UNCLASSIFIED ORNL~2192 Contract No. W-~7405-eng-26 CHEMISTRY DIVISION and METALLURGY DIVISION OPTICAL PROPERTIES AND X~RAY DIFFRACTION DATA FOR SOME INORGANIC FLUORIDE AND CHLORIDE COMPOUNDS H. Insley, Consultant T. N. Mcvay, Consultant R. E. Thoma, Chemistry Division G, D. White, Metallurgy Division Vi ] wnd i Date Issued OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Operated by UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY A Division of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation Oak Ridge, Tennessee S i UNCTASSIFIED o * © WO O3 Ovat o O 5. L6, L. s ZQE"MUTUE O & =# x & ¢ 23 & % G » » = ? » # S0 naye s s & J. G. Jo Affel Barton Bender S e P. Jdo M. E. . W. Billington Blankenship Blizard Borkowski . Boudreau Boyd . Bredig . Browning . Bruce Callihan Cardwell . Center (K-25) Charpie Cilifford Coobs Cottrell Cowen Cromer Crouse Culler DeVan Doney Douglas Dytko Eister Emlet (K-25) Ferguson Fraas Frye, Jr. Furgerson Gray . Grimes Hoffman Hoffman Hollaender . 3. T H. W. Ps T. Householder Howe Jordan Keilholtz Keim Kelley Kertesy M. A King Lane -1ii- ORNL-2192 Chemistry TID-4500 (12th ed.) INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION L8, R. 49, R. 50. R. 51. 52. 53. 5L, 55. 56. 57 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 6k . 65. M. 66. G. 67. R. 68. L. £9. P. 70. R. 71. A. T2, J, 73. H. Th. A, 75. M. 76. H. TT. A. 78. R. 79. E. 8C. A. 81. o. 82. J. 83. M. 8k, ¢. 85. A, 86. C. 87. J. 88. E. 89-91. R. 92, D. 93, E. ok, G. 05. A. 96. J. - - - € - o e ® o A e o s > ¢yt o - » * E-3 Gad ey oy BN Lindauer Livingston . Lyon -Maienschein “Marnly Mann Marnn MeDonald MeGuilkin Meghreblian . Milford Miller Moore Morgan Morgan Murphy Murray (¥Y-12) Nelson Nessle Oliver Overholser Patriarca W. M. CQ F. E. T, W. LE D.. DQ Peelle Perry Pigg Poppendiek Richt Robinson Savags Savolainen Schultheiss Shipley Simon Sisman Sites Jo P. H. D M. C. Skinner Smith Snell Susano Swartout Taylor Thoma Trauger Van Artsdalen Watson ' Weinberg White UNCLASSIFTED UNCTASSIFIED iy 97. G. D. Whitman 109-111. G. D. White 98. E. P. Wigner (consultant) 112. H. L. Yskel, Jr. 99, J. C. Wilson 113~-11%, ORNL -~ Y-12 Technical Library, 100. C. B. Winters Document Reference Section 101. P. A. Agron 115-134, Laboratory Records Department 102-10k., T, N. McVay (consultant) = 135. Laboratory Records, ORNL R.C. 136. Metallurgy Library 105~107, H. insley (consultant) o §i37m138. Central Reseavch Library 108. R. M. SBteele EXTERNAL DISTRTBUTION 139. R. F. Bacher, California Institute of Technology 140. Division of Research and Development, AEC, ORO IM3~T25. Given distribution as shown in TID-4500 under Chenmistry category (200 copies -~ OTS) DISTRIBUTION PAGE TO BE REMOVED IF REPORT IS GIVEN PUBLIC DISTRIEUTION UNCLASSTFIED OPTICAL PROPERTIES AND X-RAY DIFFRACTION DATA FOR SOME INORGANIC FLUORIDE AND CHLORIDE COMPOUNDS H. Insley, Consultant T. N. McVay, Consultant R. E. Thoma, Chemistry Division G. D. White, Metaliurgy Division ABSTRACT Optical properties and X-vay diffraction data are listed for various inorganic fluoride and chloride compounds. This publication extends and replaces ORNL-i7i2, Properties of Some Inorganic Filuoride and Chloride Compounds, by T. N. McVay and G. D. White. INTRODUCT ION Optical and X-ray diffraction data have been collected for many compounds whose existence was not known prior. to their dis- covery incidental to the phase equilibrium studies made in the High Temperature Section of the Chemistry Division. A few com- pounds are listed and mentiomed in the footnotes whose initial discovery was not made at ORNL; however, the original optical measurements on these compounds were made by H. Iusley, T. N. McVay, and G. D. White of the Ceramics Laboratory, Metaliurgy Division. The standard X-ray diffraction patterns included herein were derived, in general, from the same samples on which the optical data were taken. Standard patterns were made from powder samples with a Norelco~Philiips high angle diffracto- meter, using Cu K, filtered radiation from a General Electric CA-7 X-ray tube. The diffractometer was equipped with a Geiger Muiier tube counting arrangement. The X-ray data have not been corrected for absorption. Values for interplanar distances (d, measured in Angstrom units) and relative intensities of diffracting maxima conform to the conventions used in the ASTM X-ray diffraction data cards. The refractive indices of the compounds included are be- lieved to be precise to * 0.003; the optic angles of biaxial crystals were estimated. This publication is divided into Part I (optical properties) and Part II (X-ray diffraction data). The three strongest X-ray lines accompany the optical data of each compound for which ASTM X-ray diffraction data are not availabkle, if those X-ray data were derived at ORNL. X-ray diffraction data in Part II are separated according to the purity of the samples used for standards. Patterns for the compounds in the first section were derived from single-phase samplies of known chemical analysis which had met optical standards. In the second section are listed data on compounds whose purity has not been absoclutely established. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowiedge the assistance of I.. M. Bratcher, V. S. Coleman, H. A. Friedman, R. J. Sheil, B. J. Sturm, J. Truitt, and W. C. Whitley, who prepared the samples under the direction of C. J. Barton, F. F. Blankenship, R. E. Moore and W. R. Grimes. PART 1 OopT ICAL PROPERTIES Ammonium beryllium fluoride, 2 NH, -BeF, Uniaxial + n = 1.319 Low birefringence Colorless Questiocnable. National Research Council Bulletin 118 describes it as rhombic. Berylliium fluoride, BeF, Uniaxial + n = 1.325 Low birefringence estimated .006 Quartz form Colorliess Sampie prepared at Mound Laboratory. Beryllium lead fiuoride, BeF, -PbF, Biaxial - | 2V = 70° o = 1.602 Y = 1.627 Colorless Cesium beryllium fluoride, 2 CsF-.BeF, n = 1.452 Very low birefringence Colorless. Cesium beryliium fluoride, Cs¥-BeF, n = 1.382 Low birefringence Length slow. Parailel extinction. Colorless. : Cesium lanthanum fiuocride, 3 CsF-LaF, Cubic n = 1.462 Coloriess X-ray lines: 3.49, 2.478, 2.021. Cesium uranium fiucride, Cs¥-:UF, Biaxial + 2V = 45° o = 1.553 Y = 1.560 Polysynthetic twinning Xac = 10° Z = sky blue X = greenish blue X-ray lines: 7.31, 4.00, 3.62 Cesium Cesium Cesium Cesium uranium fluoride, 2 CsF-.UF, Biaxial + a = 1.516 X = light greenish blue X-ray lines: 6. 