fe N \ : g~ viine gt o 4 : A e w24 i"“."h‘;l : A3 4 ‘ w2 By X , : - i . ’l b 4 e’ 8 . W FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT 110 South Orange Avenue, Livingston, New Jersey Best Copy Available Page 6-92 Missing FWC FORM 172 - L4 = NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHEERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN 1 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT s LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. DOCUMENT NO. ISSUE DATE TASK I FINAL REPORT DESIGN STUDIES OF STEAM GENERATORS FOR MOLTEN SALT REACTORS REPORT ND/7Li/66 P‘,J(‘ "'r.‘:‘:“‘i.".'."’v Bl [ | UCC PURCHAGE ORukil SUBCOUNTRACT NO., 21X-68070C Approved by: J. F. Cox Project Manager Pt ) n /’% Lo / (/ W. Wolowodiuk Program Manager - 7 / , fl /‘/i/QGd‘ D. H. Pai Chief Engineer FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION EQUIPMENT DIVISION-NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE LIVINGSTON, NEW JERSEY 07039 BY APPROVED PAGE ¥WC FORM 172 - | NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J, CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. Np/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L DISTRIBUTION LIST Union Carbide Corporation J. L. Crowley (30) Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation R. 0. Barratt to J. K. 0'Donoghue to Nuclear Files {Retain) W. Wolowodiuk to J. F. Cox (Retain) D. H. Pai to C. Nash to H. Levy (Retain) S. M. Cho to H. L. Chou (Retain) J. Anelli to C. Holderith (Retain) W. R. Apblett (2) to E. D. Montrone (Retain) to G. V. Amoruso (Retain) M. J. Kraje to J. G. Whelley (Retain) BY ' APPROVED PAGE a FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7./66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L "LEGAL NOTICE" "This Report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, on behalf of the Commission: nor any person acting () makes any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the in- formation contained in this report, or that the use of any in- formation apparatus, method or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rightsy or (b) assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages' resulting from the use of any information a process disclosed in this report. pparatus method, or "As used in the above, 'person acting on behalf of the Commission' includes any employee or Contractor of the Commission or employee or Subcontractor of such Contractor to the extent that such employee or GContractor of the Commission or employee or Subcontractor of such Contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any infor- mation pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission or his employment or subcontract with such Contractor, " BY APPROVED PAGE Db FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J, CHARGE NO., 8-25-2L31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L4/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L NOTPATTONS e CHIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERYE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE e o 1 Section No. Title Page No. I Title and Signature Page Cover II Distribution List a ITI Legal Notice b IV Table of Contents c 1.0 Abstract 1-1 2.0 Introduction and Concept 2-1 Arrangement Study 3.0 Mechanical Design Report 3-1 4.0 Thermal /Hydraulic Design Li-a 5.0 Structural Feasibility Analysis G-a 6.0 Hastelloy N Steam Corrosion 6-a 7.0 Manufacturing Engineering T-a Appendic¢ies A Design Calculations B Thermal /Hydraulic Calculations C Structural Calculations BY APPROVED PAGE C FWC FORM 172 - Iy NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N, J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. Wp/7)/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7) 1.0 ABSTRACT This Task I Final Report of Design Studies of Steam Generators for Molten Salt Reactors presents the work done by Foster Wheeler in accordance with Task I of the Work Plan Detail by Foster Wheeler for Design Studies of Steam Generators for Molten Salt Reactors under Purchase Order Subcontract No. 91X-88070C during the period October 1971 through December 197Lh. The effort was conducted under two different Foster Wheeler contract numbers due to a termination for the convenience of the government on January 31, 1973. FWC Contract No. 2-25-1352 covered the work performed from October 7, 1971 through January 31, 1973. FWC Contract No. 8-25-2,31 covered the work performed from May 17, 1974 through December 31, 197L4. The Foster Wheeler design concept presented in this report is an "L" shaped tube and shell heat exchanger to be used in a steam generator system consisting of four wnits for a 1000 MW(e) Molten Salt Breader Reactor power plant. The design utilizes an all welded construction with 100% radio- graphy of all pressure boundry welds. The pressure shell is designed to minimize the annulus between itself and the tube bundle. Where the shell must be of a larger diameter a flow shroud is used to maintain the flow over the bundle. Suitable water, steam and molten salt inlet and outlet nozzles are provided. The mechanical design provisions for the steam generator are covered in Section 3.0. The design work is supported by thermal/hydraulic and structural analysis as reported herein. The thermal/hydraulic analysis described in Section L.0 demonstrates that the present unit size is sufficient for the intended service with minimal possibility of the molten salt solidifying on the cold end tubesheet or tubes. Structural analysis of the proposed design has been conducted and is reported in Section 5.0. An elastic analysis on major components was conducted. Also, simplified inelastic analysis was conducted on the salt inlet nozzle, the outlet tubesheet, the shell and the tubes. Based upon the stress analysis con- ducted, the design is satisfactory. Outline versions of a possible manufacturing and inspection plan and maintenance procedures were prepared and may be found in Section 7.0. ' References are provided as applicable and supporting calculations are provided in the Appendices. BY APPROVED PAGE 1-1 FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE - FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J,. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7./66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L 2.0 INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPT ARRANGEMENT STUDY 2.1 INTRODUCTION This Task I Final Report presents the work done by Foster Wheeler during the period from October 7, 1971 to December 31, 197L on Design Studies of Steam Generators for Molten Salt Reactors. This work was performed in two segments due to a termination for the convenience of the govermment on January 31, 1973. The first segment ran from October 7, 1971 to January 31, 1973. The second segment was begun on May 17, 197L and ends with this report. This second segment limited the work scope to the completion of Task I. This document is submitted in compliance with the requirements of Article I - Statement of Work of Purchase Order Subcontract No. 91X-88-70C dated October 7, 1971 as ammended by Supplemental Agreement No. 3 dated May 17, 197L. This Statement of Work is further defined in the Work Plan Detail by Foster Wheeler for Design Studies of Steam Generators for Molten Salt Reactors dated October 7, 1971 and attached to the Subcontract. All codes and standards applicable to this effort have been established by mutual agreement under Sub-Task I of Task I of the work plan defined above. Portions of the information contained herein have been submitted to Union Carbide in progress reports 1 through 12 which were submitted as required under the subcontract. BY APPROVED AGE 2-1 FWC FORM 172 - NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L 2.2 CONCEPT ARRANGEMENT STUDY A concept arrangement study was performed to arrive at a design concept that offered the most promise. The starting point for this study was to establish the design requirements and criteria through consulting with Union Carbide and then to evaluate posi- ble surface arrangements that might meet these requirements and criteria. For clarity and completeness,the design requirements and criteria established for Task I are presented below. DESTGN REQUIREMENTS AND CRITERIA 1. The inlet and outlet salt temperatures, the maximum pressure drops, and the total heat transfer capacity of the steam genera- tors must conform with the overall system operating conditions. a) Full load operating conditions (one of four coolant salt loops - thermal duty = L83 MW): Coolant Salt Water/Steam Inlet temperature, F 1150 700 Outlet temperature, F 850 1000 Flow rate, Lb/hr 15,280,000 2,517,000 Inlet pressure, psia 235 3800 Outlet pressure, psia 175 3600 Maximum pressure drop, psi 60 200 The design temperatures and pressures are left to the discretion of the designer. More than one module per coolant salt loop is permissable. If modules are used in parallel, they will share the coolant salt loop duty and flows equally. The maximum water/steam side pressure drop of 200 psi may be relaxed if found to be unneceg- sarily restrictive. b) Part load operating range at constant steam generator outlet pressure is defined as any condition between 20 and 100% of full load thermal duty. In this load range the coolant salt flow will be varied linearly from 30% flow at 20% load to 100% flow at 100% load. The feedwater inlet temperature will be maintained cor- stant at 700 F over this load range while the water/steam flow will be varied in proportion to load. The turbine inlet steam temperature must be maintained at 1000 F + 15 over this load range. If an attemperator is required to maintain the turbine inlet temperature, then the attemperator design becomes a part of the steam generator design. BY APPROVED PAGE 2-2 FWC FORM 172 - | NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-0);31 | DOCUMENT NO.ym/7),/66 | ISSUE 1 IDATE 12/16/7L c) Startup operation of the MSER power system is defined as zero to 20% of full load. However, the primary fuel salt requires that initial zero power operation must begin with both the fuel and coolant salt systems circulating isothermally at 1050 F. d) The steam generator must be able to operate at all loads with tolerable thermal stresses and without freezing the coolant salt. Alternately, operation with a frozen salt film may be permissible if desirable and if operation can be shown to be stable, 2. The type of steam generator, the general location of nozzles, the height of the unit, and the minimum tube diameter must be compatible with various design, layout, fabrication, maintenance and inspection considerations. a) The steam generator shall be a once-through, shell and tube heat exchanger with the coolant salt on the shell side and the water/steam in the tubes. b) For purposes of the steam generator design, the coolant salt system is assumed to have forced circulation during all expected operation. Natural circulation on the shell side, although a desirable feature, is not a design requirement. The tube side may have forced or natural circulation under decay heat removal conditions. c) There is no height limit on the steam generator. d) As a guideline, a minimum tube ID of not less than 0.375 inches shall be used. e) There are no physical layout limitations. f) The shell side of the steam generator shall be completely drainable. , g) A tube plugging allowance of 5% but not exceeding 25 tubes shall be used for preliminary sizing purposes. h) Heat transfer surface may be arranged for vertically up or down tube side flow. 3. The steam generator should be arranged for relatively easy tube bundle replacement or modular replacement. Both seal-welded flanges and cut and weld removal techniques shall be considered for easy tube bundle replacement. BY APPROVED PAGE 23 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FWC FORM 172 - FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2,,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7, L. The space requirements for the installation of the steam generator should be as small as Practical commensurate with economic considerations., It will be necessary to have some 3 data for incremental building and excavation costs, | f 5. The volumes of both the salt and water/steam in the unit should be kept as low as practical. 6. The use of cover gases to protect structural members should be avoided. 7. The following items shall be considered and accomodated in the design of the steam generator: a. Baffle and tube supports, as necessary, to prevent damaging vibration. b. Relative expansion between the shell and tube bundle and between individual tubes. c. Tube side flow stability under all load conditions. d. Protection of nozzles and tubesheets against excessive thermal stress due to transients. e. Fabricability of the design including the ability to radiograph all containment welds. f. Relief of the salt-steam mixture resulting from a double~ ended steam generator tube failure to limit damage to the steam generator. The remainder of the coolant salt system can withstand a contimuous pressure of 220 psi without damage. ' 8. The steam generator shall be designed as a Class 1 vessel in accordance with the applicable portions of Section ITT of the 1971 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code with addenda and the other design standards listed in the corrected Appendixes A and D of the Company's RFP, Enclosure 2. The design shall include the Code consideration for operation in excess of 800 F over a 30 year design life at 80% plant factor. 9. The design of all portions of the steam generator in contact with the salt shall be based on Hastelloy N material. The physical { Properties of this Hastelloy N are listed in the corrected Appendix C of the Comapny's RFP, Enclosure 2, 10, The steam properties on which the steam generator design is based shall be obtained from the 1967 ASME Steam Tables. BY APPROVED PAGE 2-) NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FWC FORM 172 - L FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2,,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7./66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L 11. The steam generator design shall be based on sodium fluoroborate as the coolant salt. The physical properties of sodium fluoro- borate are listed in the corrected Appendix B of the Company's RFP, Enclosure 2. The substitution of a different salt with a higher temperature melting point may be the subject of a later study, : 12. A corrosion allowance of % mill/year on the salt side and 7 mill /year on the steam side shall be used in gelecting material thickness. 13. It will be permissible to divide the steam generator into two subunits in series if the design study indicates an advantage. 1L. The design of the steam generator shall be based on a 30 year o Plant life with the steam generator experiencing 10,000 cycles of 20% or more in power over its life., Normally the load will be changed at a maximum rate of l%/min. The details of number or reactor scrams etc. and the resulting temperature Tramps will be made available. As an additional requirement not bresented sbove, it was felt that the use of bellows in the shell of the steam generator to accomodate differential thermal expansions was to be avoided. Within the restrictions set forth above, a large number of surface arrangements were possible. Therefore, a second set of seven basic design areas were setup. These seven areas are, in order of importance: l. Adequate thermal expansion provision - does thig design have | sufficient tube flexibility to allow for large temperature difference between tubes and shell or between adjacent tubes? 2. Stratification Problems - are there posgible areas within the unit where predicting flow will be difficult? 3. Good Utilization of Volume - does the design allow for all the tubing to be used as active heat transfer surface? i. Better Mechanical Arrangement - do the mechanical details appear to be difficult? 5. Equal Active Circuit Length - will the tubes have approximately equal heated lengths? 6. Tube Side Inspection - can the tubes be easily nondistructively examined after the unit has been in service? 1BY | APPROVED | PAGE~ 2-5 FWC FORM 172 - NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT _ LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2};31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7../66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7) 1. Relative Complexity - do the uncertainties of the design appear to lend themselves to straight forward solutions? Page 2-7 shows the various possible surface arrangement candidates and how they evaluated against the seven basic design areas. On the chart,no line indicates that the candidate did not affirmatively bass that design area., A solid line indicates that the candidate does bass that design area. A dash line indicates that the candidate may be able to pass that design area with difficulty. When a candidate did not pass a basic design area (no line), it was dropped from further consideration. The above describe evaluation reduced the possible number of candidates to 7. These seven candidates and some of their more difficult detailed problems are given in on Page 2-8. As Page 2-8 shows the principle problems relate to the fabrication of the U-bend or Elbow shell. Pages 2-9 through 2-12 further outline the fabrication problems of the U~bend shell and the e¢lbow shell, As can be seen from the foregoing discussion it became apparent that an elbow unit showed the most promise in meeting the design require- ments and criteria with the least amount of problems. Thus the elbow unit was selected as the reference design. BY APPROVED PAGE o_g T, . *fl-'."/ign\ MOLTEN SALT S7EAMGENERATOR SURFACE ARRENGEMEN T ADEQUATE o urlleA FioN EEE!R EQUA%. ¢ TU BE ‘ Aol STRATIFICATH M RELATIVE EPXRPOVIS‘?ISn PROBLEMS F VOLUME ARRANGMENT CIRCUITLENGTH iNSPEC TION %OMPLEXlT ) 2 : D U N — —_——— ———— 7 [} —— — — — L RS TS »],N = G~ »ofiur&‘- S S8R W BB o — b —— ] Y F=E =2 FITT OD O RGNS — — e — Page 2-7 FWC FORM 172 - |4 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION LIVINGSTON, N. J. (CHARGE NO. 8-25-21,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7h/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L DETATLED PROBLEM AREAS 1) The sine wave expansion bend will 1y v be excessively large. 2) Complicated tube supports/vibration problems or the introduction of a ~( —» large ineffective volume. 1) The fabrication of the U-bend is - very difficult. w 2) Complicated tube supports/vibration problems or the introduction of a large ineffective volume. 1) The fabrication of the U-bend is twice - _ as difficult as the J tube unit. /\ '2) There is no reasonable way of avoi- ! ding the U-bend, vibration, built-up — support problems. 1) The fabrication is simplified compared with the other candidates but is still difficult. BY APPROVED pace 2-8 FWC FORM 172 - ) ONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE ——- = B y a "':\ e D-:-. . - o —— FOSTwR WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE MO g_o5_p),31 | DOCUMENT M0y 7,66 ISSUE DATE 15 /16/7), . A | SECTION 3.0 . MECHANICAL DESIGN REPORT PRELIMINARY DESIGN by Charles H. Holddtrith Ajpproved By: ., ;;;;;;%{i,/*(fiff7uaéfi; 7. Anelli L Supervisor, Mechanical Design ~ - z 4 e . P/ i I e PAGE OF 3-1 FWC FORM 172 = 4 30 O WA CATE WHIME CHAMAES HATL I ..-Lau—".l.n..u.l.'a Coali'sh T Tt T Taam ANTIT W advia by o s dSaaD ICIs IN NOTAT T W R T . A T o TR A 2l . it i b, * St - ——— FOSTER WHEELFR CORPORATION CHARGE NO o . 3, ., | DOCUMENT NOw o . |ISSUE . DATE, 5 /16 /71, TABLE OF CONTENTS { 3.1 Design Description Summary 3-L !3 3.2 Steam Generator Design Data 3-5 i 3.3 Steam Generator Arrangement 3-6 ; 3.4 Shell Assembly 3-6 % 3.4.1 Upper Shell Sub-Assembly 3-6 3.4.2 Middle Shell Sub-Assembly 3-7 3.4.3 Lower Shell SubfAssembly 3-8 3.5 Bundle Assembly | 3-8 3.6 Channel Assembly 3-11 é 3.7 OSpecial Design Features R 3-11 I 3.8 Steam Generator Drawings (Figure No.'s) l . r BY . ;1. « | APPROVED PAGE 5 , OF A —— e - e ot o r - L= Loy AN 2 FWC FORM 172 - L g Fole ol ¥ ¥ YVHERE C At Fov §- - Sak ARy ey AAT TTadRT TRIT U U iJrla o tiidi N oAl -7 NOTATICHS 1T A e TR . . & . it e oy ———— LAY L daly veprddududatab WAALLL Waband LY CHARGE O g_ocp)i31 DOCUMENT NO “ND=TL-66 ISSUE DATE 12/16 /1L b N — — e ———— s e . . o 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Head and Tubesheet.... LIST OF FIGURES . General Arrangement..... ...................O Shell Transition.............l...l..l..l. Irllet and Outlet NOZZle-uoooooooo-oo-oooo Irlteml Shroud-l....ll........t.l........ T'J.be‘s‘uppor‘t Plate..I.....l...‘..‘....... Tube Vibration SUpPpPresSOTreccccascocssacsss Tie ROd Tllm‘buckleiiflllttiotttli........l 1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 BY APPROVED PAGE 3. 3 OF FWC FORM 172 - ) 5038 HAVZ BEIN MaDR — - Y ANNT ThT [ N S WV -a [ 2T 'l .LI.‘I LilL TON: NOTAT g R RS e Y SR i et o1 o i 4. S i d Nt ddeal Blbddmrddpe b Al vh b nd e i GHARGE N08-2€—éh31, DOCUMENT NO.N_D_7h=66 ISSUE DATE 12/16 /7L o . S . S T J———— 3.0 Molten Salt Steam Generator Preliminary Design 3.1 Desgign Description sSummary The Foster Wheeler Steam Generator is a "L" shaped fixed tubesheet heat exchanger as shown in Figure 3.1. The steam generator design is based on a system of four units per loop. The steam generator has 101l tubes which are attached at each end to a fixed tubesheet. The steam generator design is such that the flow of molten salt and super critical fluid through the unit is in the direction of natural circulation. Molten salt enters through an inlet nozzle (Figure 3.l4), which is perpendic- ular to the tube bundle, chamges direction 900 and decends approximately 100 feet before exiting through an outlet nozzle (Figure 3.4;). Supercritical fluid enters through an inlet nozzle located in the center of the lower head (Figure 3.2) and rises through the heat transfer tubes and exits through an outlet nozzle in the center of the upper head. Vent nozzles are positioned at each tubesheet to shell juncture to prevent the possibility of trapped gases resulting in localized hot spots on the shell (Figures 3.1 and 3.2). BY C.H.H. APPROVED PAGE 3.}, OF FWC FORM 172 - 4 i » X Ml ORI v "y I{_:' .1--3?,-‘,1&. .n’._.‘..‘a.l:’\..- w o o] i sual - LY - LAY a.n’JJ...Lh.‘.u TRAT TUTW 5! Liliw vwasuL i, YT Ces ANT NOTATIONS IN LPUSLTA Wi L GURURA'L LUN CHARGE No 8-25-2431 DOCUMENT NO.ND-7L-66 ISSUE 1 DATE12/16 /7L - 3.2 Molten Salt Steam Generator Design Conditions A.SUMOE. Section III Class I Pressure Vesselx Primary Side (Shell) Design Temperature Design Pressure i Joint Efficiency ; Allowable Stress i Shell Material Shell -Inside Diameter Secondary Side (Tube) E Design Temperature Design Pressure Joint Efficiency Allowable Stress Number of Tubes Tube Pitch Tub; Size Effective Length Tube Material Number of Tie Rods 1150°F 300 P.S.I.G. 100% 9500 PSI (Primary Membrane) Hastelloy-"N" 39%n 1120°F 3800 P.S.I.A. 1009% 11,600 PSI (Primary Membrane) 1014 1-1/8" Triangular 3/L4" 0.D. x .125 min. wall 140 ft. Hastelloy-"N" 13 ¥ Designed to A.S.M.E. Section III Class I with Addenda thru Winter, 1973 BY C.H.H. APPROVED PAGE 3-5 OF emee s & OFF 972 FiC TG e YO0 i S — Caop g ~ M. i N s a g g mAw1iS Hed ‘v O [ 2 i Bion lath s ~am . _— T W AT . _ AN Thaaal M AN Landl) M dutiaias cmtddtan cdh g ed v MV SaT AP Vet Livi NOTA A ANSd dohaa Frddasledgdiut WNiabWd Vavda ko ad CHARGE NOg_p5-5),31 | DOCUMENT NO.yp_7,-66 |ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7h e e e e v w—— 3.3 Steam Generator Arrangement The steam generator shown in Figure 3.1 consists of: 1. 'Upper Shell Assembly 2. Middle Shell Assembly 3. Lower Shell Assembly L, Bundle Assembly 5. Channel Assembly The steam generator is installed with the curved short section in the horizontal plane, and the long section in the vertical plane. Support lugs or saddles have not been considerea at this time. A functional description of the steam generator can be found in Section 4.0 of this report. 3.l Shell Assembly 1 3.4.1 Upper Shell Assembly The upper shell sub-assembly consists of: expanded shell section, inlet nozzle, intershroud, baffle plate and a shell transition. The upper shell sub-assembly is welded to the tubesheet and the middle shell sub-assembly see Figure 3.1. The expanded shell section is made from rolled and butt weld Hastelloy - "N" plate. A 20" molten salt inlet nozzle is located midway in this expanded region. This nozzle is a saddle type which was selected so that the nozzle to shell BY APPROVED PAGE 3-6 OF e i — o de e . ——— —— - —— W o a1 —~ [ S Jo'.:a: WLV S ATY P L.IL:.J‘.-EJ ! Pt AR AT G o Fds W FRdal T 0T, daaial? W ddwaihi ambieta Caaadd s —ARTE YnT UL R v ] NOTLT -, - s N Ty~ — LA L Wdlddududaiay WALLVL wabah d L A B L % S A e . | . st 5 s s . e — OHARGE NO 8-25-2,31 | DOCUMENT KO.nNp-7),-66 ISSUE 1 PATE 12/16/74 weld is removed from critically stressed shell to nozzle intersection. The use of a saddle type nozzle permits, with- out the use of special fiechniques, the radiography of the nozzle welds. Within the expanded shell section is a second cylinder which is the intershroud, its purpose is to chammel the flow of molten salt to the heat transfer tubes. This intershroud has an impingement baffle which protects the heat transfer tubes from excess flow errosion. The shroud is perforated with holes to allow the molten salt to enter from the expanded shell secfion and decend through the unit as shown on Figure 3.1. The lower section of the intershroud and the shell tran- sition are of single piece construction as shown in Figure 3.3. 1 A single piece design is recommended to avoid the use of welds in the high stress area of the junction discontinuity. The upper baffle plate is positioned between the molten salt inlet nozzle and the tubesheet to act as a thermal barrier to prevent the tubesheet and the I. B. W. welds from being thermally shocked. 3.4.2 Middle Shell Sub-Assembly The middle shell sub-assembly consists of rolled and butt welded sections of Hastelloy - "N" plate. The middle shell BY APPROVED PAGE 5.q OF e e e -t e ——— b . S o i FU e bl W e e L A — e — —— e ina ST o et ik o - ni . -;:-i.l..i Wy cmat - s s o 4 ) e et e T T Vaaal et [AYaY Al VrAilavaly 4V dioal wo avaa Nr’\m [Baala el dn ndn 24 fods 2y . et e e Y LA L L Wdbicdodalud WwiiLL Visddd Ll CHARGE NO r 0, SSUE DAY DOCUMENT MO - ISSUE | DA 8_25_5143.1 g e A ol e e s B P S P, STt e, T P, " 37 e S = - $ Lt B St % e AT g T Tt S b it < kT Sl SO 8 e g M T b ~acts as a continuation of the intershroud which channels salt flow around the heat transfer tubes. 3.4.3 Lower Shell Sub-Assembly The lower shell sub-assembly consists of: expanded shell section, outlet nozzle, intershroud, baffle plate and a shell transition. The lower shell sub-assembly is welded to the lower tubesheet and to middle shell sub-assembly. The expanded shell section is identical with that of the upper shell except the 20" nozzle is used as an outlet for the molten salt. 3.5 Bundle Assembly The bundle assembly consists of (2) tubesheets, heat ;] transfer tubes, tie-rods, support plates and vibration sup- . pressors. The complete bundle assembly is welded to the shell ~assembly, for manufacturing sequences see section of this report. The tubesheets are 15" thick Vacuum Arc or Electroslag Remelt Forgings of Hastelloy ~ "N" material. The tubesheets are designed to meet the code requirements for stress in per- forated plates. The outer rim of the tubesheet is machined - to a countour which minimizes the thermal stress by having this rim respond more wniformly to thermal transients with s, Wk P T 1216 T ... BY APPROVED PAGE 3.8 OF —— e e e W — —— e —— PUS Lol wWitsrddul Vlvuital LUK e 2 e et WP IS CHARGE NO8-26-21,31 | DOCUMENT NO.wp-7,-66 |ISSUE1 | DAYE 12/16/7), L Al R W R . e 1L W A ~ the tube hole ligaments. The lower face of each tubesheet P S I, is machined to provide spigots for welding of the heat transfer tubes as shown on Figure 3.Z2. i The heat transfer tubes are full penetration welded to each tubesheet by using an Internal Bore weld technique. The ! . ! . heat transfer tubes are of Hastelloy - "N" material designed : {;, 2 in accordance with A.S.M.E. tubing specifications. Allowances ;}; % for manufacturing scratches, thinning and corrosion have been KL fj; ? included in the tube wall thichness. Eé’ | The heat transfer tubes are supported in the vertical o) . %gt { position by perforated tube support plates commonly used in E ff! i heat-exchanger equipment. The support plates are of the "Drilled ; g% é Plate" type as shown on FiguEF 3.6. This arrangement was ! é} 2 chosen in order to provide circulation between the heat trans- | ;it i - fer tubes, themwly reducing possible stratification problems ;;» _‘ - and preventing solid collection. g% % The tube support plates and the vibration suppressor y | % ? grids are supported by (13) 3/L" diameter tie-rods which are ;; ? located in the tube pattern as shown on Figure 3.6 and 3.7. @ab These tie-rods are threaded into the tube sheets, located at ) %i both ends of the unit. Eg The tie-rods are threaded into the upper tubesheet. The support plates are spaced using sleeves which are 7/8" inside 1 S U OO - : - BY APPROVED \ PAGE 3-9 oF e | — e b oy e —~ . B B WY — ¥ BTN A2 Hil- Lana .y vy . ut}u O veala il sdacae, LR VR e i e e e anl TalTo0S dodai A e Al T1a Lala %S iy 0 T A AT T A bt whed® b NOTAT PODLledt wWHss LR VUREUIGA L LUN —— A R -t 7 T i o . ~diameter. The sleeves are dimpled to assure the proper location concentric to the tie-rods. This type of assembly is joined in the curved region by a turnbuckle as shown on Figure 3.8. The curved region uses a vibration suppressor grid to properly position the tubes in this area. The function of the grid is to allow expansion of the tubes while restraining them against vibration as shown on Figure 3.7. The tie-rods are secured at the last guppressor grid by means of a heavy hex nut which is ‘seal welded in place. The vibration suppressor grid is comprised of an outer ring that ié roiied thru the "Y" axis and is machined to accept’ a grid of flat bars as shown on Figure 3.7. | The turnbuckle used to j?in these grids is shown on Figure 3.8. Each turn buckle is positioned within the grid and accepts .at each end a curved tie-rod., This threading assembly is made ‘_possible by use of a right and left hand thread within the turn- buckle, The by-pass of liquid to the outside of the support plates and the suppressor grids is minimized by the manufacturing toler- ances that can be maintained. The inside shell diameter can be manufactured to 394" +3/16" -0" and the supports can be held to an outside diameter of 39 3/8" +1/16 -0. BY APPROVED PAGE 3 10 OF ur P e s . 4 i i S At Mgt BA. Bl L s b alm A R TA eMEET s e e s e | A Ay o P oAt g s =T CHARGS NO8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND-7),-66 ISSUE 1 j DATE 12/16/7u i W i~ N e e ey e U S 't i | i | ! | | | ISR, B e e e e e W Pl Lx) i taa [alatn) el e sewa ks i Lo laowai dd Mie M arm S ol s T NO AVAD ALad Wildalrdakaby WAL Vikdd b AV CHARGE NO§-25-2),31 DOCUMENT NO.ND-7L-66 | ISSUE 1 P - C ot wrm R a we b e i1 ¥ S aEmE b e ——— rx e A—. L. 1o R, T L A W T T et W 3.6 Channel Assembly The channel assembly is comprised of the bundle assembly (described in the preceding section) and the upper and lower hemispherical heads. means of a full penetration weld. head is a 16" nozzle allows for full radiography of the closure weld. in the lower head serves as the inlet nozzle which carries super- Each head is joined to the tubesheet by of the saddle type. This type of nozzle Tocated in the center of each PATE42/16/74 | A el LY T W R The 16 nozzle | critical fluid into the plenum chamber (lower hemi-head) and then through the heat transfer tubes. the high pressure steam is collected in the upper plenum (upper hemi-head) and allowed to exit through the 16" outlet nozzle as shown on Figure 3. 2. Saddle Nozzle ) 3.7 Special Design Features Upon exiting the tubes | The saddle type nozzle offers two advantages not found in i nozzles of a different design. the radiography of the nozzle to shell weld without the use of special techniques. weld from the critically stressed nozzle to shell intersection. Internal Bore Weld The I.B.W. welding process allows design of a tubesheet Secondly, the saddle nozzle removes the First, the saddle nozzle permits 1By APPROVED PAGE 2 S A ks FERLLY Y Porie , Bg e 311 OF LA L. WL AEEEEEC C RV, 4% 8 AN LAmew. am 52 SabL Bl r iy s rlelinaid Wi e am - P S S o e mr e Sl A s tra h s V- [ Y 2 % R I A P A T NU rrld ool LAy a2 R T LU aluib whadoasdaadl WUavi Vibaa L L\Ly b e Bb WA - - . BRI A N A A T TR s % TN CHARGE NO 8-25-21,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND-7L-66 |ISSUE 1 ~ that eliminates the crevice created by the standard "through" tubesheet design. The I.B.W. weld is a full penetration weld that can be fully radiographed. Minimal Flow By-Pass The close manufacturing tolerances that can be maintained during manufacture of the intershroud, shell cylinder and tube- supports minimizes the by-pass of molten salt to 2 percent of the total flow. BY R p L A . A Tyl T 0w . Wb Sy g LIL’{ TP 12/16 /7L WL W e R e, S L s J | - St A el e s A S S W) B O . L S [ APPROVED PAGE 312 oF NOTES 1. DO WOT SCALF TH!S DRAWING. USE FIGURE DIMENSIONS ONLY. 2, ABBREVIATIONS USED ON THIS DRAWIKG ARE IN ACCORDANCE, WITH AMERICAN STANDARD "AB- BREYLATIONS FOR USE ON DRAWINGS.” 1671.0.x [ 3 THK, STEAM INLET NQZZLE o DESIGN _DATA PRIMARY SIDE (SHELL) -+, DESIGN TEMPR. LISO'F DESIGN PRESS. 200P3lC i ALLOW. STRESS 9500 FS! WELD EFF, 100 % @ SECONDARY SIDE (TUBE) DESIGN TEMP LI20°F DESIGN PRESS. 3800PSIA ALLOW.STRESS 11B00E3I WELD EFF. 100 % MATERIAL VENT T SHELL HASTELLOY N TUBES HASTELLOY N TUBE_DATA NO.OF TUBES, _I0id TUBE SIZE 94 OPx25WALL TUBE PITCH 1 )" 60° EFF.LENGTH 140FT, MOLTEN SALT QUTLET NOZZLE 20"0_9,,3,8THK. STEAM QUTLET NOZZLE 1610~ 2 THK. i r l 1, ‘. 541.0. 37582 #/‘i‘jfi?\ r\" . ! SHROUD VIBRATION ) SUPPRESSOR REF. DWG, F.W.C. ND-740-497 LE 2070.D.x¥g THK. ADDED T SieN DATA ADDED T/E RODS & SPACERS AR, OF TUBES /414 wAs025 ! e wes 2-5" 1570, wRS @8 LD 7= 3% " TUBE SHEET S i ARV S 0T 4 32 58Z MAd, wihS 31850 B o™, | 5476 wss 25¥a £ GEYe P waS TT VYR, 702 HeE WAS TR g TR, wRS T TRA. £rE LaTH 140 WRS FI107 MOLTEN SALT INLET NO TUBE SUPPORTS—" (101a) TUBES 34 00. x 125 MIN. WALL 018 8 PITCH, EFFECTIVE LGTH. 140FT. ~di 1.D. SPACERS /,‘ 0313 014, TIE RODS WITH i3 OD. «78" A lzis7ix]| 30V 1D was 3@} LETTER DATE 135 1 [ s DESCRIFTION APFROX B B REVISIONS STEAM GENERATOR 2= GENERAL ARRANGEMENT MOLTEN SALT DRAWING NUMNER I SCALE: 3y =ieow ND-720-153 MITIAL oATE CONT, NO. REVISION OWG, MADE & APPROVED BY DRAFTSMAN WA e-27-78 QRDER MUMBERS - CHECKER Coit {70774 SQUAD LEADER | s SEGTION WEAD MECHAN{CAL ' | PROJECT CONT SUPY DESIGN MANAGER This Drawing is the Proparty ot tha - - : FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION hally cdt “Hrs 7 Pl alind @ 140 50. ORANGE A¥. LIVINGSTOH. N. .. . STRESS MANUFACTURING A+t 18 LENT WITNOUT CONSIDKRATION OTHER THAN THL ANALYSIS ENGINEER playrigtie v T e odr e ek W Yy L e 7 THiS DRAWING SUPERSEDES DWG‘ No' THIS DRAWING SUPERSEDED BY M&E 17 0233 371 aminme FomM 15m.00C Fig. 3.1 W 24 ol 8. 791" R. MAX. 49" DIA 1q" APPROX., | (4) UNITS REQLIRED DESIGN PRESSURE DESIGN TEMP. 2 120° F IRCO Psi MECHANICAL | PROJELT DESGW MANAGER, o 25 . i:‘:s V%‘FEH% \ a5 ! REVISED LOCATION OF 15 YE DIM ADDLD A.ps,z * DA, ,vam- 19 i\ Ez_gxcnu Dnsg \\wD.sAmo 1RO E WA 18O 74 | OELETED, MAT‘.." aTE LETTER DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS (?) FIELD CONSTRUCTION (6) FABRICATION (5) PREPARATION OF SHOP DETAILS (4) CUSTOMER COMMENTS @ PURCHASE OF ALL MATERIALS (2) PURCHASE OF MAJOR MATERIALS (1) PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENT D'WG. REY, DATE ISSUED FOR HEAD AND TUBESHEET DETAIL MOLTEN SALT This Drawing is the Property of the FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON. N. J. AMND 18 LENT WITHOUT CQHIIDI.A'ION OTHER THAN THE AT IT SHALL NOT BE AE- PRODUCID COPIID LINY Ol DISFOSED OF DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY MOR USED FOR ANY PURPFOSE OTHER THAN THAT FOR WHICH IT IS SPECHICALLY FURNISHED. THE APPARATUS FHOWN IN THE DRAWING I8 COVERED @Y PATENTS. VENT DRAWN BY: JAK [7-26-72] scaLE 3" = V-0 ORDER NO. CHECKED AaY: CVhH 19-12-7 APPROVED BY: |7 7(7/%‘ ND"'722"64 REV] DWG. NO. THIS DRAWING SUPERSEDES DRAWING SUPERSEDED BY THIs FORM 138-47-C Fig. 3.2 » i (16)-7,, DIA.HOLES EQ.SPACED N N N TOP BOTTOM DIM lrrasiTion [TRANSITION A 541, D. S61.D. B 285" 29 ot C 26" 27" NO. REQD 4 4 DES/GN PRESSURE - 300 F7 S/ DESICHN 7EMP = //50°% F MECHANICAL | PROJECT DESIGN MANGER, 7 7 ~ B o Tpe) G T ot LETRESS [MARNUEACT R MG ANALYSID | ENGRINEER Tone foiith TR . g sy TR L L kg Oy D B |. qa & VED: MAT'L 1274 fifig E R el A | ¥a" OiM, RS DESIGN TEMP T WASTIOD 10-12-72 39Y%2 1.D. WAS 40" 1,D. - '5 a4 A | wn ! 1:):(. WAS '¥g THK. LETTER DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS (7) FIELD CONSTRUCTION (€) FABRICATION (5) PREPARATION OF SHOP DETAILS (4) CUSTOMER COMMENTS (3 PURCHASE OF ALL MATERIALS (2) PURCHASE OF MAJOR MATERIALS (D) PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENT DW'G. REY. DATE ISSUED FOR SHELL TRANSITION MOLTEN SALT W This Drawing is the Property of the FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.. LIVINGSTOM, N, J. AND I8 LENT WITHOUT CONSIDERATION OTHER THAM THME BOAROWER'S AGREEMENT THAT T BHALL NOT BE RE- PRODUGCRD, COMED, LENT, OR DISFOSED OF DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY NOR UBED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THANM THAT FOR WHICH [T I8 SPECIFICALLY FURNISHED. THE APPARATUS SHOWN IN THE DRAWING |9 COVERED BY PATENTSO. DRAWN BY: PN scaLx 3I¥ = 10" ORDER NO. CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: LD 702 /6 7 REV, DWG. No. THIS DRAWING SUPERSEDES THIS DRAWING SUPERSEOED BY FORM 138-47-C Fig. 3.3 . MAX, INLET OUTLET Dim NOZZLE | NOZZLE A 27" 28" B 4% av," NO. REQ'D a4 4 ol DESIGN PRESSURE = 300 PSI DESIGN TEMP, = WBO°F MECHAR ICAL DRS\GWN PROJECT MAMAGER Choalac 737 ! BNALYS\S ENGINEER { ""[t 9-19-74 | ADDED: DiM. TABLE € LETTERS LRSS [ REMOVED: MAT ' A DESIGM TEMP, |{S0°F WAS1100 %9 2o 141500, L4 A R, tog ! Lhooud oo LETTER DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS @ FIELD CONSTRUCTION (6) FABRICATION (5) PREPARATION OF SHOP DETAILS () CUSTOMER COMMENTS @ PURCHASE OF ALL MATERIALS @ PURCHASE OF MAJOR MATERIALS (1) PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENT ISSUED FOR O'W'G. REY. DATE SALT INLET / OUTLET NOZZLE DETAIL MOLTEN SALT This Drawing is the Property of the FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE. LIVINGSTON, N. J. AND IS LENT WITHOUT CONSIDERATION OTHER THAN THE BORROWER'S AGREEMENT THAT IT BHALL NQT BI RE- PRODUCED, COPIED. LENT, OR DISFOSEID OF DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY NOR USED FOR AMY PURFPOSE OTHER THAN THAT FOR WHICH IT |9 SPECIFICALLY FURNISHED. THE :::::;"I'Ul SHOWN IN THE DRAWING i§ COVERED BY DRAWN BY: JAK |8. T2 sCALE - = 10" REV ORDER NO. CHECKED BY: |C. #4912 24 ND-722-165 APPROVED BY: F 42 DWG. No. THIS THIS DRAWING SUPERSEDES DRAWING SUPERSEDED BY FORM 138-47-C Fig. 3.4 r.So“ VIEW BRoR" , 25" THK, PL. TOP BOTTOM DI M. SHROUD | SHROLD A g2" 54 NO, REQ'D 4 4 A DA, g 0000000000 000 OO0 O P OO O OOO0O0 0000000 0000000000 000 COQO P OO O OGO GO0 T 0000000000 OO0 O OO0 G OO O OOOOOO 000 000 0000000000 OO0 OO0 P OOOOCOOO0O000000 0000000000 000 QOO0 O OO O OQOOOQO000000 24" 00000000 0000000 \ 100000000 0000000 00000000 Q000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 Q000000 [40.010,0.016 0 Bl +— ~ T O000000 48" %ooooooo 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 OO0 000 00000000 0000000 00000000 : Q000000 24" Q. x ., 50" THK. 0000000000 000 OO0 O @ OO OOOOOOV0COHE00} 0000000000 GO0 QOO0 & OO OOVOCDBCOONN00: 0000000000 0-00-0C0 0 $ OOCO00-00000000000} 10000000000 0000000 G- 0000000000000 40"0,0%,25"THK, I e (82)-.75"DIA. HOLES PER ROW (2O)ROWS SPACED 2.25"' FROM ToP APPROY. 1640 WHOLES PROJECY B Cork MANULEACTUR WY EMGINEER R S R Lo ] v verren | oate | DESCRIPTION REVISIONS ® (7) FIELD CONSTRUCTION FABRICATION @ PREPARATION OF SHOP DETAILS {4) CUSTOMER COMMENTS @ PURCHASE OF ALL MATERIALS @ PURCHASE OF MAJOR MATERIALS @ PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENT D'W'G. REY. DATE ISSUED FOR INTERNAL SHROUD MOLTEN SALT This Drawing is the Property of the FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.. LIVINGSTON, N, J. AND IS LENT WITHOUT CONSIDERATION OTHER THAN THE T T THAT FOR PATENTS. HAT IT BNALL NOT BE RE&- ] PRODUCED. COPIED, LENT, OR DISPOSED OF DIRECTLY OR IMDIRECTLY NOR UBKED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN WHICH IT 18 SPECHICALLY FURNISHED. THE APPARATUS SHOWN IN THE ORAWING I8 COVERED BY DRAWN BY: LS. o [somx T —re ORDER NO. cuxckeo wy: (O )4 APPFROVED BY: Z#ND-742-17! DWG. NoO. THIS DRAWING SUPKRSEDES THIS DRAWING SUPERSEDED BY FORM 3847 - C Fig. 3.5 NNNNN WOT SCALE DRAWING. DIMENSIONS ANBREVIATIONS USED OM THIS DRA ACCORDANCE RICAH RAEYVIATIONS DRAWL MOLTEN SALT (o ) 2 (13) 2" DA, TIE RODS o : — WITH | L 0D. SPACERS : : ‘j — 3%¢ g ; ND~720-125 ‘.“:__ s uane s | DATE |CONT. NO. 2 -2 4 -1409 nnnnnnn NOTES o, P 1. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. USE FIGURE DIMENSIONS ONLY. 2. ABBREVIATIONS USED ON THIS DRAWING ARE 1N ACCORDANCE WITH AMERICAN STAMDARD ™AB- BREYIATIONS FOR USE ON DRAWINGS.” y/d 2 /4 /4 prd 2 27 | Iy TIE ROD TURNBUCKLE -3 REQR'D. ) 00 Q NV thinle ) 27 L O o )/ A . I ) . , a . SN ‘ -/ \ \ A RN ' « TN \/ \_/ . NN oo o ;ocmxaocmxaocmxjocm>flmf' - T OO0000000000 R0 Hiis 000000000000 00000 A} | STaveraiaravataravaiatoTarararatom RNt W e il TUBE VIBRATION B 4 - RING " 8 - l SUPPRE%SC/’R o ‘e ; CREND REGICN D 393 1.D. 3= Q0° SEGMENT SMELL MOLTEN SALT . DRAWING NUMBER | BCALE: l‘ = 1.0 ND‘7AO' |q._( REVISION O ey | | oate | cont ne DRAFTSMAN LS [B-14-T4) ORDEA NUMBERS CHECKER o4 |- 7 SQUAD LEADER D7 T SECTION HEAD CONT. SUPY. SAED ChL PROJECT awing s 1l o BESEN" M‘NAEER Fos::RDWH;ELE"n FC::LO‘;;TIDN " 4‘:4 Gy A } VA ORANGE AVE LIYINGSTGN. M. J. . ifi&?fis e = YR T : £ ; DWG. NO. THIE ORAwING SUrEhecDeD aY FORM 155.00C Fig. 3.7 | ) MIN, WALL NAVMANMAN Qr VIBRATION SUPPRESSOR GRID F.W.C. DWGE, NO. ND-740-197 S 5 T\IE ROD - “o D. -L-ZOUNF L ML, THD, xi LG. /~T\E Roo~3c>t>~ L"_20UNF , R.H. THD, v.- 3" LG‘. A FLAT SURFACE FOR WRENCH FIT-UP (CTNP) VIEW "TRaIR" SECTION A=Al Tl ROD TURNBUCKLE TrHiS DRAWING 1S THE PROPERTY OF THE FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SO. ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N.J. AND IS LENT WITHOUT CONSIDERATION OTHER THAN THE BORROWER'S AGREEMENT THAT IT SHALL NOT BE RE- PRODUCED.COPIED,LENT. OR DISPOSED OF DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY NOR USED FOR ANY PURPOSE CTHER THAN THAT FOR WHICH IT IS SPECIFICALLY FURNISHED. THE APPARATUS SHOWN IN THE DRAWING IS COVERED BY 1'=1"—0"" MECHAN\C AL PROJECT DESIGN MAMAGER o8 SO m V/‘?‘ 9 - ““fly' PATENTS. STRESS MANUFACTURING ANALY SIS ENG\NE.ER DRAWN BY: |LRS [8+5-Mf SCALE: » ,r' qr yrzjl‘-‘l 'UI‘)IH - . L v CHECKED BY REVISION ORDER NO. NC.BH |17 74 APPROVED BY.