ORNL-186 - C-84 —~ Reaoctors-Special Featu i’o%‘?irfiaft Reactors X AEC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT LA e | l bt 3 3 4456 034984Y 5 bl | 1V : =z i) ] &ry ' Yl G\ o H..J L\ N DISASSEMBLY AND POSTOPERATIVE EXAMINATION ‘-‘fl. i\ 1" o vocn f ; ! f’.\,\i D 0N OF THE AIRCRAFT REACTOR EXPERIMENT Jesida s dd i )1 Wy ’\: W. B. Cotirell T. E. Crabtree k:' : A. L. Davis W. G. Piper Cuss;rrc.wnm CHANGED To- D it BY AuthoriTy Op._ OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION for the U.S5. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ORNL-1868 C-84 — Reactors-Special Features of Aircraft Reactors M-3679 (20th ed., Rev.) This document consists of 50 pages. Copy}m 273 copies. Series A, Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 AIRCRAFT REACTOR ENGINEERING DIVISION DISASSEMBLY AND POSTOPERATIVE EXAMINATION OF THE AIRCRAFT REACTOR EXPERIMENT W. B. Cottrell A, L. Davis T. E. Crabtree W. G. Piper DATE ISSUED . S Py - i F L 4 34 B e AEE& T Adhder OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Ook Ridge, Tennessee operated by UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION or the U.5. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS LIBRARI - JITEEN T 3 4456 034984y 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS IR OAUCHION o v oo sscno s s o ioims s nines e TS A TR R BT TR B e R e 1 Chronology from Final Scram to Disassembly. . o o v v vn e vin i ittt . 4 Disassembly of the Reactor and Auxiliary Systems. ..o vve ity 5 Auxiliary Shielding and Sofety Precautions « v v vvv v vn i vinn vib ke e b sows D Dismantling of the Sodium System . .. v v vt vi vttt 5 Dismantling of the Fuel System. . . v v v v s i tnneiie sttt nnanann 8 Dismantling of the Reactor. v v v v v v v v v st s s i st ie ettt taatoenasnas 8 Dismantling of the Fill and Drain Tanks « o v v v vvvnvn vttt as 16 Somples Taken During Disassembly. v v oo v v i iin it 16 Results of Examinations of Samples . ... .. s o o AR BT B R e e B 21 Beryllium Oxide Blocks ..o vvin i ST, I o S B Pl AR, e 21 Structural Materials and Valve Components . . .. ..o v § W RS e R il i o wonces BB Nonmetallic Materials + v v v v v v v v v e v v i v o v o S R e R T A SR R 34 Balanoid NalNEE o s susssis siasrs sinivre bipbu oo B 8055 3 KEA & Gen s sl s o s S oees e 34 Fuel Pump Pressure Transmitters . ... oo ey o ami e BT Bl ¥ A 38 Scale from Main Sodium PUmp v v v e v v s s v e annosnsrsssssrsnnssansonse D il 38 Activation Analyses of Sodium System Samples . .. ... . . i i i 39 Disposition of Fission-Product Activity « .o vvvueveniinininiiiiiiiniiniaeaen 39 Disposal of Disassembled System. . ..o v evvvvvn o B RN B IR R NS R PN e SISTOR. | { Tr DISASSEMBLY AND POSTOPERATIVE EXAMINATION OF THE AIRCRAFT REACTOR EXPERIMENT W. B. Cottrell T. E. Crabtree A. L. Davis W. G. Piper INTRODUCTION The Aircraft Reactor Experiment (ARE) was successfully concluded in November of 1954, and a detailed report of the operation was published the following year.! At that time it was thought that an extensive examination of the reactor and system components after disassembly was warranted. It was realized, of course, that the level of radicactivity of the I'#. B. Cottrell et al., Operation of the Aircraft Reactor Experiment, ORNL-1845 (Aug. 22, 1955). o ey / STANOBY FUEL PUMP components would necessitate extensive delays in the examinations. Since examination of a few critical ARE samples showed nothing unexpected, much of the planned hot-cell inspection was postponed and complete examination of all but a few specimens was indefinitely suspended. The few examinations that were completed are described in this report, along with a description of the disassembly of the ARE system. Diagrams of the fuel system, sodium system, and off-gas system are presented in Figs. 1, 2,and 3 for reference use in visualizing the disassembly process. KEY: X0 CROSS BARS ON LINES INDICATE WELDS, ALL FUEL PIPE LINES NUMBERED iN 100 SEMIES. Fig. 1. Diagram of ARE Fuel System. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LA-DWG 6245 P P / STANDBY SODIUM TQ g |l'-;‘l KEY: L ©x=3 CROSS BARS ON LINES INDICATE WELDS. o ALL SODIUM PIPE LINES NUMBERED IN 300 SERIES. Fig. 2, Diagram of ARE Sodium System. PRESSURE THANSMITTER S0DiUM VAPDR TRAP RESERVE TANK WO | CARRIER FILL TANK NO. 2 Fig. 3. Diagram of ARE Off-Gas System. CHRONOLOGY FROM FINAL SCRAM TO DISASSEMBLY The nuclear operation of the ARE was con- cluded at 8:04 PM, Friday, November 12, 1954, upon insertion of the scram rods. Circulation of the fuel and the sodium was continued, how- ever, until the next day in order to allow the afterheat to decay before dumping the fuel into the fuel dump tank (and the sodium into the sodium dump tanks). During the period from shutdown of the reactor until the fuel was dumped it was necessary for the operating personnel to wear gas masks for several hours because of the level of the airborne activity. As was previously noted,' a gas leak, which permitted gaseous fission-product activity to be released to the cell, had existed ot least since the start of high-power operation. The exact location of this leak has never been de- termined, although it was known to be from the gas volume above the main fuel pump. While it was subsequently shown that the diaphragm of the main fuel pump pressure transmitter was ruptured, it is believed that this occurred during the early morning of November 13 and that prior to that time the activity had been leaking from one or more of the potential leaks in or around the main fuel pump (spark plugs, seals, fill lines, vent lines, etc,). In order to keep these gases from leaking from the cell into occupied areas of the building (the cell proved to be quite porous), it was necessary to maintain the cell at a subatmospheric pressure (-2 to —4 in. H,0) by the use of a jet air pump which pumped around 100 cfm of air from the cell. This air, with its activity, was discharged some 1000 ft south of the ARE building,! but the negligible wind velocity that existed at times during the period after shutdown was not sufficient to cause odequate dispersion of this activity. (Prior to this period the wind had dispersed the activity.) On the morning of Saturday, November 13, the fuel was transferred into the fuel dump tank. Since the fuel tubes in the reactor would not have drained completely if the fuel had merely been allowed to drain from the system by gravity, the fuel was forced out of the system by pres- surizing carrier material into one end of the system and draining the other end of the system into the dump tank. The fuel in the dump tank was thus diluted by this flush material. The dilution ratio was approximately 1 to 1. In order to determine whether the fuel in all six parallel reactor passages was removed, the flush carrier was heaoted to a temperature which was 100°F hotter than the fuel system so that the pdssage of the carrier through each of the six parallel reactor tubes could be ob- served by thermocouples on these tubes. Although the individual recorder charts showing temperature differentials across each of the six reactor tubes indicated that one tube (No. 4) did not clear, the multipoint temperature record of all tubes indicated that the carrier had passed through all tubes. The individual temperature recorder on tube No. 4 was subsequently found to be inoperative. After the fuel was dumped, the increased level of the airborne activity caused all but a few of the operating personnel who were wearing gas masks to evacuate the building for about 1 hr. The gas used in pressuring the fuel system during the dumping operation was discharged to the stack, but the activity level in the building rose because the wind at the time was such that the activity descended and entered the ventilators on the top of the building. Following the completion of