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Contract No. W-Th05, eng 26 Reactor Experimental Engineering Division FORCED CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER IN PIPES WITH VOLUME HEAT SOURCES WITHIN THE FLUIDS by H. F. Poppendiek L. D. Palmer DATE ISSUED OAK RIDGE NATIONAL IABORATORY Operated by CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICALS COMPANY A Division of UHESIEEE%EQEZT Corporation \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 7 F\AH\ES 3 wusk 0353 gy& —war LED o W o 8-13, . 15. 16, 17. 18, 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 2L . 25, 26, 27 . 28, 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 3k 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. LO, L1. 79. 80. 81-335. INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION G. T. Felbeck {C&CCC) Biology Library - Health Physics lerary Metallurgy Library . 5-6. Training School Libgary 7. Reactor Experimental " "\4. Engineering Library Central Files ' C. E. Center Larson . Humes (K-25) Emlet (Y-12) Weinberg Taylor Shipley Winters Vonderlage Briant Swartout Lind . Steahly Snell ollaender Kelley Fretague Clewett Morgan Felton Householder Harrill ) Billington Cardwell King . Lyon Miller Briggs * o o - o o o & o o @ o o o o o S o o o o o ° o o o o a o Fib-HJFJCthC>>-¢4P:C)E:?:?-?-hdUJ§4fljde)F1F1>-t*E:C) aEEsonunihnnNIDoegSInN o QrOOQOEO T =W E o ORNL 1395 Physics - L2. A. S. Kitzes Sisman 43. 0. L5. L6. o E SHrouREEREdYoOaEsmnoEsaf e 9 o a S 9o U O (] o e < a o « o~ O SO NS FOMOZE G YN S g = SO EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION C. R, W. J. Russell, AEC, Oak Ridge Larkin, AEC, Oak Ridge o Wo B, S OD Stoughton Graham . Gall Poppendiek Beall Breazeale Gill Cowen Reyling Skinner . Berggren Bettis Bradfute Cooper B. o "IJH:UZUJO"UCANb"U Moo= e —t L= -~ oy e 11 Cottrell Coughlen . Cristy Ergen Farmer Fraas Hamilton Harrison . Hoffman Kasten . Lang . Lansing barsky . Lynch » Mills Palmer Powers Hedmond . Savage .Wislicenus Zmola Yiven distribution as shown in TID-4500 under Fhysics Category DISTRIBJTION PAGE TO BE REMOVED IF REPORT IS GIVEN PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION TABIE OF CONTENTS Page SUMRY . . . . . . - . - . . - - . . . ® - . ] - L" NOMNC LATIJRE » . . - . . . . . . . . . - . . . - . 5 INTR ODUC T I ON - . - . - . . * o L4 - * - ® ® - . * + 8 LAMINAR FLOW ANALYSTIS . . « ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ o « o & o o « o 10 ':EURBUI.EI\IT FIIOW ANALYSIS . * - . . - . . * - . ® ® - . * 15 A. Radial Heat Flow Distribution. . . . . .+ .« « +« .+ . 19 B. Radial Temperature Distribution . . . + « « « « « 19 I‘minar Sublayer * * ® » - - * . - - » » . . 21 Buffer Layer. - * - - - - -* . [ ® e . * . - 21 Outer Turbulent Layer. . .« + ¢ =+ o« o o o s s - 23 Inner Turbuwlent Layer. . . .+ « « o « o o o o 2L C. Difference Between Pipe Wall and Mixed-Mean . ., . . . . 25 Fluid Temperature D. Superposition of Boundary Value Problems (18) and (19). . . 28 DISCUSSION . . . v &4 &+« o o o o o o o o o o o .« e 31 APPENDIX 1. ¢ & & & ¢ o o o« s s o o o o o o« = « . 32 APPENDIX 2 . . & o v o « o o o s o +« o o o o . . 34 APPENDIX 3. . ¢ o o o o o o o o o o s o o o o . . 37 REFERENCES . . +« « o o o o o o o o o o o o« o « o « 29 SUMMARY This paper concerns itself with forced convection heat transfer in long, smooth pipes whose flowing fluids contain uniform volume heat sources; also, heat is transferred uniformly to or from the fluids at the pipe walls. Di- mensionless differences between the pipe wall temperature and the mixed-mean fluid temperature are evaluated in terms of several dimensionless moduli. These analyses pertain to liquid metals as well as ordinary fluids. NOMENCLATURE Letters cross sectional heat transfer area, ££2 fluid thermal diffusivity, fte/hr parameter in equation (f), ft/hr parameter in equation (23), dimensionless fluid heat capacity, Btu/lb Op parameters in equation (26), dimensionless parameters in equation (31), dimensionless parameter in equation (h), dimensionless gravitational force per unit mass, ft/hr2 parameters in equation (34), dimensionless heat transfer conductance, Btu/hr ft& OF fluid thermal conductivity, Btu/hr ft2 (°F/ft) fluid pressure, lbs/fte o heat transfer rate, Btu/hr radial distance from pipe centefline, 