19, 3.55, zinc fiuoride, 2 CsF-ZnkF, Biaxial + o = 1.446 Colorless zirconium fluoride, Biaxial -~ o = 1.464 Colorless X-ray lines: 3. zirconium fliuoride, Uniaxial - W= 1,482 Colorliess X-ray lines: 3. Chromium fluoride, CrF, Biaxial + Monoclinic = 1.511 Gray green CSF‘ZI‘F4 73, 3.62, 3.44, 3.26 2 CsF-%ZrF, 73, 3.20, X-ray lines: 3.53, 2.97, Iron fluoride, FeF, Iron Zzirconium fluoride, Uniaxial + w= 1.524 Brown Cubic n = 1,432 FeF2 . ZI'.F_4 X-ray lines: 4.04, 2.016, 2.430. 2V XAC 2.805 1,805 ! i I 45° 1.524 light biue small 1.458 200-450 1.476 1.460 10° 380 1.525 1.540 (varies) Lanthanum fluoride, LakF, Uniaxial - Hexagonal W= 1,605 g = Length fast Prismatic Colorless. Lanthanum zirconium uranium'flubride, La¥,; - 6ZrF, - UF, Biaxial + 2V - a = 1.528 Y Light green. B Lead uranium fluoride, PbF, -UF, Uniaxial ~ W= 1,750 Green. m i Lead uranium fluoride, & PbF, -UF, Cubic n = 1.77 Light blue. Lithium beryllium fluoride, 2 LiF-BeF, Uniaxial + | = 1.312 & Coloriess. 4 Lithium cesium fluoride, LiF-CsF i Biaxial + A n = 1,458 Estimated birefringence 0.006 Colorless Lithium chromium fluoride, 3 LiF-CrF, Biaxial - | 2V = a = 1,444 Y = Green X~ray lines: 4.29; 4.16, 2.176. 70° 1.545 1.730 small. 40° 1.464 -8- Lithium rubidium fiuoride, LiF-RbF Biaxial + Orthorhombic n = 1.396 Low birefringence Colorless. Lithium sodium beryllium fluoride, LiF-ZNaF-2BekF, Uniaxial - n = 1.311 Low birefringence Colorless, Lithium uranium filuoride, 4Li¥-UF, Biaxial + 2V = 459 a = 1.460 Y = 1.472 X = light green Z = dark green X-ray lines: 5.13, 4.93, 4.44, Lithium uranium fluoride, 7LiF-6UF, Uniaxial - o= 1.554 &= 1,551 Decp green X-ray lines: 5.24, 3.33, 2.99. Lithium uranium fluoride, LiF-4U0F, Biaxial -~ 2V = 10° o = 1,584 Y = 1.600 Yellowish green X-ray lines: 4.25, 3.78, 3.52. Lithium zirconium fluoride, LiF-ZrF, Biaxial + 2V = 300 @ = 1.468 Y = 1.476 Colorless Quench determinations show this phase to have compositions 3LiF-4ZrF, with biaxial +. X-ray lines: 3.90, 3.33, 3.16. Lithium zirconium fluoride, 3LiF-4ZrF, Biaxial + 2V = 300 o = 1,463 Y = 1.473 Colorless X-ray lines: 3,90, 3.33, 3.16. Lithium zirconium fluoride, 2 LiF-Zr¥F, Uniaxial + C)= 1.468 € Colorless X-ray lines: 4.29, 3.15, 2.19 Lithium zirconium fluocride, 3 LiF~ZrF§ Manganese Biaxial ~ 2V = o = 1.445 Y = Colorless X-ray lines: 5.49, 4.88, 2.07 fluoride, MnF, Uniaxial + W= 1,476 & X = ¢olorless Z o Nickel filuoride, NiF, Uniaxial + w = 1,526 & = Light greenish yellow. Nickel zirconium fluoride, Nin‘ZrF4 Potassium Potassium Potassium n = 1.442 Very low birefringence X-ray lines; 3.91, 1.964, 1.767. aAluminum fluoride, 3 KF-AlF; Cubic - n = 1.376 Colorliess. beryilium fluoride, 3 KF-.-BeF, Uniaxial + = 1.357 & Colorless X-ray lines: 2.98, 2.39, 2.27. beryliium fluoride, Z2KF-BeF, Biaxial + 2V = a = 1.357 Y = Probably monoclinic Xac = 400 ' Colorless. 1.478 300 1.465 1.504 gray 1.560 1.366 309 1.366 Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium =10~ beryllium fluoride, KF-BeF, Biaxial - 2V 450 o = 1.319 Y = 1.323 Colorless X-ray lines: 5.99, 3.33, 3.01. beryllium fluoride, KF-.Z2BeF, Uniaxial - w= 1.319 & Colorless X-ray lines: 3.31, 3.00, 2.29. i 1.312 chromium fluoride, 3 KF:CrF; Cubic n = 1.422 Green X-ray lines: 4.95, 3.03, 2.35. filuoride acid, K¥F:HF Uniaxial -. Some crystals have a small to = 1.354 € 1.331 i iron chloride, KC1-FeCl, Biaxial + 2v = 20° o = 1.700 £ 0.005 Y 1.740 Colorless. It iron chloride, 2 KCI-FeCl, Uniaxial - w= 1,600 € Colorless. 1.636 lanthanum fluoride, KF-LaT, Uniaxial + w=1.493 ¢ = 1.510 Colorless X~-ray lines: 7.77, 2.747, 1.857. nickel fluoride, 2 KF:NiF, Uniaxial - Tetragonal W= 1.434 € = 1.426 Yellow X-ray lines: 6.51, 2.94, 2.173. optic angle. £ 0.005 Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassiam w1l sodium beryllium fluoride, KF-NaF-BeF, Biaxial + : 2V = gmall n = 1.343 | Low birefringence Colorless X-ray limes: 2.786, 2.367,.1.995, sodium iron fluoride, 2 KF:NaF-FeF, Cubic n = 1.414 Colorless sodium zirconium fluoride, 3 KF.3NaF:2ZrF, Biaxial + 2V = 309 o = 1,410 Y = 1.421 Colorless : X-ray lines: 4.90, 4.09, 2.97. sodium zirconmium fluoride, K¥-NaF-Zr¥, Biaxial - 2V = 609© e = 1,378 | Y = 1.385 Colorless Often fibrous or prismatic X-ray lines: 4.85, 4.09, 3,34 sodium zirconium fluoride, 3KF-2NaF:5ZrF, Biaxial - 2V = about 809 e = 1.478 Y = 1.488 Colorless Probably moncclinie Marked cleavage; ZA elong. about 70 X~ray lines: 8.51, 7.70, 3.86. tellurium fluoride, KTeFs -H;0 Biaxial + | 2V = 309 o = 1,436 Y = 1.460 Colorless Xeray limes: 5.64, 4.27, 3.575. thorium fluoride, 3 KF-Th¥, Cubic n = 1,424 Colorless Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium Pctassium Potassium 12 uranium chloride, KC1-UCI, Biaxial + 2V = small a = 1.692 B = 1.705 Y = 1.759 X = gray Z = blue green uranium fluoride, 7 XF:6 UF, Uniaxial - w= 1.510 & = 1.504 Green X-ray lines: 4.82, 3.44, 1.7953 uranium fluoride, KF-UF, Isomorphous with NaF.UF, Similar optical properties. uranium fluoride, KF:2UF, Biaxial - 2v = 15° a = 1.520 Y = 1.584 Gireen. uranium fluoride, 2 KF-UF, Uniaxial + = 1.484 € Light olive drab. il 1.512 zinc fluoride, KF-ZnF, Cubic n = 1,462 Colorless. zinc fluoride, 2 K¥-ZnF, Uniaxial - W= 1.416 c 1.410 zirconium fluoride, 2 KF-ZrF, "LLow temperature' form Biaxial + 2V a = 1.412 Y Pelysynthetic twinning frequent Colorless. 