r o wv W~ oy = —— —— - T e e oo Y R -;_-,?ga, s "’:%.' B * e S N ’?'/v'-. * AEC RESEARGH R 3 yy5k 036071k 7 CENTR DOC LIBR/ DO NOT TR If you wish send 1n name arrange a lo« ot o Powers Blalock Fr¥iaty o WD 3 1 % - e T m = = -2 e Reactors-Special Features of Aircraft Reactors &b UCLEAR COMPANY de and C_ar'bdfi"ggr'pordiiOn il LW e ke ™ B8 a (T CAPACITIES OF SOLID lUORIDE MIXTURES Pl ‘ smant ! : fous PN W N 5 + - b e o WFM‘& 'm M S ORNL-1956 “This document consists of 33 pages. No__$£_ of___eic—.%.l.-_copies, Series..;A ' Contract No. W-ThO5, eng 26 Reactor Experimental Engineering Division ENTHALPIES AND HEAT CAPACITIES OF SOLID AND MOLTER FLUORIDE MIXTURES by W. D. Powers G. C. Blalock DATE ISSUED: L AN OAK RIDGE NATIONAL ILABORATORY Operated by UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY A Division of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation Post Office Box P Oak Ridge, Tennessee AT 1 4456 03E0?1kL 7 1 2. 3. b-5. 6 7-16. 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. 2k, 25. 26, 27. 28. 2G. 30. 31. 32. 33. 3k, 81. 82. 83. 8. 85. 86. 87. -ii- ey ORNL-1956 # Reactors- Spec1ali eatures INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION . C. Efl Center ¢ Library %-cords Department A. Swartout H. Taylor D. Shipley C. VonderlLage C. Lind I.. Culler H. Snell ollaender Kelley Clewett . Morgan Frye, Jr. Keim » Livingston f Iincoln / Householder f Harrill ‘ Winters Cardwell King _ Miller Cowen Adsmson Charpie Barton . » e * Ommbbmwoobemngmmzbbfip@mwqu GpEpLEEmouravEN@as of Aircraft RB#ctors M-3679 (%fith ed.) /fi 46. E. S. Beftis 47. D. 8. Billlngton 48. F. F/ Blankenship 49. E. P. Blizard 50. M.*A. Bredig 51. XK. B. Briggs 527 8. I. Cohen gfi. C. M. Copenhaver .54, 8. J. Cromer " 55. D. R. Cuneo 56. A. P. Fraas 57. N. D. Greene 58. W. R. Grimes 59. H. W. Hoffman 60. W. H. Jordan 6l. G. W. Keilholtz 62. F. Kertesz 63. J. A. Lane F. E. Lynch . R. N. Lyon W. D. Manly . R. F. Newton L. G. Overholser L. D. Palmer H. F. Poppendiek W. D. Powers R, R. Dickison H. W. Savage 0. Sisman G. P. Smith a E. R. Ven Artsdalen L. Wantland EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Plant Representative, Plant Representative, Plant Representative, Plant Representative, Plant Representative, Plant Representative, Air Materiel Area %E%%%% Baltimore Burbank Marietta Santa Monica Seattle Wood-Ridge . M. Warde . Watson - Y-12 Technical Library, séiment Reference Section 88, 89. 0. al. 92-9k. 95. %. 97. « 98-10L. A05-1006. 1 111 112-113. 11k, 115. 116. 117. 118. 119-121. 122-12k, 125. 126-120, 130. 131. 132-133. 13k, 135, 136. 137. 138. 139. 1ko. 1h1. 1Lko. 143, 1hbhoaks, 147-154, 155. 156, 157. 158, 159. 160. 161-163. 164-279. 280. 281, . 107. %106, %o N Bureau of Aeronautics Khicago Operations Off 5 # ~iii- ,;‘ Air Research and Development Commano»(RDGN) Air Research and Development Commafs (RDZPA) gp?*“fiv Air Technical Intelligence Centersy Aircraft Laboratory Design Branc ANNP Project Office, Fort Worth § Argonne National ILaboratory Armed TForces Special Weapons Mgroject,Sandia Asgistant Secretary of the A 'orce, R&D Atomic Energy Commission, Wgfhington (1 copy to R. H. Graham) Battelle Memorial Instltut%,(l copy to E. M. Simons) Bettis Plant Bureau of Aeronautics 3 Bureau of Aeronautics (Céfle 2) eral Representative 7 (WADC) i o ef of Naval Researc W0 Patent Group j-General Dyn.t~cs Corporation DirectOyof lLaboratoffies (WCL) Dlrector‘i‘ ‘Requiregents (AFDRQ) Director oMyReseargh and Development ( AFDRD-ANP) Dlrectorate'; Syz ems Management (RDZ-ISN) Directorate o f_{,'ems Management (RDZ-ISS) Equipment ILabor¥Wry (WADC) General Electrigfempany (ANFD) Hartford Ares 3 Idaho Operatiogh Ofl;'e Knolls Atomic ower I¥goratory (1 copy to W. J. Robb, Jr.) Lockland Areag Hffice ‘@a Tos Alamos Ss entlflc LR Materials ratory Plan liational Ady sory Committee ¥ | National A-t sory Committee Waval Air Jvelopment Center New York Qlferations Office . North Ame»‘can Aviation, Inc. (Aerd@ Nuclear D elopment