m @Sammm jon posss- ple oOf mm@"mamn contained in DOE’s Research and Development ~eports to business, industry, the academic community, and federal, state and locat governments. Although a small portion of this repor: is not reproducible, it is being made available to expedite t the aval lability of m?orma'&son on the regearch discussed n NUCLESR SUIERCE SERIES Radinchemistry of the Elements R\% TAE RADIOCHEKISIRY OF URANIUH, REPTURIU ARD ?EUTO&IUH - AN UPDATIRG NAS-NS--3063 DE86 007600 by . Richard A. Roberts Hallinckrodt Medical Products R & D - 8§75 HeDomnell Boulevard St. Louis, MD 63134 Gregory R. Choppin Department of Chemistry Florida State University Tallahessee, Florids and John F. Wiid _ Nuclear Chemistry Division Lavrence Livermore Reticnal Lsboratory Livermore, California Prepared for Committee on Ruclear snd Radiochemistry _ Board on Chemical Sciences and Technoleogy Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources National Academy of Sciences--Rationsl Research Council Februazry 18856 Published by TECHRICAL INFORKATION CENTER OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC AED TRCHNICAL IRFORHATION USITED STATES DEPARTMERT OF ENERCY Fanflufl " ‘\__ The Committee on Nuclear agnd Radiochemistry is one cf a aumber of committees workimg under the Board cn Chemfical Sciemces and Technelogy of the Commizsion on Physicel Sciences, Kathematics, and Resources of the Hationzl Acadery cf Sciencesz--Kational Rezearch Council. Its mezbers are drawn from scademic, industrisl, and government laboratoriecs &and represent the areas of nuclear chezistry, radiocheeisctry, end nuclear medicine. The Committee hes concerned itself with theszs areas of nuclear sciance which involve the chemist, such ag the collectionm and digtribution of radiochemical procedures, speciglized techniques and instrumentetion, the pleacse of nuclear and radiochezmistry in college 2nd unmiversity programs, the training of nuclear and radiochemists, radiochemistry in environzmentel science, and redionuclideszs in nuclear medicine. A major interest of the Committee is the publicaticn of the #uclear Science Series of moncgraphe on Radicchemistry znd on Radiocherical Technigues. In 1982 & third ssries on Ruclear Hedicine ves inftiasted. : The Committee hes endeavored tc present monographs that wiil be o0f maxieum use to the working scientisgt. Each monograph presents pertinent information required for razdiochemical work vith an Individual element or with a2 specielized technique or with the use of radionuclides in nuclear gedicire. Experts on the varicus subjectsz haee been recruited to write the monographs. The U.S. Department of Energy sponsors the printing of the series. The present monograph is & comprehensive revision and update of three previously published monographs in the series on the Radiochemistry of the Elements, It is published 23 part of our continuing effort to update, revise, snd expand the previously - published monographs to keep them current and relevant. Edvard S. Hacias, Chairmen Committee on Buclear and Radiochemistry iid Preface This monograph presents some procedures used in the radiochemical isolation, purification and/or analysis of vranium, neptunium, and plutonium. The original monographs were: ' The Radiochemistry of Uranium, J. E. Gindler, NAS-PS-3050 {1%862), 350 pp.., 18 procedures. The Radiochemistry of Neptunium, G. A. Burney and | R. M. Barbour, NAS-NS-3060 (1974}, 229 pp.., 25 prpcedures. The Radiochemistry of Flutonium, G. B. Coleman, NAS-NS-3058 . (1965), 184 pp., 25 procedures. | in addition to the description cf the procedures, these earlier monographs list the isotopes and their nuclear properties for each element. They also discuss the chemistry of the separation processes of these elements with primary emphasis an precipitation, ion exchange and solvent extraction technigues. 1In this update of the procedures, we have nct attempted to discuss the developmentes in the chemistry of U, Np and Pu but have restricted the monograph tc the newer procedures, most of which have resulted from the increased emphasis in environmental concern vhich requires analysis of extremely small amounts of the actinide element in quite complex matrices. The final section of this monograph describes several schemes for isolation of actinides by oxidation state. " The individual procedures fram the earlier monographs are ligted by title to provide a more complete view of available separation techniques. The new procedures in this monograph are included for each element following the list from the earlier publications. L R. A. Roberts G. R. Choppin J. F. Wilad iv Discussion of Procedures........ ... ........ccvcununn. e, 6 Procedures: | 1. Seri-Quantitative Determination of Uranium ( OSPeCEToSCOPY ) . -t ittt ittt it tecn e ennredannrannnnasannnsa 14 2. Concentration of Uranium by Coprecipitation with Iron-Potassiuz Ferrocyanophosphonates..... ........... 16 3. Extraction of Uranium with TOA and Spectro; photometric Determinatiorn with Arsenezo III............... 17 4. Determination of Uranium (and Plutonium) Isotopes ir Soil Samplies by a-Spectroscopy................1l9 S. Anion Exchange Separstion of U in HMalenic and Ascorbic Acld Hedla........... .. ...t ienennnn. 21 6. Sepsration of Uranium from Heavy Mecals by Chromatograephy Using an Arsonic Acid Resin....... Ceeeean 23 7 Chromatographic Separation and C-Spectrometric Determination of Uranduwa...................... ........... 26 8. Determinetion of Uranium in Natural ¥Waters After Anion-Exchange Separation............ ............... 26 9. Uranium Analysis by Liquid Scintillation Counting......... 28 '10. Determination of Tracs Uranfum in Biologlcal Matarials by FKeutron Activation Analysis and Solvant Extraction...... ... ittt ittt iieanasinaea ..-31 11. Determinztior of Trace Ursniu=z by Instrumental Reutron Activetior Anslysie........... .ot 33 . VI. ViI. BEow Neptunium Procedyres. ... . ... oo iiiinremctrennncnnanaanaas 34 Introduction..,........... thremasraaaae e raraaeaer e 34 - Procedures: : 1. Chfonatographié Separation of Neptunium Using Quaternary Ammonium Nitrate Extractant.................... 35 2. A Spectrophotometric Method for the Defernlnation of Neptunium in Process Solut;ons ......................... 36 Eg!_zlg;gniyn_z;gggflu;gg ....................................... 38 Introdu;tion;........1............;....31 ........... AU 28 Discussion-pf the Procedures....... :.....:?.T .................. 38 Procedures: 1. Ligquid-Liquid Extraction Separatioh and Detereination of Plutonium......... ... ...ttt nannnnn 40 2, Deterzination of Plutonium in Sediments by Solvent Extraction............. D 42 3. Radiochemical Determination of Pluteonium in 4. The Determination of Plutonium in Environmental - Samples by Extraction with Tricdodecylamine................ 46 5. Solvent Extraction Method for Determination of Plutonium In Soft Tissue............ ...t encennn. 48 6. Determination of Plutonium in Tissue by 8. Extrective Photometric Determination of Plutonium(IV) with Aliquat-336 and Xylenol Orange......... 54 3. Sizulteneous Determinations of Plutonium Alpha- and Bata-Activity in Liquid Efflucnts and Enviromnmental Samples......... e tasasiiessasssssascecesatecsnsnsanesaanns 55 15. 16. 17. ib' Roberzs/Choppin/®ild page 1 - 1. Summary of Previous Urenium Procedures . J. E. Gindler _ NAS-NS-3050 (1%62) _Determination'of Uranium -237- Purification of Uranium -2490 Purification of Irradiated Uranium -236 Uranium and Plutonium Analysis | Spectrophotoretric Extraction Methods\Specifxc for Uranium Determinaticon of Uranium in Uranium Concengrates Carrier Free Determination of Uranium —237 Radioassay of Uranium and Plutonium in Vegetation, Soil, and Viater Separation of Uranium by Sclvent Extraction with TOPO Radiochemical Cetermination of Urénium'—237 Séparation éf Urahium and Bismuth Isolation.and'Meésuremenfi'of Uranium at the Hicrogr&m Level The Determination ¢of Uranium by Solvent Extraction Uranium Radiochemical Procedure ngsed at the U.S. Raciation - Laboratory at Livermore Use of Ion Exchange Resins for the Determination of Uranium in Ores and Solutions The Use of a Compound Column of Alumina and Celluloée for the ~ Determination of Uranium in Minerals and Ore< Containing Arsenic and Molybdenum Determination of Uranium -235 in Mixtures of Naturally Occurring Uranium Isotopes by Radiocactivation Determination of Microgram and Submicrogram Quantities of Uranium by Neutron Activation Analysis 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1s. 16. 17. 18. Roberts/Choppia/iild page 2 11. s&mnatl_gf Previous Neptunium Procedures G. A. Burney and R, M. Harbour NAS-NS-3060 (1974) Separation of Np by TTA Extraction Separation of Np by TTA Extraction Determination of 23Np in Samples Containing U, Pu, and Fission Products . ' e Betermina;ion of Np " Determination of Small Amounts of Np in fu Metal Determination of Np in Samples Containing Fission Products, J, and Other Actinides ! ;etermination of Np in Samples of U and Fission Products 2xtraction Chromatographic Separation of 2°np from Fissicn snd Activation Products in the Determination of Micro- and Sub-Microgram Quantltzes of U Separation of U, Np, Pu, and Am by Reversed Phase Partition Chromatography An Analytical Method for 237Np Using Anion Bxchange Separation of U, Np, and Pu Using Anion Exchange Separation pf Zr, Np, and Nb Using Anion Bxchangé Separation of Np and Pu by Anion Exchange Separation of Np and Pu bj Cation Exchange Separation and Radiochzmical Determination of U and Transuraniua Elements Using Barium Sulfate The Low-Level Radiochemical Determinations of z”Np 1n Envirommental Samples : . Radiochenical Procedure for the Separation of Trace Amounts 2€ 237Np from Reactor Effluent Water Determination of Np in Urine 18. 