigs and Fixtures. — A number of drilling and cutting jigs will probably be required for such things as removal of the control red, 12. Handling Cans for Storage, — In the general disassembly plan each piece removed will be decon- taminated and placed in a large can. For smaller parts, small cans will be filled and then placed in the large cans., Two sizes of large cans are planned, both 6 ft tall. One will be 3 ft in diameter and the other 6 ft. There will be storage for 36 three-foot cans and 3 six-foot cans. When a large can is filled, a lid will be attached and the can placed in the stor- age facility., The cans will be stainless steel and designed to be readily decontaminated. The bail on the can should facilitate remote handling. 13. Decontamination Equipment, — Decontamination of severed reactor parts shall be accomplished in a stainless steel pan. The pan shall be 8 ft in di- ameter and have a 3-in. raised lip at the periphery. It should have a low spot from which a small pump can recirculate it through a nozzle for raising or dumping it into a hot drain, The suction to the pump shall be filtered so that large chips, etc., will re- main in the pan, It should be possible to remove the pan from the cell remotely. This may only require appropriately placed lifting eyes. B. Cutting Tools (All Remotely Operable) 1. NaK Line Saw. -~ A cut-off tool for the main and auxiliary NaK lines is required, These are 3]/2 and 2" -in. Sch. 40 Inconel lines which must be cut without distortion since the lead shield and shells will be slipped over them. A saw, cutting wheel, or end mill appears to be the most satisfactory tool for this job. 2. Drill Head, — Drilling has been adiudged the best means of removing large chips with minimum tool rigidity while cutting irregularly shaped pieces from the reactor, For this operation a Bridgeport drilling head was chosen with means for positioning it to be provided, 3. Drill Head Mounting and Positioning Unit. — The unit for mounting the drill head shall carry the head to the center of the lift platform. The head should have vertical and horizontal travel of 5 in, It should be possible to rotate and lock the drill head at any angle from vertical to horizontal and drill at that angle., Maximum drill size is 1 in, The range of travel of the drill head positioning unit shall permit drilling through a range of from 50 to 60 in. above the cell floor, 4. Coolant and Circulating System, — A cooling fluid will be used in the drilling and cutting opera- tions. A catch pan, filter, and return pump shall be provided at the turntable to recirculate this fluid, The catch pan shall not be larger in diameter than the pit in which the lift table operates. 5. Guillotine, — A number of small lines and instrument connections will have to be sheared off. A Manco unit to be carried by a crane and operated remotely will be used, One-inch Sch. 40 Inconel lines will be cut with this unit, In addition, a large shear with a 3Y-in. IPS capacity will be available, 6. Sealant Injector, - A tool similar to a stud driver has been developed. This unit will shoot a hollow needle into any of the Inconel pipes from the reactor. A sealing medium will then be injected into the line through this hollow needle much like a hypo- dermic needle injection. The unit should be adjust- able for 31;-in, to 3/B-in. Sch. 40 Inconel pipe. The injector wi:il be used to seal a line before it is cut off and thus contain contamination. 7. Impact Wrench. — The impact applied to the shaft should be adjustable from that required to loosen the smallest bolt to a maximum force capable of shearing the largest bolt used in the reactor as- sembly. The adjustment of torque to be applied by the hammer should be suited to regulation with a manipulator, 8. Cutting Torch and Accessories. -~ The torch should be adapted to handling with a manipulator. It will be used to cut Inconel as well as steel, so necessary auxiliaries should be provided, 9. Do-All Bandsaw, - A Do-All bandsaw model 26 or equivalent shall be provided. Controls shall be remote, and the unit will be located in the equip- ment maintenance cell, 10. Portable Tools. — A group of portable tools equivalent to those available to a maintenance me- chanic shall be provided, These would include hand tools, drills, grinders, cut-off wheels, impact wrenches, etc. 11. Pinch-Off Shears, ~ A pinch-off shear similar to a bolt cutter shall be adapted to remote operation, This will be used to cut instrument tubing, ]/4-in. by 0.065-in,-wall stainless steel, and lead wires, 12. Special Cutters. ~ A group of special cutters may have to be developed for disassembling the sample and chem tech tanks. 13. Cutting Wheel and Mounting. - A pneumati- cally or electrically driven cutting whee! shall be designed. The mounting for this wheel shall be in- stalled near the main turntable but only if operation shows that a wheel of this type is required. 14. Remotely Operable Center Punch, ~Since one method for cutting out of planes, etc., is by means of drilling a series of closely spaced holes, a spring loaded center punch is required, It should be possi- ble to space the drilled holes by adding a locating pin to this unit. In this way a group of equally 67 spaced centers can be located, The punch will be set and used by a manipulator hand. Minimum hole spacing ]/4 in,, maximum 1 in, C. Observation Tools 1. Shielding Windows. — The shielding afforded by these windows shall be equivalent to 5 ft of ba- rytes concrete (230 Ib/cu ft}, The cold face of the window shall be approximately 3 x 4 ft. |f a combi- nation of glass and zinc bromide will give adequate shielding at less cost than all glass, the combina- tion window is acceptable, 2. Periscope. —~ The periscope will penetrate a S5-ft-thick shielding wall. The floor on both sides of the wall will be at the same elevation, The peri- scope should extend to permit viewing from floor level to 7 ft above the floor. It is expected that the periscope will be used to look through a microscope and to take pictures of small objects. Kollmorgan Optical Corp. makes a number of acceptable peri- scopes. The radiation level in the cell will be 6500 r/hr . Periscope lenses shall be non-browning. 3. Binoculars and Mounting. ~ The binoculars will be mounted on the cold side of the observation windows. A flexible support similar to BX cable shall be provided. The two eyepieces of the bin- oculars should be easily separated so that either section could be used as a telescope. 8X binocu- lars are acceptable, 4, TV Equipment. —A TV camera will be mounted on the 30-ton crane. This camera would be capable of viewing the hook through its full travel and also pan around the cell for viewing operations on the floor. The camera shall be remotely operable and have one normal and one high-magnification lens, 5. Photographic Equipment. — A still camera for use outside the windows and through the periscope is required. The camera shall be of the reflex type which permits viewing the image seen by the lens. A movie camera is also required for taking pictures of the disassembly methods and procedures to aid others working on similar problems, 6. Borescope. — Borescopes for looking into small diameter {0.210 in.) and larger diameter (3% in,) pipe are desired, These should be approximately 36 in, long and suitable for viewing through the periscope. The glass used in these units shall be non-browning in a radiation level of 6500 r/hr, 7. Portable Lights. -~ A free standing group of sodium vapor and fluorescent lights is required, These units should be readily lamped and balanced 68 for handling with a crane hook. These lights will be used for picture taking and increased illumination where required, D. Measurement Tools 1. Coordinate Scope. - In measuring irregular shapes such as shells it is felt that a telescope viewed through a periscope could be developed. This telescope would be carried on accurately calibrated lead screws moving the scope in a vertical and hori- zontal direction, |f the scope is always perpendicu- lar to the piece to be measured, it can be sighted on points and their coordinates determined. A travel of 60 in. is required in both directions. An accuracy of $0.001 in. is desired in 6 to 12 in, dimensions and +0.003 in. in the 50 to 60 in. range.® 2., Mechanical Measuring Device. — A mechanical measuring device consisting of three vertical posts is envisioned, Long travel dial indicators would be attached to these posts and parts measured in re- spect to the post spacing. Vertical measurements could likewise be taken. 3. Photographic Measuring Unit, — An adaptation of aerial mapping and lofting as used in the aircraft industry is envisioned. In this procedure a picture would be taken normal to the part to be measured, perhaps with a grid background. The picture would then be projected on a flat surface and measured, An accuracy of 0,001 in, is desired. This photo- graphic technique should also be extended to include stereoscopic pictures for information purposes. 4, Gages and Measuring Tools, — It may be de- sirable to have available a group of gages for par- ticular measurements. These may be ‘‘go or no-go'’ gages, plug gages, depth gages, micrometers, cali- pers, etc, 5. Portable Gage Storage Racks. — |t is felt that any gage racks for storing gages, etc., within the cell should be portable, so that definite areas will not be required and they can be placed in available space, 6. Crane Scale, — A dynamometer type crane scale (010,000 Ib) is required. |t will be used to check part weights and to make sure that a piece being re- moved has been cut free, 7. Radiation Instruments. — Detectors which give the radiation level in the cells are required. A port- able unit is desired for inside the cell, Other de- tectors will be located in the operating and other areas for personnel protection. 3This system and others which have been studied are reviewed in Sec 4.4. E. Cell Service Equipment The items listed in this category were intended to cover the special features which are necessary to meet hot cell requirements in addition to the gener- ally accepted services. These are listed as follows: 1. Shielding, — Adequate shielding is required to handle the activity levels anticipated.? 2. Decontamination, - Facilities are necessary to wash down all internal cell areas, giving consider- ationto a complete spray system capable of remote operation, 3. Contaminant Holding System. -~ Provision will be necessary for all wash water to be held until it is sufficiently low in count to be disposed of, or otherwise safely handled, 4. 1lumination, — Several types of lamps will be required, such as sodium vapor for general lighting and mercury vapor for flood lighting. Lamp cooling and ventilation are required in addition to accessi- bility plugs for lamp changes. 5. Handling Equipment. ~ Provision must be made to remove and replace the wall manipulator shielding plugs, by means of a portable crane in the operating area. This crane is also used to handle master-slave manipulators when changing them. 6. Crane Rails. — Both the main crane and the overhead manipulator crane rails should be provided 4Described completely in Sec 5. with swing-out sections to permit closing the main doors of the main and intermediate cell, yet allow direct travel of the cranes to the receiving bay. 7. Access Doors, -~ Personnel access doors to both the main and intermediate cell will be required from the ‘warm’’ areas, 8. Access Roof Plugs. ~ Special removable roof plugs and means for handling them will provide a cell of greater usefulness and enable it to handle a wide variety of future work, 9. Shielded Cable Ways. — Adequate provision is required for shielded cable ways, pipe tunnels, and conduit paths to maintain the integrity of the shield- ing, and to provide necessary drainage and decon- tamination, 10. Lost Tool Transfer Schemes. ~ Provision for bringing miscellaneous tools and samples to and from the cell are required to reduce the need for opening the large doors, 11. Miscellaneous Services, — Convenient outlets will be required both inside the cell and in the oper- ating area for 220-v ac, 110-v ac, air, water, intercoms, etc, 12. Ventilation and Filtration System. — Contami- nated cell air will be required to be filtered before recirculating or being sent up the stack. Rough filters which will hold the bulk of activity, chips, etc., must be located inside shielded areas and capable of remote handling and disposal. The air cleanup filters must be accessible for remote han- dling in case they become highly active during un- usval conditions. 69 APPENDIX D. ABRASIVE GRINDING INVESTIGATIONS' This memo describes two separate Inconel grinding tests performed on two machines, one at a vendor’s plant and the second at the ORNL SF Machine Shop, Bldg. 3044, Avisit was made to the Ty-Sa-Man Machine Co. on May 22, by Frank McQuilkin, L. W. Love, and the writer to observe their cutting and grinding machine. A sample piece of Inconel plate was provided for them to cut off, The object was to learn more about their cutting methods and its possible adaptation to our hot cell requirements. The person contacted was James L. Hensley, their chief engineer. He gave us a short tour of the plant in order to familiarize us with the type of machine they build. Most of them are custom-built units with rather large travels intended for specialized heavy cuts on plate. In general, the wheels and motor are mounted on a carriage which moves back and forth across the work, Cross travel is provided with trav- erse tracks, like an overhead crane. The machine which was used for our test was a 40-hp machine using a Manhattan type 714 wheel of 24“dia. The wheel operated at 1560 rpm with a rim speed of 9800 fpm. Water cooling was used. The selection of this wheel was made on the basis of grinding studies Ty-Sa-Man Co. had recently completed for Interna- tional Nickel Company. The maximum motor capac- ity of 40 hp was not utilized, but by means of an ammeter it was observed that about 15 hp was the maximum power used during the cut which they made. The plate was Inconel of ¥/ thickness and 12" wide. The entire width of the cut was made in 2V, minutes, including a preliminary scoring cut about ‘/N" deep. These results indicate that grind- ing could be adapted to hot cell use with good speed and precision, but the type of mounting would re- quire redesign. The motor is mounted overhead and drives the wheel spindle through multiple V-belts, The belts follow a general ‘L'’ shape so that the weight of the wheel and the spindle determines the load on the cutting surface. This load can be varied by means of counter weights, By oscillating the wheel it was observed that no burning had occurred at the edges of the cut, The finish is excellent, and from the cutting rate it can be seen that this method must be seriously considered in any tool evaluation program. ]Memo from A. A, Abbatiello to F. R, McQuilkin dated May 29, 1957, 70 Further work should be done to determine whether a spray of water would be permissible in the shell area and whether the metallic particles would spread contamination throughout the cell to an intolerable amount, This study should determine whether this contamination is serious enough to warrant the extra cost of an air circulating and filtering system, and if so this could be weighed against the reduction in cell time which such a grinding method would permit, It is the writer's opinion that abrasive grinding as a basic cutting tool would be practical but would re- quire a change in philosophy in regard to contami- nation within the cell. Although opinions differ on this point, it has been proven, especially in the high level cells at 4501, that activity as spread by such a grinding operation may be washed out by a direct rinsing method, and more serious thought should be given to this as compared to the extreme difficulty of manipulating a drill or end-milling operation to produce all the devious cuts which must be made. it is true that such a grinding