Corporation Patent Byffnch, Washington Powerplaf Laboratory (WADC) : Pratt & #hitney Aircraft Division (Fox Pragect) (1 copy ea, to R. I. Strough, W. S. T rmer, D. P. Gregory, and G. L. Mull¥g) San Frw cisco Operations Office B Sandla orporation Schoolffof Aviation Medicine Sylvapia Electric Products, Inc. USAF Project Rand b University of California Radiation Laboratory, Livermore Wright Air Development Center (WCOSI-3) Techfiical Information Extension (Oak Ridge) (1 copy to W. J. Larkin) Divifsion of Research and Development, AEC, ORO Hea@guarters, Air Force Special Weapons Center U, i . : " Chis Conve yratory Mo rice (WADC) b Aeronautics, Cleveland M. Acropautics, Washington sics Division) ~iv- TRy TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SKMARY.l'..‘O.'.‘.‘..O..O....Q".ll.Q.ll"‘.l.l‘fi.....'.l‘fl...O..I. l‘, INTRODUCTION « ¢ e ¢ e 000 vsosooosasonsssossssesssssssonssnssnssssnsaoss 5 EXPERTMENTAL METHOD . ¢ o < o 00 e eosvsssocsososessosssassasaoonsssascsosas 6 FXPERIMENTAL RESULTS .+ s eccasvesesnsesssssssssessassrasosacsnsacacses 10 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. «eveserornsneocncnsasssesesensosnsosnsnenenens 14 FUTURE WORK. « « o o v s eesoasonossssonsssonssssasncsssssssnsassssssassnse 20 APPENDIX Table 2 Enthalpies, Heat Capacities, and Heat of FusiOheseevsccossses 22 Table 3 Healt CaPaCitieS...............‘.................'..'. 27 Table 4 Enthalpies of Zirconium Fluoride Base Mixtures....eseececasse 29 Table 5 Enthalpies of Alkali Fluoride Base MiXtures....eoeevsecccesesce 30 Table 6 Experimental Enthalpies of Composition No. TOeeseesesesccsscon 51 'li 4 SUMMARY The enthalpies and heat capacities of seventeen fluoride mixtures in the liquid state have been determined using Bunsen Ice Calorimeters and copper block calorimeters. The fluoride mixtures were composed of the fluorides of two or more of the following metals: lithium, sodium, potas- sium, beryllium, zirconium, and uranium. The enthalpies and heat capacities of most of these mixtures were studied in the solid state also. Estimates of the heat of fusion have been made. Genersl empirical equations have been developed which represent the enthalpies and heat capacities of the fluoride mixtures in the liquid and in the solid state. -O- I APy INTRODUCTION For a number of years the enthalpies and heat capacities of various fluoride mixtures have been determined by the ORNL Physical Properties Group for the purpose of predicting the heat transfer characteristics of these mixtures. This report is a compilation of the data previously re- ported in the form of memorenda. Equations have been formulated so that the enthalpy and heat capacity may be predicted from the composition. In a sense this is a progress report since these properties are being determined presently for other fluoride salt mixtures. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD Samples of the fluorides heated to constant and uniform temperatures were dropped into calorimeters. The differences between the heat contents of the samples at the furnace temperature and at the final temperature of the calorimeter were measured by the calorimeters. The derivative of the ~enthalpy with respect to temperature yielded the heat capacity. The design of the furnaces and of the Bunsen Ice Calorimeters has been described previously (1,2). A full description of the Copper Block Calorimeter will be given in a forthcoming ORNL report. During this in- vestigation both apparatuses have been modified from time to time. The brief descriptions which follow describe the apparatuses used at present. The samples of the fluorides were contained in tapered metal cap- sules, 2 1/2 inches long and 1 l/h inches average diameter. The capsules were sealed by heliarc welding in an inert gas filled drybox to avoid possible contamination with water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Capsules containing the samples were heated in 6 inch long silver liners centered in