| 47 |7 11 4 ND-742 - 168 K&E 17 0253 4-73 TEM 1194+ FORM 285-63.C Fig. 3.8 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2/;31 DOCUMENT NO., ND/7.L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FWC FORM 172 - |4 SECTION 4 THERMAL/HYDRAULIC DESIGN BY %*~.I; (lkuv¥ H. L. CHOU Thermal /Hydraulic Task Leader Approved by /‘«ZL‘*}‘H. C;A,JN ~Dr. S. M. Cho Manager Thermal /Hydraulic Engineering BY APPROVED PAGE l~a FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2},31 DocmWMMPNO.Nm/7u/66' ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE. CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - | TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES L.0 THERMAL/HYDRAULIC ANALYSTS L~1 4.1 THERMAL PERFORMANCE L=2 L.1.1 OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT L-2 Lh.1.2 HEAT TRANSFER SURFACE REQUIREMENTS L-6 L.1.2.1 UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS OF THERMAIL PARAMETERS L=7 THERMAL DESIGN MARGIN 4=9 L.1.3 DETAILED PERFORMANCE CALCULATIONS L9 L.1.L PART LOAD PERFORMANCE L-18 METHOD 1 4=19 L.1.4.2 METHOD 2 L~20 L.2 PRESSURE DROP CALCULATTIONS | L4-29 4.2.1 STEAM/WATER SIDE PRESSURE DROP L~-29 Lh.2,2 SALT SIDE PRESSURE DROP L~33 L.3 STABILITY L=33 L4.3.1 STATIC STABILITY L-36 4.3.2 DYNAMIC STABILITY 4=39 Lh.h SYSTEMS RELATED TO STEAM GENERATOR L=L6 L.b.1 START-UP SYSTEM AND WATER CHEMISTRY L-L6 START-UP SYSTEM L-l6 WATER CHEMISTRY L=-L9 Lh.h,2 PRESSURE RELIEF SYSTEM L-50 4.5 REFERENCES L4~55 BY APPROVED | AGE b FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2);31 DOCUMENT NO. wND/7)/66 ISSUE ¢ DATE 12/16/7L L.0 THERMAL/HYDRAULIC ANALYSTS It is the intent of this analysis to obtain a conceptual design of a steam generator which will operate with a molten salt system and a supercritical steam-power cycle. The steam generater design is of a once-through, counterflow, shell-and-tube type with salt flowing downward on the shell side and water/steam flowing upward in the tubes. Only one steam generator unit is intended for each of the four heat transport circuits which are connected, in parallel, to the Molten Salt Breeder Reactor. An axial (or long) flow approach was utilized after several unsuc- cessful attempts of meeting the design criteria by a cross flow scheme. The difficulty of solving the problems of tube vibration and the excessive pressure drop on the shell side similtanteously, forced the cross flow approach to be abandoned. However, it is noted that the advantage of cross flow approach is not so signifi- cant in a supercritical unit, due to the fact that the thick tube wall, necessary for high pressure, becomes a dominant thermal re- sistance (about 50%) of over-all thermal performance. The analyses of the basic thermal/hydraulic performances, design uncertainties, flow stabilities, and related systems have been performed and the results are presented in detail in the following sections. BY APPROVED PAGE }1~1 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-24,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L, NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FWC FORM 172 - | L.1 THERMAL PERFORMANCE ‘The thermodynamic ang transport properties and thermal conductances of all heat transfer media were first determined in order to obtain the steady-state thermal performance of the steam generator, L.1.1 OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT The heat is transfered from the molten salt on shell side to the steam on tube side. The thermal conductances of molten salt, tube wall, supercritical steam and steam-side fouling were considered. The molten salt gide fouling effect was neglected at the direction of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The Molten-Salt Reactor Experi-~ ment (MSRE) in 1960's denoted no evidence of fouling in the MSRE heat exchanger. However, the coolant mixture chosen for that application was BF5 with 66 mole % of LiF, and the coolant chosen for MSBR is NaF with 92 mole % of NaBF),.Evidence of the corrosion product, Na CrF6’ has been found in loops circulating sodium fluoroboratg, and this corrosion/product is expected to deposit on the outside surface of the steam tubes if not removed by some means (Ref.1 ). The effect of molten salt side fouling on the thermal performance of the steam generator was reported in the FWEC Monthly Progress Report #10 (Ref. 2). 0 The steam side fouling coefficient of 6667 Btu/hr—ftz- F was used and is considered to be a reasonable value for the single- phase flow and the five~year period of tube cleaning. The design Properties of the tube wall material, Hastelloy N (Nickel-Mblybdenum—Chromium—Iron Alloy), are tabulated in Re— ference 3 : A, Steam Side Coefficient The correlation by H. S. Swenson (Ref.lL ) was recommended for super-critical water/steam flowing inside circular tubes exposed to heat flux at the wall. This correlation is expressed by 0.92 0.61 0.231 L - oougy (20 )P mm Ay ) () M T; - BY APPROVED JPAGE -2 FWC FORM 172 - |} NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION LIVINGSTON, N. J, CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L where B. Salt Side heat transfer coefficient inside tube, Btu/hréft2—oF inside diameter of tube, ft thermal conductivity of fluid inside tube, Bbu/hr—f+-CF mags velocity of fluid, lb/hr—ft2 Viscosity of fluid at temperature of inside surface of tube, 1b/hr-ft - enthalpy at temperature of inside surface of tube, Btu/1b . enthalpy at temperature of bulk fluid, Btu/1b temperature of fluid at inside surface of tube, T temperature of bulk fluig, OF specific volume of bulk fluid, ft3/1b, and specific volime of3f1uid at temperature of inmide surface of tube ft-/1b Coefficient The Dittus Boelter correlation was applied to determine the molten salt heat transfer coefficient. The correlation is expressed Nu where Nu Re Pr by 0.8 . = 0.023 (Re) "~ (pr)°"l h, De BY APPROVED AGE L=3 FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2,,31 | DOCUMENT NO. WD/7L/66 |ISSUE 1 [DATE 12/16/7h h = heat tranafgr coefficient of molten salt, Btu/hr-ft°="F De = equivalent diameter, ft Kb = thermal conductivity ofomolten salt at bulk temperature, Btu/hr-ft-"F 2 G = mass velocity of molten salt, 1b/hr-ft f‘b = viscosity of molten salt at bulk temperature, 1b/hr-ft Cp, = specific heat at constant pressure of molten salt at bulk temperature, Btu/1b-°F A1l the conductances of overall, steam side, molten salt side, tube wall, and steam side fouling at full load are plotted versus length of steam generator, as measured from cold end, in Fig. 4.1. The overall conductance was calcu- lated based on outside surface of tube and maximum tube thickness (0.125" + 7%) since the steam is in the super- critical thermodynamic state, special care must be taken to insure that the evaluations of thermodynamic and trans- port properties are accurate. For given load conditioms, the tube length was divided into a sufficient number of sections, so that the specific heat, Cp, of steam in each gsection could be treated as a constant with negligible error, and the concept of logarithm mean temperature 4if- ference could be applied. The length-averaged mean values were calculated for each conductance to determine the overall performance of. the unit as full load conditions and are tabulated below. The method in Ref. 5 was utilized. The attributions to overall resistance of each are also shown. BY APPROVED PAGE L=l v | o IR RRX TN SONSY SEe: Eaws e Ste | ! - . condu e - | | The ins.gm : | | ' | ; { ances of it i M ] S S DAGE L5 ———— e Lo e & ) d - o) 4 o S \O 31J-IYy/n3}g 90UBLONPUOD TBUWIDYG 4,000 2,000 1,000 oo | Y0 - [ Cold Eng, ft » Toot Fig.ohi1 60 Tube Len 20 FWC FORM 172 - I NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTQN, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8~25-2),31 DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 |DATE 12/16/74 Conductance % of total Btu/hr-f+°-°F resistance Steam side LWho1. 11 12.0 Molten salt side 1079.21 31.50 tube wall | 499.79 h8.58 steam side fouling 6667.0 | 7.92 overall U 340 100 overall log mean temp. difference '205.670F L4L.1.2 HEAT TRANSFER SURFACE REQUIREMENTS The design criteria at full load operating conditions are ag follows: Salt Water/Steam Inlet temperature, °F 1150 700 Outlet temperature, °F 850 1000 Flow rate, 1b/hr 15,280,000 2,538,000 Inlet pressure, psia 235 — Outlet pressure, psia — 3600 Maximum pressure drop, psi 60 , 200 Thermal duty = 483 MW(t) = 1.65 x 107 Btu/hr. A basic thermal/hydraulic performance computer program was de- veloped to calculate the sizing of steam generator using the correlations mentioned in Section ;.1.1. This resulted in the basic thermal/hydraulic design of the steam generator as 1000 tubes with length of 120 ft. The specifications of this basic design are summarized below: BY APPROVED AGE L-6 FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 | ISSUE 1 __|DATE 12/16/7) No. of tubes per unit 1000 Total length, ft. 120 Tube O. D. in. 0.75 Tube thickness, in. max. wall 0.13375 Tube I. D. in min, ID ~ 0.4825 Transverse tube pitch, in 1.125 Longitudinal pitch, in 0.974 Heat transfer rate, Btu/hr 1.6L46 x 107 Total effective surface area, ft2 (based on tube OD) - 23561.8 Material Hastelloy N However, the uncertainties of heat transfer correlations, varia- tion of tube thickness, flow by-pass, and even the flucturations of flow rates will require surface margin to accomodate all the possible deviations from design conditions. This was best ac- complished by statistical approach. L4.1.2.1 UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS OF THERMAL PARAMETERS In order to obtain an appropriate surface margin to maintain a high confidence level of the design, a statistical computer pro- gram, entitled SIMPAK, (Ref. 30), was utilized. SIMPAK is a package of subroutines which read in the date, draw random numbers, relate data to probability distributions, facili- tate the Monte Carlo simulation, compute the mean and standard deviation of resultant probability distributions, and print out details of the probability distributions of a few variables of interest. Uncertainties were considered for heat transfer correlations used in the thermal sizing of the steam generator. For the steam conductance correlation, Swenson reports a standard devi~ ation of T 7.2% which leads to % 21.6% for 3¢'-deviation. This deviation was used for this study. The steam side fouling con- ductance was assumed to have a range of + 25% (37 —deviation). BY APPROVED ' PAGE L-7 LIVINGSTON, N. J. FWC FORM 172 - NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERFE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 DOCUMENT NO. ND/7)./66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/416/7L The heat transfer data of molten salt obtained with the forced- convection loop FCL-2 are in good agreement with the empirical correlation of Sieder and Tate (Ref. 1). In Rerf. 6, the Seider- Tate type correlation was developed for fuel salt as follows: Nu = 0.023}4 Re0.8 Pr1/3 (jfifi_)o-1h S with a standard deviation of 6.2% for Re > 12,000 (18.6% for 3¢ -deviation) and all the Properties read at bulk temperature, except M s at wall temperature. Since no better information is available, this Sieder-Tate correlation was compared with the Dittus-Boelter correlation, which was used in sizing the steam generator, to predict the uncertainty of coolant salt con- ductance computed in the performance computer brogram, It was found, within the temperature range of the shell side fluid, the conductance calculated by Sieder-Tate correlation was about 90.06% of the one calculated by Dittus-Boelter correlation. Therefore, for this uncertainty analysis, the molten salt con- ductance obtained by Dittus Boelter correlation was first multi- plied by 0.9006 and then assumed to have a standard deviation of 8% for more conservation. For thermal conductivity of Hastelloy N, the data obtained from Haynes Stellite were about L.19% higher than the values used in the performance computer program, (Ref. 7). Therefore, the thermal conductivity of tube wall wag first multiplied by 1.022 and then assigned a Standard deviation of 0.7167%. All the above parameters were agsumed to have normal distributions o simplify the statistical analysis. The variation of tube wall }hickness was limited to the manu- facture range of 0.125" +??. =/c The modeling method for overall performance of multi-stage heat exchangers used in Ref. 5 was adopted here to significantly reduce the Monte Carlo computation time. All the heat transfer correlations were included as part of the SIMPAK program so that the inter-dependent variables such as inside diameter of tube, flow rate, mass velocity, heat transfer coefficients, could be related to one another and computed gimultaneously. The input data were uncertainties of heat transfer correlations, variation of tube wall thickness, and overall performance parameters of basic design at full load conditions., The SIMPAK did 500 Monte Carlo trials and the cumulative probability of the total surface area of steam generator, based on constant duty and BY APPROVED AGE L8 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2,,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 | ISSUE 1 __|DATE 12/16/7L, NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - L temperature profile, was obtained as shown in Table }.1 and Fig. 4.2. It is noted that the flow rates of salt and gteam were held constant. When one considers the malfunctions of pumps, flow rates of salt and steam may fluctuate. Agsuming t 10% variation of flow rates, a second calculation was made and the results are shown in Table 4.2 and Fig. };.3. These Tesults are only approximate in the sense that the large fluc- tuations of flow rates would eventually change the total duty and temperature distribution along the unit. THERMAL DESIGN MARGIN The above analysis indicates that the confidence level of the basic design of 1000 tubes with length of 120 ft (area = 23562 £t<) is about LO%. This is considered to be too low a level of design confidence and therefore additional surface must be provided. For the case of constant flow rates (Table 4.1, Figure ,.2), the req%ired surface to give the 99.9% con- fidence level is 26002 £4° which is corresponding to 101L tubes with length of 131 ft. For the case varying flow rates,2 the 99.9% confidence level requires a surface area of 26611 ft which corresponds to 101l tubes with length of 134 ft. The flow by-pass on shell side being 1.2% would require additional 1 ft long. Therefore the reference design steam generator is designed to contain 1014 tubes, 140 ft. long, plus 13 tie rods. This design gives additional 18% of surface ares over the basic design, ang has the highest confidence level (99.9%) to achieve the specified thermal duty and design criteria, 4.1.3 DETAILED PERFORMANCE CALCULATIONS The heat transfer surface requirements shown in Section L.1.2 were obtained by a performance computer code. This computer code could be easily modified for all the situations and was extensively used for the thermal hydraulic performances. Si- mulating the unit by this performance computer code, the unit was divided into 63 sections in length. For each section the thermodynamic properties, transport properties, pressure drops, and heat transferocoefficients were determined by iterations, , From 700°F 4o TS0 F of steam temperature in the inlet region, the change in steam enthalpy per section wag limited to not more than 10 Btu/lb. From 750 F to final steam outlet tempera~ ture, the change in steam enthalpy per section did not exceed 20 Btu/lb. The 1967 ASME steam tables were used for alil steam BY APPROVED | AGE ;-9 FWC FORM 172 - | NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE IR’ Table 4.1 Summary Statisties for Overall Surface Area of Steam Generator g Flow Rates of Salt/Water are held constant :—é 2 o Mean 23,756 ft 8 R Standard deviation 736 jch o g Confidence § level 0.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 % Surface ?‘;; area, ft 21,958 122,830 | 23,134 | 23,374 23,573 123,719 | 23,889 |2L,140 | 24,370 24,729 | 26,002 . ‘ Ei = S~ oy o\ H : ) o = 5 2 T B © o ' I~ ) = LNAXIEVAIA VI TONN ‘I N ‘NOISHNIAIT NOILVEOd¥0D XO¥ANH YHTITHM WALSOL Confidence Level Overall Surface Area of Steam Generator vs. 2 F Flow Rate of Salt and Steam/Water are held constant | |is: | { S SN RN N | R e L. .ylt\vlyvl - | T R | : | _ fid] | i { e oy LAEE! Louet sonat| m E ¢ ] =111 SR M B S ’l.“‘ = T H : L P T S B S | | \ H i . : | % W Y R M .. s s et A4 5 [ ST GV IR DR L 20 oL 1 \ | ] ' | i | | \ , t IO { LR \ S S———— -: -'r-;'.. ;_.__. b EEIILGHN ANTa Ll sl 3.3 . | 1B 2 . ' fosmt fima s | ] ) ) ] ! 1 . 1 !MJ h. : ol .J.Zv» A4S ol < ! e e T —— . _ o Hobbq_monwWHmdno FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE xq Table L.2 Summary Statisties for Overall Surface Area of Steam CGenerator Bach Flow Rate of Salt and Steam/Water entering Unit is Changed "ON EDYVHD Lef2—a¢=-9 THAOYddY Mean 23762 £t° Standard deviation - T79 Confidence Level 0.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 ourface 5 Area, ft 21,779 {22,789 | 23,089 {23,341 23,568 | 23,760 |23,930 {2L,1L7 2L,432 | 24,779 [ 26,611 qOVd ARl 99/ML/QN *ON INEWADOT dNSST A ML79V72T Gava LNIWINVdId VA TONN ‘L *N ‘NOISOHNIAIT NOILVIOQY0D ZOWANI YATATHM YALSOL Confidence Level Overall Surface Area of Steam Generator vs. Fi Each Flow Rate of Salt and Steam/Water entering Unit is changed I V | | | T EESS 5 RSP SRS R S _ | ' \ - — - ;Oau-. | 1 M L . ] { fesp { R | | e g jes | PAGE L=13 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - L CHARGE NO. 8-25-2);31 DOCUMENT NO. wND/7L/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7), properties. This detailed performance analysis established the heat transfer surface requirement and pressure drops at full load operating conditions, in accordance with the design criteria (section L.1.2). - The pressure drops at entrances, exits, tube support plates and vibration suppressors have minor effects on the thermal perfor- mance of the steam generator. Temperature and pressure profiles as a function of position in the steam generator for steady state operation at full load are shown in Figures L.l to L4.6. The results of the thermal/hydraulic analysis of basic design at full load conditions are also summarized below: Salt Water/Steam Inlet temperature, oF 1150 - 700 Outlet temperature, OF 850.6 -~ 1000 Inlet pressure, psia 235 ' 3770.5 Outlet pressure, psia 296 3600 Flow rate, 1b/hr 15.28 x 106 o 2.538 x 106 Mass velocity, lb/hr~ft2 | 3.363 x 10° 1.999 x 106 Static pressure difference, psi - 61 + 170.5 Total net pressure loss, péi Lo.?2 158.1 Thermal duty = 1.6L6 x 109 Btu/hr The pressure drop calculations are presented in Section L4.2. There are two vent nozzles positioned at each tubesheet-to-shell Juncture to vent trapped gases. These vent nozzles will also assist in preventing the salt from freezing at the juncture of the cold leg. The low feedwater temperature of 700 F angd stag- nation of salt at the cormer of cold leg are the possible causes of salt-freezing. For the basic design, the salt temperature at the outside tube surface in the activ heat transfer region near the lower tubeshegt is about 800 F at full load conditions and is higher than 800 F at part loads. In the stagnant (inactive) BY APPROVED AGE L-1] t 2 52 [ S st - '} a8 Sl o) | Ey iy ; = - et ey { | ] o may o wop- " by 22 =73 ' 2 8¢ MSER 1 ! S SRS 1 PSS LLESE SN 5 foil e ld \ . > >rofi | i . !.._ { Tem: o | erat et g — = PAGE L4-15 ..Afil Water/steam e s et =L ML LS IEEUR SR CSRRS ---.PL ‘fil .P_fi L sl B3 Ry | | ‘ eS SEEES bV SEAN Col : % | Fige L.L th from 60 Tube Le Lo S Y = 4y 1100 ‘eangjexsdusy 1000 900 800 700 . .. 3 Fmm s 55552 sew- 3 zvaedads LE5S4 aut s id. : 9§ EBess PETAA RS 2ES 3 rudaa sashd b 3 - o e3i 7 .M:“. {: ¥ i 2 tHaegs ity = o4 | - Y L =g be Lakad pdads e exs il i I PEAA) #2578 prand EEASS | > — D | rire - / ! ' R E y fah o LN B N ‘4 r e by ' ) \ - i poes Saam 2 iad 2 FETES T34 g ‘fi 91 Bz Sawe wrTedrzsis s 3 = ‘ 3oa: Frres et I SIOE: 28 ceet Ioapt foet ese TF b 1 - - - - S — { = E : : — = : . 13 YR pAd N g pe . R I B e e T ' Vi AN I ‘ ' ' 'y ! T 4 { 4 —t 3 _ - 1 i : ' | L] i —— - - | 3 N e MY \ yateryete { | | L | 4 Lo L }.Bpd rs ol w i 60 Fig. gth | | Tube Len 20 3780 | i O \O o~— o 3 —~— m eTsd ‘30833 £3TABIH SurpnToUT sanssaig °T13e1S 3740 3720 & 3680 | 3660 4 36“0 + 3620 + 36004 ar ™A~ | P ™ pressure profile I ] l ef»s?ltwa " ! | | [ | | | | | b ) £ \ b plapea i 3 vibration suppressors uppor 4P = 4.8l psi 23 tube s —< et et by 1324 - 3L i Hit = 85 o exu gune — I Hor i -t b “lAt - & i ““ 2153 B rae gasl i tiiH <3 - LI .“””# - : iiech ”. 4 . - - . - el » R 1 ot has BEE53 i3] ot l STass badas b ¥=h 5% FSoat Soamd adbs Sasts soss) [hsad b5 : ' ' - 203 SeRE] ETTL) fosss bougs sies aals LRSI BESSR 1 - - tt “” - R - - R e e S i‘lé = # i3 bt - = -4 e - - - - -— R R SR : - 4 P ot bk be ¥ 5 ro- w Senns i : et ITT e a0 s: Lott Fikvs vavia punas buss § oead vesad PSUSY EFRTS FREY IET S FEEDY FEE =i SE2% REEo] ISR By P ees Eeoed s s; posed Phsed anes Soves gt LIRSR SSEo AR SRS Lrust Sl Pl Iarly Spees SO Il Rl soeTyazesy bages sy - 4 =g e s e . == w “\. -— |l5 — o - } S | 3 W : [ ] — . 1 ' - 4 X —— -9 . 3 . ! 1 4 X, ’ | I : | ! =i = D, i | N ’ i - . ' 1 | : — 1 —_ & > 1 : e KRS s e 1 i o ! . ’ ‘ i ] o 310 300 ¢ (o)) N ersd ‘308338 f3TAa8 SurTpniour eamssoxd 01%e18 o @ (Y] { + O 7 N L - O \O N 1 . O 1w 8V 240 + 230 4 ' “ry FWC FORM 172 - J FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT o, ND/74/66 | ISSUE 1 |patE 12/16/71 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE _ L.1.4 region, the poor heat transfer coefficient on the salt side might create a situation in which the salt-side tube wall tempergture could be lowered below the salt freezing point of 725°F, However, the above possibility is remote considering the fact that the steanm generator cell of the generating station building is maintained at temperature of 1000°F (Ref. 23 ) by external heat source. The salt at the tubesheet-to~ghell Juncture would absorb additional heat through the heat conduction from heated cell to the shell of steam generator. Therefore, the salt temperature near the cold tubesheet would not be below the salt freezing point of 725°F. The vent nozzles will contin- uously vent out a small amount of salt to keep the salt always in motion (also for higher heat transfer coefficient) instead of stagnant in this region. From the preceding discussions, the unit will be free from a salt freezing problem. Detailed analysis was not undertaken of this problem in the present study but should be 2 part of future studies. PART LOAD PERFORMANCE Partial load operation is defined as any condition between 20 and 100% of full load thermal duty. The operation from zerp to 20% load is designated as startup operation. Two major limitations, of high priority, when the plant un- dergoes changes in load are: (a) turbine throttle temperature to be held at 1000°F due to turbine limitations, and (b§ the coolant salt temperature at steam generator outlet and fuel salt temperature at reactor in%et to be held above the salt freezing points of 725 and 930 F, respectively, at all loads. The primary fuel salt gystem will operate at constant flow rate and constant reactor inlet temperature of 10500F, with the re- actor outlet temperature controlled as a function of load., It tions. If the coolant salt decreases linearly with load, the reduced coolant salt flow rate would decrease the coolant salt temperature at the steam generator outlet excessively with the danger of being lower than freezing point (Ref. 10). However, duction of load (percentagewise), there is a chance that the steam outlet temperature might exceed the limitation of 1000°F. This indicates the difficulties of control during the part load operations. BY APPROVED PAGE }~18 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2);31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 [DATE 12/16/7L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - |, Two principal methods for control of part load operation are (1) Varying the coolant salt flow with the flow reduction less than the load reduction (percentagew1se) and thus_allowing the L.1.4.1 METHOD 1 Coolant salt flow was varied linearly from 30% flow at 20% thermal load to 100% flow at 100% load. The associated inlet and outlet temperatures of coolant salt are tabulated in Table L.3 (Ref. 3). The steam inlet temperature was held constant at 700°F, while the steam flow varied in proportion to load (slight deviation from linearity exists due to water bypass for the attem— peratgr). The steam outlet temperature was allowed to rise above 1,000 F at part loads and was subsequently ttemperated with the bypassed fgedwater at conditions of T00°F and 3700 psia to maintain 1,000°F turbine inlet temperature. The results presented in Figures L.7 to .13 indicate that this method is satisfactory. Figure 4.7 shows the uncontrolled ang attemperated final steam temperatures versus Percent of full load. Figure L,.8 shows the amount of attemperator flow versus percent load. Figure ;.9 shows the amount of salt and water flow rates entering the unit versus percent of full load. Pi-— gures L.10 to .13 show the temperature and bressure profiles of salt ard water/steam at part loads, 4.1.L.1.1 FEASIBILITY OF USING A SPRAY ATTEMPORATOR AT THE OUTLET OF THE STEAM GENERATOR It has been Foster Wheeler's experience that utiligiss do not prefer to use spray attemporation between the final stage of superheat and the turbine. However, such an arrangement is accepted only when there is one stage of superheat, It has been‘standard practice at Foster Wheeler that, for large fossil-fired steam generators, two Spray attemporator locations are Provided between stages of superheat. This ——— BY APPROVED PAGE )19 FOSTER WHEELER ENERCY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1_IDATE 12/16/7), NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - | arrangement allows the superheaters to be designed with lower alloy steels and lower metal temperatures. Also, this arrange- ment provides rapid steam temperature control over a wide load range since the steam travel time between point of spraying and point where the temperature is being controlled (the other side of a stage of superheat) is smell. With the present reference design, there are two possible lo- cations for a spray attemporator; (1) at the inlet of the steam generator and (2) at the outlet of the steam generator Placing an attemporator at the inlet of the steam generator is not recommended because it would increase the probability of salt freezing at the cold end of the steam generator where the higher pressure (above 3800 psi), colder (below 700°F) water would result. Locating a spray attemporator at the outlet of the steam genera- tor is quite practical. The inlet feedwater can then be used as a source of spray water with proper pressure head and tem- perature for this application. The calculations using this approach that are reported herein indicate that the spray flow quantities that would be required over the load range are reasonable and in line with values required on fossil fired steam generator. It is noted that the change of moisture carry-over to the turbine that could damage the high pressure stages does not exist because of high steam temperatures (1000°F and above) and supercritical pressures (above 3600 psi). Another factor alding this situation is the long length of piping that will undoubtedly be required between the steam generators and the turbine. L.1.4.2 METHOD 2 Partial decoupling of the secondary coolant salt loop from the primary fuel salt loop could be accomplished by short-circuiting a fraction of the coolant salt around the primary heat exchanger. This would require a throttling devicé which is not presently developed. The present steam generator design is not based on this scheme, however, this method would provide useful infor- mation for control study. In this study, the steam %nlet and outlet temperatures were held constant at 700 and 1000 F, respectively, during part load opera~-- tions for which steam flow rate changes linearly with load. The salt flow rate and salt inlet temperature which would maintain the salt outlet temperature at 850°F * 15° were to be determined. BY APPROVED AGE Jy-20 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO,8-25-2L,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L FWC FORM 172 - ) Table .3 Coolant Salt Temperatures and Coolant Salt flow with Varying load. Salt inlet o | Salt outlet o Load, % Flow, % Temperature, F Temperature, F 100 100.00 1150 850 90 91.25 1147 851 80 82.50 114, 853 70 73.75 1139 855 60 65.00 1134 857 50 56.25 1127 860 L0 47.50 1117 865 30 B 38.75 1106 | 87L 20 - 30.00 1091 891 - Base on ORNL Reference Design Heat Exchanger and operation of the fuel salt system at constant reactor inlet temperature of 1050°F, BY APPROVED PAGE )21 PAGE }-22 - *!. = =3 EEE e iR O S { |4Ivm!! hm _ i TS it | a7 - | -l m,;“-t“ = .m SO SN — . - it - = g o o &3 3 A 5 3 & o - gy ——— - o= + = & el o 4 sef : .“.l 3 m [t 4 - - ot § s“ f ! M &y a 2 S = )] il - 3 £ ! ._ | T > 5 - W - i o 0 +2 : - - e lvo - = £ I 4+ =~ 5 & Q g 8 foms) 2 o R Y] —— + L 4 o o g 8 g 8 g S g -~ — O (@] (@] (@] e P ™~ | 4 Ao o - s do ‘eangjexadusy, Amount of attemperato through attemperator (over total Percent of feedwater introduced steam entering turbine) :flllva)..!l r flow -— —.t!lt- —— | | & | Gy | | | po e e e it #0! . !Av oliot‘ b .Tbmpérat_;e;prbfil = PAGE L~26 ! : s LSS KT, v j . =E 1 1200 1100 do ‘®angeasdusy, 1000 ngth fromgoli. ( | L0 60 Tube le 20 800 21 has Ahea . i PR [ SRt Sne et By *?:'L +11t ’ rreedsesi . rédidorea v v aadi. tipde-e PAGE L-27 ater —/ LS 3l = | P el M 2o G EEE W ST ) I i £il 20% iA =13 ure p i r- I e 2T | ! l Pressur s o - 24 pro ¥ — L fd i | e \ i | $ad [ 4 SAE3 ) | ...u, - i | i } mard U358 S22TT | B B = L i) ot R (5 e 5 S el 5 1l B 0 TN il S S Fa e 0 e F (R o s S e e ey 3 belsis L=V I m b R P 1 I TS B s Ty - e Ly —ra NP S - . - b 122 —— s : LRSS S SRS Bl 4+ - 55 SERAL ApRsE R = Cay e 5 ~ ¥y Bt I’.‘-Mlll.n Opl*t { g e e\ I | | } 4& eb | old 60 nqth from c Tube le Lo 3740 3700 3640 + 3620 “+ vrf ety PSS b x R PRTE = n B e PAGE L-28 ' ' ' i C e e e g e1sd Q A ‘sqoe3y0 £4 TABJI3 ButpnTout oJanssaad 914899 L0 | 220 E=snie /l ERE e by T i =i = - 1... -f - =5 , R A i e BEEs B Sinc. ! ; | _ _ | w ; : . _ A T v e e i = e B s | | i 0 : e o als ST ey . : Rt S R BR B R 2 el L A S E P DR P | o @ _ | : : a0 Ll T s AT i | i —— @r ,.rw}< s . s — . by ‘, e - = —gag 3 3 j b i n o | n. £ O # ; . & %9 A _ / " | N . 20 B 1 old 13 rom ? [} \ ength £ Tube le FWC FORM 172 - |, WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N, J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 DOCUMENT NO. ND/7)/6 6| ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7l, Therefore, the salt flow rate and galt inlet for each salt outlet temperature of 835, temperature were computed 850, 865°F, throughout the range of 20 to 110% of rated load, The results are Summarized in Table 4.l ang constant salt inlet temperature lines pre-~ were generated from Table L.l by using a and Fig. 4,15, The sented in Fig. 4,15 third order interpolation routine to information for control analysis. part load range of about 6L tQ 97%, temperature from 1040 more than 100% h.2 provide valuable overall Fig. 4.15, shows that for ) The performance computer program used in sizing the steam ge— drops between inlet/outlet nozzles, region were adde nozzle overall pressure differences fluids, 4.2.1 STEAM/WATER -SIDE PRESSURE DROP The absolute roughness, 0.00006 ft, of tube, 0.4825", were used for The pressure tube support plates ang the d to estimate the nozzle-to- for both shell angd tube side and minimum ingide diameter tube side pressure drop calcu= lation. Sigce the flow is in turbulent region (Re = 1.9 x 10 to 1.0 x 10 ), the friction factor was calculated by the Colebrook-White semiemperical formula (Ref. 11) which is ex- Pressed as: 1 ks — + 2 log ): J f D friction factor absolute roughness, ft D: inside diameter of tube, Reynold number 1.1 - 2 log (1 + 9.35 ) Re { £ K ft BY APPROVED PAGE Li=29 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7)./66 ISSUE 1 |DATE 12/16/7) NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - | Table L.l Part Load Performance — Method II Salt Flow Rate and Salt Inlet Temperature Salt Outleto Salt Inlet Salt Flow Temperature, F Temperature °F Rate, % : Load, % 835°F 1001.8 35.60 19.81 1005.9 52,18 29.7L 1013.8 66.58 39.68 1026.3 77.8L L9.6L 1045.2 85.08 59.63 1071.0 88.55 69.6L 110L. 1 88.83 79.67 1145.6 86.69 89.72 1193.2 83.55 99.78 850°F 1001. 3 39,28 19.81 _ 1004.2 57.86 29.7hL 1009.7 ~ 74.51 39.68 1019.1 88.00 L9.6L 1033.3 97.57 59.64 1053.3 ' 102.6) 69.64 1079.8 10L.02 79.68 1113.0 102.39 89.7L 1152.6 98.91 99.81 865°F 1000.9 L3.74 19,81 1002.9 64,.69 29.74L 1007.0 83.85 39.69 101).1 99.92 49.65 1025.0 111.87 59.65 1040.5 119.04 69.66 1061.6 121,62 79.70 1088.., 120.50 89.76 1121.5 116.77 99.85 1160.2 11.75 109.97 Steam inlet temp. = 700°F O Steam outlet temp. = 1000 F Steam flow rate = changes linearly with load BY APPROVED AGE 4-30 LE-1 @Ova 120 Percent load vs. salt inlet temperature at constant salt outlet temperatrue steam inlet temp. = 700°F o steam outlet temp. = 1000 F constant salt outlet temperature —-— “--_4-—.---'.—_—.__.-., S e RN S S LA, SO St Tod __E— - 4 } { ; ! : ? — L — __!,___ — — 2 =~ ? i i d Ly bl 22 i‘ - ! ! | ! i | ! } | : ! i ! { . | ! ! 4 1 ] » T °F = ¥ el o e ——— { : | i ! | i R e g o T S b - | i ! i : ! ! | | ; | ‘ , r i $ - 0 F steam inlet temp. = 700 o 1000 F steam outlet temp. = Percent salt flow vs. percent load at constant salt inlet and outlet temperatures i ture ra 1 O e O O O 5 .. mfi T “ j a1 I fi_ : W ..mw :-#:;waw 24 ; m~ _ e e 0 T I A o R o i i O P A R ‘ sdaast S .._.{..;.1_'.'-. i ' e e vz s perature constant salt outlet tem 110 FWC FORM 172 - | NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANCES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2L,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L h.2.2 L.3 The pressure losses occurred between the inlet nozzle and the lower tubesheet, and between the upper tubesheet and the exit nozzle were calculated per FWEC fluid flow formulas (Ref. 12). The results are summarized in Table 4.5, with hand calculations attached in Appendix B. Pressure profiles of steam generator at full and part loads are also presented in Section 4.1.l. SALT SIDE PRESSURE DROP There are 23 tube support plates in vertical and horizontal portions, three vibration suppressors in bend region, one shroud in inlet region and four shrouds in outlet region. The pressure drops occurred at nozzles, shrouds, tube support plates and vi- bration suppressors were hand-calculated per FWEC Standard Ma~ nual (Ref. 12). These values were added to the pressure drops calculated by the active heat transfer region performance code. The results are summarized in Table L.6. Hand-calculations are attached in Appendix B. The Colebrook-White formula was used for friction factor cal- culation. Unit pressure profiles in shell side are shown in Section 4.1.3 and L4.1.l. STABILITY Historically, the early studies of flow instability were de- veloped from operational difficulties with fossil-fired boilers. A number of boiler~tube failures and thermal performance de- gradation were attributed to water/steam flow ingtability. Units designed in supercritical pressure region also suffered the same problem as well as in the subcritical region. In boiling systems, fluctuations are always present because of variations of the rate of bubble formation and population, of flow regimes, of the heat transfer coefficient, etc. Conse- quently these fluctuations may induce the flow instabilities. In the supercritical region, rapid changes of thermophysical properties are observed in the vicinity of the critical point. The propagations of variations of properties, in particular of the density and of the enthalpy, through the system introduce time and space lags of transformation which under certain condi- tions can cause unstable flow. Two major classifications of unstable phenomena are defined as static and dynamic instabilities. Both of them could be analyzed by conservation equations of mass, momentum, energy and the BY APPROVED | PAGE 1~33 FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE. CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE Table 4.5 Steam-side Pressure and pressure drops 0 : = o =P at nozzle, P. leaving [AP between P. entering [AP at nozzle, Entrance tubesheet, tubesheet, tubesheets, tubesheet, tubesheet, EBxit N Load | P. psia psi psia pei psia ' psi P. psia q% R /| 100 | 3770.5 1.6 3768.9 160 3608.9 8.9 3600 & %J - B 8o | 3715.0 1.1 37101, 109 3605.1, 5., 3600 S 60 | 3673.7 0.6 3673.1 70 3603.1 3.1 3600 % S L | 3639.7 0.3 3639.L 38 3601.4 1.4 3600 g ' - S 20 | 3615.5 0.1 3615.1 15 3600.4 0.4 3600 A — : o = o 2 £ o b N 3 S ~ LNIWIYVAAQ IVATONN ‘T °N ‘NOLSONIAIT NOILVYOdY¥0D AD¥ANA ¥AIAHHM ¥HISOJ FWC FORM 172 - | NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE LNINIYVdAQ IVATIINN NOILVIOJY0D XOWANT WHTHTHM YA LSOd v td Q ) 2 Table 4.6 Salt-side pressure ang pressure drops o 4P at P entering [P at tube AP at P leaving AP at o) Entrance { nozzle, tube support tube tube bundle, shroud, Exit d Load | P. psia shroud, psi bundle, psi plates, psi bundle, psi | psia nozzle, psi | p psia ' - — I | 100 235 1.1 233.9 .8 -70.8 299.9 3.8 296.1 Q E 2 80 235 0.7 234.3 3.3 -76.2 307.2 2.l 304.8 g} 60 235 0.5 234.5 2.1 -80.4 312.9 1.4 311.5 3 ] Lo | 235 0.3 234.7 1.1 -8l 317.6 0.6 317.0 I3 — . A 20 235 0.1 234.9 0.4 -87 321.5 0.2 321.3 - : 5 = HE < & 2| |2 ¥ ] =1 |3 T N vl o = = o * FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. - CHARGE NO. 8-25-21,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 |1Isste 1 |paTE 12/16/7L 4.3.1 proper equation of state. Static instability lies in the steady- state laws, while dynamic instability is time-variant phenomena. Zuber (Ref. 13) described three mechanisms which could induce thermohydraulic oscillations at supercritical pressure. One is caused by the variation of the heat transfer coefficient at the pseudo critical point, which is defined as the point where C reaches its maximum value. The second is caused by the effegts of large compressibility and the resultant low velocity of sound in the critical region. The third mechanism is caused by the large variation of flow brought about by density variations of the fluid during the heating process. Both static and dynamic stabilities for the present steam generator are discussed in detail in the following sections. STATIC STABILITY INTRODUCTION Static instability is an amplification of steady state distur- bances which encompass tube circuit configuration, heating imbalances, flow rate perturbations, etc. The static insta- bility of primary design importance in steam generators is the excursive instability, which at supercritical pressure, is the equivalent of the "Ledinegg" excursive instability in boiling steam at subcritical pressures. A flow is sub- jected to a static instability when the flow conditions, changed by a small perturbation, will not return to original steady state conditions (Ref 17). The significance of the static stability is best analyzed by plotting the pressure drop-~flow characteristic as schematically shown in Fig. L.16. A system of many parallel heated tubes is considered with attention focused on only one tube where various levels of heat input are allowed. The quantity of heat input depends gualitatively on the situation of heating medium distribution among the heated tubes. Demand curves Q1, Q2, and Q3 denote increased levels of heating medium quantity surrounding the concerned heated tube. A constant inlet-to-outlet pressure difference is imposed as indicated by the horizontal line H. Intersections with curve @1 showing the possible operating points for a constant pressure drop supply system (or any pump characteristics) are indicated by C, D or E. Operation at point D or E will be stable whereas that at point C will be unstable. For example, if at point BY APPROVED [PAGE L-36 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L4/66 |Issue 1 |paTE 12/16/74 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - L either D or E the flow is perturbated to increase (decrease), the pressure drop of the heated tube increases (decreases), i.e., the demand of the system is larger (less) than the ex- ternal supply, and consequently the flow will return to its original value. However, if the flow is perturbated to increase (decrease) at point C, the external system supplies more (less) than that required to maintain the flow. Conse-~ quently the flow rate will increase (decrease) until the new operating point E (D) is reached. Therefore, the shape of curve Q1, especially at point C, as shown in Fig. ;.6 should be avoided to insure static stability within the possible range of load operations (Ref. 21). TFigure L.16 also explains the sensitivity of flow maldistribution in the same system. For the sake of argument, assume the operating point is at E. With an increase in heating medium flow around the local tube to Q2, the flow decreases monotonically to point A, Pur- turbations in any of the system variables can cause a flow excursion or rapid deceleration to a stable point B. Further increase in heating medium surrounding the tube to Q3 results in operation at point ¥. Therefore, the heating imbalance among circuits will induce flow maldistribution in a system of many parallel heated tubes (Ref. 18). Another phenomenon which should be considered is the potential of flow reversal (Ref. 18). In a long, vertically-oriented unit, the large hydrostatic head of the steam columm may lead to flow reversal. This can occur when the difference in hydraulic heads between two parallel downflow tubes exceed the friction pressure drop. It has been recognized that a superheater with heated downcomers undergoes a potentially critical period during start-up, because at initial low flow the friction pressure drop may be less than the hydrostatic head (Ref. 20). However, the static head can be an important factor in stabilizing upward flow. L.3.1.2 ANALYSIS METHOD For a constant pressure drop supply system, the preceding introduction leads to the statement that the operating point is stable if the derivative of the pressure drop -~ flowrate curve is positive. The mathematical form is (Ref. 22) S0P & W flow rate 1b/hr. = pressure drop psi 70 where W d I BY APPROVED PAGE =37 FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE. CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2/;31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE12/16/7L; L.3.1.4 ‘This criterion for the flow excursion stability is well known and the prediction techniques have been developed which are based on the solution of the steady-state con~ servation equations for mass, momentum, energy and the equation of state. The static stability aspect of the reference design steam generator was analyzed for conditions at 100, 60 and 20% load. At each load, the water/steam and molten salt inlet conditions were kept constant and the flow rate of water/ steam was perturbed. The effect of flow maldistribution of molten salt, resulting in the variations of the heat input to the individual tube, was also considered. This investigated the flow sensitivity of water/steam flow mal- distribution in a system of parallel heated tubes. The thermal hydraulic performance computer code and the "Steam and Water Pressure Drop Computer Program" (Ref. 1) were used to generate pressure drop-flow characteristics for each load. The potential of flow reversal was also examined. For the calculations of part-load conditions, Method 1 of Section was applied. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of static stability analysis are presented in Figures L.17 to L.20. TUsed in these figures is the relative flow rate which is the ratio of flow rate under perturbation to that at normal operating condition of a specified load. Curve @ denotes the condition of molten salt surrounding a local tube under the normal flow distribution condition, and curves Q+ and Q- denote the 110% and 90% of the normal molten salt distribution surrounding the tube under consi- deration respectively. Pressure drop was defined by cal- culating the pressure difference from normal water/steam inlet (bottom) to outlet (top) plenums regardless of the flow direction. Fig. 4.20 is a continuation of Fig. L.19, (20% load) to show the peak &P of 0.58 psi for the curve Q- of the reverse flow. CONCLUSIONS Based on the comparison of results with criteria of incep- tion of static instability, the analysis leads to the con- clusion that the reference design steam generator is statically stable. BY APPROVED PAGE [,-38 FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WIERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8ot 0]:31 | DOCUMENT NO.p/7/66 ISSUE_ 1 [DATE 12/16/7L The static stability is insured for the slopes of all the curves are positive ({2P/§W >0). These curves also indicate the unit is insensitive to the flow maldistribution among the parallel circuits. The onset of flow reversal is limited to very small pressure difference of 0.58 pei (Fig. 4.20). This possiblity may not exist due to the fact that the external pressure supply system is expected to prac- tically always be operating at a much higher range. 4.3.2 DYNAMIC STABILITY h.3.2.1 The dynamic stability work was performed by Gulf General Atomic in 1972 under a contract to FWC. The GGA report Ref (15) in its original form is presented in the Appendix B for further reference. An abstract of the GGA report is presented here. INTRODUCTION Dynamic instability encompasses the possibility of small density perturbations in the steam producing sustained and growing disturbances within the steam generator. In this regard, density wave perturbations are analagous to the velocity perturbations in incompressible flow which can give rise to sustained flow disturbances and eventually produce a transition from laminar to turbulent flow. Since the compressible flow of the steam is already turbulent, unstable density wave perturbations will not lead to a flow transition but will lead to other undesirable effects such as mechanical vibration or thermal cycling of the tubes. Because the perturbations and possible instabilities are time variant phenomena, the instability is classified as dynamic as opposed to static instability. L.3.2.2 ANALYSIS METHOD The steam generator for the Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor has been analyzed at approximately 100, 80, 60, LO and 20 per— cent of the rated load. For this investigation an existing code, DYNAM, was modified to permit analysis of the dynamic stability characteristics in the supercritical region. The DYNAM code is based on a method in which the governing equations are derived from conservation principles for mass, momentum, and energy. These time-dependent equations, simplified by considering a single spatial coordinate along the tube axis, are BY APPROVED PAGE -39 — 1113 - 1 b { 4+ 4 ¥ : PRara-— .Lm‘w.b..