‘ IR A sy 3 445L 00LODOOS2 5 ._ AEG RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT < oi™veccron- .. 5 4 Special Features of Aircraft lgaactors EFFECT OF RADIATION ON CORROSION OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS BY MOLTEN FLUORIDES 4 G. W. Keilholtz J. G. Morgan W. E. Browning E | o IS SR o A-JL-&.‘L B (LT e T il o a0 Y / B OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY A Division of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation POST OFFICE BOX X * OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared os an occount of Government sponsored work. Neithsr the United States, nor the Commission, nor any parson acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Mokss any warranty or representation, express or Implied, with respect to the accurocy, completeness, or usefulness of the informotion contained in this report, or thot the use of any informotion, apporatus, methed, or process disclosed in thiz report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes cny liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, opparatus; mathod, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "'person acting on bahall of the Commission" Includes any employes or comtroctor of the Commission to the extent thot such employese or contractor prepares, handles or distributes, or provides occess fo, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission. — ORNL—EfiS R This document consists of 2 ages. Copy /1P of 246 copi Contract No. W-Th05-eng-26 gefies A.py P SOLID STATE DIVISION EFFECT OF RADIATION ON CORROSION OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS BY MOLTEN FLUORIDES G. W. Kellholtz J. G. Morgan W. E. Browning DATE ISSUED AUG 131957 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Operated by UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY A Division of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation Post Office Box X Oak Ridge, Tennessee ‘l Hiflflm’m MA|R1|E‘T|'I"|\’ ENERGY SYSTEMS LIBRARIES — J 4456 00LOOSE 5 ' WO O3\ Fwhn - 10. 12. 13. 1k, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21, 22, 23. oL, 25, 26, 27, 28. 29, 30. 31. 32, 33. 3L, 35. 36. 37. 39. Lo. h1. Lo, 43. Ly, s, L6, * J. ° FI . R. Grimes » G. G. Affel J. Barton Bender S. Billington . F. Blankenship P. Blizard Borkowski Boudreau Boyd Bredig Breeding Browvning E. A. Je. E. . R. Bruce . Do Callihan W. Cardwell Center (K-25) A. Charpie Clark E. Clifford H. Coobs . B. Cottrell Cromer Crouse L. Culler . R. Cuneo DeVan M. Doney . A. Douglas Dytko Eister Emlet (K-25) Ferguson Fraas H. Frye, Jr. Furgerson Gray Gresky Grindell Guth S. Harrill S. Householder gT. Howe =11~ INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION ORNL-2373 ¢-84 - Reactors-Specifl Features of Aircraft Reactors 7. W. H. Jdbrdan 418. G. W. geilholtz k9, C. P ffeim 50. F. / eller 51. M. P¥Kelley 52. F. J¥rtesz 53. J. 5. Keyes 5k, JFA. Lane 55. B B. Lindauer 56. F. S. Livingston 57.#R. N. Lyon 5Gf H. G. MacPherson . R. E. MacPherson FO0. F. C. Maienscheéin 61, W. D. Manly 62. E. R. Mann 63. L. A. Mann 64. W. B. McDonald 65. R. MeNally 66. R. McQuilkin 67. R. V. Meghreblian 68. R. P. Milford 69. J. Miller T0. E. Moore . G. Morgan . Z. Morgan obmudmbpz>9U>mwhwmzqmmm?mqufl » ® P' L. . J. B. G. Murray (Y-12) Nelson Nessle Oliver Overholser Patriarca . K. . MI Penny Perry Phillips C. E. T. W. . W. D L. D. Scott Pigg Richt Robinson Savage Savolainen Schulthelss Scott Shipley . Simon Sisman r 93. J. 9L, M. 95. A. 96. C. 97. J. 98. E. 99. R. 100. D. 101. D. 102. G. 103. A. 120. 