MT G‘OLLECIION |I||| ||| | I |‘I| |||| ||l||||| I |||||l||‘ |||||\||||||I||||I|||| RN P DECEASSIRIED | ... B ORNL 1711 = Reactors-Research and Power — S Poy Leter Lnstractions ¢ Lid- (/47 il 8::»7/167 .... 2 T 0oC |- 2-25-80 = :-_:' E For: N.T. Bnm, Jgu_lgerp;,sor/(_/eb = ‘g"}; f 3 OB 's" £« 3 M/i/‘?;\g) 5 e PRESENT STATUS OF THE INVESTIGATION OF = AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS SUITABLE FOR USE IN A THORIUM BREEDER BLANKET ] M. H. Lietzke W. L. Marshall P. S. BAKER, ORNL/CO LD 13 EXENYY FROML DOR 1579 S#VIEW ORL THIS DOCUMENT WAS PROPERLY DNCYASSINTRD PER DOE LETILR, 10-1€-%9, CENTRAL RESEARCH LIBRARY DOCUMENT COLLECTION LIBRARY LOAN COPY DO NOT TRANSFER TO ANOTHER PERSON If you wish someone eise to see this document, send in name with document and the library will arrange a loan. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICALS COMPANY A DIVISION OF UNION CARBIDE AND CARBON CORPORATION (T3 POST OFFICE BOX P OAK RIDGE. TENNESSEE th i LWl et To ey Actioriy 5 ' Dok 2 ane Fodat HEieaon. Concelieg . Or&%’y‘ Tw m wl - ORNL 1711 This document consists of 13 pages Copy 4f'of 179 copies Series A Contract No W-T4tO5-eng-26 PRESENT STATUS OF THE INVESTIGATION OF AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS SUITABLE FOR USE IN A THORIUM BREEDER BLANKET M H Lietzke and W L Marshall DATE ISSUED MAY 19 1954 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Operated by CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICALS COMPANY A Division of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation Post Office Box P Ozk Ridge, Tennessee AR 3 yy5L 03Y49LLT Y S cii- ORNL 1711 1 2 3 -5 6 T-11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 29 60 61 62-72 73 Th 7579 80 81 82 83-85 87-92. 95 Reactors~-Research and Power INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION C E Center 30 G H Clewett Biology Lidbrary 31 K Z Morgan Health Physics Library 32 T A Lincoln Central Research Library“éé?“’”ggg 33 A S Householder Reactor Experimental 34 ¢ S Harrill Enginecering Library 35 C E Winters Laboratory Records Department 36 D W Cardwell Laboratory Records, ORNL R C 37 E M King C E Larson 38 D D Cowen L B Emlet (K-25) 39 D S Billington J P Murray (Y-12) 4% J A Lane A M Weinberg 41 ¢ H Secoy E H Taylor 42 W L Marshall E D Shipley 43-45 H F McDuffie S C Lind 46 R W Stoughton F C VonderLage 47 J Halperin C P Keim 418 W C Waggoner J H Frye, Jr b9 M H Lietzke R S5 Livingston 50 F R Bruce W H Jordan 51 D E Ferguson J A Swartout 52 K A Kraus F L Culler 53 M D Silverman A H Snell 54 R A Charpie A Hollaender 55 8igfred Peterson M T Kelley 56 M J Skinner EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION AF Plant Representative, Burbank AF Plant Representative, Seattle AF Plant Representative, Wood-Ridge American Machine and Foundry Compsany ANP Project Office, Fort Worth Argonne National Laboratory Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (Sandia) Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, Washington Atomic Energy Commission, Washington Babcock and Wilcox Company Battelle Memorial Institute Bendix Aviation Corporation Brookhaven National Laboratory Bureau of Ships Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Company (Y-12 Plant) Chiceago Patent Group Chief of Naval Research Commonwealth Edison Company 9% o7 98-102 103 104 105 106-108 109 110-117 118 119 120-123 124-125 126 127 128 129 130 131-132 133 134 135-136 137 138 139-145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154-155 156=157 158 159-16k4 165-179 -iii- Department of the Navy - OP-362 Detroit Ediscon Company duPont Company, Augusta duPont Company, Wilmington Duquesne Light Company Foster Wheeler Corporation General Electric Company (ANPD) General Electric Company (APS) General Electric Company, Richland Hanford Operations Office Iowa State College Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Metallurgical ProJject Monsanto Chemical Company Mound Laboratory National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Cleveland National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Washington