10° 1.424 I Potassium Potassium Rubidium Rubidium Rubidium Rubidium RBubidium Rubidium -13- zirconium fluoride, oKF-Zr¥F, Biaxial - 2V = 8§0©° o = 1.412 Y = 1.428 Colorless X-ray lines:; 5.83, 4.40, 3.86. zirconium fluoride, BKF-ZrF, Biaxial + 2V = 75° o = 1.488 Y = 1.504 Colorless X-ray lines: 6.32, 3.29, 3.15, beryllium fluoride, RbDF-:2BeF, Biaxial - | 2V = 70° n = 1,333 . Birefringence about 0.008 Colorless ' cerium fluoride, RbF-:CeF,; Biaxial + 2v = 750 a = 1.500 Y = 1,520 lanthanum fluoride, RbF.LaF, Biaxial + | 2v = 70° o = 1.498 ‘ Y = 1.519 Colorless X-ray lines: 3.43, 2.25, 1.90. lanthanum fluoride, 3 RbF-LaF, Cubic n = 1,424 Colorless ‘ X-ray lines: 3.30, 2.821, 3.11. sodium beryilium fluoride, RbF:«2Na¥F: BeF, Cubic n = 1,374 Colorless X~ray lines: 2.99, 2.875, 2.494. sodium uranium fluofide, RbF-NaF-UF, Uniaxial + _ to = 1.484 € = 1.486 Anomalous purple interference color characteristic. Pale green X~ray lines: 8.12, 3.26, 2.034. -1l - Rubidium uranium fiuoride, 3 RbF-UF, Cubic n = 1.438 Green X-ray lines: 5.56, 3.40, 1.959. Rubidium uranium fluoride, RDLF - UF,; Rubidium Rubidium Rubidium Rubidium Biaxial - 2V = 750 o = 1.514 Y = 1.528 Polysynthetic twinning Yac = 20° Lath-shaped crystals X = green Z = blue Marked dispersion of optic axes X-ray lines: 6.86, 3.46, 3.43. uranium fluoride, 2 RbF:UF, Biaxial + 2V = 70° o = 1.473 Y = 1.487 X = light green Z = light violet Polysynthetic twinning common X-ray lines: 6.03; 3.49, 2.008. uranium fluoride, 7 RbF-.6 UF, Uniaxial - = 1,518 € = 1.512 X-ray lines: 3.51, 2.140, 1.835. uranium fluoride, 2 RbF-3 UF, Biaxial - 2V = 60° o = 1.542 Y = 1.550 Inclined extinction Pleochroic, bluish green and pale violet-green X-ray lines: 5.80, 3.50, 2.038. uranium fluoride, RbF-3UF, Biaxial + 2V = 70° a = 1.588 Y = 1.598 Yellow green with slight dichroism Strong dispersion of optic axes Anomalcus dispersion of birefringence in purplish red X-ray lines: 3.52, 3.36, 2.002. -15- Rubidium uranium fluoride, RbF-6UF, Uniaxial -~ Probably tetragonal w= 1,596 | € = 1,586 Deep green X-ray lines: 4.13, 3.47, 2.049 I1X Rubidium uranium fluoride, 3RbF-UF, Cubic n = 1,440 approximate Pinkish brown. Rubidium zirconium fluoride, 3RbF-ZrF, Cubic n = 1.420 Colorless X-ray lines: 3.290, 2.236, 1.990 Rubidium zirconium fluoride, 2 RbF-Zr¥, Uniaxial - (low temperature form). W= 1,440 e = 1.426 Colorless X~ray lines: 3,593, 3.080, 2.338. Rubidium zirconium fluoride, 5 RbF-4ZrF, Biaxial - 2V about 85° o = 1.442 Y = 1,452 Colorless X-ray lines: 3.44, 3.36, 3.29. Rubidium zirconium fluoride, RbF-ZrF, Biaxial -~ 2V = about 75° o = 1.490 Y = 1,502 Elong. fast extinction about 29 X~ray lines: 3.42, 3,36, 3,325, : Sodium beryllium fluworide, Na¥-.-BeF, Biaxial | 2V = large n = 1.312 Low birefringence Length slow colorless ~16- Sodium beryllium fiuoride, 2 NaF - BeF, Low temperature Biaxial n = 1.303 Low birefringence Yilc Colorless Sometimes twinned. Sodium beryllium fluoride, Z2 Na¥F.BeF, High temperature form. Cubic n = 1.333 Colorless. Sodium cerium fluoride, NaF-CeF, Uniaxial + w= 1,493 e = 1.514 X-ray lines: 3.09, 2.57, 1.777. Sodium chromium fluoride, 3 NaF.CrF, Cubic n = 1.411 Green Sodium fluoride acid, NaF-.HF Uniaxial + w=1.261 & Colorless fl 1.328 Sodium lanthanum fluoride, NaF-LaF, Uniaxial + W= 1,486 € X-ray lines: 3.11, 3.09, 2.194,. 1.500 Sodium thorium fluoride, 2 NaF-ThF, Uniaxial + o= 1.464 Colorless X-ray lines: 5.17, 2.99, 1.742 m i - 1.496 Sodium Sodium Sodium sSodium Sodium Sedium - Sodium 17- uranium chloride, 2 NaCl-.UCl, Uniaxial - Ww= 1.664 Pale green 1.652 ™ i uranium fluoride, Na¥.UF, Uniaxial + W= 1.552 € Dark biue : ' X~ray lines: 3.09, 2.179, 1.779. H 1.564 uranium fluoride, 2 Na¥.UF, Uniaxial -~ = 1.495 € = 1.490 Green Z~ray lines: 7.25, 4.28, 2.99. uranium fluoride, B2, 2NaF-UF, Uniaxial + o 1.484 X greenish-tan 1.522 gray-tan Bl ™M i uranium fluoride, 3Na¥-UF, Uniaxial - Greenish blue ‘ X~ray lipes: 5.15, 2.97, 2.102. 1.411 i uranium fluoride, 5NaF-3UF, Cubic n = 1.475 Green X~ray lines: 3.19, 1.964, 1.684. uranium fluoride, NaF-2UF, 609 I Biaxial - 2V Orthorhombic a = 1.516 - Y Yellowish green X-ray lines: 5.61, 3.26, 3.08. 1.584 i Scedium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium -18- uranium fluoride, 7 NaF-6 UF, Uniaxial - tw= 1.520 e Green X-ray lines: 4,32, 3.33, 3.25. 1.512 zinc fluoride, 2 NaF-.ZnF, Uniaxial ~ Tetragonal w= 1,418 € = 1.410 Colorless zirconium fluoride, 3 NaF-4 ZrF, I Biaxial + 2V = 30° a = 1.420 v o= 1.432 Colorless X-ray lines: 4.15, 3.36, 2.074. zirconium fluoride, NaF-ZrF, Metastable phase Uniaxial + = 1.417 & Colorless X-ray lines: 3.37, 3.86, 2.09. 1.446 i zirconium fluoride, 7 NaF-6 Zr¥, Uniaxial ~ W = 1,508 e Indices depend on composition Colorless Some solid solution in this area X-ray lines: 3.13, 1.92, 1.91. 1.500 I zirconium fluoride, 2 NaF-ZrF, ”Bl T form Uniaxial + W= 1.406 € = 1.408 Colorless Partially miscible with 3 NaF-:Zr¥F, X-ray lines: 5.15, 3.09, 1.890. Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium =19~ zirconium fluoride, Z Na¥F-Zr¥F, Biaxial - 2V = a = 1.412 | Y = Colorless !1'82 11 fOrm . X-ray lines: 5.47, 3,11, 1.912. zirconium fluoride, 2 Na¥-ZrF, "B, form, stable 500-530° approx. Uniaxial + w= 1.376 & = Ccloriess X~-ray lines: 4.55, 2.893, 1.894. zirconium fluoride, 2 Na¥- Zr¥F, ”‘34 1A fOrm Biaxial + - 2V = o = 1.408 Y o= Colorless X-yray lines: 5.12,; 3.83, 3.25. zirconium fluoride, 2 Wa¥-ZrFy "y form Biaxial - 2V > a = 1.420 Y = Colorless Polysynthetic twinning common X-ray lines: 4.98, 4,19, 3.07. zirconium fluoride, 3 NaF-ZrF, Uniaxial ~ = 1.386 € Colorless X-ray lines: 4.75, 3.06, 1.87. Thorium fluoride, ThF, Biaxial - 2V ¢ = 1.500 Y Colorless o 759 1.419 1.386‘ 750 1.412 700 1.4299 1.381 60° 1.534 00 - Uranium chloride, UCL, Uniaxial probably - High n 2.04 Dark brownish red Uranium chloride, UCl, Uniaxial - = 2.03 X = light brownish green i Yttrium fluoride, YF; Biaxial o = 1.536 Colorless Zinc fluoride, ZnF, Uniaxial + w= 1.501 Colorless Zinc zirconium fluoride, ZnF, -Zr¥F, Cubic n 1.434 Colorless. Zirconium chloride, ZrCl, Probably monoclinic Biaxial ZAC = Colorless Zirconium uranium