ORNL-1955 rT' C-84 — Reactors=Special Features‘ Aircraft Reactors VELOPMENT REPORT s FABRICATION OF HEAT EXCHANGERS AND RADIATORS FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE ' & \ REACTOR APPLICATIONS B ol | = 'i-“" - (‘,J i P. Patriarca =3 N e G. M. Slaughter L.\"Erl h,; T W. D, Munly oS S8 - R. L. Heestand o= v—! Na hl 5 = | P . g8 35 W 5 DECLAS Gl5tn vp 2wy v 3 2 N 44| DECLASSIRES gy i A\ e -’Zé oy 25 ‘ = - ot Z /‘.g /1 _- For: M. 1. Bray, lw == l.-_; iy N Fo | A e AT - m‘r\ ™ :‘ fln.i"'!" *"" ““A“ v X% B ‘ o R i J FUutie < E 74 RH.T. Uy ‘ UL— = Y PRl 1}{,1.;: g _ 2. 10-10 ? £ Q /3 J15¢ P. 5. BAKER, (mHLjCO = 11114,1,3 DLTE Easidadinilad OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY 2 A Division of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation POST OFFICE BOX P * OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE L S NSy 3 se y s g = B BV d‘-s W fi"mmfi:‘?’.hwfl “““ - Fan i 4 - 1w § the Atk i, . TR e L e Aha e o a ofits cTEmWS SVl LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepored os on oceount of Government sponsered work. Neither the United Stotes, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Mokes any warranty or representotion, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, o usefulness of the information contained in this report, or thot the use of any informotion, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may net infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for domoges resulting from the use of any Information, apporatus, method, or process diselesed in this report. As used in the cbove, *'person acting on behalf of the Commission® includes any employee or cortractor of the Commission to the extent thot such employee or contractor prepares, hondles or distributes, or providas access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, ORISR V) 4 o 10 ST 35, ik RN 5765 A L R P PSS TIPS G, ™ i e TR e, Vfifi?fi”‘?’“‘” 2 m DO S R MATIE S SR ORNL-1955 FRATRMRN C-84 Reactors - Special Features of Aircraft Reactors This document consists of T4 pages. CoPy/ S of 260 copies. Series A. FABRICATION OF HEAT EXCHANGERS AND RADIATORS FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE REACTOR APPLICATIONS P. Patriarca, G. M. Slaughter, and W. D. Manly Metallurgy Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory R. L. Heestand Fox Project Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Period Covered by Work: February, 1955 - April, 1955 Work Performed By R. E. Clausing R. G. Shooster 0. E. Conner C. E. Shubert BR. L. Heestand L. C. Williams B. McDowell Metallurgy Division A. G. Towns Aircraft Reactor Engineering Division Welding Under Direction Of T. R. Housley Engineering and Mechanical Division Photographic and Metallographic Work By M. D. Allen R. J. Gray J. C. Gower E. P. Griggs Contract No. W-Th05-eng-26 JUN 14 1355 T Herdyiy o 1. . Biology Library . Health Physics Library . Metallurgy Library . Central Research Library . Reactor Experimental . Laboratory Records Department . Laboratory Records, ORNL R.C. p:bfacq?i?:?:b*#tnDuujc.orz'fitytdc4t+t'b . Air Materiel Area . Air Research and Development Command (RDGN) . Air Research and Development Command (RDZPA) . Air Technical Intelligence Center . Aircraft laboratory Design Branch (WADC) -1i- ORNL-1955 ) C-84 - Reactors-Speclal . :,_’/‘;' © Features of Aircraft Reactors INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION C. E. Center Engineering Library M. Weinberg L5, B. Emlet (K-25) L6, P. Murray (Y-12) h. A. Swartout L8. H. Taylor h9-50. D. Shipley 51. C. Vonderlage 52. H. Jordan 53. P. Keim Sk . H. Frye, Jr. 55. S. Livingston 56. R. Dickison 57 . . C. Lind 58. L. Culler 59. H. Snell 60. Hollaender 61. T. Kelley 62. Z. Morgan 63. A. Lane 6h. A. Lincoln 65. S. Householder 66-67. S. Harrill ‘ EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Baltimore Burbank Marietta Santa Monica Seattle Wood-Ridge Plant Representative, Plant Representative, Plant Representative, Plant Representative, Plant Representative, Plant Representative, HEEEEE v 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. L1, Lo, 43. L, Winters Billington Cardwell . Manly King Miller Cowen Charpie Picklesimer Skinner Boyd ender Boudreau Clarke Fraas Schultheiss Yarosh Gray . Savage Taboada Patriarca H. Coobs H. Cook Hoffman Housley DeVan Douglas, Jr. Heestand Savolainen - Y-12 Technical Library, Document Reference Section TQRuHduuHdgdEHagBHPODqgRUO=Z00H PHUC IR TP NI P IERQEEIOPEIIYO O % . B ;v b 107-109. 110. 111-11k, 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124, 125. 126. 127. 128. 129-131. 132-135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 1h2-1h4). 145-259. 260. -1ii- . ANP ProJject Office, Fort Worth . Argonne National Laboratory . Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, Sandia . Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, R&D . Atomic Energy Commission, Washington . Battelle Memorial Institute . Bettis Plant . Bureau of Aeronautics . Bureau of Aeronautics (Code 34) . Bureau of Aeronautics General Representative . Chicago Operations Office . Chicago Patent Group . Chief of Naval Research . Convalr-General Dynamics Corporation . Director of Laboratories (WCL) . Director of Requirements (AFDRQ) . Director of Research and Development (AFDRD-ANP) . Directorate of Systems Management (RDZ~lSN; Directorate of Systems Management (RDZ-1SS Equipment Laboratory (WADC) General Electric Company (ANFD) Hartford Area Office Headquarters, Air Force Special Weapons Center Idaho Operations Office Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory Lockland Area Office Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Materials Laboratory Plans Office (WADC) National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Cleveland