é - T.N*»O» c . v - 1 I : ; Hw i Sass toses £ ol : i b : t [3T8d satai fais: w.uu 4t w. SE A B wo! " - ;AL;NA 44 e—i vmm m~ HAMM“H Qs regn: kg T R R S ERRe. T - e P . . - 4] { : e hgge 31t Thge: i (335 B i .. ¥ 13s i 3 23133 gwne i P H e : n..“., : 345 i bynd PR E 8 'Y pogy ' 38 fede 1= ls 0 By R ' - 3 B9 P el B ’ - - L3 3 < TTe = + - Av v . 3 : -4 ’Oll - v -~ s T HEa ! I e y 0 4] e : : He il i b : - o 1 > R - t‘.'. : “ : - - 331 » - - 4 1 o . 24 e wd - - “ ot - - St oL et pi i EL T3 : .._. : P PRSP T Y AT E F e : .u_“.. : - .- R LI L PR e . - - o T+ TS R & 1 -4 >, ' -5 : R 2 ——ePe P ol - + - - b - - . 3 : )| i .y 3! ' ‘ ' 2 - S £55 Lot B =) B ? 41 Lo CIN S e - ‘ - . Y | . { . 1 _ : A'] o ——— - — s { | i e S TR T S S , i $ 0 7 e ¥ ! " LR el - Y i el T H _ . i _ _ 4 g w ' " : ” . . - 4 M ! i . H { ’ e et ! : s e % Wk | - S - : n e ——————F ——— — ! EH B e | | i | | i ! i | [ | % L cteristic f | | | | ! P | ot s e e : | ' | i H | | | ) p Flow C Pressure-Dro Fig. L.16 4p PAGE L-L0 T g FRRRSANGES sanna 3 bl 4. i i 't 82 3 1 o 8 " 3 b - 14 - 34 us wur uiaa m;x H 3 HHHHR TR 5 + - , } 1 .y 4 &1 3 R 13 o te o e IeA : ~ - tic i ow Chb?a 'p_.i: rig | - cte | 1 e [ w—— 1"... 1 L e hhaodl li.u...luw-'l”f. ml'd.«lnl . - , —— ——— - — { { | ! ' ' | : < =1} ' ‘ r—— —— Y g — ! 1 - r - : ) i | ! P Qw..@. A - PSI i | | 1 Pressure Dro - ~- Reverse Flow PAGE L-L41 e e . o 1 B er e + —p f 4t }-4 s T § c el e o S Fh e Vo g | ana <-4 .o 3i2 VY s R v 3 1 e SEEEs eas - i L SRR STy RE Fnin ey el Loiifls.;;:Jf (B | —— e b Flow [ [ Pressure-?rép ot 60K 1o _ ] t | | { 1 1 ) | | ! e e e — 1 : _ ——— Pt P ! ' i 4 1 SN L i ) SN . i { { . | | | | - 60 S B ai ! | L 20 Reverse Flow -1.2 -1.4 PAGE L-L2 b ' y- - b-o o [ P A wos tit Se5e 1 i 133 H il + . r it 1 - : 2! TF 1 HA{ . T ot . a— ¥ud gR3aas SadE; ol e o teristic at 20% 1 } : .. . | ' ' par—— B IT i 1 599 o aliy " o ofbe vl R 3 ' . 14 R B et e —dos | | l— B i . { \ ' ] i . i - T NI ! ! | ] e i i A ) ] § _ LTS S SRR ~ ' \ ¢ : } i ‘ | t'lv".nl. .~—— ]‘_ l‘.’. ———— e - — @ ol = w : | % ) a rup ~d § M 2 S v L4 S e RS S R | -, 1 SN SRS S, | T T | | flow {aat P PSI pressure-drop Kt Ao - R — PAGE L-L3 ' >4 ' O 4 3 ' F | i3 > - -l 3 > e T 3 T rart s 25 SR and + i m LJ : 3 w o2 el 14 + 3 s ;mu s «h..! ESpEeis Hiletls: e 4 s+ 184 Bawe s - 7 11 [ 13 508 88 Ra00 0l LS B Y 3 B £ -1 e Py 3 3 B EE AR P 5 § Hirt it * 5 63 8% & o1 rws cTE Hnim stk Hi 3 ) $ e aE R e L R R re 3 333 rE . T i MBS B3 = b4 283 6520 8 His e -—- w.,ml + J aw 28 PR RE o8 T 0T AEESS FERE e i 'w+ ik .o—«v Tt 3 [Raes Sous : 2% Fenet : - 9% 9 3324 s3SREREEE] Sus by aenas panea s 3ues ba b1 BT TRA 5 IS 2ETE ORIV LES ST EPVA : IEPE 55081 J6$e 2 S2u ks ewned bR A0y p1 WA it - - 5. 'Hmfilen.,v e sREE 23533 bTA § a8 Sy i ERES BRSSS 24 554 FOSS3 22884 - s tapad $=53 &1 s SosiT IRE2 rpted soend Exudg BE S . .o — I seeie i s ot 2] Fapay saapw v - =it ~t+3 E2 4 228 2 bEs 24 *IRC4 o sba sRASE VT Re 4 e Tiie T4 EBE23 ERTRI buwats %51 EI0RE 220t had — - z : P 23 BE34T SE3 54 sRANA ba -2 i g ¥ma t~~ s reeas Ui Te=as snsun = <.T 000000 S huass L " £E2 £BI 83 223 33 EETRE S b4 Tae : 4 =113 H-P ot e £ %3 £z kamz: boge s - 3 [ ES ey - b By b - - je— oo o | | " ' 1.8 /LS B > P 2 ol -2.2 / b - ' Reverse Flow FWC FORM 172 - | FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE CHARGE NO. 8-25-2J;31 DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/74 | linearized, Laplace—transformed, and integrated over small spatial increments. The resultant linear perturbation equations are examined within the framework of feedback control theory to determine if the design is stable or un- stable. Specifically, +the Nyquist stability criterion has been used to predict the stability characteristies of the steam generator. The steps in this procedure were discussed fully in GGA report (Ref. 15), CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The results of the CGA report indicate that the System is highly stable and will not amplify naturally occurring small scale perturbations, Analyses of the effects of inlet ori- ficing, exit orificing, and pressure level indicate trends opposite to those observed in suberitical, two-phase systems. Stability is enhanced for this supercritical flow by increasing exit orificing, reducing system pressures toward the critical pressure, reducing flow rates and reducing heating rates. By comparison the stability of suberitical two-phase flows is enhances by increasing inlet orificing and increasing system pressures. The results of the analysis tend to agree with the ides that stability can be qualitatively checked by considering the density ratio between the inlet and the outlet conditions as a function of the systenm bressure. 1In the supercritical re-— gion, an increasing density ratio with Pressure tends toward instability and a decreasing density ratio toward stability. Below the critical point, the ratio of the dengity of saturated water at the inlet to the density of the saturated or super- heated steam at the outlet decreases with increasing pressure toward the critical point. Above the critical point, the ratio of the demsity of the supercritical steam at the inlet to the density of supercritical steam at the outlet increases with increasing pressure for a constant heat input. Hence the opposite trend of the effect of pressure on stability above and below the critical point is not surprising. Similar arguments can be made for the effects of other parameters by considering their effect upon the density ratio. Quantita- tively, systems with density ratios less than 50, which cor- respond to the pressures greater than 600 psia for water (Ref. 16), are generally stable. In the present case, the density ratio is much lower than 50 and the system is highly stable. BY APPROVED | PAGE )-L,5 FWC FORM 172 - I FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-20,31 | DOCUMENT NO. wp/7L/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHEREF. CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE Although both the quantitative analysis and the qualitative discussion indicate that the system is highly stable, it must be pointed out that experimental tests are required to confirm the system behavior, Test data are available on the behavior of subcritical systems, however data on super- critical systems are quite limited. It is recommended that tests in the supercritical region be performed in order to confirm the stability of the system as determined by the analysis. L.L SYSTEMS RELATED TO STEAM GENERATOR L.L.1 START-UP SYSTEM AND WATER CHEMISTRY L.L.1.1 START-UP SYSTEM Theofreezing temperatures of the fuel angd coolant salts are 930°F and 725 F respectively (Ref. 23). The start-up system must therefore provide for the initial coupling of the steam generator to the steam power system without freezing of salt and with a minimum imposition of thermal shock. The salt ° systems must be filled angd circulating isothermally at 1000 F before heat withdrawal can be initiated by decreasing the coolant salt temperature. The temperature of the feedwater must reach 1000°F utilizing a startup boiling before engering the steam generatgr, and then it will vary between 1000 F at zero load and 700 F in the 5 to 100% load. The 5% initial load operation requires a startup boiler of some 225,000 1b/hr steam capacity and a further increase to a 10% initial load as presently envisioned by ORNL would require a 450,000 1b/hr capacity boiler (Ref. 2,). Additional equipment is necessary to provide the feedwater conditions for starting, hot standby, and shutdown. This inclydes an auxiliary start-up boiler capable of producing 1000°F supercritical steam, an auxiliary boiler feedpump, a desuperheater and a steam dryer. The overall MSBR steam plant start-up and shutdown system is shown in Figure L.21. The startup procedures for the salt and steam systems are outlined in the following sections. Lh.ly.1.1.1 SALT SYSTEMS The primary and secondary cell electric heaters are turned on, and the primary and secondary circulation pumps are started to circulate helium in the salt systems, When the temperature of the secondary system reaches 850 F, the loop BY APPROVED PAGE L-l6 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2)31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - L is filled with coolant salt from the heated drain tank, and saltocirculation is started. When the primary system reaches 1000°F, it is filled from the fuel salt drain tank, and salt circulation is commenced. Both salt systems will continue to be circulated isothermally at 1000 F until power generation is started. The primary and secondary-salt flow rates are at the levels required for the zero-power level. The reactor is then brought critical at essentially zero power and salt cir— culating ig both systems, including the steam generators at about 1000 F. - L.L.1.1.2 STEAM POWER SYSTEM Concurrent with the salt systems being electrically heated, the steam system is also being heated. TFeedwater is cir- culated through the mixer, pressure booster pump, attemperator, boiler extraction valve (BE), desuperheater, condenser, de- minearalizer, low-pressure feedwater heater, and deaerator. A fraction of the feedwater is circulated through the auxiliary boiler, while the remainder is circulated through the high- pressure feedwater heaters before returning to the mixer to complete the cold clean up circuit. Circulation of the feed- water continues in this manner until the chemical requirements of the feedwater for cold cleanup have been met. Cold cleanup of the steam system is accomplished with all four of the steam generators by-passed. When cold clean up is completed, the feedwater flow through the heater gtring is diverted from the mixer and recirculated back to the hotwell or through the shell side of one of the high pressure heaters before passing to the condenser. Feedwater flow through the auxiliary boiler to the mixer is adjusted to the startup value, The auxiliary boiler is then started. As the auxiliary boiler load is raised, the steam produced is used to supply the main turbine seals and deaerator. The steam downstream of the boiler extraction valve (BE) passes through the desuperheater. This steam is used for heating the feedwater in the high-~ pressure feedwater heaters, for warming and rolling the boiler feed pump drive turbine, for warming the steam piping, and for rolling the main turbine. The steam/feedwater temperature is held below SOOOF until feedwater requirements for hot cleanmip have been met. When the auxiliary boiler reaches full pressure and temperature, the steam at about 3600 psia and 1000°F at the discharge of the mixer can be admitted to the steam generator. The steam BY APPROVED PAGE L~L7 FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. §_o5-0),31 | DOCUMENT NO. wND/7L/66 {1sstE 1 |patE 12/16 /7L generator bypass flow is then decreased until the full auxiliary boiler flow passes through the steam generator. When the steam system is ready to take on load, the control of reactor is adjusted as required to maintain the desire salt temperatures as the feedwater flow is increased. While the steam/water flow is being established in the steam ge- nerators, the temperature of the feedwater recirculaing to the condenser will be raised to 550°F at the discharge of the last high-pressure heater. The thermal load on the steam generator is then incgeased byolowering the feedwater inlet temperature from 1000 F to 70Q F by mixing this feed- water from last heater and the 1000 F steam from the auxiliary boiler in the mixer. When the 700°F feedwater temperature is reached, the boiler feed booster pumps are started and the feedwater pressure to the steam generator is raised to about 3800 psia, which permits the use of the exit steam from the steam generator passing through reheat steam pre~ heaters to heat the feedwater in the mixer instead of the auxiliary boiler. The auxiliary boiler system is then taken off line making the system self supporting. The load is gradually increased and the reactor power is adjusted accordingly. At this point in the startup procedure, part of the steam generator output is going to the mixer via the reheat steam preheater, and the remaining steam is going through the boiler extraction valve (BE) to drive the main boiler feed pumps, etc. If the load is about 5%, the main turbines which have previously been warmed, can now be gra- dually brought up to speed and temperature, first using steam from the hot standby equipment (steam dryer). This steam will give a turbine valve opening equivalent to that at about 20% load with 3600 psia throttling conditions, so that the throttle pressure rise may occur without having to move the turbine control valves. As the steam load is slowly increased, the reactor power is matched to the load, and salt temperatures are kept at the desired level. The load is held essentially constant until the system comes to equilibrium, at which point the reactor outlet temperature set point is adjusted to meet the require- ments for subsequent load-following control. As the load increases, the main turbines will use steam taken directly from the steam generator. The boiler-turbine valve (BTV), or a control-type bypass is gradually opened BY APPROVED PAGE L-08 FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 | Issug 1 |pate 12/16/7L while the feedwater flow is increased until, with a wide open boiler-turbine valve, the throttle pressure is 3600 psia and the load is about 200%. At thig power level the normal control gystem regulates the reactor outlet temperature as a function of load, and the steam temperature controller holds the steam temperature at 1000°F, L.4.1.2 WATER CHEMISTRY The steam power system of the MSBR plant will not require special water treatment. Aside from the steam generator, material of construction shall not differ from present-day fossil fueled supercritial cycles (Ref. 20) of startup boiler. The recommended limits for feedwater conditions at the econo- mizer inlet are given in the following table for normal opera- ting conditions and quring start-up (Ref. 25). Normal Operation Start-up Total dissolved solids - ppb 50 — Total iron ~ ppb B 50 Total copper —~ ppb 5 20 Total silica -~ ppb 20 30 Dissolved oxygen -~ ppb 5 10 pH 9.3 - 9.7 9.3 ~ 9.7 Conductivity - mmhos 0.5 1.0 During the start-up period, there will be variations in the concentrations of the various feedwater contaminants due to changes in temperature and flow conditions and placing into service of cycle components. The feedwater conductivity must be below 1.0 mmho before lighting the burners of the startup boiler. Also after firing has started, the fluid temperature at the roof outlet of the startup boiler mugt not be permitted to rise above 500 F until the iron content of the feedwater entering the economizer is less than 50 ppb. The limits given in the above table for the startup condi- tions are for continuous operation. Transient values higher than those given in the table may be tolerated for a short BY APPROVED PAGE L~L,9 FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. i CHARGE NO. 8-25-21,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7h time only, and if they do not decrease, firing rate and temperature may have to be reduced until satisfactory values are obtained. There are two basic approaches to keep the various con- stituents to the levels below which they will not cause problems. a. Minimize the corrosion that takes place within the system: This is accomplished by removal of oxygen and maintaining the pH of the condensate at the spe- cified level. Oxygen is removed by chemical scaven- ging with hydrazine and mechanical deaeration in the condenser. A nominal hydrazine residual of 0.020 ppm is maintained at the economizer inlet. Feedwater pH is controlled by adding ammonia or a volatile amine such as morpholine or cyclohexylamine. b. Remove corrosion products and leakage salts from the system: Corrosion products, silicon and salts from condenger leakage are removed by the full flow con- densate demineralizer. Both ionized and suspended matter are removed as the unit acts ags a highly ef- ficient filter as well as an ion exchanger. L,.,.2 PRESSURE RELIEF SYSTEM The steam generator was designed to the sPecifications of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vesgsel Code Section III, Nuclear Vessels for class A vessels. The design conditions are: (Ref. 26) shell side tube side Design temperature, OF 1150 : 1120 ~ Design pressure, psia , 300 3800 Allowable stress, psi 9500 11600 There is no violent exothermic reaction between the coolant salt and steam, however, the mixture of salt and water is corrosive to the material of steam generator (Hastelloy N) (Ref. 1). The pressuré relief system was designed to protect the steam generator and coolant salt system from the overpressure and BY APPROVED AGE ];-50 AU P 1000 3GOO P 1000 F ; - LT A . s Y ‘—-—-[l.z MILLIAL 12U ]-—\c-p ; COOL ANt SALY i WLt = DOVLIER — -— N Pulap M | KEHEATER < |“" s ) ‘\ -’ . COOLANT 4 St —, —) . I Wau b <70 P B l ConuLhn ~ l . . ' - Y 9 1y Ay [T At g B, wol ° ’ = LP . , Wi ’.T; EXTHACTION STEAM e 1 AS ] 3600 P uvo ¥ i FRom el b Ry N s (St [ L R "e l : e = FumP & KEOEAT STUAM clapk ATEIY 1050 P ) oo = "o E —— Wt | 2 l g y "l‘ &= ui Pue o o Nm'e S % - ' o ong Tuhihg < ud] l Z ut ! puoncn ¢ |so HFb G (2) 30 temer nnton : :"c"‘?.,"_.___ ¥ lle: ‘l’f‘:\CllON 4 Jhy DEAERATOR \ 3 . ’ oft Y S1AK0D T QR Wy, ke 3 ’\_—-——M— : PORER TUihE (S Bow b ‘ 04 SiLnam - (VR TR RV ] L N} - DESUNER- o —————) - Vag vt fil nEATLK z : > ; COULANT SALT 180 F ' i p ! 110U P 556 F 2 l 4 N L PUXTHACTION STEAM DUKING MEAT L ECTION (\ ! STANT =ulk AND STANDLY THTICE vaew v . EXTHACTION S1EAM 1 [ 5nmo- s 3490 P ( )-dp-—‘—-'— = = 4 ' <2 ~ wansfF (e 1 \’( S w4 ey R s X ™ - S 1R " 1 G PiE S5, uumnltn HEATENS fun it g = '7 COULANT SALT 150 | r e MIER - I retivntn sG 0F LOOLTI I Pume A nEaliny 1 huosten STEAA CUNERATON — IumMp > . AUA O ER A p 12000300 1L/ ) Aux ur g MOTUN DIIVE MSIR steam plant startup and shutdown system, . Re:.(23) Fig. L.21 PAGE L-51 FWC FORM 172 - | FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J.. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2),31 { DOCUMENT fio. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7), NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE highly corrosive mixture, should steam tube suddenly rupture. It was assumed that the coolant salt system could withstand a continuous pressure of 220 psi without damage (Ref. 3). The present ASME Code Section III, which governs becauge of emergency cooling consideration, accepts only relief valves ag primary relief devices. However, the corrosive property of the mixuure of salt and steam, requirement of rapid pressure relief, are against using relief valves as an appropriate pri- mary relief device. A new subsection NH under Section IIT is in preparation for inclusion in the new edition of the Code which is expected to recognize rupture disks as primary relief devices for certain types of overpressure conditions (Ref. 27). The Molton-Salt steam generator would be listed as an over pressure condition to which the rupture disk or equivalent device is applicable. There are three basic types of rupture disks; prebulged disk, reverse buckling assembly and the snap-over assembly. In addition, the rupture disk for the British PFR is a hinged plate supporting a nickel membrane, which serves as the sodium seal; the plate itself is held by a shear pin, designed to fail approximately twice the normal operating pressure (Ref. 28). However, it was learned that regponse time observed in testing the PFT design was about 10.25 milliseconds slower than - with the prebulged disk. All of these four approaches are shown in Fig. .22 (Ref. 17). The evaluation and comparigon of these four types were discussed in Ref. 27 and Ref. 29. The reverse buckling assembly was recommended and therefore used for this design. The reverse buckling disk has several advantages. It is under compression rather than tension, and the controling factor, elastic modulus, is insensitive to en- vironmental conditions. The reversing pressure can be pre- dicted accurately, and collapse occurs within £ 24 of the normal pressure rating. It has 10 - 15 times the life expectancy of, and is thicker than, the prebulged type. It can be used at system operating pressure up to 90% of the rated burst pressure. It needs no vacuum support and withstands repeated pressure- vacuum cycles. : The reverse buckling digk, for a given geometry buckling, is controlled by elastic_modulus of the material. Within the operating range (1150 F - 850°F) the elastic modulus of Hastelloy N varies only about 6%. Therefore the Hastelloy N, which is also, chemically, very compatible with coolant salt, could be suggested be the material for the reverse bulking disk. BY APPROVED PAGE )52 FWC FORM 172 - | NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25~-21,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 |DATE 12/16/7hL There will be no cover gases to protect structure members. The steam generator cell of the generating station building is maintained at about 1000 F to prevent salt from freezing (Ref. 23). Reversed buckling disks can be used at gystem operating pres- sures up to 90% of the rated burst pressure. The rated burst pressure was determined to be 350 psia. A 20 in. diameter disk (thickness = 0,08 in) would provide adequate relief area 1o dump the mixture of reaction products, thus preventing system from continuous pressure rise. One rupture disk as- sembly is recommended at each of the inlet and outlet salt piping. Following a tube rupture, the block valves of water/steam side would be closed. The mixture would be dumped through the rupture disk to a dump tank. The connecting pipes would be of the same size of rupture disk, Each steag generator would have one dump tank of capacity of 2500 ft” with ample freeboard to hold the mixture and vent out the steam. The tanks are essentially conventional tanks with internal spiral- guide vanes. These guide vanes cause the mixture to exper- ience centrifugal forces that separate most of the liquid, or solid reaction products from the gaseous reaction products. The gaseous productions are discharged to the separator. The separator is usually installed to remove liquid/solid products from the gaseous discharge, and ensure no reaction products are discharged to the atmosphere. BY APPROVED PAGE [;-53 embly S A i 2 .o Reverse Buckiing & 1 LoV Shear Pin Corncept TSR (2 PN A S A0 VAN W S \\\\ f IR . Y - NRA U X N b .\\\\\\\. AL AR R G W N, NSNS NS TS PN W Jo i QPN NS N NN 't \\\\\C\ ~/., ..v“/t. ¢/, 2 & ...— .\”.\ 4 ) ) e NN '+ Prebulged Disk Assembly Snap Over Assembly PAGE L~-5L Various Rupture Disk Concepts Fig. L.22 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2);31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 |DATE 12/16/7L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - L L.5 REFERENCES 1. The Development Status of Molten-Salt Breeder Reactors, ORNL - L4812, August 1972, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 2. Design Studies of Steam Generator for Molten Salt Reactors Monthly Progress Report #10, August 1 -~ August 31, Foster Wheeler Corporation. 3. Proposed Scope of Work and Requirements for Design Studies of Steam Generators for Molten Salt Reactors, Enclosure 2, Union Carbide Corporation, March 1971. ;. Heat Transfer to Supercritical Water in Smooth - Bore Tubes, H. S. Swenson, J. R. Carver, C. R. Kakarala, Journal of Heat Transfer, November 1965. 5. GGA - HTGR Steam Generator Evaluation of Surface Mismatch Using Probability Methods, L. Rianhard, R. M. Costello, P. J. Prabhu, W. T. Klamm, Foster Wheeler Corporation, July 1970. 6. Molten~Salt Reactor Program, Semiannual Progress Report, Period ending August 31, 1972, ORNL - 1,832, March 1973, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. . Private communication from W. Apblett to J. Polcer on thermal conductivity data of Hastelloy N (6/20/7L). 8. Design study of steam generators for Molten Salt Reactors Monthly progress Report #8, May 20 -~ June 30, 197L, Foster Wheeler Corporation. 9. Design study of steam generators for Molten Salt Reactors Monthly Progress Report #10, August 1 - August 31, .197L, FToster Wheeler Corporation. ' 10. A general summary of the ORNL 1000 MW(e) Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Reference Design, Enclosure 1, Union Carbide Corporation, November, 1970. 11. Fluid Dynamics, J. W. Daily, D.R.F. Harleman, Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1966. 12. Engineering Department Manual, Volume I, Basic Design, Foster Wheeler Corporation. 13. An Analysis of Thermally Induced Flow Oscillations in the Near-critical and Super-critical Thermodynamic Region, Novak Zuber, General Electric Company, May 25, 1966. BY - APPROVED | P PAGE L-55 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT | LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-21,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/Th NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - L 1);. Engineering Department Manual, Volume I1T, Computer Programs, Foster Wheeler Corporation. 15. Analysis of Dynamic Flow Stability in Steam Generators for the Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor, B. E. Boyack, Gulf General Atomic, Gulf-GA - A12416, November, 1972. 16. Lecture Series on Boiling and Two-phase Flow for heat transfer engineers, University of California, Berkeley, California, 17. Review of Two-Phase Flow Instability, J. A. Boure, 18, Static and Dynamic Stability of Steam-Water Systems Part 1, Critical Review of the Literature, L. E. Efferding, General Dynamics, GA-5555, October 196l. 19, Supercritical Furnace Design, Foster Wheeler Corporation. 20. Recent Experiences with Radient Superheaters in Central Steam Generators and their Effect on Design Criteria, R. P. Welden, H. H. Pratt, FWC, American Power Conference, Volume XXIV, March, 1962. 21. Test and Evaluation of Alco/BLH Prototype Sodium-Heated Steam CGenerator, S. M. Cho, etc., LMEC~-Memo-70-20, January 1971, Liquid Metal Engineering Center. 00, Performance Changes of a Sodium-Heated Steam Generator, S. M. Cho, K. A. Gardner, etc., 71-HT-15, ASME. 23, Conceptual Design Study of a Single~Fluid Molten-3alt Breeder Reactor ORNL-4541, ORNL. o),. Startup Steam ORNL 1000 MW(e) MSBR, C. R. Clark, Service Department, FWC, Inter Office Correspondence, September 29, 1972. 25, Operating Instructions, Section 3, Feedwater and Cycle Cleanup, IWC. 26, Design studies of Steam Generators for Molten Salt Reactors Monthly Progress Report #11, September 1 - September 30, 1974, FWC. | BY APPROVED PAGE 56 FWC FORM 172 - 4 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION CHARGE NO. 8-25-2,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7h 27. 28. 29. 30. State-of-the-art of Rupture Disks for LMFER Application, J. P. VerKamp, NEDM-13981, GE, July, 1973. Status of ILMFBR Reheat in Wegtern Burope - 1972, WASH-1219, AEC, March 1973. Evaluation and Procurement Guide For Three Types of Metallic Rupture Disk Assemblies, ORNL~-TM-4OL6, ORNL, January, 1973. Computer Programs For The Analysis of Complex Decision Problems, Stanley I. Buchin, 8-171-070, EA-C-905, Harvard University, September, 1970. BY APPROVED PAGE 4~57 LIVINGSTON, N. J. FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. DATE 12/16/7, CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | pocumENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 SECTION 5 STRUCTURAL FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS BY K Tonse DR. ¥. J. LEVY Approved by 4 31 L s -7 7 - ’ v T Cpran F C. F. Nash Structural Analysis Section Manager BY APPROVED PAGE G- FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2L31 | DOCUMENT NO. WD/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7) NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — ¥WC FORM 172 - | TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages 5.1 Stress Analysis of the Salt Inlet Nozzle 5-1 5.1.1 Introduction 51 5.1.2 Summary and Conclusion 5-1 5.1.3 Stresses Due to Pressure 5-6 5.1.L Stresses Due to Temperature Transients 5-8 5.1.5 Simplified Inelastic Analysis 5-10 5.1.6 Fatigue Analysis and Creep Fatigue Interaction 5-11 5.2 Stress Analysis of the MSBR Tubesheet-Header Assembly 5-~13 5.2.1 Introduction and Sumfilaxy 5-13 5.2.2 Loading Conditions - 5-16 5.2.3 Some Details of the Finite Element Model 5-19 5.2.4 Simplfied Inelastic Analysis 5=30 5.2.5 TFatigue Analysis and Creep Fatigue Interaction 5-33 5.3 Stress Analysis of the MSBR Shell 5-35 5.3.1 Introduction and Summary 5-35 5.3.2 Shell Stresses at Location A o-11 5.3.3 8hell Stresses at Location B 5-42 5.3.4 Shell-Shroud Juncture Stresses IS—QB, 5.3.5- Simplified Inelastic Analysis 5-49 5.3.6 TFatigue Analysis and Creep Fatigue Interaction 5-50 BY APPROVED PAGE 5-% FWC FORM 172 -~ | NOTATIONS IN TH1S COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE -~ NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION LIVINGSTON, N. J. DATE 12/16/7L CHARGE 0. 8-25-2131 | pocument wo, ND/7L/66 | Tssuz 5.4 Stress Analysis of the MSBR Tubes 5.4.1 Introduction and Summary 5.L.2 Tube Primary Stresses 5.4L.3 Thermal Stresses 5.4.4 Fiow Induced Vibration 5.4.5 Simplifieg Inelastic Analysis 5.4.6 Fatigue Analysis 5.5 Tube Rupture Analysis Pages 5-52 5-52 5-5L 5~59 5-62 5-6L 5-6L 5-66 BY APPROVED PAGE 5_o FWC FORM 172 - | NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO 8-25.2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7) 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 STRESS ANALYSIS OF THE SALT INLET NOZZLE INTRODUCTION This report discusses the analysis of the molten salt inlet nozzle of the steam generator, During its service life, it is expected that the nozzle will be subjected to thermal transients which are no worse than those described in ORNL-TM-3767, HYBRID computer simulation of the MSBR. In the interest of conservatism, the tran- sient shown in Figure 2, which is a combination of most severe up and down transient, was assumed for this analysis. Dead weight and thermal expansion loads due to the molten salt feed Pipe were not included because they are not available at this time, Internal bressure loadings, however, were considered. Temperature distribu-— tions due to the assumed transient condition, and stresses due to these temperature distributions and pressure loads, were obtained by using Foster Wheeler's version of Wilson's Finite Flement Program. The finite element model is shown in Figure 1. Inelastic strains were calculated using Bree's method & FWC's simplified elastic-plastic creep computer program. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The purpose of our analysis was to determine the feasibility of the sodium inlet nozzle under the severe thermal transients and other loads anticipated. Based upon analyses specified in Section IIT of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and in Code Case 1331-5, it was concluded that both the nozzle and shell required a thermal liner. With the liner, stresses were calculated to be within the allowable limits. Table I summarizes the results. Based on the table, it is concluded the design is feasible. Final conclusions are dependent on the magnitude of the piping loads (which are presently unavailable). BY APPROVED PAGE 5-1 OF FWC FORM 172 - |4 et . T T . el e s 0 s i 13 S5 ol 4T i e ey S e NOTATICNS IN THIS COLUMN INLICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN M4DE —— - N FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO 8_25_2)31 DOCUMENT NO. Np/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/74 TABLE 1 STRESS SUMMARY, MSBR MOLTEN SALT INLET NOZZLE WITH LINER Calcuiated Allowable Section Stress Stress Range Stress (Location) Category (psi) Limit (psi) 1-1 P (design) - Lok3 S, = 9500 ; | & @ 1150 F ' (Shell) P (operating) 3170 Syt = 7500 ' @1%50 F 30 yrs. ‘ (PL+Pp+Q)p 19019 (EL.19) | 35m = 67,500 ; 2-2 P, (design) 5100 9500 E (Shell at nozzle) Pm (operating) 1,000 7500 ; (PL+Pp+Q) o 26,480 (EL. 158) | 67,500 | 3-3 P (design) 5360 9500 | | (Intersect. P, (operating) 4200 7500 : Shell & Noz.) . ; - (PLPb+Q)R 33,396 (El. 187) 67,500 f L=l P (design) 5236 9500 ; (Nozzle at Shell) P (operating) 1,100 7500 | (PLB,+Q)R 19,108 (E1. 215) | 67,500 ; 5-5 P (design) 2199 9500 (Noz. at Start P (operating) 1960 7500 of Reduced Wall) | ™ (PP +Q)y 10,79 (E1. 258) 67,500 6-6 P (design) 6415 9500 (Nozzle at P (operating) 5025 7500 Feed Pipe) n , - (PLPb+Q)R 9,278 (E1. 336) 67,500 BY APPROVED PAGE ¢_, OF FWC FORM 172 - ) —-—NOTATI —— OF A 8 e M . ke e vams an e e e, " . 3 HAVE BEEN ¥ ~ AT ATE WHERE CHAN -~ s &AL T NS IN THIS COLUMN INI T T T e+ttt it ot 8 e - s . T FOSTER WHEELFR CORPORATION -_ CHARGE NO 8_p5_2),31 DOCUMENT NO. Np/71/66 ISSUE 1 DATE T R o i . Ao e e e £ s ks L S e+ o g ot s+ e+ e T e A g T bt At - el o R vt b S %1 0 e+ TABLE 1 (CONT'D) m (PP, +Q)R does not control Section otress Calculated Allowable Stress (Location) Category stress Range (psi) Limit (psi) -7 P ({design) 7840 9500 m (Feed Pipe) P, (operating) 61,0 7500 ‘ (PLPb+Q)R does not control —— 8-8 P (design) pr = 2700 9500 m 2t (Shell) P (operating) 2100 7500 Note: Allowables are at 1150 F See Section 5.1.6 for creep fatigue interaction and inelastic strain analysis See Appendix C-2 for material properties and allowables. BY APPROVED | Page . . OF 12/16/74 MOUTEN SHLT RAET NOZ2LE KITH LIMER USEA: AOYT, SULLJven CEPT. 156 t i'w net cair AN SHELL rr—— —— 3\ \, EL. 18T - | L] \2 N N ————— L 4 4 - 9 EL. 215 - 1 | MOLTEN SHLT INLET 0ERLE . | NOZ2LE WITH LINEQR L ORI gl WAL GEOMETRY EL.258 . [ T 1 5 | Ly B 6 7i i o FL. 33 — | FIGURE | - i FINITE ELEMENT s e MODEL 7 I ORICINS. CETETAY Paoca O}, o ° < SSUME TEMp. HELD KT €S5S¢ = / AsSsumM M P EL . €S0 F / URTIL T = 185 Sec. THE L 1200 ( QEfiDLIELL\{ RelSED To 11Sc°F { \.\ \ 900 | \ —=3 TeEMP. 0F SECONDRRY SaLT AT 00 | STERM €CEN. INLET V.. TIME 300 | L e 1 1 L L 1 T‘ME(SEC.) 20 40 60 80 100 izo FIGURE 2 J . _RSSVUMED TeANSIENT LOAD CONDIT|ON ¥ ¥ (steapy c S = LoL3 f C73 - 3887 j t ! | § pection 2-2 ! . - — ! Element Cp 0, U Ory, ? 126 3862 2146 61,21 24,30 5 127 2149 159), 5813 14h3 } 128 1285 1032 Sl56 8L3 i 129 559 L89 5143 396 ! 130 -17), -2 1,810 19 | 156 -701 ~571 LSLT -88 157 ~1002 -773 4321 -583 158 -1683 -667 4198 ~657 Avg. 537 1,05 5092 L5 Gp=9% (,=-8 03 = 5092 5 S = 5100 BY APPROVED [ PAGE ¢_¢ OF FWC FORM 172 - | NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION Section 3-3 | Element G r G’ 2 6T Grz 141 1868 3841 6308 2112 142 1761 1875 5868 1123 143 1354 793 5592 545 1L, 900 71 5L11 132 145 465 -453 5302 -163 184 62 -769 5237 -223 185 236 -812 5322 -1),8 186 -175 -934 5303 -398 187 -375 -988 5358 ~352 Avg 677 292 5522 259 O, =808 =162 - 5520 S = 5360 Section )} Element ‘j‘r Gz GT { )rz 210 222 2701 5102 566 211 299 1686 4989 986 212 Lol 1174 5021 1083 213 146 632 L875 898 21) 47 30 1,81.8 658 215 =253 ~722 L725 235 Avg, 128 917 4922 738 (51 =130 (5= -314 .<55 = 1,922 S = 5236 Section 5-5 Element 61‘ 62 : GT Grz : 254 . -60 ~-750 1698 -193 255 - =3 26 2008 0 256 ~-63 91,8 2361 115 257 -131 1949 2746 137 258 -210 3056 3180 L0 Avg. ~-100 1046 2399 20 S = 2499 BY APPROVED | PAGE c_7 o FWC FORM 172 - i CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE ——— — — IMN INDICATE WHIRE -r £ by v — c0 NOTATIONS IN THIS PR e —. FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION From the finite element computer program, stresses due to tempera- ture transients at various locations of the nozzle were calculated and are given below. Note that pressure stresses do not enter - into the stress intensity range calculation. (Ref. 10) CHARGE NO 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7l/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE]2/16/7h i Section 6-6 Element U r ‘5 2 6 T 61‘2 ! 332 182 5872 6772 207 f 333 76 4890 6509 3 ; 334 -43 L223 6336 -120 5 335 -168 3645 6189 -149 | 336 279 3051 6011 -8l { i ? Avg. -L6 4336 6369 -29 | . é S = 6415 §5.1.h STRESSES DUE TO TEMPERATURE TRANSIENTS i g | WS A e e e e e e Section 1-1 U T C- P (YT O-I‘Z Down Trans 13570 ,9L9 204,90 828l 5153 Sec) i Up Trans 2L 73 _1361 _3°51 33 Sec) ! Range 13323 L3876 19129 7933 | 0, =1800 (,=110 (=192 ; S = 19019 ; Section 2-2 i | Down Trans 18390 3625 25200 8870 (153 sec) ! Up Trans - =3016 -829 1351 =1299 (33 Sec) | Range 211,06 LSl 238L9 10,169 Q, = 26,170 6, = -310 63 = 23819 S = 26480 { BY APFROVED ' PAGE _ . OF FWC FORM 172 - L e . bt 25 g e Sl 2 1 ACBPkraO s T NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDTICAT®E WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE —— —— —X FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO g8-p5-2,31 | DOCUMENT NO. yp/7l/66 |ISSUE DATE 12/16/74 | SECTION 3-3 s U’I‘ Gi o'r GI‘Z | DOWN TRANS 1859 9190 31300 L725 (153 SEC) | UP TRANS -503 -1852 1787 -822 (33 SEC) | RANGE 2362 10L2 29513 i U o=T7287 i =3883 (4=29513 | 0=33,3% | | SECTION L-L | DOWN TRANS -30 17030 21410 -56l (153 SEC) f UP TRANS -191 ~2060 2206 267 (33 SEC) ' RANGE 161 19090 192 3], -831 |y =19126 (=126 C4=1923) f S=19108 | ! SECTION 5-5 f DOWN TRANS -167 9300 12180 -27 . UP TRANS -158 1677 1395 35 ¢ RANGE -9 7623 10785 -62 f ? a l=7623 Lp==9. \J3=10785 i $=10,79L ! SECTION 6-6 r 6{. GT Grz DOWN TRANS ~73 10900 10460 -25 UP TRANS -218 1),78 3867 -52 RANGE 145 9L22 6593 27 G,=9k23" Co=1L5 S=9278 BY APPROVED | PacE ., oF FWC FORM 172 - L INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HA NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN S J— A R o LTI M M e b T M L N ol -y bt el v ST sl AR Y. g . e ¢ e . Pt 4 s . e FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION e ., e . a—_ a8 5.1.5 CHARGE NO g_pg5_o),37 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7./66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7. SIMPLIFIED INELASTIC ANALYSIS Inelastic strains were calculated by Bree's simplfied method (see Chapter VI of the IMFBR Piping Design Guide). In the Bree analysis, it is assumed that there are a total of 200 severe themal cycles (sum of load scrams and reactor scrams). With a 30-year design life, the time per cycle is 262,800/200 = 131L hours. The derivation of the creep law used in the Bree analysis is given in the tubesheet report. The Bree analysis has been computerized by Foster Wheeler, and the following results were obtained: Location Total Strain/Cycle Total Strain 1-1 Negligible Negligible 2-2 Negligible Negligible 3-3 1x107 0.02% L=l | Negligible Negligible 5-5 | Negligible Negligible 6-6 Lx10™k 0.08% Ref.: Computer Run NHJLOSF BY APPROVED [ PAGE ¢ .~ OF FWC FORM 172 - 4 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE REEN MADE —— —— e .- e e L A R e = e WL S St s i A LS, - PR 30 = ogrr Bt somo a3t ot FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION g — CHARGE NO DOCUMENT NO. 8-2H-21131 ND/7L/66 | FSSUE 1 DATE 12/16/ 74 5.1.6 FATIGUE ANALYSIS AND CREEP FATIGUE INTERACTION A preliminary fatigue analysis was made with the aid of Code Case 1331-L. With a maximum stress range of 33,0 Ksi, or an alternating stress of 16.70 Ksi, the Code Case gives an infinite number of allowable cycles. Thus, fatigue should be no problem. CREEP FATIGUE INTERACTION Foster Wheeler has developed a computer program which performs elastic-plastic-creep analysis of a cylinder subjected to time dependent pressure, temperature, and axial loads. To use the program, one constructs a histogram of the loading (see below). The user alsosupplies subroutines describing the creep, fatigue, and stress to rupture properties of the material. Creep properties were obtained from "Data for Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium~Iron Alloy, Iron 8", June 1, 1961, while fatigue and stress to rupture prop- erties were obtained from "Bases for Design of MSER Systems for Temperatures to 1300 F", ORNL Central Files Number 73-1-23. The program automatically computes stresses and strains as a function of time, along with creep and fatigue damage. Creep and fatigue damage are computed in accordance with ASME Code Case 1331-5. Section 3-3 proved to have the highest loading and only that section was analyzed. The nozzle was idealized as a cylinder with 1.625" wall thickness and approximately 9" inside radius. - The loadings and histogram are shown below. e LT Rea 7o . AT=-12F e v i't %“rfi £ ; U SEE B oo ks /r F Load ' U [ Serave T . L AT-217°F « i Cydes 2o hes, r . =l . R e e e L e e —c——— B2 = 5360 >I solving for p P = 950 psi E-AT _ 31,300 (up transient) 2(1-1) -1852 (down transient) AT = 217°F ~13°F where E = 26.2 x 109, «= 7.72 x 10-6 BY APPROVED PAGE 5_37 OF FWC FORM 172 - ) . e s e o s i e e s e o NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE ~ — —- e e FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION | L. DATE 15 /16/71, s s e PR A . e A o A A e, = o e Tt —— CHARGE NO g.p5.p),31 | DOCUMENT NO. wp/71,/66 ISSUE 1 PROGRAM RESULTS There are a total of 50 cycles, each cycle consisting of 3 load scrams and 1 reactor scram. The program was run for 5 cycles and the strain for each of the remaining cycles was estimated by taking the difference in strain between the fourth and fifth cycles. Maximum total strain = 0.29 + 45 (0.01) = 0.7L4% Creep damage = 0.00222 + L5 (0.0L8 x 10_2) = (0.0238 Maximum strain range = 0.2.8% -l Fatigue Damage = SO/lO5 = 5 x 10 (maximum temperature = 1150 F) Ref: Computer run EBHJLO6C BY APPROVED ' PAGE 512 OF FWC FORM 172 - 4 UMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — - — —— oo e v Cr e <4575 1t L ! e LN, NOTATIONS TN THIS T e e et 0 A e+ ot e o e A P T v 3t b5 - P e 2 oo T ——— A A . + P £ FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO 8.p5_p),31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 |ISSUE 4 DATE 15 /16/71, e o s e o 1y ks hw FER et o T Y. o b 5.2 5.2.1 STRESS ANALYSIS OF MSBR TUBESHEET-HEADER ASSEMBLY INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY The major tool in analyzing the tubesheet header assembly in Foster Wheeler Corporation's Finite Element Computer Program (Reference 1 ). A finite element model of the structure was made and is shown in Figure 1. This model was used to determine both pressure and thermal stresses. These stresses were compared to the allowables, using ASME Code Case 1331-5 as a guide. As seen in Figure 1, the upper (header) side of the tubesheet is in contact with steam, while the lower portion of the tubesheet is in contact with molten salt. The severest thermal stresses occur during transients specified in Reference 2. The severest up and down tran- sients were found to occur during a Ramp Change in Load Demand from 100 to LO%Z in 3 seconds (Figure 2) and Insertion of Two Safety Rods (Figure 3), respectively. Outlet steam transients were found to be more severe than inlet. Therefore, because inlet and outlet tube- sheet geometries are identical, only the outlet tubesheet was analyzed. Eight locations of possible high stresses were analyzed and are shown in Figure 1. Primary membrane, local membrane plus primary bending, and local membrane plus bending plus secondary stress intensity ranges were obtained at 11 locations. The stress intensities obtained, together with allowables, are shown in Table 1. Except where indicated, primary stresses are due to a design pressure of L0OOO psi. Allowables are based on operating (30 year life) conditions. This combination of loading and allowables is conservative. Although, according to Code Case 1331-5 there is no limit on primary plus secondary stress intensity, the 3Sm limit of Section IIT of the ASME Code is given for reference purposes. It i1s seen that all primary stress intensities are within the allow- able limits, Inelastic strains, computed by Bree's simplified method, are also seen to be within allowable limits. Computer plots of the stresses due to temperature transients are shown in Figures 5 to 13. BY APFROVED —J PAGE .. OF TABLE 1 STRESS SUMMARY - MSBR TUBESHEET - HEADER ASSEMBLY Calculated Allowable Maximu Location Stress Stress Limit Stress Range | Temper (Section) Category (PST) (PSI) ture, 1-1 P St = 13,000 8,570 1075 (Center of T.S.) - (Operating Pressure) Pr+P KS, = 1L,100 13,040 (PL+Pb+Q)R 38, = 69,600 23,360 2-2 P 13,000 12,160 1075 m (Edge of T.S.) P+ 13,200 8,080 - (P_+F +Q)p 69, 600 1,220 3-3 B, 8,000 6,150 1150 (T.S. - Shell (P +P_+Q)p 67,500 49,810 L b Juncture ) | i P 19,000 6,550 1000 (T.S. - Header (P_+P_+Q) 71,500 20,310 L b g Juncture) 5-5 P 19,000 7,150 1000 (T.S. Header -m Juncture ) (P_+P +Q) 71,500 .60, 8L0 L b 'R 6-6 P 19,000 8,470 1000 m (Header Wall) (PL+Pb+Q)R 71,500 31,320 7-7 P 19,000 12,970 1000 m (Pr+P +Q) 71,500 37,090 b R 8-8 P 19,000 12,530 1000 | (P_+P +Q) 71,500 does not control f Ly ™R - NOTE: 1. There are no primary bending stresses at Section.3_3through 8-8 2. See Section 5.2.5 for creep fatigue interaction. 