the removal of the fuel on Saturday, November 13, the sodium was drained into the sodium drain tanks. |In this instance gravity drainage was sufficient and was readily effected. Evidence that all the fuel had been removed from the reactor was obtained the following Monday by a test in which the three control rods were withdrawn from the reactor and no increase in background count was observed. It was of especial interest that there was no measurable afterheat in the fuel; however, the expected amount of afterheat was only o small fraction of the electrical heat on the tank. Subsequent analysis of the fuel indicated the activity to be in reasonable agreement with expectations. DISASSEMBLY OF THE REACTOR AND AUXILIARY SYSTEMS The postoperative examination of the ARE system started on December 10, 1954, with the taking of a fuel sample from the dump tank while the fuel was still molten. Disassembly of the reactor and the auxiliary systems then proceeded os radiation levels permitted. The primary objective of this work was, of course, the obtaining of samples for metallurgical, chemical, and physical examination. It was also expected that in the dismantling of the system much equipment could be salvaged while the cells were being prepared for the modifications required for the forthcoming Aircraft Reactor Test. Radiation surveys were used as a basis for planning the disossembly sequence and techniques. The radiation decay curves obtained from data taken daily ot five monitoring points are shown in Fig. 4. AUXILIARY SHIELDING AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS In order to separate the fuel circuit from the sodium circuit for the purpose of dismantling the sodium system, two flat lead shields, 6 ft high, 4 ft wide, and 2 in. thick, were suspended on beams which ran the width of the heat ex- changer cell. For work in the higher radiation fields associated with the fuel system, a leod box was built that was 2 in. thick on four sides and the bottom. One end of the bottom had a 6-in.-wide slot, and one side had an 8-in.-square slot, 9 in. off the bottom, through which personnel worked. The building crane was used for moving the flat shields and the box. In order to offset the fire hazard associated with the sodium system, all water lines were cut from the water manifold in the basement below the heat exchanger cell, and no sodium lines were cut with flame or arc torches. All sodium lines were cut with hack sows, and all cut lines were immediately sealed with several layers of masking tape. Fire-fighting equipment was available at all times. DISMANTLING OF THE SODIUM SYSTEM The work of dismantling the sodium system, shown in Fig. 2, was started on Jonuary 18, 1955, at which time the radiation level was down to 30 to 250 mr/hr with the lead shields hanging between the sodium system and the fuel system. The main sodium pump was removed first, ond it was found that the rotary element had a radiation reading of 12 mr/hr at contact with the impeller. After the rotary assembly had been cleaned in a bath of 50% kerosene and 50% methyl alcohol, the impeller was removed and submitted for examination. The standby sodium pump was removed as @ unit with 6-in. stubs left on all lines so that the pump could be salvaged for use in other experiments, At the time it was removed, this pump, which had not operated during nuclear operation of the reactor, had a radiation reading of 1 mr/hr at contact with the bowl and the top flange. The sodium-to-helium and the helium-to-water heat -exchangers were removed next. The water that had remained in the heat exchangers was first drained* into containers and removed from the cell. The sodium lines were then cut with a hand hack saw and the helium blower duct was cut loose with a cutting torch. The exchangers were thus removable as complete units. After the insulation and electric heaters had been stripped from the exchangers, neither showed a radiation reading on the outside. The ends of the cut sodium lines read 2 mr/hr ot contact. After the removal of the sodium system pumps and heat exchangers, it was found that the radiation field had increased to about 600 mr/hr. The equipment had helped to shield the area from the fuel system radiation. Sodium lines 304 through 309, 313, and 314 were then removed in as long lengths as possible and sealed at the cut ends from air and moisture. Valves in the lines were left as installed. Radi- ation levels on these lines were 2 to 10 mr/hr. During the removal of these sodium lines the flat lead shields were adequate to protect personnel from the radiation from the fuel system, as shown in Fig. 5. The remainder of the sodium piping ran adjacent to the fuel system, however, and, in places, over and under the fuel piping, and therefore the lead box described above had to be brought into use. Sodium lines 301 and 302 were removed by personnel working within the lead box. To moke the line cutting job easier, the heavy gage stainless steel annulus can surrounding the sodium line was cut by using an electric arc before the sodium line was cut e ORNL~LR-DWG 27129 100 50 20 : \ 10 e -""'--.._ LOCATION OF MONITOR RADIATION LEVEL (¢/hr) AT CENTER OF SOUTHWEST SIDE OF THE HEAT EXCHANGER CELL i- AT THE ELEVATION OF THE MAIN SODIUM PUMP. » AT CENTER OF SOUTHEAST SIDE OF THE HEAT EXCHANGER CELL 5 - ABOVE THE STANDBY SODIUM PUMP. 3. AT SODIUM - TO- HELIUM HEAT EXCHANGER NUMBER 1 IN THE 2 " STANDBY SODIUM CIRCUIT. 4. AT THE CEILING OF THE NORTH END OF THE REACTOR CELL. 5 THREE FEET NORTH OF THE MAIN FUEL PUMP ON TOP OF LINE 19, . "WHICH WAS THE EXIT LINE FROM THE STANDBY FUEL PUMP, 2y 2 ‘\ ‘.' N ", ' X ‘\:"‘ 0_“ A |..\‘ 3\ 0.5 \-..—5\' < ..'\.\ \\. e l.§.' !‘-} -‘I‘. E u — — 4 R S 2 0.2 _—l 04 » 0 5 10 {45 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 DAYS AFTER NOVEMBER {2, 1954 Fig. 4. Radiation Decay Curves for Five Locations in ARE System. LUINCL ASSIFIEL PHOTO 14182 e — — A ) " N T ] Fig. 5. Heat Exchanger Pit After Removal of Sodium System Pumps and Heat Exchangers and Lines, Note lead shield used to protect workers from fuel system radiation. with a hack saw. The radiation level at the open ends of lines 301 and 302, which were cut where they entered the tank pit wall, was only 2 mr/hr, but the radiation field in that region outside the lead box was 700 to 1000 mr/hr. Sodium lines 303 and 310, the lines to and from the reactor, were removed next. Because of the position of line 303, it was necessary to sever it where it entered the reactor cell The cutting which was wall by wusing an electric arc. operation caused a sodium fire, extinguished with Metal-X extinguishers. A small amount of air activity, 2 divisions on the 2K scale of the air monitor, was observed as o consequence of the sodium fire. Both line 303 and line 310, which was cut with a hack saw by a craftsman werking from the lead box, showed radiation levels of 2 mr/hr at contact with the ends of the lines. Auxiliary equipment was removed as necessary or convenient. Most of these items, such as pump drive motors and lubricating oil systems, were salvaged for further use. The radiation level of the main sodium-pump lubricating system was 2 mr/hr, but this was found to be surface contamination. The oil showed no radiation, DISMANTLING OF THE FUEL SYSTEM A complete radiation survey of the fuel system, made on February 14, 1955, showed 75 r/hr at contact with the insulation on the rotameter of the main fuel pump, 55 r/hr ot contact with insulation on the dead leg on the bottom of the pump bowl, and 12 r/hr ot contact with the top flange. These high radiation levels indicated the advisability of removing the high radiation sources first, where possible. The components of the fuel system are illus- trated in Fig. 1, and a photograph of the cell containing the fuel pumps is presented in Fig. 