National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Washington Naval Air Development Center New York Operations Office North American Aviation, Inc. (Aerophysics Division) Nuclear Development Corporation Patent Branch, Washington Powerplant Laboratory (WADC) Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division (Fox Project) San Francisco Operations Office Sandia Corporation School of Aviation Medicine Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. USAF ProJject Rand University of California Radiation Iaboratory, Livermore Wright Air Development Center (WCOSI-3) Technical Information Extension, Oak Ridge Division of Research and Development, AEC, ORO -iv- e "*“ TABLE OF CONTENTS AB O T RAC T sttt iit v tssoiennoacsetononeeasasonsooesnasesssossonssesossensss 1 INTRODUCTION et connionsconsesacassasesoanonnssoessanesnssossnssescennsoas 2 FABRICATION OF 500~KW HEAT EXCHANGERS « v v v trevscnsioensooconcacenessss L INtroduction .cooeeerveenerenoeeencaconanns f ettt e iearet et . L Fabrication Procedure Gt e e e e i s eaea et etae s et erorste s atnanansns 7 SUMMATY oeseveessnvosses e rreesececnacence Gt eaceer ettt eescasecs st enens 19 FABRICATION OF 500-KW NaK-TO-AIR RADIATORS ocevo.. fh e e e creeneeanaeenen e 21 I OdUC i On ottt ittt ottt ittt erenneeeetsasosesssesesaennseanesns 21 Fabrication Procedure coocieererrenieeeenioeenneneeseoseansennnsonnoas 23 SUMIMBITY 2 50 0 o0 s o 0 s et aesonsensennssnonsarenessonnsanssssssosnnssosesss 37 FABRICATION OF 20-TUBE HIGH-VELOCITY HEAT EXCHANGER ..... ceeevesnresoeas 37 TNETOAUCHION oo v e veonnnennenennsnnsnseneen e e . 37 Fabricalion Procedure oeeieeiiiiiiniionieeeeneneeeeenosesesesnonnnnns 39 Sumary ....... C e e e e e st e e e e e ae et e e e e ane et reaeeenseaaaeeben0ns L0 CONCLUSIONS o0t vvcotconeososneonnseesoasssssscsnosossosonneseses seescacne U2 LIST OF FIGURES -+ 00 vt eesesoessssanasesonsenssonsssasseeensnnesnsnssennss L3 BB OGRAPHY & it iiiointoneeenennenoeeesoneeesoeaeneassnnenenennennnnens L5 ABSTRACT Two 500-kw fused~fluoride~to-Nak heat exchangers, two 500-kw NaK-to~air radiators, and a 20-tube high~velocity heat exchanger were fabricated for a heat~exchanger development program. A con- struction procedure, utilizing both inert-arc-welding and high- temperature dry-hydrogen brazing, was used successfully on all of the units. The tube-to-header joints were welded and back-brazed; the manifold joints were inert-arc-welded with full penetration; and the tube-to-fin joinis were brazed. A detailed description of the fabrication of each type of component is discussed and a cost analysis of the 500-kw units is presented. - - INTRODUCTION The heat exchangers and radiators to be used in conjunction with high-tempera- ture nuclear reactors which utilize highly corrosive and radioactive fluids must necessarily be the ultimate in integrity. Precise control of the procedures used in their construction must therefore be constantly maintained. It is well recog- nized that faulty workmanship or the improper selection of a joining technique in one location on a unit may result in a catastrophe or, at least, a costly shut- down during repair. The component designs under consideration for the Aircraft Reactor Test in- stallation incorporate multitudes of thin-walled small-diameter tubes in extremely close-packed configurations. The fabrication of these units poses a difficult problem; highly specialized equipment and procedures, which have been proven sat- isfactory in rigid tests under simulated service conditions, are required. Since the complexity of design of the heat exchangers and radiators is, in many cases, unigue to the atomic energy field, much of the developmental work on these join- ing techniques has been done by the personnel who are actually confronted with the problems of component construction. Most of the fabrication problems associated with these units may be classified into three general categories: (1) the production of sound tube-to-header joints, (2) the production of high-quality manifold joints, and (3) the attainment of sat- isfactory tube-to-fin joints. The development of procedures and techniques for the solution of these problems has been under way at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for several years. Numerous successful test assemblies have been fabricated during this time, and refinements in construction procedure have been continuously introduced. -3 A heat-exchanger test loopl has now been designed and set up in the Aircraft Reactor Engineering Division of ORNL to provide data on corrosion, mass transfer, and reliability of a fuel-to-NaK-to-air system operating under conditions compara- ble to those expected in the Aircraft Reactor Test. A small-scale heat-exchanger test was also operated for the purpose of investigating heat-transfer character- istics, through the Reynolds-number range of 0 to 5500, on the fluoride-mixture side of the fuel-to-NaK heat exchanger. The Welding and Brazing Group of the Metallurgy Division was assigned the job of fabricating the units used in these test loops. The loops consisted of two 500- kw fused-fluoride-to-NaK heat exchangers; two 500-kw NaK-to-air radiators; and a 20-tube high-velocity, fused-fluoride-to-NaK heat exchanger. Services of the Engi- neering and Mechanical Division of ORNL were also used extensively in the construc- tion of these components. This report describes in detail the fabrication of these heat exchangers and radiators and contains information pertaining directly to the construction of similar units for the ART. It should also provide assistance to other groups interested in the production of equipment for high~temperature high- corrosion applications. i SRS, - A. Fabrication of 500-kw Heat Exchangers. 