wheel would make necessary longer cuts (because of arc length) in order to remove specific sections of the reactor, but by using a wheel of about 24" dia. the depth of cut which this type would permit would make practically every area of the shell accessible. This should be particularly useful in the areas around the Na ex- pansion joint, the pump barrels, and the girth cut, In case such a design is to be built, Ty-Sa-Man Co. have prefabricated spindles available which could be used as a basic element. The mounting of this spindle in our case is primarily vertical, with an adjustment to permit the rotation of the wheel through an arc all the way from vertical to hori- zontal, The wheel mounting must also be arranged in such a manner that the wheel can travel in the plane of the blade. This means that the entire drive would be mounted so that it would be on a radial arm to permit travel of the wheel in the direction of the cut. This is particularly important in cutting off the NaK headers, since the wheel must be mounted at a 45°angle. These machines are controlled from a central push-button control panel which would lend itself to remote operation, During the discussion which followed, Mr. Hensley suggested a method for mounting wheels in a cell for easy remote removal and changing. This con- sists of mounting a Stewart-Warner type magnetic clutch on the spindle flange and using a steel bonded wheel which would then be held against the face by a magnetic force. Two pins mounted on this surface would drive the wheel, yet would permit easy removal of the wheel in the event of breakage or other reasons for changing. |t was his opinion that in our case, where perhaps 5 hp might be used, we might get by with dry wheels. For Inconel he sug- gested a resin-bonded wheel, A second grinding test was made May 28 on an Inconel NaK header mockupusing a type M-75 Stone saw made by the Stone Machinery Co. of Manlius, N. Y. This machine is located at the SF Machine Shop at Bldg. 3044, This is a manual feed radial arm saw, The piece cut was an assembly of three concentric pipes (3]/2',' 3", and 2‘/2" Sch. 40 Inconel) mounted and welded at a 45° angle to simulate the NaK header. The part was clamped in the table vise, and the wheel pulled down through the work. It is estimated about 10 pounds pull was used at the end of the lever arm. Several times the cutting was stopped in order to remove the cut portions of the pipes, yet in spite of these slight delays, the first cut was made in about 2 minutes and the second cut was made in about 1 minute, These cuts were made dry with a Carborundum Co. Aloxite wheel No., A-243B-T36 operating at 2520 rpm. The wheel was 16" in dia, and % ” thick. Wheel wear was about ]/32" on the radius for the first cut and almost ]/16” on the second cut. The radial type mounting of this motor and spindle would lend itself easily to the type of mounting out- lined previously. An eccentrically mounted built-in gear head gives a clean exterior with adequate depth of cut using the 16" wheel. Maximum depth of cut with a new wheel is about 5” with this arrangement. With this dry grinding, the spread of particles over large areas is apparent, and emphasizes the need for decontamination studies previously discussed. A comparison of the two grinders investigated to date points to the advantages of the Stone machine saw with regard to type of drive, power available, type of mounting, and maneuverability. When design work for the grinding fixture proceeds, the use of the Stone machine saw should be considered. 71 APPENDIX E. HELIARC TORCH CUTTING ' Introduction The evaluation of cutting methods for hot cell use has covered drilling, end milling, wet and dry grinding, vltrasonic, and electric disintegration, A Heliarc torch cutting method which was recently made available was tested on Inconel. There are two specific applications for this tool, First, a torch capable of remote manipulation is desired for use in the hot cell to reach difficult areas of a reactor, and second, in cutting apart the ETU, a manually operated torch would expedite access to reactor internal regions, which it is de- sired to study before ART assembly proceeds. Description of Heliarc Torch The Heliarc cutting process is a high tempera- ture constricted arc between the tungsten electrode and the work. The molten metal is blown out with a mixture of hydrogen and argon to form a kerf. An auxiliary circuit is used for arc starting. It has been used successfully in stainless steels, Inconel, and aluminum, The inert atmosphere prevents the walls adjacent to the kerf from hardening, The torch is capable of sufficient control to permit weld preparation of thick plates with the minimum of machining, which, combined with its high speed, make it highly desirable in fabricating nonferrous alloys. The equipment which was used for this test was a model FSH-6 installed at the Lucey Boiler and Manufacturing Corp., Chattanooga, Tenn. In their installation the arc voltage was obtained with two 400-amp welders connected in series to hold a minimum of 115 volts on open circuit. Gas flows of 40-60 cth of argon and hydrogen are required. The hydrogen is 20 to 35% of the total flow. A minimum of 2 quarts of water per minute is required for adequate torch cooling. Test Runs A type 302 stainless steel plate 3/8" thick by 3 ft wide was cut through its full length in about 3 minutes, using the mechanized head. Next, our piece, an Inconel plate 1/2" thick by 12" wide, was cut, leaving a small connecting strip to indicate the width of the kerf, as shown in Fig. E-1. This plate was cut in about 1 minute, TMemo from A. A. Abbatiello to F. R. McQuilkin dated July 5, 1957, 72 During this test the stainless steel plate used in the test above was placed about ‘}4" below the Inconel plate, Sufficient energy remained in the . cutting stream to pierce and produce a slot in the stainless steel plate. Although ali observers were surprised, it was a welcome development because a cut of multiple layers is desired for some appli- cations, The third test was on a section of three con- centric pipes, 3'/2", 3", and 2‘/2", all Sch. 40 Inconel pipe. The cut was arranged for the axial direction to permit a setup under the mechanized head, which can only cut a straight line. The torch successfully penetrated all three pipe walls simultaneously. The rate of travel was about the same as for the preceding cuts, about 1 ft per minute. Slag and *‘icicles’’ were formed in large quantities, but they were knocked off without too much difficulty. See Fig. E-2. The molten ma- terial which was blown out of the kerf solidified on the opposite wall of the inner pipe, but did not adhere, It was possible to raise one end of it with a thin chisel, as may be seen in Fig, E-2. Results The results of this test indicate the following: 1. This type of cutting torch has high cutting rates, 2. The control would be adaptable to remote hot cell operation, 3. Large volumes of molten metal would be re- leased into the reactor and hot cell areas, but the harm which this might do is not obvious, without better cold mockups and hot testing. Although this slag is not too adherent, it will present a problem merely to clear it away. From these observations, it appears such a torch would be a useful tool for both the ETU disassem- bly and the ART. It may be considered versatile and maneuverable in close quarters, but is probably not a cure-all. Problems of arc starting and manip- ulation under remote conditions will have to be . worked out. The large quantity of molten metal removed from the kerf will be detrimental regarding activity spread. In general, this torch appears to be sufficiently useful to warrant its purchase, The first applica- tion could be the girth cut on the ETU, which would be a formidable job under conventional machining UNCLASSIFIED PHOTOQ 29112 SRR | & ot Fig. E-2. Three Concentric Inconel Pipes Cut by Heliarc Torch. 73 techniques; for instance, using a boring mill and standard lathe point tool. Grinding would also be a suitable method for this cut, It is recommended that this equipment be pur- chased and development started on special tooling and training personnel in its use. At the very least, it may be looked upon as the ‘‘fireman’s ax’’ type of emergency measure when all other types of cutting devices still leave cuts necessary. 74 Acknowledgments The idea of using this type torch was first pro- posed by Mr. M. Bender. Arrangements for the use of the installation at Lucey Boiler and Mfg. Corp. for this test were made by Mr. Earl Woods of the Linde Company in Knoxville, Tennessee. The co- operation of Mr. R. C. Trane, Jr., Manager, and R. S. Lane, Plant Superintendent, of Lucey Boiler Corp. was most helpful. APPENDIX F. ULTRASONIC CUTTING (ALSO CALLED lu"n;l!t(:"rl*n[ETllZISTRICTI'L'.II'J]I1 Evaluation of cutting methods for cutting Inconel which might be applied to hot cell conditions has continued. Interlocked drilled holes, grinding, and Elox cutting have been previously reported. Ultra- sonic cutting was also considered because of its potential value in cutting hard materials, but since large amounts of Inconel would also have to be cut, severing rates on Inconel were important. This test was an evaluation on cutting Inconel only. The equipment used was the Cavitron, made by the Sheffield Corporation, of Dayton, Ohio. The machine is located in Bldg, 2525, in the Central Machine Shop Facilities. The process may be described as a cutting action produced by flowing an abrasive fluid over the sur- face to be cut and accelerating the abrasive par- ticles by means of a high frequency (about 20 kc) imparted by a ram which travels about 0,0005" and is attached to the driving member, The fluid con- taining the abrasive also serves to wash away the particles removed in the cut, The cutting tool was a narrow stainless steel blade, '/16" X 156" in section, The machine was operated at frequencies of 19.5 to 20.5 ke with a vertical load of 3 |b 6 0oz. The cutting fluid is a suspension of water and 280 grain size boron carbide, called Norbide, made by the Norton Company. The Inconel sample was the same piece as had been used for the Elox test, a partly curved section about I,Q" thick by ];&” wide, Conclusions 1. After operating the machine for one hour, a notch about 0.025 “ deep had been started near the upper corners of the Inconel bar, which had con- tacted the blade. See Fig. F-1. 2. The results are unsatisfactory on Inconel, which is considered relatively soft. 1Mumo from A. A, Abbatiello to F. R. McQuilkin dated June 25, 1957. UNELASSIEIED BMEOTE 20087 Fig. F-1. Ultrasonic and Elox Cutting of Inconel. 3. This process is better adapted to the hard, brittle materials, like quartz and B ,C, which are difficult to cut with ordinary cutting methods, Under these conditions the low cutting rate is acceptable for these hard materials. Recommendations Based on the above test, no action is recom- mended on ultrasonic disintegration for hot cell use, unless it is necessary to cut material which is too difficult for ordinary means. Interior sur- faces of the B ,C tiles appear to be one of the spots where the process could be applied, but it is proposed that these tiles might be chipped to expose these surfaces., Acknowledgments We are indebted to Merle Brown and Dick Fox of the Central Machine Shop Facilities for the use of this equipment, 75 APPENDIX G, ELOX CUTTING' The problems of severing active pieces during disassembly require the development of a number of cutting methods. Grinding, drilling, and Heliarc torch cutting have been considered. One process which has been suggested but has not yet been evaluated is the Elox cutting process (also called electrical disintegration). An Elox machine was made available to us which had been used for experimentally cutting apart fuel elements, A test was arranged to cut Inconel plate in this machine. The machine used is located in Bldg. 4505 in the Unit Operations Section of the Chemical Technology Division, and is a model M-500, serial 149, To de- scribe this process simply, one might say that it operates like a welding machine, except that the material is vaporized by means of an electric arc and washed away instead of fused. A current is passed through the electrode, which can be of any shape to make a particular cut desired, and then to the work to complete the circuit. Usually, the en- tire area to be cut is submerged; or it may be sprayed with either a conducting oil or in our case a de- mineralized water was used. The electrode wears away at about the same rate as the material which is removed in the cut. The process has the ad- vantage of making any odd-shaped cut which can be made using a plunge-type movement, and producing a cut close to the dimensions of the electrode. The material removed by the arc is vaporized into tiny globules and is floated away by means of the circu- lating fluid. Tests Run Four test runs were made, three of them using Inconel, and the last one, as a check, was made with stainless steel. The Inconel plate was about 12" % 1% " in section and was slightly curved, See Fig. G-1. It was clamped into the vise and placed below the solution level, The electrode was a brass plate about 0,030" thick and was mounted from a vertical head, The rate at which the blade or electrode is advanced depends on a device built into the head which automatically maintains the arc gap. In the first test a cut of about !"3 " deep was IMumo from A. A, Abbatiello te F. R. McQuilkin dated June 20, 1957, 76 made in about 3 min, After this period, some errati operation was encountered and the operation was stopped without completing the cut. The other end of the Inconel plate was then set up and the test repeated using a new section of the electrode, This time it was permitted to run about 9 min, but the depth of cut was approximately the same as before with erratic operation during about the last half of the peried. The first test was made with the test piece sub- merged but no forced circulation, The second test was approximately the same except that the circu- lating pump was started and the liquid forced across the cut section to remove the particles in an attempt to obtain steady operation. This was not successful, The third test consisted of a hollow brass elec- trode about % ” in hexagonal end section with a V™ hole through it. The object was to force liquid through the electrode and thereby wash the particle out from the arc area. In this test it operated for about a total of 9 min, but again the last half was erratic in operation and the depth of cut was only about %32#. In order to determine whether the Inconel was causing this difficulty, a fourth test was run using URCLATSEFIED PHOTO 19088 Fig. G-1. Inconel Plate Cut by Elox Process. the same hexagonal vertical electrode but the ma- terial was changed to stainless steel. After about 7 min operation the depth of cut was about the same (3/32") as had occurred in the Inconel plate. In none of the four tests was complete severance obtained. The conclusions which might be drawn from this test are as follows: 1. The cut proceeds at a relatively slow rate but makes quite a clean-cut edge, therefore would be desirable for thin, light sections. 