20.. 21. Roberts/ Choppinl!!i 12 page 3 Sunazary of Previous Neptunium Procedures, continued Determination of 237Np by Gamma Ray Spectrometry ,Spectrophotémetric Determinafion of Nfi Microvolumetric Complexometric Method for Np with EDTA Photometric Determination of Np as‘the Peroxide Complex Separation of Np for Spectrographic @nalysis of Impurities Photometric Detgrmination of Np as tflg‘xglenol Orange Complex Analysis for Np by Controlled Potential Coulometry 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9a. Sb. - 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 18. Roberts /Choppin/Wild page 4 III. Sunnéry nf Previous Plutenium Procedures G. H. Coleman ' NAS-NS-3058 (1965) Determination of Pu in Solutions Containing Large Amounts of Fe and Cr Separation and Determination of Pu by TTA Extraction Separation and Determination of Pu rn\U Fission Product Mixtures Plutonium Pluteonium Separation of Plutonium from Uranium and Fission Products in Irradiated Reactor Targets Determination of Pu Uranium and Plutonium Analysxs Separation of Plutonium fram Irradiated Uranium Separation of Plutonium from Uranium Metal Purification of Plutonium from Uranium and Fission Products Uranium and Plutonium £f£rom Envzronmental Samples of Soil, Vegetation, and Water Plutonium from Environmental Water Samples Plutonium from Environmental Water Samples Separation of Plutonium in Uranium-Plutonium Fission Element Alloys by TBP Extraction from Chloride Solutions Separation of Pu before Spectrographic Analysxs of Impurities Anion Exchange Method . Separation of Plutonium Before Spectrographic Anlaysis of Impurities. Extraction Chromatcgraphy Method Using TBP Separation of Np and Pu bj Anion Exchange Separation of Rp and Pu by Caticn Exchange Chromatography Dgtermination of Plutonium in Urine 20. 21. 22. . 23. 24. 25. " Procedure) Roberts/Choppin/Wild page 5 Suzzary of Previous Plutonium Procedures, continued Determination of Pu?3?® in Urine (Small Area Electrodeposition Determination of Plutcnium in Urine Determination of Americium in Urine 1fi~the Presence of Plutonium Determination of Plutonium in Urine by Anion Exchange Determination of Plutionium in Urine by Cocrystallxzatlon with Pota531um Rhodizenate Determinatiocn of Plutonium in Urine and Bone Ash by Extraction with Primary Amines Roberts/Choppin/Wild page 6 IV. New liranium Pracedures INTRODUCTION Since the publlcatlon of the orzgxnal monograph on the radio- chemistry of uranium in 1962, much attention has been given to methods of separation, isolation, and measurement of small amounts of uranium in various types of samples. Such samples involve geological, biological, and environmental matrices, frequently of high complexity and lcw uranium content. The procedures for such samples collected in this monograph are meant not to supplant, but rather to supple- ment those in the original mcnograph by allowing applicability of the procedures to & wider variety of sample types. These new procedures were chosen to provide description of a wide variety of techniques rather -than to fccus on any particular method, such as neutron activation anaiysis or solvent extraction. Some of the procedures emphasize the separatzon of uranium from other elements, while for others, the main focus is the method of measurement. A complete procedure generally can be divided into three operations: 1) ‘sample preparation, 2) separation of the element(s) of interest, and 3) analytical measurement. In many cases a specific operation from one procedure can be used in conjunction with other operations from anothe~ procedure. This should allow a broad spectrum of sample types. For each of the collected procedures, sample types to which the procedure may be applied are given. A more complete discussion of each procedure and additional informaticn regarding applications can be obtained from the original reference. In some cases, additional references - are listed, as they ~ontain similar, related procedures and might be of interest in the case of some particular