1. Introduction. Two 500-kw fuel-to-NaK heat exchanger tube bundles were required for use in a heat-exchanger test loop under investigation in the Aircraft Reactor Engineer- ing Division. The test loop is part of a long-range heat-exchanger development program designed to obtain information on the operating characteristics, corro- sion, and reliability of fuel-to~-NaK-to-air systems under conditions similar to those stipulated for the ART. The test loop incorporates these heat exchangers in the regenerative-type 1 'The NaK flows from a 1-Mw gas-fired circuit shown schematically in Fig. 1. heater through one tube bundle to a radiator. The stream then goes to a liquid- metal pump and back through the second tube bundle to the heater. The fuel mix- ture NaF-Zth-UFh (50-46-4 mole %) will be circulated outside the tubes counter- current to the NaK flow and will be alternately heated and cooled by the NakK stream. Each heat exchanger was composed of 100 Inconel tubes, 3/16-in. OD, 0.017-in. wall thickness, and approximately 6 ft. in length. The tubes were incorporated into the heat exchanger as shown in Fig. 2, an assembly drawing of a typical tube bundle. It is essential that the completed heat exchangers be leaktight and that they be fabricated in such a way as to withstand the severe conditions of tempera- ture and pressure indicated in Fig. 1. Another heat-exchanger test unit, of a smallér but somewhat similar design, has been fabricated,2 tested,‘3 and examined.LL The tube-to-header joints in this early unit were manually inert-arc-welded. The unit performed successfully for 1680 hr before being terminated due to a failure in a tube-to-header weld. Me- tallographic examination of several of the welded joints revealed the presence -5- ORNL-LR-DWG 5673 8O° F 700° F AIR IN | — e o e e e i AR QUT 15.4 psia - Mw 15 psia NaK-TO-AIR 1099° F RADIATOR 1279°F 20 psia 30 psia ‘ | | E x5! ° zZ5 : % | FUEL PUMP U ————— u .= % '3_ 37 gpm w .g wio Mo wl.g o 2 Om 8. 2le og 8 @ < RNlo Y = e e L [ i | { J | L w | }<—I | LoE 1,2 Zi 122 wl | hég I gI gI | 5 | | = | |7 3 Q1 1 22 g - < X = | I 2O | fmY mu | oF | o2y AR e Loy wl | g% | & | | 2 | ] L wil@ Ll o o w o @ 9 o O; é 8 Q OLL g IR 3 Q1% ole njN | 2 2 (& 1590°F 74 psi 67 psi psia 1~ Mw c)psncx GAS-FIRED 80" F AIR IN F cggflg&sjgosw 1000° £ HEATEH‘/// 30 psia 128 Ib/sec 4——————-———— —————— T 15 psia >~ o ov NS 8O F GAS IN 30 psia 0.071 Ib/sec Fig. 1. Flow Diagram of Loop for Testing Intermediate Heat Exchanger No. 2. of extensive microfissuring in the fusion zone, as evidenced in Fig. 3. It is thought that the differential thermal expansion between the tubes and the casing caused stress concentrations at the roots of the tube-to-header welds. These stress concentrations tended to propagate cracks through the welds in the course of thermal cycling; particularly since the columnar dendrites, which are typical of a weld structure, were aligned in such a way as to aid the formation of paral- lel fractures. A photomicrograph of a tube-to-header joint exhibiting a similar crack in the early stages of propagation is shown in Fig. L. The results of the metallographic investigation emphasized the extreme desir- ability of utilizing the advantages afforded by back brazing. As can be seen in Fig. 5, a photomicrograph of a welded and back-brazed tube-to-header joint, this process (1) eliminates the "notch effect" resulting from incomplete weld penetra- tion and (2) insures against the development of leaks in the event of corrosion through an area of shallow weld penetration. This duplex fabrication technique was therefore employed in the production of the critical tube-to-header welds. 2. Fabrication Procedure. a. Tube-to-header welding. The 200, 3/16-in. OD by 0.017-in. wall, Inconel tubes for these fuel-to-NaK heat exchangers were formed into the desired configu- rations and delivered, along with the drilled headers and other necessary compo- nents, to the Welding and Brazing Group. All parts were meticulously degreased prior to assembling, and the headers were deburred to facilitate entry of the tubes. The inert-arc-welding of the LOO tube-to-header joints was performed on the semiautomatic rotating-arc equipment shown in Fig. 6. The equipment incorporates a commercially available inert-arc-welding torch which is attached to a drive mech- anism originally designed for contour-cutting with an oxygen cutting torch. An B S IR e © 7 Y 15604 FARTS LIST =y ':.h' e mAME Bl AT AL :\_'__ ! - WOITLE 2% BEM'D 40 FUPE i Ot | 2 |n HOUS WG N0 PLATE | 14" PLATE ™COMEL 3|4 SHELT 14" PLATE O 4 | ® HOUSIME SiDE FLATE /4" BLATE WCONEL 3 | DRAIN COMMECTION [172° SCH'D 40 PIFE INCOMEL L ELBOw A" BCH'D 40 mPE IMCONE L T (aE BPACER BREET S0 SHEET IO L 8 |200| TUuBE BUNMDLE 3800 K O WALL TUBS INCOREL ] "2 WPER SMELL 2" FLATE iNCOmMEL o | 4 HOUSING COVER 3" SCND 40 FIFE N CONEL ‘ wle ADAPTER 14" LA INCOMEL e |z PN IFB" AL FIN BHCOMEL | i ial|lz LOWER SMELL B° PLATL MOONEL = 4 (234 SFACER DM A WIRE MOCNEL L = i~ (2 — — 2 A ( :J'I (8) 9 = (4 3 I I X 5 : [ | . _— 11} - Py 2 PSR = } b S | "5;6\"-1-’——/ Il = | ; — —_— i —_— e I2 Y-13004 v p— m— I o =z 0.02 0,03 < - O o Fig. 3. Tube-to-Header Weld Exhibiting Extensive Microfissuring. Etch: electrolytic; oxalic acid. = e 4 N e AR ™ R - f.,fi 4L ' o) - R e AT R Fig. 4. Tube-to-Header Weld Exhibiting Crack in Early Stages of Propagation. Etch: electrolytic; oxalic acid. Fig. 5. Tube-to-Header Weld ofter Bock Brazing. Etch: 10% oxalic acid; electrolytic. 12X. Ve L L e A= &b ' B ..-.