fluoride, Biaxial n Red X-ray lines;: 4,11, 3.72, 2 Low n 1.94 = 1.95 greenish brown i 2V ~» 90°© Y 1.568 &€= 1.526 Large 1.83 3 ZI'F;L 'UF3 2V Large 1.560 approximate average .06 C ~21- ~PART 11 X-RAY DIFFRACTION DATA -2 A. ZX-ray diffraction patterns for the compofinds iisted below are included in this section: : BeF, 2CsF '-BE‘FZ CsF "B@FZ 3CsF ‘L&FB ZCSF‘UF4 CsF-UF, 2CsF "ZrF4 CsF 'ZI'F4 CrF, CrF, : CrF, -ZrFy Fer ‘ZI'_F4 3LiF‘CI"_F3 3LiF-NiF, 4LiF - UF, 7LAF - 6UF, LiF -4UF, 3LAiF-ZrF, 2LiF-ZrF, 3LiF-47rF, NiFZ ‘ZTF4 3K¥F -BeF, KF "BGFZ KF - 2BeF, 3KF -CrF; K¥ 'L&Fg : KF -NaF "Ber KF - 2NaF - UF, 3KF “BNH.F-*ZZTF‘& 3KF-2NaF - 5ZrF, K¥-NaF-Z2r¥, 2KF-NiF, KF ‘TEF4 : 7KF - 6UF, 3KF - ZZI'F@ a—K¥ - ZrF, B"'KF 'ZI'F4 3RbF-BeF, 2RbDF -BeF, RbF -BeF, RbF’ZBeFa 3RbF 'CI‘F:), RbF ‘L&F:;,_ RbF.2NaF -BeF, RDF -NaF + UF, 3RbF-3Na¥-2Zr¥F, 3RDbF - UF, ZRDF -UF, 7RDF - 6UF, RbF - UF, 2RbF - 3UF, RbF - 3UF, RbF - 6UF, 3RbF - Z]TF4 2RbF -ZrF, 5RDF -4ZrF, aRDF - ZrF, BRbBY - ZrF, 3RDF - 3NaF -4ZrF, RbF-NaF-2%rF, RbF-NaF-Zr¥, NaF-CeF, NaF-CrF, 3NaF ’Hf?@ NaF * HfF,@ NaF-FeF, NaF -LaF; Na¥F-2LiF-CrF, NaF.NiF, 2Na¥F - Th¥, NaF-UF, a-3NaF - UF4 B-—- 3NaF- UF4 B-- 2 ZNaF . UF4 B-3 2NaF-UF, Y 2NaF-UF, 5Na¥- 3UF4 ‘Nay- 6UF4 Na¥ » 2UF, 3NafF- Z}?F‘t B-1 2NaF-ZrF, B-2 ZNaF-ZrF, B-3 2ZNaF-ZrF, B~4 2NaF-ZrF, Y 2NaF-Zr¥, 7NaF - 6ZTF4 3NaF-4ZrF, UF3 “ 321('1'14 Z:flFZ ‘Z‘I'F_4 Beryllium Fiuoride, Ber(l) Cesium Beryllium Fiuoride, 2CsF.BeF, a (&) /1 Lkl da ) 1/1, 4.09 70 100 5.34 10 3.21 100 101 4.46 25 2.367 100 110 4.02 15 2.189 100 102 3.80 15 2.154 100 111 3.62 60 1.905 70 201 3.40 30 1.748 50 112 3.28 10 1.606 35 202 3.23 100 1.591 20 103 3.08 80 1.550 30 210 2.871 10 1.484 30 211 2.685 10 1.320 30 203 2.636 35 1.233 15 104 2.543 20 1.208 15 302 2.398 20 2.355 15 2.242 20 2.164 15 2.106 20 2.079 15 2.025 15 2.000 10 1.959 10 1.901 30 1.822 10 1.805 5 1.770 10 1.724 15 1.673 10 1.620 5 1.584 5 1.541 10 o5 Cesium Beryllium Fluoride, Cesium Uranium Fluoride CsF -Be¥F, 2CsF-UF, o - 0 d(A) I1/14 | ~d(A) 1/1 5.99 10 | 6.92 i5 5.43 50 - 6.19 50 4.25 5 | 4.90 15 3.98 10 , 4.04 10 3.85 35 3.98 i0 3.60 30 3.93 35 3.55 35 - 3.80 25 3.47 85 3.65 35 3.31 10 3.59 45 3.20 100 3,55 100 3.00 40 i 3.44 100 2.822 10 3.31 ‘ 15 2.667 5 3.29 - 15 2.622 19 3.09 | 15 2.413 10 3.00 ip 2.367 25 2.93 5 2.184 10 2.89 10 2.130 20 Z.814 20 2.115 10 2.731 i5 1.975 10 2.652 - 10 1.928 5 2.475 | 20 1.812 15 2.453 20 1.779 10 2.286 15 1.599 10 2.226 10 - - 2.101 | 20 ' 2.060 40 Cesium Lanthanum Fluoride, 2.034 | 55 - 3CsF-La¥F, 1.955 | 10 o 1.815 5 d (A) /1 | 1.776 - 20 | ; ' 1.770 20 3.49 100 - '1.708 10 2.478 35 ' 1.640 | 5 2.021 60 '1.601 10 1.751 20 1.569 12 - 26~ Cesium Uranium Fluoride, Cesium Zirconium Fluoride, CsF.-UF, 2CsF-ZrF, d(8) 1/1, a®) 1/1, 8.04 45 4,11 35 7.31 70 3.88 5 5.80 20 3.73 100 5.30 10 3.54 10 5.13 5 3.34 5 4.48 10 3.20 40 4.35 5 2.96 10 4.15 20 2.771 10 4.00 890 2.687 10 3.78 15 2.529 5 3.62 100 2.501 10 3.55 70 2.430 49 3.25 20 2.286 20 3.17 10 2.140 5 2.875 40 2.056 5 2.822 10 1.932 20 2.739 5 1.857 20 2.660 20 1.779 5 2.615 5 1.773 5 2.410 35 1.667 10 2.292 10 1.609 10 2.244 10 1.601 10 2.189 10 1.480 10 2.111 5 2.069 35 2.025 25 2.000 30 1.916 10 1.890 5 1.805 60 1.757 5 1,679 5 1.654 10 1.609 10 1.538 5 1.532 5 1.520 5 1.485 5 27~ - | Cesium Zirconium Fluoride Chromium(II) Fluoride Cs¥F- Z,rF4 . : CPFZ a(8) 1/1, da) 1/1, 6.76 35 3.690 20 6.30 15 3.56 5 5.87 10 3,35 50 5.45 10 3.28 25 5.07 15 3.10 10 4,80 10 2.97 100 4.37 20 - 2.805 30 4,33 20 2.660 5 4.00 15 2.508 15 3.91 25 2.398 10 3.85 15 2.355 10 3.73 100 2.322 5 3.62 85 2.074 10 3.42 50 1.884 15 3.26 85 1.843 10 3.12 40 1.763 i5 2.593 15 1.743 10 2.333 10 1.665 10 2.264 i5 1.594 10 2.222 25 2.164 10 2.079 15 Chromium (III) Fluoride 1.932 15 Cr¥, 1.879 i5 . 1.658 10 d(A) 1/1; 1.543 15 | T - 4.00 30 " 3.62 100 2.91 5 2.885 5 2.622 25 2.501 10 2.410 10 2.169 25 2.004 5 1.829 10 1.809 20 1.649 30 ) 1.622 5 1.586 10 1.543 i0 Chromium Zirconium Fluoride, Lithium Chromium Fluoride, CrF, *ZrF, 3LiF-Cry, o o d(A) /1 aa) /1 4.72 10 4,29 4% 4.55 30 4,16 100 4 .41 10 3.45 35 4.09 100 2.67 30 4.00 45 2.212 25 3.88 5 2.176 &0 2.866 25 2.140 25 2.275 15 2.092 20 2.065 65 2.008 10 1.999 25 1.736 10 1.829 25 1.730 25 1.799 15 1.712 35 1.667 10 Iron Zirconium Fluoride Lithium Nickel Fluoride FGFZ “ZFF% 3IJ1F°N.1F,‘?L a () v d (&) L 4,95 10 4.81 95 4.65 49 3.06 8 4.48 45 2.508 5 4,35 8 2.074 100 4.04 100 2.016 95 3.16 i5 1.599 45 2.857 45 1.470 45 2.436 8 1.426 10 2.237 15 1.405 10 2.016 50 1.997 25 1.805 65 1.649 25 1.489 15 1.426 10 1.412 15 _29- Lithium Uranium Fluoride Lithium Uranium Fluoride 4LiF-UF, | 3LiF-UF, (2 a(d) 1 ady /L 5,67 20 | 4.98 | 20 5.46 25 | 4.80 15 5.13 70 4.41 100 4,93 100 - 4,34 100 4.55 45 - 3.98 | i5 4.44 100 - 3.91 8 4.23 7 3,60 80 3.82 40 3,40 10 3.55 30 3.14 25 3.03 50 3.07 50 2.89 25 2. 84 | 80 2.866 30 2.771 | 30 2.747 50 - 2.529 35 2.468 40 2.169 15 2.398 20 2.083 75 2.221 40 2.055 35 2.167 75 i.943 - 50 2.074 20 1.913 25 2.025 20 - 1.861 30 1.872 | 20 | 1.751 25 1.836 25 1.723 25 1.685 25 1.662 ‘ 8 1.646 20 1.599 8 .30~ Lithium Uranium Fluoride Lithium Uranium Fluoride TLiF-6UF, LiF-4UF, 0 d(A) /1 d (&) /1 6.61 6 7.02 8 5.97 20 6.33 i2 5.82 15 6.07 5 5.24 90 5.73 25 5.15 10 4.98 8 4,65 10 4.70 25 4 .37 13 4,25 0 3.95 55 3.88 20 3.85 13 3.78 100 3.68 20 3.52 a0 3.49 75 3.16 8 3.33 90 3.13 8 3.15 70 3.06 12 3.07 10 2 .84 40 2 .99 g5 2.771 55 2.771 30 2.542 3 2.707 30 2.350 10 2.542 25 2,310 10 2.350 13 2.226 & 2.286 25 2.000 10 2.264 13 2.088 35 2.184 10 2.016 60 2.097 30 1.991 50 2.060 30 1.888 20 2.047 75 1.819 8 1.993 25 1.767 25 1.972 20 1.947 25 1.924 15 1.909 30 1.854 45 1.825 20 1.773 20 1.757 25 1.709 15 1.680 i5 1.625 15 1.579 25 1.562 8 =31~ Lithium Zirconium Fluoride Lithiuwm Zirconium Fluoride (low temperature form) 2LAiF-ZxF, 3L1F’ZT’F¢ O o d (h) v d(A) 1/1, T 5.14 i0 5.49 55 4.75 i0 5.40 35 4,62 25 4 .88 50 4.29 100 3.67 25 3.15 100 3.43 5 2.75 10 2.91 15 2 .49 15 2.79 g 2 .42 10 2.67 15 2 .38 10 2 .40 5 2.26 7 2.07 100 2.19 60 1.94 20 2.15 20 1.82 25 2.05 20 1.80 12 i.95 25 1.78 iz 1.70 36 1.65 5 1.63 45 1.59 b 1.58 1¢ 1.57 5 1.54 10 Lithium Zirconium Fluoride (high temperature form) 3LAiF-ZrF, Q d (A) 1/1 7.2 15 6.42 15 5. 