2. The electrode is consumed at approximately the same rate as the cut is made, 3. The particles which are removed from the cut are confined to the liquid solution, which might be desirable for limiting contamination, 4, The erratic operation which was noted was not fully explained. It may be possible to improve the operations which were noted here, using the following suggestions: a) A wider electrode, perhaps '/]6” thick, might give higher current density and better alignment. b) A higher velocity and better flow of water through the gap might prevent some of the erratic operation, c) It is suggested that the manufacturer be asked to tell us what was being done incorrectly in this test, or whether there was something basically wrong with this particular machine. d) An electrode of trapezoidal section, wider at the base, might be used to automatically increase the clearance as the cut is deepened. The same effect might be produced by applying an electri- cally insulating paint to the side walls of the elec- trode. In trying to determine where this process could be applied, it is apparent that submerging a com- plete reactor in order to put the electrodes in a submerged position is impractical, However, it may be possible to use the Elox process in one of the auxiliary hot cells. |t could be used for the removal of specific smaller specimens after the major elements have been taken off the reactor, especially in cases where the part is fragile and sawing or grinding might damage the specimen (such as the heat exchanger bundle). As a side comment this method has been used at the G-E hot cell at the MTR for severing their thin-wall fuel elements. It has been used successfully, but in a discussion with Mr. Dave Durrill (in charge of the G-E hot cell) he mentioned that they were no longer using this process, but were shearing their fuel elements instead. Two other previous tests might also be noted here. A piece of B4C could not be cut on an elec- trical disintegration type machine, apparently be- cause of insufficient electrical conductivity, How- ever, a piece of Cu—-B ,C was successfully pene- trated using this method. Sawing may also be used on Cu~B ,C but it is impossible to saw B ,C. The precision cuts made with the electrical disintegration method make this process attractive for Cu~B C in spite of its slow- ness. Acknowledgments We wish to acknowledge the courtesy of Mr. C. D, Watson for the use of this equipment, and for its operation to Mr. George A. West. 77 APPENDIX H. A COMPARATIVE CONTOUR MEASURING SYSTEM' In hot cell operation, it is desired to compare critical reactor parts before and after they have been operated. To do this, photographic records have been considered. One of the early systems which was proposed was a grid projecting system whereby a cross-section grid would be projected on a spherical surface from an angle. The photo- graph of this grid shadow on this spherical surface would cause a contour to be produced, Any varia- tion from the normal would cause the curved lines to deviate from a circular arc. One problem with this system is that it is too difficult to project a series of lines on a surface with sufficient defi- nition to make them readable to the accuracy re- quired, 2 IReporf by A. A. Abbatiello dated May 31, 1957, 2M. G. Willey, Lofting, memo to A, A, Abbatiello, dated March 6, 1957, OBJECT TO BE MEASURED 1S PLACED HERE VERTICAL LINE LIGHT SOURCE A system has recently come to our attention which overcomes this objection, |t has been de- veloped by K. B. Jackson? and is described in Photogrammetric Engineering.* The system con- sists of a wire grid placed close to the object to be measured. A vertical light source at a 45° angle from the side produces a shadow of this wire grid on the surface being studied (see Fig. H-1). A camera directly in front of the object to be meas- ured photographs both the grid and its shadow, thus the difference between the two lines as measured in the photograph will give an indication of the space between the grid and the contour surface. Since the grid consists of a series of vertical wires accurately spaced and stretched taut, it represents a true grid, and by making the light 3Depf. of Applied Physics, University of Toronto, Toronte, Canada. 4Plsotograr."zr;rze1.'rz'c Eng. 21, 71-76 (March 1955). UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 35472 BUMPER TO CENTER ON MOUNTING LUGS GRID, 3 x 3ft CAMERA, LIGHT SQURCE, GRID, AND LEVELS ARE MOUNTED ON ONE DOLLY, CAPABLE OF BEING MOUNTED DIRECTLY ON FIXED POINT TO BE MEASURED. Fig. H-1. Contour Measuring System. 78 source angle 45° it is possible to directly measure on the film surface the deviation between the verti- cal line and its shadow. This scheme might be adapted to cur require- ments as follows: A dolly would be built upon which would be mounted the grid, camera, and the light source arranged at three corners of a 45-90° triangle. The front end of the triangle (at the grid) would carry a bumper stop which would be adjusted to fit the machining lugs of the shells, By aligning the dolly in front of the reactor it would be possible to make a photograph of the projected grid lines and the grid in the manner used by Jackson. By taking this series of photographs at each of the lug locations, the generai contour of the reactor can be produced. |t would probably be impractical to take in the area beyond the NaK connections, but this might be adequate. These would be pre- served, and a similar set of photographs could be made after the reactor had been set up in the hot cell, using the same rig. It would be possible to move the rig by means of the crane and shield the camera with a lead box up until the time the ex- posure was to be made. The complete rig could then be raised and brought into the auxiliary cell, where the film could be removed and a new one set, or change plates in the camera remotely. Such a system would have the advantage of being a totally self-contained unit capable of being carried to the reactor as it was assembled and the original record photographs made. The same unit would then be available for use in the hot cell. It does not require an extremely accurate camera, as would be true with the photo-lofting process, since the grid wire and its shadow becomes the item of measurement, As shown in Fig, H-1, the dolly becomes the carrier and the mounting unit for the camerq, the light source, and the grid. The position of each of these units is critical and therefore should be fixed on the mounting device and retained. A level in both directions should be added, so that all the photographs taken would be level regardless of slight variations in the floor. The base line pro- duced by the lower edge of the reactor mounting lug would be the point from which the unit would be indexed. This device would be used to make photographs of the reactor as it is assembled. In the hot cell a similar arrangement using the same points of reference on the reactor surface would be used to get the second set of pictures. The photographs could then be compared and dif- ferences noted and measured. A correction may be required for the possible shift in lug reference point. Briefly, this contour measuring system appears to be a simplified version of photo-lofting which could be directly applied to our requirements. |t is particularly attractive because the entire de- vice can be mounted as one unit, carried about both during the reactor assembly and in the hot cell, Its cost should not be excessive because the camera need not be an accurate item and the light source is merely a vertically aligned tube, The grid consists of a set of thin wires arranged on a framework, with the entire unit placed on a structural steel dolly capable of being transported and retaining the three-element relationship. This scheme is submitted for consideration and possible construction of a test setup designed to evaluate it. 79 APPENDIX I. FLAME SPRAYED REPLICAS' Preliminary trials to determine a suitable method of making replicas were made using a rejected Shell | as the surface to be reproduced. Scribe lines were placed every 30° around the shell and 2" apart vertically. The scribe lines were located with an accuracy of 0.001". The first spraying trial was made at X-10 Metal- lurgy with a metalizing gun assigned to Mr, H. Inouye. The first trial was made with aluminum wire. Aluminum would not build up on the Inconel sur- face. It was dislodged by the air blast of the gun as fast as formed. The second trial was with Spramold wire, a lead alloy. The lead adhered readily and showed good detail but could not be removed in a reasonable thickness without bending. Some blistering of the lead occurred during spraying, but thorough clean- ing with acetone of the Inconel surface stopped the formation of blisters, The third and fourth trials were made with an estimated 0,020" thickness of lead backed with 0.005" to 0,010" of aluminum. There was con- siderable variation in thickness from point to point on the surface due to the impossibility of judging accurately, during spraying, the thickness already applied. The aluminum backing caused the replica to curl away from the surface. While this facilitated re- moval of the replica, it made impossible the accu- rate measurement of distances between points on the replica. A sixth trial was made at the main Y-12 machine shop with the cooperation of Mr. W. C. Collins. In this trial the surface of Shell | was carefully waxed and polished with Simoniz wax. Spramold wire " in diameter was used. An area covering approximately 120° x 8" at the small end of the shell was delineated with pressure sensitive tape folded to produce a parting ridge about 3/8" high. The area thus marked out was sprayed with the Spramold wire to a maximum depth of 0,170". There was considerable variation in thickness, with a minimum of perhaps 0,125”. The spraying operation required about 25 minutes. The shell heated up during spraying to an estimated 200°F. ]Memo from L. W, Love to F, R, McQuilkin dated April 23, 1957. 80 The replica and shell were allowed to cool to room temperature before attempting removal of the replica. The pressure sensitive tape (cloth backed) was pulled away, which permitted the replica to fall off. No prying or rough handling was required. The reproduction obtained was excellent. There were some blisters, which were thought to have been caused by excessive wax. Fortunately none of the blisters occurred on a scribed line. The replica was then measured with a radius sweep gage, with the following four results: Radius of Radius of Difference Locatien Shell Replica . (in.) {in.) (in.) Station 7 (top) 3.407 3.4035 -0.0035 Station 6 3.432 3.4445 +0.0125 Station 5 3.598 3.6108 +0.0128 Station 4 3.898 3.9109 +0.0129 Measurements of the 2 vertical distances be- tween the circumferential scribed lines were meas- ured on the contour projecting gage with the fol- lowing results: Inches Distance from station 7 to 6 2.0000 Distance from station 6 to 5 2.0000 Distance from station 5 to 4 2.0006 Distance from station 4 to 3 2.0003 The sixth replica, prepared at the Y-12 machine shop, is quite rigid and with reasonably careful handling will not bend out of shape. The radius measurements indicate that the replica was warped somewhat either during spraying or while cooling. It is believed that the lack of warping at the top was caused by the flow of molten lead over the top edge of the shell, which tended to hold the replica to the shell at that point. The operation of the metal spraying equipment required considerable adjustment and trial before satisfactory spraying could be accomplished. How- ever, at neither X-10 or Y-12 had the operator a previous experience in spraying lead. A, A, Abbatiello and L. W. Love visited the Osborne Equipment Company in Knoxville to try the spraying of gypsum cement with Bondact cement spraying equipment, The equipment consists of a mixing gun in which water and cement are combined and sprayed on a surface with an air blast, a hopper for feeding the cement into the air stream, a pressurized water tank, an air compressor, and suitable hoses. About 25 |b of Ultracal 30, a trade name of the U.S. Gypsum Co. for a low-expansion gypsum cement, was taken to Knoxville for the trial spray- ing. The Ultracal 30 was sprayed on a part of a re- ject Shell I, One half of the shell was oiled with 30W lubricating oil applied with a rag in a light to moderate coat. The other half of the shell was not coated. Separating strips of plywood ]/2" X l/2 ! were taped to the shell 180° apart to provide a means of separating the two halves of the cast. The equipment with which the trial spraying was carried out was old, with an unsatisfacotry design for controlling the flow of cement into the air stream, At least it was unsatisfactory when used with Ultracal 30. The equipment operated errati- cally due to variations in the rate of flow of the gypsum cement. The operator was unable to ad- just the flow of water to correspond to the flow of cement, with the result that the mix was either too wet and flowing or too dry, which caused it to blow away as dust., It is estimated that about one-fourth 1 Memo from L. W, Love to F, R, McQuilkin dated May 28, 1957. APPENDIX J, SPRAYING OF GYPSUM CEMENT' of the 25 Ib taken to Knoxville was actually ap- plied to the shell. The remainder was splattered or dusted over the environs., After a few minutes' operation the Ultracal 30 hardened in the gun, which then had to be dis- mantled and cleaned before work could continue, The coating applied varied from 3/16” to /8”' it is believed that a more uniform coating could have been applied if the operator had been able to give his attention to the spraying operation rather than to continual adjustment of the equipment. The replica from the oitled side of the shell was removed without difficulty. There was clean sepa- ration except for one spot about 1 sq in. in area, This replica showed some detail but did not com- pare in clarity with the flame-sprayed lead. The surface was somewhat dusty, The replica from the side of the shell which had not been oiled was removed with somewhat greater difficulty but was nonetheless removed without breaking. This cast adhered over the principal part of the surface, leaving an irregular thin coat- ing of gypsum cement, This replica does not show fine detail but does conform closely to the con- tours of the shell. Both replicas are sufficiently rigid and strong to withstand handling. It was concluded as a result of this test that the spraying of gypsum cements was not practical for a hot cell operation. This conclusion was based on (1) production of excessive splatter and dust, (2) erratic operation of the equipment, (3) plugging of the gun with gypsum cement, It is recognized that (2) and (3) above could probably be overcome with further trials or rede- sign of parts of the equipment, but the final result to be expected would not justify the time and money required. APPENDIX K. CAST GYPSUM CEMENT REF’LICASl In order to evaluate gypsum cement as a replicating material, four types were ordered from the U.S. Gypsum Co. These cements have the following properties as reported by the manufacturer: Type Name Setting Time Setting Expansion Dry Compression Strength of Cement (min) (in./in.) (Ib/sq in.) Ultracal 30 2535 0.0003 7,300 Ultracal 60 75-90 0.0002 7,300 Hydrocal B-11 2025 0.0005 3,800 Hydrostone 20-.25 0.002 11,000 The first cast was made with Ultracal 30. Into a box of suitable size a mix of 181/2 Ib of water and 50 |b of Ultracal 30 was poured. A rejected Shell | with Lucite end plates was pushed down into the box until it rested on wooden stops previously located. A second mix was prepared of ]23/4 Ib of water and 35 Ib of Ultracal 30 and poured on top of the first to bring the - final level up to the point where half the shell was immersed. Silicone Valve Seal ‘‘A’" was used as the mold release agent. In addition, ha!f the immersed area of the shell was coated with - sprayed lacquer. The cast was removed by striking the free side of the shell a few blows with a hammer, using a block of wood to prevent damage to the shell. The replication was only fair in this first case. There were a considerable number of air bubbles trapped in the cement on the underside of the shell, too much mold release agent was used causing poor detail, and the shell apparently shifted slightly during the second pour. It was decided that a different pouring arrangement was necessary. A mold box was prepared so that the cement could be poured over the top side of the shell rather than immersing the shell in the cement. Four replicas were prepared of Shell | using the four types of gypsum cement listed above and the improved mold box. Results of these trials were as follows: Ml . . . Cement oo Como Ié Mold Release Quality of Esfli;n:;:::dlli);:::s;?nal ater ement : ; (Ib) (Ib) Agent Replication 2" Grid Lines Ultracal 30 18.5 50 D.C. Valve Poor - too much mold Could not measure . Seal “‘A”’ release agent Ultracal 60 19.0 50 D.C. Valve Improved - too much 2.00" Seal “'A"’ mold release agent . Hydrocal B-11 20.0 40 D.C. Valve Satisfactory 2.00" Seal ‘A"’ Hydrostone 16.5 35 D.C. Valve Satisfactory 2.01° Seal “‘A”’ IMemo from L. W. Love to F. R. McQuilkin dated May 27, 1957. 