6. The disassembly work was started with the main fuel pump which was causing a high radiation field. Removal of the rotary assembly caused a small burst of air activity that cleared in 2 to 3 min. The radiation level of the rotary assembly was 20 r/hr ot 5 ft. After removal of the rotary assembly, the lines to the pump were cut and sealed and the pump was lifted out of the cell, as shown in Fig. 7. The radiation level of the main fuel pump bow!l was 900 mr/hr at 5 ft. The standby fuel pump was removed in a similar manner. This pump was not used during operation at power, and therefore the radiation level on the bottom of the pump bowl was only 16 mr/hr. This pump was salvaged for further use. The fuel-to-helium and helium-to-water heat ex- changers were removed next. The radiation levels of both exchangers were 10 r/hr at 6 in. In order to remove these exchangers intact, the water lines and the helium ducts were cut. The electric wiring which ran in large bundles across the heat exchangers was removed by hooking onto the bundles with the overhead crane and pulling the wires out of the cell. The fuel lines to the heat exchangers were cut by a craftsman working from the lead box with a hack saw. The insulation and the electric heaters were removed from the heat exchangers after they were removed from the cell, oand heat exchanger No. 2 then had a radiation level of 10 r/hr at 12 in. During removal of the pumps and heat ex- changers, most of the fuel lines were cut at one end., The open ends of these fuel lines had radiation readings of 10 r/hr at 3 in. Lines in the standby fuel circuit were free of fuel and showed only surface contamination of 2 mr/hr. The reactor supply and discharge lines were cut with hack saws by craftsmen working within the lead box. With the removal of the fuel lines, all equipment installed in the heat exchanger cell had been removed. DISMANTLING OF THE REACTOR On March 10, 1955, the concrete pit plugs were removed from the top of the reactor pit and the concrete blocks which lined the walls and bottom of the reoctor cell were lifted out to provide space for the lead box. A portable grinder with a flexible shaft and an extension handle was mounted on the side of the lead box. The crafts- man could operate the grinder from inside the box by using the extension handle. The insulation was stripped from the reactor and the sodium and fuel lines that were in the reactor cell. The helium manifold and the control rod chamber (Fig. 8) were then removed. The helium manifold and the shim and regulating rod chambers had radiation readings of 200 mr/hr at contact. The portable grinder was then used to cut the fuel lines as close as possible to the reactor can. These lines had radiation readings of 10 r/hr at 3 in. when removed. The grinding - " UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 14191 e et 2 B B - T _ PP Fig. 6. Heat Exchanger Pit Showing Components of Fuel System Before Dismantling Operation, 0l Fig. 7. Main Fuel Pump Being Lifted from Cell. UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 14205 € T .o 1 -"‘!'*T HELIUM / RETENTION TANK VIEWING PORT—_ || MG '~ \\\\\\\ xxxxx Fig. 8. Diagram of Reactor. UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR—DWG 6221 SODIUM CUTLET PRESSURE SHELL THERMAL SHIELD GAS TIGHT SHELL SAFETY CHAMBER NQ. 2 MICROMICROAMMETER - LOG N METER 8F, CHAMBER AND TEMPERATURE SERVO MECHANISM SAFETY CHAMBER NO.{ 11 operation generated so much heat that it was necessary, as before, to cut the sodium lines with a hack saw. The sodium lines had radiation readings of 300 mr/hr at contact. The gas-tight shell surrounding the reactor was then cut in quarter sections by using an The can had a radiation electric arc (Fig. 9). level of 200 mr/hr at contact. The exposed reactor pressure shell showed 6 r/hr at 6 in. Special disassembly tools were fabricated for dismantling the reactor. This equipment included a steel tank with driven rollers for rotating the reactor and a hydraulic-powered cutoff grinder with a 14-in.-dia abrasive wheel. The reactor . L ’ PHOTO 14186 Fig. 9. Gas-Tight Shell Being Removed from Reactor. 12 is shown in Fig. 10 positioned in the tonk for grinding, and the cutting side of the grinder, which was designed to be used under liquid, is shown in Fig. 11. With this equipment, a period of five 8-hy days was required to cut the 2-in.-thick pressure shell. Upon removal of the shell,- a radiation check was made. The top of the reactor showed a radiation level of 75 r/hr at contact and the side showed 37 r/hr. The next task was the removal of fuel tubes and samples of the BeQO moderator blocks. The fuel tubes and the BeO blocks were encased in a stainless steel can with welded seams, shown in Fig. 12, and the small sodium tubes A : PHOTO 14655 . ¥ L P Fig. 10, Reactor Positioned in Disossembly Tank for Grinding. 13 I UNCLASSIFIED - PHOTO 14659 Fig. 11. Cutting Side of Grinder for Dismantling the Reactor. 662 PHOT — - Fig. 12. Top of Reactor After Removal of Pressure Shell and Some of the Sodium and Fuel Tubes. 15 that penetrated the BeO blocks were welded to the top and bottom of the can. In order to free the top of the can, the welds holding the sodium tubes were drilled out and the outer edge of the can was cut. The reactor was then placed in a horizontal position and the fuel tube bends were cut off flush with the bottom of the can. After removal of the bottom tube bends, the reactor was set upright and the crane was used to pull out the fuel tubes and to place them in drums, as shown in Fig. 12. With all the fuel tubes removed, only the BeO blocks remained in the can. The required samples of BeO were obtained, and the can containing the BeO blocks was taken to the storage area. The radiation reading at that time was 4.5 r/hr at 2 ft. The reactor cell was then cleared of all contaminated material left from disassembly of the reactor. DISMANTLING OF THE FILL AND DRAIN TANKS The fuel dump tank was removed first because it presented the only radiation in the tank pit, which also contained three sodium tanks and three fuel-carrier tanks. (One of the fuel-carrier tanks was not used.) A radiation survey showed 18 r/hr at contact with the top of the tank, 990 r/hr in one of the cooling tubes through the tank, and 84 r/hr at contact with msulntwn on the side of the tank. In order to get the lead box into position for disassembly work, it was necessary to remove steel framework, o space cooler, and the stack at the top of the tank. With the lead box in position, the fuel lines were cut with the grinder and then toped to prevent loss of material and the spread of contamination. The tank was then removed to a storage area. After the dump tank and fuel lines had been removed, the radiation level in the pit was 20 to 50 mr/hr. The lines to the three fuel carrier tanks and the three sodium tanks were then cut, and these tanks were removed from the pits with insulation and heaters intact. After removal of insulation and heaters, the sodium tanks were found to be free of radiation. One of the fuel carrier tanks, however, had a radiation level of 100 mr/hr and was therefore sent to storage. The sodium and the fuel carrier were salvaged from the non- radioactive tanks. The tank pit was then cleared of small gas lines, valves, and wiring, and the dismantling of the tank pit was complete. General cleaning of the entire area then completed the disassembly of the ARE reactor and auxiliary systems. SAMPLES TAKEN DURING DISASSEMBLY Many samples were token during disassembly of the ARE, and much re-usable equipment was salvaged. The samples taken are listed in Table 1, which also gives the type of examination requested and the status of the samples. Sodium system samples were taken after the components had been removed from the cells. After all the samples had been