121-.122. 123, 12k, 125, 126-128. 129, 130-131. 132, 133. 134, 135. 136. 137-139. 1L0. 141, 142, 143, 1k, 145-150. 151, 152, 153-154, 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161, 162, 163. 164-167. 168. 169. 170. 171-172. -iii- Sites 10k. G. D. Whitman J. Skinner 105. EP. Wigner (consultant) H. Snell 106. J#FC. Wilson D. Susano 107. X E. Winters A. Swartout 108 M. Zobel H. Taylor 109-11147 ORNL - Y-12 Technical Library E. Thoma ## Document Reference Section B. Trauger 112-36. Laboratory Records Department K. Trubey #17. Laboratory Records Department M. Watson y ORNL R.C. M. Weinberg Po-119. Central Research Library EXTERNAT, DiSTRIBUTION Aerojet-General CRrporation #F AFPR, Boeing, Seale y AFPR, Boeing, WichRta AFPR, Curtiss-Wrighk, Clifffon A¥PR, Douglas, Long¥eac AFPR, Douglas, SantafMo AFPR, Lockheed, Burbahk AFPR, Lockheed, Marielt AFPR, North American, AFPR, North American, Air Materiel Command Air Research and De Air Technical Inteljigefge Center ANP Project OfficeConviir, Fort Worth Albuguerque Operaiifons OXfice Argonne National Msboratofey Armed Forces Spegllal Weaplhs Project, Sandia” Armed Forces Spglfial Weapols Project, Washington Assistant Secreffiry of theWir Force, R&D Atomic Energy @mmission, Whshington Atomics Interpgtional ‘ Battelle Memogal Institute Bettis Plant JWAPD) Bureau of Aeffonautics Bureau of Agffonautics GeneralYRepresentative BAR, Glenn f. Martin, Baltimo Bureau of JPrds and Docks Chicago Opfrations Office Chicago Pg@ent Group - Convair-Gffheral Dynamics Corpordkion y- 2 bnoga Park Rovney L ofgnent Commend (RDGN) Curtiss-Wiight Corporation Engineer Research and DevelopmenW Laboratories General Mectric Company (ANPD) General Buclear Engineering Corpoftion Glenn L.MMartin Company Hartford@Area Office Heddquajers, Air Force Special Wedons Center 173. 17k, 175. 176. 177, 178. 179. 180. 181. 182, 183. 184, 185. 186. 187. 188. 189, 160-193. 194, 195, 196, 197. 1498, '199. 200. 201. 202. 203-220, 221-2k45, 2L6. o, Idaho Opegations Office Knolls AtoNie Power Laborato Lockland Args Office Los Alamos Sgientific Laborgtory Marquardt Aingraft Companyy National Advidory Committelf for Aeronautics, Cleveland National Advis@ry Commitige for Aeronautics, Washington Naval Air Develépment Ceper Raval Air Materi-x Cent- Naval Air Tufbine est Naval Research Labig ato New York Operations Al Nuclear Development‘ % Office of Naval Res# Office of the Chief; Patent Branch, Washj Patterson-Moos 4”’ Pratt and Whitney § San Francisco 0pe¢' f_l- Office Sandia Corporatiqpg N School of AviatiqlllMedd ine Sylvania-Corningf cle-gsCorporation Technical Reseajfy Groujiy USAF Headguarte Y USAF Project fff “x U, 8. Naval R'@;slogical ) fense Leboratory University of} l” ifornia Hg iation Laboratory, Livermore Wright Air Dgfflopment Centdr . (WCOSI=3) Technical I fy mation Serv-Q' Extension, Oak Ridge Division ofJ search and Dey fflopment AEC, ORO fn ation ce gporation of America h KNaval Operations (OP-361) aton NJ A ft Division A ] Abstract A survey of the experimental methods used in testing the radiation stability of molten salts and their corrosion properties is presented. The effects of irradiation on the corrosion on