82 The estimate of dimensional reproduction was made visually with a scale marked in 1/64" gradu- ations. Appearance of the replicas indicates that in all four cases too much mold release agent remained on the shell. The Dow Corning Valve Seal ‘A"’ is too viscous and thus hard to wipe off. It is believed that Dow Corning Mold Release Emulsion 35B, which has recently been re- ceived, would improve the replication detail. It is reported that D-C Valve Seal ‘““A’’ can be dissolved with methylchloroform but not many other solvents. D-C 200 fluid, which is believed to be the base for Emulsion 35B, can be removed by amy! acetate, gasoline, perchloroethylene, and trichloroethylene, among other solvents. There thus appears to be considerable advantage to using Emulsion 35B. [t should work also with the flame-sprayed lead. 84 APPENDIX L. OPTICAL MEASUREMENTS THROUGH HOT CELL WINDOWS (ZINC BROMIDE)' One of the principal objectives in hot cell operations is the accurate measurement of parts by remote means. Optical methods have been considered but have not been evaluated on their basic accuracy. In order to clarify this point a test was set up at the Solid State Division Hot Cell in Bldg. 3025, using available equipment. The basic instrument used was a Gaertner Scientific Co. cathetometer No. 2832 borrowed from the Solid State Division. A piece of accurately finished dowel pin 0.437" dia by 4" long was used as the test specimen. To show the effect of surface reflection, one end was left shiny and the other was painted with Dykem. An oxidized surface might have been a better nonreflecting surface, however. In order to get a comparison of the dimensions obtained with no window and then through the window, a set of readings was first obtained with the cathetometer and the sample set up outside the cell about five feet apart. The specimen was then brought inside the ceil and the cathetometer set up directly in front of and normal to the window. When these readings were completed, the cathetometer was moved to test the effect of looking through the window at an angle. Two sets of angular data were taken, the first being at an angle of 15° looking up at the specimen and the sec- ond at an angle of 30° from the side. Several individuals were used to take different readings in order to determine the possible variations which might be expected. The data are presented at the end of this memo. The conclusions which may be drawn from this test are preliminary, but are sufficient to change some original concepts and to warrant further work. 1. An examination of the data indicates there is no marked difference in accuracy between the readings taken with the specimen outside and those taken with the specimen inside the cell. 2. The reflected highlights from both the clear and darkened end of the sample tend to give low readings. As the operator becomes more experienced in knowing what to look for, this error becomes less, Oxidized surfaces would also tend to reduce this error. 3. Angular readings through the zinc bromide window do not reduce the accuracy, but the angle increases the chromatic aberration. However, this effect appears tolerable if the telescope used is limited to 3 or 4 power. 4. This system has an inherent disadvantage in that it is slow and requires pre-established reference points. The points must be easily identifiable. 5. The results obtained with zinc bromide windows indicate such a measuring system would be feasible if it were decided to use it. 6. Further checking to determine the limitations of such a system working through multilayered lead glass windows appears as a next step, to check for effect of density and surface variations. lMemo from A. A, Abbatiello to F. R. McQuilkin dated April 15, 1957, 7. It appears feasible for a good operator, with a little practice, to obtain readings of the order of +0.000” to ~0.007" using this method. Data Taken The first set of data was taken outside the cell, with both sample and cathetometer set up about five feet apart. Normal diameter of specimen is 0.437" as measured with direct readin 9 micrometer calipers. (Note: 0.437” dia = 11.07 mm as the cathetometer was calibrated in milli- meters. All readings were taken in millimeters and converted to inches.) Readings Outside Cell Diameter Reading Operator Location , (in.) A Dark end 0.436 W Light end 0.431 SwW Light end 0.421 Operator Location Dark end Light end Light end Dark end Dark end Dark end Light end Dark end Light end Dark end > > > > 0 Vv x> » > > Reading with Sample Placed Inside Cell Angle (in.) Normal 0.426 Normal 0.430 Normal 0.434 Normal 0.428 Normal 0.422 Normal 0.424 15° up 0.436 15° up 0.426 30° side 0.425 30° side 0.432 Variation (in.) Diameter Reading Notes -0.001 —-0.006 --0.016 His first try Variation (in.) Notes -0.011 -0.007 -0.003 -0.009 -0.015 His first try -0.013 -0.001 ~0.011 -0.012 ~0.005 85 APPENDIX M. OPTICAL MEASUREMENTS THROUGH HOT CELL WINDOWS (EARLY DESIGN LEAD GLASS)! - The purpose of this memo is to report the results obtained by measuring a piece of Inconel in a hot cell through a lead glass window. The object was to repeat the test made on the zinc bromide win- dows and reported on April 15.2 The evaluation of measuring through lead glass will determine the feasibility of optical tooling instruments mounted outside cell windows, The same cathetometer as used for the previous test was set up in Bldg. 4501 B cell, lower win- dow. The window in this cell is about 20" square and 3 ft thick, Unfortunately this window is one of the first lead glass windows installed, and there- fore its quality is not representative of present day windows. However, for the purpose of this test it was desired to make the conditions as severe as might be met in practice to determine what the upper limits might be, The sample was a piece of %" Sch. 40 Inconel pipe which had a dull oxidized surface finish simi- lar to what is expected in our hot cell. The pipe was mounted in a ring stand and placed in the cell. The cathetometer was placed on the outside of the cell window on a table, The pipe diameter was 0.831" -0.832" and was quite uniform, although the pipe was slightly curved — about 24" radius. Since the cathetometer is calibrated in milli- meters, the conversion of the 0.832" diameter of the pipe becomes 21.13 mm, and this is taken as the normal reading for the pipe diameter. It will be observed that in the data sheet the diameters of the pipe as recorded will vary in location depend- ing on which section of the glass area was used when the measurement was made, Measurements (Table M-1) were made in approxi- mately five places. Position A was on the lower right-hand corner (4" from each edge) of the glass, perpendicular to the surface. Position B was on the lower left-hand comer, also perpendicular to the surface. Position C was approximately the same as Position A, i.e., on the right-hand side, but looking through the window at an angle of 15° to the normal. Position D was taken from the left IMemo from A. A. Abbatiello to F. R, McQuilkin dated May 17, 1957, 2A. A Abbatiello, Optical Measurements Through Hot Cell Windows (Zinc Bromide ), memo to F. R. McQuilkin dated April 15, 1957 (Appendix L of this report). 86 side of the window (near B), looking at an angle of about 22° from the normal. Position E is the same as Position D except that it was lowered 4", and therefore this line of sight is paralle| to D but 4" below it, still 22° from the normal. As in the previously reported experiment, several observers were used to take readings in order to determine the variations between individuals. The conclusions which may be drawn from this experi- ment are as follows: 1. The groups of readings which are taken through the particular zone of the window will show reasonable agreement (about 10,003 ). 2. Rather wide differences were found at the different points measured, +0.007", +0.020", +0.013", +0.020", +0.012”., Since this window is one of the first built, it is expected that it would - have rather wide variations, A newer window about 4 ft thick is on order but will not be de- livered until about another month, |f desired, the = test could be repeated, but this is not felt neces- sary, 3. These tests could be repeated from the newer window, but it may be stated generally that meas- urements through the lead glass will be limited in usefulness to the long dimensions, 4. It will be noted that the angluar measure- ments did not introduce the higher inaccuracies which might have been expected, or the high chro- matic aberration which was noted through the zinc bromide windows. This may be partially explained by the lights used in the two different cells. Less chromatic aberration was noted in this window, The type of light used is fluoride mercury vapor. For- tunately, this effect will make it possible to use higher power telescopes, if desired. (The test in- strument was only 3 to 4 power.) 5. Another conclusion which may be drawn is that in practically all cases the measurements read oversize, whereas the previous measurements through the zinc bromide windows were all under- size, It is believed that the basic cause for this difference is the color of the finish on the speci- men., The rather shiny surfaces on the specimen tested in the zinc bromide windows tended to pro- duce highlights which caused the observer to read the lighter edge, which would result in a low read- ing. 6. Because of these oxidized surfaces and also because of the light colored background in the cell, it was possible to establish the edge of the specimen with good precision, |t may not be pos- sible in all cases to duplicate this condition when the work starts in the hot cell, but this method may be an aid, that is, to provide a light back- ground surface so that any darker object which would be placed before it would produce a shadow- graph type of image. The general results of this test seemed to indi- cate there is a possibility of using the Brunson optical tooling bar or similar equipment for limited applications from outside the cell wall, This is not recommended for the small high accuracy di- mensions, |t may, however, be suitable for the large dimensions which are required across the major reactor proportions., |f the error which lead glass introduces is a constant, a variation of 0.010" to 0.020” may be tolerated in the longer dimensions, Acknowledgment is made to Oscar Sisman and George Parker for assistance in arranging for the use of the 4501 cell, and to W, E. Brundage of the Solid State Division for the use of the cathetom- eter. Table M-1. Data on Lead Glass Window at Bldg. 4501 Window: Bldg. 4501, cell B, lower, 19" x 19", 3 ft thick Specimen: pipe, diameter 0.832" = 21.13 mm Reading Reading Difference Deviation Run Position By Top Bottom . Notes (mm) (in.) (mm) (mm) 1 A WK 87.03 65.53 21.50 +0.017 2 A AA 89.96 65.68 21.28 +o.oo71 View normal to surface; 3 A AA 87.26 65.87 21.39 +0.010 , _ o specimen tilted about 5 4 A WK 87.05 65.77 21.28 +0.006 5 A AA 86.91 65.38 21.53 +0,016 6 A AA 83.13 61.62 21.53 +0.016 ) 7 A AO 83.45 61.63 21.82 +0.027 8 A AA 81.71 60.09 21.63 +0.020 View normal 1o curface: 9 A WP 81.63 60.00 21.63 +0.020 > o loveled ’ 10 A WP 81.90 60.15 21.75 +0.024 specimen fevele 1 A WP 81.58 59.88 21.70 +0.022 12 A WP 81.80 60.18 21.62 +0.020 | 13 B AA 80.94 59.09 21.85 +0.028 14 B AA 75.49 54.40 21.09 ~0.002 At left side of window, 15 B AA 77.81 56.35 21.46 +0.013 normal to surface 16 B AA 77.70 56.33 21.37 +0.010 17 C AA 76.47 55.01 21.46 +0.013 18 C AA 76.54 55.08 21.46 +0.013 At right side, 15° off 19 C AA 76.45 55.01 21.44 +0.013 normal to surface 20 C AA 76.95 55.64 21.31 +0.007 21 D AA 75.38 53.75 21.63 +0.020 . 5 22 D AA 75.49 53.86 21.63 +0.020 Left side, 227 off 23 D AA 75.41 53.78 21.63 +0.020 normal to surface 24 E AA 51.13 29.81 21.32 +0.007 25 E AA 51.03 29.49 21,54 +0.016 Left side, 22° off normal 26 E AA 50.99 29.55 21.44 +0.012 but 4" lower than D 27 E AA 50.91 29,47 21,44 +0.012 87 APPENDIX N. OPTICAL MEASUREMENTS THROUGH HOT CELL WINDOWS (CURRENT DESIGN LEAD GLASS)‘ The first in this series of tests measured the optical qualities of a zinc bromide window in the Solid State Division, Bldg. 3025, for the purpose of taking measurements from outside, and was dated April 15.2 The second test was done on measurements taken through an early lead glass window at the High Level Laboratory in Bldg. 4501 and was dated May 17,3 This memo, the third in the series, presents the test data taken on one of the new lead glass windows which have been pur- chased for the High Level Chemical Development Facility, Bldg. 4507, but have not yet been in- stalled. The work was done while they were still in storage at Bldg. 7005. When the new lead glass windows which are to be installed in the HLCD were made available to us, a set of data was taken to compare this win- dow with the earlier lead window previously re- ported. The window is 4 ft, thick, 20 in, high, and 36 in. wide at the outside of the cell, It is composed of the following pieces of glass, starting from the outside surface: 1 piece of plate glass, density 2.5 g/cc, 1 in. thick; 5 pieces of lead glass, density 3.3 g/cc, each 8 in, thick; 1 piece of lead glass of the same density, 6 in. thick; for a total of 46 in. of lead glass. The inside of the cell window is covered with a piece of 1 in, thick non- browning plate glass of 2.7 g/cc density. The spaces are filled with a mineral oil to cut down re- flections. These windows were built by the Corning Glass Works at their Harrodsburg, Ky., Plant, and are shown on their drawing 12931-1480 and on ORNL drawing D-25357. Four of these windows are available and one of them was select- ed for this test at random. The equipment which was used was the same as that used previously, i.e., a Gaertner Scientific Co. cathetometer borrowed from the Solid State Division and placed on the front side of the win- dow. A piece of ]/2 in, Sch. 40 Inconel pipe with ]Memo from A, A, Abbatiello to F. R. McQuilkin dated June 11, 1957, 2A. A. Abbatiello, Optical Measurements Through Hot Cell Windows (Zinc Bromide), memo to F. R. McQuilkin dated April 15, 1957 (Appendix L of this report). 3A. A. Abbatiello, Optical Measurements Through Hot Cell Windows (Early Design [.ead Glass), memo to F. R. McQuilkin dated May 17, 1957 (Appendix M of this report). 88 a dull finish was placed on the cell side of the window and mounted in a horizontal position, Readings (Table N-1) were taken at five points through the window. Three of them were normal to the surface, at points A, 12 in, from the right edge of the window, B, about at the center, and C, at 4 in, from the left edge of the window. All three of these readings were taken at the approximate horizontal centerline, Two readings, D and E, were obtained at an angle to the surface. Position D was at an angle of 25° from the normal entering at a point 4 in. from the left edge, looking toward the right. Position E was taken at a point about 12 in. from the right edge of the window facing the glass at an angle of about 23° from the normal, but looking toward the left. Because these windows were located in a storage area, the only available illumination was daylight. A door open to the exterior of the building was raised and the object to be measured was illumi- nated by natural daylight. Conclusions 1. As can be seen by examination of the data, the dimensions obtained through this window are better than any of those obtained heretofore, either with the zinc bromide or through the earlier lead glass window in Bldg. 4501, The results indicate that there is closest agreement between all the readings of any data taken to date. There were no marked differences between any of the specific points on this window as measured. 