T T m " " - MAHTIN M A owome® I e ovo serses 4 Chemlstry Transuranlc 3 445k 0352724 Y Elements 74 - N - ¥ ] %‘ ! ;;;*‘*;,g‘- i W 2L s o S e ™, sy 5 RS & fé' syt FLUORIDE m&%&&g‘fl%fi?fl R. E. LEUZE CENTRAL BESLANRCH Lilfany DOCUMENT COULLECTION LIBRARY LOAN COPY DO NOT TRANSFER TO ANOTHER PERSON If you wish someone slse lo sea this document, send in name with document and the hLibrary will arrange a loan. OAK h?ifi?-é:' NATIONAL l.noutmv Lo nnmwfip BY- CARBIDE AND: CARBON CHEMICALS DIVISIONR UN'UN flflfl.lbt AND UAR-UN BQRPDRATIDN I S m Ml‘l‘ amu sox » - m mun. uunuu: L Report Fumber: ORNL-980 This decument comsists of 36 pages. . Copy __z of 112 , Series A . Contract Ho. W-ThO5, eug 26 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOZY DIVISION LABORATORY SECTION DRY FLUORIDE PROCESS STATUS REPORT R. E. Isuze Experimental work by: H. B. Graham Ces P. Johnston A. B. Green R. E. Leuze CLASSIFICATION ancm To: D"_E“g!:_,,mm_-_ S BY AUTHOLRFTY OF aovawnie _fi./j S D —— fi-&&mm _..7 As 2 DATE ISSUED Mak 27 1859 OAK RIDGE NATITONAL ILABORATORY Operated by CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICAILS COMPANY A Divislon of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporaticn Pogt Offlee Box P Osk Ridge, Tennesses MARTIN MARIETTA ENEAGY 5YSTEMS LB TR 3 445k D352724 y — - 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 590 6.0 T0 8,0 9.0 Contents Abstract Introduction Summary Preparation of UFg from Uranium Metal k,1 Fluorination E;luipment and Procedure k.2 Fluorination Results Adsorption of Fission Products and Plutonium 5.1 Adsorption on Copper 5.2 Adsorption on Alundum Filtration of Uranium Hexafluoride 6.1 Filtration Equipment and Procsdure 6.2 Filltration Results and Discussion Regublimation of Uranium Hexafluoride T-1 Sublimation Equipment and Procedure 7.2 Resublimation Results and Discussion Overall Results Recormendationg 9.1 Preparation of Uranium Hexafluoride 9.2 Adsorption Techniques 9.3 Digtillation Studies 9.4 Phase Diagram ORNL-~ 980 nge No. O O 1 o W 10 13 1k 1k 15 16 16 17 17 19 19 19 19 20 - 4 ceIL- 980 Conterrfi_é .(@ontinuea) Page No. 9.5 Filtration : 20 9,6 Equipment Development 20 10.0 Bibliography 2l Tables 1. Remowval of Plutopnium and Fission Products from Uranium 22 by Fluorination 2, Removal of Plutonium and Fission Products from Gaseous 2l TF¢ by Adsorption on Copper 3. Removal of Plutonium and Fission Products from Gaseous 25 UFg by Adsorption on Alundum 4. Removal of Plutonium and Fission Products from Gaseous 26 Ufi'é by Filtration 5o Removal of Plutonium and Fission Products from UFg by 27 Batch Sublimation 6. Overall Results for Dry Procesgsing , 28 7. Purity of UFg after Dry Processing 30 Filgures 1. Schematie Diegram Por Dry Fluoride Experiments 32 2, Fluorinator .\ssembly 33 3, Copper Adsorpticm Trap 34 k, Alundum Adsorpticmn Bed 35 5, Filtration Assembly | 36 iy =5- | ORML- 960 il MR T Ml Urenium hexafluoride was prepared by the direet combination of irradisted wranium metal wilth elemental fluorine and subsequently de- contaminated by adsorption, filtration, and sublimation on a laboratory geale, g -6~ ORNL- 980 2.0 Introduction Early in project history, a dry fluorinmation method(l’é) vas considered for separating wranium from fission products, plutonium, and other trans- uranic elements. This method