taken, the re- maining equipment that could not be salvaged was cleaned of sodium by immersing it in water until the sodium-water reaction was complete. Most of the equipmént cleaned in this manner was loter disposed of in the burial ground because of radiation levels of about 2 mr/hr. Fuel system and reactor samples were taken in the reactor pit after the reactor had been dis- assembled and removed, except the sample from fuel supply line No. 120, which was taken before dismantling was storted. After removal of the 16 reactor, a horizontal cutoff saw was set up in the reactor pit for cutting the samples, which were moved to the reactor pit from the radicactive storage facility for sampling. All work involved in obtaining the fuel system and reactor samples had to be done from within the lead box with the use of improvised long-handled equipment, the portable grinder used for disassembly work, and the cutoff saw. A sample of the fuel was taken from the fuel dump tank while the fuel was still molten. In order to obtain the sample, o hole had to be drilled in the top of the dump tank. Since the tank was at a temperature of between 1200 and 1300°F and the radiation level was high, the drilling had to be done from atop the cell plugs. A pipe extension which would reach to the top of the tank was adapted to the drill chuck, and the drill bit was welded to the pipe. Several Ll Taoble 1. List of Samples Taken from the ARE During Disassembly Sample Type of Examination M. Description Requested Status of Examination Sodium System Samples s Section of moderator coolant return line 303 Metallographic Sample to be examined S2 Section of moderator coclant supply line 310 Metallographic Somple to be examined s3 Section of main No pump impeller Metallographic Sample to be examined S4 Seat from sodium valve U-23 Sterecphotographic Results of examination given in this report S5 Plunger from sedium valve U-23 Stereophotographic Results of examination given in this report S6 Bellows frem sodium valve U-23 Metallographic Results of examination given in this report 57 Bellows from sedium pressure transmitter Metallographic Sample to be examined in line 303 58 Section from cold dead leg No. 931 Metallegraphic Request rescinded, CF-56-6-24; sample to be disposed of 59 Section from cold dead leg No. 932 Metallographic Request rescinded, CF-56-6-24; sample to be disposed of Sample of scale in main Na pump Spectrographic analysis Spec Lab Report No. 3450, and this report Section of line 308 to main Na pump Activation analysis CF-55-10-35, and this report Section of line 305 to Na pressure Activation analysis CF-55-10-35, and this report transmitter No. 2 Sample of sodium Activation analysis CF-55-10-35, and this report Fuel System Samples F1 Section of fuel supply line 120 Metallographic and CF-55-2-58, CF-55-2-36, and this report activation F2 Section of fuel return line 111 Metallographic Request rescinded, CF-56-6-24; sample to be disposed of F3 Section of main fuel-pump impeller Metallographic Request rescinded, CF-56-6-24; sample to be disposed of Fd-1 Main fuel-pump bowl Visual Sample examined visually and found to be in goed condition; sample to be disposed of F4-2 Main fuel-pump bottom baffle plate Visual Sample examined visually and found to be in goed condition; sample to be disposed of F4-3 Main fuel-pump socket-weld joint Visual Sample examined visually and found to be in good condition; sample to be disposed of F4-4 Main fuel-pump flange outside bowl Visual Sample examined visually and found to be in good condition; sample to be disposed of F4-5 Main fuel-pump spark plug Visual Sample examined visually and found to be in good condition; sample to be disposed of F4-6 Main fuel-pump channel Visual Sample examined visually and found to be in good condition; sample to be disposed of F5 Section of inlet to fuel heat exchanger Metallegraphic Results of examination given in this report No. 2 8l Table 1. (continued) Sample Type of Examination o Description Rsquested Status of Examination Fuel System Samples Fé Section of inlet to fuel heat exchanger Metallographic Request suspended, CF-56-6-24; sample to be held in No. 2 storage F7 Section of outlet to fuel heat exchanger Metallographic Request suspended, CF-56-6-24; sample to be held in No. 2 storage F8 Section of outlet to fuel heat exchanger Metallographic Request suspended, CF-56-6-24; sample to be held in No. 2 storage F9 Section of middle of bends in heat ex- Metallographic Results of examination given in this report changer No. 2 F10 Section of middle of bends in heat ex- Metallographic Request suspended, CF-56-6-24; sample to be held in changer No. 2 storage F11 Seat from fuel valve U-1 Stereophotographic Results of examination given in this report F12 Plunger from fuel valve U-1 Stereophotographic Results of examination given in this report F13 Bellows from fuel valve U-1 Stereophotographic Request suspended, CF-56-6-24; sample to be held in storage Fl14 Seat from fuel valve U-2 Stereophotographic Request suspended, CF-56-6-24; sample to be held in storage F15 Plunger from fuel valve U-? Stereophotographic Request suspended, CF-56-5-24; sample to be held in storage F16 Bellows from fuel valve U-2 Stereophotographic Request suspended, CF-56-6-24; somple to be held in storage F17 Tapered plug from main fuel rotameter Metallographic Request rescinded, CF-56-6-24; sample to be disposed of Sample of fuel from dump tank Activation analysis CF-55-1-128 (results analyzed in CF-55-2-36), and this report Hot fuel dump tank with fuel Fuel to be reprocessed See ANP Quar. Prog. Reps. Reactor Samples R1 Section of serpentine fuel tube close Metallographic Request rescinded, CF-56-6-24; sample to be disposed of to pressure shell R2 Section of serpentine at }'2 radius Metallographic Request rescinded, CF-56-6-24; sample to be disposed of R3 Section of serpentine in center of core Metal lographic Results of examination given in this report R4 Serpentine bend from region near outer Metallegraphic Request rescinded, CF-56-6-24; sample to be disposed of surface R5 Socket weld joint near center Metallographic Request rescinded, CF-56-6-24; sample to be disposed of Ré6 Socket weld joint near outer surface Metallographic Request rescinded, CF-56-6-24; sample to be disposed of R7 Serpentine bend from center of reactor Metallographic Results of examination given in this report RB Sample of pressure shell wall Metallographic Results of examination given in this report 61 Table 1. (continued) Sample Type of Examination Kk Description Requested Status of Examination Reactor Samples R9 BeO block from outer region of core Metallographic CF-56-6-113, and this report R10 BeO block from central region of core Metallographic CF«56-6-113, and this report R11 BeO block cut prior to installation Metallographic CF-56-6-113, and this report R12 BeO block cut prior to installation Metallegraphic CF-56-6-113, and this report Reactor inlet mainfold Metallographic Sample in storage to be disposed of Reactor outlet manifeld Metallographic Sample in storage to be disposed of Miscellaneocus Samples M1 U-belts from main fuel pumps Visual CF-55-7-27, and this report M2 O-ring from main fuel pumps Visual CF<55-7-27, and this report M3 Qil sample from main fuel pump Vi;uul plus viscosity CF-55-7-27, and this report check M4 Qil sample from standby Na pump Visual plus viscosity CF-55-7-27, and this report check M5 Oil sample helium blower Visual CF-55-7-27, and this report M6 Electric wire from main fuel pump Visual CF.55-7-27, and this report region M7 Thermocouple wire from main fuel pump Visual CF«55-7-27, and this report region M8 Thermal insulation from main fuel pump Visual CF-55-7-27, and this report region M9 Concrete from wall near main fuel pump Activation anal ysis Wall since decontaminated Rubber diaphragm from