Neval Research Laboratory Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company New York Operations Office North American Aviation, Inc Nuclear Development Associates; Inc Patent Branch, Washington Ph11lips Petroleum Company (NRTS) Powerplant Laboratory (WADC) Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division (Fox Project) Rand Corporation San Francisco Field Office Sylvania Electric Products; Inc Tennessee Valley Authority (Dean) USAF Headquarters U S QNaval Radiological Defense Laboratory University of California Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley University of California Rediation Laboratory, Livermore Walter Kidde Nuclear Laboratories, Inc Westinghouse Electric Corporation Technical Information Service, Osk Ridge Present Status of the Investigation of Aqueous Solutions Suitable for Use 1n a Thorium Breeder Blanket, M H ILietzke and W L Marshall Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee Abstract The present report summarizes the work that has been done in the search for an aqueous solution suitable for use in a thorium breeder blanket Some of the work has been previously reported in HR P and Chemistry Division Quarterly Reports, but data concerming the basic nitrate system and the phosphate-mitrate system are reported here for the first time, It has been felt desirable to summarize all the work in this report so that an overall-picture may be had of the exploratory work that has been done to date Thorium Nitrate=ljJater System The system thorium mitrate-=water has been studied by Templeton(l) from 20° ¢ to 160° ¢ and by Marshall, Gill, and Secoy(z) from 20° ¢ to 211° ¢ above 130° C mitrogen oxides are liberated and basic thorium oxade 1s preci= pitated However, in a closed system the vapor phase appears to equilibrate with the liquid phase, and the system in this form does not show precipitation until a temperature of about 230o ¢ 1s reached for systems containming 80-90% thorium nitrate by weight The experimental data indicate that a solutaon of thorium nitrate containing 1000 g Th/1l wall be stable in the temperature range 120° ¢ to 230° ¢ and that solutions containing lower concentrations of thorium will be stable from room temperature to the 100-230° ¢ Trange, Effect of Excess Nitric Acid on the Thorium Nitrate-Water Systems Marshall and Secoy(B) investigated the effectiveness of excess mitric acid 1in preventang hydrolysis of thorium nitrate solutions at high tempera- tures, Solutions with NO3/Th ratios of 3 95, 5.47, and 6 65 were prepared 1n concentrations that varied from 20 to LOO g Th/l, The first mole of excess nitrate caused the greatest elevation in precipitation temperature, while the vapor phase coloration was much greater per unit change of mitrate after the imtial four moles were added to the thorium, Crystalline solids appeared 1n the concentrated regions, the composition of which may have corresponded to acid salts The crystalline compounds were reversible in solubility over the time of the experiments as contrasted to the apparent irreversibility in the solubility of the hydrolysis products Solutions containing 400 g Th/L with N03/Th ratios of 5e47 and 6 65 were stable to temperatures between 300 and 340° Ce -3 = Effect of Excess Base on the Thorium Nitrate-gater System A series of experiments was performed by Lietzke and Marshall to determine whether solutions in which the thorium had been partially hydrolyzed would be stable at higher temperatures, The partial hydrolysis was accomplished 1in two ways (1) by the addition of L10H to a stoichiometric thorium nitrate solution, and (2) by precipitating thorium hydroxide and dissolving the precipitate in less than the stoichiometric amount of mitraic acad, Table 1 shows the results obtained with thorium nitrate solutions that had been partially hydrolyzed by the addition of InOH The effect of fluoride both on the partially hydrolyzed and on the stoichiometric thorium mitrate solutions 1s also shown The rate of heating i1n each case was 2,5° C/mine Table 1 Precipitation