consisted of converting uranium to the hexa- fluoride and effecting the separation by distillation; however, it was necegsary to place the major effort on other processes which would require less development time. It now seems desireble to make a thorough evaluation of fluorination methods since they offer the following advantages over the present wet processes: (1) smaller equipment with few or no moving parts is required; (2) the waste volume is minimized since fluorine is the only major chemical used; (3) fission products are obtained in a concentrated form making them easily recoverable; (4) the uranium is recovered as UFg which requires a small storage volume and which is the feed material for the isotopic separation plants; (5) it may be possibdle to process short cooled material, thus reducing the uranium Inventory requirements. There are two outstanding limitations to this type process: (1) the high cost of fluori- nating agents and (2) the danger involved in handling volatile radiocactive materials. Before a dry fluorination process for decontaminating wranium and plu- tonium may be seriously considered; the actual separations obtainable mmst be demonstrated. Fluorination, copper adsorption, Alumdum adsorption, f1l- tration, and resublimation were Investligated as methods of seperating uranium from plutonium and fission productz. These serve as preliminary studies upon which a future progrem can be based. . _ -1- ORNL- 980 3.0 Summary The plutonium content of UFg prepared from uranium metal irradiated 335 days in the CORNL pile and cooled 30 months was reduced to200 ml/min. xperiment| Uranium Feed| % Hold up in Fluorinator Decontamination Factors Number (grams) Uranium Plutonjum| Pu«a | Gross ¥ [Gross 8 | Rup [ Cs B Sr 8 | TRE B 18 35.0 1.698 27 1.5 10 10 7 11 6 10 2P b1 0.300 46 2.0 16 o7 23 21 29 | 27 3P 64.1 0.080 h1 2. | 15 20 15 13 18 | 25 4¢ 16.0 <0.002 12 1.5 7 54 36.1 £0.002 19 2,2 4 6 27.0 <0.060 17 1.2 6 7° 57.5 0.050 33 1.4 7 5 4 5 I 5 8 45.8 0.005 8 1.2 5 5 6 3 b 6 9 50.8 <0.005 5.1 1.2 3 3 I 3 2 3 10 418.0 0.080 8. 1.4 5 T 10 5 L 7 11 41.0 <0.006 5.4 1.4 T T 13 6 5 T 12 72.2 <0.00k T 1.1 L 5 L 3 L 6 13 T5.5 0.01 14 1.6 3 3 6 3 2 3 148 75.8 1.81 Lo 1.9 3 L 7 3 4 5 15 76.0 0.020 19 L.k 4 L 10 3 3 b 16° 2L5,0 0.0006 31 1.5 3 L 6 3 3 L 1gf 50.0 0.070 31 1.9 L 188 37.8 0.03% 10 1.2 3 19 73.3 <0.00k 4,0 1.1 5 T 11 4 5 14 (continued) =23~ i ORNL- 980 Teble I (continued) Experiment ‘Uranium,Feed % Hold up in Fluorinator Decontamination Factors Numbex: (grams) Uranium Tlotonium | PuQ | Gross ¥ |Gross 8 | Rupg [Cs p | Sr B |TRE B 20 21’;07 anog 7 100 '102 }-j' 21 39.9 <0.002 10. 1.3 5 op 48,2 <0.002 15 1.k 5 a A larges reschbor was used 2'D X 67, Temperasture not uniform throughout reactor. A larger reachtor was used 2'D X 12", Temperature not uniform throughtout reactor. s Flaowlnstion carvied out at 20-26" wacuum. 4 TFluoriostlen caxrled out at 4 - 7 psig. e Fluowinabion started with atmosphers of nitrogen in fluorinator. £ Startad under nltrogen sbmosphere. 30%'N2 - T% Fo fluorinating gas. g Staried under vacuwn. 