Hzfi valve B139 Thermal insulation wrapping paste on line 303 Thermal insulation on reactor Thermocouple lead wire at reactor Braided thermocouple wire on top of reactor Main fuel pump vapor trap and lines Standby fuel dump tank pressure trans- mitter 7 Main fuel dump tank pressure transmitter 6 Hot fuel dump tank pressure transmitter 10 Visual plus viscosity check Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Performance test and visual Performance test and visual Performance test and visual CF-55-7-27, and this report CF-55-7-27, and this report CF-55-7-27, and this report CF-55-7-27, and this report CF-55-7-27, and this report Results of examination given in this report Results of examination given in this report Results of examination given in this report Not examined; sample to be disposed of 0C Table 1. (continued) Sample No. Description Type of Examination Requested Stotus of Examination Main fuel pump vent solencid U-19 Main fuel pump vent solenoid U-86 Main fuel pump He supply seclencid U-82 Standby fuel pump vent solenoid U-185 Main fuel blower He supply solenoid B-233 Pit-activity=monitor isolation solencid B-418 Off-gas system monitron inlet solencid B-124 Off-gas system monitron inlet solenocid B-125 Standby fuel pump vent solencid U-89 Standby fuel pump emergency vent solenocid U-159 Main fuel pump emergency vent solencid U-10 Sample of inlet emergency off-gas line Sample of off-gases from cell Miscelloaneous Samples Leak test and visual Leak test and visual Leak test and visual Leak test and visual Leak test and visual Leak test and visual Leak test and visual Leak test and visual Leak test and visual Leak test and visual Leak test and visual Activation analysis Activation analysis Results Results Results Results Results Results Results Results Results Results Results of examination given of examination given of examination given of examination given of examination given of examination given of examination given of examination given of examination given of examination given of examination given CF-55-2-36, and this report Undocumented memo 12-22-55, results described in CF-55-2-36 in this report in this report in this report in this report in this report in this report in this report in this report in this report in this report in this report drill bits, made of different metals, were tried before the hole was finally completed. To remove the fuel sample, a 3/8-in.-dia Inconel tube was passed through the opening in the tank, and a small vacuum pump was used to pull fuel into the tube. The tube was then removed from the tank ond allowed to cool. A section of the tube containing fuel desired sample. In addition to the sodium system, fuel system, and reactor samples, numerous samples were taken from other parts of the various systems during the dismantling operations. The samples token are described in Table 1. was then cut to provide the RESULTS OF EXAMINATIONS OF SAMPLES BERYLLIUM OXIDE BLOCKS? Beryllium oxide blocks were taken for exami- nation from the outer region, the central region, and the core region of the ARE. The stacking arrangement may be seen in Fig. 13, which shows the top of the reactor during assembly. The blocks surrounding the serpentine fuel tubes were split to facilitate assembly, but the blocks with small holes for sodium-coolant tubes were not cut. The small spaces between the blocks were filled with slowly moving sodium. The blocks that were removed are shown in Figs. 14, 15, and 16. It was found that draining the reactor had left the surfaces of the BeO blocks essentially free of sodium. Since it was not necessary to strip sodium from the blocks it could be assumed that any damage that was found during the initial examination had occurred during operation or was present in the as-tab- ricated material. The post-test handling could not have caused further damage. The block shown in Fig. 14, which had sur- rounded a fuel tube in the central region of the reactor, has many visible cracks and one half of the block had fractured. Previous tests of the as-received blocks had revealed that nearly all the blocks had ot least one crack and some of the blocks had several cracks.® Comparison with photographs of the as-received blocks showed that slight erosion of the edges occurred during reactor operation. The presence of small flakes of BeO adhering to the surface of the block indicated some spalling. 2Materiol abstracted from a report by R. J. Gray and L. Long, Jr., Examination of BeO Blocks from the ARE URNL CF~56-6-113 (June 18, 1956). 3‘L. M. Doney, Structure of BeO Block with the 1Y g1 Central Hole, RNL CF-52-11-146 (Nov. 17, 1952). A BeO block that surrounded a fuel tube in the outer region of the reactor is shown in Fig. 15. The droplets visible on the surface are sodium hydroxide produced from sodium that remained after removal from the reactor. There were no complete fractures of this block, but many cracks are visible. Three cut blocks from the core are shown in Fig. 16, Two of the three blocks fractured during operation of the ARE; however, no cracks are visible. Only the BeO block taken from the outer region of the core (Fig. 15) was examined to determine the depth of penetration of the sodium. The dark areas in the transverse sections shown in Figs. 17 and 18 indicate high sodium concen- trations in porous material, whereas the light areas, which were not penetrated by sodium, are dense material. The dark lines indicate sodium in cracks and crevices. As may be seen, the core of the block is more porous than the periphery. Cracks did not propagate through the dense material. In general, the BeO blocks withstood the operation of the ARE reasonably well. The remainder of the blocks were stored in place in the reactor. When final disposition of the reactor was to be made in October 1957, it was found that, as a result of atmospheric action on the adsorbed sodium, the blocks had deteri- orated to the point where they had lost their structural strength. Since the blocks could serve no further useful purpose, they were buried along with the reactor. The results of attempts to remove blocks for examination prior to the disposal decision are shown in Figs. 19 and 20, and the reactor may be seen in Figs. 21, 22, and 23 just prior to burial. 21 UMCLASSIFIED PHOTO 11208 22 (Secret with caption) Fig. 13. ARE Reactor Core During Assembly. UNCLASSIFIED Y-15743 Fig. 14. BeO Block Which Had Surrounded a Fuel Tube in the Central Region of the Reactor. UNCLASSIFIED Y-15742 - Fig. 15. BeO Block Which Had Surrounded o Fuel Tube in the Outer Region of the Reactor. 23 UNCLASSIFIED Y-15744 UNCLASSIF IED Y-18872 Fig. 17. Transverse Section of Block Shown in Fig. 15. 24 UNCL ASSIFIED Y-18873 UNCLASSIFIEL PHOTO 40727 Y :-.-r*J - . h s T ke Fig. 19. Condition of Reactor When Removed from Storuge in October 1957. The broken pieces of BeO blocks on the floor resulted from ottempts to remove blocks for examination. < - Vo, ¥ 25 26 Fig. 20. View of Deteriorated BeO Blocks in Reactor. Fig. 21. Reactor Being Removed from Storage for Transfer to Burial Ground. UHCL ASSIFIED PHOTO 40738 UNCLASSIE ED PHOTO 41773 . i Fig. 22. Top View of Reactor During Removal from Storage. UNCLASSIFIED PHOTO 41778 URCLASSIFIED PHOTO 41779 Fig. 23. Bottom View of Reactor Ready for Transfer to Burial Ground. 27 STRUCTURAL MATERIALS AND VALVE COMPONEMNTS Specimen F1 from fuel supply line 120 was found? to have general surface attack to a depth of 1 to 2 mils (Fig. 24), and the surface was rough, as shown in Figs. 25 and 26. Stereo- photographs were taken of the seats and plungers from valves U-1 and U-23 (specimens F11, F12, S4, and S5).°> As shown in Figs. 27 aond 28, there were dark deposits on the Stellite seat and plunger from valve U-1. The Stellite plunger from valve U-23 was scored, as shown in Fig. 29: the seat of valve U-23 is shown in Fig. 30. Metallographic examinations were completed of specimens R3, R7, R8, F5, F9, and $6.