sa=mple. DISCUSSION OF THE PROCEDURES - The first twc procedures involve precipitation of uranium from large quantities of water. In the first procedure, NaOH is used to precipitate uranium from seawater. The efficiency of recovery of uranium and other heavy radionuclides from 750 grams of seawater by this procedure is shown in Figure 1. The dspendency of the recovéry efficiency on the volume of NaOH added is evident, with maximum recovery occurring after addition to tha 750 gram sample of at least 8 ml of 1.0 M NaOH, which | corresponds to a final NeOH concentration of approximately 0.01 M. For different volumes of samples, the amount of base to be added should be modified so as to obtain a comparable NaOH concentration. Figure 2 is an alpha spectrum of a uranium sample obtained from the use of thigs method. % RECOVERY - | Roberts/Choppin/Wild page 7 \ - _ = \ L | | - SO / f e i o Y 9 Po i 22®am - A?"Pu . g . . 1 -~ ° S mi of L.OM NoOH FIGURE I. Recovery of uranium (and other added nuclides) from 750 ml of sea water with - ‘“cus volumes of 1.0 H.NaDH added. (5ee Proci. -: ™ § for reference),. 200 —80 é [ P 1 3 /o T / ! - i 234 —55 > at 238 u —_—) @ Z ,[ Y //i by < 1 < ! : / I X i F / j Q P : e - Gad & 100 L/ L2 - h s CL :- B . f. .E - v Y I = i ' } Q. s o3 . : - < S | / *{‘5’ / | ; 235 | 1 ‘ 0‘ . . LL | o 1 ‘i a0 CHANNEL NUMBER FIGURE 2. Alpha activities of natural uranium plated directly onto & counting disc from the dissolved precipitate of 740 grems of Scripps Pier sea water. (Note the absence of other ectivities in the 4.0 - 5.7 MeV energy range). (See - Procedure 1 for reference). Roberts/Choppin/Wild page 8 Roberte/Choppin/tiild page S The second procedure involves the coprecipitation of uranium with iron potessium ferrocyanophosphonates. - This procedure can be used with larger volumes (several liters) of water and gives -a slightly better recovery in scme cases. ' ' Procedures 3 ang 4 involve sclvent extraction to preconcen- trate and isolate the uranium. Procedure 3 uses tri-n-octylamine (TOA) as extractant; details on the chemistry of this extractant is described in the original uranium monograph (NAS-NS-3050). This procedure employs spectrophotometric analysis-.of the urenium by s 9 _}5'5 g i 60 31 P2 ¢ ! j g { —gs.o E : A 5 o ik | e JUWUUL i / , ' } ¢ . Channe! Number FIGURE 3. Alpha spectrum of purified 230y in equiliggfim vith fits doughcers prepared from the TR irradiation | rocess, showing the energy separstion from other common urapive isotopes. (Emergies given in MeV). (Sze Procedure & for reference). % RECOVERY Roberte/Lhoppin/Wild page i1 T T | ) 80— ) & 0 / 50— / & A — /° / o Th*¢ 40 bwo : fij‘b a Fe+3 — - 2 | ~ 8 LK%: | & 201 o0 | - — | 1 g L L L i ] I i -3 -2 - O i e 3 4 5 & o b FIGURE &. Effect of pH of retenticmn of Th{Iv), U{VI), and FE(IIL) on &n arsomic ascid columm. (See Procedure & for zeference). Roberta/Choppin/¥Wild ' page L2 In Frocedure 7, an initial column geparation using RDEH? (di=-2=-athylhexylphosphoric acid) supported on 0.1 - 0.2 mm Teflon seads is used both to isolate the uraniuz fraction from a sample and to separate the individual U(VI) &and U(IV) fractions. The separate f{ractions are purified by passage-through anion-exchange resin columns prior to alpha spectromeiry. Large amounts of Fe(IIIl) in & sample are reported to interfere with the separation. - Bowever, reduction to Fe(Il) with hydrazine hydrochloride eliminates this interference. ' : Procedure 8 employs a tetrahydrofuran-methy! glycol-HCl pixture with Dowex-l anion resin to separate ura .am from acidified natural waters. Quantitative analysis is performed bv optical spectroscopy with arsenazo III. B An increasingly important anaiyticel tool for alpha emitters is employed in Procedure 3 wherein liquid scintillation alpha counting is used to “etermine uranium in biological samples. Instructions are give+: for t.~ use of both extractive and dispersive scintillation cocktails. The cttractive cocktail gives slightly lower background counts, and wcald probably be the more desirable method for samples with lower uranium content. o Procedure 10 is a neutron activation analysis for use with solid biological materials. After irradiation, the uranium is isoclated by solvent extracticn using HDEHP. The separated uraniux is analyzed with a Ge(Li) detector by measurement of the 75 keV gazmma ray of 2°°U. Reported yiei.ds are in excess of 90%. Procedure 1l also describes a procedure of activation analysis. in 196%, a procedure (reference 5} was published which quickly became a leboratory standard for uranium analysis. Although it is not really applicable to trace