Temperatures of Thorium Nitrate Solutions to Which Iathium Hydroxade and Iathium Fluoride Have Been Added, Thoriunm _ Concentration N0§/Th OH /Th F~/Th Observations Loo g Th/1 L 1,8 0 Cloudy at 210° ¢, abundant ppt at 2380 Ce b 1.8 1 Abundant ppte between 180° and 188° ¢ L 1 1 Ppt at 225° C. Ly 0 1 Some particles at 260° ¢, much cloudiness at 26L4° C, L 0 1.8 Cloudy ppt at 2L8° C. None of the precipitates redissolved upon cooling to room temperature. -l - The second method of preparing partially hydrolyzed thorium mitrate solution consisted i1n precipitating thorium hydroxide from diluted aliquots of thorium nitrate solution by saturation waith ammonia gas The thorium hydroxide was washed by centrifugation and decantation, then dissolved in sufficient concentrated nitric acid to give a N03/Th ratio of 2 2, The thorium concentration was varied from 200 g Th/1 to 1000 g Th/l, Table 2 summarizes the data obtained upon heating these solutions at temperatures of 70° ¢ and 80° Ce Table 2 Precipitation Temperatures of Thorium Nitrate Solutions With a Hydroxyl Number of 1 8 Thorium Concentration Tempo ° ¢ Observations 200 g/1 70 No ppte 1n 2L hrs, 80 Ppte after 3 hrs 400 g/1 70 Ppte 1n 2l hrse 530 g/1 70 No ppt in 24 hrs. 80 Cloudy after 3 hrs. Ppt after 2L hrs, 800 g/1 70 No ppte 1n 2l hrs, 80 Cloudy after 2L hrs Ppt after L8 hrs, 1000 g/1 70 Ppt after 1} hrs, In all cases the precipitates did not redissolve upon cooling to room temperature, When HF was added to the solutions to give a F/Th ratio of 1,0 precipitation occurred upon standing at room temperature The precipi- tate would not redissolve upon heatinge ThO,=H3P0) ~Ho0 System The marked solubilaity of ThOs or Th3(POh) in concentrated phosphoric acid and the low neutron cross-=section of phosphorus favor the consideration of the Th02“H3P0h system as a possible breeder blanket solutlon(h), Although apparently stable phosphate solutions containing up to 1100 g Th/1 with PO)/Th ratios of 5 to 7 could be prepared, the high viscosities of these solutions leave considerable doubt as to their applicability. However, solutions containing a Poh/Th ratio of 10 with a total Th concentration of 40O g/l are stable at 250°-300° ¢ and have a viscosity little higher than that of concentrated phosphoric acid, A series of experiments was performed(s) in an effort to lower the viscosity of the thorium phosphate solutions containing the Poh/Th ratios of 5 to 7 without at the same time decreasing the thorium concentration. It was found that some concentrated hydrofluoric acid can be added to the concentrated H3P0), mixture but that precipitation occurs before any signifi- cant improvement in properties becomes evident, dissolving ThFh 1n H3PO), appears to give a simlarly viscous mixture at PO)/Th ratio of 5. Solutions in HoPO3F seem to act simlarly to those in H3PO), with no improvement in solubility or viscosity. Adding HpS0) to HBPOh”ThB(POh)h mixtures lowers the solubility under otherwise similar conditions and appears to offer no advantages, The Th0p-H3PO),~HNO3 System Table 3 summarizes data obtained by Marshall in a study of the thorium=phosphate-nitrate systems -6 = Table 3 Thermal Phase Stability of the Th02=H3POh—HNO3 Systen Molarity | Molarity | Molarity | Mole Ratio After 1 1/2 weeks at H4PO), HNO4 ThO) Th/P0),/N03 125-150° ¢ 560 S0 560 1/1/1 Completely solid (white) 540 5,0 265 1/2/2 n m " 540 540 1,67 1/3/3 Ca 95% u n 10,0 5.0 500 1/1/2 Completely " 0 10,0 50 25 1/2/4 Ca, 607 n " 10,0 5.0 1 67 1/3/6 Ca 1% " n Te5 205 265 1/1/3 Completely " 765 265 1,25 1/2/6 Cao 90% n " From the data in Table 3 1t appears that the Tho?"HBPOh"HNOB system 1s stable at elevated temperatures only in the presence of concentrated H3PO), e Tn all cases the precipitates dad not redissolve upon cooling to room temperature Thorium Systems Involving S0) and F‘(S) Prelimnary results on dissolving Th(OH)), 1n an HF-HpS80) mixture, containing one HF and one and one half HpS0), molecules per molecule of Th(OH)h indicated a "solubility" of about 200 g Th/l. (There was evidence for the presence of a