3. See Appendix C-2 for material Properties and allowables, *Primary plus secondary stress ranges conservatively include peak portions. Dn Fa . Tal E’._-I l'l MSBA HEADER-TUBESHEET ASSEMSLY USEA: SHEAMAN [P DEPT. 156 ] 2.2 notsme H———— f & HEADER Flcuke | - (o)— R —(® FINITE ELEMENT MODEL OF iypyssany TURBESHEET - HEADER Tras ASSEMBLY | ~ Thved i I SrIITETL 5 UR ;?zflnxim&mq t - 3 " U ooTean RIS i vt SIDE 41 (n 5 2 N o M S A) PEACTOR SCRAM /f r.%'hrf,:j RMAL L INER ————— - ——————— e —— ,M‘ ’7!‘).'“':‘ 772.¢ | | i . .' ] | GO EN.SSEC| /3 &E30:=370 | /5 @ 10,0 - /5o =200 - -5 = . —_— - &0 r's 7001 Jec.o £ STEAM TRAMSIENT ¢ - J ' + ~ i 4 30 50 100 /50 2oo 219 JIME, SECONDS FWC FORM 172 - |, NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATIO N CHARGE NO 8-25-2/,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L,/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/71, 5.2.3 SOME DETATLS OF THE FINITE ELEMENT MODEL Figure 1 shows the finite element model of the tubesheet-header -assembly. The model was used for both pressure and thermal analysis. The average temperature Teésponse of the perforated region of the tubesheet wasg determined from g separat Figures 2 and 3, respectively. The elemen of the complete finite element model (Fi have the above temperature-time histori constants were used (as determined frog BY ts in the perforated region gure 1) were "forced" to es. Equivalent elastic Section III of the ASME Code) in the perforated region of the tubesghee . APPROVED | Page . __ or ,/ ;, /:‘2&.5 ) ,E e SN ‘l K , | r—-‘ : Cir | / (lv' | o 2 on > ST - R sl / | / bt A % | l 7 e /) - ¢”(‘c’(“ St . J g Ch=87 wern /Axue-) - N e R AL 0 8 INLET SALT TEMP, = 11507 r~ s \\ C CrERATING Cenp : A\ i ny ? STEAN TEMP = foca = @ CLER, cone | FIGURE 4 FILM COEFFICIENTS Page 5-20 MSBA MEROEA-TUBESHEET ASSEM3LY USER: SHERMAN [P DEPT. 156 Ao soRr I f HEADER { 09893 FIGURE 5 | st DESIGN PRESSURE _STRESS INTENSITY ! 1% 2 ! /7’400 PS,-'/I o 1 m = 28,060 PSI. (MAX.) \ « A L S - - 3 v L1 L @.01¢ IR IwTEvElTY T e, Page 5-21 MSBA REACER-TUBESHEET RSSEMBLY FIGURKE & ¢ HEADE R ! DESIGN. PRESSURE STRESS | INTENSITY CONTOUR USER: ~ SHERMAN [F- OEFT. 156 noT seRc t—!‘ia ; /ZUOOP‘S/. ———.-|. \ 28,060 PS/. (MAX.) L et > = Q.0 Ny INToNuTY T 0.0 ONTOUR LEVILS Re XX _BeS_L050 _000 AN, (18 _2il) =100, J 110 FIX AW AN w0 ANED, OO SNKE_S1N NIV AAZN0 15220, RN AIND, 250, K26l ~e71C. 1250 Page 5-22 FIGURE T DEFORMED _SHAPE FOR. DESIGN FPRESSURE & HEADER MPCA HERDER-TUSLSHEET ASSEVALY — USER: SrErveN IP CEPT. 156 nECT XA r_—.ia - e N 4 NF AN ORIGINAL SHAPE DEFORMED 1/ A SHAPE /4 | — TN A XF D O™ DISARKD 1Y, .7 Ting: 0.00 Page 5-23 MSE= ZTEmP OUY BT »Se0ER TRANGIENT TEMFFPATURE DISTRIBLTION USER: SHERMRN 1P CEPT. 1S6 g .25 AT SO/ e | HEADER E?fi;}[ i BN, i gy e E Sidll o it TEMPERATURE _ CONToL iR AT | - = = | £.01¢ I TN TY l Tivw. 1SS oo MZ233 STLAZ SUTLET mePLiR USER: SHERMRN P DEFT. 156 AT AL g‘_"‘la ¥ HEADER FIGURE 1O STRESS INTENS |TY CONTOURS FOR OPERATING PRESSURE PLUS REACTOR SCRAM TRANSIENT 38900 Ps!. - Sngoc Pol. K777 e L £.31¢ I JODDITY Tre, Do ORTAA OV Bef). Bedd, Cofd, D33, Frlld. FRif) Celd M6, 1-1N STUD, RallP. AeEND. eSO, Nef33. %00), =303, GenD. M3, 233, Tanll. UATD, WAAD, leald. Jealdd, T-E0). E-S22 T3BA STERM OUTLET HEROER TRANSIENT TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION USER: SHERWWN TP DEPT. 156 norsns F—° | 4 HEADER FIGURE Il | TEMPERATURE CONTOUR AT END OF 220 SEC. OF LOAD | SCRAM TRANSIENT ‘ | | 1 O4OF — | AT = 40°F 3 I QDENT TOesTUN ' The: 19,0 Tl ' OPFOA LEMLS: Reifl betie, ColOD] D008, C«1DL], Pei0LE, Col02], Me1025, [~tO3) PAEE, ReiOML, LeiONG, P1OS[. e lOBA Page 5-27 FIGURE |2 e——— — STAESS INTENSITY FOR CLERATING PRESSURE PLIS LOALD SCRAM TRANSIENT I | | | ! /4-/ (OO PS/. *"'mm. - | HEADER 1SBR STERM OUTLET HEHRR 156 SIEFFN 1P OEPT. not SXArc r—__:ln USER: 1 NN WS oo 1 2262211 110 SER LTS T J ISR /8.88Q £S5/ (MAX.) = - ”oow s = 5 - " n o 4 © . - n 19 - - z n et - ~ » - e n bl R 2 = w » .x w . » o W w“ - » < - " n 2 @ © [+3 » » D01 AT INTOBLTY T, 150,00 PSAF STIepr TOTLET MEACEF USER: SrEFRm P CEPT. 156 noT XRe L—‘—'is FIGUKRE |73 | STRESS INTENSITY CONTOURS OPERATING FRESSURE PLUS _LOAD SCRAM TRANSIENT /4,100 Ps|. —m = e = {/ e ;_J’——/ i / ‘/ S, N &0 i &.817 Py JENTY Tie, 15, CMIBF LT S ailE 7R, Rt T T BT i T, e e H - .;\‘-.“ -u’s ‘1 b b ¢ ¢ | o ¢ ’ ¢ o ¢ ¢ ’ ¢ '.-.:\.os?,-o.'u——!o-"l.nz .Mfizmws:g9 .,. . FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO 8-25-2/,31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L4/66 |ISSUE ~ 1 DATE 12/16/7L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - |4 5.2.4 SIMPLIFIED INELASTIC ANALYSIS Inelastic strains were calculated by Bree's simplified method (Re- ference 3 ). In the Bree Analysis, it is assumed that there are a total of 200 severe thermal cycles (sum of load scrams and reactor scrams). With a 30-year design life, the time per cycle is 262,800/ 200 = 1314 hours. The derivation of the creep law used is given on the next page. The Bree Analysis of Reference 3 has been computerized by Foster Wheeler. The following results were obtained (Reference: Computer Output NHJLOST) : Primary Secondary , Location Stress,ksi Stress,ksi Total Strain/Cycle,% Total Strain -1 g.g 23.36 10~ 0.02% 2-2 12.16 14,22 10~k 0.02% 3-3 6.15 149.81 5 x 10~k O 0.1% L-L 6.55 20. 31 0 0 5-5 7.15 60.8L 8 x 107k 0.16% 6-6 8.47 31.32 2 x 10~k 0.0L% 7-7 12.97 37.09 8 x 107k 0.16% BY APPROVED , PAGE 5_30 OF S BTN Sl CREER e e e — CONSTANTS fFoR RELERNTE Frg. 1o~ @F " CHL M N - IKRON AL SECR FELIR = MECTR & P i N X N LOHERE © D, = creer vare (AhAeceonrs < FOR SECONDARY CREES EFF J = S7eary - SrA7& APPLIED FPRIMAR Y LOAD | A 7 = EREE,L CONSTANTS ©, YATERIAL AT TEMPERATL LATA FOR NICKEL - MOLY BLENL/ 1T — y, INOA-8& * A4 (7.9 x0°)" O " A Cadiutsro® )7 @) FCX _TEMI = 120 “F 72(_ & B fer = A (“/f 'V)N ,‘ o Lo -5 7 - @ V4 ‘//C:‘r,;, Xy = fi(pX/O) M Iy > Y o> i 22 I . _‘? n M8 G Wap " w. A (X267 . C“ —5 .’ y '7 o= T e w A L2 xdE7) /0 ¥ s (:;_5")71 7, (".((/ & Z.2 PP e 3 G ¥ /0 -2 A = =L o R2.98 X lg T2 2 x8¥) " = Page 5-32 FWC FORM 172 - 4 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO 8-25-2431 DOCUMENT NO. wD/7L,/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L 5.2.5 FATIGUE ANALYSIS AND CREEP FATIGUE INTERACTION A preliminary fatigue analysis was made with the aid of Code Case 1331-L. obtained at 1100°F. Location 1-1 22 3-3 L-L 5-5 6-6 I S Ksi 33.62 22.76 49.81 20. 31 60.8) 31.32 37.09 Ref. Page C-1-5 Cwl~9 C-1-10 C-1-11 C-1-13 C-1-15 C~1-16 The following results were obtained. Salt 16.81 11.38 2L.91 10.16 30.42 15.66 18.55 Allowable cycles were N all 15000 .c"m 2,500 e 1,300 20,000 10,000 With only 200 severe thermal cycles, maximum fatigue damage is 200/ 1300 = 0.15 which occurs at location 5-5. the allowable value of 1.0. This value is well below BY APPROVED PAGE _; OF FWC FORM 172 - L S COLUMN TH¥DTICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE NOTATIONS IN Tt Tk e e o rem—_a FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION T U — - ——r CREEP FATIGUE INTERACTION Creep fatigue interaction was performed by the method described in the nozzle pertion of this report. Location 7-7 proved to be the most severely loaded section, and only that section was analyzed. The section was idealized as a cylinder with 8" inside radius and L" thickness. The following loading was applied: PR/t = p x 8/L = 12970 x 3600/L000 (refer to Appendix C-1 for source of 12,970) solving for p, p= 5836 psi 2218l AT = {156 2 (1-v) -8362 } i-59 , o= 7.43 x 107 = £ o H I 26.7 x lO6 2 = ® |_$ ® t= ] PROGRAM RESULTS The same type of loading histogram was used for the tubesheet as was used for the inlet nozzle. There are a total of 50 cycles, each cycle consisting of 3 load scrams and 1 reactor scram. The program was run for five cycles and the strain for each remaining cycle was estimated by taking the difference in strains between the fourth and fifth cycles. Maximum total strength = 0.432 + 45 (0.01) = 0.88% Creep damage = 0.0135 + L5 (.0026) = 0.13 Maximum strain range = 0.381% . (Maximum temp = 1000 F) Fatigue damage = 50/500 = 0.1 Total creep fatigue damage = 0.23<1. Ref: Computer Run EBHJLO&C BY APPROVED PAGE o_., OF FWC FORM 172 - I o By 2 e T COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE —- —-— ~ -’ NOTATIONS IN THIS FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION i CHARGE NO 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. Np/7), /66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7), .3 STRESS ANALYSIS OF THE MSBR SHELL 5.3.1 INTRODUCTICN AND SUMMARY The MSBR shell was analyzed for both pressure and thermal transient stresses. Three locations of possible high stresses were selected, and are shown in Figure 1. | At locations A and B, pressure stresses were determined by hand calculation. Temperature distributions and thermal stresses . were determined using the finite element models shown in Figure 2. At location C, the finite element model shown in Figure 3 was used to determine pressure stresses, temperature distributions, and thermal stresses. Table 1 gives a summary of the stresses obtained at the three locations. Primary stresses are due to a design pressure of 300 psi or an operating pressure of 235 psi, while primary plus secondary stress intensity ranges are due to an operating pressure of 235 psi, the severest up thermal transient, and the severest down thermal transient. Examination of Reference 1 indicates that a "Ramp Change in Load from 100% to LO% in 3 Seconds" (Load Scram) is the most severe up transient, while "Insertion of Two Safety Rods™ (Reactors Scram) is the most severe down transient (Figure L). The stresses in Table 1 are categorized in accordance with the rules of ASME Code Case 1331-5. Although the Code Case does not place a stress limit on the primary plus secondary stress intensity range, the 35, 1limit was calculated for reference purposes. The effect of the tube thermal expansion loads on the shell was calculated by hand and found to be negligible (<200 psi). BY APPROVED PAGE ¢_35 OF FWC FORM 172 - NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE C {GES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO g_pe_) 3 DOCUMENT NO ND/7L/66 DATE 12/16/7), TABLE I ~ STRESS SUMMARY - MSBR SHELL See Appendix C- Stress Calculated Location Category Stress Intensity Allowable g | a P 8.2 55=9.5 E PI+Pg 8.2 1.55,=14.25 % B Py 0.3 S6=9.5 _ © PL+Pp 0.3 1.53‘7‘40: 25 & b c Pp 8.2 S0=9.5 A P[+P, 10.3 1.55,=1%4.25 % Mo oA P, 6.4 Spt=7.5 =) PL+Pp, £.% KS+=7.8 £ P +P,+) 38.9 35,=67.5 () - PL+Pp, .2 KS,=9.3 é‘ P +P,+Q i1 35=67.5 3| ¢ Py 6.4 Spp=7.5 P1FP, ] ;5.0 350=67.5 NOTE: All allowables are at 1150°F 2 for material Properties and allowables. See Section 5.3.6 for creep fatigué interaction. BY APPROVED PAGE 5-36 OF Ave. ) = 307 /6(‘/- /,J'. C('/ /l = 750 s ( < - FilGURE | “’é-” TRANSITMT (.ooecrze ) /, s /OO BTY Friec-4r L $ g |G le|lele |@|® ' i ( /¢ 7 2. LI TIRARLE . . S TR T l | / - Y g & 16 7 7 | 19:75" § @.09375"c0.75" TR~ O S TR T S - i ' LocATioN "A” TRANGIENT A‘ A w f 10 pl) A SB . EH AST R i RN, 1P v ) : 2 CAdolelolele|ole|l@” | | Al R LN Ak R 7 | /D 25 § @ . 23/258 =025 " LTE - — e = "‘ LocATION "B " FIGURE 72 - flmyTe clecMENT MoDELL Page 5-38 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N. B e e QATE S-caiine et R L L A O WGP, .. S SR SHEETWNOE ... OF:-avae CHKD. BY . ___ DATE (o ctmmninsd Seadompusie ot SR oW (e o et e P dOBING S o s s st ol A IR \.‘»—l..\ - | L T | \ \ \ R\ 39 \' /4 i ‘Ln-l [l v | \- | \‘ ._" r-— L1 Elemen] 68 ! / ! ~ 20'R m * ) [ ) Y _¥. 3 5 | +—_ FIGURE 3 | FORM (2085).47 3 Al Page 5-39 ofi-g eFeqg ")C' 4 TEMPERATURE , — ///: "f (f"/fQ' '~ 7 A 7 S Af=- 7 y Y ¥ N g o= o - C / -«,./\/._,‘_, 'y //.E AL '?A\;'L, N f_‘if_é’_:-_ ’__C_\__{QC-AC TOA o 1 _— INLET SALT TRANSIENT SCRANM _AND LOAD SchAlM ( CEMBINING REACTER SCRAM AND LOAD SCRAM ) 85 s fll -+ - 50 100 JIME , SECoONDS /S0 oo oo 34 Pt LL STRESSES AT LocATion 4" & wnir 5 (/9. 5®0 +10) = [( D8 G RS — /7:’——((‘0 y //0 2z 2¢97 5 2R 990 STRESS WIENSITY = 38 990 —//0 NCTE ' MAX, KEACTCE ScRAM STRESS AFTEN STANT cfF SCRAM | MAX. LOAD - SCRAM STRESS AFTER Srakr CF SCRAM ., ———— . /7 -5-5'0-//? z. DES/GN FLeSSURE STRESS _J =3 300 A r7. 78 ' I e e ™ + 3250 PS/, : ‘ 300%5/. CrEsI6N P o e = 7 x 39C0 = + 7900 FSY. = W W il ! W =) =300 P 48D (o |perm 51 = G298 poi 2 - Lp : e ' ’/9.75" L SANSIENT TEMFERATIIKE STRESSES J < Uz Q—T GE& STIRESS IN Ne— “SMKREAC 1tR: SCrRAM e (S 80C 3/, 690 -20 3/ &/¢ “LOAD ScrA A = 20 —3 /&0 -/ 30 /o 7 0% O +@ + OPER, PLESS (to /7,560 3& 770 B¢ 3§ £&o - #~ —30)'_—_] % 38,880 ps/. OCCLRS AT ENO OF £5 sec, Ar.=/7/)Fx CCCURS AT END OF /18 S&C, AT =38 °F. Page 5-41 < SHELL STRESSES A7 locAar/ionN "B LPES/IGN PRESSURE STRESS Ng =-3co PS/. (AT rye SURFACES ) TKANS/IENT TEMPERA TURE STRESSES I8y J& 07 Urz STRESS | L AtACTOR SCRAM —+ /55 2282 > 2278 G LOAD SCRAM -3 -1267 ~ 1837 -/ /833 L@+ OF PRESSUKE ¥ 28 0.5 1 /_7 3 ¢// < 2 2 -+ S, 93 = (2508 .+ 7)1 [(2&62"7) *(3)]_& \J' /%ol £./)397 — = = 28085, 7 Je .G = Gl INTENSITY = ¢//7 - 7 =4 /l2 PS/. STKESS NOTE : MAX. KELTI1EN SCRAM STRESS €Ceures AT ENDO O©OF @7 S&C, AFTER STAKT C€F SCrApr) . A7 = Vi LCAD SCRAM STIPESS ECCURS Ar END oOF 7.5 SEC MAax. AT = /12°F AFTER STAKT CF ScrRAM, Page 5-L,2 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION o YT de 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N, BY. P DATE. LML sUBJECT e W Syl 5 o~ . SHEET NO...... ____OF._._. CHKD. BY _______ RATE.. 2o Ui e SN i s S S i X JOB RO i h o ol bl SHaM “SHoiy -2l D _JUNCTURE $T_RESSE.S o R g T Lhe STTRESSE S (Mfmm\.r\ STRESSES AT sLeMenTs (3-6f DuUg To 300 pPsy DESIGN PRESsURE) Fon Flgowe | owe oBTAIN THe Follow/nG MEMBRPAWE STRESSES ) m — > - 3 = - et GoRE" Kt e M ") (4a) fx = \") fi\ ‘5-'-2 o 0036\ Pl Cipm STLESSES ")—\ = OO0 s, I . A { 4;3 o /)-,\) ) / MA™IMUM\ STRESS |WTENSTY = Joa2 ks{ = B Ko™\ FIGNRE 9 - WwWE LoTAR THE MA>M CivEr (280 BENDING STRESSES: ’_l' L AE O.36H '5.2 =4.2% \ .!> 2 ) = ¢ 7 ‘Tx ol "zl /Trt )- C“G J 16390 Page 5_.)43 FORM (285).47 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N. ) AL S SR e S RDATE e . oL, SUBJECT. SHEET NO..--‘.O}.--..OF Pt TRZ Kl - C o ¢ ’ L Peosture STresceg \, ';g))i,-. ((T ‘v o% mae, [.& STN;;cg‘- wL\'.\ are Censlaered Pf‘lmgr7‘ O, 7 2.3775 =30 (.00r 50) =0.264 = b = L'O\: O.lo 2% i = 0. 25+ 30 l.ug 2¢ ) 0.25735 = a Lta = 0.€175 L & - a*- < - o —— - ’)— - 2 SRRV il b = 0. = AVERALE STRESS { { " S \ Y. I 4 o R TE e e T ) » b= o> l . - - a=_1 S St s 1 . — — (== ) 4 T Ty e, e - ' s ol 3 o ol LSBT - | | ~ » o P b > Gt dC er’_‘ o Sa s % b e 2ab+ 2 beo b L (Lo )(Kma?) o P ‘.t;;g'-— — = e o e = o+ ¢ 1 S *L_ 4 X - \ ")' 5 L‘ > !J‘- W~ L % r l ) + | T \)"* - _ ‘—’—.( =P X L-¢ L v L @ * | 1 L- o FORM (285).47 Page 5-54 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION __________ L IR Y s A _______ DATE. &2 s T S S e M S S B R SS e e o e NS M B b e i i == ot ‘_; ( ) '__g-“ = ) ) 4 ol ————— z - 4 -617 ¢ a P s \J( .L‘g-]‘.’ ~ = —_ ~ - TP 3 13 . “.’(’\ ).'..5‘_'8 '|- V. = ——m— = "R 0.3¢ = 2. 288 “ ” i ‘_, (.,‘1' | = x\ b ™ 11959 e O R S ‘ . - 2 3.09¢ (P:m) ‘ el 00(,3:‘) F “')".{ . "\)4?“,, - = 4.0 ‘SP T 05+ 38 = 16.6 N30 P MengnkAnge PRESSURE STRESSES T~ =0.40N - ) T % 3 - .04 ¥ Page 5-55 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N. SHEET NO FORM (285).47 FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO g_p5_p),31 | DOCUMENT NO. ypy /) /g |ISSUE 4 DATE 15 /16/7) POy PHERMAT, EXEANGTON SR Because of the temperature difference between the tubes and shell, thermal expansion stresses will exist in the tubes. Below are tabulated tube and she¢ll temperatures. Tube - Shell | AT Inlet Temperature 1083 1150 67 Outlet Temperature 756 850 oL Average AT = 80.5 A STRUDL model of a typical tube was prepared (Figure 1). Applying an average temperature difference of 80.5 F between the tubes and shell, a maximum stress (at joint 29)of 6L00 psi was obtained. Reference: FWC Computer Run EBHLEVYg, July 8, 197h. BY APPROVED | PAGE _ ., OF FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N. ) A RS DATE .. ocoee. TR | oy e A L U A SHEET NO..._).. L SO s CHKD. BY o _____ 5 TR v, PR, S JRm S N S e s L I I JOB. MO oo onsesmbomncass o S T e d ’ 1)t s O —k - ¥ @) D - '— =Q ; w ] ak ‘L) Lo W (= o . el 1 ./?‘ i 22 (©,1232) .‘ 2;’ : Y (0,1265.5) 1..3 ’f A 50 ¢ " €y 3 ( 2.8z, 1287.2) 17 D s (11283, 1327.5) X ,.’;' ol A b e TSN (2 .Gn;}l '3::4_3) @.\’ (42,1332.2)% ® W o e g " (6z2.289, 134 .¢) @m i : 53% J " F'(7U'\€‘ g—I}\\ D M)DEL FOR TUBE FORM (203).47 THERMAL & xPANSIoN SSTRESSES Page 5-57 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, N.| LR SR DATE cciivasns BUBDEGY.S s e a n AR S b M Ao SHEET NO..ooonono. OF: 5. - K DESIGHI CONDTT Lo 0r==0.417 3,600 = - |5ksi - Max <1 = |[.67] = 252« : =38 A : o B2 \-048+3 (0p +€-4 = |6.1T DVESATING LonNDITioN Pz (3.6- 0.\‘\5Y(.043+ 5417 J46.4 = ||« k\ \-:.." *,v‘\ tJ" \ C“’\J‘—r\"'\’ .hwvl = 3/‘4‘ 2)0 7(0(( = ‘.q7¥ 105 Lrs. J,._,\ Ban ) ™ vy )\di‘r'qjk ’Tq\Q \_,\“ -T&"‘P("‘:TV‘“Q - ‘UjgoFo Bor dhd € Son ® Il 80k ot WASF any 2le hes . I , 5 e F‘— \Jo—T ‘v‘s\ cordiTicn Jing = 4> Ho yeary = 0.4¢x 0 ‘\.—( 5 ¥ A e el Tule wall FapereTore = WITF: & 3 « _ < b, = LV 2Bae™ JauKsi N WZo F asd 9.6€% |0 ket ~he S h'&"\' -S"o;“‘,,.\ - 'Y ,'f. X = JQ).,N‘ D.6C= 10 - T : i I'= ot "2 o °.9%.< ‘ FORM (2085).47 Page 5-58 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N. B Y e n s mmb s DATE caceeee . BUBIECT. 2 o via ¢l it 5 is'e ey ol ien s s sy e ke SHEET NO 7 OF D I STEADY STATE TUBE TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTIoN v ] / 0) '® hi)Ti —/ Tos ¢ % _I\/_J Q-2 5. 0.315 . 7~ ¥ .T“:,: 1710 (STEAM OUTLET) k= 1.0 @ (080°F TFEE To (STSe™ WL T) ‘<" J).08 @ 775'0‘:— & . ; - = XS$a ( Sk:'b‘\_)r"‘\ o~\.TL(—-T> 5= WSe ( Sobirumy INLET ) he= 4941 ( STEAM wieT - Sebium ou TS hiz 1439 ( sTEAM 0/TLET- SobIvM INLET) hs= 4772 (STEPM InLeT = Son (™ ObTLET) ho= 1134 ( STEAM ouTiET - So)\yM nm.e-r) - % = -T- (L. - ‘LWk/‘y(fr’ .- A g B FORM (2885).47 o/ r /__S’ S{ | l'\ N i l, - T = *} [mk;r; T AWK 3 xwk,r,fik FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N., Y. A~ . BATE B BT s e i s T L Ay SHEET NO.. 5.\ . OF...... CHKD. BY —___ L AU RO S S A SN T LYV o TESEY oo N e NN, SO NS B oS as ol g ~ e ‘V\ r‘,/,_‘ ' =) ;z-,-t(:’T B PRl e el R "L\oro’k RN T R O e PR Tl S e R et o B — I 2 5 L\,, ™ _E'_ L\b o =) [ 2 M= AT AT 1['+ k \hf;"'k-rgl T.-T;‘[T’-TL%K[H',\‘( e ¥ - -\ < G [y, o o kofl lnr"/r,; Foe STEr vy \mlG T = Sedyumy ouTLE T -1 e 7 4§4|u0‘.5/2 g 454 1 ‘ 4 Te =510k 172 %0.315 /12 3 972 - T ® B epsella s et EgeE | T2 114 F T s 756F ' J.o5=12 - 9.0§=I1Z -2 = 1§55 { - 5 4&',,‘_& P AR 972 %0375 |nl-§ T- o= 7CF 6% oo (T Te ) = FFREI—(90) = 10,¢00 s Fon $Terr v leg- Sobiur) INGET o a9 w0 25712 1439 /\C:|o\u‘-|-l?.-\_|'§' \n\-g -1 TS 3 34 T2ty B — [ ~‘o.’§?§/i: % (134 . |Q: “ ? ‘4)[‘+ T \hl.g"' "2’ ‘4.30) FORM (285).47 = = Page 5-60 .= o TP W [7, 4= 1 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, - ), (R, SRR s DATE e . SUBJECT .o=12 \l.ox |2 3} 1439 0.25-In1.g 134%0375> |nlS T:——T\“— \'-\a_, [ I + €« 2 b8 2¢.3»7.6 ) : et b D e (€2)= 7420 psi LIVINGSTON, N.J .......................................... SHEET No.-__é-l---OF.-----. -\ FORM (285).47 Page 5-61 FWC FORM 172 - | - NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION e # A ey . S - 3 5.3.4 FLOW INDUCED VIBRATION There is a possibility of flow induced vibration only in the bend area of the tubes. The direction of possible vibration is shown in Figure 2. Supports have been provided as shown, to increase the natural frequency to 50% above the vortex shedding, and minimize the possibility of vibration. The natural freguency is calculated below. BY APPROVED [ PAGE _ . oF FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.,, LIVINGSTON, N.. SHEET NO.occoue- S BY e casasannes soa DATE - cccncass; SUBJECT CHEKD: BY cauesxa DA TE: nencois, | ol et aOenC ansE s e das ot aem e e e O h o a E X JOB NOi s ncmesonpvamespavs g - N’K‘st\\* ‘\ 1w - o\ Dy g 2} 5 7 ‘\ W5 S8, \\)"}) t '|\‘ = > K (v Ty yioaesd v Mot L or I3 i uu\-.\’ L T: s u\) t) .\d) X x—1 i:_l\ :'_ T-/I\fa%‘ A 5 g\/r‘(. .T'(-) [ B(’.'é p.rcm / “ o T AP | el 1 — /hgt =1 v 0.0 24¢C, 3FC. 4 - -~ D \‘\- \J AN N :.)77? - L\,‘)‘J‘}"Q | - ~ —i/ - ¢ L \ by BMGT =) & 7 2 Q0.4 \A + Siri Pl 4"‘ 2 T)Ef‘*f\ - -"‘ - - L. - \‘<1 = s 7 C.” - 's &) - Flas 384 0y ( - . e - > ( - (L_‘b Wi r‘ NI n X = B {38+ 7B )22 C e Vo T » 0 MSpp e Freaa€r o = 4y g - 4 U ] - S F v Pk ' < M\.rE ‘.r-’/"lxj EJ ‘7\' h . : b ;_.:‘\ FORM (285).47 Toatabe Mo T SHRDOD e FrSQuEreY, apaen Flevs ‘U}J .4* o ) Be M"\}|r"’lL 3 Page 5-6 FWC FORM 172 - |} NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARQGE N08-25-2h31 DOCUMENT NO°ND/7h/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE]E/lé/Th 5.3.6 5.3.5 SIMPLFIED INELASTIC ANALYSIS Inelastic strains were calculated by Bree's simplified method (see Chapter VI of the IMFBR Piping Design Guide). 1In the Bree analysis, it is assumed that there are a total of 200 severe thermal cycles (sum of load scrams and reactor scrams). With a 30-year design life, the time per cycle is 262,800/200 = 131l hours. : The derivation of the creep law used in the Bree analysis is given in the tubesheet report. The Bree analysis has been computerized by Foster Wheeler, and the following results were obtained. P PLP.* Qg & /cycle % €7 11.1 ksi 11.4+10.6 = 22.0 3x10~L 0.06< 194 Ref: Computer Run NHJLOTP In computer run, input data is conservative. FATIGUE ANALYSTS A preliminary fatigue analysis was made with the aid of Code Case 1331-4. With a stress range of 22,0Ksi, or an alternating stress of 11.0 Ksi, the Code Case gives an infinite number of allowable cycles. Thus, fatigue should be no problem. BY APPROVED [ PAGE 5 g OF FWC FORM 172 - |, NOTATIONS IN THI N e o L TR St I B 17, s e ke e i S - B 3 AP B e bk S COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE —— —— FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO 8-25-2,31 DOCUMENT NO. ND/7),/66 ISSUE 1 ATE 10/16/7) WL i Lo —— oo # At B bt . A eyt YR £ Senr A CREEP FATIGUE INTERACTION Creep fatigue interaction was performed by the pethod described in the nozzle portion of the report. An internal pressure differential of 3L25 psi was applied for the 30~year 1ife of the unit. The steady state radial temperature gradient is 52°F, In addition, a 28 F radialAT was applied to simulate the tube thermal expansion stresses. During the transient conditions, the radial temperature gradients in the tubes are milder. PROGRAM RESULTS Maximum total strain - 0.65% Creep damage = 0.095 i 0.258% Maximum strain range Fatigue damage = 0.05 (Maximum temperature = 1100 F) Total creep fatigue damage = 0.15<1.0 Ref: Computer run EBHJLO1C BY | APPROVED PAGE c_gz OF FWC FORM 172 - 4 NGES HAVE BEEN MADE - NOTATICNS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE Ci Samb L ————— . ia m— R =~ o, FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. yp/7L/66 |ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/74 O AL i Bl et v b R SR 1 ¢ oo i 5.5 TUBE RUPTURE ANALYSES Tube rupture effect analyses were performed by the Gulf General Atomics Company. Detailed descriptions of the analyses are contained in Reference(8)which is ineluded in its original form in Appendix C-3 of this report. The analyses covered two areas of concern: the effect of a tube rupture on the shell cylinder and the adjacent tube. The effect of a tube rupture on the shell was examined by modeling the shell in a state of plane strain loaded by internal pressure of varying profile. Numerical calculations were done by using the finite - difference code system, PISCES, developed by Physics International Company. The bilinear stress-strain relation of Hastelloy N at 850°F was used. The results indicate a maximum stress of 42,900 psi which is well above the yield strength (27,600 psi), but only one-half the ultimate strength (85,500 psi) of the shell material. Tt also predicted an increase of 3.6" (or 9%) in the diameter of the shell. The effect of a tube rupture on the adjacent tube was examined by modeling the adjacent tube as a lumped-mass continuous beam with an appropriate elastic-plastic moment-curvature diagram derived from the stress-strain curve of the tube material (Hastelloy N at 850°). The loads acting on the beam model consisted of a transverse inertial force and the resistive force of the molten-salt. The results indicate that the ultimate strength is not exceeded and, therefore, the adjacent tube would not rupture. However, a deflection of 2L4.5" was calculated which was about 4O percent of the length of the 'span between two consecutive supports. As indicated in Reference (8), the conclusion reached concerning the shell response due to a tube rupture was conservative in that the applied pressure was chosen as an upper bound of the data available on ruptures. The assumption of a plane strain state was alse conservative in that the pressure load resulting from the tube rupture was assumed to act along the entire axis of the shell. However, for a more accurate prediction, much knowledge concerning the pressure profile is needed experimentally and analytically. On the other hand, the analysis concerning the effect of a.tube rupture on the adjacent tube is incomplete. Due to the extremely large deflection calculated from the beam model,it is felt that the applied loads have to be reexamined and large deformation theory should be considered. In the presence of large deflections, the analysis should also include the interactim of adjacent tubes, and perhaps the associated problems of instability. BY APPROVED [ PAGE ¢_gg OF FWC FORM 172 - |4 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE ——— —-——-—— FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATTON CHARGE NO 8-25-2,31 | DOCUMENT NO. Np/7,/66 |ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L LV P 5.6 REFERENCES 1. Foster Wheeler Computer Program R10l5 by R. E. Nickell, revised by M. B. Hsu. Hybrid Computer Simulation of the MSBR by O. W. Burke, ORNL-TM-3767. LMFBR Piping Design Guide by C. F. Braun & Company. Bases for Design of MSBR Systems for Temperatures to 1300 F, ORNL-73-1-23. Tubesheet computer runs EBMSBR2A (pressure), EBMSBREC (steady state temperature), EBMSBRCF-1 (load reduction tran51ent), EBMSBRCT-2 (reactor scram transient) Shell computer runs, EBMSBR2C-1 (Pressure), EBMSBR2C-2 (thermal stress) Data for Nickel ~ Molybdenum Chromium - Iron Alloy, Iron-8, June 1, 1961. J. J. Johnson and D. A. Wesley, Tube Rupture Analysis of a Counter Flow Heat Exchanger, Gulf-Ga-& 1241k, Nov. 20, 1972, Prepared for Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation. Nozzle computer runs - EBRS156C (pressure), EBRS156C-1 (temperature stresses) BY APPROVED | PAGE ¢ ¢; OF FWC FORM 172 - L4 : FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 |ISSUE 1 |paTE 12/16/74 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE SECTION 6 HASTELLOY N STEAM CORROSION GEo&gf V. AMORUSO Approved by E. D. Montrone Assistant Chief Metallurgist \D.Q.(g@» "W. R. let¥, Jr. Chief Metallurgist BY APPROVED AGE 6-a - FWC FORM 172 -~ L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT | LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. g-25-243] | DOCUMENT NO. Np/74/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/74 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 6.0 REVIEW OF HASTELLOY N STEAM CORROSION 6-1 6.1 ABSTRACT 6-1 6.2 SUMMARY 6-2 6.3 INTRODUCTION 6-4 6.4 DISCUSSION 6=5 6.4.1 EARLY STUDIES 6-5 6.4.2 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY STUDIES 6-11 GENERAL CORROSION TESTS 6-11 TUBE BURST TESTS 6-15 DUPLEX TUBING TESTS 6-18 6.4.3 CRITICAL REVIEW OF STEAM GENERATOR TUBING 6-21 MATERIALS DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND CRITERIA 6-21 CORROSION RESISTANCE TO MOLTEN FLUORIDE 6-23 SALTS CORROSION RESISTANCE TO SUPERCRITICAL STEAM 6-25 6.4.4 CRITICAL REVIEW OF HASTELLOY N AND DUPLEX 6-26 TUBING | HASTELLOY N 6-26 DUPLEX TUBING 6-27 6.5 CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS 6-28 6.6 REFERENCES 6-31 6.7 TABLES 1-26 INCLUSIVE 6-43 6.8 FIGURES 1-45 INCLUSIVE 6-71 0.35 Curbon 0.04-0.08 lungsten 0.5 Aluminum + Titanium 0.5 “Single values are maximum percentages unless otherwise specified, Table 2 Physical Properties of Hastelloy N R0°F 500°1 1000°F 1300°F - 1500°F Density, Ib/m,” 0.3209 Density, Ib/ft* 553.0 I hermal conductivity, But he * 7! %! 6.0 7.8 10.4 12.6 14.1 Spectfic heat, B ||\_I T . (0.098 0,104 ().1154 ().136 (.153 Cocttivient of therntal exyansion per 18 WAL 2% {1 (o 207 007" RO T 92597107 Dy Mg iae ot dlasniorgy iy, T AP T 27 710" 25 7 10" 440" Prsa il resistanee, suvie i qm | ) 8¢ 123.7 1§ X 26 ()¢ 14 |4 ; 125. 126. 124.1 \ \ 9 B altey e tS 1w i ur sy R ¢ g ; ‘ v " | iy ';HI) ' ! i, (Lt ip ' ° Ny 2470 2555 Faken direcdy from rer, |0, All other values found from inte cise information. rpolation of plots of ref. 10 data, See this reference for more pre Average coefficient of expansion over 212 ¢ 3 iIs 8 X g ‘ an; <1210 1832°F runge is 8.6 X 107 per °FF b “Ref 11 T T BY APPROVED AGE 6-43 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO, 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT No. ND/74/66 | 1getm 1 DATE 12/16/74 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - |} ASME BOILER AND VESSEL CODE CODE CASE: 1315-2 SECTION VIII Table 3—Maximum Allowable Stress Values Metal Temperatures Maximum Allowable Stress Values, psi Not Exceeding Deg. F. All Material Other Than Bolting Bolting 100 25,000 10,000 200 24,000 9,300 300 . 23,000 8,600 400 21,000 8,000 500 20,000 7,700 600 ' 20,000 - 7,500 700 19,000 7,200 800 18,000 7,000 900 18,000 6,800 1000 17,000 6,600 1100 13,000 6,000 1200 6,000 , 6,000 1300 ' 3,500 3,500 Tobie 4 Design Stress Intensity Volues, S, in ksi Temperature 100 26.7 200 25.3 300 24.2 400 23.3 500 22.6 600 21.9 650 _ 21.6 700 21.3 750 21.1 800 20.7 NOTE: Design stress intensity values are basedon lesser of: ) % Specified Minimum Tensile Strength ) Y, Tensile Strength @ Temperature ) 2/3 Specified Minimum Yield Strength ) % Yield Strength @ Temperature ASME BOILER AND VESSEL CODE CODE CASE: 1345-2 SECTION III APPROVED 3/9/72 BY APPROVED PAGE 6-44 FWC FORM 172 - L4 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE ig MATERIALS INVESTIGATED A TABLE § ND TESTS USED TO DETERMINE RELATIVE PERFORMANCE_ Tensile Properties Structure TIAOH4LY Sv-9 HOV Materlal Irradiations Uniform Corrosion at 1050 F Corrosion With Salts 6 % 1019 nvt Constantly Stressed 1075'“0(_) P 2 700-800 F Unstressed 0.1% Creep’in 1000 Hrs. 70 wgm. Cl1™ /in. 304 No deleterious Normal scale Some intergranular Intergranular failures, effects growth stress ruptures stress-accelerated Incoloy No deleterious Normal scale No failures. normal scale Normal scale formation effects growth Inconel Nol tested Normal scale Intergranular penetrations, Intergranular failures, growth stress ruptures stress-accelerated 310 Not tested Normal scale Normal scale formation Ewbrittlement because of growth sigma phase, Normal scale. 316 No deleterious Not tested Not tested Not tested effects 330 A No deleterious Not tested Intergranular attack Intergranular failure effects 347 No deleterious Not tested Normal scale formution Not tested effects AISI 406 Loss in uniform Large oxide Large oxide layer Hastelloy-X Hastelloy-N Ni-O-Nel 2} Croloy 5 Croloy Ti elongation from 11. 4% to 4. 4% Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested layer formation Normal oxide layer formation Not tested Normal scale growth Not Llested Not tested formation Normal scale formution Intergranular failure Normal scale formation Excessive scale formution Excessive scale formation Large oxide formation. stress-rupture failure Normal scale formation Intergranular failure Normal scale formation Excessive scale formation Excessive scale formation Effect of Exposure Not tested Reduction in ductility to 207. Recovery after 3000 hours, Slight changes in strength and ductility Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested No effect up to 2000 hours Reduction in ductility from 427 to 107 in 5200 hours Not tested Slowly decreasing ductility after 2000 hours Not tested Not tested Microstructural Changes Not tested Sensitization and microstructural instability Coniplete sensitization Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested No visible changes Continuous inter- granular precipitate network Not tested - Intermranular precipitate net- work Not tested Not tested | LINIWIYVdAA JVATONN "L N ‘NOISONIAIT NOTILVIOdM0D ADYIANH YTTATHM ¥ALSOJ FWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE ig THAO¥dAY Zovd| 9%-9 ' - TABLE6 AVERAGE WEIGHT GAISS FOR ALLOYS EXPCSED TO 15 TORR WATER VAPOR a1 348, 1050, HwD 1138 °C T - Yo_. CLl ANY SO0 s Tost Averape Weight Chans2 Tezt Avcrage Weight Crange Temperature, Time, C k 428 Tempurature, Time, & &' hange, Alloy C hr mn/cm - Allov C ar mglem Inconel GO0 815 160 + 0.120% Hastellcy C 815 1G9 +0,1029 210 + 0.1617 209 +0.1194 302 + 0.1742 300 +0.1362 930 100 + 0.3:04 039 1C0 + 0.2730 200 + 0,4832 200 +0.3752 500 + C.%9%5 300 + 0. 4512 1033 150 + 0.9133 1033 1970 +8.5733 2C0 + 11,2831 230 + 0, 6029 300 + 1.%600 : 30 + 0.7:10 Inconel 625 815 100 + 0.1630 Hastzlloy N B15 1C0 + 0. 93531 200 + 0.2244 nc + 0.1023 270 + 0.2620 w50 + 0. 1037 930 16 * 0. ausd 230 160 +0.2370 202 + 0.8730 20 + 0. 2252 350 + 1.1004 300 +0.3133 1038 100 + 2,4505 1038 1€2 +0.5276 209 + 3.3270 200 40,6295 300 + 4.186 200 +0,7650 Inconel 702 815 100 + 0.2556 Hastelloy R-235 315 1G5 +0.7130 200 + 0.3238 260 + 0.£013 360 + 0.48935 300 +0.8343 930 1C0 + 01,1435 930 102 + 2,173 2C0 + 1.5732 222 + 3,0337 36 + 1.87232 300 + 3.5573 1038 169 + 1.7439 KY 20 + 1,521 MRk e Y 300 + 1.7300 300 s 63030 Hogrel 1 L 180 T .2.869 Hastelloy X-28 815 13 + 0. 0840 200 + 0.3832 - 200 by r 300 + 0.4013 gk e g 560 + 0.0505 930 160 + C.9286 930 Y00 el g 200 + 1.3872 s P 200 + 1.6162 ‘ g; o0t g ks 1998 109 ~ 131208 1038 10) + 06701 200 - 5.0674 59 190, gats 300 - 13.8400 u > s + 3 L el s i 0.5479 Haynes 25 81t 160 +0.1793 200 + 0.4827 200 +0.2147 300 + 0.5327 38 4 0.2281 o 109 L PIDR 930 100 +0.5122 290 + 1.2563 550 MR- 390 + 1.4634 Eon 0. 7506 1€38 100 + 1.5593 A - s £ 54 . 1038 1C0 4+ 0.8255 200 + 1.8669 : 300 + 2.3700 200 + 0.9939 . 300 + 1.0470 *ON EOYVHO [e%2-S2-8 ‘ON INEWND0Q 99/%L/aN S0SST I 7L/907¢l grva LNAWINVdEd IVITONN 'L N ‘NOLSOHNIAIT NOILVIOJdY0D ADYWEANT ¥ATITHM ¥ALSOJ FWC FORM 172 - |4 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE L ig THAOHALY Lv-9 EOV AT v ? WEICHT GAaIN OF IRON- AND NICKE L- maASE Ar v 0 D e L L A S R e 2 SN T B0 O 130199 Deor 100 AT 550 0C (1922 2 AXND _'-..1()";‘41(‘?‘.' s PRIESSURE | Aty EXTOCURE rvnping 72 e ) iud 4 252 236 340 PiISSURE, psi 1009 3000 3c00 1000 2( 0 30060 Z:JOO 3;;; ASTM A 212-RB 260.9 305.0 730.0 "L e . n' ' 3 "1 SS 62.0 55.90 7e.0 4.0 117.0 121.0 \Y-' ~"t\ (141.) 123.0 (160.) i1 6.0 (2¢2.)) 177.0 ATSD 340 €8 3.2 5.3 4.1 7.6 6.3 2.3 !‘ SHRAL 122 0 16.0 ' "5; 0 VNI 2 Ss (AL (155.) 121.0 (126.) i 8.0 (252)) '—f":‘" ISt 3 NS UCerp.) 5.0 2.2 " Fe . { ) Wa e2d.u Fe-2:C1-3.65 A) 2.2 "j’: - 3 Foe-25CK-2 41-0. 6Y 22.0 4(; ‘a. 5 Haste!lv X-220 4.5 6.0 = Hoeswelloy N 12.0 . Inconei X L. g Inncolon A 6.4 l a3 = PR ‘ in, pecimen ‘ b ‘4\””_.“‘(‘ Numther Init it fon Crack Size, in Crack Oroup Base Metal Filler Metaul Comdition' of Timed Lacat lon No, 8 andicion Fatlures m Inittal® Final ’ {(weeks) 1} Type 304 §45R Type 10 S5 Ground 3 of 3 1-2 1/2 1/2 HAZ into WD Cround ‘ ] of 3 [ 1/2 1/2 HAZ into WD Ground and annealed 6 of 6 11 1/2 1/2 HAZ 1inte WD Ground, annealed, and plckled 3 of 3] 10 1/2 1/2 M, HAZ inte WD t 2 Type 410 48" Type 410 55 Ground 0 of 6 firound and annealed 0 of 3 Oround, anncaled, and pickled 0 of 6 1 Incoloy BOOF Inconel W) Ground 3 of 2 1-7 1/16-3/16 7/16 HAZ fnto FL Ground 3 of 3 6 1/16 1/8-1/4 HAZ, HAZ (nto FL Cround and annealed 1 of 3 7 1/16 1/4 HAZ into FL Ground and annealed ot ) 612 1/16--1/8 1/4 HAZ Gronnd, annecaled, and nickled 1 of 13 & 1/16 1/8 HAZ 4 inconel su0% Inconel K2 Graund 2 of 1 1-¢ 1/8-3/16 3/8-7/16 HAZ Craound 2 of 3] 512 1/16-1/8 1/8-5/16 HAZ Ground and annealed 0 of 6 Ground, anncaled, and plckled 0 of 3 5 Inconel 5258 Inconel 629 Ground 0 of 6 Ground and annealed 0 of 6 _ Ground, annealed, and pickled 0 of 3 6 iN-1028 IN-102 Cround 3 of 3 25 1/2 1/2 HAZ into WD Ground J of 1] B-16 1/16-1/8 1/16—-1/8 HAZ into WD Ground and annealed 3 of & 12 1/8-1/4 1/4 HAZ and Wn 7 Hastelloy x% Hastelloy X Ground 3 of 3 1 1/4-5/16 1/2 HAZ into WD, WD Cround 3 of 3 16 1/8-1/4 1/4—-1/2 HAZ (nto WD, WD Ground and annealed 0 of 6 Cround, annealed, and ptckled 0 of 3 8 Hastelloy N8 Hastelloy N Ground 3 of 3 4—11 1/2 1/2 HAZ into WD, WD Ground and annealed 0 of 3 1 9 Type 104 5SS No weld Cround 3 of 6 9 1/32-1/8 1/16-1/4 E, (many) Ground and solution annealed 6 of 6 >-18 1/64-1/8 1/64-1/8 E, 1 (many, p auperiicial) i . I 10 Type JO4N &% No weld Cround of 6 9 1/664=3/16 1/32-1/4 E,1 (many, Ground and solution annenled Jof b 14 1/16~3/16 1/16-3/16 Jsuperficial) (Cont loued) Crack Spoectmen h Surlace Number lult;;tlon Crack Size, fn. Crack Group Base Metal Filler Metal ’ ¢ of o L {on N, 8 Condtt fon Fa{lures Time! Inttfat® Final ocatio {weeka) 11 1B-18-2 SSL Ny weld Growund Jof 2 8 1/4-1/2 1/2 Ground and solutlon annealed 7 of 3 68 1/16-1/2 T/16-172 E 12 1823t Mo weld Cround 3 of 3 16 1/8-3/8 3/8-1/2 E As received 3 of 3 518 1/16-5/16 1/16—1/2 E, ! 11 x20-4 No weld Cround 1 of 3 18 1/64-1/16 1/64—5/16 E (many) As recelved 3 of 2 18 1/64-1/16 1/64-1/16 E (many) 14 26 Cr=1 Mol No weld Ground 3 of ) 1--2 1/2 1/2 (B melted) As recelved 3 of 3 2—4 i/2 1/2 15 Type 410 55 No weld Ground 0 of Ground and annealed 0 of 3 Criund, anncaled, and pickled O of 3 15 Super 12 crd No weld Ground 0 of 3 (HT-9) tGround and annealed 0 of 3 17 9 Cr-1 Mok No weld Ground 0 of 3 (SA-21179) Ground and anncaled 0ot 3 18 5 Cr-1/2 Mok No weld Ground 0 of 3 . (5A-211T%) tround and annealed 0 of 3 19 JOl/4 (-] Mok No weld Cround 0 ot 1} (SA=214T22) Ground and annealed 0 of 3 20 Incoloy 8OOt No weld Ground 1 of 3 16—18 1/16-5/32 5/32-1/8 F, I Ground 1 of 3 16 1/8-3/16 1/8-3/16 [, E Cround and annealed 1 of 6 16 1/16 1/16 E 21 20 Cr—45 NI-5 Mal No weld Ground 3 of 3 1-15 Vie-1/4 1/6-1/2 E Ground and annealed 3 of 3 4-16 1/32-1/8 1/32-7/32 E, 1 22 Inconel 600 No weld Ground 1 of 3 16 3/32 /32 E Ground and annealed 0 of 3 As received 1 of 3 5 1/8 5/16 E 23 Inconel 601! No weld Ground 0 of 6 Ground and annealed J ool 6 24 Inconel 625° No weld GCround 0 of & 0 6 GGround and annealed Page 6-69 TABLE 27 (Cont 'd) G Crack Specioen . Number Crack Size, in. Lrunp Rane Metal Filler Hutnlb Cbusf:iv c of In;;lntion : L Crnik Ng. Y on on Fallures me Inftial® Final ccation (weeks) 25 Inconel 690} No weld Cround 0 of 3 (10 Fe—60 NI-3D Cr) . As received 0 of 3 26 16 Fe-32 Ni-32 crl No weld "Microduplexed and ground 0 of 3 {109 menh) Microduplexed 0 of 3} Hacroduplexed and ground 0 of 3 (1O mewsh) Macroduplexed 0 of 3 27 Incoloy B09E No weld Hicroduplexed and ground 0 of 3 (19 Fe—44 Ni{-17 Cr) (100 menh) Hicroduplexed 0 of 3 Macroduplexed and ground 0 of 3 (100 meah) Macroduplexed 0 of 3 28 Hastelloy xi No weld Ground 0 of 2 As received 2 of 13 12 1/16~3/32 1/16-3/32 E (several) 29 Hastelloy c—2761 No weld Ground 0 of 3 As received 0 of 3 30 Hastelloy cil No weld Cround P of 3 As recelved O of 3 a1 Hastelloy NI No weld Ground J of 3 1 1/2 1/2 {(Many smaller ones) As received 3 of 3 1-2 1/2 1/2 Anneal 1 0 of 3 Anneal 2 3 of 3 7~14 . 1/16~-1/8 1/41/2 E Anneal 3 0 of 3 Anneal 4 0 of 3 a Specimens measured 3 1/4 » 1/2 % 1/16 {n. and were bent to a 1/2-1n. radtus {6.2% maximum strain) fncident to mounting. b Welda:nte were prepared by an automated gns8 tungdten-arc process. “Cround = surfaces ground on a 100-mesh-grit belr. : Cround and annealed = ground on 100-mesh belt and heated 10 min at 1800°F and covled 100°F/min except for ferricic steels, which were ground and heated Just below thelr lower critical temperature (1400°F for type 410 S5, super 12 Cr, and 9 Cr~1 Mo steel, and 1350'F\for 5 Cr~1/2 Ho and 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo) for 1 hr and gas cooled. {Continued) Cround, annealed, and pickled = glven the preceeding treatment and then pickled by the procedure recommended by supplier of alloy. Ground and solution annealed = ground und heated 1/2 hr at 1950°F and cooled rapidly. As recelved = solution annealed (Z150°F for Mastelloy S, G, and N; 2050°F for Hastelloy C-276; 1950°F for 183 Mn, 1900°F for X20-6; 1850°F for Inconel 600, and 1725"F for Iuconel h90) or normalized and temrered for fercritic alloys (except annealed at 1450°F and water quenched for 26 Cr-1 Mo). Anneal 1 = ground and heated 1 hr at 2150°F, alr cooled; and Anneal 2 = ground and heated 10 min at 1600°F, alr cooled; Anneal 1} = ground und heated 1 hr at 1600°F, nair cooled; Anneal 4 = ground and heated 6 hr at 1600°F, air cooled. Microduplexed = annealed at 1750°F and air cooled for 327 Cr—32 N{~36 Fe allay and at 1800°F and air cooled for 37 Cr—44 Ni-19 Fe alloy (5-uz and J-im graln sizes, respectively), Macroduplexed = heated at 2300°F and water quenched plus anncaled at 1750°F and alr cooled for 32 Cr—32 Ni—35 Fe alloy and heated at 2300°F and water quenched plus anncaled at 1800°F and air cooled for 37 Cr—44 Ni—19 Fe alloy (300-jm and 100-um grain eizes, respectively). dCrack distance in a lateral direction at the time firat observed (specimens were inspected at one-week intervals). ECrack distance in a lateral direction at the termination of test (after 16 or 18 weeka) ., fHAZ = heat affected zone, WD = weld deposit, BM = basc metal, FL = fuston line, E = edge of specimen, and I = {nside. Blot-rolled and descaled plate stock of 1/2-in. thickness. Mn preparing weldment, 400°F preheating (continued through multipass welding) and a 1250°F postweld treatment was employed, iAnnealed fheet or strip stock of 1/16-1in, thickness. JPrepared as 1/16-t{n. strip by hot flattening a tube, austenttizing at 1925°F (atr cooled), tempering at 1435%°F (alr cooled), and machining. k Furnlahed by supplier of tubes as speclal strip sample (anncaled). 1l‘rupnred as 1/16-in. strip by hot flattening a tube, and solution annealing at 1750°F (water quench), Paae G_7n FWC FORM 172 - |4 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 155U 1 DATE 12/16/74 NOTATTONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE S - 4 R ot At & . . " X - i f S ¥ v R ¢ B . 1" I . £ e W - D ¥y ¥ \ ! ' i 5 \ 1 — — ” L i 1X - - St g o Aer Cl454 FIGURE] APPEARANCE OF TYPICAL SPECIMENS STRESSED BY 3-POINT LOADING (BATTELLE JIGS) AND EXPOSED 4000 HOURS TO 350°C WATER BY APPROVED PAGE 6-71 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. g8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 | ISSUE 1 |DATE 12/16/74 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - | Figure? ~Jig for stress-corrosion test, BY APPROVED PAGE 6-72 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - |, FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO., 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/74 WELDS \ \ e e e INNER CHAMBER FILLED WITH HELIUM AT ROOM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE ————— QUTER SHROUD - 58" 0.0.x 0.032"" WALL TEST SPECIMEN - DIAMETER AND WALL THICKNESS DETERMINED BY TEST CONDITIONS e ™™ e e ™, | B e e W~ e / / % \ \ Jzn ;\\ \\\ SPACER-END PLUGS LAY N ; l. Figure 3. Constantly Stressed Coupon BY APPROVED PAGE 6-73 FWC FORM 172 - | NOTATTIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE DATE 12/16/74 c— SUPERHEATED STEAM 1050°F i HEAT TRANSFER SEC TIONS A AR ey e = P SUPERHEATED STEAM COUPON SECTIONS YN ) e—500 LB. KR SATURATED STEAM AT 546% AT 1000 PSIG \ o] — PRIMARY STEAM DRUM HEAT TRANSFER ) * T SECTION ——rt ;_ llj — ! RECIRCULATION TO BOILERS 1 ! SUPERHEATED STEAM 1150°9F FROM BOILERS m:z: 1700-1 10 CONDENSER Figure 4 Superheat Corrosion Facllity BY APPROVED on 674 FWC FORM 172 -~ |} FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE r g o | v § o : ; Z i : 750X Hastelloy-N Exposed For 1000 Hours In Steam At 1050 F 500X Figure 5 Hastelloy-N Exposed For 266 Hours In ACS At 1160 F BY APPROVED ' PAGE 6-75 9/-9 #DVJ CIAQYIIY ig | 9 3¥N9I14 Q o | AN < g i mm & SS 9%y . O = m .2 X Lorr2382y N 2 2 w | SRR 7, m M .m Kotodur b I v .m nqun_ X T2ouoouj A, 2 | AN *Hastelloy N Samples Pitted to Depths of 1.5 mils | STEAM (3 to 4 ppm O2) of 550 C (1022 F) AND 3000 560 C (1040 F) CORROSION OF IRON-AND NICKEL-BASE ALLOYS EXPOSED 100 DA Samples Cathodically Descaled in Molten Electrolyte of 60 w/o 7 201-"1H4Ad 07272772 X 9°0-TV €-3D 6z-24 77, IV 9-1D ¥¢-34 0 SS Hd ¥-L1 Y, (*0D 10935 J23UsdI8)) SS G0F 22222222727 - «,N,, AoT193sey (00022 (*0D 712938 wnipnT Auayda(ly) S3 90F SS o¢d SS "I-v0¢L (Burqny, umepram) SS 90V | ] | | . -« o™ N — o [ ] L L [} o o o o STIW U] UOTIBI}DUIJ ¥//91/21 HIVA T mnssT 99/%1 /aN "ON ezfiz:ccfl... rebz—62-8 .. ___.ID [ N ‘NOLSONIAIT INHWILIVdId JIVETONN NOILVIOdY0D ADYHENI YATHHHM ¥HILISOA JOVW NAHE JAVH SHONVHD HUHHM ALVOIANT NWOTOD STHL NI SNOYLVION - 2Ll W40 OMd FWC FORM 172 - |4 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 | ISSUE 1 CHARGE NO. DATE 12/16/74 Hastelloy R-235 + Incornicl 625 & Hostelloy X-280 Inconel 702 X Haynes 25 O Hastelloy N 1.0 Inconc] 718 * Inconel €00 Incoloy 800 Vv Hast:liloy C mg/emé Weipht Gain, FIGURY 7/ Oxidation of High Temnerature Alloys Exposad to 15 Torr Water Vapor in Helium Flowing «t 1 {t3/vain at 815 °C BY APPROVED PAGE 6-77 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. ¥ CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE 1 |DATE 12/16/74 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - L ¢ Iasteiloy R-235 + ia1conel (25 A Hastelloy X-280 & Inconel 702 X Lkaynes 25 O Hastelloy N 4.0 F— @ Inconel 713 * Inconel 60O O incoloy 800 ¥ lastelloy C e I o-‘—_/ 0 [ e Weinht Gain, mg/fom ] X P 1-0 r ‘__-._.