tube furnaces 2L" long. The temperatures of the furnaces were measured by platinum - platinum-rhodium thermocouples lo- cated in the silver liners and were held at the desired level by "Simply- trol" controllers. After the capsules had reached the temperature of the furnace, they were dropped into the calorimeters by electrically fusing m“ £ i # % the short pieces of wire on which they were suspended in the furnaces. This process of heating a sample and dropping it into the calorimeter will subsequently be referred to by the descriptive work "drop". In the Bunsen Ice Calorimeter the heat liberated by the ssample in cool- ing from the temperature of the furnace to that of the calorimeter melted some of the ice in an ice-water mixture. The change from ice to water was accompanied by a volume change which was measured by a system of buretis connected to the calorimeter. Each milliliter change was equivalent to 878.7 calories. The total amount of heat measured by the ice calorimeters varied from 1,000 to over 30,000 calories. It was found that the precision of the measurements was significantly less when large amounts of heat were liber- ated. Although the ice calorimeter is in general a very precise device (3,4), it is felt that when large amounts of heat are liberated, a non- isothermal state can exist giving rise to poorer precision. A copper block calorimeter was developed to remedy this difficulty; it was found that this new calorimeter was characterized by far greater precision when high quantities of heat were released than was the case for the ice calori- meter. Two copper block calorimeters were placed into regular service, which now yield data at a relatively high rate. In the copper block calorimeter the heat liberated by the sample heated 8 large mass of copper. The temperature rise of the copper was measured by an iron-constantan thermopile (12 junctions in the copper and 12 junctions in an ice bath). The copper block was contained in a stainless.steel shell which was submerged in a water bath. A potentiometer controller activated by another thermopile maintained a zero temperature difference between the'ccpper block and the water bath to minimize any heat exchange between the copper block and its surroundings. The copper block was calibrated in terms of calories per millivolt by meking "drops"” with aluminum oxide. The enthalpy of aluminum oxide is well known (4). The precision of the calibration is within + 0.5%. The least squares method was used to determine an equation which repre- sented the experimental data. The enthalpy determinations made using the ice calorimeters exhibited enough scatter so that only a linear relationship between the enthalpy and temperature was found to be significant; therefore, the reported healt capacities were not temperature dependent. But the more precise results obtained with the copper block calorimeter could be repre- sented by a definite quadratic relationship. Thus the heat capacity was temperature dependent. The individual experimental enthalpy values that were obtained using a copper block calorimeter for the drops of mixture No. 70 are listed in Table 6 and are shown in Figure 1. The results are typical of those obtained with the ORNL copper block calorimeter. (Cal / gram ) HT‘ H35°c Enthalpy 200 100 ORNL- LR-DWG 8215 O— ONE DETERMINATION ®~-TWO OR MORE DETERMINATIONS | - 100 200 300 Temperature °C Temperature Vs Enthalpy, Mixture No 7O Fig {1 | | | | | | A 400 500 600 700 800 900 y 00 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The enthalpy and heat capacity equations obtained are listed in Table 2. The type of calorimeter used, the enthalpy and heat cepacity together with the temperature range over which these properties were studied, and the heat of fusion at the reported melting point (5)(6) are shown in this table. The enthalpies and heat capacities of a few salt mixtures have been determined by other laboratories. A comparison between the results ob- tained