Inconel exposed to fluoride fuel mixtures and on the physical and chemical stablility of the fuel mixtures have been investicated by irradiating in the MIR capsules filled with static fuel and by operating in-pile forced-circulation loops in the LITR and in the MTR. In the many capsule tests and in the three in-pile loop tests made to date, no major changes have occurred in the fuel mixtures that can be attributed to irradiation, other than normal burn-up of uraniumf Metalluregical examinations of the Inconel capsules and tubine have likewise shown no chanees in corrosion that can be the result of radiation damaese. The low corrosion results obtained for the in-pile loops have been confirmed by chemical analyses for corrosion products in the fuel mixtures. -D- The use of molten fluorides as reactor fuels (1) requires that they be stable both thermally and in intense radiation fields. The fission process in the salt causes resions of hish ionization density to exist, as well as very hich heat fluxes. However, since molten salts are eenerally ionic liquids, there is no crystalline lattice to disrupt, nor are there.covalent bonds to sever. Thus, fast neutrons, fission fraemsnts, and ecamma radiation cannot cause severe damage of the type found in crystalline materials. However, the interface between the molten salt and its container offers a site where radiation effects mieht meake themselves evident in an acceleration of the corrosion process. With this possibility, it has been necessary to test the compatibility of various salts with structural metals in the hichest neutron fluxes available. The principal methods used in in~pile testing of molten salts are listed in Table I. Capsule tests were performed first because of their simplicity and their ability to produce information susceptible to statistical analysis. The successive techniques listed in the table are of increasine desrees of complexity and approach closer and closer to the desien conditions of a practical nuclear power plant. Each step, however, introduces new variables and requires far ecreater expenditure of effort and time than the previous step does, rapidly decreasine the number of tests which can be performed. Although consideration was eiven to their use, rockineg capsule tests and thermal convection loops have not formed a part of the work described hers. Capsule tests have been made with nickel, types 316 and 347 stainless steel, and Inconel. The salts employed and their compositions are listed in Table II. The first salt irradiations were conducted by Van De Graaf (2) and cyclotron (3) bombardments. Proton bombardments {3b)were employed to TABIE T METHODS OF STUDYIN~ RADIATION EFFECTS ON CORROSION BY MOLTEN FLUORIDE FUELS 1, 2. 3. Lo 5. In-Pile Capsule Tests Rocking Capsule Tests Thermal Convection Loops Forced-Flow loops Experimental Reactors i TABIE II MOLTEN SALTS TESTED IN RADIATION EFFECTS PRONRAM System KOH NaF-KF--UF4 NaF—Ber-UF NaF-BeFZ- NaF-BeF ~UF NaF-ZrF ,=UF I~ NaF=ZrF, -UF ,F\ &7 e o~ NaF=2rF, - NgF~ZrF - =~ w o Compogition (molgi) 100 46,5-26.0-27.5 25,0-60,0-15.0 47.0-51,0-2,0 50.0-46.0-4.0 63.0-25,0-12.0 53.5=-40.0-12.0 50.0-48.0-2,0 50,0-48.0-2.0 -5~ | S supplement parallel experiments in the ORNL fraphite Reactor because of the high gspecific power attainable in this way. These irradiations were continued for 1 to 92 hours, usineg 20 