% Specimen R8, a section from the pressure shell wall, in- cluding a weld, is shown in Fig. 31. A crack M. J. Feldman, ARE — Line 120 (lnner Surface), ORNL CF-55-2.58 (Feb. 11, 1955). 5A. E. Richt et al., ANP Quar. Prog. Rep. June 30, 1957, ORNL-2340, p 267. SA. E. Richt et al, ANP Quar. Prog. Rep. Sept. 30, 1957, ORNL-2387 (in press). may be seen at the weld junction, and there are several voids in the weld area. A section from a serpentine bend in a fuel tube in the center of the reactor, specimen R7, is shown in Figs. 32 and 33. formation on the interior wall to a maximum depth of 3.5 mils, but the penetration wes not uniform. Some parts of the wall showed deeper and more dense penetration than others. The outer wall of the serpentine bend, which was in contact with sodium, showed what appeared to be a mass transfer deposit (Fig. 34) in addition to some subsurface wvoid formation. The deposit had plated on the wall to a maximum thickness of There was subsurface void 1 mil. Specimen R3, which was also taken from a serpentine bend in a fuel tube in the center of the core, also showed some subsurface void formation; however, the density and depth of penetration were not so great as for specimen R7. The areas of attack were localized, and some areas of the wall showed no attack, as may be seen in Figs. 35 and 36. MNo deposit similar to that found on specimen R7 was noted on the exterior wall. UNCL ASSIFIED RMG-1028 Fig. 24. Inner Surface of Fuel Supply Line 120 (Specimen F1). Unetched. 250X. 28 UNCLASSIFIED R MG-1046 o i i 1 I » IINCII-iES l 8 oor 010 011 / o 3 | Ao , . | Lotz B o~ & s e | e UNMCL ASSIFIED RMG-1047 10 011 | e ‘ Fig. 26. Another Section from Specimen F1. Etchant: electrolytic oxalic acid (10%). 250X. - 4 UNCLASSIFIED RMG-1 L g !i_.\. Fig. 27. Plunger from Yalve U-1, 5X. RMG-1735 o w L oy V) << -l o Z = Fig. 28. Seat from Valve U-1. !5)(. 30 - [ AN .b e ""z“-"r B, MG-1736 YSEUNCLASSIF IED ! IR F '_-.. Fig. 29. Plunger from Valve U-23, 5X. UNCLASSIFIED RMG-1737 Fig. 30. Seat from Volve U-23. 1.5}(. 31 32 UNCLASSIFIED Fig. 31. Section from ARE Pressure Shell, In- cluding a Weld. 5X. (Secret with caption) Fig. 32. Section from a Serpentine Bend in a Fuel Tube in the ARE Core, Specimen R7. 250X. (Secret with caption) As polished. Fig. 33. Section Shown in Fig. 32 After Etching. 250X, (Swwssewith caption) UNCLASSIFIED RMG-1828 Fig. 34. Mass Transfer Deposit on Outer Wall of Fuel Tube at Serpentine Bend. This surface was in contact with sodium during ARE operation. As polished, 500X. (%™9W8® with caption) UNCLASSIFIED RMG-1829 | o & - ® . \ . ® - " - o = 0y - - ' 8] » - » Coamy - - @ . o Fig. 35. Section of Specimen R3 Taken trom Serpentine Bend in Fuel Tube in ARE Core. Etched. 250X. (mmmgd with caption) 33 UNCLASSIFIED RMG-1830 Fig. 36. Another Section of Specimen Shown in Fig. 35. Etched. 250X, (@wmmmg with caption) Specimen F5, which was taken from the inlet of a fuel-to-helium heat exchanger, was cast in epoxy resin so that the fins on the tube would not be damaged during cutting. The fin-to-tube wall junction is shown in Fig. 37. (Iln the ARE fuel-to-helium heat exchangers the fins were helical strips placed in grooves on the tubes. The strips were not brazed to the tubes.) The interior wall of the tube showed subsurface voids to a depth of 4 mils, as shown in Figs. 38 and 39. Specimen F9, which was taken from the middle of a bend in a fuel-to-helium heat exchanger, also showed subsurface voids to a depth of 4 mils, as shown in Figs. 40 and 41. Specimen S6, the bottom bellows from sodium valve U-23, was also cast in epoxy resin. No cracks in the bellows folds were found, and only a slight roughening of the inside surface was noted, as shown in Fig. 42. NONMETALLIC MATERIALS Several nonmetallic specimens taken from the ARE were examined for radiation damage effects.’ Viscosity measurements were made on the oil specimens, but all other specimens were examined visually and compared with unirradiated speci- mens. No changes that could be attributed to irradiation were noted in any of the materials. ?U. Sisman, Radiation Damage to ARE Nonmetallic fiazerr'lafs, ORNL CF-55-7-27 (July 7, 1955). 34 The specimens examined included thermal in- sulation, electrical insulation, rubber, and oil. SOLENOID VALVESS The solenoid valves removed from the ARE were examined in simulated service tests and were found to be completely leaktight. The valve seats were found to be in poor condition as a result of dirt and filings that were deposited during the disassembly process. The valves examined are listed below: Valve Mo, Description U-10 Main fuel pump emergency vent valve u-19 Main fuel pump vent valve U-82 Main fuel pump helium supply valve U-83 Standby fuel pump helium supply valve U-86 Main fuel pump vent valve U-89 Standby fuel pump vent valve U-159 Standby fuel pump emergency vent valve U-185 Standby fuel pump vent valve B-124 Off-gas system monitron inlet valve B-125 Off-gas system monitron inlet valve B-418 Pit activity-monitor isolation valve Radiation measurements showed only valves U-10 and U-85 to be contaminated, and the activity was slight, BResults of these examinations were reported by R. G. Affel on May 13, 1955. UNCLASSIFIED 1832 RMG Fig. 37. Section of Specimen 5‘5 Showing Fin-to-Tube Wall Junction in ARE Fuel-to=Helium Heat Exchanger. Fins were wound helically in grom;as and were not brazed to the tubes, Etched. 100X. (W with caption) UNCLASSIFIED RMG-1833 Fig. 38. Interior Wall of Tube Shown in Fig. 37. As polished. 250X. @y} with coption) 35 UNCLASSIFIED RMG-1834 i . ! s ‘. - JOM (T A \“'4 Ay ’Nl % , h-‘ 5 ":‘.' " Cer 5 @ 1 . g 1'. . - » . - 5 \ - ’ l'.. » i "o, — = L \ o A\ 2 0N i - i - — - - = m— e Fig;h?'fl'. Section Shown in Fig. 38 After Etching. 250X. ({mmmly with caption) * UNCL ASSIFIED RMG-1835 Fig. 40. Section of Specimen F9 Taoken from Middle of a Bend in an ARE Fuel-to-Helium Heat Exchanger. As polished, 250X. {"'w'\fth caption) 36 UNCLASSIFIED RMG Fig. 41. Section Shown in Fig. 40 After Etching. 250X. (99 with caption) UNCLASSIFIEC RMG-1837 Fig. 42. Section of Specimen 56 Taken from the Bottom Bellows of Sodium Valve U-23. Etched. 250X. Egergt with caption) 37 FUEL PUMP PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS’ The main and standby fuel pump pressure transmitters (PXT-6 and PXT-7) were examined for calibration shifts, zero shift, radiation damage, and mechanical damage. The standby pump unit was inexcellent condition, but the main pump unit was inoperable because of a failure of the glass-cloth pressure-sensing diaphragm, as shown in Fig. 43. Replacement of the diaphragm showed the unit to be otherwise undamaged. The ruptured diaphragm was not the source of the initial fission-gas leak in the ARE, inasmuch as several checks of the unit at the time the heat exchanger pits were closed indicated that the diaphragm was satisfactory. It is believed, however, that the subsequent rupture of the diaphragm was the source of the leak that developed after shut- down of the fuel system. As stated above, the fission-gas leaks that existed prier to shutdown Results of these examinations were reported by R. G. Affel on February 18, 1957. were probably due to one or more of several potential leaks around the fuel pump. SCALE FROM MAIN SODIUM PUMP removed from the sodium pump bowl showed the following: An analysis'® of scale Element Quantity (wt %) Ni 61.4 Cr 4.88 Fe 2.20 Si 9.44 Mg 0.01 Ca 0.8 MNa Bal The silicon found in the scale is believed to be from a residue of the ‘“Conklene’’ compound used to slush the system before it was filled with sodium. This cleaning mixture is 99% Na,0:Si0,-5H,0. mSpecfroscopy Laboratory Report No. 3450. UNCL ASSIFIED PHOTO 14490 % * 5 llS-f': h 5 weaMg. 