at ORNL and the outside laboratories are listed in Table 1. At the National Bureau of Standards (7) the enthalpy of mixture No. 12 in the liquid state between 454° and 900°C was found to be Hp - Hyop = 15.0 + 0.4910T - 4.63 x 107272 cal./g. and for mixture No. 40 in the liquid state between 520° and 900°C. Hp - Hyog = 4.2 + 0.3137T ~ 3.765 x 107572 cal./g. At the Naval Research Laboratory (8) the enthalpy of mixture No. 12 in the solid state between 30° and 455°C was found to be Hp - Hzq0q = =799 + 0.264T + 7.25 x 10572 cal./g. and in the liquid state between L550 and 900°C Hp - HygOp = -32.98 + 0.7278T - 4.962 x 10741° + 0.381 x 10-613 - 1.199 x 10-10T4 cal./g. In Table 1 7.99 cal. has been added to the enthalpies determined by the Naval Research Lsboratory so that all enthalpies would have the same base temperature of 0°C. TABLE 1 Checks with Other lsboratories Enthalpies cal./g. - Heat Capacities cal./g. °C Mixture No. 12 ORNL NBS NRL Tempegature Jce Calorimeter C Bp - B % Bp - B%e % By - By °p 100 25.5 .29 27.1 .278 200 5545 .31 55.7 293 300 87.5 «33 85.7 .308 400 121.5 .35 117.2 . 322 500 256.8 45 248.9 445 255.0 457 600 302.1 45 292.9 435 299.8 440 700 3074 .45 33%6.0 426 343%,2 429 800 392.7 45 378,.2 417 385,6 <420 900 438.0 45 419.4 408 427.2 411 Heusion 95.k T 99.0 Mixture No. 40 ORNL NBS ORNL Tempegature Copper Block Ice Calorimeter C HT - HooC cp HT - HOOC cp HT - Hooc cP 600 178.7 .266 178.9 « 269 182.7 .25 700 205.2 .266 205.3 .261 207.5 .25 800 231,8 .266 231.1 0253 232.,3 .25 900 258.3 .266 256.0 246 257.0 .25 The comparison shown indicates that the enthalpies obtained at ORNL with the ice calorimeter differ from those of the other lsboratories by a maximum of 5%, and heat capacities differ by a maximum of 10%. Only one comparison is availaeble for the ORNL copper block calorimeter. The enthal- pies deviate with a maximum of 1%. At 70000 the heat capacity differed by 2%; at the extremes in the tempersture range studied (the melting point and 900°C) the heat capacity difference was as great as 8%. Most of the mixtures studied were near eutectic composition, and melt- ing took place isothermally or over a very narrow temperature range. One mixture, No. 82, melted over a wide range of temperature (nv5750 to BMSOG), Figure 2. This was a zirconium fluoride base mixture. The enthalpy of the liquid compared favorably with the enthalpies in the liquid state of the other zirconium base mixtures (Table 4). This indicated that there was a heat of fusion similar in value to the other mixtures which was absorbed in the melting process. Mixture No. 21 did not exhibit an isothermal melting. This mixture was not studied in detail below the reported melt- ing point. The melting behavior is believed similar to No. 82. The enthalpy of the liquid was similar to the values of the other zirconium fluoride mixtures. One mixture, No. 3, containing 60 M% Bng, exhibited a glass-like behavior. The BeF, mixtures resembled those of heat capacities (slopes of enthalpy temperature curves) of the alkali fluoride mixtures. However, the enthalpy of No. 3 in the liquid state is much lower than the liquid enthal- pies of the other mixes (Table 5). Presumsbly there is little, if any, heat of fusion. (Cal /gram) Enthalpy Hy=Hjsec 300 200 100 ORNL-LR-DWG 8216 /7 /‘ A o - 7 / y, o P | | | ] 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Temperature °C Temperature Vs Enthalpy, Mixture No 82 Fig 2 _Ol.. =11~ DISCUSSION OF RESULTS It is of interest to find general relationships between the enthal- Pies and heat capacities of the various fluorides. For most of the solid elements the heat capacity at constant volume is equal to 3R or 6 cal./OC per gram atom. The more modern theories of Einstein and Debye have the same value as a limit which is reached st normal temperatures for most elements (9). At constant pressure the heat capacities are found to be greater, being about 6.4 cal./°C per gram atom (Dulong and Petit's law). The Debye