to 22 Mev. protons in the ORNL 86-in. cyclotron. Specific power generation ranged from 500 to 4700 watts em™>. With the starting of the MTR, a sufficiently hish-flux reactor became available for these experiments. Irradiation with fieutrons, gamma rays, and fission fragments obtained in this way are far more realistic than those using elementary charced particles. The emphasis was therefore shifted to reactor irradiations. A typical capsule used in the MIR irradiation prooram is shown in Fie. 1. It is 0.100 in. i.d. with & 0.050 in. wall. The length of the salt column is 1 in. In salts with hich o35 contents, the diameter of the fuel column is reduced to 0.055 in. This avoids excessive temperatures at the center Sf the salt colums when working with fuels penerating as hish as 8000 watts em™ (4) Fie, 2 illustrates the arranrement of control instrumentation on the north balcony of the MIR, Electrical and cooling-air lines extend from the instrument * panels to the top of the reactor. The capsule is loaded through the reactor inlet water line. It is inserted down an aluminum tube into a beryllium piece located in the reflector recion. Fig. 3 shows the MIR irradiation facility. The temperature of the fuel is controlled by a variable flow of air, the outer surface temperature of the capsule being monitored with thermocouples. The weicht of salt is chosen so that about 250 watts of fission heat are cenerated in the capsule. This requires about 3 c¢fm of cooling air. Usine 45 psig air, the velocity throuesh the capsule restriction is about 700 ft.sec.™t, It was necessary to develop special thermocouple junctions for use in such hich=-velocity cooline air streams. The air produces a large thermal -6 gradient in the capsule wall and in the thermocouple heads. In poorly censtructed thermocouples, errors as pgreat as 30000 have been observed., The thermocouple shown in Fiec. 4 wes made by a resisténce spot-weldine technique. The bead 1is desigmed to have & laroe area of contact with the capsule and to be very thin, thus ensuring that the part which measures temperature is at the same temperature as the surface of the capsule. After irradiation, capsules are returned to ORNL where detailed examinastions are made in the Solid Btate Division hot cells, Fir. 5 shows a cell equipped for chemical analyses. Right-to-left are a vertical lathe for opening capsules, a master-slave manipulator, a drill press for removine salt samples, and a chemical hood. Operations involvine radioactive powders are enclosed in lucite cases which are exhausted through a filter system. Fie. 6 shows a tool for slittine capsules longitudinally (5), to obtain specimens sometimes desired for metalloeraphic studies. Fig. 7 shows the hot cell in which metalloesraphic specimens are prepared (6). Some salt samples have been examined using the * shielded petroeraphic microscope (7) shown in Fie. 8, The principal variables studied in the static corrosion program have been flux, fission power, time, and temperature. In a fixed neutron flux, the fisaion power is varied by adjusting the U235 content of the fuel mixture. Thermal neutron fluxes have raneed from 1011 to 1014 neutrons em 2 sec.