—m-_ SE= B ¥ =1 —}-—— LA R & ‘r ";“_m_ 4 Fig. 6. Semiautomatic Tube-to-Header Welding Equipment. Y-13504 ~10- of fset-cam mechanism was developed and installed, which permitted the torch to travel around a tube periphery of any desired diameter. A d~c welding generator served as the power supply, and the argon shielding gas was fed through the torch at the top. The modified metal lathe shown in the picture was not used in this fabrication, but it is useful for such special applications as circumferential inert-arc-welding of thin-walled tubing. The arc is initiated by a superimposed high-frequency current, and the weld- ing current is applied for slightly longer than one revolution. Extinguishing of the arc is carried out by means of a commercially available foot-controlled arc- decay attaclment. This mechanism minimized the tendency to form arc craters by permitting a gradual reduction of the output voltage of the generator. Thus, "feathering" of the arc current is made possible. O 2 dnosvo e |~| o ol o | o|® | oo |0 |0 o H4dD 0 o o wl| o w | w w0 0 w0 o 0 w0 < dN-MIvg-9H | e | s | ¢ S| | ||| || T | <= 2 Hao-gmo-2H 8|2/ el 8lslels8glsla]gls]® T 5 3Z1S HITUG [0 -2 S| mS| ]S | wlm [ole | lm | -0 |~ oy | o | m 3Z1S 9NN1L —@ L —j@| oY mIN| o | —j© | o =0 | o |—l© | 4@ | ~|o | J© " ON SSvd ||| =| 1| -] ao| T |l a|®|-]a]|? o m %) ") S3SSVd ON o M < 0 © T < MP w [ w | O Ol o | w | © o o | w ) o | o RM < < 0 © 0 ~ o 0 ~ o O ® < A - — - S O O dnN) Sv9O ~ |~ ® o | ® © | © © ® ® ® © © A H4D 0 0 W > 1% dnyovE-oH | S| S| S| S| ||| |F ||| ¥ -+ © _ H30-dnd-v | S| 8| R”| R| 3|3 |8 |R|8|8|8 |8~ E © 3Z1S 437774 || 1| M| @IS 0N | miS [l [mih | 1o |-l [ mig | —jo | o wn Mau 3ZIS ONNL —C | 2| m$ Q| —l® | o |—jo |-I® [ ~jo |~|® | o | —|o Ao | " 0 " ONSsYd |- |l -1 -1Y =T -] o o o < N < o~ < M D S3SSVd ON _ b © ~ o o 7p) n - L = — ARWT o O © O —|y ©w FCaov = S ~ P 0 » REVISION ¥ DATE: 5/1/55 L Bl ~51= APPENDIX 2 OPERATOR'S QUALIFICATION TEST SPECIFICATION QTS-1 FOR INERT ARC WELDING OF INCONEL PIPE, PLATE, AND FITTINGS First Revision 5-1-55 SCOPE: This specification covers the qualification of operators for approval to heliarc weld Inconel pipe, plate, and fittings in accordance with Pro- cedure Specification P.S.-1. REFERENCES: Procedure Specification PS-1. Procedure Specification Figure PS-1-A. Qualification Test Specification Figure QTS-1-A. ASTM B 167-LoT. INCO Technical Bulletin T-2. ASME Boller & Pressure Vessel Code Section IX. MATERIAL REQUIRED: Test weldments shall be made using ASTM B 167-4OT Inconel pipe as noted below: TEST For groove weld tests, Four pieces of 3" diameter schedule 4O pipe are rquired. Each piece shall be approximately 4" long and beveled as shown on Figure QTS-1-A. For fillet weld tests. Two pieces of 2" diameter schedule 80 pipe 3" long and one piece of 1-1/2" diameter schedule 4O pipe 1-1/2" long are required. All pieces of pipe shall have both ends sguare cut. Filler Metal. The filler metal shall be INCO # 62 welding wire or approved equal, POSITIQNS: l. Grove welds. Test # 1 - Position 2G - A groove weld shall be made between two pieces of 3 inch pipe placed with the axis in the vertical position and the welding groove in a horizontal plane as shown on Figure QTS-1-A test # 1. After welding, the pipe shall be stamped with numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, clockwise and approximately 90° apart. -50- Test # 2 - Position 5G - A groove weld shall be made between two pleces of 3 inch pipe, placed with the axis in a horizantal position and welding groove in a vertical plane as shown on Figure QTS-1-A test # 2. Before welding, the pipe shall be stamped with numbers 1, 2, 3, and U clockwise, starting with number 1 on the top when arranged for welding. 2. Fillet welds. Test # 3, part A, a full fillet shall be made joining the 2 and 1-1/2" pipes as shown in Figure QTS-1-A test #3 part A. This joint shall be welded with the axls of the pipe in the horizontal fixed position and the weld in a vertical plane. Test 7 3, part B, a full fillet shall be made on the other side of the Joint, Joining the 2" and 1-1/2" pipes as shown in Figure QTS-1-A test # 3 part B. This jolnt shall be welded with the axis of the pipe in a vertical fixed position and the welding plane horizontal. Make the close-in passes as shown on Figure QTS-1-A test # 3 using any convenient welding position. The pipe shall then be stamped with the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 at 90° intervals around the weldment. WELDING REQUIREMENTS: 1. The welding operator shall be required to follow procedure specifi- cation PS-1 in making the test welds and shall not be allowed to rotate or turn the pipe during welding. 2. An Inspector shall be present at all times while the gqualification test is in progress. The Iinspector may refuse acceptance of a test weldment if the operator does not comply with the standard procedure in all respects. NON-DESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION OF WELDMENTS: The finished weldments shall be inspected for deviation from the pro- cedure specification and for the points listed below: Groove and fillet weld specimens: 1. The outer surface of the weld bead reinforcement shall be 1/16 inch (+1/32 inch) and shall be uniform in size and contour. 