equation also predicts correctly the heat capacity of some com- pounds, these being the compounds that crystallize in the cubic system. The equation may be modified to predict compounds that do not crystallize in the cubic lattice. In 1865 Kopp suggested that the molar heat capacity of a compound is approximately equal to the sum of the atomic heat capac- ities of 1its constituent elements. In the case of liquid compounds which have no definite groups of atoms or radicals, it has been found empirically that each gram atom con- tributes approximately 8 cal./OC to the molar heat capacity of the com- pound (10). In general if there are definite groupings of atoms (such as in the Soha and OH ions), the average hest capacity will be less. In the case of the hydroxides the average healt capacity in the liquid state is 7.0 cal./g. atom °C (2). -]~ In order to find the contribution per gram atom the average molecular weight and the average number of atoms per mixture are needed. The aver- age molecular weight has been successfully used in correlating the densi- ties of the liquid fluoride mixtures (11). The quantities are defined as follows: —=Z M g xi Mi ¥ =% N q xi Ni where M = average molecular weight of mixture N = average number of atoms per mixture Mi = molecular weight of component Ni = number of ions per component x, = mole fraction of component When the enthalpy of a mixture in units of calories per gram is multiplied by fi/fi the product is the enthalpy per gram atom. The heat capacity per gram atom may be found in the same way. Table 3 lists the heat cgpacities per gram stom of all the mixtures investigated together with the values of M, N, and M/N. Figure 3 shows the relastionship between the heat capacity in gram units in the liquid state and the factor M/N. In this figure with the logarithmic scales the straight lines drawn represent the equation (fi/fi)(gp) = const = qp f where c, = heat capacity, cal./g. °C C heat capacity, cal./g. atom °C p Heat Capacity Cal /gram®C 0.6 0.5 04 o ol o n 0.1 10 _]3.. LR-DWG 821 ORNL- ® ALKALI FLUORIDE BASE 0 ZIRCONIUM FLUORIDE BASE 20 30 40 Average Molecular Weight _ Average Number Atoms Fig 3 Zl = 50 -1l -l The fluoride mixtures may be correlated best by dividing them into two groups: +those that contain zirconium fluoride, and those that do not. The latter will be referred to as the alkali fluoride mixtures. Zirconium Fluoride Mixtures The enthalpies in cal,/g. etom of the zirconium base mixtures afe listed in Table 4. Most of the mixtures studied in this group consist of sodium and zirconium fluorides with a little or no uranium fluoride. The following equations were developed to represent these mixtures (Nos. 30, 31, k0, L4k, T0O). In the solid Ep - B0, = ~123 + 5.37T + 0.81 x 107977 (1) C, = 5.3T + 1.62 x 10707 5.86 at 300°C and in the liquid L C5 = 9.51 - 2.0 x 1077 f 104 + 9.51T - 1.0 x 10~27° (2) = 8.11 at 700°C The enthalpies calculated by these equations are slso listed in Table k. The enthalpies of Nos. 30, 31, 40, 4li, 70 are represented by these equa- tions to within 2% and all the zirconium fluoride base materials to within 10%. The heat capacity of all zirconium fluoride base materials are repre- sented to within 15% except for Mixture No. 33, with a heat capacity of ~15- . !lllll' ‘.llpmfi ' by st ¥ 10.9 cal./g. atom °C. The cause of the high heat capacity of this mixture is unknown. Since the temperature range in which this mixture was studied in the liquid state was small (6100 - 9%0°C) and therefore subject to more error, it is planned to check the énthalpy of this mixture with the more accurate copper block calorimeter. The heat of fusion of these mixtures varied between 1570 to 2040 calories per gram atom‘with an average of 1810 cal. Alkali Pluoride Mixtures The enthalpies in cal./g. atom of the alkali fluoride base mixtures are listed in Table 5, Most of mixtures studied consist of alkali fluorides with uranium fluoride. Two mixtures contain beryllium