™t and fission power-densities from 80 to 8000 watts em™, Capsules have generally been irrediated for 300 hours at 1500°F (815°C), although in recent tests the experiments have been extended to 600 to 800 hours. The techniques used for examinine capsules after irradiation are listed in Table III. 1, 2o TABLIE III TECHNIQUES FOR EXAMINING IRRADIATED MOLTEN FLUCRIDES Pressure Tests (In-Pile) Melting Point Determinations Petrooraphic Analyses Chemical Analyses Mass Spectroscopic Assays nemma-Ray Spectroscopic Studies Metallopraphic Exemination of Containers _8- In the many capsule tests to date (over 100), no major chanees have been observed which can be attributed to irradiation, except the normal burn-up of U235. Metallooraphic examinationa (8) of Incbnel capsules tested in NaF-ZrFL-UFA and in NaF-ZrFA-UF3 at 1500°F for 300 hours have shown corrosion comparable to that foupd in unirradiated control tests; 1.e., penetrations to depths of less than 4 mils, In capsules which experienced accidental excursions to 2000°F and atove, there was penetration to depths of more than 12 mils, accompanied by srain erowth. These results stimulated extensive development work on control instrumentation and thermocouple construction. Chemical determinations of chromium in irradiated salts have been shown (3) to bte seriously affected by the intense beta radiatlon of the accompanyine fission products. Work is currently in proeress on the circumvention of this problem. Three typesof forced-circulation in-pile loops have been.studied. A larece loop was operated in a horizontal beam-hole of the LITR (1Q). The pump for ¢irculating the fuel in this loop was placed cutside the reactor shield. A smaller loop was operated in a vertical position in the lattice of the LITR (11), its pump mounted just above the lattice. A third loop was operated completely within a beam-hole of the MIR (12). The operating conditions for these loops are presented in Table IV. The dilution factor for a reactor may be defined as the ratio of the total volume of fuel in the system to that in the reactor core. A more useful definition for in-pils loop use is the ratio of the maximum specific power to the averace specific power. 1In th;a two LITR loops, metalloeraphic examinations showed less than 1 mil penetration of the Inconel fuel tubes. Fipgs. 9 and 10 show drawings of these two loop models, The MIR horigontal loop is shown in Fig. 11, Examination of etched and unetched metallo~raphic sections of Inconel tubing from this loop showed no attack to a depth ereater than 3 mils. A slicht amount of intersranular corrosion was noted, e BB e w ..9_ but this was neither dense nor deep. Measurements of wall thickness showed no variations attributable to corrosion. The loop was examined carefully for effects of temperature variations between inside and outside walls of the tubine at the bends, but no effects of overheatine were observed. The low corrosion is attributatle to careful temperature control of the salt-metal interface and to the maximum wall temperature beine below 1500°F at all times. The larger corrosion value in the MTR loop results from the ereater fuel-temperature differential (155°F) which was obtained during operation. Ioops operated in the absence of radiation show similar effects, Studies of the behavior of fission product | elements in these loops are discussed elsewhere (13). The experiments described above show that, within the limits of tests to date, there is no acceleration by radiation of the cofrosion of Inconel by molten fluoride