—'-,,,.—-"" e + N _‘.‘——"— I e S w— - - — N ™ - M“‘A X _,———c—"v’—";:" T . b =T " Hastellov X -200 hastelioy C Hastelloy N *ON EOUVHD 1€%¢-6¢-8 99/%L/AN *ON INHWND0Q dNSST T ys Exroszed to 15 Torr Water Vapor in Helium Flowing at 1 {i%/min at 1038 °C HLVT v./91/21 INHHIIVdEIa YVETONN N ‘NOISOHNIAIT 'r NOILVHOJdI0D ADYIANE ¥ATIIHM YIISOA PWC FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE g THAOMIIY qIVd 08-9 N Weight Gain Mg /U Logp. 4 1000 S -"_---1 — 400 S3IALLLY T - \ ./‘}‘- 496 SS (Carp. -Sup.-Wd) “oels & T plEaes 4N€ 85 (A.L.-Chmaloy) tf"' Hake ___ : | | A IR i ! L__ / // - 2 b — 446 S5 = (Carp) pr Fe-25Cr-2 Al-.6Y.""] 1 Inconel X \/ \ PDRIL.-: 02‘—’/"} Hastellay N7 i Ircoloy 71 446 88 4/ N Fe a4 Cr-5 Al- N | L J;LII'J‘J } l!"!ll 109 1000 —= Log, Tirme, Hours FIGURE |OA Weight Gain of Iron- and Nickel-Base Alloys in Superheated Steam of 550 °C and (1000), 3000 vsi Pressure (mg/dm?2) Weapht Gain Mg/t Loz, 1060 € As Recelved | QO Wet Ground . + Pickied X Wet Ground-Pickled - 304 a3 o 3}/6 SS ] m N m A= =0 In e 347 85 et - sg R 106 S5 (AL L. Chnaloy) \.—"~ N7 406 ES {0k atoy) / i _/ O o K A Tee s Frew Stagm :n|‘ N ) . [ / 1 a7 o | - T — =~ =0 - ; P | N 55 '/ 2 ‘Q NS A re . P w0 pali y| /,v P 1 [ X /l / / — // ‘ / /_,/\ \ ‘tf T o /V e 406 55 - R - (Carp - 1-JR) o) /' / —_— ..' - /\ Fad - 106 S5 In 02 Free Steam Ll 1 L I:'lj l [ N W ! ’ 100 1000 10,000 ! | i -—e Log. Time, Hours FIGURE O - Weight Gain of Iron- and Nickel-Base Alloys in Oxygenated, and Oxygen Free, Superheated Stearnr of 650 °C and 600 psi Pressure (mg/dm?) ‘o *ON HDYVHD [eve-6¢-8 99/%L /AN *ON INEWQADOOQ dNsSsST 1 ¥./9T1/2T IV LNIWIEVdIQ VI TONN "I "N ‘NOISONIAIL NOTILVHOdYO0D ADYANA YITITHM ¥HILSO4 FWC FPORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 DATE 12/16/74 AISI 3041 S8 CERPIEEN r— T L T " i\.";..;.-,'..l--l--—‘——-_".-f._'_au—‘.-t.v‘_‘_fi. T] Ffi’""“i‘“‘v SESENE -\-'>:/'."‘lr‘.).‘-. ..l<.y“ .'." -_“"fi.-fln.m:w-“‘-l TR N SO N e A ;T“".;,:";:f"f". T T e e o 4 ‘) - hoddand Y 2 | PR PRI , Plovti -102 , i R E] Nichrome V - ] Hastelloy . | L p— Inconel X ..... T | N | _] Incoloy 0.1 Cerrosion of FFollowing 100 Days in T BN 305/ AIST 4 0658 G.2 Penetration, mils FIGURE | | Various Alloys -~ Q L, : . 000 " C - 3000 psi Steam ponoi Deoxygenated (<50 ppb) o) Oxygenated (3-4 ppm) BY APPROVED PAGE 6-8] FWC FORM 172 - |4 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE_ 1 DATE 12/16/74 ATST 450 55 E\\ NN AJS) 206 ss (Vendor i3 D7 D D L S - < ~ (Vendor ) | S ATST 5161, 55 | 77T 7T 77) AALSE At L Sel J & W N S R S ESSSSSSESs . I T A it { 175111 =55 ] Dichrome Vo ALSL 16 59 ‘v}‘il L.._-'\-w P .-¢‘l . VAT TR RN ) N e e SN U Y V) 77 Tlasellpy A =230 ;‘i\:&fi /A4 IDRL-102 - N, ~ - é?{lncunt])& N N Hastelloy N Ffi_uu;oluy (0 . 0.2 .3 Peneiration, Mils FIGURE | 2 (NSNS 3000 psi 77773 5000 psi Descaled Corrosion IPenetrations of Various Alloys Followin: 100 Days in 3000 psi and 3000 psi 500 °C Deoxygenated Steam BY APPROVED PAGE 6-82 FWC FORM 172 - | NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT ~ LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE ¢ DATE 12/16/74 ORNL-DWG 68-3995R T — STEAM SUPPLY V4 3500 psig, 1000 °F, { 16-17 1bs/min ' SAMPLE HOLDER SAMPLE VESSEL\ SUFPORT AND A THERMOCOUPLE FILTER—" 'SAMPLE HOLDER ReLier |.] - -FLOW RESTRICTER VALVE el WATER QUT CONDENSER fi\;: WATER IN et S / RETURN TO CONDENSATE STORAGE J s P Fig. 13 Steam Corrosion Facility at Bull Rup Steam Plant, These cannot be viewed as control tests, : but comparisons of the alr and steam are useful in some instanc es, BY ' APPROVED IPAGE 6-83 FWC FORM 172 - |4 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO., 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUR 1 DATE 12/16/74 X "“";',"J'r'wv""!"v-" PHOT Q powr Y OTQ 96290 K e ask SOUNRE RO - j AL g N ; &’~"P R s : of PR Ly ) ! uf i ! ; ‘-' d . - s g 3 TR “f,‘ L 0 v e )R 'I ‘rfl i “r/ ywa B : 1yst g ey f'\‘_ "} [‘. i J% f\ fl'fi K bsyy 4, N . W At Tebnd, ‘ Pl B RIS & h : '}“:‘Jl%- e ‘m ‘!fi.’fiw %*’ VJ‘.‘x’lz‘ Y | e ol i Mot o R, 4% F . N ‘hfif’;\fl _“4"4’“‘&‘ ,.‘\‘.{-_‘, f\f\! LN NAH('\NAL A . L] My Lfln(‘HATnpy w\,g.‘ ; o »‘m&f“" v 3 s u.ai\fig"" Fig. | 4 Photograph of the Stcam Corrosion Facility Before Instailation. The valve ties into the steam supply. The f'langc has been unbolted to allow removal of the sample holder and the filter. BY APPROVED | PAGE 6-84 FWC FORM 172 - | NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. T - R CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/74 with ORNL~DWG 73-4140 T 0O 50685 & A 5067 E o 5085 0.5 1 u 2477 . g " e , 8 8 5 r —W ) 07 Z Z - 0 Ko T Q = ~ A [ | 550.2 J = 0.1 2 | 10° 2 5 10 v 2 TIME (hr) Fig. /5A Weight Changes of Several Heats of Hastelloy N Exposed to Supercritical Steam at 1000°F and 3500 psi. ORNL-DWG 73-4139 i E:::o 21546 | 'l"j%“*i:j S a 21545(0.50'N)V:lfPiA ' —© 69548(0.927i) [ | ] o5 | ® 69641 (1,30 T)) A 70727 (2.4 TH) t ~ £ o % 0.2 4~55D (@) - 5 = 0. _ SN S R . T-“;t? . - +H a 10° 2 5 10* 2 TIME (hr) Fygfl@fl9 Weight Changes of Several Alloys of Hastelloy N Modified Titanium and Exposed to Supercritical Steam at 1000°F and 3500 ps+ BY APPROVED PAGE 6.g5 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE 1 |DATE 12/16/74 { ORNL-DWG 73-44 ¢ ORNL-DWG 73 - 4436 | g ) [ T v, o ol * e ' » ¥a P 1 el 05 ® z s 5 . ot & — ® \L od — ] & L l o vj g e E / A STANDARD g [ E > f Y ~ 0.2 -9 D il £ 0.2 ! ! ! i wl z i r ‘ o | O i '[ AR g e © ! : 1 i i T A — [ | | i . T O — | e — ©C ol o 018si0s8tT, 09820 ¥ 0 185(0.91 Ti, 0.98 zr) —— z . b186(0.88Ti, 0-84f“" * Q A 486 (0.88 Ti, 0.84 Al) | 0 4BB(0.95 Al, {4 Hf) = o 188(0.95 Al 14 Hi) i 005 e ® 23143 Hf, 12Y) E— T A 232 (1 2 Hf) 0.05 ® 23{({3 Hf, 1.2 Y) — “‘ ® 234(0.75 Ce) [ A 232 (4,2 Hf) W 236{(4.0 A1, 047 2Zr) ] B 234 (0.75 Ce) v 237(4.03Ch) v 236 (1.0 AL, 0.472r) 0.02 : N v 237 (.03 Cb) ) 3 4 (0 2 5 10 2 0.02 L TIME (hr) 103 2 5 104 TIME (hr) Fig. /6A Corrosion of Various Modified Compositions of Hastelloy N in Steam at 1000°F and 3500 psi. Fig./68 Corrosion of Various Modified Cor positions of Hastelloy N in Air at 1000°F. BY APPROVED PAGE 6-86 FWC FORM 172 - | FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J, 1 DATE 12/16/74 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE CRNL-DWG 73-4435 1 N - — ] [ 0.5 —— ] A O F Y fl-: a t— 4t [ U = )L’//<: LE> 0 7/ -\“—“ < : | | = 04 - — < E— -~::E:~m~ T l O F L T L 4 S O w L ' - Y 005 ‘f* © ELECTROPOLISHED A AS ROLLED — © ABRADED - 400 GRIT Q.02 0.0t F?g. /7 Effect of Surface Finish on the Corrosion of Hastelloy N (Heat 5065) in Steam at 1000°F and 3500 psi. BY APPROVED AGE 6-87 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION LIVINGSTON, N. J, NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT 1 - 2LL WH0d OMd ~3 I ™ 4y ~ Q : £ g ~ . o o~ oA 1 L 0 (Xo; WJ (¥ W.._ — O @ — O A L 35 5 < i T 1 ! : _ = oo™ M fi P I‘HJilTeliisJ.|| M R ; 0] ol B R A U SO R AU B 39 - e e e 4D I e T T A B 10 S | o I . “ o oy " o = W - N —- - TS T T g = fi o T oo [ - M oa s mm m > z mw_ _.,n\.l._ S , v — @ < O o] O . - = M w oo Y N S o ™ = i P~ — o : I O ., N = VY] ~ k 0O e 4 4 =T ~ - e e —— L Oy L) D ~ e e g £ = S e = cog a O - - C e —— — b— o N -+ e e B ' T ! A | 5 S —— u : — O o Il SRR , o o N .= 3 P =y < Co _ | ” 75 ha e - - ._ [ M @ ; o | o U b, | ,m _ ) k ) oN—e St b0 5 el a < b © f A i P (. o i . : o4l ®) ~ | SR " 9w = O L oYe iliql q e cwl w ~r o - 0 od” m.au1 oo o o © o O . ESIFN | : @] . : /e © © joF] o {owd/DwW) FJONVHD PiHOIIM A, ! 2 N S RSN co ~ . ot ,m o DR = [ 3] ~ o] I~ M © m HCVI NHId JAVH SHONVED HYIHM HLVOIANT NWOTOD STHL NI SNOILVION FC FORM 172 -~ 4 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J, NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/74 . ] Sl Wi SO0 IN A R T A ; -8 L | ‘ | \ /4‘ iR 5.0 i ‘ 3 R g B R S | | ! f 0 berrgo ' \J { : b, e lr 420 ] I ! . ; e _)—’/"’ ,rl'cr 2.0 J S N N R .2 S I ! | | | j;/y; L7 OCr 110 o ! |~ T /* - ! 52 ! 1 - /‘ S T ! ‘ W | | -, ’ :7 ‘ ‘ : Ny~ | VA N ’JT - | ( l l ! L ! | : P i [ I b A ,,,,_._[__ . 0 Ao 800 1200 1600 TiME (AF) ‘ Fig. /@A Oxidation of Chrominm Steels in a Steam Fnviconment at 838 C and 1500 psi, The chromium concentra- tion is shown by caclv symbol ORNL-DWG 73-4433 WEIGHT CHANGE (mg/cm?) o] no q & n ® & ~N O 1 . 103 2 TIME (hr) Fig. /98 Weight Changes of Low-Alloy Ferritic Steels in Supercritical Steam at 1000°F and 3500 psi. APPROVED PAGE 6-89 FWC FORM 172 - L4 Frg] i NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MAD FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE 1 [DATE 19/16/74 WEIGHT CHANGE (mg/cm?) | P I 0 400 800 ORNL-DWG 70-6788R 1200 TIME {hr) 1600 2000 Fig.Z20 Oxidation of chromium steels in air at 1000°F., The chromium concentration is shown for each curve. BY APPROVED PAGE 6-9g FWC ¥FORM 172 - L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUD 1 DATE 12/16/74 WEIGHT CHANGE {mg/cm?} ORNI-DWG 73-4138 0.5 0.2 0.4 Q.05 ¢ l o . .1 & HASTELLOY X 14 © H-188 . ©® INCONEL 800 0.02 . L. a 347 STAINLESS STEEL + ‘| e INCONEL 718 . Ly : S e | . 1 R 0 0 P SN S S s | I 103 2 5 104 2 5 10° TIME (hl’) E I i | | | + i Fig. 2/ Corrosion of Several Alloys in Steam at 1000°F and 3500 BY APPROVED PAGE 6-91 § Y-114392 A. 17 Fe [l (Standard, ]] Cr \ 2 Mo B + . 50 Ni |- 1.8 mil / ‘ r Bo 2 Fe -1t A 19 Mo 16.0% Mo ‘3o § 65 Ni 6.9% Cr o 4.1% Fe 20220 2 C. J3Fe 0.02 Ti 6 Cr L065Mn 22e2lg 12 Mo £.05 §1 86 Ni Sghg| o d(Vacuum 73 ° D. 4Fe & melted) oo o 7 Cr SZoal s 16 Mo - 72 Ni cooo L2a&| ° Light Optics =T . ' . A Fig. 23A Photomicrograph of Hastelloy N (leat 2477) Oxidized in Steam ool v at 1000°F and 3500 psi for 10,000 hr. The results of electron microprobe ngs A analysis are shown at the left. 500%. g Socol| O E oo oo — v-11e975 (Standard) =~—-—- g ' 16.5 Mo A 7.1 Cr 8500l o - 4.0 Fe BRI C 01 Ti aasol ol 7 (Air melted) S=ois 5|8 Heat 5065, 10,000 hr e 51 e . o A A = & (Modified) Z2g2| =35 2 12.4 Mo% ~°F al 2 3_8 7.39 CY‘% gooé} té' ! of8 .046 Fe% s5g35| = | = ! B 10 Tis £ T . A = L W O OO - £ I zx2Depth of -532| 7| | F o 982 penetration i i 3 10 mils cooe 2z i (:,OOL.) o - } i 8889 Z A AN s o9 e 32| ¢ o Heat 21546, 10, r . » ¢o! 0,000 h (T1tat1 um AAR Modified) S o= 5 11.7 Mo% . | - 7.5 Crb A A A e e R RS gy .05 Fe? °eg22| T AR e P 2.1 Ti% 2a = Heat 70-727, 7,330 hr A . . o Ol o Fig. 233 Photomicrograph of Three Hastelloy N Specimens Following SOl I Exposure to Steam at L1000°F and 3500 psi. oY L’1 BY APPROVED PAGE 6-93 ; FWC FORM 172 - |4 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/74 ORNL-OWG 6B~ 3995A [HIN- WALL . TUNING CAPILLARY - o e e 1 iy iy v TG HI)H‘ST. ; SPECIMEN STLAM l—' INLE T ' _ ;2;LJ’J;N$:7‘ay1thH NG, i ] 6\(i:bJ L‘uuyéd CAPIL LARY CLAMPED 10 THERMO WELL J; h R o ( THBE \ f J/ 8 Y, PR P winl R (S \ ‘\ {11 v ’uh ””j\ \L\L-...,‘. .. I j"‘[‘ SAMBPLF HOLDER {/‘(‘ "\ 3 : ) SWAGE LOCK A\ CONNECTOR SAMPLE VIESSEL Iig. 24 Schematic of steam corrosion facility at Boll Run Steam Plant showing modilications for dynamically stressed tubes. BY APPROVED PAGE 6-94 FWC FORM 172 - |, NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO,_gfgfifiQQQL,ArDOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 _IISSUE O ( l S INCHES L IpaTE 12/16/74 Y-408427 HASTELLOY N TUBE BURST SPECIMEN HASTELLOY N TUBE BURST SPECIMEN FAILED IN 1.0 hr IN STEAM AT 77,000 psi FAILED IN 3.7 hr iN STEAM AT 52,500 p: Fig. Z5A Hastelloy N tube burst specimens removed from the Buil Run Steam Plant after failure. The small tube in the te section was exposed 1o steam at $38°C and 3500 psi. 0.035 INCHES In 100X T Fig. 258, Photomicrograph of Hastelloy N tube burst speeimen. Failure occurred alter exposure to stcam for 3.7 hr at 52,500 psiat 538°C. Steam was on the inside of the tube. BY APPROVED PAGE 6-95 FWC FORM 172 - L4 --— NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER ENERG: CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE 1 |DATE 12/16/74 Y- 1141910 INCHES as stressed at 58,000 psi in steam at 538°C and failed in <1000 hr. The Fig. Zfi Photograph of tube-burst sample that w annular region, and the smaller tube was collapsed when the plant smaller tube was inttially prcssurizcd, failed, and pressurized the steutn pressure decreased rapidly. i s gv—— BY APPROVED pacE 6-96 NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - | FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/74/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/74 T Y-112270 Fig.2 7 . Photomicrogiaphs of the inner tube shown in Fig. 14.30. Intergranular fractures occurred on both sides of the tube because of the unusual loading sequence. (@) Cracks from the OD, (b)) cracks from the 1D, (¢) cracks from the 1D. Etched with riveeria regld. Redueed 337070 BY APPROVED PAGE 6-97 s . : i t 4 P li i ' L LR | ’ 3 “\ Vo ’ 1y LR i N - vy | :‘-\'e.‘ . % \\‘E‘. ’; vy . ! § . , & Al B vl 3 BERRY L e i \ 7k 3 § - I i E . ST SRR S i v e ER s e e i e . Negative No. 3055 Sintered nickel shell on MONEL alloy 400 extruSLOn blllet e R PTG N i TERERTERE R W 2 R A e Tt Sl T S e e v e e L a4 e gL P . . 5 T e s e T R F/GM?E 42 . . kY é’, L, T L w i 3 Negatlve No 3091 Cross sections of nickel clad MONEL tubing at various processing steps. From left to right the samples are: As-Extruded 2.500" 0.D. X 0.312" wall Tube reduced 1.250" 0.D. X 0.095" wall cold Drawn 1.000" 0.D. x 0.077'" wall Cold Drawn 0.875" 0.D. X 0.065" wall Paage 6-117 i lfll lii\ iiliit l l hill ill ll ot o vl A ARG i . . e . | . : " L) ’ b ' ',\ .\ ) ‘. x ‘}q:fl-‘* . .. \ f" ¢ P : £ r/ .":. i y { ' A v » 4 ¥, < :. A \" 5% 4 P ¢ & ' v’e i i ' 4| J ‘ 1 i ‘!] ‘ » i ! 823 oy ’ el gt ' 5 ek \ '/ ‘;, e : %, ‘ ) ‘| Ve d { 5 ~ 1“‘ (AT e Y. ;.‘\ ::|' S A - e 3, ') . .. > v RN O S Y .‘a_"’ P g b ¥ . R PE, . C 3 : ¢ B o,b:.%.':\\* ] s e -"‘_") ; < to';'.‘.huk}t‘;.‘b-;;fl. - ' -y FIGURE 43 “LEFT(TOP, BOTTOM) PHOTOMACROGRAPH 3X MAGNIFICATION AS RECEIVED RIGHT(TOP,BOTTOM) PHOTOMACROGRAPH 6X MAGNIFICATION MACROETCHED Photomacrographs at top (left and right) illustrate the appear- ances of clad Ni 270/Incoloy 800 tubing at different magnifications in the as received and macroetched conditions. Photomacrographs at bottom (left and right) illustrate the appear- ances of clad Ni 280/Incoloy 800 tubing at different magnifications in the as received and macroetched conditions. page 67113 NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPCRATION LIVINGSTON, N. J. + , T CHARGE NO. ¥-25-243/ { DOCUMENT NO. Mried ] Issun DATE /2 :/2/7Y - - = “~ ¥ : o P f_'::b A ‘.. - :’_ . / . .. ‘: . | a I . ® . 4 ! } N €2 ’ , ¢ . o g -. ,“ . v - . . i . M . . . é ® 3 n' QA .. N - .y . 5 3 = , 2 ° . . eF . E - T | “'.' © % E y ) - ..‘ ) . L ,7 S . Ry, o . o = - w A A \ . — — TN — () T : ! i & w7 ! ~ = 02 ”'_,,.‘.'. - \gu _ : ) ! E J | ‘ l} i S Py SR ' E = " o & \ ‘ E = % .\ o FIGURE 44 TOP: PHOTOMICROGRAPH 100X MAGNIFICATION 10% ELECT. OXALIC ACID ETCH BOTTOM: PHOTOMICROGRAPH 1000X MAGNIFICATION 10% ELECT. OXALIC ACID ETCH Photomicrographs taken of a transverse section illustrate the microstructural appearances of the nickel materials in the metallurgically bonded areas. 270 clad and Incoloy 800 L.‘ BY APPROVED PAGE 6-114 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. " ' | | CBARGE NO. #-25-7%2/ | DOCUMENT NO. ~/5/7w/z: |TISSUE / |DATE jz//c/v¢ - SRS ot / . ‘ 4" » X . i [£3] '. - * . ' * g . . .. t . . g l", ;' [d0] * \‘ - . g o . ‘ 2 .. o] H . ”~ . g ' ~ o T~ : o) < o =+ ® o i E () & FIGURE 45 TOP: PHOTOMICROGRAPH 100X MAGNIFICATION 10% ELECT. OXALIC ACID ETCH BOTTOM: PHOTOMICROGRAPH T000X MAGNIFICATION 10% ELECT. OXALIC ACID ETCH Photomicrographs taken of a transverse section illustrate the crostructural appearances of the nickel 280 clad and Incoloy 800 materials in the metallurgically bonded areas. L’l BY APPROVED PAGE g_7115 FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE 0. 8-25-2431 | pocuMenT 3o, ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 |[paTe 12/16/7L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE — FWC FORM 172 -~ | SECTION 7 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Approved by N &z G e M. J. Kraje Manager, Manufacturing Engineering BY APPROVED PAGE 7-a | FWC FORM 172 - ], T UPEINTRE Lt e et . -7 B vl 2 03 0« AR el e - 1 < = a0 T o s o X 7. Ay W Rt B a5 i A AT NOTATIONS IN THTS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEAN MADE ——-—~— ——— e e b e 2o 3 o et | N FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION DATE 12/16/7), CHARGE NO 8-p5-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages 7.0 Manufacturing Ingineering 7-1 7.1 Maintenance Procedure T-2 % 7.2 Sequences of Operations For Manufacture Of e ;_ Molten Salt Steam Generator | | ! ; | ! ! ; | 5 | j .-i | i ¢ i | | i ! ! i | BY APFROVED [ PAGE . . oOF FWC FORM 172 - | NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO 8-25-2L31 | DOCUMENT NO.ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE -12/16/74L A, 7.0 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING The manufacturing engineering responsibility is to review the drawings of the project and determine the manufacturing feasibility of the design as it is presented; and make suggestions that will enable the product to be manufactured and assembled to g1l control- ling codes and specifications within the ability of the shops to produce, ' The following assumptions have been made in order to make a continuous review of the proposed steam generator. 1. The size of this unit precludes the shipment by rail, so it must be shipped by barge. This can be accomplished at our Panama City, Florida plant. 2. Our experience in internal bore welding and excellent intrepre- tation of the gamma ray film should allow us to mass spectrometer test the completed unit and void the requirement for helium leak testing each individual tube. 3. The ability of Foster Wheeler to develop the internal bore weld- ing in the "5G" position is only a matter of time as demonstrated by the test welds made in our Mountaintop lab. L. That the hastelloy-N tubes will be able to be produced by weld- ing two short straight sections together and to bend the tubes so they are defect free. 5. There will be no cladding of the tube sheet. 6. That the radius shell section can be purchased completely fabri- cated except for girth seam welding by Foster Wheeler. 7. The parts of the shell will be manufactured of plates and forgings, 8. Supports at the curved portion of the shell will be made up in pieces, 9. Stress relieving will not be required, The summary of the results are detailed in section 7.2 where the assembly procedure is presented. BY APPROVED ' PAGE 7-1 OF FWC FORM 172 - } NOTAT - T & BEEN MAD —-— ¥ a e e o —— [AY3IS HAVE T 015 IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHIERE C T e FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO8-25-2,31 { DOCUMENT NO. ND/7),/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7), 7.1 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE The following is an outline for detecting the leaking tube and the pro- cedure for plugging it. To find the tube that is leaking, it will be necessary to remove the unit from the system. ' » The unit may be removed by cutting the inlet and outlet steam pipes and the salt inlet and outlet piping. The piping should be removed by cut- ting through the field welds that were made to seal the piping to the unit. By pressurizing the salt side of the unit with helium and "sniffing" the tubes at the face of the tube sheet (steam/water side) the leaking tube can be found. ‘ When the leaking tube has been identified and marked the following pro- cedure will be used to plug the tube. This procedure starts when access to both tube sheets has been obtained. The procedure is based on the following: 1. The tube sheets are accessable to allow the insertion and weld- ing of the plugs. 2. The unit has been decontaminated and cleaned making hands on main- tenance possible. 7.1.1 Operational Procedure for Plugging the Tubesheet Tube Holes after the Leaky Tubes Have Been Identified 1. Insert expandable plugs into both ends of the failed tube to pre- vent foreign matter from entering the unit. These plugs must be in- serted far enough to allow the various preparatory tube plugging oper- ations to proceed. These temporary plugs are to be designed for con- venient removal, 2. Plug both ends of the tubes of two adjacent rows surrounding the failed tube with expandable plugs to avoid contamination. Inventory plugs and record data. See sketch on page 7-17. for typical pattern of tubes to be plugged with expandable plugs. 3. Cover the balance of the tubesheet holes on both tubesheets with clean polyethylene and seal with tape. i, Clean both ends of the failed tube hole, inside and adjacent sur- faces with a clean stainless brush and acetone, then vacuum all sur- faces clean. 5. P.T. area to be welded 6. Clean 7. Remove expandable plug prior to inserting permanent plug. BY APPROVED PAGE 7-2 OF FWC FORM 172 - L ‘n. ‘)E 1 RN : Vit — il 23 HAWEZ B -,,, el >l N Z3E Gt IHDICATE WD ——— e ——a AT E¥Y NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUIM AL Wnsslwn CORPORAYLION - CHARGE NO g_p5_p),31 | DOCUMENT NO. np/71,/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L oy ~e 13. 15. Insert permanent plug as showh_on sketch Weld plug complete using filler rings. Inspect between each pass. Clean éfter welding. Cleanliness inspect. Repeat operations 7.1.1-5 to 12 for other end of failed tube. Remove plugs installed in Para. Tele.l=2 and polyethylene seal installed in para Telel=3, When the tfibe sineets have been exposed to plug a leaking tube, the rest of the tubes can be checked for errosion by the use. of U.T. Each tube is U.T. examined al the time the unit is being assembled and the wall thickness pattern is recorded. " The- tubes that have been in service are reexamined by U.T. and the wall -thickness pattern is recorded. The records of the in service tubes are compared to the records of the tubes at the time of unit assembly and the errosion determined by the difference in these records. BY APPROVED PAGE 7-3 OF FWC FORM 172 - 4 - - - e s AATD TLTOEGT AT AN e e e aed e o lradl T Y iosa NOTATIONS IN THIS COL 3 HAVE BEEN MADE FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NOB-25-2L31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE _12)16/‘7h 7.2 SEQUENCES OF OPERATIONS FOR MANUFACTURE OF MOLTEN SALT STEAM GENERATOR 7.2.1 Purpose To establish a preliminary procedure for fabricating the Molten Salt Steam Generator. 7.2.2 General Certain Assumptions were made in order to fabricate these Hastalloy "N" Steam Generators and these are: 2.1 Tube Sheets will not be clad. 2.2 Tube to Tube sheet weld will be performed in the 2g ‘and 5g position respectively. '3 2.3 We can purchasé the radius shell section completely fabricated except for girth seam welding by Foster Wheeler. 2.k The parts of the shell will be made from plates and forgings. 2.5 Supports at the curved portion of shell will be made up in pieces. ' 2.6 Stress relieving will not be required. 7.2.3 Plan et s e Listed below is an index of procedures for component sub- | assemblies and final assembly identifying the overall plan to ‘-fabricate the Molten Salt Steam Generator. Refer to sketches shown on Pages 7=l and7~1l5 to assist in understanding these procedures, 3.1 Straight Shell Course Subassembly "A" 3.2 Shell Section "B 3.3 Inner Shroud Section "C" 3.4 Thermal Sleeve Forging "D" 3.5 Straight Shell Section "A" through "D Subassembly . 3.6 Strdgight Shroud Section "EM 3.7 Radius Shroud Section "E" BY APPROVED | PAGE 7-L OF T MADZ *d i, I ZB o HrY m»rata TR LSS - -] s CTOARTD TILTTOT e =t a ot e . oms TN BN TrTT > Il TiTS COLY b [V ’ 10: FWC FORM 172 - | OTATT T Iy PO WHisLlil CORPORATION — CHARGE NO8-25-2),31 DOCUMENT NO.ND/7L/66 ISSUE DATE 12/16/7L 7.2.3 Plan (continued) 3.8 Radius Shell Section "Gv 3.9 Shell Section "HM 3.10 Tube Sheets "K" 3.11 Tubes "L 3.12 Adapter Ring "M" 3.13 Steam Nozzle "N" —— o — s e 3.1k Bundle Assembly T R o bl ™ A e s a1 kst BY APPROVED PAGE 7-5 oF FWC FORM 172 - ) IOTAT b | 4 TN MAD? el ™ 1333 HAVE 3 P - TA .f.rl AP | . —— e - k4 Yr.mry [T CliS I THIS CoL T L Y A SWLLN WhkkLEK GORPORATION CHARGE NO 8-25-2,31 | DOCUMENT NO.ND/7./66 ISSUE 1 DATE '12/16/7h [ — e — e T R e P Sl o ot i At " i, o et s Straight Shell Course Subassembly MmA" The shell sections will be made in a number of courses, each with one longitudinal seam and Joirled by girth seams. 1. TILayout and machine the weld preparations on each of four edges in the flat, 2. Penetrant InSpec£ Weld Preparations, 3 Rdll to required inside diameter. L. Set up and welq longitudinal sean, 5. Dress longitudinal weld inside and outside. 6. Check circularity and reround.: 7,. R%diograph longitudinal seam. Re;eat sequences #1 through #7 as required for each course. 9. Set up for circle seam welding, 10. Weld circle seam; 11. Dress inside and outside girth sean. 12. Radiograph girth seam. 13. Repeat sequences #9 through #12 as required, Shell Section "g" | | f The shell section will be made in one course with one longitudinal seam, : 1. Layout and machine weld preparations on each of three edges in the flat. (Finish machine three edges.) Don't machine edge that butts to adapter ring. ’ - 2. Penetrant inspect weld preparations. 3. Roll to required inside diameter. Set up and weld longitudinal seam, Dress longitudinal seanm inside and outside. LAY & U + Check circularity and reround., | ]PAGE 7-6 OF FWC FOZL 172 - L o £ by ) EN ) 44 3 HAVE BE S, IN THIS COLU2! IWDIC! ,. ] -_— NOTAT e ——— ¢ — g — AWV Aday rvalulate WREVIVAA L LU — CHARGE NO 8-25-231 | DOCUMENT NO.ND/7L/66 |1ssug 1 DATE 12/16/7L — N — v T it o 7. Install roundness retaining rings. 8. Machine cutout and weld-groove for inlet nozzle. 9. Dress balance of weld preparation. 10. Penetrant inspect weld preparations. 11. Weld nozzle to shell. 12, Dress inside and outside weld seams. 13. Radiograph longitudihal shell seam and nozzle to shell seams welds. 1h. Set up V.B.M. and machine girth seam weld preparation for "EB" insert weld @ adapter ring., Tt may be necessary to weld build up this section before machining. 15. Penetrant inspect girth edge preparation. Inner Shroud Section "C" The shroud section will be made in one course with one longitudinal seam from perforated plate. : 1. Layout and machine weld preparations on each of three edges in the flat, . 2. Penetrant inspect weld preparations. 3. Roll to required inside diameter. L. Sét up and weld longitudinal seam. 5. Grind longitudinal seam inside and outside. 6. Check circularity and reround. 7. Penetrant inspect }ongitudinal seam, Thermal Sleeve Forging "D The thermal sleeve will be puréhased as & rough forging. 1. Layout and identify centerlines. 2. Set up on VBM and machine to configuration. , - 3. Penetrant inspect weld preparatiafis. BY APPROVED PAGE 7-7 op A ALY vy UM Vit 4 o UiY ] Il A N MAD: —e ™ el R eud BLg HAVT oA WTAD .,,. ol d T T e Ak g 8, A gt Al — - -—— —— ol B C A QS IN THIS COLWLT IWUDICATE WL - 1 e OTAT b\ &y FWC FORM 172 - L CHARGE NO 8-25-2)31 | DOCMENT NO.ND/7L4/66 |1Ssop 1 DATE 12/16/7L Straight Shell Section "A" through "D Subassembly 1. Set up for welding of shell course subassembly to thermal sleeve forging "D, 2. Weld girth seams. 3. Radiograph inspect shell to forging girth seams. L. Set up for welding Shell "B" to subassembly from sequence #3. 5. Weld girth seam and grind inside end outside. 6. Radiograph inspect girth séam. 7. Set up for welding inner Shroud "C" to subassembly from sequence #6. 8. We%g girth seam and grind inside. '9. Penetrant inspect shroud to forging girth seam. Straight Shroud Section "EM The shroud secfion will be fabricafied as two hélf shells from plate. 1. TIayout and machine weld preparation on each of four edges « in the flat. ' 2. Penetrant inspect weld préparations. 3. Roll half shells to required inside diameter. L. Trial fit the two half shells. Radius Shroud Section "F" - The radius shroud section will be fabricated from purchased formed half elbows with all machined weld preparations., l. Penetrant inspect’weld preparations. 2. Set up for welding smaller radius half elbow sections together, 3. Weld girth seam. L. Grind insigde and outside girth seam. -« 5. Penetrant inspect girth seam. BY | APPROVED | PAGE 7-8 OF FWC FORM 172 - U b BE HAYE - D - o — AT r S L Ti 1 kY 4 aN MADE TIUTRIT ATt T ™Y 11‘)“.'('? AR s 1S COL 7 b} 101 WOTAT 4 £ . - e N A e ) - CHARGE NO g8-p5_2);31 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7.,/66 |ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7) e e ¢ ettt i e . .t - e o T AL P b L g T e T ™ e < e My 6. Repeat sequences #1 through #5 as required to make complete small radius section. 7. Set up for welding subassembly from sequence #6 to half shroud "E" from #3.6. : : 8. Weld girth seam. - 9. Grind inside and outside girth seam. 10. Penetrant inspect girth seam. . 11. Repeat sequence through #10 to make Up complete separate larger radius shroud section. ‘ Radius Shell Sections "G The r%dius shell sections will be fabricated from two purchased elbows*with the girth edges machined for "EB" insert welding. 1. Penetrant inspect weld preparations. Shell Section "g" The shell section will be made in one course with one longitudinal seam. 1. TLayout and machine weld preparations on each of two edges in the flat. (Finish machine two edges - Don't machine girth seam edges. ) 2. Penetrant inspect weld preparations, Roll to required inside diameter, Set up and weld longitudinal seam. 3 L 5.. Grind longitudinal seam inside and outside, ] | Check circularity and reround. —q Install roundness retaining rings. 8. Machine cutout and weld groove for outlet nozzle. 9. Grind balance of weld preparations. 10. Penetrant inSpect weld preparations. w— 11. Weld nozzle to shell seamn. BY APPROVED | PAGE 49 oOF FVIC FORM 172 - Ly~ ] ——— e 4 N MADH P s in] 25 HAVT BE 3y , IERE CHALY i 8] e e B e T e o e = et s e e NOTATION e e ity it T ety e . e o ALy Wibouieh GUREURALLUN | CIARGE NO 8-25-2),31 | DOCUMENT NO.ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7), - —— 12. Grind inside and outside weld seams. 13, Set up oh VBM and machine both girth seam weld preparations far "EB" insert welds. Tt may be necessary to weld build up these sections before machining. 1l Radiograph longitudinal shell seam and nozzle to shell seam welds and penetrant inspect girth edges. Tube Sheets "K" The tube sheets will be purchased as forgings. 1. Set up on VBM and machine Both flat side suffaces and weld grooves, 2. Ultraéonic and penetrant inspect machined surfaces. Layout and drill tube holes. Machine spigots and counterbores, Set up and machine for island removal between spigots. o U W Clean and deburr tube holes. 7. Penetrant inspect spigdts and island removal areas. 8. Radiograph spigots. 9. C(Clean. Tubes "M The tfibes will be purchased in various short lengths and welded together, 1. Set up and machine ends.of tubes. 2. Weld tube to tube. | 3. Grind tube welds on outside diameter, L. Penetrant inspect tube welds. 5. Radiograph tube welds. 6 . Helium test straight tubes. .~ BY APPROVED PAGE 7-10 o 4 | A D T S T et | Ak o 21 BeR TR - — ——— ~ LA N M l — HIVE B ~m W] ~ e y LR C: T i o H ) NOTATIONS IN THIS COLU.LT INDICALE FVIC FORM 172 - | L rs | CHARGE NO 8-25-231 | DOCUMENT NO.ND/7L/66 |1SSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7% | 7. Set up bending machine for bending fubes. 8. Bend smallest radius row of tubes. 9. Trim tubes.to length and machine weld prep. 10. P.T. ends and inspect. Adapter Rings "M".“ The adepter rings will be purchased as forgings and machined at final assembly after welding Handhole nozzles. Steam Nozzles "N" The nozzles will be purchased as forgings. 1. Set up on VBM and machine complete. 2. Pefiétrant inspect weld preparations. i Ay s e - B v =g, sl et - Bundle Final Assembly 1. Set up for welding straight shell subassembly "D" to small radius shroud half "Fn, 2. Weld girth seamn. 3. Grind girth seam. i, Penetrant inspect girth seam. 5. Sgt up bundle assembly fixture and attach inlet and outlet tube sheets "K™", : 6. Insert guide rods through steam outlet tube sheet into shell and install full supportplates using the guide rods for alignment purposes. L - T A B P ™ A S A P T e et o o e . e bl . el s 7. Set up and install segmented support parts in the small radius shroud for the smallest radius row of tubes. | 8. The guide rods will be attached to the longer tube leg and with- drawn as the tube is inserted into the bundle. This will insure that the tube passes through the proper hole in the support plate. 9. Thread the~tube using the rod, if required, and spring the tube against tubg sheets. LBY APPROVED - PAGE 7-11 Qp FYC FORM 172 = L NOTAT ¥ MADE —— - = i3 HAVZ PR I - ~ A VI3 _iw {: e e e e e e i st gt e s e - C: T [y S COLUDT /i oS IN 7% - T - e e e e e e h ———— o e e s o e e sttt WhskLir CORPORALION CHARGE NO8-25-2,,31 | DOCUMENT NO.ND/7L/66 |ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16,/7 . B DY i o s g . e B L 8 o, . T ¥ S~ e 10. IBW weld tube to tube sheets for the smallest radius row of tubes. ' 11. Clean tube to tube sheet welds. 12. Radiograph inspect. 13. Install segmented support parts for assembly of the next larger radius row of tubes. ' ' 1L, Repeat sequences #8 through #1l, until all tubes have been installed. | ' 15. 1Inspect and check bundle for cleanliness. 16. Set up and weld larger radius shroud assembly to bundle, 17. Grind welds outside. 18. Penetrant inspect longitudinal and girth welds. 19. Slide shell sections "G" and "H" over shroud, 20. Weld girth weld of the shell to thermal sleeve and shell course to shell course. 2l. Grind outside girth welds. 22. Radiograph girth welds. 23. Determine finished measurement of distance between tube sheet and shell for adapter ring. f 2. Set up adapter ring mM" on-VBM‘and machine to suit, 25. Penetrant inspect weld preparations on adapter ring, 26. Slide adapter rings over tube sheet and wzld adapter td tube sheets and shells. 27. Grind girth seams. 28. Radiograph girth welds. 29. Install test caps and test shell side. 30. Set up and- weld steam nozzles to “ube sheets. 31. Grind girth welds. BY APPROVED | PAGE 7-12 OF ol ] Al LSS ’ "f;"‘\; }J‘.;tl & I BLd S HAVI ey \.‘ LU X O S T e e e e e e e e e a—— ¢ —— e —n. R A CATE WIE C: NIVE T35 L [SLEREN O NOTATIONS IN THIS COL VA Lasdy waiuiduit GURPORATION CHARGE NO 8-25-24,31 | DOCUMENT NO.ND/7./66 ISSUE 1 [F R e e e i e A s e i U PR et S 32, 33. k. 35. DATE 12/16/7) Penetrant inspect inside girth welds. Radiograph girth welds. Install test caps and test tube side. - Pressurize unit and prepare for shipment. BY APPROVED PAGE FWC FORM 172 - |4 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO 8-25-2/31 DOCUMENT NO.ND/71,/66 DATE 12/16/7L a\ g, v E— SEQUENCE —I| S TRAIGHT SHELL ASS'Y SMALL RADIUS ! SHROUD HALF -—__\ NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE GUIDE “FULL TUBE’ \\\\ | ROD “SUPPORT" FIXTURE PARTS CEGQUENCE-E i b L L e | TUBE N . o ¢ ,&*:_L SRRSO ) G A - l_,_,—i/ i RO | \ | — “TUBE "SUPPORT" PARTS BY APPROVED | PAGE 7-1, oF NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHFRE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - L4 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE NO 8-25-2,,31 | DOCUMENT NO. wnp/7),/66 DATE 15/16/71, U'r R \LARGE RADIUS SHROUD SEGQGUENCE-23 | » \ ’ ~ = |INLET GUTLET NCGzziE N o NOZZLE “N” \ i | \ ADAPTER M |7 DNADAPTER L S T R < , ES J ,/—’/// - o (1 —; - ! ~ ' L | B - SEQUENCE—36 BY N APFROVED [ pace 7-15 oF DATE 12/16/7L 1 ISSUE DOCUMENT NO. ND/7./66 CHARGE NO8-25-2);31 OK-3 STARIGHT SHOULDER [ % N - B —— et ] ) P . \\ e - . . e e N U U , ) ) . td - a v - ——— -~ .. 7-16 of PAGE APPROVED BY — L i e —b— it vl rb 40V N339 ZAVH CEOHVHO H&iHM ZIVOIGRT MrI00 SINI NI SHOTIVION N - ZLL WH0d OMd FWC FORM 172 - | T MADR HATE B T3 COLUIY INDICATE WHTRE CaMnsg HOTATZOMS T TH FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION CHARGE N08-25-2L31 | DOGUMENT NO.ND/7L/65 ISSUE 1 DATE 15/16/7), TYPICAL PATTERN OF TUBES TO BE PLUGGED WITH EXPANDABLE PLUGS SK—4 FWC FORM 172 - L S HAVE BXEN MADE — B HANG 4 NOTATTIONS IN TEIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE C NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION LTVINGSTON, N. J, CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 | DOCUMENT NO. ND/7L/66 | ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7) Contents: (4-1) (4-2) (4-3) (a-L) APPENDIX A Mechanical Design Calculations ohell and Head Approximate Weight Tube Expansion Tube Vibration BY APPROVED PAGE Y o p ES ey /43-”/,://‘? Py = G ey U LRESS, €= bo o= o L g L T Lo f'? Awu}. STEEEs W‘) S e ar e Q/U.E(, ¢ -------------------------- T md——— - Coe i DGAE G T s gfi:‘f_’d TRV AN \}:/)fl,__' //_LJ RER e bv——— Qo [ zs et S /)2 0 . 1A LDEsian fress, LT Moo Lrm & SO0 H 7, 500 5., . ,)uaauj 6,-1“ =55 39k #5’5'7.‘ '/\/ ' 4 g o, oF ;w‘j'fs SLAEE 27 CA ; AL Q 2L -vl'"" o .ff,e—’c' 77U ZE//S.DV T /?.7?5-{”//9 < I/, 600 Es., L5 1014 J e 34 0 v I Twace /_/4' F/T /‘,‘LtQFT- | /%5 SSURE 5%0/\/,0/{’/5‘5 e - (A8 Nozzes Crvmese @ feno (TrPeme) @ Toee Sweer (7YACH) ‘a@ Sweee Lonae 0,8 (T¥R) | @ 20 Nozzes CryPrese) @ Shece JRonrsorron @ SHEet. Smsee I8 @ Toss -"fl.p - AP A Sy v/ & res ETXECTird odw BT P ey i o | — 1) - T Vern Reme T : BY(o ek DaTE 5040 s UBJECT.. s CHKD. BY.cueea- DATE ------- Q e ( Qrrmee A2) PR T sE-ac P g = (220)(/2.75) ( ,502)(t0)-(0.6)(22°) 4345 .é > . 9368 1’5 .464—” spy Vo R A~ Z25E —-.2P - - (Beoo)(2!) () ec)(Lo) - 2)( 2800 o Wl = et 22440 - ” £ 3.55¢ ("7 CTX PRI D ML £ AOR SE .06 FR fivr(;ZO)(zg% - (@50 (19) - (6)(z22) . @/ Gi? g 366 LG58 Tanr 387IE ke .............................. SHEET NO.... ¢ JoB NO.E-25.-.294.2 /. ------------------ ~5 bara SHEET / cor LES/GA JoAtpsF7oA/ s OAM (203] .47 Paoc‘? A -]=R . oo u(f{ Willbbh bl CORPOLRAZIU . 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVL., . . . i6GSTON, N. Ceve e D oATe B2 susseer. AR RONR, WELC;\HT_-_Q_{\L SHEIT NOw...!.....oF.0... CHKD. BY eeoe DATE . - oo MQ_\-}T.ERN SaT NToY: I NTo YR -k e e . ’ ; . o . - y =T . ' i . . . 4 N L e HEL A . S ot c . . ,' . I PN sl . \'35- C »] DAREE ‘ : ! N + 2 s Yoo L "TQ‘TB\\—. WEIC-‘-'\T‘A PR : i R '-;'sm.é@s) T He &S qa33 ¥* ; . . e : ‘ >y v ‘ He ! r i Lt ' & ) LM : . 1 : [ eyt j Ao ! . "y Peod s LT ‘ e s gt T T U o , SRR e A fl‘ R bowy o | . X PRI A S i U RTINS B ‘ ) Y iy ! R E P FPRE i o o [ B Y RN L A F o ! e o i i | . S . I 1 - cone 8l A—' 1,3703 s Lb rd M Wr@ s“.. mq sco?. ‘6 R D= 3, 16f‘5t )d I Cotofo (RND SR L A ‘ ot ‘.‘ IR { T '.'""’t‘ : '\‘ V‘T "qu Bt‘zxzc 34%) - L 2l v = ‘ * ~ SRR | - \wzz <: 0g+5 J L e fl A l : : S \“T =@y ' 34 f . Zre - | A o s . : o } : - " - . . t : ' i ’ . . AR : A o 2 ' ! i TR I . l_‘ ! ) [ : ' ) i Lo . Lo A P ' ' ' C b I | \ ; : - ! H | B i : ! ! + . _ = 2.349% tt RN o . ; - '.,;;‘, e . e B P . ' f‘i'-ii:-;. [ L r1 o 3= " ' r ‘ ’ ! ‘ ’ o A\ —~— ZO‘ 346\ :tq—t " : ? ' ' "“ E " .t L"r":.r':" ‘ .-'n:j ot N ‘ . ‘ \ ‘._ '~ .;il::'J-l_’.'-" "\, T .:!', , R ;“;"‘_‘_ .’_‘ ; .;“l‘..‘:",‘-\; L ;. : ; ‘ ! ' oo L i et ) Lq: '|_‘_ ey ,_'. '“',“ “. ’_. 4 ','l‘.‘ ‘.dI u = (.{:‘.' o Iv"' ! \:‘l;.il ’ "; ;", QLA .-;.:':i:“’!" -' !‘. z‘ el W ’j“ *‘11__: ‘-7 8"3‘4 (l(a 33%-—- 1'2_. ?.1::. b;; SO Lo . v ‘ b7 fi _ R ',;x :-':1'?7-;.-"‘:, ’.f W‘r CB]O C&,S) C& 7..08) L -,-:‘_;.18'-34 Q4 o'xs'-»") L el ' '3.20% t--t:"" KX R — ® sar 2 p= "7854’(5 .‘), S WY @ ‘;:?_:.. b 40, BOVIL o - - = 78584 (16.335) 1 S . e R h2. 83?. wt.‘llsoua-'. L W 2 do, 8at)(02.%32) | h [ _ . : ‘5.;_.; , o W 1'13. U | : Wity -\-u\afit \r\o\tfi. ' T> 82237 s00d _ A; ‘2, ‘6‘52. 3. \s e ; SRR Wi b 7.04’* FORM 1203).47 o e ,4.__,,5.,'_. .- FOSTER WIIEELER CORPORATI()N e e i — PR - ---....—___-_-..---—--.--.-.. TUuREsaHe - - . e = ...... BT EXYTEMSIoN PA : . - i . o . ‘)- - _ "_i,"'_i 5 P t g3 0 O O e R [} s 13 1 I . e At X! o R T R N " [ [P : , -ty . .. “y . . . g,. ' BN A S T ,__-o 5708 s Qb+é> ‘D': ‘S(a“c,o 4.0 FE d= si1" ax 4. Z'a F« (Qomc ) [ |. =_f4 %7 F*z et e o ) - o, A AN R PR Lo . . | HEE SR S ) L v . } Lo e IR .|,, } .f ® ; AR S R ) ) - . Cord k vey Y Ty 3 Ly [ L ! v ‘4[4 34‘2.” ’/F't:l ' \/\/ (4\ 547,:)( !4 *a-r o sl N Vil - (ol ™ ! “ —— Ty [ 1] . \ ) St N | ... - |.‘l -} ') ! . s P : ! . t “ i : N 1 : . i : b 1 'f!,. . - . * 3 5 . R’ 4 a4 L ' . /! ; a’:... N Lr ’._. “ I v f B [l RN , l ) i -t . . o ' i . :"4_, ot . : S GIP SN \ R e |_1‘.‘. ! : . \ [ e e A\@O ES <\, 5793)0.0&‘2_‘5’)( 5, C} I ) ' sz n«g"" —— < = \)-2‘53*( A ‘g » s Lo “.. L l""“. ,r ,’ Y coe . " vt ! e i i R L F v ) Ly .' . , 1 . ' ; ‘ 1 1 1 N L} ] . ] N 1 AR . I 1 v b . L [ . i) P o LT ' A Lo S Gy T gt ; Coir A Lo pini _:\ "'r'. ‘} “y ) r Do L R & I T IR T I PN 1 |. c:c..'z.'i‘ l-‘?t. o LIS I . i i N iy J b ' FCAM (285).47 L e - N IS T U S iiv DOUULIL DIANGEL A, . SVIRICICN R Y IS P PN ('4__‘ BY. = D . DATE-_‘E_J’_.‘E_O_-?‘" suaJECT..'f\L".).F- -*O”‘-“JT C'f"l-f __________ SHEET NO....eo....OF.. ------ ............ --------------------- — '52-“ o 1” s . : . o "y . N . !-, e L B P Y D J I SR ._»-:--;~;-\_,4 . C = -G |4/¢.)(ss bz = uzi s, 14,5026 Ft A = Cz 575)(:4 563D 2 37 47 Fe® AL TR ‘*-vssd, D*V c—m4> @u'\'cgu':) < . . n_, th L—t. . P . ‘ Comas At L . . b : ..-.'-1'.‘ ' R e W 5 _;.;' Vot 8 LTon.) 37 47 Fg $slze 1—-c =B 2T R e " i, @ e /m SRR e WT_((."I.\Ql )(31‘2_'1\):-.' 210-‘8‘:&“' | Q=TT =, m:mc.cfs >- irzo15y” 2 A-—_L‘M«J .- - 4 ’?'js:d.%.;,27'\.42%%“‘._.359?; 2 14,3299 o4 w | : } xh TQTD'TAL\ = z‘("gfl'\‘ Biho™ . 3018 FORM (203) .a7 . . . . ' . . . [ . : . - . S P P ' sl RV ,l P I R T N S A [ | el en i . 4.‘- L 1 . ) F?j 0 "; - f’ —u""‘ ‘ PEEE A . e C A PRt S L S R L .'.J_:.,,-,‘i L T Lo |- [ P e L 'y S P T N - - —— AMOLTEDN IMALT (.G INLE~Y /ou-r\_&"-'T NOZZ2\E L L 1 . . . Tvv(- R 4—j2“1:.... SPethe v ' Iy y A . 8 ol : . ' Coan T Lo ; R L Lo . R : i 4 ; : I { L T ) b ! ) v - ! + 1 ) . i . ! , ‘ ‘- ; . § 7 ' . O a ) R & i 0o % it N, o I N TR SO ,3r‘7¢ e Ll L .g!‘."“ ' N et B SRR R PR I PR . ‘A Ft. ':-.',— 3 .-_.\, :“.1::‘:‘; i. . ,,' . ) . @ C YL‘ - ‘ A‘:'_ ‘\ Cz ] = ’# 7 ’ ' o B Rt TT i, 87‘5"‘ | (pc:»-’\ K = ,7738 C'f:.“‘ i ' - = t o .. ToTAL, APRROX Wt ‘1 . . - L . : ) . . S | IR i \ s - . W - N i o . [ ) | B ARSI L ! . ; o Wit e in R R R R T ‘ | _il ) to vl 1 1 ;' ! . - N , % ! L 4 R \ PR . : A SO ‘)Juxil U SAVIW \‘r 4 .a\i.zu., SUBJECT. _f‘_\f‘:fff‘ OX. WNX. QAN -~ . - o= - b . | ! R L i g o ) nr ) I A i . . R W, (33’ 21 ::\\8.843‘1" , '\--. 513'-‘3 . AL s s ; g‘ W @ '_7,-L,;-:. :zq 4. Sca“"/ SHEET NO... .. . Yy a \.'s\, lh‘. ............ 4 B ') (\a 85*0(3 nq) ¢ oLt SEL . -(2q4..>c..3( 738) VW‘\' = 2107 ¢ ' : ' FORM (203}.47 wh L Y -— v -A.\bDiU.LT, ;\!.,. SHEET NO...2..__.oF. L. JOB NOw i eiiecaeeca e e (5. G X P10 SOUTH ORANGE Ak, . PROY%.. WTL_ G181 i L AP PR - ea- tr vy D4 Py D' j\ i 31=74 supseer. 7~ Fab 1y, 1 ! *y PR Y :(;\_1__.....__ DATE. __,-___.__MQ_L.:{'E\A_-;_%AL. CHKD. BY .._____DATE. . ___. py. ! N - S : g S i r e - i I co R S e miees - et e st g T 5 ¥al B I . EETETV LS SRR - ~ : e e 0o ..i..w.,_..,a...!.._.i.--; - 2T ‘-i..:u;_.;m.;..._..uw....u. e s ru‘ ey < K WS 2 7 8- a b ¥ IR e | S ..r I\ . u X .ou hu \J, o b _.p - E o w &3 | - = R R | = ol R "o - @ -l g @ o N 5 n ol e T P T T X5 R B . S B N e e S m T 0N S & T T A T e % SR ) e S L - fi T . oot s ,.‘..,w_.-t b < el - \1.\ < D o W.. oo ¥ " F N’ < : . /..u.m\ | - LT : LN . FENCRENERE. L el i L . ST Y J 4 W ‘ @ if ol " - Yady fl‘ ‘ - ‘ . m T | O Ty S L Moo £ Sn e FRR SR . Tl Lo , F R < ) i e e S et ROT s ~ g [ 0 . M\ . : » .“ ..‘ i Wn;.:o‘ l.m —_l‘” - %i - m ,— 1”- . Q . 4,.1 - S Lo . r . . : S, = - - - wh. - 11% N-u.u‘ ...u.!..m ) r\.