fluoride. The follow- ing equations represent all these mixtures. | In the solid, ET - _I_{25Oc = =340 + 6«76‘11 (3) cP = 6,76 and in the liquid Hy = Hyo0 =6Hy - 1610 + 9.47T (W) C_ = 9.47 P Because the heat of fusion varied grestly (from O to 1970 cal,/go atom) the heat of fusion had to be included in the equation representing the liquid to give a satisfactory correlation. The enthalpies calculated by these equa~ -16- tions are also listed in Table 5. For the solid state the enthalples cal- culeted by the equations from 20000 and higher agreed within 10% except for Mixture No. 3 at 300°C. This is the mixture that indicated formation of a glass and therefore would be expected to deviate from the others. The heat capacities of the solid agreed within 6% of the equation. In the liquid the enthalpies observed agreed within 5% and the heat capacities within 16%. -17- FUTURE WORK I. The ORNL Physical Properties Group has suggested that the presence of complex compounds might increase the heat capacity of the liquid. If these complex compounds should be decomposed between the melting point and the upper temperature at which the liquid will be used, the heat re- quired for decomposition weuld increase the heat capacity of the ligquid. At present various mixtures in the sodium fluoride-zirconium fluoride system are being meésured to determine the relationship between heat capacity and composition. Complex compounds are known to exist in the solid state in this system. II. The heat capacity of mixture No. 33 which is at variance to the other zirconium fluoride mixtures will be measured using the more accur- ate copper block calorimeter. I1I. As new mixtures are developed, their enthalpies and heat capacities will be determined. 10. 11, -18- REFERENCES Redmond, R. F. and lones, J., "The Design and Construction of an Ice Calorimeter," ORNL-104O, August, 1951. Powers, W. D. and Blalock, G. C., "Enthalpies and Specific Heats of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Hydroxides at High Temperatures,"” ORNL~1653, January, 195k. Ginnings, D. C. and Corruccini, R. J., "An Improved Ice Calorimeter," J. Research Nationsl Bureau of Standards, 38, 1947, pp 583. Ginnings, D. C. and Corruccini, R. J., "Enthalpy, Specific Heat, and Entropy of Aluminum Oxide from 0° to 900°C," J. Research National Bureau Standards, 38, 1947, pp 593. Barton, C. J., "Fused Salt Compositions," CF-54-6-6. Barton, C. J., personal communication. Douglas, T. B. and Logan, W. M., "Thermal Conductivity and Heat Capacity of Molten Materials,” WADC Technical Report 53-201, Part IV, January, 195.4. Walker, B. E. and Ewing, C. T. and Williams, D. D., "Tenth Progress Report," NRL Memorandum Report 387, November, 195k. Glasstone, S., "Thermodynamics for Chemists,” D. Van Nostrand, 1947, Pp 121. Kelley, K. K., “Contributions to the Data on Theoretical Metallurgy High Temperature Heat Content, Heat Capacity and Data for Inorganic Compounds," Bureau of Mines, Bulletin 476, 1949. Cohen, S. I. and Jones, T. N., "A Summary of Density Measurements on Molten Fluoride Mixtures and A Correlstion for Predicting Densities of Fluoride Mixtures," ORNL-1702, July, 195h. Mixture 12 Calorimeter Ice Ice Ice Ice Temperature Oc 25094650 480° 520°-990° 240°-480° 530° 540°-1000° 280°.-1050° 60°-1454° 14540 475°-875° TABLE 2 Enthalpies and Heat Capacities Enthalpy Heat Capacity = Cp Heat of Fusion =AHy Solid Fusion Liquid Hp - Hyog Solid Fusion Liquid Glass Liquid Solid Fusion Liquid &= HT - H (cal./g.) (cal./g. °C) (cal./g.) HT - H()OC = -5 + Oc219T cp = 0.22. AHy = 21 = =35 + 0.325T- cp = 0.32 HT - HbOC = -1 + O-lh9T cp = 0.1l5 AHy = 30 Hp - Hpop = 13 + 0.230T cp = 0.23 Bp - Hyog = =43 4+ 0.315T Hy - Byog = -2.6 + 0.271T + 9.8 x 107972 cp = 0.27 + 19,6 x 10-57 = .33%0 at 3%00°¢C DHe = 95 HT - Hyoq =30.3 +-0.453T CP = OoLl'5 Menmo by: i'i W. D. Powers G. C. Blalock CF 51-11-195 CF 51-9-64 -6{- CF 51-11-195 CF 54-5-160 CF 53=T7-200 Mixture 14 2l 31 33 *See discussion page 12 Calorimeter Ice