68 15 4,58 100 3.75 15 3.68 12 3.43 15 3.24 30 3.15 60 2 .84 40 2.63 20 2.535 10 2.361 15 2.20 10 2.047 65 1.847 20 -32- Lithium Zirconium Fluoride Potassium Beryllium Fluoride 3LiF-4ZrF, 3KY *BeF, o 0 a®) /1, a () /1 6.11 25 3.42 5 5.24 35 3.30 7 4 .90 15 3.07 25 4.21 30 2.98 75 4.00 10 2.81 i0 3.90 35 2 .64 30 3.77 20 2.54 35 3.69 5 2.51 15 3.33 60 2.39 100 3.29 20 2.27 70 3.26 20 Z2.04 5 3.16 100 1.96 5 2.615 15 1.85 12 2.303 10 L.78 12 2.248 10 1.73 10 2.227 5 1.72 10 2.194 85 1.69 7 2.159 i5 1.60 5 2.043 12 1.56 5 2.130 35 1.54 5 1.947 35 1.912 20 1.883 10 1.721 i0 Nickel Zirconium Fluoride NlFZ * ZI"F4: a®) 1/1, 4.88 i5 4.50 5 3.91 100 2.805 50 2.763 10 2.367 15 2.174 5 1.964 50 1.767 55 L.745 15 1.622 10 1.596 10 Potassium Beryllium Filuoride o Potassium Berylliium Fluoride Pt bt bt BN DN DY DS DD DY DN DYDY I 0 W WU O - 92 . 734 636 .542 442 410 .292 220 .190 .010 .979 . 745 . 641 Pt b pes IR D IV N IV DN VB DO DY 0 e e U K¥ . Ber KF - 2BeF, I/Il 15 60 5 10 :90 35 100 5 15 20 5 5 5 15 7 5 35 25 7 10 1/1, 10 15 60 100 5 5 5 ib5 5 15 i5 15 S Ut an . -33- Potassium Chromium(III} Fluoride 2 P ! Peoi ft DGO DN W W W W N ; - o 3KF" CI&FQ /1 35 i5 35 100 25 20 55 i5 i5 Potassium Lanthanum Fluoride KF * LaF3 1/1, 100 70 35 40 60 65 100 40 25 20 iz 30 65 20 5 20 -3h- Potassium Nickel Fluoride(é) Potassium Sodium Uranium Fluoride ZKF-NiF, KF-2Na¥-UF, 0 a@®) UL a() 1/1, 6.51 100 8.64 25 5.85 45 7 .80 80 3.83 10 6.00 15 2 .94 55 5.42 65 2.830 35 4,93 30 2.344 5 4 .44 90 2.212 10 3.51 40 2.173 100 3.46 25 2.135 15 3.16 100 1.999 55 3.13 i00 1.909 15 2.90 35 1.805 10 2.830". 5 1.730 30 2.710 20 1.654 10 2.593 10 1.633 35 2.557 20 1.594 10 2.462 20 1.474 20 2.443 5 2.344 20 Potassium Sodium Beryllium Fluoride 2.321 5 KF-NaF-BeF, 2.222 80 Z.189 5 d{A) I/1 2.156 B 2.074 5 7.08 5 2.047 i0 3.85 25 1.995 25 3.17 15 1.977 25 3.08 30 1.947 20 2.866 60 1.872 20 2.786 100 1.833 20 2.675 10 1.809 65 2.626 60 1.776 5 2.593 10 1.754 15 2.528 15 1.727 5 2.410 10 1.654 25 2.367 100 1.606 15 2.287 70 1.579 10 2.212 15 1.560 i5 2.189 10 2.159 10 2.125 5 1.995 60 1.967 10 1.819 5 1.806 5 1.777 25 1.691 10 1.620 10 1 .605 15 =35 Potassium Sodium Zirconium Potassium Sodium Zirconium Fluoride, 3KF-3NaF-2%7rF, Fluoride, 3KF-2Na¥F-5ZrF, G d(A) I/1, d (&) 1/1, 6.11 15 8.51 100 4.90 100 7.70 100 4,82 25 6.20 3 4.55 L5 5.57 5 4.27 55 5.15 8 4,09 75 5.01 20 3.78 12 4,77 8 3.40 20 4.65 35 3.28 20 4.29 40 2.99 20 3.86 100 2.97 90 3.75 i5 2.72 = i2 3.50 i5 2.682 i2 3.40 50 2.585 5 3.23 5 2 .455 25 3,17 60 2.417 20 3.09 35 2.368 12 2 .87 5 2.270 25 2.80 i0 2.226 50 2.58 5 2.135 40 2 .47 5 2.051 - 50 2.39 8 1.931 15 2.33 8 1.822 40 2.19 5 1.748 20 2.16 8 1.721 25 2,14 50 2.09 3 2.06 8 1.95 30 1.94 90 1.91 10 1.89 i0 1.88 15 1,84 7 1.81 7 1.76 8 1.70 13 Potassium Sodium Zirconium Potassium Tellurium Filuorides Fluoride, KF-NaF-ZrF, KF¥-:TeF, -H; O O a@) I a) 1/1y 5.99 10 5.64 100 5.37 50 4.61 60 4.8 15 4,27 100 4,85 60 3.95 10 4 .50 50 3.575 75 4 .41 5 3.170 15 4.25 30 2.910 25 4.09 65 2.805 50 3.69 30 2.303 25 3.60 L2 2.134 10 3.52 5 2.034 10 3.34 109 1.963 45 3.26 45 L.872 20 3.18 40 1.812 10 3.12 12 1.779 10 3.07 12 1.742 15 3.01 40 1.641 5 2. 747 5 1.606 10 2.690 25 2.5h56 20 2.489 25 2.405 20 2.258 20 2.154 16 2,215 20 2.050 35 1L.947 20 1.928 12 1.885% i2 1.79¢2 15 1.743 20 1,745 15 1.094 5 1 5 651 25 o ...37_ Potassium Uranium Fluoride (4b) d(g) 1/1; 7KF'6UF4 o i.715 . 30 d(A) 1/1, 1.654 10 ' 1.606 10 8.11 50 1.589 i 7.50 20 1.582 10 5.54 15 1.553 10 4.93 10 4.82 60 ' 4.46 50 Potassium Zirconium Fiuoride 4.35 30 3KF - 2ZrF, 4.17 10 o 4.06 i5 d(A) 1/1; 3.78 55 | T 3.58 20 7.37 10 3.44 100 6.56 20 3.29 i5 5.95 75 3.12 10 5.54 70 2 .97 65 5.09 i5 2.885 i5 4.95 25 2.858 2.0 4.90 2.0 2.710 15 4.39 40 2.550 id 3.97 i00 2,515 10 3.83 10 2.409 i0 3.71 20 2.368 10 3.66 2.0 2.333 20 3.56 i5 2.321 25 3.45 15 2.298 25 3.33 100 2.243 i5b 3.31 85 2.200 30 3.11 75 2.140 i5 2.571 i0 2.111 70 2.550 i5 2.096 80 2.270 i5 2.047 10 2.214 25 2.030 10 2.200 65 1.995 25 - 2.111 10 1.987 40 1.979 ‘ 100 1.983 40 1.883 i0 i.959 10 1.842 25 1.913 10 1.739 10 1.896 10 1.705 20 1.861 10 1.673 20 1.840 10 1.802 45 1.793 70 1.789 70 1.757 10 L.730 10 - -38- Potassium Zirconium Fluoride Potassium Zirconium Fluoride o-KF-ZrF, B-KF-ZrF, O a®) /1, da) 1/1, 5,83 60 8.26 7 4,89 35 6.97 50 4,40 80 6.32 100 4,29 20 5.50 15 4,07 5 5.31 30 3.86 100 3.93 15 3.08 20 3.49 40 2.90 10 3.36 35 2.52 5 3.29 60 2.475 15 3.15 100 2.232 5 2.763 7 2.200 20 2.731 10 2.140 15 2.392 15 2.088 10 2.332 15 2.043 5 2.179 12 2.016 10 2.120 12 1.912 5 2.106 40 1.850 10 2.065 15 1.779 5 1.967 10 1.916 60 1.865 15 1.843 35 1.748 15 1.665 5 1.579 70 Rubidium Berylliium Fluoride 3RbF:BeF, 1/1; 10 10 35 10 10 60 10 5 5 55 5 25 15 5 10 15 15 40 35 5 1oo 100 10 =39~ Rubidium Beryliium Fluoride H‘&-—*H}—*HI—JH)—*P&HHNNK\JPJZ‘JNNNP»JDQN'NNI\JNNWL}JWMWWW@W%W 2. RbF ‘ BQ?& 10 20 5 i5 i0 50 &5 30 i0 15 100 100 i5 10 20 5 90 &0 70 5 5 25 15 £ e b o DD L0 DD e DWW OO MO S LR L et DN O DN L0~ Rubidium Beryllium Filuoride Rubidium Beryllium Fluoride RbF :BeF, Rb¥F-2BeF, 0 o d(A) I/1, d(A) I/, ©6.28 5 6.16 70 5.24 20 3.39 40 4.70 5 3.31 20 4.49 5 3.10 100 4,24 20 2.715 5 4,17 10 2.475 35 3.85 20 2.410 15 3.74 45 2.327 10 3.62 10 2.201 5 3.58 5 2.149 20 3.46 100 1.876 5 3.38 100 1.852 10 3.26 10 1.819 15 3.18 10 1.552 15 3.12 100 3.03 10 2.96 15 Rubidium Chromium Fluoride 2,87 20 3RbF CrF; 2.739 25 o 2.564 5 d(A) 1/1, 2.521 10 T 2.496 10 3.47 12 2.482 5 3.16 100 2.430 10 3.13 55 2.394 10 3.11 55 2.367 5 2.98 12 2.332 15 2.57 15 2.300 35 2.468 12 2.275 45 2.350 5 2,104 15 2,315 10 2.076 100 2.264 20 2.052 35 2.208 40 1.947 10 2.149 10 1.920 10 2.088 10 1,883 10 1.829 10 1.861 10 1.813 10 1.825 15 1,805 25 1.802 10 1.625 10 1.735 15 1.582 25 1.723 15 1.582 25 1.699 