2, The deviations noted from the true diameter were both on the plus and minus side, indicating that these readings gave better dispersion about the mean. 3. Because the cathetometer could not be fo- cused on the longer distances (Positions D and E), some parallax was encountered which could not be removed (parallax is the apparent shifting of the cross hairs on the image as the eye is moved across the field of view and means the cross hairs are not located at the exact focal point of the eyepiece). A telescope designed for the range of distance at hand would have avoided this handi- cap. 4, Nevertheless, in spite of the problems of trying to adapt the available equipment to this Table N-1. Window: natural daylight illumination Data on Lead Glass Window for HLCD 20 X 36 in., 4 ft thick, tested while in storage at Bldg. 7005, May 31, 1957, Specimen: pipe, diameter 0.832 in, = 21.13 mm Reading Reading Difference Deviation Run Position Top Bottom . Notes (mm) (in.) (mm) (mm) A 80.77 59.49 21.28 +0.006 A 80.84 59.69 21.15 +0.001 Normal to surface at position A A 80.77 59.82 20.85 -0.01 4 B 80.37 59.39 20.98 -~0.006 5 B 80.51 59.33 21.18 +0.002 6 B 80.47 59.52 20.95 —0.007 Normal to surface at position B 7 B 80.59 59.25 21.34 +0.009 8 B 80.44 59.49 20.95 -0.007 9 cC 89.10 67.98 21.12 —0.0004 10 C 89.29 67.92 21.37 +0.010 N | ¢ o C 11 C 88.96 67.82 21.14 +0.0004 ormal te surtace at position 12 cC 89.12 67.86 21.26 +0.005 13 D 89.50 68.25 21.25 +0.¢05 14 D 89.44 68.36 21.18 +0.002 A le of 25° to righ 15 D 89.42 68.32 21.10 ~0.001 Pangle of 297 to right 16 D 89.51 68.22 21.29 +0.006 17 E 78.62 57.10 21.52 +0.015* 18 E 78.51 57.50 21.01 -0.005 o 19 E 78.84 57.85 20.99 ~0.006 At angle of 237 to left 20 E 78.86 57.71 21.15 +0.001 * Probably due to parallax. test, the results are most encouraging. The test setup was made and about 20 readings were taken in a 2-hour period, which indicates that an ac- ceptable rate for obtaining data is possibie. 5. The available range of accuracy and repro- ducibility using this system appears adequate to justify its use, as determined by the 0.1 to 1% change in dimensions expected as suggested by the Power Plant Design Department.* 6. Since these readings compare favorably with the first set of readings taken in air only (see my 4Erom personal notes of a meeting at 9201.3, Jan. 31, 1957 April 15 memo), it is apparent that the lead win- dow has little effect and that we have reached the accuracy obtainable with this type of experimental setup. It should be noted that this test was impro- vised from available equipment and that a larger power scope with a longer focusing range would have provided better results, However, in spite of these minor difficulties it is felt that lead win- dows as presently produced and indicated by this example, which will be used at the HLCD, will be adequate to give the type of measurements needed. All the plus values averaged out to +0.0052 in.,, and all the minus values averaged -0.0054 in, The object which was measured was placed about 2 ft inside the cell, i.e., from the window. 89 When the reactor is placed in the cell it is ex- pected that it will be about 10 ft from the window. Our equipment did not permit this long range test. Had the equipment been available, which would have focused properly at these longer ranges, it would have been preferable to make this test to determine whether the angular deviation varies as the distance. However, since such small devia- tions were found with the present readings, it is expected that as the distance becomes greater the variation will not increase appreciably. 90 Acknowledgments We are again indebted to W. E. Brundage of the Solid State Division for the use of the cathetom- eter, to H. C, Duggan of E & M Division for the information and specifications on this new lead glass window, and to Frank Ring, Jr., for per- mission to use these windows. APPENDIX O. ART DISASSEMBLY CELL (ADC) FACILITY CIRITERIAI'2 1. Introduction Continued study and experimentation in the field of nuclear energy by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has progressed to the stage where facilities are necessary for handling large, highly radioactive assemblies and disassembling these units to obtain engineering data. 1.1. Document Definition These criteria outline the requirements for construction of an ART Disassembly Cell (ADC) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. In preparing the drawings and construction specifications the prime consideration has been to acquaint the Architect-Engineer (A-E) with general facility requirements without restricting his normal freedom of choice as to engineering and construction details, The benefit of the Architect-Engineer’s experience on similar structures, to amplify and improve the design criteria, is solicited, 1.2. Location The ADC shall be located on the site shown in Fig. O-1. This site is within the X-10 plant security area. 1.3. Completion Considerations Special consideration shall be given to the design and construction schedules to insure transfer of the ADC to ORNL by June 1, 1958, Maximum use shall be made of standard equipment and prefabrication to minimize procurement and construction time, 1.4. Special Considerations Construction within the Laboratory is subject to certain special conditions covering operations such as blasting. These conditions shall be included in the specifications. Information of this nature will be furnished by ORNL. 1.4.1. Provision for Additions It is definitely planned that an addition will be made to the building, This addi- tion may be equal to or larger than the ADC, Figure O-2 shows the proposed location of this addition, The addition is not included in this design, except that a study shall be made to determine the additional utilities required. ORNL will collaborate in determining these requirements. 1.4,2. AEC Construction Requirements The A-E will be expected to provide estimates and services as required to fulfill AEC requirements as to bid evaluation, construction reports, and procedures. Standard AEC construction requirements which are required to be a part of the ADC specification will be furnished to the A-E. ]Preliminary report by V. J. Kelleghan and F. R. McQuilkin dated December 20, 1956. 2The title for this proposed facility was later revised to Reactor Disassembly Hot Cell (RDHC). The facility has been referred to elsewhere in this report by the revised title. 91 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL—-LR—DWG 35473 “ ADC “ 4 N OLD CHEMISTRY BUILDING \ 3852 3551 - —t CHEM. EVAP // 35Doeo O O / O O O 3515 3550 // \500 3579 3505 WETAL __I O . [_3;5_;1 RECOVERY //////4 — BUILDING CHEM. ISOLATION 1:] MULTI-CURIE | LAB. FISSION 3592 ] 3587 PRODUCTS [:I s5e7 PLANT 3308 STORAGE AREA 3504 SOLV. OPER, " SOLV. OPER. OFFICE H.P. WASTE 3502 RESEARCH 3503 " NOTE: INCREASE SCALE AND SHOW TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES 3500 -~ 3999 0 100 200 300 SCALE (N FEET N { FOR DRAWING ONLY) Fig. O-1. ADC Facility Site. 1.5. Security No security clearance will be required for contractor’s personnel, inasmuch as the con- struction area will be isolated from the X-10 security area by security fencing and pro- . vision will be made for free access to the construction area from a road open to public travel, . 1.5.1, Exterior Doors All exterior doors shall be of l%-in. insulated metal construction, They shall have concealed hinges and pins or the approved security equivalent. All exterior swinging doors shall have panic hardware. All exterior doors, swinging and roll-up, shall be equipped with approved security eyelets. The roll-up door shall be op- erable from the interior of the building only. 92 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 35474 - 85 ft-0in. _ /“f ‘\l ‘-’ » I SO A | I 1 EQUIPMENT | ! O =aE o FUTURE BUILDM Z ROOM | LAB. i OFFICE | = == < ADDITION ! ! A S %l-——-—XI?———L——\-}"—A——K?——J .I--...‘J::.} 3 Z MEZZANINE ABOVE I3 % | o= =N i ‘ m [ Z % OPERATING S c l’ A % A AREA - ;15 2 | o - 7 g, T o . ’ A 22 el © < © —_— ——] l, / © s MONORAIL A A 58 N A A 8% F e PARTITION A S L ST e ceLL access poor T 7 L eI S| - v ‘.!;- = 12 £ x 42 ft / ROLL- UP DOOR é - 4 MAINTENANCE CELL g — 050 10 20 30 o b Y p—t 4 ~ ' AL T T /b | FEET %\/ %é‘?filo .-'%DOORS OPEN A % —— - é CRANE‘r; C') é ) LOADING AREA = T 8 s AL - 1 1 | | ' NOTE; CELL WINDOWS NOT SHOWN —TUNNEL TO STORAGE AREA Fig. 0-2. ADC Floor Plan. 1.5.2. Locks All cylinders for locks and exit bolts shall be Best Universal Lock Company's ]932-in. cylinder bore, 7-pin core No. 1E74 or approved equivalent, Cores shall be uncombinated. Cores and blank keys shall be supplied to ORNL for combinating and cutting of keys. Panic hardware, locked type, to accommodate the above cylinder will be used where required. 1,5.3. Access to Underground Storage Facility The underground storage facility is accessible via a tunnel from the ADC. A secondary entrance from ground level shall be provided and suitably shielded. This entrance shall have a metal door equal to or stronger than the exterior doors for the ADC, with similar locks. 1.6. Special Studies To Be Made by the A-E ft is desired that the A-E study the building exhaust requirements and make recommenda- tions as to the cost of erecting a new stack to elevation _____ or use an existing stack with necessary modifications, A study of a storage facility as outlined in Section 2.3.11 shall be made. 2. Description of Facility 2.1. General Description The ADC shall be arranged generally as shown on Figs. 0-2 and 0-3. It shall be approx- imately 125 ft wide by 85 ft long by 36 ft high. Windows will be located in the offices only. Adjacent to the ADC will be an underground storage area for radicactive materials. A tunnel will connect the two buildings. Design of the underground storage should be such that it may be enlarged to serve the planned building addition. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 35475 7 7 R / [ 2 L e // . s PARTITION ., “ HYDRAULIC LIFT TUNNEL TO STORAGE AREA 5 0 5 10 15 20 SECTION A-A Fig. 0-3. Sectional View of ADC Building. o 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3. Type of Building The building shall be of structural framing with reinforced concrete floors, metal roof panels, built-up roof, and exterior walls of concrete block faced with brick to conform to the appearance of existing permanent laboratory buildings. One wall of the ADC shall not be brick faced but shall be designed with provision for the future additions. Building and construction shall be such that low level air- borne contamination is contained and decontamination is facilitated, Floor Plan Figure O-2 shows the proposed floor plan. The layout chosen is intended to show general area requirements and other operating features. Structural considerations, location of utilities, economy of layout, etc., may necessitate its revision. Site Location Figure O-1 shows the site chosen for the ADC and the adjacent buildings. Loca- tions of utility tie-in points are shown. 2.2, Building Areas Required &~ 2.2.]. 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.2.5. 2.2,6. Unloading Area An area is required in front of the cell sliding doors where large equipment trucked to the ADC can be unloaded and transported into the building, This area is in effect a truck unloading dock. Set-Up Area This area is a hot (possibly radioactively contaminated) area. It is the staging area where small tools and equipment to be placed in or removed from the cell are prepared. Personnel going into and out of the cells will operate from this area, Personnel Decontamination Area This is a locker room where contaminated clothing is removed. Personnel are required to wash any contaminated dust, etc., from their persons before leaving this area and entering the cold locker room, Locker Room A locker room where operating personnel can leave their clean clothing before entering the hot locker room and donning their coveralls is required, It will also provide toilet facilities for other personnel in the building. Operating Area This area is located adjacent to the cell. It is the working area from which the disassembly tools and manipulators will be operated during disassembly. All viewing of operations and measurements will be made from this area. Office and Laboratory Area The business of keeping track of the disassembly operation will be conducted here. Any work of a minor nature involving need for laboratory equipment will be handled in this area. 95 2.2.7. Mezzanine Access to viewing windows at an upper elevation is necessary. Additional » offices and storage space for health physics instruments, etc., are to be avail- able at this level, 2.2.8, Building Service Equipment Area It is intended that all service equipment such as air conditioning units, hot water heater, electrical cabinets, etc., be located in one single area separate from the rest of the areas. i 2.2.9. Disassembly Cell A cell is required where large equipment may be sectioned and examined to obtain engineering information. Due to the biological hazard the area where this is done must be heavily shielded. Special provision must also be made for ready decontamination. 2.2.10. Maintenance or Temporary Reactor Storage Cell A cell is required where the equipment from the disassembly cell can be repaired while disassembly operations are still in progress. It will permit such mainte- . nance without the necessity of decontaminating the large cell. Such an areaq, if adjacent to the disassembly cell, can also be used for temporary storage of large - radioactive components when access is required to the main cell. 2.2.11. Storage Facility As large radioactive components are disassembled, it is desirable to have some area where their parts may be safely stored. Since these parts will in turn be studied in great detail, it must be possible to withdraw specific ones from storage. This storage facility will be common to the ADC and the future building addition. 2.3. Requirements for Areas 2.3.1. Unloading Area Dimensions The unloading area will be an 18-ft roadbed passing in front of the sliding doors for the cell. [t shall be depressed 6 in. below the leve| of the cell floor. This will tend to contain any spillage in this area. Overhead Crane A 30-ton crane shall extend out over the unloading area for use in unloading heavy components. Tracks for both O-man manipulators shall extend out over the unloading area farther than the crane so that the crane can be between the building and one of these manipu- lators when it picks up a load. 96 2.3.13., Contaminated Fluid Drain A drain which connects to the contaminated fluid drainage system shall be provided in the unloading area. It shall be valved off and used only when decontamination of the unloading area is required. Storm Drain Because the unloading area is depressed below surrounding areas, a storm drain will be required, Provision shall be made for ¢closing this drain during decontamination operations. Load Requirements The roadbed in this area must be suitable for heavy duty trucking. It should have a load capacity equal to the roads in the X-10 plant area. 2.3.2. Set-Up Area 2,3.2.2, Dimensions This area should be approximately 40 x 40 ft. Ceiling height should be sufficient to permit set-up of portable lifts, etc., to load and unload light trucks. A ceiling height of approximately 20 ft is desirable, Floor Load The floor load in this area should be adequate to permit use of a 3/4-'ron pick-up truck or a smail fork lift. Roll-Up Door An exterior roll-up door is required to provide truck access to the set-up area. This door should be operable from the set-up area only, with an external buzzer or bell to request admittance. Flooring and Painting The floor in this area shall be concrete covered with a vinyl coating equivalent to Amercoat No. 33 applied as recommended by the manu- facturer, Color scheme and paints for walls and ceiling shall conform to ORNL standards. Access from Other Areas Access to the set-up area will normally be through the hot locker room. The set-up area will be classed as a hot area since entrance into the cells will be from this area, The roll-up door will be used for access into this area only when special precautions have been taken. Tool Decontamination Table and Sink A mechanics’ work table shall be provided in the areq, with a sink at one end suitable for decontaminating small tools. This sink should connect into the contaminated fluid drain system. A contominated fluid floor drain is required in this area. 97 < 98 Safety Shower A safety shower is required in this area, 2.3.3. Personnel Decontamination Area Access from Other Areas This is the hot locker room. It shall connect with the setup area through a swinging door with a door closer. Connection from this room to the cold locker room shall be by means of a pass-through shower or a swinging door. The locker room should be sized to accom- modate six men per shift on a three-shift basis. Equipment and Hardware The general types of equipment required in this area are shown on Fig. O-4. Toilet hardware shall be brass, chrome plated, and all brackets, bolts, and screws shall be chrome plated. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR—DWG 35476 COLD LOCKER ~-«——— HOT LOCKER L 60ft—0Qin, - at————————————— 30 ft -0 in. ———rr——————— SRR NE T Lip v ) AN B ~—— {5 ft =0 in, —— = O O 3 S - D - cse DSC , H L L cc HC : | , "1 l II | [TTTITTT _\/I LEGEND > 9 2 B L LOCKERS B BENCH FEET CC CLEAN CLOTHES MC HAND AND FOOT COUNTER CSC CLEAN SHOE COVERS — N— DSC DIRTY SHOE COVERS S SHOWER H HAMPER Fig. 0-4. Locker Rooms. 2,3.3.5. Contaminated Fluid Drains All drainage including floor drain, lavatory, and showers shall be to the contaminated drain system. The toilets shall drain to the sanitary drain system. Flooring and Painting The floor in this area shall be concrete covered with a vinyl coating equivalent to Amercoat No. 33 applied as recommended by the manu- facturer. Color scheme and materials for walls and ceiling shall con- form to ORNL standards. Floor Load Floor load in this area shall be normal for this type of service, 2.3.4, Locker Room,, Design Operating Crew The locker room should be sized on the basis of six men per shift on a three-shift basis. Two additional people will normally be in the building on the day shift, Access from Other Areas The cold locker room shall be accessible from the hot locker room by means of a pass-through shower. A swinging door with door closer shall be the access to the operating area. If convenient, access to the locker room is desirable from the street, Equipment and Hardware The general types of equipment required in this area are shown on Fig. 0-4. Toilet hardware shall be brass, chrome plated, and all brackets, bolts, and screws shall be chrome plated. Flooring and Painting The floor in the locker room shall be steel troweled concrete finished with hardener, The paint shall be consistent with ORNL standards as to color and type. Floor Load The floor load shall be standard for this type of area. 2.3.5. Operating Area Access from Other Areas The operating area shall be accessible from the laboratory, offices, building service equipment room, locker room, and the street, Emergency exits shall be provided from this area where required. Janitors' Closet A janitor’s closet with sink is required either in this area or in the locker room, The space under the stairs to the mezzanine would be an acceptable location, 99 100 2,3.5.3. 2 .3. 5.4. Stairway to Mezzanine It is desired that access to the mezzanine be provided by a staircase leading from the operating area. Flooring and Painting The flooring in the operating area shall be grease-proof asphalt tile equivalent to Kentile., Walls and ceiling shall be painted in accord- ance with ORNL standards; however, special effort shall be made to use flat paints which will minimize reflection, Floor Load The floor load in this area shall be standard for halls where large numbers of people may congregate. 2,3.6. Office and Laboratory Area 2.3.7. Mezzanine Access from Other Areas Access to the office and labs shali be from the operating area or the street, depending upon location. . Office Equipment All desks, chairs, and other office equipment will be supplied by . ORNL. Laboratory Equipment The laboratory shall be equipped with a laboratory table with a hood at one end and a sink at the other end. This shall be an acid sink and for this reason should drain into the contaminated fluid drainage system. Provision shall be made for installing bottled gas near the table. Dimensions The office shall be sized to accommodate two desks, file drawers, etc. The laboratory should accommodate a desk and storage cabinets as well as the work table, Flooring and Painting These areas shall have grease-proof asphalt tile with walls and ceilings painted to conform to ORNL standards. . Partitions Room division shall be accomplished with movable metal partitions similar to those manufactured by the Mills Co. Access from Other Areas Access to the mezzanine shall be by staircase from the operating area. A secondary means of egress shall be provided in case of emergency. * 2,3.7.3. 2,3.7.4 Rooms Rooms on the mezzanine shall be sized and provided with fixtures so that they may be readily usable for office space. Floor Loading The floor of the mezzanine shall be designed to permit storage of light equipment or assembly of groups of approximately 15 people, Flooring and Painting Flooring and painting in this area shall be similar to that used in the office and laboratory area, Partitions Room division shall be accomplished with movable metal partitions similar to those manufactured by the Mills Co. 2.3.8. Building Service Equipment Area, Access from Other Areas This area shall be accessible from the operating area or from the street. The street access shall be sufficiently large to permit in- stallation or removal of equipment in this area, Equipment It is desirable to have all of the building service equipment located in a single place. It is expected that the building air conditioning, hot water heater, lighting and power panels, etc., will be located here. Floor Loading The floor in this area shall be designed for the heavy loads of the equipment located in it. Floor Drain A floor drain shall be provided in this area to which any drainage from the equipment can be directed. This drain should tie into the building storm drain system, Flooring and Painting The floor in this area will be steel troweled concrete, hardened. Painting of walls and ceiling shall conform to ORNL standards. 2.3.9. Disassembly Cell, Dimensions The approximate inside dimensions of the disassembly cell (Fig. O-5) shall be 52 ft long by 20 ft wide by 34 ft high, The shielding walls shall be 4]/2-ft-thic|< high-density concrete of at least 230 pounds per cubic foot. The roof shall be 2-ft-thick high-density concrete. 101 Z0l1 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL- LR—DWG 35477 | | | | | | | | | H / | 1 A | H-ag _ ! I | e | | MEZZANINE L — ! / _ \’1'1;-3-..,6‘ i . T ..'.‘fl ‘.-..7__, T v v ‘o - _A- T a» 3 ¥ % m :."_: v.r-". e T .'l :.»,’..'....“_4.: ‘.- H bff [ T | l | M l HOLE SCHEDULE I el ITEM REMARKS | / M MANIPULATOR ' T B MACHINE TOOL CONTROLS PORTAB%E PLATFORM —) Cfi C CONDUIT AND PIPE, SLEEVE PANEL | | S D DECONTAMINATION NOZZLE CONNECTION | IL’,/ ~. F TOE SLOT | Prmm==ss S SPOTLIGHT | | P G 30-ton CRANE CONTROL | [|oo| H MICROSCOPY VIEWING PORT : ¢ = /i K | LOST TOOL TRANSFER l J oo ] . | s G- 15 NOTE: | Q| O DETAILS TO BE FURNISHED BY ABBE ! '(jt+‘ I RN/ N \NZZ N SRS 5 o 5 10 = FEET Fig. 0-5. Cell, South Elevation. Cell Liner The interior surface of the shielding wall and floor shall be lined with stainless steel to facilitate decontamination operations, Viewing Windows The shielded viewing windows shall be approximately 3 x 4 ft (viewing area on operating side), glass with oil laminations or zinc bromide tanks. They shall be the tapered type and be sized by the A-E for maximum vision to all parts of the cells, The A-E shall investigate the possibility of using a “*package’’ window as manufactured by Corning Glass Works, or approved equivalent, The shield wall sur- rounding the windows shall be high-density solid concrete blocks suitably installed to permit easy revisions to hole size and placement in these areas. Bridge Crane A 30-ton bridge crane shall be provided in the disassembly cell, The tracks for the crane shall extend from the disassembly cell, through the maintenance cell, and out over the unloading area. Crane rails shall pivot out of the way where the crane passes through the large doors. Slow travel and hoisting by the crane are desirable to permit accurate positioning of equipment. The maximum hook to floor clearance shall be 26 ft. The lift of the hook shall be from 3 ft above the floor of the lowest pit to at least 26 ft above the cell floor. Controls for the crane shall be located in the operating area. Pro- vision shall be made for quickly attaching and detaching a pendant control with which the ¢crane may be operated from the cell floor. Wash Down Facilities A spray system shall be installed in the hot cell rooms which will handle detergent and hot or cold water for decontaminating purposes. The system shall be supplied from a pump and tank. The cell.rooms are to be individually valved. Consideration should be given to the use of dilute nitric acid (approx. 6%) in this system. Large Shielding Doors The wall between the disassembly cell and the maintenance cell shall be movable. Split type doors are preferred consisting of 4]/2 ft of high-density concrete covered with a stainless steel skin, The doors shall be motor operated with controls located in the operating area. Where necessary, an air seal shall be provided between the cell and the operating area, 103 104, 2,3.9.11, O-Man Tracks Two sets of tracks suitable for O-man manipulators shall be provided in the cell. These tracks shall be located to permit the manipulators to pass the crane and each other, Manipulator Holes There shall be two holes above each viewing window for manipulators. The holes shall be sized and spaced for the Argonne Model 8 type manipulators, Lost Tool Transfer Scheme There shall be incorporated in the design of hot cell rooms a device with appropriate shielding which will allow an operator to transfer small objects into and out of the hot cell rooms after the rooms are radioactive. This system shall be designed and located so that con- tamination is confined to the cell rooms or is otherwise controiled., Maximum dimension of objects to be transferred are 6 in. dia. by 18 in. long. Transfer devices, if mechanized, shall also be manually operable from operating area side. Access Door A suitably shielded door shall be provided to permit entrance into the cell from the set-up area. The door shall be mechanized or counter- weighted in such a way that one man may move it, The penetration of the cell liner shall be developed by the A-E. A hole 4 x 5 ft is suggested, Contaminated Fluid Drain Four contaminated fluid drains shall be provided in the cell and shall tie into the contaminated fluid drain system, These drains should each have a closure which can be actuated from the operating area. One of these drains shall be located in the bottom of the elevator pit. Wall Inserts Stiffeners shall be attached to the outer surface of the cell liner at suitable spacing to permit attachment of shelves and storage racks for instruments, tools, gages, etc. These stiffeners may be attached to the concrete, but relative expansion problems should be studied to prevent buckling the cell liner. Microscopy Yiewing Posts There shall be installed in the disassembly area two microscopy viewing portholes, size and positioning of holes to be furnished by ORNL., 2,3.9.15. Transfer Hatch to Storage Area and Cover There shall be a transfer system from the disassembly cell to an underground storage area as shown on Figs. 0-2, 0-3, and O-6. This system shall be designed to allow specimens to be lowered from the crane or a manipulator onto a mechanized dolly in an underground tunnel. The dolly shall run on tracks and be controlled remotely. When the dolly is in position under the hot cell hatch, specimens may be lifted out with manipulators. The hatchway shall have an 8 x 8-ft cover which shall be motor driven and controlled from the operating area, This is not a shielding cover but an air seal, Floor Loading The floor in the disassembly area shall be designed for a possible maximum uniform load of 3000 pounds per square foot, However, foundation pads capable of carrying the tool equipment loads plus working loads shall be provided where fixed tools will be installed as indicated on Figs, O-2 and O-3. Elevator Pit and Plug A hydraulic lift will be located in a pit in the cell as shown on Figs,0-2 and 0-3. A shielding plug for the pit (thickness by ORNL) shall be provided and provision made for storing it within one of the cells. Design should permit the 30-ton crane to pick the plug up and cover the pit when the lift is depressed. Pit design shall facilitate maintenance and decontamination, Parts Decontamination Parts will be decontaminated where indicated on Fig. 0-2; therefore the floor shall be sloped in this area to a contaminated fluid drain. 2.3.10. Maintenance of Temporary Reactor Storage Cell 2,3.10.3. Dimensions This cell will have one wall common to the disassembly cell and will be approximately 20 ft wide by 20 ft long by 34 ft high, The shielding walls shall be high-density concrete, at least 230 pounds per cubic foot, 4]/2 ft thick, Cell Liner The interior of this cell shall be lined with stainless steel as in the disassembly cell, Viewing Windows The viewing windows in this cell shall be similar to those in the dis- assembly cell, 105 UNCLASSIFIED ORNL~-LR-DWG 35478 J#L:fi-w CAMERA | a— BUTLER TYPE BUILDING I 0 ' b e - === CARRIER ] ! ._@’””/\\\Y/\%/V/ RS 00 S0 TEN 2SS e AW b E I.JI :, S T, )1 o ' WL pE b . > Lo 1 | //\\@_\ifi Low U ELEVATION Sk— SAMPLE CAN . CARRIER DETAIL - 85 ft - Oin. - SHIELDED ROOM FOR REMOTE = T < T 17 CRANE OPERATION ~—w{ 7 . % xd I_F_ oo oo O | £ :]] © 0 00 O ToRAGE & STORAGE & o T oo oo QO < | IT () © 0 O O O 7 l N | T I I I vz I ' § [ 1 | ! | Liu 105 0510 20 30 ) TUNNEL o — e —— TO ADC FEET PLAN _ NOTE : OPERATING EXPERIENCE MAY DEMONSTRATE THAT REMOTE OPERATION OF CRANE 15 NOT NECESSARY. 