reactor fuels. Experiments are planned to extend the prosram to cover new salt compositions and new alloys and to oberate in-pile loops for much longer times with hicher flow-rates and orester fuel-temperature differentials, -10- TABIE IV OPERATINA CONDITIONS FCR INCONEL FCRCED-CIRCULATION IN-PIIE LOOPS Fuel Composition (mole%) Max. Fission Power, watt cm=3 Total Power Dilution Factor Mex, Fuel Temp.,°F. Fuel Temperature Differential, °OF., Fuel Reynoldas'! Number Operatine Time, Hours Time at Full Power Depth of Corrosion Attack, mils LITR "LITR Horlzontal Vertical Ioop l1oo NaF~ZrF -UF, “aF-irF,- (62.5~12. 5-25) (63-25=12 400 500 208 5.0 180 10 1500 1500 30 71 6000 3000 645 130 475 30 <1 <1 MIR Horizontal oo NaF—ZrFA-U (53.5-40-6.5 800 20 5 1500 155 5000 467 271 {3 1 -1~ ACKNOWLEDCEMENTS The work reported here has been obtained over the past six years with the assistance of many members of the staffs of ORNL and of the Phillips Petroieum Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho. We wish to acknowledes particularly the assistance of the followines: In-Pile Experimental Proorams: H. E. Robertson, P. R. Klein, M. ¥, Gsborne, D. E, russ, H. L. Hemphill, H. V. Klaus, D. D. Davies, D. F. Weekes, W. R. Willis, J. F. Mardock, C. D. Cac~le, J. T. Delorenzo, W. H. Tabor. Post-Irradiation Studies: C. C. Webster, A. E. Richt, E. J. Manthos,. Petroeraphic Studies: T. N. MeVay, 7. D. White. Analytical Chemistry: J. H. Edeerton, L. C. Henley, J. E. lee Mass Spectroscopy: C. F. Baldock, J. R. Sites, L. G. ~ilpatrick. 2. 3. 6o 9. 10. 11, 12. 13, -12- REFERBNOES A. M, Weinberg, American Nuclear Society Meetins, Pittsbure, Pa., June 10-12, 1957, W. E, Brownine, TID-5021, p. 44, March 6, 1951 (Secret); V. P. Calkins, W. E. Prownine, and Saul Siegel, NEPA-1869, April 15, 1951 (Secret). (a) W. V, Goeddel,.NAA—SR-ZOS, January 26, 1953 (Secret); (bt) W. J. Sturm, R. J. Jones, and M. J. Feldman, ORNI-1530, April 3, 1953 (Secret). P. R. Klein, personal communication, 1953. L. N. Howell and G. C. Webster, Fourth Annual Symposium on Hot Laboratories and Equipment, Washineton, D. C., September 24-30, 1955. M. J. Feldman, Metal Prosress, p. 97 (November, 1953); S. E. Dismuke, M. J. Feldman, 7. W. Parker, and F. Ring, Jr., Intl. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Enerey, Meneva, Switzerland, Au~ust 2-20, 1955, Proceedines 7, 6 -3 (Paper P/732). M. T. Robinson, ORNL-1606, p. 43, November 20, 1953 (Secret). M. J. Feldman, A. E. Richt, and E. J. Manthos, Solid State Division Metallurey Reports, 1952 to 1957 (Secret). R. P. Shields and R. E. Adams, ORNL-2221, p. 306, March 12, 1957 (Secret). O. Sisman, W. W, Parkinson, and W. E. Brundage, ORNL-1965, January 16, 1957 (Secret). W. R. Willis, M. F. Osborne, H. E. Robertson, D. E. nusa, C. C. Webster, A. S. Olson, and C. D. Baumann, ORNL-1944, p. 16, November 3, 1955 (Secfet). D. B. Traucer, L. P. Carpenter, C. W, Cunningham, J. A. Conlin, P. A. fnadt, C. C. Bolta, and D. M, Haines, ORNL-2012, p. 27, n.d. 1956 (Secret). M. T. Robinson, W. A, Brooksbank, Jr., S. A. Reynolds, H. W. Wricht, and T, H. Handley, American Nuclear Society Meseting, Pittaburg, Pa., June 10-12, =-13- *¥1W @Y4 ul saprion|{ Uajjoy 4O uolpippui| Joy ajnsdo) po1dA] v *| "B & b O ; SAHONI [GES L OLOHd d3ldISSVIDONN ~14- UNCLASSIFIED ORNL—LR—DWG 201470 INSTRUMENT CUBICLE TOP OF REACTOR ELEV 420.5 ft TESTING