2. There shall be no undercut, overlap, or lack of fusion. Groove weld specimens: 1. There shall be complete, uniform penetration. Any weldment having weld metal protruding inside the pipe or tube more than 1/16 inch, or having pinholes at the root will not be accepted. Gl rABMET 35 | B b £l ™t B oy AR IR SR 2 2 7o B i i e e, i e s s e -53- TEST SPECIMENS AND DESTRUCTIVE TESTS: 1. Groove weld specimens. (a) (o) (4) The weldments shall be machine cut longitudinally so as to form four coupons, each approximately 1 inch wide and bearing a stamped identification number. Additional specimen cutting is required in paragraph (e) below. Weld reinforcement on the specimens shall be removed flush with the surface of the pipe by machining, filing or grinding and it will not be permissible to remove undercutting or other defects below the surface of the base metal. Neither will it be permissible to remove any base metal from inside of the pipe in order to conceal any evidence of lack of penetration or fusion at the root of the weld. The edges of all groove weld specimens shall be rounded by removal of the burr with a file. A guided bend jig proportioned for 0.216" material shall be used to conduct bend tests®as follows: Specimens 2G-1, 2G-2, 5G-1 and 5G-2 shall be given a guided face bend test. Specimens 2G-3, 2G-4, 5G-3 and 5G-4 shall be given a guided root bend test. Two sample pleces approximately 3/4 inch wide shall be removed as welded from each weldment from positions approximately 180° apart and these shall be stamped with the proper identification number of the weldment, position and operator. These sample pleces shall be radiographed and the radiographs shall be ex- amined for evlidence of cracks, porosity, and tungsten inclusions. The welds shall then be prepared for metallographlic evaluation of the transverse section and examined in the as polished and etched condition for evidence of flaws, 2. Fillet weld specimens. (2) () the weldment shall be machine cut longitudinally so as to form four coupons, each approximately 1 inch wide and bearing a stamped ldentification number. Additional specimen cutting is required in paragraph (d) below. Weld reinforcement and the backing ring on the specimens shall be removed flush with the surface of the pipe by machining, filing or grinding and it will not be permissible to remove undercutting or other defects below the surface of the base metal. Each specimen shall be subjected to a gulded root bend test using a gulded bend jog proporticned for 0.216" material. (a) -5k4- Two weld sample pieces approximately 1/2 inch wide shall be re- moved as welded from the weldment from positions approximately 180° epart and these shall be stamped with the proper identifi- cation number of the weldment, position and operator. The welds shall be prepared for metallographic evaluation of the transverse section and examined in the as polished and etched condition for evidence of flaws. TEST RESULTS REQUIRED: 1. Groove weld specimens: (a) The convex surface of the bend specimens shall be free of all cracks or other open defects. Cracks occurring at corners of specimens during testing shall not be considered unless it is Indicated that the origination was from a welding defect. The convex surface of the weld shall show complete penetration with no evidence of lack of fusion at the root of the weld. The radiographic and metallographic examinations shall show no evidence of cracking or incomplete fusion. Gas pockets or in- clusions shall not exceed one per specimen and none shall exceed 1/32 inch in its greatest dimension. 2. Fillet weld specimens. RETESTS: (a) The convex surface of the bend specimens shall be free of gll cracks or other open defects. Cracks occurring at corners of specimens during testing shall not be considered unless it is Indicated that the origination was from a welding defect. (b) The metallographic examination shall show no evidence of crack- ing or incomplete fusion. Gas pockets or inclusions shall not exceed one per transverse section and none shall exceed 1/32 inch in its greatest dimension. Penetration into the base metal shall be 1/16" + 1/32". In case a welding operator fails to meet the requirements as stated, a retest may be allowed under the following conditions: 1. An immediate retest may be made which shall consist of two test welds of each type and test position that has been failed, all of which shall meet the requirements specified for such welds, or; A complete retest may be made at the end of a minimum period of one week providing there is evidence that the operator has had further training and/or practice. -55- ASSIGNMENT OF CODE UPON PASSING QUALIFICATION TEST: Welding operators passing the above test will be qualified and his operator's card so marked for weldlng by the hellarc process as specified under Procedure Speclfication PS-1. RECORD OF TEST: A record shall be kept of all pertinent test data with the results thereof for each operator meeting these requirements. This record shall be originated by the inspector. Tested specimens shall be identified and made avallable for examination by interested parties until all fabrication requiring the use of this speci- fication has been completed and the system has been accepted. T. R. Housley, Chief Welding InSpector Engineering & Mechanical Divisign . Patriarca, urgls Metallurgy Division QTS-1 First Revision Date: 5-1-55 _56... FIG QTS—-1-A DETAILS FOR GROOVE AND FILLET TEST WELDMENTS | . \( | OO°>/ XN ZZ7 A Iy ‘r A ol ng O > » POSITION 5 G (Pipe axis hortzontal fixed) TEST NO 2 POSITION 2G (Pipe axis vertical fixed) TEST NO. | JOINT FIT-UP AND PASS SEQUENCE FOR TEST NO 3 ] % / 2" Sch. BO pipe, 3" long I - N\ - Close-in welds (6 passes) " l% S5ch.40 pipe (Backing ring) et | Y L 2 Axis vertical Weld completely around this side (Passes 1,2) Weld oround this side (Passes 3, 4) AXxis horizontal PART "A" (Pipe axis horizontal fixed) __PART B ( Pipe axis vertical fixed) REVISION ¥ TEST NO. 3 DATE:5/1/55 -57- APPENDIX 3 JOINT DESIGN FCOR INERT ARC WELDED VESSELS Since stainless steel and Inconel vessels fabricated at Oak Ridge National ILaboratory are generally intended for service in a severe corrosive environment, and oftentimes at an elevated temperature, the choice of Jjoint design for this fabrication becomes important. The valid assumption that incomplete penetration in welded Jjoints will