— s 4\1 P—W- v - /M\! ‘. - ) i ) M T e T L e T - 3 (I : B F . ! .A! T e -~ S TR A ] ’ e ST T [ e X . Sl L ] £ L R .,.. m _ o- .. e M....T — - - p. | - ,,,”.” = & r : @ S, o . - e J - _ ' ) n ._ - - - . . R - i S : .. _ r, SR S _ . ...w._ = NS SE—, g S - M. bt S, ..«...Y - - RS il p o S o M Rt A Ay A S | M T NO.. .l _..OF.. - NGoi AV L aa v ANGSTON, N, SHEI ' - 5 LU SRV]Y ‘-!.Lml.. ) ; 3 UL L QNN PR ‘R Lt w 29‘_74 suMBJHEC'r. APY A -y e .DATE L, = - BY. S s o ] e ~ : . St T .m, m i SR R R U T B : A b —U AT 5 u : S o T L ] . . - . h r..l._... wh - MASTE 'v\.— . . V L n,\, N .7~ T o -5 I . ..¢ l .,. M > w. .v N -\ . .l.vJ\rt‘; HPJ.Wl . SH ‘A - QI . A. ) R . o & s TV - CT S mw —-— [ ‘l‘.a ce - F . » nv. o R SR = .00 T 4o, {:t) Q 2.7 L a Y . i SEE . Iy ol . 7 _ me,_ £ g ST : ,“_ = a J 2 r W ol T T ‘ U] . R m vl -3 . - Coa L m % : R . ; 4 .) N “ .” o YA SR R k S | B Y N § 44 Sl - < e T SoE LT . I /A l =, . . | e Sone o " lbax,. - ] ~.M ‘.. > - . T o8] . . T n . . a i i . i - ¥ S . : - ; T . X O N . _- . —- " - U ) B T . 17 iy At ¥ iNGSVI'ON' [\[0 J' -=-0OF AVE SHEET NO..../. s 4 JOE NOueooeeoe e ccaaaenaans (20%3}.47 FGAM S “- iy Q HPORATL 3 L LU _8_‘. _‘_(] ~“dsunie SR AND W YIRS 110 SOUTIE QRANGE Bv. L= CHKD., BY .. ..DATE.__..__._. Cala 14 FRoR.. ML L B CT.. &3 [=3 S oy = ____.DATE " .G E=TAN 0 i A ;T_‘ SHEL L > 2 ! L L I ks 1} 4 wo Yo | N O. P—‘l ) «..l‘.‘ - .1.1\,.:\. Tt 1 peoel ». -—_ ...“‘l.,..r.lil. AR - 1 - - B - .- r.“'a - - o .. _ . : %.A. l1.€.. . - L - - RS . - . n. kY e, —~ Lot - .- OF.) - e - - ~ SHEET NO....f oD ANy L JOE NO.wo i rrmmaeo oo % ULJ\JVLL‘I“L!’F.I d‘\ ] 1‘11' LAl DI AAv LU L AR cT:?'_'__.(‘."Z‘:_ g =), 1 S t i - ARFE ~ L Ll - 2o sussecT MallTe P 1 - DATE-% ’ P o I, O . G A BY CHKD. BY. e ___DATE_ . _____. Y SHell Trarmhiow mxdension - 50" | o T . P - ~ - h . ~ oy T N Y . . - Tt - S e ewem s D e e e e P .z - - E . n T . - . = . . @ ‘ B h - - = ’ ~ - - —-— L p—— - - . ) ! - - F - . ys ' ) z t N . T T ) o - L T 2 Eal R - I - - - ——— —— — - - - “ ~ .- ) b N o~ . L " ~ b - - s i - . I A - - - - ; : - -~ e —— e - - —~ ve mm— o - K . - - [ - B . f - . - = e ) - . oy . L X b . . . . J— - L o - - . . to Loe . P . L ~ - ~ 1. N wetiiiAe e . Lip XS [ — i S 5 R ~ - . - - v - —_ 2 e . —api i T e - N T - LEL T . . - R . I - : - -t - - - - e c o - - L ey . o~y k - B e T - it e e e el - - -_ - - Tl ~ ¥ \ - - o R R N - . p . % . v —_— e N S i N - 2 . s n e — ey el AT e i . 4.15 416 :l o g,q&zg) Cre.995) ot na [ 3 ' P v S i . ' ! 51 fl‘.l.(.";_ (14 > =2 L?*W'j i 1 ' ' [ I o P A o ! N e - - . - k) . e 1 -, oL . > . Vot -~ RS P ) Iy r. LIS ’ 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, CORPORATION ER 4 I - [ + 4 FOSTER Wili - B . . o an £ Y - P . -t SHEET NO..,_?.,-_.OF.J. JOB NO.wriemiccecatnaaunn L. i R O I G =) WL S > [ Q_’.(- e sl C } A 4. susect. A Mol den 1 CHKD. BY . ..DATE...._____. -2 | DATEB L. S. 8y S Rk a4 :-':,l ‘?o —— .. ) . ’ .. 4 i . - - .. .¢| ..r-.. ¢ . T : © o oA T e P~ T - ETTT e . S = | SR SR T T I\\! o M \} !Iw - MI - - T J.J‘.‘J.- ST TR EAR | P ..o 39 o S A I 0 PRI DR B S ~x n % N s wl .W‘ - IR O wfln - PR | 5 . ‘ D oL F ,. oo i 4 FORM (288).47. B e A ‘ ; Fooiinlt WL LLI{ CORPORA I‘IUN 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N . | it :.. o { ‘,“L =| \‘,i : ‘ :. .-;._‘ ‘ Lo ' ‘i' 'I . ,, R 4‘ 4 SRR TN S ML SRR f r 0 Pl 2 L g = -'785d Locgzc..f: D 'g:_“.,‘. . Y ' L 2. '7 ‘Bb 41- (_ oo 3‘? E‘t) .'“il . ;- .‘1_ . et f :‘ l ‘1-._ ;‘- --n ‘T’ L ) [l . Oo . .L : _— ' C Tyt r3‘4\ c':t,lir/“o LL‘; & = LeeVIKN 1027 .r';':_“. — 5 _\' % : Ft : “ = L ',? :’; ' .;,'TL iy H 'I - 'r ‘ . .". T A B A ' " ""r o sy o f RN _ ‘ I | = . :7'354 Q 2.4 2’ e ) [ : e TSI ' 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ |A‘ ) ! : , -a| !a- < o - f . _}" ..‘ ::;;:f ;',A:r; r EREE O SN AR e e RN Rl » PN AR . S T 54 0.0 4 S : | s o L \ 2' U_ ‘1__ ‘. o o . - ! {( A 7854 p '7554(4 5 w,}. = 1854 (20025 FE) : | ] C . AR A A =k X ..I,’“: o . ‘ i ‘ i x"‘:.' ; ‘ !-i 1:-'»: J Ll e : ' S i ) LA ‘ e R i v i L 2] S o ; B i i S , _ i ! . ' f ' 3 »* ] ' . £ -.---OF--\.‘-."-‘. / L T NO... - " AVE.,, LLVINGSTON, N.J JOB NOe e oo SHE! ‘\ 4 A L4 SOUTIL ORANGI >~ .‘;'Y 110 M. S _MalTen san 1. & susJecT. AV ¥ 1O% -~ -—_74 ER CORPORATION DATEg CHKD. BY e _DATE. o __ - L] -4 STER WIHEI gy M. 5. —— o - F ! : ‘1 T '.|' e S ¢ e 2y . . ‘Nl [ 14 ‘ * "P', . 4 (8974 — e, w1 oy WT' , A ot 1} ". . " " . } | | N i T. Yo Xna L, o FToR APPRO X, [~ USRS e - R - b . b S - - - : . oy o T - 1 T Sitew e Dbl d T G E . l!.....,nl,.-i..n.‘rf.m POV - N v E . T .fi e : : ‘o -. b . ‘ R l.. . . 3 - L. e o T Fha - 3,0 = i l (112,047 Y& = W For MIDDLE Tk 627 ~_ N § E a7 = e L T - 2 - . [ S - - . ' -~ - T P o P .,_»I 5 i - mireade g Gy i T % q2. h} ) o . AR B ! . i Tube SURPPORT PLATE CSohid . SRS e R R fr i , T RE i - ..nm« SO N~ L 9- 9 O Hudvfo\, nlu r . B N e | iEoow oo . e ...T V2 L lm - T T ISR .T. ey ln.-m\u,& S A AT S ¢ | ) ¥ I.". f(‘w , . ! . . T N N P L . “. . v . Dg e L7854 . .003| E? — - iy FORM {205).47 15‘.5}1-7\')(_4 PEV.ra D) 2N - fA“&“ . » &V rt - L TuRE su ’ Q,., o) ASL;FP i . N . {.“\./ Coda LAY S Ly Wiy oo VO & UA\ N, BY-__l“__'__.?_'____..DAT'-g_'_‘_z__‘.-?_4 :UBJECT 'A\ “Q‘P‘K \‘\/T Tl SHEET NO... !_Z:_.or-' ’ .............. . -_-.._-_....-___.._..- CHKD. BYcmmeeo. DATE. o . -\T\YFN >Su LU C:-D (s ) JOE NO --------------------- C STRAIGHT STRIP TuRE Luppoph: L1 g 39125 QD.' i . | 13 . l ' N : "‘ . I :! "‘A‘ i';i"‘[" ‘ i AR | X S T STRARA L T ! e b !.' : 'E' ' ' i i .;- f:.‘\."'..'-‘-{ : ‘«.ly s 1 L Y L e\~\ \,\ (L\\qu RN g 'F‘i"!'c.k1~tt~'$1» = ,181% ' ‘N C}L*-f\\, ‘=‘ \-g\\ el ' : '~'-l‘.‘.,’" ..-,:w,f‘ ?‘:‘ {',‘.. ‘7, e F P 7 b.:. ’ni”'-‘;; “; o ! APRY L\ S \. " u_)i' 1 . L Qsmxp) b Y v A ST G, (,z'i‘)Q 52 nk e = 22.4306 0" N 0 . 33.93806t N ———— e, ‘ B lq' 4N NE . .o " : . B - . ."J ’/ ' - ."fl":‘" PR { . . ' ' : . : ' | = _ | =iy ' @ _AREA _oFE RING | W Q2 «’({a~ 7.1SZ /F:tv"' bd A = -T854 (D c\ ) 'i_; ol .WTT:(-' 2’-"‘--‘.'53('7-7‘1" "’-} : =.7854 C 1530, '74, m ~ &474 caqm ) e g P /‘ST?.\ - 75-5 4 C 58 S )* 5 20 sT?'r’szw ‘.{ | ;-'; .T . | : | 4 Q_' (o 4 7 - o R 4 (;-64,7 'IN \-m" 3 i’ ‘7‘:& . : 4 o / HAL F.. S f‘ RN - a 4q. 1N l - IR - V< WHale : FErE N Pl o 3 i .- L e amam L Q‘\‘O'H\L_\ q R "11 FORM (205).47 . ! , 1 b . . } . . . L. . . - : ¢ . . "y SR A T oo - : ’ EUPRERE LTI W L N N Ch : I £ '] al f ’ Joroo . . ;o O .o i T P L R I Lty . ¢ o E P e N . ‘ X A S RET LL ':.}" _.,_1.‘— N ) ) ' B { e ,__)".‘ N..}-" ,/‘1 ‘4"“7‘ [}l.‘, . . A : ' . . . ' ) ) ) - bt : b T + L R . . ' B . . . N Yai o P ] ' . \ FOSTER WHEELE CORPORATI(".)”N 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N.J. BY-E;-“LH&E.&DATE?/Z? 72 sussecT. LU EXPARSIDA] SHEET NO..___. lor-'4' CHKD. BY.______ DATE._____ — o MOLTEN B4 T 108 No.. e 23 Jdas OVTE. R RN =Y Ll —— DESIEDS Tl t\"' j _ | oL 55 T. = lf'/ WS Too N - -w""L\ £50 \coo 20T | A_t A—(ab"‘A((g J L\: 105 ;{?H XM Q’iLL//\/ ) Alkz So-1000=/50 ] Al B5D - 7002/50 | | L0858 I 11\_594__,@'% — ' \ /\\ (S y LS: 12157 0, ?? ,r'j"l o S - /\ J) /.c:r"l ‘ o \ ./’/ L= 75 'O{%’ A‘LW::. 1950 -1 _ o N~ e [/ Ij;-. /5%50 I > -.__wi —_— - l; St T cox TAR. F ARAFH 3,—\#\ TereoyY N tTusBts '*:l SHE L (- | ag (“)oo - //‘Soh> = 7.43/00’ ’*/:M/D;: ? AL b FORM (283). 45@ -2~/ T - —— it FOSTER WHELL R CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVII-GSI‘ON . , D pv.E. JUBER pate ‘«j// supsrcT.. WG _BAFAMDION SHEET MO, % OF._ 4 'CHKD, BY.____ DATE. . w— o MouTiny . SAGT JOB Na.._a= 25140 TUBE EXTANLION EANCAH TIAMK S, 7 FT LOKG, WL TAD, SHT Fop Aven AT FOR BrcH BAMIK 743 %10 (5.7)= 4,255 200" Braok | R Ex P (Frx52) Toraw e (0.) \ g 78,5 232,447 7 i 6335 5529 157 5 9355/ 275,357 4 103.7 437 /69 S 113,65 4@/,507 6 \2%.0 520,905 7 IS S50L,72¢/ 23 157,04 SE2,747 = 141,58 517,944 o 45,0 | LOS. 6oy H 47,0 607,370 7 ljfiu) | 547.60¢, 13 - )33.797 : ShE A5/ \A 127,65 599,57 19 )21, 0 F SR ) |45 954,675 1/ 05,0 1 45/ 300 V¢ 101,75 i werso 40148 2.048%5°| [,08558 — }r.. 7/ / ’7 | Dm0V, 4/% J/'/ | Z.’ OCZ’C:(;, o VEpa| Bew 29 prl o 8),15;00 [ 162 4 5 | ) 9305 | SV 3006 o,raisact] 112296 Xote o waak @ TS, 5 FAK ROT 1N ORIG, CALCS * { ! L gL H ] FORM (28%}.. Pag e -2+ N FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N.]. BY[ _U_‘_’ Q’.--DATE--.Z]/_/_{. SUBJECT.. ... | “PE EXFALISION 2 - _________________________________ SHEET NO..._v’. ___OF._ "I __ CHKD. BY._—__ OATE.oo e oo MOLTEILY SALT JoB No._zfi-z_i_-J_?lQ.;,_ DI U A CET YT PENYYE . CO'QB(‘ = S, - a@(:?@/’ JO7 /675 , Y K, = 103,677 awm Z.4 . X, = 2,799 WISV LACEMED N A Higl A FLeANG W Ly LA EAVIG SUVITICIIT FOR BAP, 0F L % FLEL NG, 1/ L, DUFFICiENT FoleeAP, ofF L, ToTAL GROWTH BeND RESION 1 A =z 0944 N \ o ZTE = 5.22(92107/5 ,,-.f/ R m i O | 58%,2S% + 4 (010 )= 5834414 83,6414 I Znfi:?“ fi?{é’ /4) = 92.9%45 Ae= 929305 - 92.875 = 0415 Cllec K. ACTUML DVFE. GFRousTH OF \WOwk '3:, OVVe . TUBLS .-7‘ X Lo ER (2\ = 57 {3’ ‘ Assome ATs D6 F T coTee €, = 92 /(cv C, e 5(:-5’4{7,{ NL, = 7,050 4(/5)()/‘7 //».))/J ENCALlS O 2 583,255 ALz 74500 (i) (5853 z_w% = 100971 2 f C,,,q ¢ .)‘ 7/[ 57? " . 2 o= 2 e T L9153 A = pdes T g e, 27 Lords i ) L § L 00747 R o <4 _ W E“"l‘f = g:?_./i - 589 &44 ?/ ‘?‘40_) Afi_z —_ °0(O§.) FORM (289}.47 27 Ar Pd\?z? A-3-3 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, N. J. ov.Eo L URER pate 5’12_1_. SHEET NO.. 7T OF 4- CHKD. BY o __ DATE.___._ e, JOB NO._.Z-'_‘Z__E’T_J.(_I_QI;_.?.. TORE BXP. comtTD = dy s LOB5S - é/‘J = Ol 0472” < / . . T e - oo UoLess diltoon |16 MARIO & € TC.etD "’""‘(““'/ . : ' " f - - MINDIMUM CLEARA ey REQ T = Ao FOE THE DIFF, EAF oF TUBES VS SHEU~, | ¥ o " FORM (283}.47 Pace N-3-Y [~ k-l o6z Sboc PST | JOOL =56 F Ly (E8Z) WHO I 1 ” ol a R S X I R 3 N 3 - e s —— A \J.u.v ?\ s o e —./ W . NN — W W N MV A { ! Y '\ ~ ! < /w ~ N W N o ox W, U J rw .......r. 9h \ _M/_ < ™y ws ! % . NN I N NN NN | YY) NN B XX | I ,“ ,_ bt | T | | __“ m ; . ! % m ; | | . _ ! N | : AN | : 1 N N n : LN ~ ,."m = | Lo ' - m 70 5 f ~! i P o - gy )Rl M NEN < i | ' N T = _,/H, M_..MW, L _ I \ >N g - SR N B I i NN |- | A X Y M n _w P QN E ne Eo ™ Do X 1 0 Mmfi B SN « ! N . = i VXN m_m_ Yo 3 N o =7 = NN . _ 9 9 PN N NN - Q - —_— N ~ \ AR N s R h )| i ) <- /./../ & |zt : w ' oY — — { ;i..!.l‘.lt..“\\ —WM N i ~ LA vl » 0 4o = A R 2L 2 A /RS [ Pl A R TR LA ION 33N AN S Soarens L SHEET NO.--f.-.L:OF--J.z_ 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, N.]. JoB NO 'z o e S = 5 o 4 PB ~ 3 o Cm pe | =N - = = =5 1 WMW g S3 B =N Sy/m" AN = @ _—_----_---—--...-._—-.---.—_-—.._--._-_—-_..__-._ .._..____—........___-..._.___..-....___-—..‘..___—....____—...-..._-.._- CHKD. BY._ . _DATE._____.___ S U - SPACING JPPORT S = £S) TUB (INCH TR ) 7101 FORM (285).47 Pdg@ A=H=Q SHEET NO.-__E__-OF-}.Z:_ 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, N.]J. -G URE /Z SUBJECT. ~ L6~ SN oate S ) FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION By J1/ClE pi¢ : .ET““ i | SR ALLEL PAR 0 1% ELLey | H + 1 ! } 5 EaS AT D — b . 7!- e 1 TVSING BRI . )Jj . - 0 - | ;, l [ LI, /i N SAL 4T ) “ N I n iy < WL ] e ' o et bt = BE o7 JESAN SRR NSRRI NN VDUR U WSO V- s . P PR I ., . G [ G 1 : b © g Py . i.*.n: [N N e . T ' o NN . - U T e fed i M.:D U_.Jb a_._m..m,a *, \,- Ve i PR SGAH /NGI153753 ST R otkuLJL. Page A-4-3 ) L'le‘g L\- Jo Aok ¥ oair il ¢ i Vi, SHEET No.-__‘g'“__-__oF.J_Z-__ JOB NO.. . aeeaaaa Uik UKKANGE A YOR 7 7 SUBJECT, e e e e mm e m e m e m e iV DU ] VAL LU COK! LR & 46~ < W H L L SeN _pate €746 o o e e - LOUDS LI 7 HOHL BY * T . e e I T e N R CHKD. BY..o__DATE._.___._, FORM (285)-47 Fage A-4-4 SHEET NO...5 . oF. 12 - 4av DU ada andisodl sy duy asd v AINUOD A ULY, 1YL . ATE 74 % 1) ] o 1 —~ ' Do < ) ‘ 4 ] o ! T 10 > 8 m ) - 2 - D) J N, - ,m “ - Ayt SARY I - ) | DI o N ¢ In ¥ o 14 FHKD. BY-ooee o DATE- ooy S , By /1) —— A ws s oas AN - - s e JOB NO. i emiiicaana SALT — 5 & CLTFAN VL | poae ! - JAI 4 ./’a rLer CoF P - - - JTER of/ K YORAULIC Ehits L TER VAo s Sop- SEpt IV FARAE Ao T K LS 4 opx O1 /02" jppdde AASTFL - LOY N 47T feso I BTEN SALT 7, D SITCL) AN Lt USvE V.7 ST BN St S e e i e R A e kv e > e e e e e = e e = v P AR L e e e e e FORM (285).47 Page A~4-5 Ale Ja ] SHEET NO._..__Cf_--_OF. I.Z.' Coeaey ada -A L N N T A I Iy KL ¢ SUBJECT.___-__!.Z,((" W e e an e e e m e S MR e e e e = e A . - - A R TR, EZ672 qumec LIPS § e e L X SR ] BY. LS paTE — PRV AN (S 7 - JOB NO. . mmaino- b b o e e L R A = e e e - - e W A /’? = MoN- /)/Zf/:’MJVJ,«J//A STLCC AL Mo, CHKD. BY—______DATE._________ ey (crs) e 7 » S FeRiB SHEDONE FEpu 77 / z /7.:7/\'9 (/: LrA At Fen E CLrSIE Dy - 5E ) F%fc yAZ Vi -— (9 / (1 FZo v 7 TR V- a =l i | R e e - (Ji‘{'i 75 —:.:,_'1 | | i- 4+ 14 gl A oyl T T f?gfiz' | 'f ’, ! : ] ] 1 1 I |- o | % e N N .y & . B ...lryNfl...if . SIS -3 = . .._[l ; Pl ."r"" : [Er -h 'I.-:‘l-_‘ i LI S TN [ |§: L i (A A R =5 ! "—%—-L-L-—l-:.-l-—' . s 4. . S e e e e ' ! I:r Ry L . --'l!r—r‘q\ o L ow e FORM (28%).47 Fage A-4-4 — . xg: 4 o —a— e e e e w e ma - B k- & ' e B B . L. b ety [ N i ; B e e e T R, S S S . - ue L il 3 e .JJJ“ -Jp. .u/#.l.. . TRANS VERSE SAACING RATIO \ L -“;J_ -~ y o =t 4 —,r Hiq 1. 1~ 4 ac S AN AN W AIFH o TFAOCYLS ) a L I_I~‘ - i Lid~Fra w._ .4 . = fi B S 3 - ..—Il . R » e SAV U U A LR ALY LA Y iy A Vi v DAYy i d. JL.\J‘A.E oandk L L T A PN UNURIILY Y. JHH Sl _oate EEL /7 A oA ad AL - SHEET NO.... .Z.'-_-OF--L.Z‘_ - o /¢ SUBJECT..coo._.? JOB NO. ... T T T T T e o e e e e e e e e o e e e e e e e m E P r H d .- — - e e o CHKD. BY.o o DATE oo TEAR " S & Y/ 4 L IwND T S/ y 4 7 &L rC LM, LKL 2T WALL FHASTL- AL 1C00°F JiY S5AL /fl Iid cE D, AT £ - 4 S s JCL 7 '//("'(,.'k‘."f C) X Doy 1 & e L FOR VaRrjovs ScrfekT SION 1 F75% iZol £/ HYPRRC P MOLTEN Lor W PR N s w.r..J . NG s2des sUProrT %k)a’é : i [ (7A5) S I S R : I ; Sl B B EES IS oS eEREY NS FERS ress et et SH e ER LN i ?\\\{\\ mw Q\ N7 4 }..u\\.i o \ NSfL D Nqfifiu‘ L) FORM (289).47 Page A-4~7 LAV DUU LI UAlvoial Ay, LA vasuo iUy N J. b} 1] av.[’_'{‘:if./_éé_"_"c DATE-.é:’_(é:ZfZ SUBJECT e e eeoeeeeeeeeeeee e SHEET NO.. B . or. 12 , JOB NO. o = o - Py - - /Z’ i (/Z&L) = 5ol L 7 _Q ; For OMFeprY S ' SIHILY ScitofrE D & = 5 i ™ ™y -y e o/ / frsw (22 (£ H . T __ 2 N k-/{f/‘o'-/o 'y /“-—fl/Zd \f ___/_‘_____ /1//725 __Z:___ \/ _ 27-/{/&‘7 128 2:6 - s ' ® R 4 4 9 o hossha V. L L DL L 02, St < /2o ]2 [44 T00lE 347 0 Z/foT PlIteT ) 245807 ,\< o /¥ e rs fl;:u# /54 970 4157+ /(,-,»"et’ A 24 L5y lef7 f50 0 T35 Jadedre” F sz K355 385 Z42 [y 4 ™ doweriv- V. | - - /47 /% /44 0066 3470 80 f g S b Feaue i 324 0.4 540 J70 Jee itk 1ET j . v 24 85T poy7 g0 535 352/ gV - 3¢ 2P (5355 355 242 jfrpepdd a A 1 ; . / A / -/ / / ’ N / / ) ) . ) ‘ ;o I i S / . // AN / /oy 0 Y / / - / s 2. ;/’ ’ - ‘ / ‘), ) /' /’_/ v / ‘ - I (/ s / J ‘;"v : - . ‘ {\ LA ) \ ’ : k:’ < ; i (e | (r pofa T / L . . ’ . | FORM (285).47 i ' | Page A *‘)‘c? L R e ) , VI ORANGLE AVE,, LIViive>10ON, N.J. ey U S, oare £4ETL sussecr. Bl VBRI sHEET No... T or. L Z-. CHKD. BYoooeo__ DATE e ommoe o LURGLEEN S METHOL JOB NO ! LETERANE FUEE WERATRN. ZEEQuane Y | //}; = 4—./0«%”//"61/ {zl 'j:- & = We £7 £ Z Lo Kewe .}47 EZ?,»A £ Z THEARTED VALCE X /07 0o = Zleysd ps T V279774 A S8 h s VN LINGTh! BETRFAN | CSUERTS / =4 JHEL I T3NS JERS 63 Ko % | iné = TCENG W %v . - = 5o i jo We = fyimwny Heid W;‘r%y A W, ~ Ex7expmt. Funw WeT 2 OE7IME SVERAGE Spie Vfio;ézf ' Z | & W/ A fl’ 6 X0 5) W= F2es K 3T 3657 L, FASS fropw AN7E Tild DT fRCipnerin SHrie CPENSITY T3 | - , : S = 828 ZA) Y/ Oi ) K = SHELL SO fzu/p - = /7. 2 Ff/j’é‘c‘- 3 DETERMME VoRTEX SHEOIING . ZTEpopicy My CRESY Sl W AKEA Wergyn TUSE BUNPLIE Bz T W N GHioz 5 tips T+ 3 % = /7/3 % | /{/5‘ FNEN = U HENSTEN L. STREC/A L fa) 2.7 o VUM R . : o VORTEX SKEOPING = JO 4 X120 ) - FCPS | FRrgusacy cfs 075 Jh2 | Ei V= muwsvzess 7w VELOCIT ) fi’i/rfc fousef o v FORM {283).47 Page A~4- ¢ .._._..__ - - DATE--.{_,_{/"" SUBJECT. o e et SHEET N /O e V2. FHKD. BY. - DATE e N e e e e e e mm e — o e emmmamccmeeeooo. JOB NO.. . __. /Sy V43 ’ : ' _[ A (///)\ ) = ’d’ 3 Je "/-0;6 7\3- __Q Je X CONTFUEL v SIfPLY SO/ FETEY K = & : /C/é() 3 - & 7 ¢ B ,7 41 = 3l e‘_fi__é,)l (v '/Jx/ /"’//20;/’ ("““X/““' ) ) 7 " < (44/51 50505 ¢ /.54 g_é?(fi%) 2t Vow ____40«9__|___4 | o | Ay weanfe| Yyeeq /8 VA 0046 ' BypeT T o '/'!xm‘/ 22685 K106 ST B S SR 77 TN £t 1 22 o greee Plarie e 2 SEpET g7 s £350 2pg5ue? ;/5‘75"’”: /276 ;5 355 ; 555 ‘}‘342-0.-M.,..A_fi_./‘,__t;.f{& //"”i A 2304 ypzee | 2/7 . y360 | Bjoexle” — e g0 oo Fséeo /4 f y, Y ps 1z -»"/,-— 57+ 6 7 - FORM (28%).47 Page A-4-44 |-h- 2654 o o TR . WA - ] pan § mu zo H __.m_ ity Wz . gl ! £ [ x5 9 . 3 H(ees e 9 w| 1 b i Fza - v i sif H wd a 5 i i, Hrax Mk z - iz H Br o 1iy HEGAY = m ] m.v ] &= " i by |5 e Te w e um ids 15 = J LI = O i i m H Y 29 = H nm i1 N ARE AJ— [ _m ; - i - - i wr\r_rr_K ] r — I z 10O “ WiLd H > i " I H | H | o-g | fi e e . | | s2tms - PIZIn 4PV ' FIRY TR o4 ata N dd P _ i . . Frem Ty o 01 o . T P ——— | ! . — _ _ . — i m S It z [=] 1 I TON PRI rwE N Tt A, [ . i o ! i | ) | - i fan 1 1 i O, ki MIPT Py 2D aad Wit O W Ao . Tise arpe 32 g0ty SFevid 5y w S B { P ¢ Q K T kor ) . 2 | | . Farsais o< H O P .~ “ - it 0 F . -~ ; FIRION Pt - IWE Ahi ne o P Gy s O8 ) -2 - — fi i e ‘ i - ABAT b c R : - b s . PITRoN @ . " P prriE _ N Viw P QL7 ! | | ! - ; L H i ~‘ BY.J/EH I ENY. paTE T ""’ SUBJECT. /‘//jf AUNPLE &p WS f&fi/.. SHEET NO.. jf _or. (2. - e R R T R LR R TY APy A v 'CHKP. BY. DATE HegNTIT Y FOR JLaEs ,/5*/ FeE SIZE JOB NO l | i N ; o e i e e w — —— = F= [25 D A = /’/’x f6) P / .,//:-, WA = (WP % £45) /9 Prrd8)wg6¢ 0 (%'/’)"’ 71 S o+ nos [ sss f1250) Y[ l",'\ v L | | = /@5/}/"7‘ /450 L____ 0 § s 0 ’ / 45 ), fc/fp/ B VL OD 7 e ] 20 00 o7 2394 { I 7 2525 - 3260 | - /2s0 . 340 37 ¢ ! - Jlboo 40 6o 46 ¢ U Zoco gh.2% 52000 i /' - 4oo - Zoee [ 45 3¢ 6o | - Joo 2525 42276 . 200 - 3460 | §3.0¢ | . Jbo © 4o.0 0 Ll GO 28T 4ue 2860 |42 25 5u L §0¢ - 825 53, ¢c0 ; /26T . 34 to 4o o /600 . 4ooo The ST | - 20600 L 4525 S6 180 LS50t 4o 0 . Zec2 2478 4560 - Jeo 0 2925 64 50 p60 . 3gge | J7 88 i JEZ0 Ao | Gy 20 | . 2¢6TD 4525 | Jod 00 9 46 C § 266 0 ‘2,70 £l o O - So o . 2825 Ji.¢ 0 - J200 1 34t Job 00 - Jbeo 4006 - - /22.0¢C - Jeoo . 4525 /38 ¢o 37 4o0 20000 4:35 Jre0 Jo?o - 28175 /25 co /200 A /59.¢¢ | o JE00 e o J/f2 00 Y | 2000 o gs25 267, Orgim aomre fage Al-4-1& R & or. 2 JOB NO.oooeo oo L] L i 4k T adey dudow .;4.\\191.‘-\..,*;' SHEET NO... AV § ¥ — bk (SRR R G- - e g e Bk A e e o e o . — -p — D T W - e e e e e e A e e e e W Em o moa LTGE A 1 i e = AVLLER 4 &S - SUBJECT [V Ry AV Z AN 7Z. 5 -‘/' LA BN W O W (. Y DATE CHKD, BY. e nPATE o, 777 1115 e L W) A Ad AR v PBY. o0 / /= QUANTY BN DL ~ 1774 TUS, 1 » chmgrt 7/ JVi5 Vs FOR S/EE Y TSR I =37 ~ - -~/ FORM (205) .47 Fage A=Y~/ adies FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT LIVINGSTON, N. J. CHARGE NO. 8-25-2431 DOCUMENT No. ND/7L/66 ISSUE 1 DATE 12/16/7L NOTATIONS IN THIS COLUMN INDICATE WHERE CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE FWC FORM 172 - ) APPENDIX B Thermal /Hydraulic Calculations Contents: (B-1) Steam side pressure drops at inlet nozzle and tubesheet (B-2) Steam side pressure drops at exit nozzle and tubesheet (B-3) Molten salt pressure drops at tube support plates and vibration suppressors (B~4) Molten salt pressure drops at inlet nozzle and shrouds (B—S) Molten salt pressure drops at outlet nozzle and shrouds (B-6) Analysis of dynamic flow stability in steam generators for the molten-salt breeder reactor B. E. Boyack, Gulf-GA-A12),16 Gulf General Atomic November 20, 1972 BY APPROVED AGE S vepss waLLLen Lunt’URA_TION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, By.___[\! L & parel? /4 sua.:scr.fit&ac:-.‘ii‘.k".--\’.{Aflt&--flmg--ni- SHEET No.._.\_____ OF.. CHKD. BY_______ BATE. Lo --thuna--.l\)::fijx_-cmd-m-.sw ............ JOB NO B~ Coleuloln Hu iolet STeom Stda tmssum o\w? H\vw?/v mw‘ -"*l:\ ?vL',\ a:_lmj (\_T ¢ ; ‘6‘0, bao, 40 o\ D0 o/, yn c\ Q\mfitms \ _L_\L« \".‘ iezelk el B L‘“[)‘ nldy -Y‘g l).(TAY+M “'\' ‘\/k\huhi. p \j?(u"fl( i 13 FW & e T\\( ‘ n\-c\k ‘v\y (?iY{M qs (M.Y’%YT'MMQ (]A‘n‘\“":b'l—y CC‘AK M@d, \ \3 | 3 t_c-,\,,. («'(m\bwd'vr (-':’(IMYcX &'n'«hyw-% y Weaog pec ND« TR0 153 B, Faja \& Ve AsMe STeam Tableg () tev g fed ; o bo\b P\ = 2.53% X0 g /'/K/)' .‘....file i" (RN L;s)'\\V+ (=t s 'f,WT p ‘H\p 7;47-;11}'(6;\0{ o Mi C “‘L'“fl e ,\, Praiidule (.\_T _)v v {r"\.’ O 0-TL o= T " 2830 867) por e T= a1 4 (VAT (&‘ \o0 & 7'“ ( “—:\'?7‘:}.) < L."'fig H'b i b o s e 18 8931. 36 —§/€—‘Ev » \L '0.“‘.“'-‘7 $SE 10Xy 4*" Fage 8-1-1 frvsion WHLALER CORPORATION BY 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, ............... A Tncnsts, RUMIBOT. ol e e iy NO.... >~ __oF.. CHKD. BY..______ T cstsmo: |+ Ream s ot wndiy AR e e DA s e oo JOB NO s n s aidc s cas |t s Mz od2bl 4,-% " 0.advx = D SEFLEST X B, o . 3 P La3 ) X /k‘!\ C \15\ I 0 Djoe L ; {.Jf wd B et s — = I' - Q.00 |\ V4 RNV I POV Y (w\.%‘n L4 B ovaw g &’v Cry~ 'v\:yt-{'\), .I-. f‘-""*-}({,-v« ,{ S pwo \.H'-L R o= 316y g psin ".“.‘, = ))0'\7’}‘&* : oo o 4 eoale sy BaSEN ) TRE ; & L Na$ sk ' )-+11) e O Sy X X 2.0x|X = 3 * = % A 424 0- L 31s g | % = ~PORs “'\ R v, = 3qbE g6+ o _q—gb"} = 3 b9 Ve P'&;"\' N 3 ___,l\ - /’ O\‘:- (__ e = @ )“.s ( %)/ \)\\{,\0\1\‘ (Ic‘\;*,(‘.wi\i::.\ [1'3}_ = xbyd ; s - ) FORM (288).47 /\ s e [ X2 ) b '\.bLH % A)— o\ 31y = ZTUMN\ s - —— = o3 I3 Fage B-1-2 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.,, LIVINGSTON, 1 ) (e SRR VRN DATE ol v BUBIECT s o o e T D e o S e e e e i s SHEET NO..__. 3 ----onr'.-!. CHKD. BY _______ o T e N P N Q' o\vl \/L. q ' = e \ 4K g ATINISRLSSRMER S Tap \ ';’a 194 -‘\ = % r— { C ) N x_‘.{;\,‘._ r k/\jy (RIS -2 0 b = S b f\. * g (‘:’ \ = ‘-33\53 -3*' {23_ = Y.b 2\t Ab ’ “L \ \,. .i.'b._\' y ? & T O — T \ = %) . = —\]')898 b b ,-‘. b Y ?\h Ao ‘ » . ‘_,_..\;2..- - o = /*I:S‘)')Qq— 43(9 SR = T Ay T Gea % She 2R b A () 7 2 [\ & . FORM (2088).47 Fage B-/-2 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE, LIVINGSTON, I - ) (O — DATE. cocunenas I T . i o 2 st s e o e aear i e sl SHEET NO.... &.___oF s CHKD. BY —_____ AT st | s R R o S S o & et DS g T o st JOB NO . oe tivsanunvinoses . : (Y ) 8: 4 L X OJL"\,X(")? 1')5"\'):(—\“ =“U~-W'L - -»\“ ~ —_— U R IR tq—.u . Y> - 5, | 444 D= 1098 "be —c il = 3990415 fha \ A=) T, ), } 5»4(* Al e ] thyt I HHa Xio e 1 1. d \ {s sgbb \v = Nod Gex L4 see ‘b Y X170, 4b x — | . by ¥ = s . P " \\‘17_1)((0) }“ N " o A2 bl — = 'flh. : — = 0.90n5)% o ",‘ = Wy \04-T ey .)'L‘ \ bl oo B A SVghey X 90X X = 0.00“\'3 Sl4 = 9783 " by 13335 X 1w . . A% i Phiitera o gpfranan = 3004150 u._°°q‘i \ 1' \ .') \ .& S”.l /r"\ \\ ‘ % ' Vel "‘ A) ‘ < )3l Q'La? X FORM (2083). Page B~)-¢ cvoson woblkuLEK CORPORATION R AN AT, AT s SUBIRGT.. ... o s Frr s s R & CHKD. BY._______ T T VS PR N v v . AR Yy U o S ) S 2 Rk \'}. ‘1\ : F)\‘V“L‘\’O\‘ 1)" Tow F o = 370714 4 i s o \\, . ¥ k) = [) - L\ ! /l‘b @l ot ot ‘ 2 \) / Lo )U -Q:-\' Vv bty - Wb 4 ! b 1 /" "\ pe ~ . - i < ) L= [ aad \ o s ).A'\.S'-'.\' . VS38191.19 A | ATEEA K¢ = — = §1393)02 v 0. 11y\) -_\‘:—: - Ve \ XU 1 p e 2 O 614 \ 1 ~ .fiw‘#_'\\o , ‘.lfi\ ) ! - v "'c . ” / X (‘ hf-L‘ ‘ Q\levi' 7 Lr (. \"\ ) (_~ 3 \‘r\(\(.T\ N 1 ) ) o —— N9 v - 9 S — S 0 £e "3& = 3b13,184x “Xik/ \C " ’:-_ %'1) an 9 C ,:\-“ NI 4 Vi : CT‘- — ' % “" = q’)Xl)\"‘ 0 Y's L ;l\\ xS ‘\ v ) ' e ! afy = ~M98s x5 Kol x 43,4688 X Tz = ~p,9%4 —— t‘ 2 ' B = ) 0D - \ ey 555 TN 7 “l YA (A= 3713 Pies (b' is ‘,:\i() ,.!(T . Y ‘:-hbyl' b i ) _ <2 + o~ 1 ‘_3 AN 8 /L = Yoz Ny4g £ e > \\\‘)._j '\‘ ‘)\:“ Y £ T: & X - ¥4 143Y $3 ¢ - FORM (208).47 Fige B-)- & > 4 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.,, LIVINGSTON,' fvvinn waLuLoi CUKPOKATION SO SOy DATE . oS assn. Y s s i B e st i = = posdx i : 302, Y4 3s A, \ e t‘ = Ooudx X , X Q"”\(j X R 2 by {-33%3 x ¢y = 23693 9130 PS) S e o S R O Diop = 3b43.7) Jo = 36931113 . i = o.boln (’9’ . 3 / “T\7 2 o s ('L\L\ (—J“// ‘:‘u.\ =0 . L ) 39 ¢ | ) QTN o = 3631 %0l | "‘r' ~d '} o L D ' : A -0 = 1 ‘Y 1} g b | t) ""”A 4% (o i 3 > \b (_ b folN2 e U g )Kr")‘__*\\;\h(\fi _y/(}.c\f { - 2637 b = BRI 42'"“"" l ‘*?’:.; . 4 C 1 ¥ E .{ ‘ \-‘-“\ \3 7 L‘ = ‘) (;L'.?,(:“ 83’ 4 0.(7.‘{) FORM (288) .47 Pige B~/-9 ruoLson wRABRBLLEKRK CUKPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.,, LIVINGSTON, 4 PN OYNG DT st BUBIECT. .+ o i AR e T R et - s i SHEET No.._'" ____of. LHKD. BY . A eicis s’ gmopuigindtenenuUORCRRNE .~ SO N oo el L -—-}.;“. \ . \ \"4-"" P 4 T o os\bo 112 DX LL 2517 ") colbyr x ‘ 20,05 - 0 0R50 ! 091L+ 0‘*?:1 X 14y T T "'1\3)-}'. nyYy P‘H'\ b pwt Feeammes Ui 9 Al s \,‘5},\\,-. L ‘ : X ek x . \.b ¥ =YLA36F R b K035 x 29310 .. B IHh9 FeN S o \’,(\ = \§,>,\ HERES S ) l I c f‘\ Ir\“'u \(\ " Ii"f‘ B — = Y17\4 13 1-3783 g -)'L .""'} 2 \ X211l oLl X \"47}“ = 02033 —— e =¥ D‘o‘}lh’ 1) i‘t}“ €7 (b ’Stl' e . FORM (205).47 Page B-~io B . TR Lo o= e N rUSIER wWRELLEK CORPORATION _; A A NN DATE i it s T . LS e CHKD. BY _______ e 1 e St i oA stz 0 e o o e P . / 3N eb %R FR T3 *\ - ek & E VL L RE % . 12Y% —:‘:— — v 31:)1 1’\- - [ ‘l “ : l 1o Wbl 3 = Coegy x — : gt R 3 X ¢ e b okt 8 ; b o 113333 X \4¥ (b = 3635705 SN - ( X o s Jia Vo *,“\ VL \Ku ¢, [/.?-.v = /P& C \ | (X ) (75- ;-1‘ ;L\:/_' ;..;-‘4'-*9\ (L w2 >4 M = Sebee A4 To = s 4303 poia iy = = § -+ N = G °">°\ A ks / -) LA = [ B I ¢ “\‘t}w ./. ok bk S voN koo A - n’/'@ £ o —= = S99 950§ AN { -2 by X _ Lh A - AR ZISR p “ R 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.,, LIVINGSTON, I FORM (288).47 Page G-/~ FUSTER WHErRLER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, . ] - (O ERIE M P DATE ...i.. .., o | RS PE S O 1P AP SHEET NO.--}.Z.'.---OF - CHKD. BY _______ IR T P A L SR SRS SRR ) OB MO s aissianmias s LQS’-.) « S &6 N TP .” PR % . }‘\'t = —— w3 E0 S8 U- e lw ';::“'-- - '_,\ Cu ‘-'/“, ‘+ {:: \ = 0.9)8 &~ ' Voo ) - 2919 £ \’A Al X g T e X 0.060) X — = O_U‘L}) \1 = Jbi¥ uy 3¢ (SSEN \‘\ '\-:-.-1“\»‘ \,1’ L) i " ¢ 3 g 0.oxb ‘:'lflt = i )33{ / b i X 9. .w] X \\\_0*\\ X Ve = .0X bu .!"\S = L3, xoiy ‘\79("& r\ R v o7 \ ( Cobhud il Foba\t x Bhe ) - l"“ bue } ' \\" L P \Y FORM (285].47 (o x"i“f”'— = 1hissa 9tn */*'f" = 4o i 4&% 5 {- > ) Fage B-1-/2 W ssA vVaALA A AVAY 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.,, LIVINGSTON, --------------- DATE, sagcni, it L SN ST o R U NG hR Y] CHKD. BY.______. SIS oot & ottt B ot B e S S LS e o e OB N stsitivisonicon: {1, :'.\})- -‘\.< N % 3 <) 2 Re = - — = 318b98.593 ' 0, Yl o ot 51s b = TYS \\ 1 ' *.fi l."" ‘ ov 1 ¥ Oosol X = Qo0 L ’ 0O Cols X : \ ht = b4 g 13333 < e\ ) . \ — { WS Il\'.*'u =~ \BIL‘ \U LT S’ ‘% Yy = { FORM (208).47 Pége B-1-(3 Ch ¥ Moz 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, ............ WA sHeer No.--.\.-----or. .................. JOB NO.c et esnccsd= Calewhsds A olklel cham =:da Prassays &\vbY ‘\*hvo% %) ) 1’\_,'\‘;_\ \‘( .—\j oo ‘5';', be . 4o c‘.h;\ )DJ/. y«)w} c.m(kt'rws _{;)':Kr*\)'np{ (e {-‘/.-uj.n'lkY{m) j:"(\;’O\YTn'\J.:‘ “'l;\nw\l y '\/u‘\M\M l P\'JC‘ el Themad ‘f\\!o\o\»\b«, Y««(\xmmu cwxx-»fir otk ovfsy\j.' s "/tkm (’.Lriujw (Tlhl'(&i /&rvz\r\z‘gw«j D(th' ‘\'} A 'y Vb7 \ 1) lev /, L S\ [AS ME {A) = '{\ ‘,-_I E)f 1*’ I~ ‘b ,(4 o PA‘R (! ~ Va= 40 = 1333} -'5;\~ 2. C0pts §°) § ND=- 726~ 1% Fon Takleg B Fwe Fage B-2-/ LUV A LA 110 SUUTH URANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON wWHooLLuLuon WCWUNTDUNRALLIULY won DATE o a e e . BT 5 e e s s i S s i e o R e Rt it g - SHEET NO..._ 2. __oF o v \ b 1 i At T - 1Y igLho 4l 4‘& 1y 2 = Y04 4oy 3 4‘»« . by : ) TF - LY 2 235 10N 4y N x WA - —{- ; 0\.\; ‘ \ L ? allys =5 ok, T 1 . o.cera | x —— x0139L x Sot-Qosy x TER (+3113 b Pz 4 4 \evnd z_? - : = 0,034 9 WA ARG N VAN = & o [ PR ol = ¢80 booied = o0b3l .Z‘t\.)g C - ."\‘-‘\‘ ‘\ "’h); e = /3.. —.lq | el | gy LEREsR S ‘-"—{l‘ 5 l£\~ = } A ') FORM (285] Page B-8-2 rvoion WHobLEK CUKPURKATIUN 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, uvngcs"ron e S P 7 o 0L D2y PN LAt A\ e R S N SHEET NO... = ____ OF CHKD. BY _____ e SISt SR TR, £ W W § e N JOB NOwooooooo . I\ = ’ N \ .‘ — | N\ .\ ? \ o B \ ¢ , _l._ aee = 130Ae Y Tan b X Sed Jesy x T4g = 71341k e = 3beuelsb 4 703410 = 3het gosa > } = o liy) \ ! SUIRES 20 .01 L 0k 6 . J TN A P C/“' = — - = N5, k4 4\1_ Se Qeppatt x| f .—\‘l.‘ t — ¢y I '\.'x; Rr 7 = e \ . 2y ) 33 ) 9.b2y) C‘z:l-l'\-‘____.Jm-l;\x;) ! A - i \. - | Ao L | 269 ¥ Z — 0,144 ) } 2 \w{‘\l e ~|sVhy . \ l — wd 1] 2 X b vy ~ \ > A ’('q_ ! ; s = aovl - Lgiha = 3beC ¥3¥a - ] \ 1,,. ¥ ¢ \ )31 4 \ FORM (20885).. Page B-2-3 ............... DATE-----_--_. SUBJECT.--_-----------_-----------_---------_---- CHKD. BY._______ (oo it a0 2 T O e o AN Vo 12713791 ((C, H), 4 SSL ey f- tee = r‘ (‘ \l A &4 LT '%i b, (W L b ¢ LRE ;‘\'.'.{ & TEI390 %, 245 Yot ¢ 5k ———— " = Y998, 4 ' 4 .o Nloy ' ‘A - - ot 5y bt REERL ‘ O =4y 1 ' x) v ie) ® 2 et b piE Ve o= TR L i wigs 0 51 | i s 7 . \1 T ———— XSSy % ( USRI -4 8, L4y \ , 12911 ,t-‘ 1 S = ) = s = ! 4 .J ) 4 Y : - e A '\lA b AR} ( 1 ‘e \ \\_?j -\.’K\ 3 CnAXYy A5 )X by g a T = bl ) ol Bl ;- ' b 2179 = &.Y9%3 €= SWVaday +29958 < 3oy, 244) (S ! = 5 11 ::' \ .\ R \ M AL UNMALLIUN “v\‘a-%l,'/ = Shov ok ?\I-\,k’)) J.,,>}- v SHEET NO..-.':t’.-- -OF £ (O-l‘i“" 0+ 01192 0.14¢ | < TH o= A9133 FORM (283) A7 Fage B-2-4 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, rudS1IER WHoBELER COKPORATION Y S el R DATE e, L T . WY G S VA S s SHEET NO----5 ----- OF. CHKD. BY . ____ PATE . sadsemsiy ¥ ndus drinansestbistbn DALEIn st MO s O St JOB. N i i 446 crstomarie = Lot et Ny _mf‘ffis—e "’{\ 2=t :\ 'E 1 '\“\ TK — I‘\' \. ,—_ & "R 't“ ' \ [}* - \ \1“\4‘ lb 1 Lip = UL SNEN -4 . '\}'" ) W\ - WP P /‘}V 4) Q0. \b NS ,)l;\ o r, .= = 13se . ny A fy A | 5\! ) | 154 = 3776 14T - st nhx 13443 g [\( = - = ——— = s ) ‘1';7!4&; \ \‘J4'$I‘\ ——o & 1. ST -+ 2 ee ) (SRR ¥ "\‘ \l ! ) A % ;_.V = . X 0. ) b'|‘ x;‘“); Y%+ X {“' = o0.0\%% -4 Fee i : . (e \ 1.\')') 5N L"’-“ ) - i = i b s a s oa i oy fond o'c‘>'3c JPhY ¥ N t = 0 Ve 0¥+ Lie = 0,830 \ P S FORM (285) ) . "\;—. G ’\" ‘(;— \!._\\..:; 0>0{S ix)&\ (\A VR: D.l‘l)) \/L Fage B-2-& rvoion woLALER CUKPFUKATIUN 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, BY e DATE .cnauas - BUBIBCT. - indocsstioahata i Sl e s SHEET NO.._.©_____ OF. CHKD. BY e DT adintoan | feamsnamanis e yonans Moaovmsior addosd oot st e, SO N st n i iii s adaians _\_f_’_ ;y‘t..ft'aom ‘1!; c (N = L3940 t s \ +) - ~ o A ¥ ¢ il by X < 2 . 0 lge. = V333 % g, A0V} X 390 g R (44 %ot 2 Lo= b Y 44042 = Yhoy wxso Ve = Bt PR NR Y (b = g o ¢4 . “Te Ly 2k C4 +vy 3 4@0, |- v 5 DU ! \ ) .«_‘) . L.-.‘i._ 21 U it I\"}- £ !$|{\>i ! 2 { ) 3 N o 1 n g / =Y 2 5% 2\ Sy & = V3 \\;‘7; ” h v 1\\:'« ¥ | L‘-\—.q—q,q.l) XK o o;g\o"' 1\30-: e axy0 - C\Q)\U’) - ?\)U)\ iq’%’j \D — W "'" ," ‘:\’ =3 + R ‘ig.ll-—\' L(L o 0 ) -~ 2 b, = e, S “"*'X;O\\‘J'bs] 4/\_,-\\ ih - 4256 A FORM (288). Page B-2- FUSIERK WHrELER COKPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, - STV e DATE ¢ oo v T e N e P P NPT T SHEET NO.--.? ..... OF.. CHKD. BY - ___ L e UL O R I S i AN e AP S JOB NO.cicasccasasani < N (’fjl\\;‘k.';)‘\{\)\v‘*:):& ‘ = = ’)o&,ogq_. G2 u 0 RGNy Lb = O ty\léy pay i c.C\Y 2,; /<.t'>(-.\.\h—\ ‘L = oSS ey ) : - .l \&‘. e \\-: 3‘_( Ve ,*-\jo E = 0.2\%b ’ 5 /badgs | s A " i = Golyd x o o ) . "HV ’ ! ’\S * - \‘ = / WS > 0¢cl|lV \ q’_g‘_ o< A6y & ougid 4 oollo =(?\"78b “\'E = Abe3 SR 4 | FL = 3beX wrag h‘h; = tubb F - AL = = v 2\hx l/k‘ T\C *.‘\_.\. ' ‘(“~"s\"-g.( ‘\ ‘);». ,t‘ s 2 %b C‘S.q}-l% == .;\) C\«' : \ tofai C. “,'\._l’\ ()g,; { FORM (2089) Fage B-2-7 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, rudioni WHoELERK COKPORATION Y e e e PDATE oo cacasa: U B R Y i e I R e e i A dete s SHEET NO.._.&_____ OF. CHKD. BY e DRI tissiias. | Psileanabbad s ins T et e G es s uah et ot s L JOBND . cococsnssensne \ L) )/ -uu\ \ v/ 4 A ¢ oy % R 4 A 12 R CAL - Y i'"/% O % F \('g,'-..& .’T.}\ = 1oy (— ‘»h:— 0.3+ %\ L WA = v.casly) ".“v"\k V3L 229 \b (:—r!., i, e PSS g3 /é"\y 3 15303 N \b" = b Ase g o TG I e e . . = o™ 'J)\),’\’ _fr— = O, dWond 5 FK \ = Qv J 5 Uds x | s i I St 8 m—mmmmmae ¥ ror o) OHLNLY X e = oa(ed ’ \'g\ y d ' ' ) > e = - == o U, 080 P, o 1) Aty gl 3 ‘ ‘ i-.‘A\ =\ 5P o anif ronded = wpdi] - ’ - Vi AL ’ } - “ LI ~ \)‘;.) = oo, ew\) 'VK': o~k | FORM (20t Page B-2-§ FUSIERK WHRELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTO) ) TSRS I DATE. ..oee. i L T e e SHEET No....1.____oF CHKD. BY_______ OATE oot = Sraanstdinnnm e o S S A JOB NO ~ 4 . ) - C,_} ',‘NT'D‘\ sl ! \u._g' P R | -~ | ) T I X 7 B S 5 xX 0138 ) x 1Nl Kz Ty, = 3 (e = 133 Vin s 2182 % Ty >4y :‘; 5 ‘,i)\v\aq’; >/ + -)‘%"\) > = sbvl-sg*z' v ShlLee \y ' ) | : /s = . : = Y].47¢v 4—5«- ').(1\ 2V v - 7 g e v \(’ 5] cy = =§13.15819 g - 4 o o ST A 0,1_-)“%:-‘ . ( $‘i.u-’)‘-§\l ) x = -~ 0O, S\‘S to = 3bvz Si4l-osny = s 012 (} | | ) < } > o o < -5 "s '\ -f FORM (2085) . Fage B-2 =0 & rvwaion wnoL.huonmn CORPUKATIUN - —— s e e et o o L ——— 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N. SHEET NO SUBJECT T T T Rt e e e e - ke e L N - - - T T e T e e T N e e e e L e e e~ e i -—-- e R . kI S e W S - ) IR BRI L+ oo wr e » | he = = Yosee’f >R o ofs )| "“':‘;“: o C.u - \ .\"'Q’Lr e 1 :)!X boLru g \':T:_ = om “;" f\ NG ’L}fl )‘::- C_\,"VL‘\"(’ RSN y _ ' . - ! A = - o L SPRY I L{4. & TS = vl s B GG e 5038 K g = e iy | - e 2 03 LMy VN ‘ \..‘1"1.03\-" B f\‘--‘,l“'fi.‘l’wf 1 3_;..,7( \, x évl{-‘\;w ~ A 2 = ey vty A nvesy = e ‘:.: = -."-Ai?‘-’- Ll A UL‘??; = 3‘303“\?‘7 i / t ES 4 -’+ .';L' ‘\{ i ‘ & hall VI ‘;.!:“ ’{ -_,.\}‘_) - Vo 5, A l\) {/ oy L A Thod 1 3 le o= thezenrt A L ogd b = 1bed jh g S : - e FORM (283;.47 o= TR Pooe B-2-1p rvoLlon wnoubbuom UWWURPFUKALLIUN Y e e e DATE oot s nad: SUBJECT cous ianscn CHEKD, BY uuuucan D A B e s mmiant st s e e o e e E ‘l"-\ PAR QAL S {"‘V“" ¥ = )\ | \l \ \ ,}: e o S -_i ¥ ‘.\ (h = 3be® i —_— H (- | iy = 1\ 0 Lf"’" = _ A Vo= 0 L2 h Y ) . i/ W= V.es)) {v-4% 4 ‘Ve\)')bv ) th ! 34b3 = Vav, \x¥) y Lo Pxdiud A4-3553 R, = = )oos¥4 Xys] G © 33“»\ -~ 3/ ‘ ; P‘ ALY N | > --". — , r— . 1538 b ! . ‘\) ‘\1 = - 0 ogo L y Oa:bd ¥ ' B <5 L = 1 ./’ ‘)I' - | r 's\ * L’,\‘_) >\,‘\j : D.c >5) .\\& = \\t)“vx S] \\\_‘.‘a\_ AN = 024 bt 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, SHEET NO.--).\.----OF. \b ”4’ %, ‘ h/x‘-yzu .aS 3 ) xy. 23 b% X \§o \sv’] X ol 0.00% ) FORM (202 Page B-2- 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, N, rugion WHobLENK COKPORATION BY. oo DATE oo oo . SUBJECT oot e SHEET No.--!_;L____oF-_l_:L: CHKD. BY _______ AT E o e e JOB NOw_ o oo | Ly Lo v - {'T&L v = ey ‘ ‘ LR 1 , VL i —— v E < | " P , - I “ho = bEae A T b gy X R T W ) R e R L I LA TR L -_— - . 4 5 s Al C =~ 0\ Lir\) ) ,‘b _ Yo sthy i\ (—~ = ‘ - = = b e | ‘Jflf < Fohu % Yoy e Lot - a‘% n (U S AL Ty e ‘. ; f > \ S o\\f'l—\a] v ik}*L’J*S\) X m = —0.119 g oo, Ti9b '__.l — ft ‘lJ'[,. z o 13 & X \% o O] ) lt‘* - -\+ q ) SRR 4 s e = fenby_carbh) x o = poel3 Yoy ST ST LA S WY I 0.x24 f \ \ . [0 vz ;)\ = 3Shea 1198 Yoy = ] w3 '\,;{.-x 0-\-"L’) — r I o 11 S'o i3 v P ‘\J FORM (208).47 PQgé' 8-¢~/3 FUSTER WHrRELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, DY it BATE et i U RS A LR L TR R sueer no.. T _or.. L) Ao £ Load VA= YIbss buia Th= 1o3s 3 R e © R Viy = = ocishl Lo Zis ‘ifln‘» e e e A)QLL(_; ') Lo o ,. A ) (& = 33003b. &b -t/‘\,l-,‘fq : \v < ‘Q‘ ‘. b‘\ol) \ \'}(L Aol th x 13333 : . = & A4S XY N 0.0 %)) SO ) -.::— = 0. 050w 5 ) H d “j"\ ol 13337 by 4 ) O e el B TR P .\\. Yo b X Ty -\i{'\\ : 0 it a Owng + V7317 = 0. 032 4 FORM (205) P‘?ge‘ B':“u FUOSTER WHERELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, A =k DATE . .t i L = P SR OO S ¥ SHEET No...' 2_.__oF.) CHKD. BY_______ DATE s arassins. otsevtsanbesmatinia o i o s i e Rie b des ke OB MO oovyamyosnsends | .. % ey Y Sy X L0 x Ty = 0117 Ve = b sih 4 a1 = Yo 3ins S NS I . L.'-'(.-u("]{"' \'e (re 5 = — 5 (3 370 L5 1 b2l < b 2 ) W = = 1353 Taw MOV X (330 x T = ~0.055 (b= 39, L35~ vossy = Yhoo, 354k \ = .1ty .\_"fi) - J‘\. 5 —:.yj_‘» \.,. *‘\\‘i { “‘____t__._j-\:g S \ b ."k -— :._....._...._._-.___. = ()bjTr)“.gg /‘\'k"r\f D I Y LT % = 0%y e "= V.o &Xs7) 61570 Lw x ool L - = 17034).9 ( d a ; ‘\ FORM (285). Page B-2-§ FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, _______________ BRTR et antan « BUBIREE L 1 2 ot s bt ra i s dadadie. . SMEET O LR L CHKD. BY ceee e o SRS SRS N S 5 o e SNPGRS JOB NOisasoserismnasna — & C.re\ L4y O -4 = 00" ! . :\l(\) Ve = dbosgxbh v o= Ua Ny - il < nLLL % 241 ) ; wb % : *o = gl A q P em——— )(07.'13"\.' X\°\7.2\'&_§1 + lq,\* = 0 \332' i &3 | 044 N 6.0 ¢ ) \“1"} '7 Yo = —— — 2, 0.0 4] -’ o.M X Tuy ' = U3+ Cous’y = ahsy TJE = Ybww vebb + oy 3y = '}\wo.w",i"\ -&Ro-*‘hi. = o.q_'lo\ ¥ Lo FORM (283). Page B-2-] FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION o 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVIN‘GSTON, N.] BY-______E"_\_:';_C:_DATEf;‘i_f’_ff}? suBJECT..} __0.\_.4_"3_-:’.’:'(.J_:_-:%_E-_‘.{“.\‘.‘:‘l ..... ‘:‘.‘E‘&- SHEET NO..._. L ___OF..1.2. e ‘ e . CHKD. BY e = DATE ... -&_“i‘.{‘.i\\.dfi.\; - ;\1 \_‘(Z“Ré - .‘.\2‘_’\- _\"_‘}»1‘!:1 WA 3."-’:‘?1}1&.&5}.‘;\_\{) .- JOB NO. e eeeeeeae Lt }n«‘f"f‘-fl E (;b)'\c,r.viu»t( ke t[)‘u«-‘s&w-u c;'\'w*\w UJL ho\’\'m _S.AJL*" PM&\‘n} i \'\ hTRN f}‘fi‘\ .v-J;,\ Y . ‘ .‘" o fi" \ :d’} % (. r{/\ \/. i}Y[\j’l‘m ) %L‘\ é’(\“ A :\,,\.b‘(s “\.\i‘ Jr(/ Gl Lh ;—:»}\ah(p,(_f\'f{hg:l a'._:{,[-?ml'\fm-‘;* t\flfi.r\M » UD\V\M I , -”;W C - ! N 1 % 1 7 N e ) i \fut T (,J, f~ s}i L\ \'o-l.-\."('-'i{., \u »(/{w L NS g _Cm?vxt-v L€A£_ 0"‘1—(?’:(_ 1\""“ ‘—I.L \L{’« SL’\.{'T‘)‘S‘T {\“"‘\_’L . Qf\r‘flw ‘flg ~E N D - 1o R%S Yy TL,\\;,& ‘v'(;&mvfi”\m (,_,u{r]hf{%c\/ ,'DYAM"‘} A ND - G0~ ]qrj NS Vo L"] P\ G t (')’t-u\ ™ T‘5~L \4:"; . [ - . I S A (5o o TR ER . Y, 1 ‘ - I | (m -3 1‘ - "{"‘u_ ol Sy ;‘\P M:[!,( (‘/o(,«i oo -‘tnf\%-p ..'i!vj, Voo ‘*L\‘H‘#, lve A% fl@‘a L3 JCFL ‘(D(LS Feat 7l Loaw veee ol )fl.i’l‘& '\'-"-*i‘\“*"‘\’ Iz\'i = 0.6y X Lswe *A‘- 191y AT | \ ( 28 ~ ! A 3 Lo B \L - A — l'n‘\ Dy 'S % A —_&“ u - b} T A ST TR T AT ) T Y gl TE _ ‘ « x‘\;(J\} - AN A & bv - UA‘J"’)’QQ\,,L*, FORM (285) -4 L = = iy \3U1"fi \)\D -4 -\\J Paae Be%-} 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE, LIVINGSTO) BY e miaaaa e DATE . ___. i) (T PO PRREL) SR COPE. ) SR Sy SHEET NO.---':‘T----OI CHKD. BY o ____ e TR R JOB NO. .. oo . 3133w ¥ oy \* “‘%? T L T i (T) : R | A \ ) . T L v Ny (> I ) \b 1 T = e | 1,51\,“\"’ 7E7—- {-Tt b = 194, «x ] \41 W :‘q IS~ A ks\\})m -4‘_'\.\ of | ~+ "‘h-:r P }\L ‘L\m\’lk .-r\jwr'x J\*\ J'Lt\b‘\ 4%—& ’\v\‘f?sr((’ ‘7‘&4‘1 'S Tabw A 4 3 oW Lo Den v fibe ¢ L"\-’f”‘f fl'\+& 'S enlatured /6(\'77\ ( }\; ( v -'?\lj,r-.n\ ‘-.v-.-.) ‘)\.‘ U9 > v awn \uol-&(."\ ) ( \ FORM (285 Fage 8-2-4 rveron wOowbhLoih UCWURFUKATIUN NN s :. H A - 'fl L Lo N A £, Q 1.0 h f“!' ‘ oo Al LY ™ S TS DR < y M T - "‘*’,')’ O B LN D NS L iy A by ), -,.“ . [ .. ' ” 3 Y,oul . N PR R h_r}p n\‘ "", s 73 ) 7 ? i) 5; Al v:‘ to 2 3y IR a4 Yo \ -j - ——— - ——— SUBJECT T e A o E e e, — e o E - mw e mem .- e e e - om o m .\;rfi:_ut'w% “ UJ\N\'\ ia ‘_/ —-‘"'/lb e - an e ee == e o A Rl . X e v &‘fl\j\w C_,p\{\r JALLBY § FORM (2085).47 Pase B-3~3 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, B Y i s e s DATE cacaauaiy B D T v s v o o5 om0 e i 0 0 SHEET NO... .{t-.---OF-- \ 2. a \s SR A - DR g8 X '-)QQ.E.S"') X T‘l:L\( = 0’\85$° ‘ 2 3 = -q-\—-' —- 4 Q ) GV X T X owegd X8 857 x [ S 0. 135 ) ey > u ———- - + ,_.‘ Nl < Yy > Undys % ¥ Gedy ¥ % S5 X @ S °o\¥ 3| b e N ) ALY LB = wgrs X 0— % oagh ok RSN A B = &2 "‘,L._ = L4 N ! A '/ e | < - ‘—t‘ —— 0\3'»; EXe 5 sy g ST X NI T T P . e o ’ A — \ .. i.)‘: 2. D.8Vy 2 pay ™ Qouszy XN )Q“ SS”) X VeV a 0, Q‘-k’) 1-'4..0}'&(.(. Sl S v ed v\j 4‘»1&( &a-~fie(" ¥ ‘vjls o \ o J_;-,y"* \ .«:\1’1 + < .*\)5 =+ \ora, + &4 O(g"" 54{5 —~ 'f" l[) )( \’S\ ™ - ¥ '\L’ =L \'-t"\“v‘~rr. e pp U 0 T C Mdmen = A /) 10 e o) et vt copprsen = 355 21X ) < 35300 | = \ ) ( ‘.(-_, visn il ChERO /3‘ = _‘ifi \ ( M 1\‘1— ( 39-1v$ 52 }—_— (;_o.g‘pbl\j, “X’\,L ’%' Y ~ PR b _ /" LN ’{f A A B a\_,* -t'\ k‘( Lt "I"M : - ! T 0.9\ * ) § - e ! ’ 4 'V‘\ ¥ ( ) s ) '\ \ i 3 H / - -~ — \\)0\) x %3 ——— | ' "’\‘\, - : - '———._t‘ ? l s P AN ey {\ o—‘—_.- ) kfi? YA q, 1 ‘ \ - - ~ ‘ & / - =~ ¥ ¢:qin) - : 1 Sl 3"\-')“& - ‘---ok 'q("“ FORM (28t Fige B-2 ~Y 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, FUSTER WHEELER CORPORATION ) STy g, 2 ¥ T Y ey S (o ey o P P e SHEET NO... . ____ OF.. CHKD: BY iaauoca PAT Rt aaniio, bl iwnS Slfie ca et AR RS TEoR (s s S otz s JOB NO.w e e P | Jrv\kl\ Lo»o\u A"—? SJ"’(\%K\) '\'t» A . 5Y 5589 ~ : j - ; = © 53‘§/71\0 S o3 e — N ) }\. = V- V d | | -—;— ( . 30 o < SR WA A | ‘b,' - \ E ‘. ! ( L 2033 AN ) X GF = z \)s 2 X 0Ax8r = o U(")Q—l) 7 ™ Y lu'L - Lo ~\\ Slones 3 ‘,")4,\) }.\ elwiie Ayt ‘ X .l.\ Ni\&\ ‘}L h{ ¢ u”xfij\ T lé.—‘.ts fi'w( V\.LVT\\N\ 40??’“5&0"1 : 43 i‘—T,‘L-‘ - & ;B'k;; 4 % '/LFL | 1 /? i "/. Loo- Cl\ 2 3 LN «- L C.fi_f..:\‘ C¢ i . + \”4 —t ™ ‘L.'\"e\*\.,(k /\T (NN k +KL( "'MM ?‘r\:tli AR v L‘uv‘T " e e oy \ A “L\u "T/«i k/ l\’k) FORM (288) que g-2-4 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N.] v BY e DATE _________ SUBJECT . . e e SHEET NO._.__ Y ____ OF._..%2. T ; 5 vikarTom Sopprastirt ‘ '\ ;}bt) : 1 . r’l\ 2,‘]% : ;: : i ; : B i . i ; PN Ya b : o,oc-'gdr i ; . ¢ H ! i | 1o 3 o g i v i [ A 1 PR ,; $u i { 5 > N ! 2 : . S : “‘r" pusys % ~ i . i “Lo8h : Sxi | [ )?_‘ wi,” i - i 27 ?fl.» T Lo9d : oriAh ' 5} \\?‘ w7 L L Ay j (a1 .00l ) i i R : =L i : i 24573 i PR ' i i 5. Y . 3 g ! LI | P | - R : S Y3 ‘ A fi’] g | : PRI i 10 | p-\acfl‘s | fal1 ‘ e g ! ' ; ’ : i % I ! : ! !\"r‘\& i ; | | | | i~ o * !""'--"_J { A l ! :’ i : vee) : +- FORM (288).47 Poae Pon~r, FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, - ARSI AR DT e B B T o s s AR SN Rt S s o SHEET NO..._[ ____ OF. L S e \ ,S_‘ = >R - ‘ : et = QKS.S‘° \ 4 \“ 2 ) ) = OVE A T, X000¥s X hsSistlel x g = Olex L -2 \ Ny = BRI X W L L 2 bsC 1) X T 0, 12 b ) 1 __\' - e 1% R0 e ‘5 R TT 0 WP b4\ X U”\"‘I;.-\ o {15; S\“ K ey T < S | . \ o ‘;u = 0-3Vy X L"~—‘& « eoogl X L«&;.\}\o\ Ve o 18X I - & S . 1 " —\—, % 3 i.-\_ = UsQ Yy X To e P G-oc [ X \.}S,S\s‘ X Yt o\ $‘ | b’ > \ & \" A . 3 Sy ) : , 3 —_— A .--:,‘1:’6 L T YR R VLY & PSS T Y L ) 3 U x._nj SO '._'\\')\"\\U‘l) x g g g Al 7 wovd > o X e d g bSS.sle) X RY = 0.1279 :- ._‘\’ ~ L\\O‘T'Ilf ; — \3\:)")0 >'a \'_ ) %,:\'\ =1 h 'o‘\.\.'-\{.\ ’}v L: RS .\'"m"» \)lm AL '~~\ e L\'\o‘j’“"‘ 3"‘“!"155 ONS \ \ FORM (203). Page B~3~9 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION BY e~ DATE ... ___. SUBJECT . . e CHKD. BY .. DA TE. o e e S co ; ..-‘— 5\"' ./"“ L ='L~-C‘\ SHEET NO E ) ; o N : 4 iy ‘;Av f fé.-f '*‘“4.!'{ ! iLmp. 'F "Pu k\“' V_\ e | ’ “UA ; -+ :’1'7 : ; b(, f ! S §7, ‘s p < ' . e ; = b f 194 LA i . oo uy & ’ \3‘\)‘0‘#\“17“ .&\.x“‘uklo’fb ; E - }1 ; },_nr) § v ’ _‘ ; ‘ LI ;3 ‘ "\]("f' ‘ { | VYD Lo | PER Yo b v w A D j 5 R : NN Al ! Lot N ¥y (‘,T,J(j.‘bb PABREA (R | . PN tea Ly 4 Lad.f o.- u/\ ) i+ \&’; \\S’ ] ; i i 4 \-\,.‘1 R i ¢l (2% 0 705 '\"'&1%; ".’ V)') \\:"4? ,J.::‘Gc b - i B HARL 2 (IR iy s v . | ‘l&’; PN ; A B | AR ¢ ; » } : ! ' | . i H [ T g A - 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, N., vy i FORM (285).47 Pooo B=F~§ FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, STON, N. BYomo DATE oo, SUBJECT. - - - o e oo e SHEET NO..___t____ oF._ .2 CHKD. BY __.___ DATE - oo e JOB NO.o o oo - \ 3 ER S b RERS : \B (T = : = slb.apux t,l' Lo {,14,\;}'\\3 x Ahto A ) R l_ L I M A Nox 6‘”'*.‘— X 0.0egY X i dbve X oy =0 " 4 . \ y . b - \ - - ;\fi' = 0 VS X TR aovf e AN Yib-Livs x T 0.0M% ¢ ' o L 3 R P IV L R sih abvs x0Ty s 00 Ry \, . kbl e ) . {tq - J. \.\y“-.) - ;a—-L Fe -deg P g\b. (-‘ byg K lq“f 2.4 h\_‘_" ) i ! ' 1N ) Y ——— - o ] g \:S = O 0wy X, $€{-‘U- L LU 4 '] * Clh.aglys x “P{’ o ¥\ ) 1 ) K ' o s : —— « O.o%. Vg = Ly X L4\ -% oeed R S \\31 q. b\«’S. A 1W ¢ X } [ i S - . \ ‘p\,.‘\\ Viany .._..411,",:\.*'3\)01.> ' ) ks ) N _ e », — - o -l ‘LLB x — - D-ULBX e oV X vt x 9 L xS b v QW' L gkt Stbbys x T o= 0bh b .-;;.k’,_ N A V.o T Sloelys R Ty T -;,\‘,- . —3\)_‘:“’_2 = L ‘,«0»% i . , =0 v ~ 9 S FORM (283).47 [0e B-3-9 SvVeaman woonLSf CURPURKATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON 7 TS DATE. .o o 3 AT P S SR S N U sHEET No.. \?____of. | b SRR O B TN Spefec Vel 4, ’ /‘& , i . i .IE ; Yl ; o 0083 ! I +. L7 ¥ | oo g Y ) 1) . R2 &4 | 3 Qi - i Vf L'}‘jl\r‘\ &U—“}F‘r“‘fl" 1 lb X 1/ i 4 | q\. | | 1 A i , Y 5 e } i 4 1 lo3yd [P i ! b ! ‘ % § \} &2 ! o &'Odg : ‘1') g‘ \ < | s | H SRS T3 | | | V133 39°) ¢ oo ¥b ! “-d $Y ‘-7‘\;— j ' 11.3) L) | 5 ) ('/ \ 'I-' f u\,(;??/? | : ! i 5) 5y 1 i t! 2.2 '\) {oby ! ; Y A | | | 1.3 %3 | 5 5 IJ)\.; ! ¢ I | £.1 ol ; C_V,‘,gg g ¢ v "'31 l ! (RF LR i | | & ) | tey! i ; 2 ). il } E : | " ‘ > s | f ! y (W o ; g | .’ | . i 4 FORM (205) .4: Page B~3- 10 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N.) _______________ DATE ... SUBJECT. i mcccciciciiccccamem———————————— e SHEET N'O.--_{}‘_--_-OF \3 . e e Em e e - e = oo o o P e - ———— - !}\"‘J‘; CZ. ERANEN [ \b T < = IV &N ‘/‘, L T voav sk Kb > | {4 L 3 e ™ / - - —_— 2y . . 4 = o<\ ,_;;,ftz CAivy o TG ¥ au.;_.v? D SN 14§ 4—\\.\'\ 3 f‘f"\f v.oY4 LP , | o R A ' ‘ = s A Y 0SS XN K S ek | A~ i i < p £ » Y ‘ ———— Y Ay : crappm——ry, L ) } . - e O Sl oo X g ¥ 0] X AN g s o4y R : . e : } : - | e N SR i a.00¥y X TNy 1 TS 0.+ 44 = oofie L i - . . —= 1 e ‘\j-‘ L rt'-..T; Ve LY \\f‘fl Lafd 4 - ‘ o ik o | ' < 0N mx - o.osb PR EE LNA @»; Noveeg4 X 7. ‘-H*Q . Hc.il, -0 FORM (288} .47 Pgae 3-3-4/ FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, | BY e DATE e BURIEC T oo PR, W SHEET NG, 185 o) CHKD. BY ... -7y | WO O e .o . 