quantities of uranium, ner for highiy radicactive samples, and has been supplanted by newer pro- cedures, it is worthy of mention since it is still in common use in many analytical laboratories. In this procedure, uranium (¥I) is reduced to uranium(IV) by an excess of iron(II) sulfate in a phosphoric acid-sulfamic acid solution. The excess iron(II) is oxidized to iron(III) By nitric acid with a molybdenum(VI) catalyst. The uranium(iV) is finally titrated with standard potassium dichromate soluticn using barium diphenylamine sulfonate as the indicator. This procedure is applicable to solutions of 0-300 mg of uraniwe per aliquot, with aliquot size up to about 15 ml. Optimum uraniuz content is around 200 mg. There are relatively few inter- ferences as compared with other redox methods, but vanadium, bromide, iodide, and silver interfere directly with the redox titrations of the U({IV). Additionally, if more than 100 mg of of chromium{iII) is present, the indicator end-point <¢olor change will be masked by the intense color of the chremium solution for determination of trace levels of uranium in sclid samples by neutron activation analysis in which no chemical separation is used. lfihrtaldwpplnlflfld page 13 REFERENCES S. B. Savin, Talanta, 8, 673-685 (1961). S. B. Savin, Talanta, 11, 7-19 (196%). J. Hashimoto, K. Taniguchi, H. Sugiyama, and T. Sotobayashi, Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry, 52, 133-142 (1979). W. Davies and W. Gray, Talanta, 11, 1203-1211 (196%). Roberts/Choppin/Hild pege 14 PROCEDURE 1 Semi-Quantitative Determination of Uranium (e-Spectroscopy? Source: V. L. Hodge, M. E. Gurney, Analytz,cal Chemistry, 47, 1866-68 (1975). Sazple Type: Sea Hater rrocedure: 1. Weigh 750 g of sea water into & 1 liter polyethylene bottle {whose top h&s been cut_off). 2. Add 8 to 10 ml of 1.0 M KaOH while s*;rrzng rapidly with a magnetic stir Dbar. 3. Centinue stirring for 1 hour, then allow the m;lky preczpztate tc settle overnight. 4. Compact the precipitate by centrlfugxng the liter poljethylene - bottle at 2500 rpm for 15 minutes (Note 1). S. Pour off supernatant sea water. 6. Dissolve the precipitate with 2 ml of 12 M HC1l and add 3 drops of 0.04% thymol blue indicator. 7. Pour the solution into a plating cell. 8. Add 1 ml of 12 H HCL and 2 ml of deionized water to the poly bottle. Wash the walls of the bottle with this soclution and transfer ~ to the plating cell. 10. Wash the bottle once again with 1.5 ml of deionized water and transfer to the cell which has a stainless steel sounting planchet as the anode. ' 11. Neutralize the contents of the plating cell with 1.5 ml of 15 K NH OE to a pH of 2-3. iz. Plate the sample at 0.% anp/cmz current density for 1 hour. Basfore stopping the electrolysis, add 1 =l of 1S i WH, 08 to the cell. Dissemble the cell and prepare the disc for counting by washing with water and acetone, then drying. Count with & silicon surface barrier detecteor (the authors reported using a 300-4S50 == 2 detector monitored by a pulse height analyzer; counting times of roughly 1000 minutes) {Mote 2). Hote 1l: Hote 2: Roheftlehoppinlfiilfl page 15 .__\ . The reported precipitation efficiency for uranium ig 86 ¢ 2% using 8 ml of 1.0 K NaOH to effect préci~itation. Thies value can be us+d in calcul- atione for semi-quantitative analysis, or a tracer could be added (see the original arcicle). Pu and Am are coprecipitated and ciplated with the uranius. All three elemsnts are dentified and measured by the alpha energy specircmetry. - Roberes/Choppin/tilé pege 16 PROCEDURE 2 Concentration of Uranium by Coprecipitation with Iron-Potassiuk Ferrocyanophosphonates Source: V. P. Kermanov, D. A. Fedoseev, Radzokhlm;ya, 18, 827-29 (1878). Sample Type: Aquecus Procedure: 1. To 5 liters of water containing uranium, add the following: 7 ml MIOMPA (monoisooctylethylphosphonic acid) 5 ml toluene 1.5 ml kerosene 100 mg potassium ferrocyanide 1.3 3 ferric ~hloride 2. Miz thoroughly for 15 minutes. 3. Filter the precipitate. 