give rise to the possibility of accelerated corrosive attack, generally re- ferred to as "crevice corrosion,” in itself justifies the joint designs pre- sented herein. Although strength requirements are generally considered secondary, the combination of pressure and elevated-temperature service would suggest that designs for optimum strength as set forth by the A.S.M.E. Boiler Construction Code should be given serious consideration. Inert arc welding has, in recent years, proved its superiority to con- ventional metallic arc welding for high-corrosion applications. Slag in- clusions in weld metal and unavoidable irregularity in penetration suggest that metallic arc welds be avoided, at least in those areas where corrosive media will come into direct contact with the weld deposit. The critical nature of the majority of our work has given rise to the necessity of training and qualifying our welding operators for the highest quality welding possible. Welding procedure and qualification test specifications are available which meet these requirements. These are Carbide and Carbon Chemical Com- pany's Engineering Specifications ESP 4-3-26 and ESP 4-4-26 for the inert arc welding of the austenitic stainless steels and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Specification PS-1 and QTS-1 for the inert arc welding of Inconel. The joint designs as presented require operators qualified under the specifi- cations mentioned above. Fabrication of any standard vessel will involve the use of relatively few basic joint designs: / | 00‘3’ I. Butt Welds. A. Bingle bevel: -58- The above design is applicable to butt welds in pipe or fittings where wall thicknesses are 3/8 inch or less. The dimensions as shown are fixed with the exception of the root spacing 8. This dimension should be 1/16 inch for 1/8 inch diameter pipe gradually increasing to 5/32 inch for 3 inch diameter pipe and above. Details are available in Figure ES L4-3-26 of the specifications mentioned previously. This joint design is also applicable for girth and seam welds 1in plate up to 3/8 inch in thickness used for fabrication of the shell. When plate thicker than 3/8 inch is used a straight bevel as shown in A will recuire an excessive amount of weld deposit. Therefore, a double bevel or a single U is recommended. B. Double bevel: This joint is applicable to girth and seam welds in plate up to 3/4 inch in thickness where the underside of the weld is accessible. When the corrosive environment will have access to only one side of the weld deposit, metallic arc welding may be substituted for that half of the weld not subjected to corrosion. The operators must be qualified according to ESP 4-L4-20 for metallic arc welding of stalnless steel. C. Single U: ~3pa / /. I 5 TR ] SR A L _59.. Where the weld joint is accessible from one side only, a single U bevel is applicable for plate thicker than 3/% inch. The radius R will vary from 3/32 inch to 3/16 inch depending on the plate thickness. 1In this case as in the case of the double bevel, metallic arc welding may be used by a qualified operator to complete the weld after two or three passes have been deposited in the root using inert arc welding. It must be remembered, that a back-up gas is to be applied at all times during welding in order to protect the opposite face from oxidation. This also applies when completing the weldment with metallic arc. II. Attaching a Nozzle to a Shell, Al i | s Z el \ § WA ¢ This joint is applicable when nozzles of 1 inch pipe or under are attached to a shell. The root spacing S will vary from 1/16 inch for 1/8 inch pipe to 1/2 inch for 1 inch pipe. -60- %\: AT o A A A 3 e e h_} " L ) 4 %) When the nozzle is l—l/h inch pipe or larger and the shell thickness is 3/8 inch or less, the above design may be used. The root spacing S is varied from 1/8 inch for nozzles of 1-1/4 inch pipe to 5/32 inch for pipe 3 inches or over. c. A < > < L S R R - ¥ w When the shell thickness is greater than 3/9 inch and the nozzle is l-l/h inch pipe or larger, a single J is applicable. The root spacing S will vary from 1/8 inch for 1-1/L inch pipe to 5/32 inch for pipe 3 inches or over. The radius R will vary from 3/32 inch to 3/16 inch depending on the plate thickness. As indicated previously, metallic arc welding by a qualified operator may be used to complete the weld after two or three root passes have been deposited by inert arc welding. -61- When it is desirable to have plipe of all sizes extend into a vessel the joints applicable are either IIB or IIC above depending on the shell thickness. ITI. Attaching Heads. Since dished heads are commercially available a simple butt joint as described in part I of this memorandum can be used. Occasionally, it may be necessary to machine dished type heads when specific sizes are not avail- able. As a last resort, attachment of a flat head may be necessary. 