30 1.680 10 1.630 10 1.614 10 1.578 10 1.557 35 1.552 25 I Rubidium Lanthanum Fluoride Rubidium Sodium Uranium ¥Filuoride RbF-LaF, Rb¥.Na¥F-UF, G ' O d(a)y 1/1 d () I 8.11 25 8.12 100 5.07 i5 7.20 10 4 .04 8 6,48 30 3.43 100 5.47 60 Z2.48 25 5.02 10 2.25 40 4,55 b5 1.97 15 3,77 4% 1.93 15 3.26 8¢ 1.990 40 3.15 &0 1.87 12 2.94 10 i.71 15 2.862 5 1.68 15 2.723 10 1.4¢6 8 2.588 15 2.508 20 2.430 15 Rubidium Sodium Beryllium 2,264 60 Fluoride, RbF-2NaF-BeF, 2.211 5 o 2.106 10 d(A) 1/1, 2.0581 i0 T Z2.034 ;75 4,60 25 1.995 10 4,15 85 1.920 10 3.75 40 1.905 30 Z.99 100 1.838 40 2.875 100 1.815 i5 2.767 70 1.799 i0 2.618 20 1.773 7 2,494 100 1.701 25 2,362 60 i.625 25 2 .295 30 1.574 5 2.232 10 1.555 10 2.189 10 2.074 85 1.987 i5 1.939 5 1,883 30 1.872 10 1.825 25 1.751 20 1.682 30 1.657 25 1.586 15 1.569 10 1.465 30 e Rubidium Sodium Zirconium Rubidium Uranium Fluoride Fluoride, 3RbF-3NaF:2%rF, (2) 3RbF - UF, d (&) /1, d () /1, 4,32 55 8.43 7 4,15 30 6.03 10 3.57 20 5.56 35 3.33 20 5.13 5 3.22 55 4,83 10 3.09 15 3.80 10 3.00 100 3,72 10 2.747 10 3.58 10 2,481 10 3,48 15 2,450 10 3.40 100 2.281 30 3.24 20 2.164 25 3.01 7 2,125 9 2.89 15 2.079 30 2.593 7 1.920 15 2.521 10 1.868 30 2.482 7 1.767 15 2.398 30 1.742 25 2.275 5 1.500 25 2.194 10 2.140 7 2.101 15 1.959 60 1.912 5 1.897 5 1.844 10 1.694 15 1.623 7 Rubidium Uranium Fluoride Rubidium Uranium Fiuoride (low temperature form) RbF - UF, ZBbF- UF,g ' o 0 d(a) /1, d(a) /1 6.03 100 8.26 5 4.75 15 7.56 10 3.49 100 6.86 100 3.23 25 4 .44 15 3.17 10 4.02 15 3.02 20 3.96 10 2.814 10 3.85 : 5 2.367 20 3.79 5 2.281 190 3.56 10 2.184 45 3.46 50 2.008 65 3.43 100 1.963 10 3,25 5 1.947 35 3.04 12 1.909 5 2.630 5 1.740 15 2.607 10 1.699 15 2.527 10 1.673 15 2.315 5 1.635 25 2.286 20 1.584 5 2.201 10 L.538 5 2.164 7 1.511 5 2.130 7 1.476 i0 2,008 5 1.987 30 Rubidium Uranium Fluoride 1.916 5 7RbF - 6UF, 1.901 10 o 1.865 5 d(A) 1/1; 1.850 5 1.829 5 8.35 i5 1.733 5 4 .98 i5 1.714 Z5h 4,57 15 1.579 5 4,46 7 1.518 5 4.17 5 3.85 10 3.68 5 3.58 20 3.51 100 3.05 45 2.259 7 2.169 25 2.140 50 2.030 7 1.890 15 1.854 15 1.835 45 1.786 7 1,751 20 1.522 15 Rubidium Uranium Fluoride 2RbF . 3UF, d (A) 6.39 5.80 5.04 4,18 3.86 3.50 3,22 3,07 2,780 2.614 2.417 2.361 2.259 2.184 2.038 1,943 1.935 1.843 1.805 1.773 Rubidium Uranium Fluoride RbF - 3UF, W o D R R i R R R T 0T UL T OO ] e -l o, %2 /1 12 45 7 7 40 100 15 5 10 15 10 10 25 30 60 10 5 10 10 7 1/1, 60 i0 15 10 5 5 10 20 10 10 30 15 5 25 15 5 10 20 25 40 55 gk d(A) ol et pd d ped el ) ed e et el ped ped i ped DN DN DN NIV NN NN NININDN NNV WWWW W W W W .59 .52 43 .36 .34 24 .10 00 .96 .90 . 848 . 736 . 706 667 .629 .571 501 .469 .433 .404 . 341 . 3156 . 247 L2 37 ,216 2159 111 .088 .070 .043 .034 -025 .002 951 .903 . 883 . 870 . 847 .831 .809 .789 757 . 720 659 614 .5h94 ,589 577 564 .550 LYA5Y 15 100 10 80 35 60 35 40 10 10 20 10 20 15 10 i0 15 15 15 15 40 20 20 10 15 20 80 100 60 10 10 40 L5 30 10 10 25 35 25 10 20 15 10 20 Rubidium Uranium Fluoride Rubidium Zirconium Fluoride RbF - 6 UF, | 3RbF - ZrF, | 0 | O d (A) 1/1, simple cubic ag = 3.288 A O 7.14 15 d (A} /1, 6.53 20 T T 4,82 10 3.290 100 4.56 25 2,326 60 4,35 30 1.900 100 4,13 75 1,646 40 3.93 20 5.85 25 3.68 10 Rubidium Zirconium Fluoride 3.55 50 2RbF-Zr¥, 3.47 100 {(iow temperature form) 3.30 10 3.22 10 5.350 10 3.11 i0 4,835 8 3.05 5 3.590 100 2,98 60 3.080 34 2 .90 25 2.414 5 L. 747 i0 2.338 403 2,686 20 Z2.199 20 Z2.410 i5 1.861 1& 2.367 5 1.789 15 2.270 i5 1.569 12 2,172 20 1,422 8 Z2.049 75 2,030 10 2.006 26 1.957 45 1,853 40 1.763 20 1.724 5 1.688 15 1.641 19 1.630 10 1.620 5 1.606 5 1Y Rubidium Zirconium Fluoride Rubidium Zirconium Fluoiride 5RbF°4Z3°F4 QflRbF”ZPF% O 0 d(4) 1/1 daa) 174, 5.87 10 7,13 40 5.61 10 5,95 20 5.04 10 4.28 10 4,77 15 4.02 10 4.50 12 3.83 80 4.29 65 3.69 25 3.98 25 3.59 5 3.82 30 3.45 100 3.78 15 3.42 100 3.72 15 3.34 100 3.63 30 3.07 15 3.59 95 3.01 10 3.52 8 2.699 10 3.44 100 2.622 10 3.42 100 2.574 20 3.36 100 2.550 7 3.29 100 2.450 10 3.05 12 2.423 25 2.60 25 2.327 14 2.508 30 2.226 10 2.386 12 2.184 10 2 .350 75 2.149 10 Z2.281 10 2.118 10 2.275 12 2.056 25 2.260 12 1.991 10 2.253 12 1.957 25 2.245 8 1.928 10 2.226 12 1.905 20 2.152 45 1.868 15 2.067 12 1.812 15 2.027 12 1.782 10 1.959 30 1.763 10 1.932 30 1.742 10 1.897 15 1.670 15 1.868 20 1.611 10 1.833 20 1.547 10 1.770 30 1.502 15 1L.763 30 1.679 12 ".'_hT‘ Rubidium Zirconium Fluoride B-RbF-ZrF, | o d(A) /1, d @) /1 7.37 12 2.191 30 6.66 40 2.116 49 6.32 5 2.074 10 5.53 5 2.034 5 5,17 5 1.997 30 5.01 20 1.989 50 4,67 5 1.935 50 4.54 5 1.929 506 4.46 5 . 926 55 4.35 12 1.963 30 3.99 12 1.894 5 3.88 5 1.872 12 3.77 30 1.857 i0 3,72 - 35 1,836 i0 3.69 40 1.773 5 3.61 40 1.757 5 3.42 100 1,751 5 3.36 100 1,742 5 3.325 190 1.731 15 3.090 10 1.728 i5 3.060 15 1.719 24 2,960 5 1.716 15 2.9060 5 1.709 15 2,822 B 1.699 10 2.788 40 1.694 10 2.767 45 1.679 20 2.678 5 1,662 5 2.614 5 1,654 20 2.564 5 2.514 8 2.501 8 2.482 5 2.455 5 2.433 5 2.398 5 2.380 10 2.355 10 2.344 10 2.309 5 2.292 8 2.253 5 2.240 12 2.211 15 2.206 15 _L8- Rubidium Sodium Zircconium Rubidium Sodium Zdirconium Fluoride, 3RDbF-3NaF-4ZrF, ¥Fluoride, RbF-NaF-24r¥F, ad 11, ad) L 6.77 5 7.43 5 6.11 15 6.71 5 .72 15 6.54 5 5.37 30 5.91 40 4,67 9 4.55 20 4,21 35 4.41 5 4,11 10 4,13 50 3.98 15 3.90 8 3.82 20 3.71 60 3.72 30 3.52 45 3.56 5 3.40 8 3.50 10 3.35 100 3.44 100 3.29 12 3.31 8 3.23 10 3.22 30 3.13 12 3.17 65 2.826 20 3.11 100 2.481 5 3.07 5 2.4730 5 3.01 20 2.392 5 2.95 5 2.380 5 2.571 10 2.344 5 2.482 8 2.286 5 2,356 8 2.237 5 2.243 8 2.194 10 2.164 10 2.15% 20 2,111 15 2.142 10 2.088 15 2.083 5 2.060 35 2.060 10 2.025 30 1.983 3 2.004 8 1.963 12 1.976 8 1.943 15 1.947 30 1.935 25 1.909 20 1.920 5 1.861 85 1.854 8 1.812 5 1.836 8 1.727 10 1.757 40 1.638 10 1.754 45 1,591 10 1.694 8 1,676 40 1.670 30 Rubidium Sodium Flucride RbF:NaF- ZrF, ' RbF"UF3 10 5 40 45 15 5 10 65 10 20 35 10 8 i5 30 30 100 100 10 20 & Bubidium Uranium Fluoride /1 30 15 7 100 25 40 15 i2 40 40 15 i5 8 4. NaF ° CGF3 a8 5.95 5,35 ' 3.43 .09 .57 411 . 