55% Np - 45% Fp fluorinating gas. L. Tnsufficlent heating period after reaction subslded. ORNL=~ 980 e -2k~ Table 2 Removal of Plutonium and Fisslon Products from Gaseous UFg by Adsorption on Copper Conditions: (1) Equipmfib as noted (2) Uranium irradiated 335 days and cooled 30 months (3) Temperature of trap T0-80°C (4) Previous process steps as noted - ' % of Pu % of Original Charge to trap Decontamination Factors Experiment| Previous Process | Copper Trap Held up in Copper | held-up Gr@ssF Gross| Number Stepa Degeription 0 Pa | in trap |Puca ¥ B |[Ru p| Cs BlSr B|TRE B 1 Fluorination 3! of 1/4" 0.2k 19 27 1.k | 1.2 1.2 |2 1.1 |L.1 1.1 tubling ) ! 7 Fluorination 1-1/8"D x 9" 0,30 53 70 L I>5 4 1.5 |& |5 |4 U tube packed 1 ' with Cu twrn- ings ' 8 Fluorination 2" x 3-1/4" £0.01 18 21 1.3 ] 1.03 §1.03 |1.03] 1.03 _]..oh 1.0’4 S Fluorination 2™ x T-1/2" {0.01 ko 57 2 1.2 1.2 1.7 |1l.2 J1.1 }1.2 10 Fluorination 2D x 9" - 71 99 Th 1.2 1l.2 |i.3 |1l.2 j1.2 (1.2 11 Fluorination 2"D x 15" £0.01 66 92 13 1.1 Ji.07 j1.2 | 1.071.07|1.07 12 Fluorinstion 2"p x 15" 8.1 0.07 19 1.1 Pl 1.2 [1.00}1.7 | |1.7 Resublimation Co- T AR—— -0 ORNL-980 Table 3 Removal of Plutonium and Fission Products from Gaseous UFg by Adsorption on Alundum i Conditions: (1) Ca 100 grams of chipped Alundum in a nickel case 1%?D x 9?5 (2) UFg prepared by direct reaction of fluorine and . uranium irradiated 335 days and cooled 30 months (3) Temperaturs of Alundum bed: 95 - 115°C % of Original Charge | % of Pu entering Decontamination Bxperiment | held up in Alundum Alundum which was . Factors Number Uranium Plutoniim held up in the Alundum| Pu Q_ Gross B 20 3.3 T5 92 13 1.3 21 1.3 81 99 96 1.4 22 2.4 T0 98 58 1.3 SEonEN -26- ORNL-980 Table 4 Removal of Plutonium end Fission Products from Gaseous UFg by Filtration Conditionss (1) Filter - nickel barrier backing tube 5/8"0D x 5" in a nickel case i"p x 10" | (2) Uranium irradiated 335 days and cooled 30 months {3) Temperature of filter as noted | (4) Previous process steps as noted - % of Pu i to the Fil- | % of Original Charge|ter held up __D.osonbamins..ou Faghors [Experiment | Previcus Process |Filter Temp. | Held up on Fliter on Gross|Gross| Nunih=r Stepsa og - Pu Filter Pu o ¥ B8 |Ru B] =3 |Sr B|TRE B i3 Fluorination 220-240 0.01 19 29 1.6 | 190 | 310 | 13 | 430 {1200 930 1% 185-203 3.69 27 53 2,1 | »90 | 410 | 17 pe8oo |1800|1400 15 TO=90 0.001 27 38 1.6 | D40 {1100 |220 |2200 |2600|1800 15 65-85 0.009 20 30 1.5 | >80 | 870 |40 {8300 |3800{1200 1y 87-105 0.022 32 61 3 1400 1» | 85-110 0.070 57 75 4 920 L i §9 Fluorination 75-85 0.120 0,85 65 3 >0 | >8 | >2| >k |>80[>100 Regublimation ' — 22 Fluorination 102-110 <0,01 1,15 o7 30 810 Alundum . Adscrption\ SRR ORNL-980 Table 5 Removael of Plutonium snd Fission Products from UFg by Batch Sublimation Conditionss (1) Copper and stainless steel cold traps of various sizes were used. (2) The trap containing UFg wes placed in a water bath at 90°C (3) Previous treatment as noted. (4) Uranium was irradiated335 days in the (RNL pile and cooled 30 months Experiment R % of Original Charge Decontamination Factors Number Previous Process Steps | Held up in Still Pot Pu ¢ Gross 7 |Grosge Bl Ru pB |Csp | Sr 8 |TRE B U Pu 2 Fluorination 0.9 48 19 > 6 L6 5 190 70 140 3 1.6 Lo 100 >25 20 8 27 20 21 i 1.1 68 95 33 5 ,9 43 >2000 330 G 10.8 84 290 320 6 Fiuorination 11.5 0.06 v 1.3 > Resublimetions (2) J‘Z'Ll 7 Fluorination 0.30 5.5 .