43. Main ond Standby Fuel Pump Pressure Transmitter Diaphragms. The ruptured diaphragm was removed from the main fuel pump pressure tiansmitter. 38 ACTIVATION ANALYSES OF SODIUM SYSTEM SAMPLES Two sections of pipe containing residual sedium ond o somple of sodium were examined for gomma activity after a decay time of 206 days, by using a sodium iodide gamma-ray spectrometer. The data obtained are presented in Table 2. DISPOSITION OF FISSION-PRODUCT AcTIiViTY!! Attempts have been made to determine the fate of several fission product nuclides in the ARE. The results leave much to be desired since no adequate plans were made before reactor operation for the study of this problem. Nevertheless, several interesting lines of research are suggested as a consequence of the investigations. During operation, copious amounts of radioactive gas evolved from the reactor and escaped into the pit from a gas leak in the fuel pump. In an investigation of this gas by P. R. Bell ez al.,'? the presence of Xe'33, Xe'38, and Kr®® was revealed by their own or their descendants’ gamma radiation. It was also observed that poisoning HMuferiul abstrocted from a report by M, T. Robinson, S. A. Reynolds, and H, W, Wright, The Fate of Ceriain Fission Products in the ARE, ORNL CF-55-2-36 (Feb. 7. 1955). uP. R. Bell et al., Measurement of Gamma Radiation gnm Ojf-Gases of ARE, undocumented memorandum, ec. 22, 1954, of the reactor was very much below the level expected if Xe'3® were efficiently retained. ' After shutdown of the ARE and dumping of the fuel, preliminary measurements indicated that the radicoctivity of the dump tank was far below the expected level.'¥ Therefore several samples taken from the ARE after shutdown were examined to determine what radicactive nuclides they contained. A sample of pipe taken from the intake end of the emergency off-gas line for draining the pit was examined in a gamma spectrometer. The only activity clearly identified was due to Ru'%3, which is characterized by a 0.50-Mev gamma ray and o 40-day half life. Chemical tests showed that this material was probably on the outside of the pipe. A similar study wos made of three small samples cut from the reactor tuel inlet line (line 120). Gamma spectrometry showed Ru'®3, Ru'%6, and Zr?5-Nb?5 as the only identifiable activities. The following disintegration rates were observed at 62 days after shutdown of the ARE: Ru™3 (1.3 + 0.3) x 107 dis/min/em? , Zr?5.Nb%5 (1.3 + 0.2) x 108 dis/min/em? wJ. L. Meem and W, B. Cottrell, Preliminary Report — Operation of the Aircraft Reactor Experiment, ORNL CF-54.11-188 (Nov. 30, 1954), 4y K. Ergen, personal communication, Table 2. Gamma Activity in ARE Sedium System Samples Approximate Maximum Sample Number Description of Sample Activity Disintegrations per min per em® of No 1 10-in. section of 2-in, pipe te sodium pump Mns" e 103 containing about 10 emof sodium Zn63 1 x 104 Cob0 4 x 102 2 14-in. section of 'I%-in. pipe to heat ex= Mn¢ 7 x 10° changer containing about 5 em3 of sodium Zn®3 No?2 (= 1 x 104 Cob0 3 Sodium sample of about 50 em> Na?2 2 x 102 Mn34 1 x 102 Zn5 2 x 102 * Activity indistinguishable; may be combination of one or more. 39 The expected ratio of disintegration rates for unsegregated fission products at this age is Rul03/Z,95.Nb% = 0.8 , whereas a value 10 was found. It is clear that some ‘‘plating’’ of ruthenium onto the walls of the fuel line had occurred. The decay of radicactivity of a sample of solid ARE fuel taken as liquid from the dump tank was followed through the period from 31 to 81 days after ARE shutdown. The total activity of the sample was observed with the large ion chamber of the Radioisotopes Department. These results were combined with gamma spectra to yield both total photon emission rates and differential decay data. By observing gamma energy and half life, the following nuclides were identified: Nuclide Half Life Gamma Energy (Mev) Ba'40. 010 13days’S 2.5, 1.60, 0.8, 0.5, 0.33 Ce 141 28 days 0.14 ZeI5.Nb%® Very long'® 0.8 No Ru'® or 1?1 was detected. It seems likely that the amount of the ruthenium present was relatively Because of the long delay before decay measurements were started, the detection of 113! was made difficult; however, the differential decay data were analyzed to estimate the specific activity of the sample: small. Time After Specific Average ARE Shutdown Activity Gomma Energy (days) (curies/kg) (Mev) 31 16 0.96 79 3.5 0.73 At 79 days, the dose rate from the sample (0.0074 g) was measured with a calibrated “‘cutie pie.'" If the dose rate is assumed to be given by r/hr at 1 ft = n CE, where C is the number of curies in the sample and E is its energy, the 15This mixture of nuclides was at transient steady state and decayed with the Ba'40 half life. Most of the gamma rays were due to Lo 40 16This mixture was still approaching equilibrium; the opparent half life was too long to meosure with limited precision of the available equipment. Both iscbars emit gamma rays at about 0.8 Mev, 40 results give » = 8, Since a value of 6 or 7 is usually assumed for n, it is apparent that the measurements of the specific activity of the fuel are essentially in agreement with the values obtained on small samples with a *‘cutie pie.” Another sample of fuel was used for various chemical and radiochemical analyses. The chemical results are given in Table 3. The Table 3. Results of Chemical Analyses of ARE Fuel Fuel Before ARE High In Component Power Operation* Dump Tank U, wt % 13.59 5.97 Fe, ppm 25 140 Cr, ppm 420 250** Ni, ppm 25 70** *The U analysis was taken from the ARE Nuclear Log Book; the other results were obtained from W. R. Grimes, Jan. 4, 1955. **Corrected to basis of undiluted fuel by multiplying by 13.59/5.97. uranium analysis was lower after ARE operation because of the use of barren fluorides to flush out the fuel system. The iron presumably re- sulted primarily from the drilling operation used to sample the salt.'” Aliquots of the sample from the dump tank were analyzed for Sr89, 7,95, Ru'99, Cg138, €127, Ce'*, and La™Y; all except lanthanum and the two cesium isotopes were determined by conventional radiochemical methods. In order to estimate the efficiency of retention of typical fission products, the radiochemical analyses reported on ARE fuel were compared with similar results obtained on a sample of solid fluoride fuel (NuF-ZrF‘-UF , 8.5 wt % U) irradiated in hole 12 of the ORNl Graphite Re- actor. The irradiation time approximately matched the high-power operating time of the ARE. The ratios were then obtained between reported for the ARE fuel and those the standard sample (designated following analyses reported for as MR-1): 7w, E. Browning and H. L. Hemphill, Solid- State Semiann. Prog. Rep. Feb. 28, 1955, ORNL-1851, p 18. Nuclide Ratio (ARE)/(MR=1) 587 6.1 795 3.3 Ry 103 1.5 x 10~4 La'40 14 Ce 4l 18 The ratios were corrected to the ends of the respective irradiations. Apparently Sr8?, a de- scendant of 2.6-min Kr®?, was reduced by a factor of about 2 below the expected level in the ARE, presumably due to partial escape of its noble gas ancestor. The low value of Zr?s has not been explained. It is of interest to point out that the amount of Zr?5 reported radio- chemically was in good ogreement with the amount deduced from the decay data on solid fuel. It must also be mentioned that the amount of Zr?5-Nb? found on the walls of the fuel circuit was apparently negligible compared with the amount found in the fuel (about 1 port in 2000 if the wall activity was token to be uniform over the entire surfoce). The very low Ruy'03 value in the ARE sample moay possibly have been due to a faulty analysis, but it was felt to be real. The agreement was fair between radiochemical results from the ARE dump-tank material for Ce'¥' and La'4? and the results deduced from decay of the solid sample of ARE dump-tank meterial. The cerium and lanthanum results in the experiment and in the decay study oppear to be in reosonable agreement with what would be expected from the ARE power history. Gamma spectrometry was used to determine the ratio of amounts of Cs'3® and Cs'37 in the two samples. The former isotope is ‘‘shielded’’; that is, it must be formed directly in fission —— e e ——— — = - — — — — " pp— - since Xe'2% is stable and has a very low thermal- neutron absorption cross section (0.15 barns). On the other hand, Cs'37 is the daughter of 3.9-min Xe'®7. Thus, a difference between the ratios of the amounts of these isotopes in the two samples was a measure of the escape from the ARE fuel of Xe'37. The results indicate that not over 20% of the Xe'?7 escaped from the fuel, and that, possibly, none did. It has become customary'®/'% to describe the release of xenon from the fluoride fuels in terms of a quantity )l.p, defined by Rate of Xe escape =.?