106 Fig- 0'6. Storage Area., Bridge Crane The same 30-ton crane which serves the disassembly cell will serve this cell. Where the crane passes through a large shielding door it must be possible to separate the track and pivot it out of the way to permit the door to close, 2,3.10.5. Wash Down Facilities This system should be the same as that in the disassembly cell, Large Shielding Doors The maintenance cell shall have motor operated split doors at each end, one pair in common with the disassembly cell and the other pair opening to the loading area. Both doors shall be motorized and con- trolled from the operating area. O-Man Tracks The manipulator tracks will pass through this cell and will have to be handled in the same manner as the crane tracks where door inter- ference will be encountered,, Manipulator Holes Requirements are the same as in the disassembly cell. Access Door An access plug and door in the cell liner shall be provided giving' access from the set-up area into the cell. A hole 4 x 5 ft is suggested. The requirements are the same as for the access door into the dis- assembly cell. 2.3.10,10. Contaminated Fluid Drain At least two such drains shall be located in the maintenance cell, These drains should each have a closure which can be actuated from the operating area, Wall Inserts Requirements are the same as in the disassembly cell., Floor Loading The floor of the cell shall be designed for a maximum uniform loading of 3000 pounds per square foot, 2.3.11. Storage Facility 2.3.11,1, Location and Dimensions The storage facility shall be located as near to the ADC as con- struction and shielding will permit. This will reduce the cost of extending the tunnel and utilities into the storage area, Location of the storage area shall permit extension of the building at some future 107 108,,,, date. The storage area shall be planned to accommedate thirty-six 3 ft dia by 6 ft high drums and six 5 ft dia by 6 ft high drums, These drums must be positioned remotely, so area for this handling equip- ment will be required. The storage facility shielding will be determined by ORNL, but for preliminary studies 5 ft of high-density concrete or its shielding equivalent shall be assumed for personnel protection, Mechanization Because of the biological hazard from the stored materials, the stor- age facility shall be completely mechanized for remote handling, ORNL intends to propose a number of acceptable methods and request the A-E to study these methods from a design and cost standpoint and make recommendations. Prime considerations in evaluating these methods shall be simplicity, reliability, ease of maintenance, safety, minimum cost, and possibilities for increasing the storage capacity. Provisions for Additions - It is definitely expected that the storage facility will have to be in- creased. The design and layout shall be such that this expansion of the facilities can be accomplished without seriously interfering with the operation of the existing storage. Any expansion of the facilities shall also be possible without exposing construction personnel to radiation hazards. Floor Loading The floor loading in the storage area shall be no less than that in the cells but may be any higher loading which might be necessitated by the method of storage chosen, Painting The storage facility interiors shall be painted with an acid resistant paint equivalent to Amercoat No. 33 applied as recommended by the manufacturer, This paint shall be used for all areas upon which con- taminated materials may be spilled or dropped. Contaminated Fluid Drain The entire storage facility shall be provided with adequate floor drains which tie into the contaminated liquid drainage system for the area. Storage Methods Engineering studies shall be conducted by the A-E to evaluate the following methods of storage on the basis of simplicity, reliability, ease of maintenance, safety, minimum cost, and possibility for in- creasing storage capacity, 1. Storage in a Large Shielded Room Cans stored in a single room; light overhead crane, remotely operated; no shielding between cans; operator outside looking through shielding window; method for crane removal and repair. 2. Plug Storage Cans stored in holes in ground with shield plugs; cans separated from one another and shielded to make radiation from can being handled the main problem; shielded carrier, cans can be remotely drawn up into it like inverted tumbler; heavy crane, remotely operated; light building which can be held at a slightly negative pressure. 3. Underwater Storage Water for shielding; method for pressurizing cans with inert gas and sinking under water in single large pool; light crane; water treatment scheme. 4, Conveyor Belt Heavy shielding; conveyor hooks carrying cans on circular or elongated system; conveyor mechanism readily accessible; cans in @ common tunnel not shielded from one another. 2.4, Building Utilities 2.4.1. Heating The heating system for the ADC shall be steam to be supplied from an existing central steam plant, The A-E shall design the temperatures for the various areas in accordance with good engineering practice. There shall be no temperature or humidity control in the cell. The remainder of the building shall be air con- ditioned. | Combination with Air Conditioner With the entire building air conditioned it appears desirable to provide the air conditioning unit with a steam coil and in this way heat the building. 2.4,2, Lighting 2.4,2.1. Lighting Requirements by Areas 1. Entrance Doors . Incandescent industrial type fixtures, reflector type units, heavy duty, weatherproof, located above doors and switched locally. Red incandescent exit fixtures shall be located above doors where applicable in complying with fire and safety codes, no local switching, 109 2, Stair Well Incandescent, 10 foot-candles, locally switched. 3. Safety Shower Green incandescent, no local switching. 4, Grounds Incandescent, conforming to security and ORNL standards as to type and intensity. 5. Set-Up Area ‘ Fluorescent or incandescent, vapor tight, 50 foot-candles, switched at panels. 6. Hot and Cold Locker Rooms Incandescent, industrial type diffusing fixtures, switched at doors, vapor proof in hot locker room, 20 foot-candles. 7. Offices and Laboratory Area Fluorescent, commercial office diffusing type, symmetrical arrangement, switched at doors, 40 foot-candles. 8. Operating Area Incandescent or fluorescent, industrial type diffusing fixtures, 50 foot-candles, switched at panels. Special emphasis on the area immediately in front of the windows. 9. Equipment Room Incandescent, industrial type diffusing fixtures, symmetrical arrangement, switched at door, 30 foot-candles., 10. Disassembly and Maintenance Cells Incandescent and sodium vapor, industrial type diffusing fix- tures, vapor proof, panel switched, 300 foot-candles total. In addition, a mercury arc spotlight shall be provided at each window. Special emphasis shall be placed upon making the lamps in this area readily replaceable. 2,4,2.2, Emergency Lighting An emergency lighting system is to be provided to supply low level lighting in cells, stairs, exits, and other critical areas. 2.4.3. Ventilation and Air Conditioning Basic Philosophy It is intended that the flow of air leakage resulting from the pres- sure levels within the building should be into the building and, within the building, from uncontaminated areas to areas of higher contamina- tion. In this way, the spread of air-borne contamination to cold areas should be minimized. Temperature levels should be maintained such 110, that operators performing difficult disassembly operations with manipu- lators will be in a comfortable environment. Design Conditions Areas other than the cells shall have approximately seven air changes per hour, with the air migrating to the cell area. The hot cells shall have approximately twenty air changes per hour and be at a greater negative pressure than any other areas in the ADC, Ali of this air shall be cleaned and exhausted to the atmosphere through a stack. The A-E shall determine whether a new stack will be required or whether an existing stack can be utilized, The cells shall be main- tained under a negative pressure at all times to prevent radioactive particles from migrating to colder areas. When the cell doors are opened, an indraft shall result through the openings which prevents radioactive particles from migrating to colder areas. The A-E shall locate the filters in the cells for easy replacement with manipulators, Cell ventilation shall be separately controlled so that it can be shut off, if desired, without affecting the ventilation of the remainder of the building. Downdraft ventilation is desirable in the cells. No temperature or humidity control is required for the cells. The re- maining areas shall be maintained at 78°F, 50% relative humidity with control in accordance with good engineering practice. Special Filter Considerations No filters shall be used which are not of a replaceable type. All filter installations should feature ease of replacement in the event air-borne contamination deposits material with an appreciable activity in the filters. Building occupancy and operations will be discussed with the A-E. 2.4.4, Electrical Facilities, Building Service Entrance The building power transformer or tie-in to existing lines shall supply 480-volt 3-phase 60-cycle power to the ADC., The A-E will size this equipment to accommodate a 25% future load increase in the ADC, Interior Distribution A new 480-volt 3-phase load center shall be installed in the ADC. Feeders shall radiate from this load center to individual 480-208/120- volt 3-phase transformers where lower voltages are required. Load centers and breaker panels shall be sized to accommodate a 25% future load increase, 111 2,444, 2,4.4.5. 2.4,.5. Water, Conduit Conduit to accommodate wiring shall be run to all permanently located equipment and shall be embedded in floors, ceilings, or walls, which- ever is the most feasible, Conduit shall be installed for wiring to all outlets for lights, receptacles, transformer locations, etc. Approxi- mately six conduit sleeves shall be installed in the cell walls at each viewing window. ORNL will provide layouts showing size and posi- tions for conduits, Grounding An adequate grounding system shall be extended throughout the facility for equipment and building grounding. Receptacles for Areas The A-E shall specify receptacles in areas as functionally required. ORNL will provide information on receptacles required for opérations functions. Emergency Power Requirements An emergency power supply shall be provided. This will power the emergency lighting system, In addition, 120-volt a-¢ single-phase emergency power receptacles are required in both cells, in the set-up area, and in the equipment room. Motors Motors above l/2 horsepower shall be rated at 480 volts, 3 phase, wherever possible. Distribution All water to the building will be from the plant sanitary water system. It will be distributed in the facility to sinks, equipment, fountains, etc., as required. Drainage will be to the sanitary drain system except where otherwise specified. 2.4.6. Communications 2.4.6.] . 2.4,6.2. 112 Intercoms for Areas A complete intercommunication system shall be provided which per- mits contact between all areas except the equipment room and locker rooms., Commercial Telephone Provision shall be made for extension of the existing commercial telephone system into the ADC. Phones will be installed in all offices and laboratories, the operating area, and the set-up area. Wiring installed shall permit addition of phones if offices are added on the mezzanine. 2.4.7. Sanitary Drainage Sanitary waste lines from the ADC shall tie into the existing waste system for ORNL. 2.4.8. Storm Drains 2.4.9, 2.4,10,, Roof Drains Roof drainage shall be provided and connected to existing area storm drains., Unloading Area Drains Because the unloading area is depressed below the surrounding ground level, a storm drain which can be closed off shall be provided which connects into the storm drain system, Building and Tunnel Drainage Adequate drainage for all underground construction such as founda- tions, tunnels, etc., shall be provided. Contaminated Fluid Drainage, 2.4,9.2, Requirements Where drains for radioactively contaminated fluid are specified, they shall connect into a drain system which ties into a holding drum, Flow from this tank will be regulated at a preset value, and discharge will be to the existing ORNL contaminated waste disposal tank system, Shielding Requirements ORNL will supply the shielding criteria for this system, Piping materials shall be chosen to withstand dilute nitric acid solutions (6%). Compressed Air Requirements A connection shall be made with existing plant compressed air lines or a compressor provided, Lines for 90 psig air shall be provided in both cells, the set-up areq, and the unloading area. 2.4.11, Utilities Identification All vtilities in the buildings shall be clearly labeled. The standard laboratory color scheme shall be followed in painting, and self-adhesive labels such as the Quik-Label manufactured by the W. H. Brady Company or an approved equal shall be specified. 2.5, Alteration, Removal, or Relocating of Existing Building or Equipment Any existing equipment such as piping, manholes, drain ditches, fire hydrants, etc., which the A-E may find necessary to alter, remove, or relocate for the ADC shall be subject to approval from ORNL. A building now exists on the site planned for the ADC, The A-E shall study removal of designated portions of this building which can be vacated at an earlier date than others. This study should include necessary protection for por- tions of the building left standing. The necessary construction consequences of this re- striction should be presented for ORNL evaluation, " 2.6. Special Supporting Services 2.6.1. Yacuum Cleaning System A manifold vacuum clean-up system shall be installed to service the cell rooms and set-up area. There shall be at least five connections in the disassembly area. The facility maintenance area and set-up area shall have two connections. This system shall have not less than 60 inches w.g. vacuum at each of the indi- vidual connections and adequate flow for dust pick-up when it is assumed that three connections may be in use at one time. All particulate matter in the cell rooms shall be removed by a bag and filter located in each room for ease of dis- posal, The discharge header for the vacuum system shall terminate into the stack. 2.6.2. High Yacuum System A manifold high velocity vacuum system having four connections shall be in- stalled to service the disassembly cell and maintenance cell, two connections per cell, for removal of cutting tool chips. The pump for this vacuum system shall be specified by the A-E. 2.6.3. Radiation Detection A radiation detection system shall be provided to measure levels in certain areas. A hand and foot counter will be required in the cold locker room, Other requirements of this system will be specified by ORNL. 2.6.4. Fire Alarm System A Gamewell or approved equal fire alarm system shall be provided for the build- ings. A smoke detection system shall be provided for the storage facility and in the cell exhaust ducts. 2.6.5, Cell Decontamination System A spray system shall be installed in the hot cell rooms which will handle de- tergent, dilute nitric acid (6%), and hot or cold water for decontaminating purposes. System design shall permit washing down either cell independently. 2.6.6. Service Roads v Service road construction shall be governed by AEC design standards except as modified for increased vehicular wheel loads. Roads shall be consistent with . existing heavy duty ORNL roads in the vicinity of the ADC, 2.6.7. Container for Contaminated Trash Provision shall be made to place a Dempster Dumpster type container near the ADC. This container will be provided by ORNL, but a space allocation with road access shall be provided by the A-E. 114 2.7. ORNL Furnished Equipment 2'7. ] o 2.7.2, A-E Specitied The A-E will be expected to specify all equipment required for completion of the building and placing it in operational readiness. This includes such items as cranes, viewing windows, air conditioner, etc, Any equipment so specified which cannot, in the A-E’s opinion, be obtained by the contractor before June 1, 1958, shall be procured by ORNL for installation at a later date by others, ORNL Specified A list of equipment to be supplied by ORNL will be provided to the A-E along with dates when the items will be available for installation. Equipment such as manipulators, tools, furniture, instruments, etc., will be in this category. 115 APPENDIX P. SITE INVESTIGATIONS — REACTOR ENGINEERING HOT CELL FACILITIES!