FACILITY HOUSING AIR EXIT TESTING FACILITY INSTRUMENTATION Fig. 2. Installation of Control Instrumentation for MTR Capsule Program, UNCLASSIFIED SSD-C-1097 ORNL -LR-DWG-4407 AIR PATH IRRADIATION TUBE WITH CAPSULE INSTALLED TYPICAL CAPSULE ]ANNULUS SLEEVE CAPSULE IRRADIATION TUBE IRRADIATION TUBE WITH CAPSULE REMOVED INSTALLATION OF IRRADIATION TUBES IN MTR REFLECTOR A PIECE Fig. 3. Facility for Irradiation of Molten Fluorides in the MTR, _gl_ UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 20172 . - ” - O O 0.2 0.3 04 WD INCHES Fig. 4. Thermocouples for Use in High-Velocity Air Streams. _Ql_ IfiNI S A .._“.._:.z..._._._f.. . i i UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 11972 PHOTO 15230 Fig. 6. Remotely Controlled Slitting Saw. UNCLASSIFIED - PHOTO 10946 sf"lEY;e _ =T “ el Sy 1 l. = - - - - - J ——— m— P.‘:‘#-—*-— - e & . T e W —— I. ‘:fl : — — —— — ._....::_._“ i 3 iy —= il " - I Fig. 7. Hot Cell Equipped for Preparing Metallographic Specimens. -20- UNCLASSIFIED D-17145 CuT Awmy] D SHiteLln Fig. 8. Shielded Petrographic Microscope. OlL IN THROUGH SHAFT Ol'n'-lr-dwg 5969 HELIUM EXHAUST JACKET ASSEMBLY OIL INLET FOR -SPARK PLUG PROBE | RING COOLING ~— ' NOSE PIECE - CENTRIFUGAL PUMP MODEL LFA _—— CONTROL GAS FUEL TUBING KOVAR SEAL FITTINGS _—— PUMP ENCLOSURE / NOSE COVER DRAIN TUBE SEAL ALSIMAG 202 FREEZE TUBE " | HELIUM ATMOSPHERE HEATER CORE EXPANSION BELLOWS i NICHROME V CORE HEATER / SECTION A-A WATER OUTLET EXPANSION BELLOWS JACKET ASSEMBLY HEAT EXCHANGER LINER SEAL CADMIUM SHIELD Yo-in DIA SUPPORT ROD AND FLANGE HELIUM PURGE LINE / FUEL T CALRODS o 3, ~FUEL TUBING FUEL TUBING 0" RING %-in. DIA SUPPORT RO / / (OUT) £ AIR INLET 7 % | ' , ; NOSE PIECE A ANNULUS FOR \ \, VENTURI / BORON SHIELD WATER FLOW—" “TRANSITION 4-in. DIA “—~FUEL TUBING {IN) KOVAR SEAL NOSE COVER PLATE SUPPORT ROD FUEL LEADS PRESSURE FITTINGS T¢ DIAPHRAGM TRANSMITTER CELLS WATER INLET HELIUM LEADS TO &0 in REF —————————— DIAPHRAGM + {2 ft 5in. REF + P = Fig. ?. LITR Horizontal Forced-Circulation Loop for Dynamic Corrosion Testing of Molten Fluorides. _lz_ UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 18553 WATER INLET AND OUTLET AIR IN ' = AR OUT FLEXIBLE METAL HOSE MOTOR WATER COOLING TUBES —TE-1 ) PUMP — TE-2,2A H “—TE -3, 3A PN~ 1E-4.4A || ||||;=! PUMP HEATERS — > TR-1: TE-1—TE-2 ~——TE-6 LOOP HEATER —— — TE -] TE-9 ON SWAGE-LOK— TE—11 ON AIR TUBE— —~ TE-13,13A,138B _ gl LOOP HEATER lI'H II‘ |~ TE-8 i| pf N — TE-10 ON SWAGE-LOK f¥ N ~—TE-12 ON AR TUBE |il N\ _TE-14, 144,148 AIR RETURN DUCT (OUT)—= @ AIR_ANNULUS (AIR IN) e b —TE-16 TE-IS || ‘ > TRA-2: TE-13—TE-18, LOOP HEATER —— —— \———Loop HEATER TE-25—TE-30 ..' 1N Te-17, 17,178 —— —— —J[l] ——TE"' 184188 J v s TRCA-{—— TE—19,19A 19B—— —— |\:}| [[™~—-TE-20, 20A, 208 TRA-3 TRA-5——TE-21,21A,21B — — |J \\—*—TE-22,22A.228 —— TRA-6 ™~ Loop TUBE DIRECTION OF FUEL FLOW— [k —— TRA TRA-4 —— TE-23,23A,238 —— U —12‘246. 24A,248 —— TRA-H TE-25 — A ~~— TE-28 TRA-2: TE-25 —TE-30 TE-29 i\ DIRECTION OF AIR FLOW ™/ g’gtfigi‘g“ TE-29 TE-25 —TE-26 SIMPLYTROLS (. LEAK DETECTOR {TE—32 TE-27 —TE-28 ——TE-30 DETAIL OF LOOP TIP Fig. 10. LITR Vertical Forced-Circulation Loop for Dynamic Corrosion Testing of Molten Fluorides. FILL TANK HEAT EXCHANGER AIR OUT, AIR IN Fig. T1. MTR Horizontal Forced-Circulation Loop for Dynamic Corrosion Testing of Molten Fluorides. Unclassified ornl-lr-dwg. 20171