-lp x amount of Xe in fuel. From the ARE poisoning data it is roughly es- timated that for Xe 135 Ap = 5 % 104 sec—! . This valve is consistent with the observed be- havior of Cs'37 also. From the Sr87 dote reported above it appears that krypton isotopes have larger values of A, than do xenon isotopes. Several lines of investigation ore suggested by the results reported here. In particular, the effects of ruthenium on the physical properties of Inconel and on corrosion by the fluoride fuels should be studied. If all Ru'®? is removed from the fuel by the walls, and if the ruthenium “‘plate’’ is uniform over the entire reactor, the approximate rate of deposition of Ru'0% is 0.7 (P/A) w/hr, where P is the total reactor power in Mw and A is the surfdce area in ecm?. by 1 Meem, The Xenon Problem in the ART, ORNL CF-54-5-1 (May 3, 1954). 19\, T Robinson, Release on Xenon from Fluoride Fuels: oposal for an Experimental Program, ORNL CF-54.6- 4 { une 2, 1954). DISPOSAL OF DISASSEMBLED SYSTEM The radioactive disassembly debris from the ARE will eventually be treated for recovery of unknown amounts of fuel believed to be adhering to these materials. The reactor and the BeO blocks have been buried, as described above. The fuel is awaiting reprocessing in the fused- salt fluoride-volatility process being developed. The various samples not yet examined will be token up as time permits and disposed of as appropriate at that time. Reports of subsequent examination will appear in periodic progress reports. 41 1. R. G. Affel 2. C. J, Barton 3. M. Bender 4. D. S. Billington 5. F. F. Blankenship 6. E. P. Blizard 7. C. J. Borkowski 8. W. F. Boudreau 9. G. E. Boyd 10. M. A, Bredig 11. E. J. Breeding 12. W. E. Browning 13. F. R. Bruce 14. A. D. Callihan 15. D. W. Cardwell 16. C. E. Center (K-25) 17. R. A, Charpie 18. R. L, Clark 19. C. E. Clifford 20, J, H. Coobs 21. W, B. Cottrell 22. R. S. Crouse 23. F. L. Culler 24. D. R, Cuneo 25. J. H, DeVan 26. L. M, Doney 27. D. A. Douglas 28. W. K. Eister 29, L, B, Emlet (K-25) 30. D. E. Ferguson 31. A. P. Fraas 32. J. H. Frye 33. W. T. Furgerson 34. R. J. Gray 35. A, T. Gresky 36. W.R. Grimes 37. A. G. Grindell 38. E. Guth 39. C. S. Harrill 40. M. R. Hill 4}, E. E. Hoffman 42. H. W. Hoffman 43. A. Hollgender 44. A.S. Householder 45. J. T. Howe 46. W. H. Jordan INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 47. 48. 49, 50. 5. 52: 53. 54, 95, 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72, 73. 74, 75. 76. 78. 79. 80. 81. 83. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. ORNL-1868 C-84 — Reactors-Special Features of Aircraft Reactors M"36?9 (?.Ofl'l e&-; Re‘fr) J. R R R H R. F W E L W J F R R A R I K. E N M G R L P S A D J p A M H A R D. G. W. Keilholtz C. P, Keim F. L. Keller M. F J J S T. Kelley . Kertesz . J. Keyes . A, Lane . C. Lind . B. Lindaver . S. Livingston . N. Lyon . G. MacPherson E. MacPherson . C. Maienschein . D. Manly . R. Mann . A, Mann . B. McDonald . R. McNally . R. McQuilkin . V. Meghreblian . P. Milford . J. Miller . E. Moore G, Mergan Z. Morgan . J. Murphy P. Murray (Y-12) . L. Nelson . J. Nessle B. Oliver ; G. Overholser . Patriarca . K. Penny . M. Perry . Phillips . C. Pigg . M. Reyling . E. Richt . T. Robinson . W. Savage . W. Savolainen . D. Schultheiss Scott L. Scott 94. 25. 96. 97, 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. B . Simon . Sisman OUDOUIMENP>ZT-0> D. Shipley Sites . J. Skinner . H. Snell . D. Susano A. Swartout . H. Taylor . E. Thoma . B. Trauger . K. Trubey . M. Watson 105 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113-115. 116-123. 124, 125-126. A. M. Weinberg J. C. White G. D. Whitman E. P. Wigner (consultant) G. C. Williams J. C. Wilson C. E. Winters W. Zobel ORNL — Y-12 Technical Library, Document Reference Section Laboratory Records Department Laboratery Records, ORNL R.C, 127-129. 130-131. 132. 133. 134, 135-137. 138. 139-140. 141, 142. 143-144, 145. 146. 147. 148-161, 162. 163-165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171-176. VI 178. 179-180. 181. 182, 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. Central Research Library EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Air Force Ballistic Missile Division AFPR, Boeing, Seattle AFPR, Boeing, Wichita AFPR, Curtiss-Wright, Clifton AFPR, Douglas, Long Beach AFPR, Douglas, Santa Monica AFPR, Lockheed, Burbank AFPR, Lockheed, Marietta AFPR, North American, Canoga Park AFPR, North American, Downey Air Force Special Weapons Center Air Materiel Command Air Research and Development Command (RDGN) Air Research and Development Command (RDTAPS) Air Research and Development Command (RDZPSP) Air Technical Intelligence Center ANP Project Office, Convair, Fort Worth Albuquerque Operations Office Argonne National Laboratory Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, Sandia Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, Washington Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, R&D Atomic Energy Commission, Washington Atomics International Battelle Memorial Institute Bettis Plant (WAPD) Bureau of Aeronautics Bureau of Aeronautics General Representative BAR, Aerojet-General, Azusa BAR, Convair, San Diego BAR, Glenn L. Martin, Baltimore BAR, Grumman Aircraft, Bethpage Bureau of Yards and Docks Chicago Operations Office 189. 190. 191, 192-195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201, 202, 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214, 215. 216-219. 220. 221. 222, 223, 224, 225. 226. 227. 228-229. 230-247, 248-272. 273. Chicago Patent Group Curtiss-Wright Corporation Engineer Research and Development Laboratories General Electric Company (ANPD) General Nuclear Engineering Corporation Hartford Area Office Idaho Operations Office Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory Lockland Area Office Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Marquardt Aircraft Company Martin Company National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Cleveland National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Washington Naval Air Development Center Naval Air Material Center Naval Air Turbine Test Station Naval Research Laboratory New York Operations Office Nuclear Development Corporation of America Nuclear Metals, Inc. Office of Naval Research Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OP-361) Patent Branch, Washington Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Division San Francisco Operations Office Sandia Corporation School of Aviation Medicine Sylvania-Corning Nuclear Corporation Technical Research Group USAF Headquarters USAF Project RAND U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Loboratory University of California Radiation Laboratory, Livermore Wright Air Development Center (WCOSI-3) Technical Information Service Extension, Oak Ridge Division of Research and Development, AEC, ORO 45