Ice Ice Copper Copper Ice Temperature 90°.450° 4520 500°-1000° 510°-890° 340°-500° 5200 540°-8940 54°.1488° 510° 546°-899° 280°-610° TABLE 2 (Con't. ) Enthalpy = Hp - H (cal./g.) Memo by: Heat Capacity = c (cal./g. °C) W. D. Powers Heat of Fusion =A§f (cal./g.) G. C. Blalock ' Solid Hp - Hgog = -9 + 0.310T cp = 0.31 Fusion ANHr = 88 Liquid Hp - Hyop = 21 + 0.437TT CF 53-5-113 cp = O.uh Liquid* Hp - HOOC = =-14.5 + 0.277T CF 52=-11-103 cp = 0.28 Solid Hp - Hpsog = -18.0 + 0.215T cp = 0.22 Fusion NHy = 56 Liquid Hp - Hpsog = -3.3 + 0.3178T - 4.28 x 10”°1° CF 55-5-87 cp = 0.3178 - 8.56 x 10”71 5% = 0.258 at 700°C Solid Hy - HpgOp= il 4 0.1798T + 2.69 x 107°T° CF 55-5-87 cp = 0.1798 + 5.38 x 10777 | = 0.196 at 300°C Fusion AHp = 60.8 - Liquid Hy ~ Hpsog= -9.8 + 0.3508T - 5.39 x 10"5@2 cp = 0.3508 - 10.79 x 107°T = 0.275 at 700°C Solid Hp - Hyop = -17.7 + 0.166T CF 53-11-128 i Mixture 35 39 Lo L 70 Calorimeter Ice Tce Ice Copper Ice Copper Temperature 610° 610°-930° 90°-610° 610° 653°-924° 70°-5200 520° 571°-884° 260°-490° 540° 590°-9200 137°-503° 530° TABLE 2 {Con't.) Enthalpy = Hp - H (cal./g.) Heat Capacity = cp (cal./g. °C) Heat of Fusion = AHy (cal./g.) Fusion AHf = 42 Liquid Hr - Hyog = -39.0 + 0.270T Cp = 0.27 Solid Hp - Hpog = =2.9 + 0.17ET ep = 0.17 Fusion AHp = 42 Liguid Hp - Hpog = 22.3 + 0.199T cp = 0.20 Solid Hp - Hpsoc= ~4.6 + 0.182T cp = 0.18 Fusion AHf = 63 Liquid HT - Hpgog= 14.8 + 0.2656T cp = 0.266 Solid Hp - Hgog = =4.1 + 0.189T cp = 0.19 Fusion AHr = 63 Liquid Hp - Hyog = 34.5 + 0.235T cp = 0.24 Solid By - Hpgog= -2.7 + 0.1596T + 5.15 x 10777 cp = 0.1596 + 10.29 x 107°T = 0,190 at 300° Fusion AHr = 57 Memo by: ,: W. D. Powers G. C. Blalock CF 53-11-128 CF 54-8-135 CF 54-10-140 CF 55-5-87 ;.'“3 CF 54-5-160 CF 55-5-88 w2t i i Mixture Calorimeter 70 Copper 82 Copper 101 Ice 102 Copper *¥See discussion page 12 Temperature 5670-892° 980-363° 582°.-900° 97°-594° 645° 655°-916° 107°-L466° o2 532°-893° TABLE 2 (Con't.) Enthalpy = Hmp Heat Capacity = cp Heat of Fusion = AHr Liquid Solid* Liquid Solid Fusion Liquid Solid Fusion ILiquid Hy - Hosog= CP= i Hp - Hpsog= CP= Hp - Hpgoc= Cp = Hp - Hyog = Cp"“ Hp - Hpgoc= CP = - H (cal./g.) (cal./g. ©C) (cal./g.) Memo by: W. D. Powers G. C. Blalock ' 2.2 + 0.3033T - 3.24 x 10°°T° CF 55-5-88 0.3033 = 6.47 x 10771 0.258 at 700°C 9.5 + 0,230k + 4.07 x 10777° 0.2304 + 8.14 x 107°T 0.255 at 300° -25.9 + 0.43LLT - 7.42 x 107°7° 0.4314 - 14.85 x 107°T 0.327 at 700°C 0.227T + 17 x 107°7° 0.227 + 33 x 10771 0.326 at 300°C 56 -68.9 + 0.531T CF 54-8-135 —88- = 0.53 9.38 + 0.2817T + 3.82 x 10°o72 CF 55-8-8 0.2817 + 7.6h x 107°T 0.305 at 300°C 95 -30.85 + 0.5839T - 10.28 x 10~°T° 0.5839 - 20.56 x 10™°T 0.440 at 700°¢C . Mixture 103 Calorimeter Copper Temperature 127°-465° 500 56%°-882° TABIE 2 (Con't. ) Enthalpy = Hp - H (cal./g.) Heat Capacity = cp (cal./g. ©°C) Heat of Fusion = AHp (cal.g.) Solid Hp - Hpgog= =5.8 + 0.234T + k.9 x 10777 0.234 + 9.7 x 107°T 0.263 at 300°¢C Fusion AHp = 68 Liquid Hyp - Hpgog= =88.3 + 0.657T - 19.7 x 207717 cp = 0.657 - 39.3 x 10”71 = 0.382 at 700°C Cp i *560°C is the reported melting point. The major break in the enthalpy-temperature relationship is at 5000C (4 10°). Memo by: W. D. Powers G. C. Blalock CF 55-5-88 _ga_ % ‘;(-Q‘}"e . V5 Mixture 12 1h 2l 30 51 Component NaF BeFo NaF UF), NaF BeFo LiF NaF LiF NaF UF), NaF ZrFy NaF ZrFy NeF ZxFY Mole Per cent = =3 O PO O OO Ounivn 00O WMow o N E R > ° - FRE O ERE QD S rwor bho LEG \n = L L—J . * - Wk @ OO, £\ ‘4‘-7'0\0 \N OO \Nn AN 33 QO TABLE 3 Heat Capacities Average Molecular Weight M 525 121.01 85.82 41.29 kk,85 112. 