392 179 .097 .016 L9867 . 894 , 843 . 815 L A0q . 612 .538 . 375 Pt et ot o o ot e bt Do B B BB D 0 NaF-Cr¥, Sodium Cerium Fluoride /1 15 60 40 G0 100 10 15 35 5 5 25 10 10 10 90 10 15 15 Sodium Chromium (II) Fluoride i/1 -t man o e S 5 15 10 15 100 10 ip ih 25 20 ~50~ Scdium Hafnium Fluoride Scdium Hafoium Fluoride 35NaF-HfTF, NaF-HIF, O < d (A) /1, d{A) /1y 5.27 55 7.37 30 4,27 90 5.61 100 3.77 50 5.37 80 3.07 100 5.04 15 2.94 40 4,37 30 1.967 30 4,17 20 1.883 10 4,05 45 1.872 75 3.98 60 1L.770 15 3.87 100 1.603 50 3.69 10 1.586 5 3.45 15 3.35 20 3.31 15 3.26 15 3.13 85 3.03 20 2 .85 20 2.82 20 2.75 15 2.71 40 2.62 10 2.51 35 2.49 15 2.28 40 2.21 40 2.03 10 2.02 10 1.99 15 1.95 15 1.91 60 1.86 35 1.84 10 1.81 10 1.78 35 1.73 15 1.71 40 1.66 25 1.65 55 1.63 65 1.61 5 1.58 10 1.56 15 1 .55 15 “51=~ Sodium Iron {II) Flucoride ‘ Sodium Lithium Chromium Fluoride NaF - FeF, | NaF-2LiF-CrF, o | d (&) v ady vy 4.35 25 4 .36 100 3.92 . 90 4,17 20 3.08 15 3,17 10 2.83 30 3.08 60 2.78 50 2.76 is 2.731 12 2.68 15 2.462 15 2.629 15 2.174 45 2.5815 20 1.964 100 2.416 20 1,783 35 2.327 ig 1.757 20 2.247 30 1.739 12 2.216 i0 2.176 20 2,087 19 2.012 5 1,995 30 (4a) 1.947 40 Sodium Lanthanum Fluoride ™% 1.708 20 NaF-LaF, ' o d{A) I/1y 5,37 65 3.11 100 2.09 100 2,69 15 2.405 20 2.194 90 2.021 15 1.913 15 1.783 80 1.627 15 1.545 i2 1.48s% 10 1,383 20 sae Sodium Nickel Fluoride Sodium Thorium Fluoride(4a) NaF-NiF, 2NaF-ThF, d (&) /L a (&) /1 4.25 10 6.22 10 3.85 100 5.72 45 3.45 8 5.38 10 3.33 5 5.17 100 3.05 5 4,53 10 3.01 10 4.11 20 2.764 35 3.83 5 2.723 50 3.69 5 2.682 20 3.65 5 2.398 10 3.40 10 2.327 10 3.31 15 2.309 25 3.07 35 2.130 15 2.99 70 2.070 10 2.863 20 2.034 25 2.590 55 1.924 100 2.442 5 1.796 5 2.374 10 1.757 20 2.352 20 1.742 35 2.197 40 1.720 30 2.0h6 5 1.697 10 1,987 5 1.586 20 1.955 15 1.579 20 1.928 15 1.557 40 1.909 10 1.793 10 1.742 55 1.724 20 1.705 5 1.609 5 1,572 5 (3). Sodium Uranium (I11) Fluoride Sodium Uranium Fluoride NaF-UF, Z B-3Na¥ - UF, o | | | d(a) 1/1, a (&) /1 5.34 30 6.28 ' 45 3.09 | 100 5.15 100 2.392 15 3,98 6D 2.179 55 3.65 10 2.016 50 _ 3.29 ' 10 1.898 10 _ 2,97 100 1.779 75 2.578 25 1.614 10 - 2.206 10 1.541 10 | 2,164 30 Sodium Uranium Fluoride 1.991 20 & 3NaF-UF; 1,943 13 o 1.897 - 5 d{A) 1/1, 1.857 | 15 ' _ ' 1.819 : 16 5,47 35 | 1.751 10 4.87 160 1.718 _ 85 3.85 50 1.552 2% 3,15 75 1.506 10 3.03 30 1.485%5 ' i5 2,721 30 : | 2.435 30 - ' 2.378 25 Sodium Uranium Fluoride(zgs’éa) 2.224 30 | B-2-2NaF - UF, 2.022 15 | o 1.926 45 d{A) 1/1, 1,815 25 ‘ B I 1.791 30 5,12 100 1,722 35 3,72 10 1.642 30 3.02 85 1.574 15 2.97 40 1.511 15 . 2.578 | 35 1.496 15 | 2.327 55 1.457 15 2,121 ; 90 1,947 35 1.869 i5 1.754 i5 1.730 ' 100 1.583 15 1.562 | 25 -5k Sodium Uranium Fluoride(3) Sodium Uranium Fluoride(2’3) B-3 2NaF-.UF, Y 2NaF-UF, d () /1 hk1 d(a) 1/1, 7.25 100 001 5.79 50 5,31 20 100 4.92 100 4,28 75 101 3,78 40 3.06 35 110 3.24 50 2,99 60 102 3.17 70 2.817 10 111 2.91 20 2,644 5 200 2,831 40 2,488 15 201 2..767 30 2.410 20 003 2.501 20 2.338 5 112 2.235 50 2.194 10 103 2.173 50 2.135 35 202 2,151 50 1.999 5 210 2,003 50 1.928 15 211 1.967 100 1.890 15 113 1.947 20 1.809 20 004 1.896 20 1.783 5 203 1.860 30 1.760 15 300 1.826 20 1.748 25 212 1.696 10 1.712 15 104 1.669 80 1.555 10 114 1.538 5 213 1.527 5 220 1.491 5 221, 204 1.436 5 311 1.422 5 303 1.394 15 105 1.358 5 312 1.340 5 214 Sodium Uranium Fluoride(4c’5) Sodium Uranium ?lumrideiéd?5} 5Na¥: 3UF, : TNaF- 5UF, O O | d (A) I/t afay /1 3.19 160 76 40 2.777 30 34 20 1.964 65 55 50 1.684 65 32 70 1.609 15 25 55 1.396 15 87 10 1.282 -~ .68 25 1.248 - 43 10 1.144 - - 33 : 85 .25 L0 .03 ' 20 .97 20 863 | 50 . 186 50 .595 15 . 585 30 AT 10 . 342 i0 177 35 L1114 25 LT3 iD 047 - i0 .41 30 LR09 i5 731 ; 433 s 4T3 4bh 664 i0 Pl et b et P TN DN DO DWODN BN DY DO DY DN DY U0 0w W Lo L s W U -l o N =0 N & o~ ot D o .813 . 747 . 131 2.675 2,622 2.600 MV INNINNWWWWWWWWWwwwwwdh bbb b b o oo O~ oo < Sodium Uranium Fluoride I/h 8 8 20 20 100 25 12 10 10 8 25 35 L0 15 15 8 50 15 15 20 20 20 45 - 70 20 8 65 8 8 10 45 o0 00 0o 00 0 NaF-2UF, a®) 449 411 . 355 . 290 . 250 211 - 184 152 . 144 - L37 .128 - 090 065 . 034 .010 . 983 .947 . 939 .931 . 912 . 865 . 840 - 817 - 192 - 190 . 754 o 142 . 730 . 120 .643 .638 .586 bt b b el e bt e e e el et el e e e e DO DD TV IV IV B IV DY NIV Y DV N DN O 1/1, e 0o U100 00O 00 e DS oo N el el e DN et BN o W0 IV b el e e CUIOUUNOOODPRINPORNOSNRONO 15 15 20 Sodium Zirconium Fluoride Sodium Zirconium Flucride 3NaF-zr¥, (3} B-2 ZNaF-ZrF, {3} d(A) 1/1, d{fi} 1/1, 5.25 35 5.72 20 4.75 75 5.47 80 3.75 20 5.38 50 3.06 100 3.78 80 2.93 10 3.31 20 2.32 10 3.11 100 1.97 - 5 2.675 20 1.88 20 2.410 20 1.87 35 2.216 20 1.77 5 2.0453 20 1.60 15 1.912 100 1.59 5 1.897 20 1.46 5 1.793 | 20 1.645 20 1.617 50 1.557 10 Sodium Zirconium Fluoride Sodium Zirconium Fluoride B-1 2NaF.ZrF, (3} B-3 ZNaF-ZrF, (3} a8 1/1, ai A /1, 5.45 10 5.12 100 5.15 55 4,80 10 4.73 25 4.55 100 4,06 15 4.00 5 3.83 5 3.89 1¢ 3.72 40 3.60 90 3.48 15 3.24 25 3.43 5 3.12 10 3.15 5 3.04 10 3.09 . 100 2 .95 40 2.839 5 2.893 100 2.682 1¢ 2.557 10 2.593 5 Z2.550 10 2.327 10 2.475 4.0 2,237 5 2.275 30 2,206 10 Z.221 30 2.169 5 2. 085 i0c 2,088 10 1.894 100 2.038 15 1.799 30 1.995 10 1.70R 60 1.951 6 1.608 6 1.890 100 1.543 20 1.847 5 1.812 5 1.776 10 1.711 5 1.688 5 1.630 5 1.611 45 58 Sodium Zirconium Fluoride Sodium Zirconium Fluoride B-4 2NaF-ZrF, 7Na¥F ¢Zr¥, (5 0 o d(A) 1/1; d{A’ 1/1. 7.97 35 7.37% 20 5.54 15 6. 86 10 5.12 80 5.07 10 4 .88 65 4, 85 5 4.48 15 4. 37 20 4.33 20 4.06 23 4.00 70 3.98 5 3.83 70 3.69 1¢ 3.25 100 3.55 5 3.12 50 3.45 40 3.04 40 3.25 5 2.89 15 3.13 100 2.959 25 2 .85 5 2.666 20 .72 15 2.564 20 2.64 5 Z2.398 15 2.37 5 2.361 15 2.32 5 2.327 15 z2.19 5 2.034 20 2.09 10 1.979 15 Z2.03 10 1.935 20 2.00 15 1.912 50 1.95 15 1.796 15 1.92 100 1.751 10 1.91 10C 1.711 20 1.R6 15 1.619 10 1.81 10 1.596 20 1.79 10 1.574 15 1.74 10 1.70 10 Sodium Zirconium Fluoride 1.68 10 Y 2NaF-ZrF, 1.63 50 o 1.61 5 d(A} 1/1, 1.58 5 T o 1.56 10 4.98 100 1.51 15 4.37 50 1.48 10 4.19 80 3.96 50 3.45 50 3.36 60 3.16 40 3.07 80 2.839 70 1.843 50 ' -59.., Sodium Zirconium Fluoride Uranium Zircopium Fluoride NaF-ZrF, (2} UF., * 3ZrF, a3 1/1. d(8; 1/1. 