colloid,) Immediate dissolution occurred followed by slow precipitation. Changing the F“/Sohz/Th(IV) ratios while maintaimng stoichiometric neutrality showed no improvement in solubility. It was also found to be impossible to prepare similar solutions containing higher concentrations of thorium (LOO and 600 g Th/1l)s The pH of all the supernatant solutions indicated that some -7 = hydrolysis occurred during the precipitation A solution made up to contain 50 g Th/1 as the nitrate plus one mole of HF, one of HNO3s and one and one half of HpS0), per mole of thorium showed some precipitation on standing a few days. No hydrolysis would be expected to occur in this solution, Thorium Systems Involving 5°h=s Seohz, L1+, and Mg**, A large mumber of exploratory tests with various combilnations of thorium sulfate or thorium selenate with lithium and magnesium salts of the same anions have indicated (1) The addition of the lithium or magnesium salt increases the solubility of the thorium salt at 25° ¢ but not to a very great extent, The maxamum ampunt of thorium that can be kept in solution 1s of the order of 100-150 g Th/1l, (2) 1In all cases thorium selenate 1s more soluble than the sulfate, but not sufficiently more so to compensate for the higher neutron cross=section of selenium, (3) At temperatures above 100° ¢ the solubality of the Th salts decrease rapidly The formation of precipitates and their dissolution at room temperature are both slow, There 1s a strong possibility that the "solutions® at 250 C are actually metastable and that, in time, mich of the thorium would precipitate (4) At L3° ¢ a solution of thorium sulfate may be prepared containing 19 g Th/1000 g Hy0 This 1s the maximum solubility of thorium sulfate in water. -8 = Conclusions (1) of the systems investigated only two, the Th(N03)h'¥ excess HNO3 and the ThyPO))), * H4PO) with a PO),/Th ratio of 10, have both the necessary thermal stability and desirably low vaiscositye (2) From the standpoint of neutron capture cross=-section the ThB(POh)3 - H3PO), system 1s perhaps satisfactory 1In the case of the Th(No3)h system A separated le 1sotope would have to be used, Ekwv?ffl w f ! { (3) There 1s no present evidence that corrosion in the mitrate system ‘l would be intolerable However, the phosphate system attacks both Ti and Zr at relatively low temperatures and no satisfactory container 1s yet known for this system A more thorough study of the corrosion properties of the solutions should be made, (4) The radiation decomposition of mitrate (including the products formed under varying conditions) appears to be the most important unknown concerning the nitrate system, A preliminary experiment by Bidwell of Los Alamos using a uranyl phosphate = H3PO), solution containing enriched U235 in the:}ITR showed no gross decomposition of phosphate 1om. (5) whenever hydrolytic phenomena seem to be responsible for precipitation 1n thorium systems the time factor 1s very important. Solutions which seem to be stable at higher temperatures on short time heatipg usually show precipl= tation upon being held at much lower temperatures for a longer period of time. (6) on the basis of the rather extensive survey that has been made 1t seems unlikely that amy thorium systems other than the two mentioned will be found that satisfy both the thermal stability and low neutron capture cross- section requirements, However this statement camnot be made with certainty unless a thorough phase study 1s made of some of the systems investigated, -9 - References (1) C Templeton, AECU-=1721 (1950). (2) W L Marshall, J S Gill, ¢ H Secoy, H ReE Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending Nove 30, 1950, ORNL-925, p 279 (3) W Lo Marshall and C He. Secoy, HeReP Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending Oct. 31, 1953, ORNI~1658, pp. 93-96. (4) P A Agron and W L Marshall, Chem Div Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 20, 1953, ORNL-1587, pp 90-93. (5 P A Agron et al, HR P Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending July 3]-, 1953, 0RNL"16059 PPe 128-130,