12 110.48 10k.61 Averasge Number of Atoms 2‘11'80 2.825 3.050 2.000 2,033 3.355 5.500 3.500 Ragio =1 30.34 Lo,83 28.14 22,06 55,40 51.57 29.89 C Cal./g.Patom °c ~Liguid 700°¢ Solid 300° 6.6k 6.38 6.81 6.84 5.86 9.86 9.85 8.86 9.35 9.6k 9.26 8.15 8.22 —-1-(8.. TABIE 3 (Con't.) Mixture Component Mole Average Average Ratio D Per cent Molecular Number % cal./g. atom °C Weight of Atoms Solid Liquid ? T i N 300° 700°¢ i 33 NaF 50.0 141,32 3,500 40.38 6.70 10.90 ZxF) 25.0 UFY 25,0 39 NaF 65.0 115.20 3.050 37.77 6.50 7.52 ZrF), 15.0 UFy, 20.0 40 Nal 53,0 106.73 3.410 31.30 5.70 8.33 ZrF 43.0 UF), L.o Ly NeF 53.5 109.77 3.395 32,33 6.11 7.60 ZrF), L0.0 UF), 6.5 70 NaF 56.0 104 .4y 3,320 31.46 5.98 8.12 ZrF), 39.0 UFY 5.0 82 LiF 55.0 70435 2,750 25,58 6.52 8.36 NaF 20.0 ZrFl 21.0 UFy, 4.0 101 LiF 57.6 43,63 2.120 20.58 6.71 10.93 NaF 38.4 UF), 4.0 102 LiF 50.0 42.02 2.000 21.01 6.41 9.2k KF 50.0 103 LiF 48.0 52.90 2.120 24,95 6.56 9.53 KF 48.0 UF'k 4.0 _ga- Mixtures No. 30 No. 31 Composition (Mole Percent) LiF ] 3, Temperature 100 200 300 400 500 600 500 600 700 800 900 50.0 46.0 u’OO 2150 2830 5430 6250 7060 7830 1780 50.0 50.0 410 970 1550 2150 2760 5420 6260 TO60 7840 1820 *See discussion page 12 No. 40 55.0 43.0 L.0 430 1000 1570 2140 2710 5460 6290 7120 7950 ' TABLE 4 Enthalpies of Zirconium Base Mixtures No. 4k No. T0 Equations (1) (2) 53.5 56.0 40.0 39.0 6.5 5.0 Enthalpy (cel./g. atom) = Hy -~ Hpsog Solid 430 420 980 980 1550 1570 1560 21.60 2180 2150 2770 2830 2760 Liquid 5520 5420 5450 6280 6250 6270 TO40 7050 7070 7800 7830 7850 Heat of Fusion (cal./g. atom) 2040 1790 1970 No. 82 33 C O o - oo 980 1620 2870% L1LO%* 5270 6130 6950 1730 No. 21 £\ WO oW H ™ 3940%* 4860 5790 6720 T640 No. 33 50.0 25.0 25.0 1190 1860 2530 3200 5950 7040 8130 1700 No. 39 65.0 15.0 20.0 380 1030 1680 2330 2980 3620 5940 6690 7440 1570 —98.— Mixture No. 2 No. 12 Composition (Mole Percent) LiF NeF 6.5 KF 26.0 BeFo UFy, 27.5 Temperature 100°¢ %00 200 1010 300 1730 1670 400 2370 2370 500 3010 600 500 5160 600 5180 6090 700 6160 7020 800 7150 T960 900 8130 8890 1290 1970 ¥The heat of fusion is to be added to these values. 46.5 11.5 42.0 TABLE 5 Enthalpies of Alkali Fluoride Base Mixtures No. 14 No. 101 No. 102 44,5 57.6 50.0 10.9 38.4 43.5 50.0 1.1 4.0 No. 103 No. 1 No. 3 48,0 76.0 25.0 48.0 12.0 60.0 k.0 12.0 15.0 Enthalpy Hp - Hosoc (cal./g. atom) Solid 360 380 400 1040 950 1020 1730 1590 1650 2410 2290 2300 3070 3910 Liquid 5170 4950 6140 5940 7100 6110 6880 8070 7200 7780 9030 8290 8640 Heat of Fusion (cal./g. atom) 1160 1940 1960 450 1070 1720 1680 1330 2390 23550 2220 3080 | glass 3720 3100 5860 4700 3990 6860 5690 4870 T760 6670 5760 8570 7660 6650 1690 640 glass Equations (3) (&) 340 1010 1690 2360 3040 3720 3100% LOTO* 5020% 5970% 6910% qLam -D8- TABIE 6 Experimental Enthalpies - Mixture No. 70 Enthalpy By - H35%, cal./s. Enthalpy Capsule Temperature °c Observed Calculated Difference 7 102 137 18.0 18.6 -0.6 Z 101 137 18.0 18.6 -0.6 7 101 137 18.3 18.6 -0.3 7 101 211 32,2 31.7 0.5 7 102 211 33,2 31.7 1.5 7 101 211 33,6 31.7 1.9 Z 101 234 35,4 35.9 -5 Z 101 237 35,4 36.5 ~1.1 7 102 237 36,2 36,5 ~0.3 7 101 25k 39.4 39.6 ~-0,2 7 102 254 40.3 39.6 0.7 7, 102 30k 49.3 49.0 0.3 7 101 308 L8,k 49.8 1.4 7 102 358 58.8 59.5 «0.7 7 101 358 59 .4 59.5 «0.1 7 101 360 60.4 59.9 0.5 7 102 393 66.3 66.k4 <0.1 7 101 393 66.4 66.4 0.0 7 101 450 17.7 78.0 wQe3 7 101 502 88.8 88.8 0.0 7 102 ' 502 88.8 88.8 0.0 2 101 503 89.6 89.0 0.6 7 102 528 112, b* 7 101 531 125, T* 7 102 555 156,0% Z 101 555 157, 4* 7 101 559 158, L% Z 102 567 162.0 162.1 -0.1 z 101 567 162,2 162.1 0.1 7 101 589 167.5 168.0 -0.5 Z 101 589 167.8 168.,0 =0,2 7, 102 590 167.9 168.2 -0.3 7 102 592 168.6 168.8 0.2 7 101 504 169.6 169,73 0.3 Z 101 643 183.4 182.2 1.2 7 102 646 184.0 183.0 1.0 7 102 690 19h.1 19k, k4 -0.3 Z 101 692 195.1 194.9 0.2 7 101 695 194,6 195.7 -1.1 Z 101 4T 208,.2 209.0 -0.8 -G~ TABLE 6 (Con't.) Enthalpy Hp - H35°C’ cal./g. Enthalpy Capsule Temperature S¢ Observed Calculated Difference 7 102 4T 208.4 209.0 -0.6 7 101 47 209.7 209.0 0.7 7 101 797 222.0 221.7 0.3 7 101 798 222,3 222.0 0.3 7 102 798 221.6 222.0 ~0.h4 7 101 849 234 ,8 234, T 0.1 7 101 850 234 .8 235.0 -0.2 Z 102 850 235,8 235.0 0.8 Z 102 886 24,2 243.8 0.4 Z 101 888 245,0 24k, 3 0.7 7 102 890 243,2 24}, 8 ~1.6 7 101 892 245,6 24h5.3 0.3 *These values not used in least squares analysis.