4. Transfer to a weighing bottle or metallic substrate. Extraction efficiency: 93 ¢ 14% Roberts/Cheppin/Wild ~. . page 17 PROCEDURE 3 Extraction of Uranina with TOA and Spectrophotometric ‘Determination with Arsenazo III Source: K. Onishi, K. Sekine, Talanta, 19,473-78 (1972) Sample Type: Acidic aqueous Procedure: Solutions: Thenoyltrzfluoroacetone, 6.5 o - dissolve us g TTA in %00 ml of xylene. Tri-n-octylamine - dissclve S g TOA in 100 g of xylene. Cresol Red - dissclve 120 mg of Cresol Red in | 26 m1 of 0.01 M NaOH and dilute to 250 ml with water. Aqueous Arsenazo III soluticn - 0.10% w/v, The sazple containing 0-5 ug of uranium should be made to a volume of about 20 ml and % ¥ in hydrochloric acid. Transfer the sample to a 100 ml separatdry funnel and shake for 10 minutes with 10 ml of the TTA solution to remove iron. Allow the layers to separate and drain the aqueous phase containing any U(VI) into a second separatory funnel. Wash the organic phase by shaking for § minutes with 3 ml of 4 ¥ HC1 and add this aqueous wash phase to the original agqueous phase in the second separatory funnel. Add 10 ml of TOA solution to the second separatory funnel and shake for 2 minutes.. Allow the layers to separate and drain off the aqueous fihase. Wash the organic phase by shaking for 2 minvtes with 3 ml of ¥ M ETl, and discard the aqueous phase. Back-eéxtract the uranium by adding 10 ml of 0.3 M HCl to ' th. organic phase and shaking for 2 minutes. Transfer the aqueocus phase to a third separatory funnel and shake the organic phase Hith 3 ml of 0.3 M HCl for 1 minute. Add this aqueous phase to the third se- aratory funnel and discard the organic phase. . 1l. 12. i13. 1s. 15. Roberts/Choppin/Wild pagn 18 Shake the aqueous phase for 1 minute with S ml of xylene. ' Transfer the aqueous phase (containing the uranium) to a 25 m) volumetric flask through filter paper. Add 1 ml of 1% ascorbic acid solution. 1 drop Cresol Red solution, and adjust the pH to 0.5-2.0 (solution turns from yellow to red) with 1:9 dilute ammonia solution. Add 1.0 ml of Arsenazo IIT solution and dilute t9 volume with vater. Measure the absorbance of the solution at 650 nm using che reagent blank as a reference (an appropriate calibration curve should also be constructed with standard uranium solutions). Note: The molar absorptivity for the uraniun(VI) - Arsenazo_ III complex used in this procedure is 4.4 2 107 1.mole™! Reperted recovery of uranium for thzs procedure is approximately 99%. Y .. Roberts/Choppin/Htld ' page 19 PRCCEDURE & Determination »f Uranium (and Plutonium) Isotopes ~.in Soil Samples by a-Spectroscopy Source: J. Hashimotc, K. Taniguéhi.'n. Sujiyana, T. Sotobayashi, Joeurnal of Radioesnalytical Chemistry, 52, 133-u2 (1979).. Sample Type: Soil 1. - Procedure: Preparation of 33jU tracer (done prior'to_deternination) ThO, (free of uraniva contamination) is wrapped in aluminum foiz and irradiategzuith a 50 MeV proton beam (total applied current - 5.6 x 10 © coulomb). Store the irradigtgd sample for ong month {allows maximum accumulation of *'°U from parent (*’‘pa). Dissolve the ThO, target in a mixture of HNO, and HC1 solution containing a snail agount of KF. : Evaporate to near dryness and convert to 8 M HC1l solution. Purify the uranium fraction by anion exchange. Procedure for Soil Samples: 1. 2. Dry the soil sample in sunlighf, then crush to a fine powder. Dry the powdered samples in an electric furnace at 110°C for one day. ~ Pasg the sample through a 32 mesh sieve and weig~ a 50 g sample. Transfer the samplc to a 1 lLiter beaker containing 200 ml of 8 M HNO,, and add a known activitiy of 23%y tracer. Digest the sample with ultrasonic agitation for 2 hours, then boil gently for a few hours. . Let the sample stand overnight at room temperature, then filter through glass fiber paper. - .Concentrate the filtrate to about 100 ml under an infrared lamp. Add several drops of 30% H,0,, and evaporate to near dryness. Redissolve the residual substance in 200 ml of 8 M HNO, ana filter through filter paper (No. 5A). ‘Roberts/Choppin/¥ild page 20 Ixtraction rFrocecure: 1. 10. . Note: Because of the relatlvely short half-life of The extractant should be prepared as 10(v/v)$ TOA (Trioctylamine) - in xylene and equilibrated with an equal volume of 8 !_HNO . Noté: In the fullowzng extraction and washing steps, shaking times are 10 minutes. Extract twice with 50 ml of the TOA/r¥ylene e~ctractant and save both organic phases. : . ' Wash the combined organic phase with 100 =l of 8 M HNO3 (to remove ferric ions). - Wash the organic phase with 100 ml of 10 M HCl (to remove thorium). Scrudb the organic phase (containing U and Pu) with SO ml of distilled water and then 50 ml of 0.36 M HC1 + 0.01 M HF solution. Collect both aqueous phases in a Teflon beaker. Evaporate the combined aqueous phase under an nfrared lamp. Decompose organic impurxtzes by repeatedly evaporating with concentrated rlNO3 containing HC10, unt11 no fuming due to HC10, occurs. Dissolve the residue in 0.5 ml of 1 M HNO, solution. Electrodeposit the U (and Pu) on a counting planchet using 10 m1 of 0.2 M amponium formate as the electrolyte and a current density of 0.15 amp/cm’ for 50-6C minutes. . Count the sample with a silicon surface barrier detector combined with a pulse-height analyzer. ZIOU (ty = 20.8 4d), a correctzon for decay should be made. Alternatively, *’°U activity could be calculated from the activities of its daughter Th and granddaughter 222 Ra, which will be in secqular equilibrium with the parent 2%y, Uranium Yield: Reported as approximately 2-1i0% dépefiding on a given soil sample. Roberes /Choppin/Bild page 21 PROCEDURE 5 | Anion Exchange Separation of U in Halonic and Ascorbic Acid Media Scurce: M. Chakravorty and S M. Khopkar, Chromatographxaq 10, 372-76 (1977) Sample Type: Aqueous solutions, fission products,aminerals Procedure: Column Preparation: 1. Pack a l.