2 R Sl o A — . [ k - ) <4< »/3 1~'at-‘\ f r o i ¢ | Leaeliov Fa f lerp 'F SpReifee vdvmf ] ‘ -5‘(}/;, Lb7 ' R a.00R4 4. \) , Yo ' 751 : QLL Tk 133 Vi L\,J\'m sv-“au sLavd (x-) Yak 5 oa: R (133 Y49 o 2133 4o o ve g L )33 | pot! 12 3} | L= 3733 ,' Viay 0§41 - ’ ; ie¢hy | ‘)'IS X VY = 0,\)“&\} | \ | — — 3 3 : ,_'j.l)L = (',-V& ) r;fi._; ¥ Q t.‘-‘lslk X 1,;k\,l. [k X 'w L O.O\LL & ) £ T J Tl = S 3184 2egig = eds) Y FORM (283). Page -3~ ruo.tnn wobisLLR bunruxuuu%“ llo SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, -l G WATA ___.\-_-_-__f&:& ..................... € sHEET NO..__ \____ OF. - -.---------- - - R- 4 '\‘L'\#'\X\‘Jl . &\:\M»j} *’\& T“O\tbh &e&* .@M.Livu O\“’F -\'\\n% iw\l/'i' ’\‘925\1 m\(“ ‘ .\\ges--c\_‘/ \ L’ fdvzwex 0 \Y G\fiu‘—uh'é CL MT\N.I \1\4\\\%& ] \)F‘\\AM X. PVJC/ \l‘. ’n\;‘“\,\}\ ’e\y(hl‘-h‘-‘- (Jlf'tgu»« neg L?fl\’\':V\-TA) C‘b(id Ot;*qwd— RN G g T o L e A N L L W Todieead Shed L AP-2%1-17) sy WHY AsME Siw Toblss ¥ ‘.5\,'\-( T = YLvL = LLhodaa “\“'. 2 _ » 5 Ax (" L ogth L 1% -4V = 308 = (.7211 ¢ K/ i > - 2 S\u“ Ao = 4T ( '-b!‘b’z) = & 6L\2 44 h U Tt Te haeF f 2l P e | s a Shvomd. A= g\ € o = g5 44 i FORM (283 Pdge B-Y4~ FUOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.,, LIVINGSTON, ) (R —— DATE ssssnns TRy SR o Ny NN R S PPINLL S SHEET NO.---.:.'...--OF Y CHKD. BY e DATE teciias £ amuicnies b svewibl bk owides ete o o Rl JOB NO:isocccancnncaus C ’\ " .}) % (55 = — LSS RS SN % 3. k2 PA = Jefg.4b2t, - At e | Gipy 58 VML) X Lbey i\ 5L e Y . = 4 bbyy X\~ /\A .-L.\s\. sg 6 N0 S T\ ) 2R e = O.0VuU 5 O -6 04 f - .o \ 3 R ¢ g ¥ e ) ‘Z i \ ) s (j_k = C/-L-~'.’Q. i\ )(! . Y — X ‘—:-' e lo"‘q.“,\{) e ”’* = 0-0")8 ‘ [-bed L b4 ¥ 50 fe2 Max_ougg = 234 %F22 RER G . X aedionn ariia (,.\‘\v LY i /S\\J (\ 4\/\4 ,! a O : i L e L ¢ b eva\ L= 48 = 4 A% . ] / Y e bdoan el chveed = 3 (5% - 40" ) = 9= 06833 4t - Rt «f h e Ag = 0578 % 4 = 31313 4% ~ , 1 N\g = 3 (1% g ato ): by xe ,%:r yhda ts y 2 Gx = — SRS & R L s ' d-\?)'\fi\ | b = %0‘\.&1\§\' “\"\"“rfb FORM (283) Fage B-4~2 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, B o o o DATE ..o .. BUBIECT. o a S R c e e dmmm s s R M o= CHKD. BY . ___ OATE - cootrisre . orsadiccecisnnesatind Shuts S 3 Bt oaniamenn s e gins s e L~ c_ - A TR — ) B s ) e b, Frann (P S . &y, '\~ et \-»n‘fi(?fi,)"vb(“:) : 3 ( ..-%).‘:”5_'\' - ( §o%. 543 — | =2 v B0k Yy AN 3997. G4 b >¢33.76>b ) 6 —" \7\bb’1' ) | ) £ Z X —‘_.. v o P . ” iy + o e Sy e o = ey ]‘ ol = v by g7 # § "X g e é"I ¥ v ¢ i | i )’. b zlx : : - < 1a?Q Sl — K== x| S -~ . = o8 LR X e T Wl 2o8q. b % ey ¥ V’* \8 5 L‘Pg‘u;? 2t A P . ¥ o= R34 391 - o bSsY = 34168 < WA 4-x 13335 | ‘./\c; P g & ST e > = |l.c\§r Nt P o 24 (a0 S-?)B) - | 1013 L =L 2L _f\) — 3 ( \ v\« \+ _‘T 9\ = o 150D Nt R > Ak - v an et ——— - 'l | De o X & \(x = L‘-\W—b \ & \ < rh: 2 49 X oy \—": X QO\&I—'LX X !'q_.:' O\,Q,)\ F\" = _EL\.)A.. 23 %.’,""Aé&_"):—* l‘.\*b- = lls ")bx‘ob FORM (283 W U 9 Pdge B-4-3 rusien WHeotLER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., L e — DATE ..o, )0 ol ATISPRNE SN N A R L S SHEET NO..__ ' ____ CHKD. BY.ee___ DATE . «lukaice onaonisaninsioss ey ot sk oot M S R o e 3 . ) - nonk = - = O.oec2,45)) O {-21]L k\ - G | { / L ovtm L8 ¥ Lowth ~1ave s 29 K7 2w xx115F = 1-10385 44 Ne B8 4 f 12 ' \‘V(?' ‘ .' X o S‘\ St Sl (b Lo e iy i 6119 X 0.0\4 \’\." BE Y A ol X ek ~ V2 99 3 [y < b - ;’:'Ll\)"\‘ A &""fiv‘(l V \n.“’i Y "(_) &&“ U\AL‘ = 124‘ ;)SK = 0. '3 27 ') (. = 133.369| pvya. \ \)\’ ‘\M\« (\ P bGs Rela o\ 0L D . . l - ' ’\.’)'h,\.‘ AV i 4 ’((-"15 = \g(.to X :‘f\' (, A ) = C'.cgls Js‘tl:' Ao | ‘:"0 ~ - Vo ~ ' T?*b\_\ Gox AN q‘k. \\k\\(T\A(,\ — M X ( "‘\'T)' ) )(* - 4‘88 ’,q %,L — At A S B3IS veo = 5 bt ” = © \lob = (-’[; \) A{_ 4\ FEN + ";": Osdb b e \(.7 PAR" \s > ,“\&k % Ll = = ————— \o].;;X/) AL e { € ’ X 3y &\T - o). XY 1Y 5 " ‘ i 2l = Lt TFe x G ¥ leb g £ = 3 ' 1Y - R Q e FORM (285) .. 41 ate 4‘\‘*."‘-“‘ Taba ht"h(-”-(" — 3-.\1..”\4-‘1‘-0.cfl>- 132.\3’)§ T)H\, ¥ Page B-4-4 FOSTER WHELLER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, lN.J. PR BY. e DATE ___.____. SUBJECT. . e - - . . 7 i o, . - -“\_“,\'(\ P"“ AN EA Vi L'{\; £ \ % 't~ t - .2.?_)\ - ngl *i g1y = V. vhl™ &)B\ - th i - i “ ':’ ;\ ¥ ¥ t A 1 \}. v WA + lO'l‘ "f\‘( lft ( { ik‘s/’ Lo e o | oy b A - o= bl FEINNY g ay ‘( S - o+ b Lt 'J/’, 3 = ! Lo Ky R IS R R T .“o"-“"?' A S L , . - - ' _ = 2N 42 LS .= U = Jnt4r b s i - (O C h . — T AN gy b {0 RN { \ 2 B _ N \‘\ > Y XK e A § X . v \f}gl+q X ‘\—\;‘; = 0.0‘ r) 3 S CEE L o 13y : T SRR T T O Bk N L S N CET T e b \"'3\.’»‘ \ \ ‘n i = L SRR IS N VNN ¢ é Ty - Lon oy | W&y = N0, 3b ) 4 Ke FORM (28%).47 P&gfi’ B-u-& FUSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, N.] BY . ___ DATE . ____. SUBJECT. SHEET No.--__Gi--_-OF--.\-}f R ST SR TS SN 4 L ox L srqso 1h7 - msl.‘i—’fj} */—”‘k“‘\' R R AT X 173249 Ay byr T ARAT 7T , = L Ny )=2 sz S U4 o g R S N R T R e el { ) 2 } 5 - o N AR “4 — = U b ";‘\fib SR bau BTy NSV \())) ol 4 g e Geg L SR L o L N U e S SN ' + b s c —— = v b g ._,\c’ ‘i‘ n Jf\ . WL T Vg y i | ' > 3 ) A X oo K e X o~ X L2360 A Tyl = O,C\DS T4 il N G b N3 7 20N s e *P = » -‘S'-»"}i . ) : _‘_.'\“_,;“ .'..‘_-‘__ - f L%d: T M&‘tm.‘r«z\ Chrewd = 23 s - 0 enb = il L8y {; SERRY L b :i:—‘, - - - ~ ey -’?)‘ l&.\\" S—tt‘y‘fb [ é’»i_} ,’7"(\ p-’(! A ::,\3 Y] \ 3 Wl Y T T bLev) - L = VI x (‘tf—"f N iax x §i s L~ 1 :»_ | | — LR P BN y o N — o - 1— .\)"7 i :)‘ Y é,h‘lg,‘n_\ b L‘\—ci o= it e — o = ok, b : A ; : . . ! 4D ~ o7 —{; :’"") '\\ .‘\/( \."V\:{.‘( ; ;..’i“\»tr i\_‘ Lf})I » PR .\.r“l'\_ ‘:)S‘: D o ‘ - Hlk, x.rat“k N o ? 74 FORM (263).47 Fage B-4-¢ FUDIER WHRELLER CORPORATION BY i 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVI}\TGSTON, N.J I SUBJECT. - o oo e e SHEET NO..__! ____ oF.. L. CHKD. BY e ___ DATE o e JOB NOue oo - e ! !\4 /, e 0 \ ; LLE Ui IR _— " I >/i VoS & 'y /’\..'\ - o ‘\:\ 3y '%;\,*’ 1\ ¥ / — A 1Y R 12 .83 ~Te ™ AR - _."\Kl‘)il'yj:a{""q‘ y by ~ _—r:‘ o TR " T W "-Q’:“' ‘ “ ‘! rs e L ) = et - AT o 64 o SERS v i - i 1 ) B Ve = N - ! oy | i "‘“ " ) | < # U l‘, \ 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, ----------------------------_-----------~ e e T iz WY ) — b ¢ \ x \'_ (1334 C SHEET NO..._. ‘.----OF-- U.0C &4\ - \ p= y 1 G32.9% ~ 9974813 e FORM (285).4 FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, BY s s e DATE s U B I N e o i o Lt e B S 5 5 i e 5 2 e i s 2 o SHEET NO.--.‘-.O._--OF-_I CGHKD. BY o DATE anasiness’ cacessssisie et tas et assnions Vet o TR et Sads JOB NO v sduevsorewani i - 1;& ~ J-ve ! ] n P “ 17 O | . s \" Z 3 13 —— _— v ) K m — . ‘/{ ‘, \ l. l A ( - - R LS RS L) 4 1 ) { -~ \ : - Saa g, . Telbeier 81y ol = == 0% ' - N ”"I—,\ t J [T B ":- .llc. % ‘ r \ ¥*T \'\‘37 i - [ 5 -""\.{kz \' '\'~k-:i - L. 1.4.";’"":‘\ ) "‘SLl: ;_SL* ,4'\‘:'L "\ | \ \J Vv.r\'- el e € dda ool 14 - 3 L{A".-k: T v vl = “,g‘-r‘ ')u—" FORM (285, \ Pdge I3 =4~/ FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION SUBJECT e e A ok e Ak U TR T Y TR Tm e e e e e e e AL MR ER AT A e e om e A oe 110 SOUTH ORKANGE AVE., L1VLYGUYLUN, 1v. 4. v SHEET NO..___..- OF-_‘ _____ [ LR R I B A ek R e W MM L W e mam e a wo= P . Loy oo Looet - - .', — LI i.“ ? R A i 1] L . NS U ‘k‘ «-’xJ % ! 1 -, " . Lo \"_- 't‘\ Ly iy Lo S ¥ \_",/3 v s - - ——— — \ .-__\ l “.\!r b ! - : ! 1 SR B I A NI SO AR A 4 > e e w i — a [ § i ) “ l J— —_ o 200 Fos X T . ) 1”._1 N N il i S . [} \ 4. o Ph ! o / oAl e \ ‘\) » | —— ) ~ - /Y - s i - N ™ "}\.R"‘ i 1y ‘, - [ - (REPRREE T 1_—__—"' n + 4 ""‘5 ! t} i ¥ ! \k‘*‘, i + ? : ‘ .= - Yoo § "’é """ KRS Li Yy \ 'l)fi/ \ S . ‘ 7 N . N \ “ SR TPV RO LI W Ca . ALY !v \’V iL \3//; - ., p - A U G gy = b A . — Lo ) R Iy - :. | - y } 1 ! {)\{ ? \8 P l VL R s eI T IR A S I A RAR A S Iy o < v gL YA DN e e by Ty L ; et S u s , f\“‘ - v ‘n \, - :\ - it \ ".'-— ..7‘-\ L ’ ) . FORM (285) - Fige 13-4~/ 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGSTON, N.) rudiliih WHLREELEK CUOUKPUORATION SHEET NO.._! =7 ___ oF._.“__ BY o ___ DATE . ____. SUBJECT. Lt e e m P L e | | LN y L - ‘ . ‘s e e ¢ Lowlte woTTE = 82 = b 4 . \5]&;‘ [ ‘\.-.T . ' i v Je " Ni ‘ 1“ i R T - l{_ s R - g P AR N I H': L an . P e — g e o e e BRI v . i 2 1 ‘ ", e e . . ;- e ){ .t "j‘l. ih‘ ‘“4 ‘——-..__. fradld c‘u{' ‘ k) L o \ ) . 4 G \ | N : { 1 9 i SRR + o - " i ¥ e .-4‘“ . { . 's < (s et —— H P (SR }{{‘\ '){ N A - ! - -+ P — \ —— S < ‘W PR T G, 00 U - S S RN ity YA i } 3 ' ; n oy Li N : - b . N N T TR S L N L S LIRS L A Bl O . t AN ’ ‘C’ \‘_,\.—' . l‘l :Al:’ \ P \ - FORM (285} -47 Pige B-Y~[2 FOSTER WHELLER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, I\EJ. 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Fage B-5 -3 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE,, LIVINGYION, FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION 2 b A T O N S DATE -ucauasus S B E T i die o aitel et s o e ' e - - e s i 0 SHEET NO..... ‘:’: c==OF.a; CHKD, BY c:uccuw BATE oo tana, ettt s bt S et it S g oS iy ey SaE S Fe Sl ¢ JOB N cvson consGran s - ¥ -L"‘\‘ f 7 t = - ( 50 "\.’I'.' L 'S'L"%‘ | \ ‘ 2 \ 3. L e \ =, i 3 \. ~. ,7 ( 4 \) ><‘ \:'71‘&1 X (B 2 = " .>S. ) | Sl 2 VA '\\',) - <\ L) \.'\* \ L -~ “ AACiR AN vy o b bebd - \ = \N Sy 3 __\_,_ ’__ BRI PP \ \'n t"% v X\ : 4\ Al —— - : X < A, \' £ ot " : s T X *‘“‘*“ < 135 7'77(,‘;’" ey = 0.0e”] ‘.J‘ i . . SR | ~ b2t Lfl‘f 20 & ] \f’ +2 g “~ ] 4 \_\ p% \s Y \ . ) - 4 \ | ! “. ) ‘ P \ { / FORM (21 Fage B-5 FOSTER WHELELER CORPORATION 110 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., LIVINGSTON, N.J. SUBJECT SHEET NO... = .__. oF...Y__ T T S e T R R e - e e e e - ——— - - = - - = —— - e e e e e e ek e e e m Akt m e — . ——— R e T T e # )'\I A i.‘\\f A ! 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N i = v f‘ '31 4 ;i_ ) ,\l < *.L 1 J i FORM (285).47 APPENDIX B-6 GULF GENERAL ATOMIC REPORT GULP-GA-A12416 N\ GULF GENERAL ATOMIC - Gulf-GA-A12416 FINAL REPORT ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC FLOW STABILITY IN STEAM GENERATORS FOR THE MOLTEN-SALT BREEDER REACTOR by B. E. BoYack Prepared under P.0. N24013 Project No. 0540.0000 for Foster Wheeler Corporation under Union Carbide Corporation, Nuclear Division Subcontract No. 91X-88070C under Prime Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Gulf General Atomic Project 0540 November 20, 1972 GULF GENERAL ATOMIC COMPANY P.0. BOX 81608, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92138 LIST OF SYMBOLS Cross sectional flow area of a steam generater tube, ft2 Tube inside diameter, ft Darcy friction factor Local gravitational acceleration, ft/hr2 Newton constant relating force and mass, lbm-ftllbf-hr2 Steam enthalphy, Btu/lbm Change in steam enthalphy, Btu/lbm Number of tube segments Static pressure, lbf/ft2 Normalized heat flow distribution Complex variable replacing time Time, sec Mass flow rate per tube, lbm/hr Spatial coordinate along axis of tube, ft Greek Symbols 0 Tube inclination from vertical, degree Steam density, 1bm/ft3 Time-dependent heat input, Btu/ft-hr W Circular frequency, rad/sec Subscripts exit exit from steam generator tube jnlet inlet to steam generator tube j jth tube segment iv 3-4, 3-5. 3-7. 3-8. TABLES Steady-state operating conditions for the MSBR steam generator reference design . . . . . . . . .+ . o .. Design properties for nickel-molybdenum-chromium-iron alloy (Hastelloy N) - L ] L] L L] » » L] . L] L] L L] [ ] L] . L] L] L] [} Open loop frequency response of reference design steam generators for an MSBR operating at 99.68% of rated loads. Open loop frequency response of reference design steam generators for an MSBR operating at 79.95% of rated loads. Open loop frequency response of reference design steam generators for an MSBR operating at 59.97% of rated loads. Open loop frequency response of reference design steam generators for an MSBR operating at 39.89Z of rated loads. Open loop frequency response of reference design steam generators for an MSBR operating at 19.947% of rated loads. Open loop frequency response of reference design steam generators for an MSBR operating at 99.68% of rated load. Tube length divided into 23 segments Open loop frequency response of reference design at full load, inlet orifice K=120. . . . . . . .+ . Open loop frequency response of reference design at full load’ exit Orifice K=20 . L] . . L] . L] LJ L] .. * vi 20 21 22 23 24 27 29 30 1. INTRODUCTION Design procedures for steam generators must include the analysis of instability phenomena in heated tubes. The physical damage and per- formance degradation associated with flow instabilities such as systen confrol problems, mechanical vibration or thermal cycling of steam generator tubes can be serious and must be avoided or reduced to minimize their effects. Experimental prototype testing of each steam generator design 1s prohibitive, and the complexity of the physical phenomena precludes simulation through model testing. Consequently, analytical techniques are useful in evaluating or predicting the onset of instability phenomena for conceptual and design studies. A liquid flowing through a heated channel is susceptible to a variety of destabilizing phenomena. It is useful to categorize these phenomena at the outset in order to define the scope of this study. Following Bouré, et al, (Ref. 1), two major classifications may be defined: static instabilities and dynamic instabilities. Static instabilities include the flow excursion or Ledinegg instability, boiling crisis due to ineffective removal of heat from the heated surface, flow pattern transition instability and the compound relaxation instabilities described as bumping, geysering and chugging. The fundamental dynamic instabilities are acoustic oscillations and density wave oscillations. The static instabillity of primary design impoftance in steam generators is the excursive ingtability. The criterion for onset of the flow excur- sion instability is well known (Ref. 1), and prediction techniques have been de#eloped which are based on the solution of the steady-state conservation equations for mass, momentum and energy. Dynamic instabilities are associated with the phvsics of wave phenomena, density waves for density wave oscillations and pressure (acoustic) waves for acoustic phenomena. In any real system, both kinds of waves are present and interact, but their velocities differ in general by one or two orders of magnitudé, thus allowing one to distinguish between the two types of instabilities. The acoustic or pressure wave oscillations are characterized by a high frequency, the period being of the same order of magnitude as the time required for a pressure wave to travel through the system. Acoustic waves are not the subjecfi of the pfesent investigation and will not be discussed further. Density wave oscillations are common in a variety of equipment and have been extensively studied during the past fifteen years. These are low frequency oscillations in which the period is approximately the order of magnitude of the time required for adensity wave to travel through the tube. The instability can be initiated by a temporary reduction or perturbation of inlet fiow to the heated channel, producing thereby an increase in the rate of enthalpy rise and a reduction in the average density. The disturbance affects the pressure drop as well as the heat transfer behavior. For certain geometrical arrangements, operating conditions, and boundary conditions, the perturbations can require appropriate phases and become self-sustaining. Several computer codes exist which can be used to predict the onset of density wave oscillations in heated channels. Codes developed prior to 1965 were reviewed in a comprehensive testing program by Neal and Zivi (Ref. 2). The STABLE-3 code of Jones (Ref. 3) was found to be the most reliable, predicting the threshold of instability for loop experiments within 20 percent for about 70 percent of the tests. It should be noted that the study of Neal and Zivi was restricted to low quality steam systems, the highest exit quality being approximately 0.2. The STABLE-4 program, modified to permit analysis of boiling tubes with superheat and renamed DYNAM (Ref. 4), is in use at Gulf General Atomic Company (GGA). To the author's knowledge, no computer codes have previouslv been developed to permit analysis of forced circulation loops containing super- critical steam,. A conceptual design has been developed for a single-fluid 1000~-MW(e) Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR) power station by Oak Ridge National Lab- oratory (ORNL). In a single-fluid MSBR the nuclear fuel is carried in a fuel salt, a molten-salt mixture at temperatures above ~ 930°F. Four primary shell-and-tube heat exchangers transfer heat from the fuel salt to a primary coolant salt. Also contained in the primary coolant loop are steam genefators, receiving controlled flow rates of the primary coolant salt to provide 1000°F outlet steam temperatures. The steam generators operate on a super- critical pressure steam cycle which was selected because it affords a high thermal efficiency and also permits steam to be directly mixed with high pressure feedwater to raise its temperature to v700°F and thereby guard against freezing of the primary coolant salt in the steam generators. Foster Wheeler Corporation has been awarded a contract for the conceptual design of the steam generators for the MSBR. For this study, the reference design proposed by the Foster Wheeler Corporation for the steam generators of a MSBR was analyzed to determine stability with respect to density wave oscillations. This report describes the method of analysis and summarizes the predicted dynamic stability char- acteristics of the MSBR steam generator at 100, 80, 60, 40 and 20 percent of full-rated load. Several parameters including inlet orificing, exit orificing, and pressure level have been varied to determine their overall relationship to the steam generator stability. 2. ANALYSIS 2.1 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION The conceptual design of a steam generator for the ORNL 1000-MW(e) reference steam cycle has been developed by the Foster Wheeler Corporation. The unit, roughly the shape of an "L," is vertically oriented with molten salt flowing on the tube side and steam in the supercritical state on the tube side. Steady-state operating conditions for a single representative tube have been prepared by Foster Wheeler (Ref. 5). The steam inlet and exit conditions at the full and partial loads for which stability calculations have been made are presented in Table 2-1. The tube material is Hastelloy N having the properties outlined in Ref. 6 and reproduced here in Table 2-2. Neither the properties of the molten salt nor detalls of the tube layout are presented herein. The analytical technique used to predict the onset of density wave oscillations considers ‘a representative tube only and does not explicitly require data describing overall steam generator geometry or shell-side interactions. 2.2 LITERATURE SURVEY The prediction of the onset of density wave oscillations in heated channels or tubes containing two-phase flow has been reviewed in Ref. 1. Previous studies have included both analytical and experimental investigations to enable the prediction of the onset of the instability. As part of this iInvestigation a literature survey was conducted for the purpose of determining if previous'investigations have been conducted to investigate the onset of density wave oscillations in systems containing a fluid in the supercritical thermodynamic state. It is emphasized that the literature survey conducted was limited and should not be considered to be complete, TABLE 2-1 STEADY-STATE OPERATING CONDITIONS FOR THE MSBR STEAM GENERATOR REFERENCE DESIGN Percent of Rated Load 99.68 79.95 59.97 39.89 19.94 Flow Rate/Tube (l1bm/hr) 2538. 1900.4 | 1378.1 910.6 463.1 Inlet Pressure (psi) 3730. 3690. 3658. 3632. 3613. Exit Pressure (psi) 3599.1 3599.9 3600. 3599.7 3599.8 Inlet Enthalphy (Btu/lbm) 770.5 771.8 772.9 773.9 774.6 1418.5 1466. 1490.9 1496.7 1485. Exit Enthalphy (Btu/lbm) TABLE 2-2 DESIGN PROPERTIES FOR NICKEL-MOLYBDENUM-CHROMIUM-IRON ALLOY (HASTELLOY N) * Allowable Modulus Mean Coefficient : Temperature Stress of of Expansion Thermal (°F) (psi) Elasticity (in./in.-°F) Conductivity (psi) (Btu/ft-hr-°F) X 1076 X 108 | 100 25,000 31.3 6.6 200 24,000 30.6 300 23,000 30.0 400 21,000 29.5 6.45 7.4 500 20,000 29.0 600 20,000 28.5 6.76 8.3 700 19,000 28.1 | | 800 18,000 27.7 7.09 9.2 900 18,000 27.2 | 9.3 1000 17,000 26.7 7.43 10.4 1050 26. 4 | | 1100 13,000 26.3 11.1 1150 26.1 12.1 7 1200 6,000 25, 7.81 11.7 Density, 0.317 1b/in.3 at room temperature Specific heat, 0.095 Btu/lb °F at room temperature; 0.139 Btu/1b °F at 1200°F A considerable body of literature has been developed which describes the extreme property variations which occur near the critical point. A recent review has been presented by Hall (Ref. 7). As the critical point is approached large changes in density, specific heat, viscosity and thermal conductivity are observed. It 1s precisely these variations which have been postulated as forming the initiating agency for thermo- hydraulic flow oscillations observed during several experimental investigations. Mechanized (computer) literature searches were obtained from two sources. The searches were conducted by the Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC) located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service (HTFS) of the British Atomic Enérgy Research Establishment, Harwell. Citations of publications dealing with density wave oscillations in channels or tubes contailning steam in the supercritical state were requested. Both mechanized surveys indicated that the available data are very limited. A series of studies have been conducted at Oklahoma State University to investigate instabilities encountered during heat transfer to a supercritical fluid. Although experimental programs at Oklahoma State University have concentrated on natural circulation loops, associated literature surveys have been more broadly directed to include both forced and natural circulation test programs. Many fluids, including steam, helium, hydrogen, etc., have been considered. Cornelius (Ref. 8) has conducted an extensive review of the literature available prior to 1965 and reports that the literature contalns reference to two modes of oscillations. The first 1s an acoustic oscillation while the second, having a frequency several orders of magnitude less than the acoustic oscillations, is attributed to a "boiling like" phenomenon. The nature of this second oscillation is clarified by Walker and Hardon (Ref. 9), who focused on the prediction of the threshold of these oscillations assuming that the '"density effect" is the sole driving mechanism for the oscillations. They assumed the density effect is fihe consequence of the non-linear physical relationship between the enthalvhy and density of the fluid. The density effect model formulated by Bouré (Ref. 10) was used to predict the flow instability threshold, and excellent agreement with experiment was obtained on a natural circulation loop with Freon-114 as the working fluid. A similar investigation was reported by Zuber (Ref. 11) in 1966. Zuber's report contains an extensive literature survev and describes an analysis to predict the onset of oscillations in flow systems containing fluid in the supercritical state. The method also follows Bouré (Ref. 10) in that similar assumptions and formulations are used. The problem is analyzed by perturbing the inlet.flow, linearizing the set of governing equétions (conservation of mass, momentum and energy plus an equation of state) and integrating them along the channel to obtain the characteristic equation. Zuber describes three mechanisms which can induce thermo- hydraulic oscillations at supercritical pressures. One is caused by the variation of the heat transfer coefficient at the pseudo-critical point. The second 1is caused b& the effects of large compressibility and the result- ant low velocity of sound in the critical region. The third mechanism is caused by the large variation of flow characteristics brought about by density variations of the fluid during the heating process. 2.3 METHOD 2.3.1 General The analysis of density wave oscillations in heated tubes can proceed alofig one of several paths, depending upon the tvpe and detail of information required. A requirement for extensive information concerning the time- dependent physical processes associated with the instability would require the simultaneous solution of a coupled set of non-linear, time-dependent partial differential equations. Generally, such detail is not necessary and only an answer as to whether an instability can occur under specified over- ating conditions is required. If an instability is predicted, the design is adjusted to eliminate such an occurrence. For this analysis only a yes or no answer to the question of the possible occurrence of density wave oscillations in the steam generators of the MSBR is sought. The classical method of stability analysis is employed whereby the governing equations are linearized and the behavior of the resulting equations to small perturbations is determined (Ref. 12), The mathematical model used to define steam generator instabilities is based on a single steam tube located in an array of tubes connected in parallel between headers. It is assumed that a flow perturbation might occur in this single tube while the remalning tubes operate normally. Therefore, the pressure drop across the tube under investigation will be constant since it 1is established by the steady flow through the remaining tubes and all are connected to common headers. In an actual steam generator it may be expected that once a reason- able magnitude flow oscillation starts in one tube, others will be affected and the mode of oscillation may be very complex owing to the many degrees of freedom in the complete system. The question of accuracy naturally arises when linearization is performed on a set of equations to obtain a solution. In this case the linearization leads to a conservative answer from the standpoint of safe performance. The linearized analysis will predict the threshold of an instability due to a small system perturbation. In the physical case, small perturbations tend to be damped or lead to small limit cycle oscillations which are often difficult to detect without precision instrumentation. There are several methods for determining the stability of a system described by a set of linear differential equations. A particularly useful method 1s based on feedback control theory, and only a small part of this highly developed fleld need be used for solving the problem of density wave oscilla- tions in steam generators. The primarv reasons for choosing feedback control theory are the completely systematized nature of the procedure and because the method reduces the set of partial differential equations to ordinary differential equations, a significant reduction in complexity for numerical analysis. The steps in the solution of the density wave oscillation problem are: The equations expressing the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy and the equation of state are written in terms of suitable variables. The governing equations are linearized by assuming each variable to be composed of a part which is at most a function of position ‘plus a perturbation term which is a function of vosition and time. The Laplace transférm of the equations is taken,which has the effect of transforming the original partial differential equations into ordinary differential equations by replacing the time derivative with a complex frequency variable. The resulting ordinary differentiai equations are integrated over small increments of length by assuming the system parameters are constant over these small increments of length. It {is presumed that the steady state solution for the steam generator is known since parameters from the state of equilibrium are required to determine the transient behavior. -Accuracy increases as the length of the segment decreases. The feedback control system representation of the steam generator is set up. For the density wave oscillation problem, the selection of input and output variables is arbitrary but certain choices of these quantities turn out to be more convenient than others. Specifically, pressure perturbations are used in this study. The feedforward and feedback transfer functions are defined, as is the dpen loop transfer function. 10 6. The magnitude and phase angle of the open loop transfer function is calculated as a function of the input wvariable which is assigned a magnitude of unity and frequencies ranging from zero to a value considerably above the expected frequency of density wave oscillations. 7. The values for the open loop transfer function are plotting in polar form (Nyquist diagram) and the Nyquist criterion 1s used as the basis for assessing stability. 2.3.2 Method Development for Molten-Salt Steam Generators Gulf General Atomic has developed a computer code which is used for prediction of the onset of density wave oscillations in once~through steam generators containing liquid, two-phase and superheated steam. The GGA code is a modified and extended version of the'séries of STABLE codes developed at ¥nolls Atomic Power Laboratory (Ref. 3). The STABLE codes are applicable only to the analysis of boiling channels cbntaining single~- phase liquid and two-phase steam. The STABLE~IV code was extended at GGA to permit analysis of sfeam generators with superheated steam and the modified code designated as DYNAM (Ref. 4). In order to use DYNAM to predict the dymamic stability characteriétics of the reference design steam generators of the MSBR, a modified version of the code, hereafter referred to as the DYMSBR code, was developed. The significant elements in the modification program are described in the fol- lowing sections. 2.3.3 DYMSBR Code Structure For the purpose of this analysis, the significant features of the tube- side supercritical steam are that the fluid is compressible and can be described as consisting of a single phase. The analytical formulation of the DYNAM code permits analysis of steam generators having a single-phase 11 liquid at the tube inlet, two-phase flow through an intermediate region of the heated tube and superheated steam at the exit. Thus, of the three flow regimes only the superheat regime is a single-phase compressible fluid. In order to develop an orderly code structure, that portion of the DYNAM code associated with the superheat regime was extracted from DYNAM and modified to include new input and output routines. As previously indicated, the revised code was named DYMSBR and can be used to predict the dynamic stability characteristics of a steam generator using supercritical steam on the tube side. 2.3.4 Governing Equations The equations governing the thermodynamic and hydrodynamic processes occurring in a steam generator can be derived from the principles of con- servation of mass, momentum and energy. An additional equation, the equation of state,1s required if a compressible fluid is belng analyzed. If the time-varying flow processes are considered to be one-dimensional in space, considerable simplification of the governing equation is possible. The resultant conservation equations are presented below: 3p . 1 oW = tirap =0 (2-1) 2 £ 2 Jdp 1 w1 3 (W wl,_ s _ 52 " g A ot ' g AZ 3z | b T 2g D A7 |5 T, P ee® (2-2) oH oH | Apat+W-§;—¢ (2-3) 12 Equations 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3 are derived from thé principles of conservation of mass, momentum and energy, respectively. The variables W, p, p, and H are mass flow rate per tube, density, pressure and enthalpy of the steam flow. The variables z and t are the distance along the heated tube and time, A 1s the tube cross-sectional area and D the tube inside diameter. The angle 6 is the tube inclination from the verfical, f 1s the Darcy friction factor and ¢ is the heat input per unit length of tube. For this analysis the equation of state considers the density to be a function of enthalpy only, thus eliminating consideration of acoustic effects. The procedure for deriving the final equation forms has been outlined in Section 2.2.1. The equations are first linearized, the Laplace transform 1is taken, and the resultant equations are integrated over small spatial increments. The final equations obtained are identical to those reported in Ref. 4. The final equation forms are algebraically complex and thus are not repeated here. The final dependent variables are the perturbation quantities for pressure, mass flow rate and density. The coefficients in the perturbation equation consist of combinations of variables which include geometry factors, tube material properties, and steady-state flow distributions. To this point analyses of channels containing superheated steam and supercritical steam are identical. However, the evaluation of the steady-state flow distributions and coefficients in the perturbation equations marks the separation of the two analyses, 2.3.5 Steady-State Flow Distributions A steady-state solution is required for evaluation of coefficients appearing in linear perturbation forms of the governing equations. Several features of the steady-state solution require comment. Since the tube-side fluid in the steam generator 1s steam in the supercritical thermodynamic state, special care must be taken to insure that the evaluations of thermo- dynamic and transport properties are accurate. For this investigation a set of computer routines published by the ASME (Ref. 13) were used. These 13 subroutines are based on the 1967 IFC Formulations which are described in the 1967 ASME Steam Tables (Ref. 14). The effective film coefficient for supercritical steam has been evaluated following the formulation of Ref. 15. The friction factor for supercritical steam has been evaluéted using Deissler's formulation (Ref. 16). | For a given steady-state calculation the tube is divided into a number of segments. For each segment the following parameters are determined: 1. Thermodynamic properties: enthalpy, temperature, pressure, and specific volume. 2. Transport properties: viscosity, thermal conductivity, and specific heat at constant pressure. 3. Pressure drop components: elevation, friction, momentum and orifice losses. 4. Convective film coefficient, wall temperature. The procedure for obtaining the steady-state solution is direct when mass flow rate, inlet pressure, heat flow distribution, and enthalpy at inlet and exit are specified. The enthalpy rise across the jth tube segment can be calculated from (2-4) 14 where F& is the normalized heat flow distribution and N is the number of tube segments. To eliminate the need for an extensive iterative solution, thermodynamic and transport properties are calculated using the enthalpy at the midpoint of the j th segment and the pressure at the exit of the j-1 segment. The wall temperature at the segment midpoint is calculated by an iterative procedure which begins with the evaluation of the convective film coefficient using values of wall temperature from the previous iteration. The heat - transfer is calculated and compared to the known heat transfer, and, if necessary, the wall temperature adjusted to start the next iteration. Once calculated, the wall temperature is used to calculate the friction factor, permitting evaluation of the friction pressure drop across the jth segment. The procedure is repeated for each segment, and the required steady-state distributions are stored for later use in calculating coefficients for the perturbation equations. Specific parameters from the steady-state solution required for coefficient evaluation are the convective film coefficient, the derivative of the specific volume with respect to enthalpy, specific volume, pressure drop due to friction, specific heat, viscosity, thermal conductivity and enthalpy. 15 2.3.6 Frequency Response Analysis As previously indicated, once the governing linear perturbation equations have been derived, a feedback control representation of the steam generator 1s set up. An open loop transfer function is determined which depends only on the parameters of the system (e.g., steady-state distributions, tube geometry and physical properties, etc.) and is not related to either the initial conditions or the forcing function. Since the transfer function is.a complex variable quantity, the output generally differs from the input in both magnitude and phase. A steam generator is stable 1f the system will return to equilibrium conditions after being perturbed by some external excitation. The stability of a system can be completely determined from the transfer function by the following rule: for a system to be stable, the transfer function cannot have infinities (poles) in the right half of the complex S-plane. It 1is noted that when Laplace transforms are taken of the original time-dependent partial differential equations governing the flow of éupercritical steam through the steam generator, the independent varlable time is replaced by the complex variable S. The utility of the transfer function methodology is based on the above rule since it is only necessary to determine the poles of the transfer function to decide if a system 1s stable, rather than com- pletely finding the solution of the governing equations. Several methods are avallable for determining system stabllity using the rule described above. The method of Nyquist is the simplest and most direct method for determining system stabllity. However, a description of the criterion and its relation to the transfer function representation of the system of governing perturbation equation for a steam generator is beyond the scope of this report. A simplified description of the method and its application to steam generators is given in Ref. 12. The specific application of the method to the system of equations solved in this analysis 1s presented in Ref. 4. 16 In brief, the procedure for determining system stability is as follows: l. Let S = iw with w the circular frequency and make a polar plot of the open loop response as w takes on values from -= to +x. 2. Determine if a vector from the -1 point on the real axis to the trace of the open loop transfer function makes one or more complete revolutions as the trace of the open loop transfer function is developed. 3. The system is unstable if the vector makes one or more clockwise revolutions as w proceeds from -= to +=, 4. In many cases system stability can be evaluated simply by determin- ing where the trace of the open loop transfer function crosses the real axis. If the trace crosses the real axis to the left of the -1 point the'éystem is unstable,and if to the right of -1 the system is stable. Example Nyquist diagrams are presented in Fig. 2-1 for the trace of the open loop transfer function and 0 < w < + =, It is emphasized that 1if there is any question about stability when determined by the above rules, the complete Nyquist criterion must be used. For each of the cases examined in this investigation, it was possible to determine system stability using the simplified procedures listed above. 17 S-PLANE _'1P TRACE OF OPEN LOOP TRANSFER FUNCTION < W < oo STABLE UNSTABLE Figure 2-1. Example Nyquist diagrams for polar plots of the open loop transfer function 18 3. RESULTS The stability of the reference design steam generators for the Molten Salt Breeder Reactor has been analyzed at 99.68, 79.95, 59.97, 39.89 and 19.94% of full rated load. Operating conditions and design parameters have been provided by Foster Wheeler Corporation in Refs. 5 and 6. Individual steam generator tubes are made of Hastelloy N having design properties listed in Table 2-2, Tube length is 114 ft, tube inner diameter is 0.5 in., and tube wall thickness is 0.125 in, Inlet and exit orifice pressure losses are taken equal to one velocity head or 0.85 psia at the inlet and 5.8 psia at the exit. Steady-state operating conditions for the reference design at each load rating are listed in Table 2-1, The heating distribu- tion along the tube for each load rating is given in Ref. 5. 3.1 TUBE-SIDE DYNAMIC STABILITY AT FULL AND PART LOAD The open loop frequency response of the reference design is presented in Tables 3-1 through 3-5 for 99.68, 79.95, 59.97, 39.89 and 19.94% of rated load, respectively. In each case the reference design is stable with respect to density wave oscillations as measured by the Nyquist stability criterion. Nyquist plots are presented in Fig. 3-1 for the reference design at 99.68 and 19.947% of rated load, It is clear that the system is highly stable as the trace of the open loop transfer function does not approach the region of the imaginary axis. Further, at reduced flow and heating rates the trace of the open loop transfer function is shifted along the real axis away from the -1 point, indicating an increase in stability at the lower flow and heat rates. However, it is emphasized that the system is very stable and that the above effects are not significant for the reference design, 19 TABLE 3-1 OPEN LOOP FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF REFERENCE DESIGN STEAM GENERATORS FOR AN MSBR OPERATING AT 99.68% OF RATED LOAD Open Loop Response(a) Frequency (radians/sec) Real Part Imaginary Part .0000 .4105+04 .0000 . 2500400 .2650+04 .1680+00 . 5000+00 . 2650+04 .3360+00 .1000+01 .2650+04 .6719+00 .5000+01 .2650+04 .3360+01 .1000+02 . 2650404 .6718+01 . 2500402 . 2650+04 .1678+02 .5000+02 .2652+04 .3345+02 . 7500+02 .2656+04 .4989+02 .1000+03 .2660+04 .6600+02 .1500+03 «2674+04 .9681+02 . 2000403 .26914+04 .1251+03 .5000+03 .2860+04 .2143+03 .1000+04 . 3109+04 . 7495+02 (a) Tube length divided into 60 segments 20 TABLE 3-2 OPEN LOOP FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF REFERENCE DESIGN STEAM GENERATORS FOR AN MSBR OPERATING AT 79.95% OF RATED LOAD Open Loop Response(a) Frequency (radians/sec) Real Part Imaginary Part .0000 .4876+04 .0000 .2500+00 .3119+04 .4114+00 .5000+00 .3119+04 .8228+00 . 7500+00 .3119+04 .1234+01 .1000+01 .3119+04 .1646+01 .1500+01 .3119+04 .2468+01 .2000+01 .3119+04 .32914+01 .5000+01 .3119+04 .82274+01 . 7500401 .3119+04 .1234402 .1000+02 .3119+04 .1645+02 .1500+02 .3120+04 . 2466402 .2000+02 .3120+04 .32874+02 .5000+02 .3128+04 .3156+02 .1000+03 . 3155+04 .1589+03 (a)Tube-length divided into 66 segments 21 TABLE 3-3 OPEN LOOP FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF REFERENCE DESIGN STEAM GENERATORS FOR AN MSBR OPERATING AT 59.97% OF RATED LOAD Open Loop ReSponse(a) Frequency (radians/sec) Real Part Imaginary Part .0000 .5698+04 .0000 .2500+00 .3533+04 .1030+01 . 5000+00 .35334+04 2059401 . 7500+00 .35334+04 .3089+01 .1000+01 .3533+04 .41194+01 .1500+01 .35334+04 .6178+01 .2000+01 .35334+04 .8237401 .5000401 .3533+04 .2059+02 . 7500401 . 3534404 .3088+02 .1000+02 . 3534404 .4116+02 .1500+02 .3536+04 .6169+02 . 2000402 .3538+04 .8216+02 .5000+02 . 3563+04 .2026+03 .1000+03 .3647+04 . 3860403 (a) Tube length divided into 69 segments 22 TABLE 3-4 OPEN LOOP FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF REFERENCE DESIGN STEAM GENERATORS FOR AN MSBR QPERATING AT 39,89% OF RATED LOAD Open Loop Response(a) Frequency (radians/sec) Real Part Imaginary Part .0000 .6653+04 .0000 .2500+00 .4438+04 .2058+01 .5000+00 .4438+04 4116401 . 7500400 .4438+04 .6174+01 .1000+01 .4438+04 .82324+01 1500401 .4438+04 .1235+02 .2000+01 4438404 .1646+02 .5000+01 .4439+04 .4115+02 . 7500+01 . 4440+04 .6169+02 .1000+02 .44414+04 .8219+02 .15004+02 4446404 .1230+03 .2000+02 - 4453404 .1636+03 .5000+02 . 4530404 .3951+03 .1000+03 4777404 .69974+03 (a) Tube length divided into 74 segments 23 TABLE 3-5 OPEN LOOP FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF REFERENCE DESIGN STEAM GENERATORS FOR AN MSBR OPERATING AT 19.94% OF RATED LOAD Open Loop Response(a) Frequency (radians/sec) Real Part Imaginary Part .0000 .8092+04 .0000 .2500-01 .6610+04 .4106+00 .5000+00 .6610+04 .8212+01 .1000+01 .6610+04 .1642402 .5000+01 .6614+04 .81944+02 .1000+02 .6627+04 .1628+03 +2500+02 .6716+04 .3887+03 .5000+02 .6990+04 .6602+03 . 7500+02 « 71331404 .7561+03 .1000+03 . 76374+04 .6931+03 .1500+03 . 7964404 .3466+03 .2000+03 .7992+04 .34254+02 .5000+03 .7626+04 -.5160+03 .1000+04 . 7156+04 ~.7167403 (a) Tube length divided into 86 segments 24 S~PLANE 200 g~ 99.68% OF RATED LOAD 100 = w = 1000 RAD/SEC 0 4 ' i I 0 2400 2800 3200 800 r 40O P 19.94% OF RATED LOAD 0 A— 6000 -400 | -800 L w = 1000 RAD/SEC Figure 3-1. Nyquist diagrams of the open loop transfer function for MSBR steam generators, reference design 25 In density wave oscillations, disturbances travel with the same velocity as the fluid in contrast to acoustic type oscillations where disturbances travel with the local speed of sound in the medium. The period of a density wave oscillation in a steam tube can be roughly estimated by dividing the tube length by the mean velocity of the steam in the tube. For the full and partial loads listed above, density wave oscillations, if they exist, are estimated to have a frequency varying from approximately 0.5 radians/sec at full load to 2.0 radians/sec at 207% of full load. Thus, the frequency ranges as presented in Tables 3-1 through 3-5 clearly encompass the possible frequencies of density wave oscillations. 