1In this event, the following design 1s recommended: e \P;BD_' 4 | » be—S G As can be seen, the attachment of a flat head consists primarily of the use of the basic joints previously described i1n part IIB or IIC de- pending on the head thickness. It may be noted however, that the shell as shown extends above the head surface approximately 1-1/4 times the shell thickness to accommiodate a fillet. As previously indicated, metallic arc welding may be used to complete the weldment after two or three root passes have been deposited by inert arc welding. IV. Flanges. It is recommended that weld neck flanges which are commercially available are used wherever possible. The simple butt welds described in part I are then applicable. Occasionally a slip-on flange must be used, however. In thls event, the following joint 1s recommended. it e e e —— - It is hoped that the contents of this memorandum will be useful to design men concerned with fabrication of critical assemblies. Maintenance Division Cak Ridge National Laboratory . ratriarca Metallurgy Division Oak Ridge National Labeoratory -63- - Hepmmry L > INTER-COMPANY CORRESPONDENCE Oak Ridge National Laboratory To W. F. Boudreau Date April 27, 1955 Location 9201-3, Y-12 Attention Subject Estimate of Time Required to Copy to Construct Radiators and Heat Exchangers for the 1 MW Intermediate Heat Exchanger Test CONFIDENTIAL | UNDOCUMENTED The two-one hundred tube heat exchangers and the two radiators to be used in the inter- mediate heat exchanger test were fabricated by the Welding Laboratory of the Metallurgy Division. A record has been maintained of the number of man-hours that were required to construct the four components. A detailed breakdown of the time required to com- plete the fabrication is presented. Since the record includes all experimental development necessary to the successful con- struction of the four units, two time estimates are given. One estimate (Column 4) in- cludes all time spent on developments including changing procedures, repetition of work because the original design was inadequate, and repairing units that were not leaktight. The second estimate (Column B) includes only the time that would be required to build additional units if no exigencies arise during the fabrication. The two estimates therefore might be considered to include the minimum effort required to fabricate an- other assembly in one case, and the maximum as encountered in fabricating the first complete experimental intermediate heat exchanger test assembly. The time spent by P. Patriarca and G. Slaughter in supervising the fabrication is not included. Estimated Cost of Materials Radiators Reference ORNL Dwg. D-SK-16590 1200 lineal feet 310 stainless steel clad copper radiator fin material $ 234.00 252 feet 3/16-in OD, 0.025-in wall Inconel tubing 100.00 Cost of hydrogen at $10.00/brazing operation 20,00 Inert welding gas, $25.00/unit 50.00 $ LOL.oO Heat Exchangers 1000 feet 3/16-in 0D, 0.017-in wall Inconel tubing $ L00.00 150 pounds Inconel at $2.50/pound 375.00 Cost of hydrogen at;i&fia@?/bxazing operation 10.00 Inert welding gas, $25.00/unit 50.00 $ 865.00 _6l- Estimate of Time Required to Construct Radiators and Heat Exchangers for the 1 MW Intermediate Heat Exchanger Test. If a cost per man-hour of $5.00, including overhead, is taken as a reasonable figure, the following cost estimates are obtained: Actual fabrication cost of 2 radiators: 998 hr x $5.00 $ L,990.00 Cost of dies for punching holes in fins 600.00 Cost of materials for radiators LOL .00 $ 5,99L.00 Actual fabrication of 2-100 tube heat exchangers: 579 hr x $5.00 $ 2,895.00 Cost of materials for heat exchangers 865.00 $ 3,760.00 Total cost of fabricating radiators and heat exchangers for the 1 MW Intermediate BHeat Exchanger Test $ 9,754.00 Predicted fabrication cost of two radiators: 82l hr x §5.00 $ 1,120.00 Cost of materials for two radiators L0L.00 Estimated minimum cost of constructing two additional radiators $ L,524.00 Predicted cost of fabrication of two heat exchangers: 459 hr x $5.00 $ 2,295.00 Cost of materials for two radiators 865.00 Estimated minimum cost of constructing two additional 100 tube heat exchangers $ 3,160.00 M. J. Whitman G. M. Slaughter 2 . - . . Aty TIME EXPENDED IN THE FABRICATION OF TWO-ONE HUNDRED TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS FOR INTERMEDIATE HEAT EXCHANGER TEST Metallurgy Divis‘.z.q_r_l » Dak ;Riflg"fi National Laboratory A B Total Minimum Man-Hours Man-Hours Date | Expended Expended Prior to Feb. 10 Fabrication of a sample header with welded tubes to determine optimum welding conditions. Machining 16 - Welding 2 - Metallography 10 - Construction of jigs 10 - Feb. 1-10 Expanding tubes, Jjigging, degreasing, welding tube-to-header 25 25 joints and leak testing Tube Bundle #1. Feb. 10-18 Expanding tubes, jigging, degreasing, welding and leak testing 25 25 tube-to-header joints of Tube Bundle #2. Feb. 14-15 Welding side plates and nozzles on Header #1 of Bundle #1 40 Lo Feb. 18 First attempt to back braze Header #1 of Bundle #1. Two men 16 16 required to control atmosphere in hydrogen furnace, weld bundle into can containing hydrogen atmosphere, load bundle into furnace and remove bundle from furnace. Feb. 19 Repeat back brazing of Header #1 of Bundle #1 because brazing 16 - was unsatisfactory. Feb. 19 Welding side plates and nozzles on Header #1 of Bundle #2. 16 16 Feb. 21 Repeat back brazing of Header #l1 of Bundle #1 with dry brazing 10 -— alloy powder added to seal last few leaking joints. Feb. 22 Leak check and inspection of Header #1 of Bundle #1. 5 5 Feb. 21-22 Welding side plates and nozzles on Header #l1 of Bundle #2. 2l 2l Feb. 23 Fourth and last back brazing of Header #l of Bundle #1l. 10 - Feb. 24-25 Welding side plates and nozzles of Header #2 of Bundle #1. 32 32 Feb. 2L Successfully back brazed Header #1 of Bundle #2. . 10 10 Feb. 25-26 Fabrication of comb spacers. 12 12 Feb. 26 Completed welding of side plates and nozzles of Header #2 of 16 16 Bundle #1 and began welding side plates and nozzles on Header #2 of Bundle #2. Feb. 28 Completed welding side plates and nozzles of Header #2 of 16 16 Bundle #2. v “5 ‘_; Y Sunmny ...g9.. Time Expended in the Fabrication of Two-One Hundred Tube Heat Exchangers for Intermediate Heat Exchanger Test Metallurgy Division, Qak Ridge National Laboratory A B Total Minimum Man-Hours Man-Hours Date Expended Expended Feb. 28 Successfully back brazed Header #2 of Bundle #l. 10 10 Feb. 28 Preparation and construction of test specimen to check comb 2l - spacer installation and placement of spacers on Bundle #1. March 1-2 Installation of comb spacers on Bundle #1. 