% x 18 cm column with Dowex-21K resin (50- 100 mesh), cl” form) 2. Convert to the malonate or ascorbate form by paésing 150 ml of 5% malonlc or ascorbic acid buffered at pH 4.5 through the column. 3. Wash the column with water. Sorption: ‘1. To a sample of appropriate volume (see note in the next step) ' ‘add 0 2 g of malon;c or ascorbic acid-as applicable. 2. Ad]ust the pH to 4.5 with 1 M NH OH and 1% malonic or ascorbic acid as applicable. Note: The total volume of sclution should be about 10 ml. 3. Sorb the solution onto the column (prevmously described) at a flou rate cf 1 ml/mln. . Note: In the following elution steps, a step may be omitted if the indicated elements are not present in the sample. Separation cf Malonic Acid HMedia: 1. T1(I), HEg(Il), Fe(III), Bi(IIX), alkalis, and alkaline earths - are not sorbed onto the column and are eluted in step 3 above. 2, Hn(II), Co{IXI), Ni(II), Pd(II), Zn, and Cd are eluted thh water. 3. Sb(III), Fe(III}, Al, and Cr(III, IV) are eluted with 2 M NH,CT. . Cu(II), V(IV), and Mo(VI) are eluted with 2 I NaCl. 5. PB(II) and Zn(IV) are eluted with 1 Elammoniuh acetate. Roberts/Choppin/Hild ' page 22 Ceria earth lanthanides are eluted with 0.0S5 M HC1. U is finzlly eluted with 1 M HC1. If Th is present, step 7 is omitted and the Th is eluted with 100 =l of 0.25 M HHO,, and U eluted next with 150 ml of 0.25 M HNO .. 3 . Separation in Ascorbic Acid Media: 1. Alkalis and alkaline earths are not retained on the column ané are therefore eliuted in the original sample solution. Cr, ¥n(II), Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), P4(IXI}, Zn, Cd, AL(III), Sh(III), and Pb{(II) are eluted with 200 ml water. Zr(IV) is eluted with 1 M ammonium acetate. V(IV) is eluted with 1 b NH Br. | Y is eluted with 0.1 K HCi. Ti(IV) is eluted with 0.2 M HCL. U is eluted with 1 M HC1. | If Th is firesent, it can be éluted after elution of U with 3 M HC1. If Mo is present, it can be eluted after the uranlum with 1:7 gmBoNnia containing 3% (NHE)ZSO Note: Ia all cases (for both malonic and ascorbic acid media) the volume of elutant is 200 ml, unless otherwise noted. Yield: Reported yield is 99': 1%. Roberts/Choppin/Hild pege 23 PROCEDURE 6 Separatxon of Uraniuz from Heavy Hetals by Chromatography . Using an Arsonic Acid Resin Source: J. S Fritz, E. H. Moyers, Talanta, 23, 590-93 {1876). Sample Type: Natural Haters Procedure: hcsin Preparation: l. 2. Wagh a quantity of XAD-4 nacroporous resin (150-200 mesh) with acetone and concentrateé HCl. To the resin, add a 60-%0 v/v mixture of éulfurie and nitric acids at 0°C. Raise the temperature to 65-70°C for half a day. to nitrate the resin. Reduce to the amine at 7)-75°C by adding mossy tin in concentrated hydrochloric acid (reaction allowed to proceed for half a day), Slufry the product with 1 M NalOE (te remcve tin salts). Cool td 0°C in concentrated HCl. Diazotize by slow addition of 1 M NaNo,. Wash the resin with sodium carbonate sclution, and convert the resin to the arsonic acid ferm with sodium arsenite (in aqueous solution) at 73-75°C. Pack a column (2.8 x 0.6 cm) with 0.5 g of the prepared resin. Separation Procedure: 1. Buffer the sample solution containing uranium(VI) (up to one liter) to pH 5.8 wl. orthophosphorzc acid and ammonia and make to 0.01 ¥ in EDTA. Pass the solution through the resin column at 7 ml/min. Wash the resin with 100 ml of 0.01 H EDTA buffered to pH 5.0 (with phosphoric acid and ammonia) - Wash with 100 ml of pH 5.0 wash solution (no EDTA, no metals). Strip the uranium from the column with 25 ml of 4 M HClOu. Recovery: Uranium is successfully separated from other metals by. this procedure. Chromium(III) gives & slight interference (ca. 11% recovery). Uraniun TeCcovery is reported at 98.3%. : Roberts/Choppin/¥ild page 24 PROCEDURE 7 Chromatographic Separation and a-Spectronetrzc Detem:..nat:..on of Uranium Source: R. V. Bogdanov, R. A. Kuznetsov, Racdiokhiaiya, 17, S02-4 {1875). : Sample Type: Acidic media, uranium content 1-100 ug Procedure: Column Preparation: 1. Column size is determined by sample volume and composition. Linear flow rates up tc 10 cm/min are acceptable. 