*? A survey has been made of the Bethel Valley and Melton Valley areas for a suitable site loca- tion for the Reactor Engineering Hot Cell Facility (REHCF). Findings of this study and recom- mendations by the survey team are reported below and on the attached tabulation and drawing. This study was made by Mr, S, E. Dismuke of the Solid State Division and the writer of ARED with the helpful aid of Mr. C. M. Carter of the Engineering and Mechanical Division's Civil Engi- neering Section and Mr. W. E. Thompson of the Buget Office. The information and recommenda- tions presented herein were reviewed in the Reactor Disassembly Planning Meeting on October 3, 1956, and this letter is being submitted with the endorsement of and at the instruction of that meeting. Assuming that the final plans will require an area approximately as indicated by the sketches included in the recent proposal® to the AEC, the search was for a site that would ultimately accommodate a facility approximately 190 ft by 320 ft or 60,800 sq ft, plus allowances for con- tractor working and storage space. On a three phase construction basis, the gross area require- ment would be about (1) 60,000 sq ft by July 1, 1957, (2) 70,600 sq ft by July 1, 1958, and 85,800 sq ft at such time that construction of the 20 ‘“future’’ cells should be started. In addition to space, the locations were studied with respect to utilities, services, center of reactor installa- tions, center of hot cell operations, public roads, stack installations, soil conditions, accessi- bility from 750Q area, contractor accessibility, current use of space, and planned future use of the space. Table P-1 lists findings for the eleven most promising sites studied. The approximate loca- tion of each site is shown on Fig. P-1. A summary of advantages and disadvantages for each site, along with recommendations, is given below. You will note that Sites 4, 8, and 11 are recommended as suitable locations for the Reactor Engineering Hot Cell Facility. Site 1 ~ 7500 area Advantage: Adjacent to Bldg. 7503 Disadvantage: Remote from center of Laboratory operations, hot cell personnel, and services; remote from hot waste drain system; on semipublic road; outside ORNL security fence; if required, a discharge stack would have to be con- structed Recommendation: Not recommended for REHCF Site 2 — 1500 area Advantage: Readily available construction space lMerm:o from F. R. McQuilkin to S, Cromer dated October 10, 1956. 2The title for the proposed facility was later revised to Reactor Disassembly Hot Cell (RDHC)., The facility has been referred to elsewhere in this report by the revised title. 3 . . Oak Ridge National L.aboratory Proposal for Reactor Engineering Hot Cell Facilities, ORNL CF-56-8-96 (Aug. 20, 1956). 116 LLL Table P-1. Site Investigations: Reactor Engineering Hot Ceil Facility (REHCF) Criteria [tem A, Site location B. Requirements to make area available C. Area possibly available 7/1/57: Dimensions Area Sufficient? D. Area possibly available after 7/1/57: Dimensions Area Sufficient? E, Is the site: 1. within ORNL security area? 2. near heavy-duty road to 75037 3. away from public or semipublic road? 4, near Lab. area reactor installations? 5, near present Solid State Bldg.? 6. near power service? 7. near potable water service? 8, near steam and air service? 9. near natural gas service? 10, near sanitary sewer? 11. near process sewer? 12. near hot waste drain? 13, near process water? 14. near existing stack? 15. near available stock? 16. near feasible stack construction site? 17. easily accessible for contractor? F. 1s underground storage and transfer facility feasibie? G. Are terrain, soil, and subsoil suitable? H. General site rating: composite evaluation Site | 7500 area (300 ft E of 7503 on 7500 Road) Clear land of timber 400 x 500 ft 200,000 f12 Yes 400 x 500 ft 200,000 f+2 Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes Yes Site 2 1500 area (600 £t S of 1000 Bldg. on 1st St.) N. R. 400 x 600 1 240,000 ft2 Yes 400 x 600 ft 240,000 12 Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Fair Site 3 2500 area (500 ft SW of Steam Bldg. on Ist St.) N. R. 200 x 500 ft 100,000 f2 Yes 200 x 500 ft 100,000 #+2 Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Doubtful Yes Site 4 3500 area (present site of 3550 Bldg. on Central Ave.) Relocate offices and labs of 4 divisional groups; roze Bldg. 3550 250 x 400 f 100,000 f+2 Yes 250 x 400 1 100,000 f+2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Doubtful Yes Yes Yes Yes Good Site 5§ 3000 area {present site of 3026 Bldg. on Central Ave,) Relocote lab, function; raze Bldg. 3026 150 x 250 ft 37,500 12 No 150 x 250 ft 37,500 f#? No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Doubtful Doubtful Doubtful Doubtful Doubtful Poor Site 6 3000 area (150 f+ W of 13.8 kv substa- tion on Bethel Valley Rd.) N. R. 300 x 300 ft 90,000 f12 Yes 300 x 300 ft 90,000 ft2 Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes N. R. Yes Yes Doubtful Fair 8Ll Table P-1 (continued) Criteria [tem Site 7 Site 8 Site ¢ Site 10 Site 11 A, Site location 5500 area 2000 area 2500 area 3000 area 4000 area (500 ft E of (immediately W of old (present site of Bldg. {present site of Bldg., 3022) (north of 4500 and 4500 Bidg.) steam plant, Bldg. 2011) 2506} 4501 Bidgs.} B. Requirements to make orea available N. R. Relocate 2018 shop; re- Relocate poymaster and Relocate E & M Div. offices N. R. locate 2012 H.P. lab; storeroom; raze bldg. and dwg. rooms; raze bldg. relocate 2011 Lig. Met, lab.; raze vacated bldgs, C. Area possibly available 7/1/57: Dimensions 300 x 400 ft 190 x 290 ft 200 x 275 ft 100 x 300 ft 200 x 500 ft Area 120,000 f12 55,000 2 55,000 ft2 30,000 ft2 100,000 ft2 Sufficient? Yes Yes Yes Neo Yes D. Areg possibly available after 7/1/57: Dimensions 300 x 400 ft 190 x 500 £ 200 x 275 ft 100 x 300 ft 200 x 500 ft Area 120,000 §+2 95,000 f+2 55,000 f+2 30,000 12 100,000 2 Sufficient? Yes Yes No No Yes E. Is the site: 1. within ORNL security area? No Yes Yes Yes Yes 2. near heavy-duty road to 7503? No Yes Yes Yes Yes 3. away from public or semipublic road? No Yes Yes Yes Yes 4, near Lab. area reactor installations? No Yes Yes Yes Yes 5. near present Solid State Bldg.? No Yes Yes Yes Yes 6. near power service? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7. near potable water service? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8. near steam and air service? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9. near notural gas service? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10. near sanitary sewer? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11. near process sewer? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 12. near hot waste drain? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 13. near process water? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14, near existing stack? No Yes Yes Yes No 15, near ovailable stack? No Yes Yes Doubtful No 16. near feasible stack construction site? Yes N. R. N. R. Doubtful Yes 17. easily accessible for contractor? Yes No Yes No Yes F. |s underground storage and transfer facility Yes Yes Yes (rock) No Yes feasible? G. Are terrain, soil, and subsoil suitable? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes H. General site rating: composite evaluation Fair+ Good Fair - Poor Good - e 1 ] . - e Sy fl \ // /// 4 /// /, /// / / pamy /. 7 7 k e R o/ % / % 000 -1499 % ( Q\ 3 W N e’ T ' 2000-2499 o 4 I DR i . N - ...... o (il LB | Bl i o <, X D B o LY o 3 el 7500 - 7999 + 5500 - 5999 Fig. P-1. Site Investigations for Reactor Engineering Hot Cell Facility. 119 Disadvantage: Recommendation: Site 3 ~ 2500 area Advantage: Disadvantage: Recommendation: Site 4 — 3500 area Advantage: Disadvantage: Recommendation: Remote from center of Laboratory operations, hot cell personnel, and services, while at the same time is removed from 7500 area reactor installations; remote from hot waste drain system; on semipublic road; outside ORNL security fence; if required, a discharge stack would have to be constructed in a location that is upwind of the Laboratory prevailing wind direction Not recommended for REHCF Readily available construction space Remote from center of Laboratory operations, hot cell personnel, and services, while at the same time is removed from 7500 area reactor installations; remote from hot waste drain system; on semipublic road; if required, a discharge stack would have to be constructed in a location that is upwind of the Laboratory prevailing wind direction Not recommended for REHCF Located near center of Laboratory operations, hot cell personnel, utilities, and services, including hot waste drain system To vacate Bldg. 3550 on the site requires relocation of offices and labs of personnel from four divisions (this can be done in three phases to correspond with new construction phases); if required, a discharge stack would have to be constructed, or possibly arrangements could be developed for limited use of the No. 3039 stack Recommended for REHCF Site 5 — 3000 area (3026 Building site) Advantage: Disadvantage: Recommendation: Located near center of Laboratory operations, hot cell personnel, utilities, and services, including hot drain; five existing cells could be incorporated in the small building design Site is much too small for a facility of the dimensions proposed; the sloping terrain and subsoil rock conditions would affect the building usage and con- struction cost; to replace Bldg. 3026, limited operations by two divisions would be disrupted; if required, a discharge stack should be constructed, or possibly limited use of No. 3039 stack could be arranged Not recommended for REHCF Site 6 — 3000 area (this is the site adjacent to Bethel Yalley Road that was described in the proposcll)3 Advantage: Disadvantage: Recommendation; Site 7 — 5500 area Advantage: 120 Readily available construction site; near an existing and available stack No. 3020 v Somewhat removed from center of Laboratory operations, hot cell personnel, and services; remote from hot waste drain system; on public road; the sloping terrain and subsoil rock conditions would affect the construction cost; future expansion possible only if substation or water mains are relocated Not recommended by the survey team for REHCF Readily available construction site; near the 4500 area scientific personnel; future expansion to the east would be feasible Disadvantage: Somewhat removed from center of Laboratory operations, hot cell personnel, and services; outside ORNL security fence; if required, a discharge stack should be constructed; near public road Recommendation: Not recommended for REHCF Site 8 ~ 2000 area (2018 Building site) Advantage: Located near center of Laboratory cperations, hot cell personnel, utilities, and services, including hot waste drain; adjacent to existing and available discharge stack No. 2061; future expansion toward the west would be feasible Disadvantage: To vacate site the Central Machine Shop Annex in Bldg. 2018 (scheduled to move to Bldg, 2525 in spring 1957), Liquid Metals Laboratory operations in Bldgs. 2011 and 2017, and Health Physics Laboratory Monitoring operations in Bldg. 2012 all must be relocated and the buildings razed (this can be done in three phases to correspond with new construction phases); the sloping terrain on the north side would somewhat affect building layout and construction cost Recommendation: Recommended for REHCF Site 9 — 2500 area (2506 Building site) Advantage: Located near center of Laboratory operations, hot cell personnel, utilities, and services, including hot waste drain; near existing and available discharge stack No. 2061 Disadvantage: Site is small for the facility as proposed and therefore future expansion would not be feasible; to vacate site the paymaster’s office and tool stores must be relocated and the building razed; known rock in the area would affect construction cost Recommendation: Not recommended for REHCF Site 10 —~ 3000 area (3022 Building site) Advantage: Located near center of Laboratory operations, hot cell personnel, utilities, and services, including hot waste drain; near existing discharge stack No. 3020 Disadvantage: Site is much too small for the facility as proposed; to vacate site the E & M Division offices and drafting rooms would have to be relocated and the building razed; the terrain on the north side of site would affect building layout and con- struction cost Recommendation: Not recommended for REHCF Site 11 — 4000 area Advantage: Located near center of Laboratory operations, hot cell personnel, utilities, and services, including hot waste drain; is readily available construction site Disadvantage: If required, a discharge stack should be constructed, or possibly limited use of No. 3039 stack could be arranged; adjacent to former radioactive waste burial ground No, 606B » Recommendation: Recommended for REHCF Suppiementary to the above summary we wish to amplify the findings as to requirements for making the sites ready for construction: Sites 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 11 are readily available and require relatively minor site preparation work, Site 4 in the 3500 area requires vacating and razing Bldg. 3550. Relocation of the lab and office groups imposes certain problems that would have to be resolved. Where it might be reason- able to vacate and raze the center (office) wing first and later remove the outer (lab) wings, the present plans for such relocation call for transferring only a portion of the Bldg. 3550 activities in calendar year 1959, Site 5 in the 3000 area cannot be released for a building site until present commitments for the Rala project in Bldg, 3026 expire March 31, 1957, and after arrangements are made to relocate hot cell activities in the west end of the building. Site 8 in the 2000 area is the present site of temporary buildings 2011, 2012, 2017, and 2018, As pointed out above, the Central Machine Shop Annex in Bldg. 2018 is scheduled to move to ‘ Bldg. 2525 in the spring of 1957, The writer understands that the activities of the Health Physics i Laboratory Monitoring Group in Bldg. 2012 are now such that relocation problems would be minor and probably could be worked out on short notice. Also, it is understood that the Liquid Metals Lab, which recently occupied the former steam plant Bldgs. 2011 and 2017, will require the building until the Metals and Ceramics Building is available in early calendar year 1960. Present plans for Site 9 call for relocation from Bldg. 2506 of the paymaster's office in the summer of 1958 and removal of the tool stores activity to an undetermined place at about the same time. The building is subsequently scheduled to be razed for construction of a permanent plant protection headquarters building as a fiscal year 1959 capital project. Site 10 is scheduled for release as a permanent building area after the E & M Division offices and drafting rooms are relocated in a second floor addition to be constructed on Bldg. 2525 as a fiscal year 1959 project. 122 ORNL-2464 UC-80 Reactors-General TID-4500 (15th ed.) 4 INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 1. A. A. Abbatiello 39. R. S. Livingston 2. S. E. Beall 40. R. N. Lyon 3. M. Bender 41. W. D. Manly 4. D. S. Billington 42. E. R. Mann 5. E. P. Blizard 43. H. G. MacPherson 6. C. J. Borkowski 44. F. R. McQuilkin 7. W. F. Boudreau 45. R. P. Milford 8. G. E. Boyd 46. A. J. Miller 9. E. J. Breeding 47. K. Z. Morgan 10. R. B. Briggs 48. J. P. Murray (Y-12) 11. W. E. Browning 49. G. Morris 12. F. R. Bruce 50. A. R. Olsen 13. T. J. Burnett 51. G. W. Parker | 14. A. D. Callihan 52. P. Patriarca | 15. R. S. Carlsmith 53. A. M. Perry * 16. C. E. Center (K-25) 54. P. M. Reyling 17. R. A. Charpie 55. F. Ring, Jr. 18. R. L. Clark 56. A. F. Rupp ° 19. W. B. Cottrell 57. H. W. Savage | 20. F. L. Culler 58. R. P. Shields 21. S. E. Dismuke 59. Oscar Sisman 22. H. G. Duggan 60. M. J. Skinner 23. W. K. Eister 61. A. M. Smith 24. L. B. Emlet (K-25) 62. J. A. Swartout 25. D. E. Ferguson 63. D. B. Trauger 26. A. P. Fraas 64. A. M. Weinberg 27. E. A. Franco-Ferreira 65. G. D. Whitman 28. E. J. Frederick 66. G. C. Williams 29. J. H. Frye, Jr. 67. C. E. Winters 30. W. R. Grimes 68. Health Physics Library 31. C. S. Harrill 69. Biology Library 32. W. R. Harwell 70. Reactor Experimental 33. T. Hikido Engineering Library 34. W. H. Jordan 71-72. Central Research Library 35. G. W. Keilholtz 73-75. ORNL -~ Y-12 Technical Library, 36. C. P. Keim Document Reference Section 37. Eugene Lamb 76-95. Laboratory Records Department j 38. R. B. Lindaver 96. Laboratory Records, ORNL R.C. * EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 97. Division of Research and Cevelopment, AEC, ORO 98-681. Given distribution as shown in TID-4500 (15th ed.) under Reactors-General category (75 copies — OTS)