2L 24 March 1-2 Fitting Bundle #1 into shell channel. 2L 2L March 4,5,7 Welding Bundle #l1 into shell channel. L0 L0 March 5 Back brazing Header #2 of Bundle #2. 16 16 March 7-8 Installing comb spacers on Bundle #2. 32 32 March 9 Fitting Bundle #2 into shell channel. 16 16 March 10-11 Welding Bundle #2 into shell chamnel. 2l 2L March 12-1L Welding assembled Bundles #1 and #2 together and 32 32 welding on nozzles. March 15 Final leak test of complete assembly. L L Total man-hours expended 579 459 in fabricating the heat exchanger assembly. n99.— Metallurgy Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory TIME EXPENDED IN CONSTRUCTING THE TWO RADIATORS FOR THE INTERMEDIATE HEAT EXCHANGER TEST A B Total Minimum Man-Hours Total Date Man-Hours Jan. 10-2) Determining optimum amount of brazing alloy to be preplaced 32 -- and making templates for preplacing alloy. Jan. 12 Shearing 2200 high conductivity fins to 2-in x 8-in. 16 16 Jan. 1l Inspecting fin surfaces for blisters and exposed copper. L L Jan. 17-18 Degreasing fins. 8 8 Application of aluminum edge protection to 2200 fins. Batch process with 1500 in first batch and 700 in the second. Clamping fins into stacks. L L Jan. 27-28 Spraying to seal stack edges. 2 2 Jan. 31 Application of aluminum by painting. 3 3 Feb. 1 Canning stacks for furnace treatment. 2 2 Furnace heat treatment. 7 7 Removing fins from cans. 2 2 Wire brush cleaning fins to remove excess aluminum. 6 6 Inspection of fins. 8 8 Feb., 2-11 Punching fins. 100 100 Machining jigs for tube bending. Done at Y-12 50 - Bending tubes. 40 Lo Feb. 11 Inspecting fins. 3 3 Feb. 10-11 Washing and degreasing punched fins. 15 15 Feb. 1L4-17 Preplacing brazing alloy and binder on fins. 146 146 Inspection of preplaced alloy on fins. 17 17 Assembling fins and tubes to Radiator #1. L2 42 Feb. 18 Assembling Radiator #1. 16 16 Jig manufacture for radiator assembly. L - Feb. 19 Assembling Radiator #1. 16 16 Feb. 21 Assembling Radiator #l. 16 16 Assembling Radiator #2. 16 16 Feb. 22 Assembling Radiator #1. 12 12 Assembling Radiator #2. 12 12 Design of jigs and fabrication of alignment pins. 9 - - -L9_ Time expended in Constructing the Two Radiators for the Intermediate Heat Exchanger Test Metallurgy Division, QOak Ridge National Laboratory A B Total Minimum Man-Hours Total Date Man-Hours Feb. 23 Completing assembly of fins and spacers to 16 16 tubes of Radiator #1. Assembling Radiator #2. 16 16 Feb. 1-24 Fabrication of radiator spacer plates. 12 12 Feb. 24 Completing assembly of fins and spacers to tubes, Radiator #2. 16 16 Feb. 24 Welding side plates on Radiator #1. 3 3 Feb. 25 Welding side plates on Radiator #2. 3 3 Feb. 25 Design of jigs for bending tubes to fit headers. 3 -~ Feb. 25 Preparing header plates for both radiators. 10 10 Feb. 26 Construction of test specimen to check techniques 8 - for bending ends of radiator tubes. Feb. 28 Fitting and clamping tube ends prior to bencing for header L L installation. March 1 Fitting and clamping of tube ends prior to bending. 11 11 March 2 Completed construction of tube bending test specimen. 8 - March 3-9 Radiators sent to ¥-12 for assembly of headers to tubes. This was not accomplished at Y-12 since decision was made to redesign header to eliminate much of the tube bending to facil- itate assembly of headers to radiator tubes. HRadiators were returned to X~10. March 10 Preparation of specimens for use in optimizing bending of 16 - radiator tube ends and assembling and weldirig headers to radiator tubes. March 12 Bending ends of radiator tubes. 3 3 March 14 Bending and trimming tubes to proper length. 8 8 March 15 Bending and trimming tubes to proper length. 8 8 March 16 Polishing ends of radiator tubes to make it easier to fit headers. 8 8 March 17 Deburring holes on the four headers. 8 8 March 18,21,22 Fitting one of the two headers on each radiztor. 19 19 March 26 Welding Header #1 on Radiator #1 and Header #1 on Radiator #2. 8 8 (tube-to-header welds) March 28-29 Welding end plates, covers, and nozzles on Header #l of 32 32 Radiator #1 and Header #1 of Radiator #2. -89_ Time Expended in Constructing the Two Radiators for the Intermediate Heat Exchanger Test Metallurgy Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory A B Total Minimum Man-Hours Total Date Man-~-Hours March 30 Fitting tubes into Header #2 of Radiator #1l. 7 7 March 30-31 Tube-to-header welding of Header #2, and welding end plating 16 16 cover and nozzle on Header #2 of Radiator #1. April 1-2 Leak tested Radiator #1. Leak discovered in tube-to-header weld. 2l Cut all tubes to remove header that leaked. Installed new header and made tube-to-header welds, welded on end plates, cover, and nozzle. Repeated leak test. April 5-6 Preparing Radiator #1 for brazing which included: placing braz- 16 16 ing alloy on tube-to-header joints, jigging, attaching thermo- couples, adding baffles to produce even hydrogen flow through fins; and canning the radiator. April 7 Furnace brazed Radiator #1. 16 16 April 8 Leak tested Radiator #1. L L April 11 Fitted second header to Radiator #2. 7 7 April 11-12 Made tube-to-header welds, and welded end plates, cover, and 16 16 nozzle on Header #2 of Radiator #2. April 13-14 Leak tested Radiator #2. Found large leak in tube-to-header 2L L weld. Cut tubes below tube-to-header welds to remove header and replaced header. Made tube-to-header welds and welded end plates, cover, and nozzle on new header. April 15 Leak tested Radiator #2. L - April 18-19 Prepared Radiator #2 for brazing (See April 5-6). 16 16 April 20 Furnace brazed Radiator #2. 16 16 April 21 Leak tested Radiator #2. L L Total man-hours required to 998 824 fabricate the two radiators Sy _69...