5.57 30 6.1 35 3.37 40 4 11 100 3.96 30 3.95 20 3. 86 100 3.88 R 3.01 15 3.72 75 2,86 10 3.44 35 2.75 7 3.22 2 .72 7 3.17 35 Z.51 7 .77 12 .28 25 2.69 30 2.21 20 Z2.51 45 2.09 30 .29 20 2.05 5 2,485 17 2,02 15 .12 Z 2,00 5 2 .06 85 1.99 10 2,02 10 1.86 15 2.01 10 1.84 7 1.98 2 1.70 20 1.95 10 1.65 20 1.92 35 1.62 12 1.8¢6 30 1.£1 7 1.84 35 1.56 10 1.81 20 | | 1.77 20 Sodium Zirconium Fluoride 1.73 20 3NaF:4ZrF, (5} 1.68 15 o i1.64 5 a(A) 1/1, 1.62 7 | - T 1.59 7 7.56 15 1.58 7 7.4 45 1.54 10 5.47 15 4,15 100 3,78 20 3.74 20 3.42 25 3.39 35 3.36 60 Z.630 1= 2.074 75 1.935 12 1.766 50 1.506 25 60~ Zinc Zirconium Fluoride Zn¥, *Zr¥, a1 1/1, 4.68 5 4.49 35 4.15 5 4.06 100 3.55 15 3.15 15 2.852 50 2,226 15 2.008 35 1.989 20 1.815 10 1.796 65 1.793 50 1.638 30 B. X~ray diffraction patterns for the compounds below are listed in this section. The purity of these compounds has never been absolutely established, nor have these compounds been iso-~ lated as single phases. 2KF -LiF-CrF, ZKF-NaF:-CrF, KF -Na¥F LiF.Cr¥F,; 3KF - 2UF; 3KF-UF, 3RDbF - CeF3 UF3 * UF4 * ZI’F4 2 UFJ, ¢ Z]?Fq. 62~ Potassium Lithium Chromium (III) Potassium Sodium Lithium Chro- Fluoride 2KF-LiF:-CrF, mium (III) Fluoride | KF«NaF-LiF-CrF, o o d(A) 1/1, d(A) I{iL 4.61 75 4.74 45 3.33 20 4.09 10 2.95 15 2.90 100 2.822 90 2.478 15 2.667 15 2.373 55 2.482 15 2,321 20 2.407 30 2.052 85 2.327 30 2.010 30 2.303 90 1.676 40 2.012 45 1.582 10 1.993 100 1.672 15 1.628 40 1.536 15 Potassium Sodium Chromium (III) Potassium Uranium Fluoride Fluoride 2KF:-NaF-Cr¥F, 3KF - 2UF, 0 d({A) I/1, d( %) 1/1, 4.78 30 5.37 60 4,14 20 4.67 25 2.93 95 3.43 90 2.495 10 3.25 100 2.385 65 2.97 60 2.292 5 2.79 20 2.0609 100 2.73 20 1.688 55 2.33 20 2.10 80 1.98 40 1.79 75 1.71 20 1.53 20 1.36 35 [-63- Potassium Uranium Fluoride Rubidium Lanthanum Fluoride 3KF - U¥F, 3RbF - LaF, a(f /1, d(A] /1, 6.27 - 70 4,93 30 5.68 30 3,66 30 5.24 100 3,47 20 3.69 70 3.40 20 3.47 40 3.30 90 3.24 50 3.11 60 2 .88 20 2,821 160 2.60 80 2.344 40 2.50 20 2.237 20 2.164 30 2.206 15 2.074 15 2.184 20 1.955 20 1.991 40 1.928 30 1.905 30 1.840 25 1.70% 40 1.730 20 1.627 ' 20 Rubidium Cerium Fluoride d(8; 1/1, 5.91 15 4.93 15 3.68 25 3.58 20 3.45 45 3.31 100 3.24 55 3.21 35 3.05 15 2.608 15 2.522 40 2.355 45 2.296 20 2.088 10 2.060 10 1.968 10 1.943 10 1.924 25 1.905 ' 15 1.882 25 1.840 15 1.812 15 1.789 10 1 . 694 15 w3l Uranium Zirconium Fluoride Uranium Zirconium ¥luoride UF, -UF, - Z2YF, 2UF, - Zr T, a(Ry 1/1, a(%) /1, 6.42 15 4,05 100 4,07 100 3.98 25 3.98 65 3.68 15 3.58 12 3.39 40 3.39 40 3.22 35 3.22 30 3.00 40 3.01 40 2.63 15 2.63 20 2.07 40 2.08 50 .02 12 2.02 12 1.94 30 1.98 15 1.89 40 1.94 12 1.84 12 1.89 ' 50 1.79 25 1.80 25 1.54 20 —H 5w Egptnotes U PR, l. This compound is rhombohedral and is isostructural with Si0; . 4. This compound has only metastable existence in a svystem of its own composition. | 3. The original measurements on this material were made by P. A. Agron {Chemistiry Division;, B. 8. Borie, Jr., and R. M. Steele (Metallurgy Division;. 4. a. This compound has been reported by W. H. Zachariasen, J. Am., Chem. Soc. 70, 2147-51 (1948; b. This compound was reported by W. H. Zachariasen, idem., to be KF-UF, . - c¢. This compound was reported by W. H. Zachariasen, idem., to be o-2NaF-UF, . | T d. This compound was reported by W. H. Zachariasen, idemn., to be NaF-UF,; 5. The original ORNL measurements on this material were made by P. A. Agron (Chemistry Division;, B. 8. Borie, Jr., and R. M. Steele (Metallurgy Division). The compound formula was established at a later date by the authors. 6. A graphical representation of a Debye-Scherrer pattern for this compound is reported by Wagner and Balz, Z. Electro- chem, 56, 576 {1952}. ' compound RbF‘fia?‘UFh Kerlaf. 3 Ew°2NaF'UFh RbF‘UFh CRFeN iFZ E*KF*ZTF& QRbF‘UFM KF~Te ) Hy0 NaP*HEF) E3WaF-UF), E-32MarrE) (3) P-22Va e UF), (28 F-ZrT), LLiFUF), y«»QNaF“UFh 3LFe3HaF~201F) a:a~31‘€a2£?‘~b"ii‘h SLiF*UFQ EaF*QLiFaCrFB PLAF«21T), 3LiF * CI"FB A 3ay-hzrly (5 ) 3.86 2.034 .61 2.9 3.546 1.599 1.579 1.963 3.575 3.13 3.08 2.590 1.718 2.893 2.121 100 100 100 100 100 1006 100 i O = 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1060 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 109 100 100 100 100 100 &0 100 O o Compound - TR S 27T 3"eaTE CI"FQ .ZPFLL Y e T g 7 TR wLaf~Ard TRbF*éUFh QRbF»BEFh 2CsF=1aTy RbFéUFh ol s EHOF-LZrT ), BfiEFRBHaFQQZth T e AT | & y TER=AUE ) REF-TFy AbFelal 3 da® Fage L1 2.C4 3.72 100 8% 78 59 1. 09 2.065 )00 100 65 I 28 L. 06 1.796 2.852 100 é5 co 60 1.0l 1.805 2.016 100 68 £o 28 3.97 3.33 1.979 100 100 100 37 3.91 1.767 2.805 100 55 50 32 3.86 hliO 5.83 100 80 €0 38 3.86 3.37 5.57 100 40 30 59 3.85 1.92L4 2.723 100 100 50 52 3.78 h.25 3,52 1.00 90 o0 30 3.73 3.62 3.26 100 5 85 29 3.73 3.20 2,03 100 L0 Lo 24 3.62 Jia 00 169 100 30 30 27 3.590 2.335 3.080 100 L0 34 Ly 3.55 3.4k 2.03 100 100 55 25 w52 2.002 3,36 100 100 &0 Lh 3.51 2.1L0 3.0¢% 100 50 he L3 3450 2.038 5.80 106 40 L5 lil; 3.46 3.62 1100 100 100 80 25 3:47 0 3.93 0 2.030 100 75 78 ) 305 3.38 3.12 100 100 100 10 3.45 3.12 3.34 160 100 100 L6 3.0 3.02 3.36 100 100 100 L6 3.4 3.11 1.861 100 100 85 LB 3l 2.096 2,111 100 80 70 37 3.3 2.253 1.8%8 100 L0 Ne 49 3.3 2.25 1.87 100 Lo 50 il o Sompound B=RbF~Z 1T | 3REF-TY j 1 -4 735&?“{"‘@} R y 8 3LiR=L7y F‘}I P~l 2T eirF) (3) Na¥=UFy 3NaF-dfF), TR Foeian C3TEP 3 Za.b&-'.lj " J‘:Jg')-'« 2 3ai~ZrFy (3) 3KFCy FB rirebelr ) 104G 100 100 1560 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1G5 100 100 1.00 100 100 100 50 £ \_35 95 100 o 55 100 100 100 70 100 G0 100 70 70 100 e L 2 100 &0 15 33 O \ O O 0 O e O 100 50 30 27 100 100 70 3l 00 96 90 19 100 75 70 32 100 160 4% 4 100 55 ED 31 100 90 £Q £l 100 100 &0 39