't radial position at which the reference temperature tq is stipulated, ft pipe radius, ft parameters in equation (33), dimensionless fluid temperature at position n, °F a reference temperature at radius rg, °F mixed-mean fluid temperature, °F O g R R e 1w t fluid temperature at pipe wall, Op o ty fluid temperature at nj, °F ts fluid temperature at no, °F tt fluid temperature at the pipe center, Op u fluid velocity at n, ft/hr Uy mean fluid velocity, ft/hr W volume heat source, Btu/hr £t3 X axial distance, ft radial distance from pipe wall, Tt 7 fluid weight density, lbs/ft2 € . eddy diffusivity, £t2/hr 8 friction factor defined in equation (c), dimensionless p sbsolute viscosity of fluid, 1b hr/ft2 | D £luid kinematic viscosity, ft&/hr 0 fluid mass density, 1bs hr2/ft* T fluid shear stress at position n, 1bs/ft° To fluid shear stress at pipe wall, lbs/ft2 Terms a'=1-Pr a''= -0.0304 Pr Reo'9 b' = 0.0152 Pr Re®"? b'"'= 0.030k Pr Re®*? .4 ~ar n np ny, Nu Pr Re i i i n ] It Dimensionless Mgduli - (@) . © °© Y/ro Yl/ro y2/To YL/TO h 2r,/k, Nusselt Modulus 97 cp/k, Prandtl Modulus u 2r,/? , Reynolds Modulus p \[_7_; ? INTRODUCTION At times it is necessary to determine the radial temperature distributions in flowing fluids that possess internal sources of heat generation., Consider the heated-tube system (electric current passing through the tube.walls) which is now so commonly being used to measure convective heat transfer conductances. It is of interest to known how much the electrical volume heat source influences the radial temperature distribution when a significant fraction of this source is generated within the flowing fluid. Such volume heat source problems also arise in fluid flow systems in which continuous chemical reactions are being supported within the fluids; a combustion heating system represents a specific example. Particular volume heat source systems have been considered in this paper. Mathematical temperature solutions were developed for a circular-pipe volfime heat source system for the cases‘of laminar and turbulent flow (referénce 1). The idealized system to be considered is defined by the following postulates: 1) Thermal and hydrodynamic patterns have been established (long pipes). 2) Uniform volume heat sources exist within the fluid. 3) Physical properties are not functions of temperature. 1) Heat is transferred uniformly to or from the fluid at the pipe wall. 5) In the case of turbulent flow the generalized turbulent velocity profile defines the hydro- dynamic structure. 6) 1In the case of turbulent flow there exists an analogy between heat and momentum transfer. A heat raté balance on a stationasry differential lattice reveals the heat transfer mechanisms which control the thermael structure within the idealized gystem. At steady state, the heat generated within the lattice is lost from the lattice by axial convection and radial conduction (in the case of laminar flow) or radial eddy diffusion (in the case of turbulent flow). These heat rate balances are expressed by differential equations in the following analyses. »- 10 LAMINAR FLOW ANALYSIS The differential equation describing the heat transfer in the pipe system for the case of laminar flow is ’ . 1-.(,_1:.) 2t r= 2 |ar 28|, Hr (1) \To oX or or Yep where, U, mean fluid velocity in the pipe t, temperature X, axial distance r, radial distance a, thermal diffusivity W, uniform volume heat source 7, fluid weight density Cp> fluid heat capacity One boundary condition for the problem consists of a uniform wall heat flux which may be positive, negative or zero, 2'-1?.: (r = ro) = (g’-‘%)o = -~ K %—E (r =. I‘o) (2) where % is the radial heat flux and (%) is the wall heat flux. The second boundary condition is, td, a reference temerature, such as a wall or center- line temperature, t{r = r3) = ta (3) Note, the mixed mean fluid temperature may also be specified as the reference temperature. 11 Downstream from the entrance region where the thermal pattern (tempera- ture gradients) of the system has become established the axial temperature gradient, _g.;c_c. , 1s uniform and equal to the mixed-mean axial fluid temperature gradientl, ('%';t}') . The latter gradient can be obtained by making the following heat balance. Tllrlle heat generated in a lattice whose volume is :tro2 dx plus the heat transferred into (or out of) the lattice at the wall must all be lost from the lattice by convection, that is Wflroed.x - (._g%) 2nrodx = nroe Up ¥ Cp (_g_:‘.c.) dx (&) 0 m Hence, in the established flow region the axial temperature gradient is W- 2 Gki) 2. 