- > 2 12 > 3 140 0 G0 3 Copper Adsorption 5.9 52 5 >32 250 60 310 [340 280 9 2.3 35 21 >3k 100 5 260 600 310 10 0.08 0.58 5 >55 120 37 140 [50 140 11 2.5 4.5 D 213 80 18 80 70 100 12 Fluorination 16.2 T7 160 w50 70 o 240 60 210 Resublimation : , Copper Adsorption - 13 Fluorination 0.16 43 19 2100 8 18 |[>10 p10 >24 14 Filtration 2.1 2l 30 > 2 >6 20 w6 30 v 39 15 0.15 Wy 90 >2 >2 |22 >3 |»l.3 > 1.k 16 1.k 39 6 >1.1 >21.2]1>21.7 ] >1.5121.k 1> 1.2 19 Fluorination 1.2 86 66 31 100 32 220 ]110 50 50 Fluorination Alundum | 17.8 8.2 1600 ' 0 | 21 Adsorption ' 23.8 0.84 > 50 100 22 Fluorination Alundum 2.9 0.04 >30 > 2 Adsorption Filtration I Saeme -28- ONRL- 980 Table 6 Overall Results for Dry Processing Conditions: (1) Uranium irradiated 335 days in the ORNL pile and cooled 30 months (2) Procedure as listed Uranium |% of Pu in Decontamination Factors Experiment Loss Product \ Gross p[RupB | Ce B | Sr B | TRE B Number _ Prozess Staps(®) % UF4 Py g |seoss v] z10°3 | x10-3] x10-3| x10-3] x10-3 1 Fluorination 1.93 50 2 1L 0.012 | 0.013}) 0.013 | 0.007} 0.01L Copper Adsorphion 2 Fluovination 1.20 Do Tl 36 L0 1.3 0.11 | 4.3 2.0 4.0 3 Resuyhlimation 1.60 Q.41 240 2380 o4l 0.12 | 0.37 | 0.37 | 0.5k b 1.10 0.73 140 .23 | 5 o )} | 1,90 £0.02 1600 1.4 & Flucrinsgtion 20,3 0,023 430 T.0 Resublimstias (2) 7 Fluorination 0.45 15.5 7 »160 o 24 0.015] 3.0 2.2 1.3 8 (‘opper Adsorption 5086 13.7 T »150 1.3 0.35 | 0.90 | 1.4 1.7 G Resublimation 2,31 1.79 60 »L30 » 34 0.037] 0.70 | 1.6 1.1 10 0.93 0.01% T00 >370 1.0 0.50 { 1.0 0.79 | 1.2 11 L 2.52 1.13 90 > 90 50 0.28 | 0.48 | 0.40 | 0,70 iz Fluorination 2h .3 0.290 210 »220 AT 0.037[ 1.2 PpP2.0 ] 2.0 Resublimation | , ) Copper Adsorption _ 13 Fluoriuation | 0.19 2.50 41 >1000 T7-0 1.2 Ppi5. 20. P60a L Filtration 7.60 0.83 120 |>420 }]1i1.0 2.6 Pp50. FR00. 00. 15 Resublimation 0.17 0.49 200 | >330 8.0 L6 behk. P 9.0 PP10s 16 1.43 T.66 13 |>»260 | 3.9 4.8 PB3k pPlo. 6. 17 0.09 20.1 5 6.0 18 0.10 18.7 5 3.0 (continued) ————————————- pmer— -29- ORRL- 980 Table 6 (continued) Uranium |% of Pu in Decontamination Factors Txperiment ( L.oss Product Gross B] Ru B Cs B | Sr B |TRE B Number Process Steps a) % UFg Pu o | Gross ¥ x10“3 x10-3 | x10-3 x10-3 |x10-3 19 Fluorination 1.3 0.46 220 [»2,900 5.5 | 0.70 11. |[»50. Pp8o. Resublimation,Filtration | 20 Fluorination 1 21.1 £0.001 360,000 1.0 21 Alundum Adsorption 25.1 4£0.01 56 ;000 60 Resublimation 22 Fluorination 53 € 0.001 0,000 »10.0 Alundum Adsorption Filtration Resublimation _ (al For mors dabailsd procsdurs, see tables describing each operation. -30- S ORNL- 980 Table 'Z Purity of UFg After Dry Processing Conditions: (1) Uranium irradiated 335 days in the ORNL pile and cooled 30 months (2) Procedure as listed Experiment o ets/m/mg U in Product Nunber Process Steps(a) Pu O ] Gross ¥ Gross 5 Ru B Cs B Sr B TRE B 1 Fluorination 1.1 x 105 9 1.1x10% 410 2.25105 | 2.7x103 | 7 x 103 Copper Adsorption 2 Fluorination 60 £0.9 100 50 6 9 19 3 Resublimation S < 0.3 300 Ll T0 b7 140 L 15 600 5 o < 0.6 90 & Fluorination 6 25 2 Resublimations : T Fluorination 330 < 0.7 500 510 6 T 80 8 Copper Adsorption 300 < 0.8 120 25 21 11 T0 g Resublimation L <1 500 270 30 12 120 10 <3 < 0.3 130 11 27 21 60 11 25 <1l - 290 31 40 39 140 12 Fluorination 10 < 0.5 300 220 15 T 148 Resublimation | ' Copper Adsorption o _ 13 Fluorination 60 < 0.2 w12 < 5 < 2 < 0.9 < 1 14 Filtration 17 < 0.2 < 1 < 2 < 0.5 < 0.1 < 0.3 | | Resublimetdnn ... 1 . .. e L e 15 C | 10