3.2 SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS The accuracy of the analysis is dependent upon the number of segments into which the total tube length is divided. As the number of segments becomes large, or conversely as the length of each segment becomes very small, the accuracy of the method is expected to improve. The results reported in Section 3.1 were obtained by specifying non-uniform segment lengths identical to those reported by Foster Wheeler in Ref. 5. The total number of segments used for the 99.68, 79.95, 59.97, 39.89 and 19.94% of rated load cases were 60, 66, 69, 74, and 86, respectively. These tube divisions were determined by Foster Wheeler Corporation to yield highly accurate steady-state solutions. The effect of segment length on accuracy was investigated by examining the 99.68% of rated load case with tube length divided into 23 segments. The resultant frequency response is presented in Table 3~6. It can be seen that the effect of the larger segment length was to shift the trace of the frequency response curve along the real axis away from the -1 point. Clearly accuracy is a second-order effeét when compared to the increased stability predicted as flow and heating rates decrease, Further investigation of the effect of segment 26 TABLE 3-6 OPEN LOOP FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF REFERENCE DESIGN STEAM GENERATORS FOR AN MSBR OPERATING AT 99.68% OF RATED LOAD. TUBE LENGTH DIVIDED INTO 23 SEGMENTS Open Loop Response Frequency (radians/sec) Real Part Imaginary Part .0000 .4129+04 0000 . 2500400 .2789+4+04 .1003+00 . 5000400 .2789+04 .2006+00 . 7500400 . 2789404 . 3010400 .1000+01 . 2789404 .4013+00 .15004+01 . 2789404 .6019+4+00 .2000+01 .2789+04 . 8025400 . 5000+01 .27894+04 .2006401 . 7500401 .2789+04 .3009+01 .1000+02 . 2789404 4012401 .15004+02 .27894+04 .6016+01 . 2000402 . 2789404 .80174+01 .5000+02 2791404 1994402 .1000403 .2797404 .39134+02 27 length on accuracy was not deemed necessary since the effect of increased segment length was to indicate a more stable system. ‘Also, the segment lengths reported by Foster Wheeler (Ref. 5), and used in this study, have been found by Foster Wheeler to be adequate. Although tube-side dynamic instabilities are not predicted for the reference design, several brief parameter studies were run to determine the effect of inlet and exit orificing and the effect of system pressure level on system stability. The results for an inlet orifice resistance coefficient K = 120 are presented in Table 3-7 and has an exit orifice resistance coefficient of K = 20 are presented in Table 3-8. The corre- sponding pressure decreases across the inlet and exit orifices are 102 psia and 116 psia, respectively. It can be seen that the effect of inlet orificing i1s to make the system less stable while the effect of the exit orificing is to make the system more stable, This trend is just opposite the observed stability trends for two-phase flows where inlet orificing tends to stabilize and exit orificing makes the system less stable. An additional.calculation was made with an inlet orifice value K = 180 (a pressure decrease of approximately 153 psia), and the minimum real value of the open loop transfer function was 15,64, Although the margin of stability has been decreased by the inlet orificing, the reference design remains very stable with respect to density wave oscillations, Zuber (Ref. 11) in his analytical investigation of thermally induced flow oscillations in the supercritical thermodynamic region predicts similar trends for twd—phase and supercritical regimes. Thus, inlet orificing is reported as stabilizing the flow and frictional pressure losses and exit orificing leads to a less stable flow. Zuber further notes that his conclu- sions and results are new and have not yet been verified against experimental data. 28 TABLE 3-7 OPEN LOOP FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF REFERENCE DESIGN AT FULL LOAD, INLET ORIFICE K=120 Open Loop Response(a) Frequency (radians/sec) Real Part Imaginary Part .0000 | .3480+02 -.0000 +2500+00 .23394+02 .8505-03 .5000+00 .2339+02 .1701-02 . 7500+00 «2339+02 .2552-02 .1000+01 .2339402 .3402-02 .1500401 .2339+4+02 .5103-02 .2000+01 . 2339402 .6804-02 .5000+01 .2339+02 .1701-01 . 7500401 .2339+02 .2551~-01 .10004+02 .2339402 .3401-01 .1500+02 .2339+02 +.5100-01 .2000+02 . 2340402 .6797-01 .5000+02 .23414+02 .1690-00 .1000+03 . 2347402 .3317-00 (a) Tube length divided into 23 segments 29 TABLE 3-8 OPEN LOOP FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF REFERENCE DESIGN AT FULL LOAD, EXIT ORIFICE K=20 Open Loop Response(a) Frequency (radians/sec) Real Part Imaginary Part .0000 .8294+04 .0000 .25004+00 . 5303404 .3678+00 .5000+00 .5303+04 .7356+00 . 7500400 .5303+04 .1103+01 .1000+01 .3303+04 1471401 .1500+01 .5303+04 .22074+01 .2000+01 .23034+04 .29424+01 .5000+01 .5303+04 .7356+01 .7500+01 .3303+04 .1103+02 .1000+02 .3303+04 1471402 .15004+02 .53034+04 .2206+02 .2000+02 «2304+04 .2939+4+02 . 5000+02 .33104H04 . 7309402 .1000+03 .5333404 .1434+03 (a) Tube length divided into 23 segments 30 Finally the effect of system pressure level on the stability of the reference design was examined. It was found that the reference design was less stable at lower pressures (3530 psia) than at higher pressures (3930 psia), but that the effect was of second-order importance when compared to the effect of either orificing or reducing flow and heating rates. - 31 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The DYNAM computer code has been modified to permit the analysis of dynamic instabilities, specifically density wave oscillations, in the reference design steam generator for the Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor. Since the analysis is based on the solution of linear perturbation forms of the conservation equations for mass, momentum, and energy, the primary result of the analysis is to indicéte by a 'yes' or 'no' result whether the reference design is stable or unstable with respect to density wave oscillations. It is emphasized that the available experimental data and analytical studies are very limited. Thus, it has not been possible to verify the solution against either test data or other analyses, The reference design appears to be highly stable. Analyses of the effect of inlet orificing, exit orificing, and pressure level indicate trends opposite to those observed in two-phase systems. For the reference design, increased inlet orificing and increased firessure level have been found to decrease the stability margin., Exit orificing, reduced pressure level or reduced flow and heating rates appear to increase system stability,. 32 lOl 11. REFERENCES Bourgé, J. A., Bergles, A. E., and Tong, L. S., "A Review of Two- Phase Flow Instability," ASME paper 71-HT-42, ASME-AICHE Heat Transfer Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Aug. 1971. Neal, L. G., and Zivi, S. M., "The Stability of Boiling-Water Reactors,” Nuc. Sci. Eng., 30, 25 (1967). Jones, A. B., "Hydrodynamic Stability of a Boiling Channel ," Knolls Atomic Power Iaboratory reports Part I, KAPL-2170, Oct. 2, 1961; Part II, KAPL-2280, Apr. 20, 1962; Part III, KAPL-2290, June 28, 1963; Part IV, KAPL-3070, Aug. 18, 196k. Efferding, L. E., "DYNAM - A Digital Computer Program for Study of Dynamic Stability of Once-Through Boiling Flow and Steam Superheat,"” USAEC Report GAMD-8656, Gulf General Atomic, 1968. Cox, J. F., Foster Wheeler Corporation, "Full and Part-Load Operating Conditions for the Reference Design Molten-Salt Steam Generator," unpublished data. Cox, J. F., Foster Wheeler Corporation, "Properties of Materials Used in Reference Design Molten-Salt Steam Generator," unpublished data. Hall, W. B., "Heat Transfer Near the Critical Point," in Advances in Heat Transfer, Irvine, T. F., Jr. and Hartnett, J. P. (ed.), Academic Press, New York, 1971, p. l. Cornelius, A. J., "An Investigation of Instabilities Encountered During Heat Transfer to a Supercritical Fluid," Argonne National Iaboratory Report ANL-7032, April 1965. Walker, B. J., and Harden, D. G., "The Density Effect Model: Prediction and Verification of the Flow Oscillation Threshold in a Natural-Circulation Loop Operating Near the Critical Point," ASME paper 67-WA/HT-23, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 1967. Boure, J. A., "The Oscillatory Behavior of Heated Channels," Part I and II, French Report CEA-R 3049, Grenoble, France, 1966. Zuber, N., "An Analysis of Thermally Induced Flow Oscillations in the Near-Critical and Supercritical Thermodynamic Region," National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center Report No. NAS 8-11k22, May 25, 1966. Katz, R., "The Analysis of Density Wave Oscillations in Steam Generators by Means of Feedback Control Theory," Gulf General Atomic Report Gulf-GA-A12228, Aug. 1, 1972. 33 13. 1k, 15. 16. McClintock, R. B., and Silvestri, G. J., "Formulations and Iterative Procedures for the Calculation of Properties of Steam," ASME Publication H-17, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, New York, 1968. Mayer, C. A., et al., "1967 ASME Steam Tables - Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Steam Comprising Tables and Charts for Steam and Water," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, New York, 1967. Swenson, H. S., Carver, J. S., and Kakarala, C. R., "Heat Transfer to Supercritical Water in Smooth-Core Tubes," ASME paper 64-WA/HT-25, Winter Annual Meeting, New York, Sept. 196L. Deissler, R. G., "Heat Transfer and Fluld Friction for Fully Developed Turbulent Flow of Air and Supercritical Water with Variable Fluid Properties,” Transactions of the ASME, Jan. 195k, pp. 73-85. 34 APPENDIX C-1 TUBESHEET HEADER ASSEMBLY STRESSES AT SECTIONS 1-1 THROUGH 7-7 TUBESHEET STRESS AT TUBESHEET CENTER (SECTiQN_l—l) (FOR DESIGN PRESSURE, p=4000 PSI) Element 5. o - 5700 PS/. 391 4780 5111 72 ~3822 ~3826 68 ~2432 ~2440 I 440 - 418 - 439 ‘ 64 435 424 \Y\ 60 1410 1397 56 2408 2396 52 3490 3480 48 | 4731 4733 epeo pss. 344 5616 5946 -5900Ps/. ME | 6_7&0 PJ/.I SS THROUGH TUBESHEET PLOT OF STRE 6r(ToP) =-5700 psi O . (BOTTOM) = 6700 psi G'r(Avc.) = 1/2(6700-5700) = 500 psi O, = * (5700 + 500) = * 6200 psi GT(TOP) =-5900 psi GT(BOTTOM) = 6900 psi O (AVG.) = 1/2(6900-5900) = 500 psi Gy = +(5900 + 500) = * 6400 psi (Pm+3b) Dooe (_1_1 (A) PRIMARY GENERAL MEMBRANE STRESS INTENSITY (SECTION 1-1) (AT T.S. CENTER FOR DESIGN p=4000 PSI) s; = P/h @b x /02 + (5 S5 P/Zh[vQAp X R/t)2 + (Er)i + 5} + 2p;h/p Use the larger of 57 or Sj. where: p/h = reciprocal of ligament eff. = 1.0/0.476 = 2.10 Lp = differential press. across plate = 4000 psi pi = pressure inside tube hole = 4000 psi R = radial distance from centerline plate to section of interest = 2.063" t = plate thickness = 14" Qv I radial stress averaged through the depth of the equivalent solid plat: 6,.(AVG.) + h/p ( (p-h) / h) p; = 500 + 2096 = 2596 psi S, = 2.1,/34.74 x 10% + 673.92 x 10% = 5590 psi S, = 1.05 [ 2662 + 2596 + 3808] = 9520 psi O Maximum Average Plate Temperature < 1075 F Page C-1-2 (B) PRIMARY MEMBRANE PLUS BENDING STRESS INTENSITY (SECTION 1-1) (AT T.S. CENTER FOR DESIGN p=4000 PSI) S = k p/h Gi where: K = stress intensity factor for top of t.s., § =0 /0y = 5700/5900 = .97, K = 1.0 for bottom of t.s., E5= 6700/6900 = .97, K = 1.0 dl = 5; orCTT, whichever is hrger. W I 1.0 x 2.1 x 5900 i 12,390 psi (TOP) 1.0 x 2.1 x 6900 = 14,490 psi ( BOTTOM) W I Page C-1-3 (C) PRIMARY PLUS SECONDARY STRESS INTENSITY (SECTION 1-1) (AT CENTER OF T.S.) For Reactor Scram Transient Plus Opérating Pressure: where K = stress intensity factor for top of t.s., F>= -520/-780 = 0.67, K = 1,015 (E1. #390) | for bottom of t.s., p,= 4220/4370 = 0.97, K = 1.0 (E1. #343) 61 = 5; 0rj5T, whichever is larger. 5] il 1.015 x 2.1 x 780 = 1660 psi (TOP) wn il 1.0 x 2.1 x 4370 = 9180 psi (BOTTOM) For Load Reduction Transient plus operating pressure: Top of T.S. (El. #390), F’=( -6380 VA -6360 ) -2 1.0, K = Bottom of T.S., (EL. #343), ¢ =( 6710 )/ 6747 )=1.0, K = 1.0 S 1.0 x 2.1 x 6420 13,480 psi (TOP) 1.0 x 2.1 x 6750 S i 14,180 psi (BOTTOM) Syange = 9-18 + 14.18 = 23.36 ksi Paca (Ol 1 .0 (D) PEAK STRESS INTENSITY (AT CENTER OF T.S.) FOR TRANSIENTS DUE TO REACTOR SCRAM AND LOAD CHANGE PLUS OPERATING PRESSURE . S =Ypax B 04 WHERE: Yp.y = Py = 0, - FOR TOP OF T.S., (EL. #390) FOR BOTTOM OF T.S., ~(EL. #343) S S 1.43 x 2.1 x 11 NOTE: FOLLOWING RESULT: TOP OF T.S., N = =520 = T 780 BOTTOM OF T.S., 3= L220 | L370 S =1.68 x 2.1 x 780 + 3600 S =1.43 x 2.1 x 4370 + 230 STRESS MULTIPLIER PRESSURE ON THE SURFACE WHERE THE STRESS IS BEING COMPUTED PRINCIPAL STRESS HAVING THE LARGER ABSOLUTE VALUE IN THE PLANE OF THE EQUIVALENT SOLID PLATE o = = [j220 + 6710 = 10,930 =0.98, Y . L370 + 6747 11,120 -520 - 6380 = 6900 = 0.97, Y 2780 - 6360 TALO max 1.43 x 2.1 x 7140 + 3600 = 25,040 PSI (TOP) ,120 + 230 = 33,620 PSI (BOTTOM) FPOR REACTOR SCRAM TRANSIENT ALONE PLUS‘OPERATING PRESSURE WE HAVE 0.67, Ypax. = 1.68 = 0-979 Yma,x, = 1-’4—3 6350 PSI (TOP) 13,350 PSI (BOTTOM) Page C-1-5 | 1.43 1.43 TUBESHEET STRESS AT OUTER RADIUS OF PERFORATED ZONE (SECTION 2-2) (FOR DESIGN PRESSURE, p=4000 PSI ONLY) e & o - ! Element Se O~ - (¢oo PSt. ~3700 PS/ : 400 -858 -2661 r“—* | ] 75 - 91 ~1119 . N, \, 71 145 - 217 \ - \ | \\\. - ‘ ™~ 443 1211 1476 N, | ~, / 67 991 1368 £ 63 1349 1799 59 1295 2128 R 55 1091 2319 ! 51 946 2559 l \ \\ \ \ | - A ,1.1 72 pP5). | 2750 PS/.' 353 861 2823 ' . F PLOT QF STRESS THROUGH TUBESHEET (Pp + PB) L. g_(TOP) = ~1400 psi 0, (BOTTOM) = 720 psi 0, (AVG.) = 694 psi Py = %(1400 + 720) = * 1060 psi O, (TOP) = -3700 psi ¢ (BOTTOM) = 2950 psi Or(AVG.) = 1048 psi P, = %(3700 + 2950) = +3325 psi Maximum Average Plate Temperature < 10750F Page C-1-6 (A) PRIMARY GENERAL MEMBRANE STRESS INTENSITY (EDGE OF T.S.) Q ] 694 + 2096 = 2790 psi 2.1/1.7017 x 107 + 778.41 x 10" = 10,460 psi = 1.05 [ 4980 + 2790 + 3808 | = 12,160 psi 14p] Mo } (B) PRIMARY MEMBRANE PLUS BENDING STRESS INTENSITY (EDGE OF T.S.) ~Top of T.S., (>= 6./67 = -1400/-3700 = 0.378, K = 1.04 Bottom of T.S., {3= 720/2950 = 0.244, K = 1.06 I ] S =1.04 x 2.1 x 3700 = 8080 psi S 1.06 x 2.1 x 2950 6570 psi (C) PRIMARY PLUS SECONDARY STRESS INTENSITY Top(E1l. 401) Bott(El. 354) Top(El. 401)7 Bott(El. 354) Op.P. + R. Scram 6105 =581 . 3984 Op.P. + Load Change - 275 268 -2398 Steady-State 506 -2272 | . 710 1524 Page C-1-7 LOADING CONDITION (a) (P + R.S.)-(P+L.C.) TOP BOTT TOP 6380 -849 6382 TOP OF T.S.: (= 6380/6382 7 1.0, K=1.0 S =1.0 x 2.1 x 6382 = 13,400 psi (TOP) BOTTOM OF T.S.: £ = -8L49/-1068 = 0.79 K = 1.01 S=1.01 x 2.1 x 1068 = 2270 psi (BOTT.) LOADING CONDITION (b) P + R.S. + 55 T0P BOTT 0P 6611 -2853 Leol TOP OF T.S.: | O = L69L /6611 = 0,704, K = 1.02 § =1.02 x 2.1 x 6671 = 14,220 psi (TOP) BOTTOM OF T.S.: (3 = -1368/-2853 = 0.40 K = 1.03 s =1.03 x 2.1 x 2853 = 6170 psi (BOTT) LOADING CONDITION (c) P + R.S. TOP OF T.S.: = 3984/6105 0.65, K = 1.015 S = 1.015 x 2.1 x 6105 = 13,010 psi (TOP) BOTTOM OF T.S.: g S = 1.45 x 2.1 x 1524 = 4640 psi (BOTT)" ~-581/1524 -0.38, K = 1.45 BOTT -1068 BOTT -1366 Page C-1-8 PEAK STRESS INTENSITY (at edge of tube sheet) For transients due to reactor scram and load change plus operating pressure. For top of T.S., § = 1.0: ¥Ymax = 1.43 For bottom of T.S., @ = 0.79: ¥max = 1.50 P Yma.x(h}fi'. + Ps g = S=1.43 x 2.1 x 6380 + 3600_= 22760 (Top) S =1,50 x 2.1 x 6382 + 230 = .20333 (.Bottom) Page C-1-9 SECTION 3-3 PRIMARY MEMBRANE Element 9, O 36L 71 -1578 365 -8L46 -3897 366 ~1269 -~3658 367 1626 5858 368 ~2661 =7190 Ave. _1267 ~L1i36 111 = -28 O =-5676 S = 6150 = Py PRIMARY PLUS SECONDARY STRESSES ELEMENT 36l 3 - 1) OP. P. + R.S. 86L5 2) OP. P. + L.S. -1546 3) s.s. - 1710 comvrrioy (o) (0 - (& 10191 J, = 16052 0, = 116 S = 26360 compITIoN () (1) + (3) 20355 J, = 31506 0’2 = -286 S = 49,810 o) Maximum Temperature < 1150 F (Assume Also Pp) 10865 0’3 = ~18300 -6760 3543 -115L0 -10303 -18300 ~15171 Page C-1-10 SECTION L-L PRIMARY STRESSES Element S P Ty Crz 38) -L,06 2027 ~L0L 5013 385 -1098 L791 198 LL6T7 386 -1847 L}50 -205 2831 387 -1185 3698 8l 2929 388 -1107 . . 1144 -795 792 389 +106 -508 -68L 534 Avg. -922 2600 -301 2761 - G, o= Ly Oé = =21436 3= -301 S = 6550 SECTION L-L PRIMARY PLUS SECONDARY STRESSES | g e - Oes 1 OP. P + R.S. -678 125], 11140 526l 2 O0P. P + L.S. ~609 L4377 1948 3974 3 s.s. 1363 1302 -1071 1111 Condition :f:'é,;} 1\ - 21 -69 ~3123 ~13088 1290 T, =-3595 (05 = L03 G4 = 13088 s = 13490 Condition (b) (1. + .3 , | 685 2556 -12211 61,05 0, = 809l 0, = L1852 05 = 12211 S = 20,310 Maximum Temperature < 1000°F Page C-1-11 PRIMARY LOCAL MEMBRANE STRESS SECTION 5-5 El. 6 R 62 (jT A O’Rz. 420 | 5492 24660 7066 10250 421 3636 14480 3449 5126 422 2891 9002 | 1611 3000 423 | 1821 | 6679 | 689 1186 424 2126 4590 102 2404 425 1397 3811 - 240 | 460 426 1116 1778 - 931 850 427 379 - 684 | -1821 253 428 81 - 2693 ~2446 - 264 AVG. +2104 46847 + 831 + 2585 V1. T2 = %(2104 + 6847) # [((6847-2104)2)% + 2585%]% = 4476 * 3508 = 7984, 968 T3="Tp =831 Stress intensity, S = 7984 - 831 = 7150 psi o} Maximum Temperature < 1000_F Page C-1-12 SECTION 5-5 PRIMARY PLUS SECONDARY STRESSES <% O + 1 OP. P. + R.S. 41110 21020 2 OP. P. + L.S. 9040 L6LO 3 §.S. 5603 3397 Condition aj, 1,2 32070 16380 14 = 11,054 ‘52 - 6396 S = 34,658 Condition (b 1 + '3 46713 2WaT T, = 65985 (o = 5115 S = 60,8L0 i 28301 21691, Page C-1-13 PRIMARY GENERAL MEMBRANE STRESS SECTION 6-6 El. & 8. | s} YR z Jr 108 ~2550 4667 3805 109 -2236 5248 3990 110 -1773 5621 4166 111 ~1271 5840 4320 112 - 748 5974 4469 113 - 214 6070 4623 114 317 6165 4788 115 833 5360 4971 AVG. - 955 5736 4392 fl’fiz = 15(5736 - 955) * [ (5736 + 955/2)% + (-2599)2]% = 2391 * 4236 = 6627, -1845 Gq =0p = 4392 Stress Intensity, S = 6627 + 1845 = 8470 psi (Section A-A) Maximum Temperature < 1000°F Stresses due to R.S. and L.S. alone are given below: ir Oz Or R.S. 3670 11130 23330 L.S. -1370 - 4150 - 8800 Page CTRz 3214 -2946 ~2696 -2485 ~2344 -2291 -2336 ~2477 -2599 C-1-1L SECTION 6-6 PRIMARY PLUS SECONDARY STRESSES (Tr ,:q“- 1 OP. P. + R.S ~1311 21,810 2 OP. P. + L.S ~3568 1139 3 S.s. 98 1968 Condition (a} (1, - 2) 2257 23671 0, = 25293 6, = 635 SI = 24658 Condition ié; 1+ kij | -1213 26778 // Ty = 28Ll G, = -2878 ST = 31322 18858 I -6112 21,362 -7027 18858 Page C-~1-15 SECTION 7-7 PRTMARY STRESSES Element Jr J di Qr? 180 -314) ~326), 13090 ~333 181 -2059 ~2809 12320 =475 182 -1129 -2265 11710 -687 183 ~369 -1656 11200 -917 181, 221 ~991 10760 ~1125 185 639 -281 10360 ~1279 186 887 168 9962 -1353 187 961, 1267 9571 -1328 Avg. -L499 -1191 11122 ~937 @} = 154 &, = 18l S = 12970 <33 = 11,122 | o Maximum Operating Temperature < 1000 F SECTION 7-7 PRIMARY PLUS SECONDARY STRESSES | Or 5 o Ora 1 0.P. + R.S 8L3 8181 35140 -5325 2 0.P. + L.S -L,228 -7165 2680 1576 3 S.S. -19 -50 -189 2l Condition {a} 1 - 2 5071 153L6 32460 ~6901 G, = 18,812 0, = 1606 Cfé = 32160 S = 30,850 Condition (b) does not control Condition 9) S = 37,090 (max.) Page C-1-16 SECTION 8-8 Primary stresses (due to design pressure of 1000 psi) Element 332 333 33k 335 336 337 338 Average 5 == -1908 LLo1 10623 Or Oz -3629 L515 -29L1 L501 -2331 Lh9s -1788 LL90 -1305 LL85 -87L LL8- -Lg2 LL76 -1908 LL%1 S = 12531 psi Negligible Page C-1-~17 HASTELLOY APPENDIX C-2 N MATERTAL PROPERTIES A) ALLOWABLE STRESSES (REFERENCE ) ) S¢ Spt s (Temp. Ohr 10 hr 10° hr 10° hr 10* hr 10f hr 10 hr_ 10° hr 10® hr 10% hr 105 he O z 70 26,600 I ’ , , 29,000 26,600 Lo | 26,600 21,000 | 26,600 600 26,600 , 20,000 26,600 800 | 25,200 | ! | ] t 18,000 | 25,200 1000 | 23,850 ; : ' : ! ! 17,000 23,850 1100 | 22,950 | 18,000 34,000 2k,000 17,160 12,000] 22,950 - - 17,160 12,000 13,000 | 22,950 1200 22,050 | 34,670 24,000 16,000 12,000 7,260 | 22,050 - 16,000 12,000 7,260 6,000 22,050 1300 19,300 | 24,000 16,000 10,000 6,250 3,500 19,300 16,000 10,000 6,250 3,500} 3,500 19,300 1400 [ 16,600 | 12,000 7,670 5,070 3,330 2,000 12,000 7,670 5,070 3,330 2,000 16,600 B) OTHER PROPERTIES (REFERENCE 7 ) Modulus Mean Coefficient - . . Thermal Temperatiure of of Expansion e ° T - A . o Conductivity (°F) Klasticity in./in.-°F (Btu/ft-nhr-°F) (psi) (70° - T) | X 1076 X 108 100 31.3 6.0 200 30.6 3_00 30.0 - LOo £9.5 6.45 7.4 500 29.0 600 28.5 6.76 8.3 T00 28.1 800 2‘7'7 T|09 9.,?_ Q00 27.2 9.3 1000 26.7 7.43 10.4 1050 26. 4 1100 26.3 11.1 1150 26.1 1201 1200 25.7 7.81 1.7 Deusity, 0.3L17 1b/in.® at room temperature. Spcecific heat, 0.095 Btu/lb °F at room temperature; PAGE C_2-1 O 130 Riba1/1W 9T b 1 A0 TS APPENDIX C-3 GULF GENERAL ATOMIC REPORT GULF-GA-A 1241, LN - GULF GENERAL ATOMIC Gul f-GA-Al2414 FINAL REPORT TUBE RUPTURE ANALYSIS OF A COUNTERFLOW HEAT EXCHANGER by J. J. Johnson and D. A. Wesley Prepared under P.O0. N24013 Project No. 0540.0000 for Foster Wheeler Corporation under . Union Carbide Corporation, Nuclear Division Subcontract No. 91X-88070C under Prime Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Gulf General Atomic Project 0540 November 20, 1972 GULF GENERAL ATOMIC COMPANY P.O. BOX 81608, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92138 ABSTRACT The structural integrity of a counterflow heat exchahger subjected to a steam tube failure was examined. The scope of the investigation was limited to two areas of concern. The effect of the burst on the contain- ment vessel was treatec as a plane strain problem, and the results indicated that the shell could withstand the accident without failure. Stresses well: above the yield strength of the shell result, however, and an increase in the diameter of the shell of the order of 4,0 inches may be anticipated for the worst case of failure of a tube immediately adjacent to the shell, The integrity of a tube adjacent to the ruptured tube was considered using a discrete method of analysis modeling the tube as a continuous beam. The results obtained for the response of the adjacent tube indicate that although very large beam deformations are predicted, rupture will not occur, even for the very conservative assumption of no support from surrounding tubes. While this is physically an unrealistic case, it may be Considered an upper bound on maximum tube response. ABSTRACT . , CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . .. .« o e INTRODUCTION . ANALYSIS 2.1 Effect 2,1.1 2.1.2 2,2 Effect RESULTS AND 3.1 Effect 3.2 Effect CONCLUS | ONS REFERENCES . of a Tube Rupture on the Shell . General Remarks . . . . . . . . Models of the Problem . ., . . . 2.1.2,1 Model I , . . .., ... Model II . . ..... of a Tube Rupture on an Adjécent DISCUSSION L] [ ] - - L] L ] a L ] L ] L L ] of a Tube Rupture on the Shell . of a Tube Rupture on an Adjacent . L] L] * L ® - Kl L] - L] - L ] L J L ] - LIST OF FIGURES |dealized stress-strain curve for Hastelloy N at 850°F Grid plot for Model I of the shell analysis Enlarged grid plot of tube rupture area of Model I Pressure-time history of the steam after tube rupture Grid plot for Model Il of the shell analysis Pressure profiles applied to the shell Points of application of the pressure profile-Model II of the shell analysis ‘ldealized moment-curvature relationship of a tube Effective stress~time history in Zone | Effective stress~time history in Zone 2 Effective stress-time history in Zone 3 Effective stress-time history in Zone 4 Grid plot of the shell, time = 0 sec Grid plot of the shell, time = 50 psec Grid plot of the shell, time = 254 psec Grid plot of the shell, time = 551 usec Grid plot of the shell, time = 754 usec Grid plot of the shell, time = 1 millisec 1.25 millisec Grid plot of the shell, time 1.5 millisec Grid plot of ‘the shell, time Circunferential stress-time history in Zone | Model and loading of a tube adjacent to the rupture Maximum moment-time history in the tube iv 1. INTRODUCTION A history and general description of the molten-salt breeder reactor are contained in Refs. | and 2 along with numerous references to more detailed information on the individual components and the development of new materials for their construction., The purpose of this study was to evaluate the struc- tural integrity of one such component under a specified accident condition. This involved investigation of the effects of a tube rupture on a counter- flow heat exchanger. The vessel is a cylindrical shell 114,83 feet in height, 41 inches in outside diameter, and .75 inch wall thickness. It contains 1032 tubes of .75 inch outside diameter and .125 inch wall thick- ness which are supported by tube sheets at 5 foot intervals (Ref, 6). The shell-side fluid is molten-salt and the tube-side fluid is supercritical steam. The inlet and outlet conditions of the steam and-molten-salt are specified in Ref. 3. Both the shell and tubes are constructed of a nickel- base alloy, Hastelloy N, with temperature dependent material properties specified in Refs. 3-6. The rigorous treatment of a steam tube burst on the sfructural integrity of its containment vessel and the adjacent tubes is a complex hydrodynamic problem, A mechanized literature survey obtained from the Nuclear Safety Information Center at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and one performed by the authors verified the lack of completely general solution techniques available for the indicated problem. Since inadequate time was available to develop methods of analysis, it was concluded that the problem must be simplified considerably and its solution sought by an appropriate available technique. The basic philosophy of all such idealizations is to model the phenomena as accurately as possible, using a conservative representation of the problem where necessary. This allows one to qualitatively discuss the results with a reasonable degree of confidence. The scope of this investigation was limited to two areas of concern. These were the effects of a tube rupture on the structural integrity of the shell and the integrity of an adjacent tube. The shell was treated as a plane strain problem using the PISCES 2DL computer éode. This is a finite- difference program which is capable of treating hydrodynamic/structural shock problems. The response of a tube adjacent to the rupture was obtained from a lumped-mass model of a continuous beam. Due to reduction of effort allowed, the treatment of effects of adjoining tubes was not included, either in the overall beam response of the tube or the localized response due to impact, nor was any consideration of scattering of the wave nossible., The analysis and models are discussed in detail in subsequent sections, 2, ANALYSIS 2.1 EFFECT OF A TUBE RUPTURE ON THE SHELL 2.1.1 General Remarks The rupture of a tube adjacent to the wall of the shell was studied by considering a typical transverse section through the shell and analyzing it as a plane strain problem. Average values of temperature, 850°F, pressure in the steam, 3700 psi, and pressure in the molten-salt, 206 psi, were assumed, This assumption removes the longitudinal flow of the molten-salt from consideration, which is reasonable in the time span being considered. The problem was subsequently analyzed using a hydrodynamic computer code named PISCES 2DL. | | A series of computer programs identified by the name PISCES have been develdped by the Physics International Company (Ref. 7) and are marketed through the Control Data Corporation. The program PISCES 2DL is a two- dimensional hydrodynamic code which utilizes the Lagrangian formulation (Refs, 8 and 9) with a finite-difference approach. The programs contain specific provisions for treating shocks and they allow fluid-solid inter- action, a wide variety of equations of state, and non-linear stress-strain models. The standard elastic-plastic model in PISCES is bi-linear and uses the von Mises yield criterion with a Prandtl-Reuss flow rule. This model was used in the present study for the idealized stress-strain curve of Hastelloy N at 850°F shown in Fig. 1. The actual computer runs were made at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory at a considerable reduction in cost over the Control Data Corporation's version, The computer models were established after consultation with the staff of Physics International Company since they were most familiar with the capa- bilities and restrictions of the code. 3 90,000 , , | . //////, 60,000 |- _ o & o = 27,625 PS! : = 85,500 PSI (V) 30,000 |- | | . 6 . E = 27.45 X 10° PS| ; 0 ! | L J 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 STRAIN Fig. 1. Idealized stress-strain curve for Hastelloy N at 850°F 2.1.2 Models of the Problem Model I. The first'attempt at modeling the shell included the | molten-salt, four steam zones (modeling the steam as an ideal gas), and four artificially dense zones (representing the tube) to direct the flow of steam, An overall view of the grid is shown in Fig. 2 and an enlargement of the ‘area containing the steam and artifically dense zones is shown in Fig. 3. Several runs were made with this model for varying boundary conditions in the steam. An accurate representation of the problem was not possible using this configuration and an increase in the number of zones near the rupture was indicated. Although this refinement would not significantly increase the total number of zones, the corresponding reduction in the time. step necessary to assure convergence made it economically infeasible. Also, an initial increase in resolution of the mesh at the rupture did not guar- antee the solution and a further reduction may have been necessary. Model II. The alternative to this situation was to model the shell excluding the molten-salt and the directed flow of steam from the tube. The disturbance then had to be applied to the shell as a pressure distribu- tion with a specified time and spatial variation, Quanti tative results on tube ruptures are infrequent in the literature, A comprehensive study was recently completed by Eiber EE_El: of Battelle | Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio‘(Ref. 10) in which a series of exper- iments were performed on cylindrical presSure vessels with through-wall and surface flaws to investigate the many facets of a rupture. The failure reported by Eiber propagated along the length of the vessel in contrast to the mode of failure specified by Foster Wheeler Corporation (Ref. 12), i.e., a '"fish mouth! type opening in the tube. This difference may be attributed Vto several factors such as the initiation of failure in the tube and the fact that the tube is a thick-walled cylinder compared to the thin-walled cylinders tested by Eiber, Fig. 2. Grid plot of Model I for the shell énalysis |a»\l.n. \— r - . . u. i‘t\ Illrrc\-l(\r.fi \‘l\*“lfiulk\“flule » ) on\'.l ‘. hodld - Wt v J RSy o e . M\»\\ll& fl. —~ wolPX T, . - Pt IJIL.\ W..l\l\ ..»'x G Y ) ' -~ X o J " VA\.-.. o, .w.\- \).\I\-\J". fd\ll - ’A- -\I\\\ / \\\ * ) > S - MOLTEN-SALT ZONE H - HASTELLOY N ZONE X - ARTIFICIALLY DENSE ZONE e - STEAM ZONE Enlarged grid plot of tube rupture area of Model I Fig. 3. The pressuré-time history shown in Fig. 4 was selected for the present study. The initial tube pressure was allowed to act for 1.5 milliseconds to reflect the aforementioned discrepancy in the mode of failure. The final pressure was estimated from the results of a shock tube analysis assuming interaction of two fluids with the pressure and other properties of the molten-salt and steam, respectively (Ref. 16). The basic pulse shape and duration are consistent with the measurements made by Eiber as well as those utilized by Gulf General Atomic (Ref. 11) for the analysis of a double-ended steam tube failure. |In both cases, the pressure profile of Fig. 4 is an upper bound. The source of the disturbance is assumed to act at a point 19.175 inches from the center of the shell, Fig. 5, which corresponds to the inside edge of the tube nearest the wall (Ref. 6). The disturbance is naturally modified as it travels through the molten-salt and interacts with the shell. Two phenomena define the character of the pulse experienced by the shell: divergence of the wave as it travels through the salt, and reflection of the disturbance at the interface of the shell and molten-salt, In close proximity to the source, the impedence difference of the molten- salt and shell governs the definition of the disturbance. As the distance from the source increases, spherical divergence plays an increasingly important role. It is not difficult to verify that the shell is a relatively fixed surface compared to the molten-salt; i.e., a reflected wave of amplitude approaching the amplitude of the incident wave would be generated upoh normal incidence (Ref. 13). The maximum amplitude of the reflected dis- turbance is thus equal to the amplitude of the incident disturbance and occurs at a fixed boundary. This value was conservatively assumed in the present case. This magnification of the pulse due to reflection decreases rapidly as one proceeds along the shell due to the rapidly decreasing angle of incidence. PRESSURE (PS1) 3700 4oo Fig. 4. | 1 | 1 | i ] 2 3 4 5 TIME (mSEC) Pressure-time history of the steam after tube rupture SN % PLANE OF SYMMETRY Fig. 5. Grid plot for Model II of the shell analysis The effect of spherical divergence is two-fold: the disturbance is Yspread out' in time, i.e., an increasing rise time with increasing distance from the source, and a decrease in the magnitude of the disturbance occurs (Ref. 13). Several one-dimensional runs were made with PISCES 1DL (Refs. 14 and 15) in both spherical and plane symmetry to verify and quantify the preced- ing observations. The results obtained led to the pressure profiles shown in Fig. 6 with the corresponding zones of application depicted in Fig. 7. The duration of the maximum pressure corresponds to the travel time of a signal through the thickness of the shell. At points more remote from the source, the rise time of the disturbance was assumed to increase as the Square of its distance from the source and subsequently follow the pressure profile of Fig. 5. ' The loadings were time lagged by the travel time through the molten-salt. The results of this analysis are discussed in Section 3.1, 2.2 EFFECT OF A TUBE RUPTURE ON AN ADJACENT TUBE In addition to the treatment of the shell, the effect of a tube rupture on an adjacent tube was considered. Those properties deemed important to the phenomena were studied and modeled appropriately. In the present case, the elastic-plastic properties of the tube together with the pfesence of the molten-salt are necessary tQ_accurately represent the physical problem, Thus, as in the previous case, a discrete method of analysis was required, The tube was modeled as a beam, continuous over four supports, and divided into a discrete number of elements with concentrated mass and stiff- ness properties. The solution technique used is described by Biggs (Ref. 17). In general, at each time step, an element is acted on by the applied load, shearing forces (derived from the moments at the ends of the segment), an inertial force, and a drag force which approximately represents the resistive force of the molten-salt. The acceleration of the mass is then determined from the equation of motion and integrated to obtain the velocity and dis- placement of the mass. The moments are determined from a moment-curvature 11 7400 | 6600 | = - o 4 w3700 w 3700 | = o Y D N w Ll ) o il a- a ZONES 1 AND 2 ZONE 3 56 56 TIME (uSEC) TIME (uSEC) 9920 ¢ —_ z g 5180 { w 3700 | < 3700 | = 7S w 7] w Lt ";:-' o a o ZONE 4 ZONE 5 56 - S 56 TIME (uSEC) TIME (uSEC) £ . e N Lot w 3700 = 37001 s [ Iy w » 0 ye o o oo ZONE 6 ZONE 7 56 56 TIME (uSEC) TIME (uSEC) Fig. 6. Pressure profiles applied to the shell. Zone numbers refer to Fig. 7. The pressure profiles follow Fig. 4 for times exceeding 56 sec. | 12 £T 7. —t . .%;_. - Zones of application of the pressure profiles - Model II of the shell analysis relation where the curvature is defined as the second central difference of the displacements. An elastic-plastic moment-curvature diagram was derived for the tube from the stress-strain diagram of Fig. 1 assuming a linear distribution of strain through the cross section of the tube. The result is shown in Fig. 8. The drag force was defined as in Ref. 18 with a minimum value of the drag coefficient assumed (CD = 1.0). Several loading cases were considered, 14 MOMENT (IN./LB) 6000 T 1 T I (.933,5170) 5000 |- — 4000 - 3000 - 2000 |— - (.136,1900) 1000 | ' - (.00264,910) ] | 0 | | l 1 ! L ] | 0 0.5 1. CURVATURE (IN.”)) Fig. 8. Idealized moment-curvature rélationship of a tube 15 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 EFFECT OF A TUBE RUPTURE ON THE SHELL The pressure profile discussed in the previohs section was applied to the shell and the solution obtained for 1.5 milliseconds. Effective stress- time histories are plotted in Figs. 9-12 for the first four zones along theA circumference of the sheli. The maximum stress (42,900 psi) occurs at 1.5 milliseconds and is one-half the ultimate strength of Hastelloy N at 850°F, The computer solution was terminated at this point for several reasons. The initial disturbance has made over two complete circumferential transits of the shell and the remaining pressurization of the shell is slow in compar- ison. At 1,5 milliseconds, the pressure profile 6f Fig. 5 begins to decrease, approaching a quasi-static pressurization of the shell at a considerably smaller pressure, Grid plots of the shell at various times in the solution are depicted in Figs. 13-20. Figure 21 is a computer plotted time history of the circum- ferential stress in the first zone of the shell. An increase in the diameter of the shell of 3.6 inches has occurred at 1.5 milliseconds. 3.2 EFFECT OF A TUBE RUPTURE ON AN ADJACENT TUBE Several loading cases were considered for both a single span, simply supported beam and a three span continuous beam, The model and loading case reported here are shown in Fig. 22, A plot f the maximum mdment~time history for the beam is shown in Fig. 23, The simple tube model considered would not rupture. However, the results of the analysis exceed the appli- cability of beam theory because very large deformations occur; e.g., a max- imum mid-span deflection of 24,5 inches was calculated. Furthermore, the geometry of the heat exchanger also limits the applicability of the model, 16 EFFECTIVE STRESS (PS1) 50,000 T I T T T T 40,000 |- 30,000 - 20,000 - : , — 10,000 — 0 1 . | 1 } ] ] 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1. TIME (mSEC) Fig. 9. Effective stress—time history in Zone 1 17 EFFECTIVE STRESS (PSI) 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 18 e - - n 1 i e I\ 1 i 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1. i TIME (mSEC) Fig. 10. Effective stress-time history in Zone 2 .6 EFFECTIVE STRESS (PS1) 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,0001 10, 000 Fig. 11. Effectlve stress—time history in Zone 3 19 — p— | ] | N I\ | 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1. TIME (mSEC) EFFECTIVE STRESS (PSI1) 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 — - b \ L L 1 \ A 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 TIME {(mSEC) Fig. 12. Effective stress-time history in Zone 4 20 T¢ 0y Ty - H: Fig. 13. Grid plot of the shell, time 0 seconds [ ~ Fi g * 14 . Gr id pld t of | the sh el 1 b ] ti me = 50 pse c > N ‘ N W W Fig. 15. Grid plot of the shell, time = 254 usec N £~ Fig. 16. Grid plot of the shell, time = 551 usec Fig. 17. Grid plot of the shell, time = 754 usec . Fig. 18. Grid plot of the shell, time = 1 millisec- Fig. 19. Grid plot of the shell, time = 1.25 millisec Fig. 20. Grid plot of the shell, time = 1.5 millisec o STRESS (PSI) 55,000 t gt p oty r 2t \ T T k1 o o I Y TS T U0 D Y I AN N WO U N 2 P S Y BN N IS Y B Fig. 21. el - - - r . - - . e | S S N N N | 3 - i —t I I T fi—rfi—kr‘f—r_'_T_r‘T_*‘-'r—r_lerllrrrJl"T‘T"l' 200 600 . 1.0 E+3 1.4 E+3 TIME (uSEC) Circumferential stress-time history in Zone 1 29 ) — 1 TT i e # 11,900 | FORCE (LB) TIME (mSEC) (a) Force applied to Node 22 11,900} FORCE (LB) 4 | 0 e+ 5 TIME {(mSEC) (b) Force applied to Nodes 21 and 23. Time lagged with a rise time of 0.2 milliseconds. 21 B —(22 | T AN 2 Z : Lw 42 ELEMENTS AT 4.286 IN. = 180 IN. _}J (c}) Model of tube Fig. 22. Model and loading of a tube adjacent to the rupture 30 T¢ MOMENT (IN./LB) 6000 [ 1 I r o Looo | — _.—-——-""—'-—__”_N“”\i e T ‘\\ 2000 — — 0 | 1 _— SN I —t 0 1 2 3 4 TIME (mSEC) Fig. 23. Maximum moment-time history in the tube since after a very small amount of deformation, the tube would hit another tube. This would increase its resistance to deformation (at least untjl the combination of the pressure disturbance and impact loading of the adjacent tubes results in essentially equal velocities). Also, localized stress concentration at the points of impact would occur. Inadequate time was available to consider these facets of the problem. 32 L., CONCLUS!IONS The analysis of a counterflow heat exchanger under a specified accident condition, i.e., a steam tube rupture, was performed in this investigation. The results of the analysis indicate that the containment vessel will not fail due to a tube failure. The analysis was a conservative one in several regards. The applied load was chosen as an upper bound of the data available on ruptures and, due to the idealization of the shell in two dimensions, was assumed to act along the entire axis of the shell. This latter assumption neglects the increase in strength due to axial stresses in the region of the rupture. The results of the analysis of a tube adjacent to the rupture are less conclusive. A more sophisticated analysis is required including the inter~ action of several tubes and perhaps large deformation considerations. How- ever, several observations can be made from the results of the present analysis. The most significant one concerns the amount of deformation sustained by the tube without failure. This is due to the stress-strain relation of Hastelloy N and is an essential factor in this and ahy subseguent analysis. Similarly, the effect of the molten-salt must be included in the analysis, Scattering of the disturbance, while not investigated, is believed to be a beneficial effect reducing the intensity of the disturbance. Inadequate time did not permit a detailed consideration of the phenomenon, This investigation identified the need for greater research and under- standing of the mechanisms of failure and related phenomena, e.g., a measure of rupture area and pressure as a function of time. Only after such research is completed will more sophisticated and accurate methods of analysis be available, 33 REFERENCES Nuclear Applications & Technology 8, 2, 105-219 (February 1970). Robertson, R. C., ed., Conceptual Design Study of a Single-Fluid Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor, ORNL-4541 (June 1971). Cox, J. F., Foster Wheeler Corporation, "Basic Information - Reference Design Molten-Salt Steam Generator," unpublished data. Cox, J. F., Foster Wheeler Corporation, '"Properties of Materials Used in the Reference Design Molten-Salt Steam Generator," unpublished data. Cox, J. F., Foster Wheeler Corporation, '"Bulk Modulus of Molten-Salt and High Temperature Properties of Hastelloy N,' unpublished data. Cox, J. F., Foster Wheeler Corporation, 'Final Drawings Steam Generator,'’ unpublished data. Physics International Company, An Introduction to the PISCES System of Continuum Mechanics Codes (October 1971). Physics International Company, PISCES 2DL-General Description and Finite-Difference Equations (1972). Physics International Company, PISCES 2DL - Input Manual (1972), Eiber, R. J., et al., "Investigation of the Initiation and Extent of Ductile Pipe Rupture,' Battelle Columbus Laboratories Report BMI-1908 (June 1971). Jones, D. J., (Gulf General Atomic), private communication, Cox, J. F., Foster Wheeler Corporation, "Specification of Rupture Area in a Tube," unpublished data. 34 REFERENCES {Continued) Ewing, W. M., W. S, Jardetzky and F. Press, Elastic Waves in Layered Media, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1957. Physics International Company, PISCES 1DL - General Description and Finite-Difference Equations (1971), Physics International Company, PISCES 1DL - Input Manual (1971). Liepmann, H. W. and A. Roshko, Elements of Gasdynamics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1962. Biggs, J. M., Introduction to Structural Dynamics, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1964, pp. 192-195, Daily, J. W., and D. R, F. Harleman, Fluid Dynamics, Addison-Wes ley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass., 1966, pp. 376-385. 35