28 oo /o (5) 2X \axm u.m'rcp Upon substituting equation (5) into equation (1), the following total differential equation results: 2 2 SERESHIE Y-S - “ ] £ where F = 1 - .2 (g%) . Equation (6) can be solved by making the change of variable, z = 4t , or dr 1. Note, that the mixed-mean fluid temperature at any given axial position is defined as, T Yo o ty = /-2—————-——-t i 2 t u rdr m T = T 2 o Uy T o / u 2grdr 0 12 dz f r)2 -1 z _W a*s*riakfl‘ - (g (7) The solution of equation (7) 18 2 . dt _ 1 W T const., Z = == Pl ]l -] |~ e T°F /& ( l: (I‘o)] 1) rdr + = (8) Upon integrating there results it W r F 1 d--v-r- = E[(EF‘ - l) -2- = § r02:| (9) The constant in equation (8) was found to be zero from the boundary condition given by equation (2). Note that the radial heat flow is dq dt _ Wro T r |’ = -k 2= = — - — — dA dr 2 (1 - 2F) ry +F (ro) (10) The desired temperature solution can be obtained by integrating equation (9), r To t -ty = W;};z (2F - 1) ;I-'()--F (%)3 d(%) (11) 1 . t -t _ 2 L N T = where the reference temperature is, t,, the wall temperature. The temperature solution in terms of the centerline temperature rather than the wall temperature is given by 15 t -1 - 2 L s (R R ) 2k where t¢ is the centerline temperature. Equation (13) is grephed in Figure 1 for several values of the function F. It is often of interest to know the difference between the wall temperature and the mixed-mean fluid temperature. This difference is obtained as follows: To _g'u (to = t) 2nrdr 2 U To , | | - /“q (t, - t) (%) a (:—0) (14) O Upon substituting the laminar velocity profile relation and equation (12) to - tp = into equation (14) there results, Wr 2 11F - 8 Yo = tm= 3% | =5 (15) o it e S AR RN e v 4 UNCLASSIFIED DWG. 16663 1.00 0.90 y / 0.80 / 0.70 / 0.60 /A 0.50 F=7 0.40 1_11 0.30 / 2 F=i o Wro 020 / // 2k / / 0.10 A /’/ F=3/4 / / P, _@/i 0.0 T — I F=1/2 \\ \/\\ -0.10 < ~ \ N ~0.20 < ~0.30 \§ o -0.40 -0.50 0o 00 020 030 040 050 060 070 0.80 090 1LOO I Mo Fig. . Dimensionless Radial Temperature Distributions in a Pipe For Laminar Flow (Equation 13) e AT B m 2 15 TURBULENT FLOW ANALYSIS Fluid flow in a pipe under turbulent flow conditions has been characterized in terms of a laminar sublayer contiguous to the wall, a buffer layer, and a turbulent core by Nikuradse (reference 2), von Karman (reference 3) and others. Figure 2 shows the well known isothermal generalized velocity profile and some experimental data of Nikuradse (reference 2), Reichardt (reference 4), and Laufer (reference 5). Table 1 reveals some of the specific hydrodynamic relations for the various flow layers in a smooth pipe; a diseussion of some of the details of this table can be found in Appendix 1. The differential equation describing heat transfer in the pipe system for the case of turbulent flow is ot o ot Wr (r) dX DT [ (ru) arJ T (16) P where, u(r), the turbulent velocity profile given in Figure 2 e , the eddy diffusivity® given in Table 1 Upon substituting equation (5) into equation {16) for the established thermal region the following total differential equation results, ) [*- £ (8) ) . A 0 Q - Wr _ 4 acv up 7 Cp Yo dr [(a te)r drjl (a7) 2. The analogy between heat and momentum transfer (characterized by the postulate that the heat and momentum transfer eddy diffusivities are pro- portional to each other and in fact nearly equal) has been proposed by Reynolds (reference 6) and used successfully by von Karman (reference 3), Martinelli (reference T7), and others. Thus, in the present analysis it is postulated that the heat and momentum transfer eddy diffusivities are equal. UNCLASSIFIED DWG. 16664 25 T T T T T T T T T T T Y T T T LAMINAR BUFFER TURBULENT ~ SUBLAYER " LAYER T CORE 20 / 15 I ut /! - A7 1 ut=3.05 +5.00Iny" P / ® 10 0 < / ) - / 8 ’ o ‘ o NIKURADSE ® REICHARDT-MOTZFELD A REICHARDT-SCHUH o LAUFER 10 30 100 ' 1000 y+ 91 Fig. 2. Generalized Turbulent Velocity Profile in Gircular Pipes and in Channels GENERALIZED VELOCITY REGION DISTRIBUTION SHEAR STRES_S STRESS EQUATION EDDY DIFFUSIVITY Laminar Sublayer - o