2. Teflon with 2 grain size of 0.1 - 0.2 mm serves as the carrier. A 1l:1 solution of HDEHP (di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid) in acetone is passed through the column, and the solvent is then remcved by purging with air. Initial Separation: 1. Pass the sample solution through the column (optimum solution pH is 1-2). 2. Wash the column with 0.01 ¥ HCI. 3. Remove l-'e3+ (and some other elements) by washing with three column volumes of & M HC1l at a flow rate of 2 cm/min. %. Elute U(VI) with 12 M HC1 {six column volumes at a rate of 4 cm/min). . S. Wasl column with water. 6. Oxidize U(IV) to U(VI) Hlth 15% Hzo2 (4=S coluxzn volumes). 7. WdWash the column with water and elute the U(VI) with 12 M HCl. Note: Thorium is still on the coclumn at this point and can be eluted with 6 M H Po or a solution of 0.5 M C,0 +oesnl-dro 2 272 3° "Purification: ‘1. Add one drop}of HC10, to each uranium fraction and evaporate to dryness. 2. In a Teflon cup, treat the residue by adding 2 nx of 8 M HNO, and evaporate to dryness. 10. 11. 12. 13. lu. RobértllChnppinIHild page 25 Repeat the addition of 8 M HHO, and eveporate to a volume. of 1-2 drops. - : - Cocl the cup and add % drops of 8 K HNO,. Tranafer to a 2 x 80 m® column containing AV-17 anion- exchange resin in the nitrate for=z. Rinse the cup and add the rinse solution to the column, allowing the combined solutions tc pass through the column. Wash the column with six column volumes of 8 M HNO, (to renove nonsorbable elements). Uranium is eluted with 10 columns of 1.5 g ENO,. Add one drop of HC10, to the uranium solution and evaporate to dryness. After evaporation, treat the residue by heating with 1 ml of 0.2 M HCl. Evaporate to a volume of 2-3 drops and cool. Add 6-8 drops of ethanol and ‘ransfer to an electrodeposition cell. Repeat the treatrent with 0.2 M HC1 and transfer this solution to the cell. A current of 40-%50 mA for 2 hours is used for electrodeposition. Aftér electfolytic deposition is completed, the solution is remuved rapidly and the cathode disc is washed, dried and counted with a surface barrier detector. Notes: }. The method, when carefully executéd; gives a uranium yield of 96 + 3%. For more precise work, a ?'%U tracer can be added to the original sample.: 2. Substantial amounts of Pe'+ have an adverse effect on the separations, so iror. should be reduced to Fe? with hydrazine hydrochloride in samples of high ircn content. 3. The cell is a Teflon cylinder of 16 mm diameter and a height of 35 mm. The cathode is a counting planchet of Ni or Cu; the platinum anode is positioned 15 mm above this cathode. Roberts/Choppin/Wild page 26 ' PROCECURE 8 Cetermination of Uranium in Natural Waters After Anion-Exchange Separation Source: J. Workisch, L. G¥dl, Analytica Chimica Acta, 71, 113=-121 (1874). Sample Type: Naturel wvaters Procedure: Solution Preparation: 1. Pretreatment soiution - add 1 ml of concentrated HCl to " - 100 ml of distilled water. In this solution dissolve 0.5 g of ascorbic acid and 1 g of potassium taiocyanate. . Kote: This solution should be prepared a few hours prior to use and has & shelf-life of only 2-3 days. 2. THF - MG - HCl mixture - 290 ml of sclution should be prepared per separation, and larger quantities may be prepared since this solution has a indefinite shelf-life. The mixture is prepared to be 50 veol.% tetrahydrofuran (THF), 40 vol. § methyl glycol (MG - monomethyl ether of ethylene glycol), and 10 vol. % in S ¥ HC1. Tais solution should be prepared at least several hours before use. Column Preparation: 1. & g of Dowex 1 (Bio-Rad AG 1-X8, 100-200 mesh, chloride form) ‘anion-exchange resin is slurried with a2 few milliliters of the pretreatment solution (described above). 2. After allowing to é;find for 15 minutes, pour into an appropriate size column. . 3. Wash the resin with 50 ml of the pfetreatment solution. Séparation Procedure: 1. .To.a 1 liter water sample, acidify with 10 m1 of concentrated HCl. 2. Filter through a dense filter. 3. Add § g of ascorbic acid and 10 g of potassium thiocyanate. 4. Mix thoroughly until all reagents have diss&lvéd. 5. Allow to stand 5-& hours. 7. s. 9. Roberts/Choppin/uild page 27 . Filace the sample solution on the column and allow it to pass through at a2 rate of 1.2 - 1.3 ml/min (correspondxng _ to the back.pressure of the resin bed). Wash the column with 100 =l of the THF-HG-BCl mixture. Wash the column with 100 ml of 6 M HCl1. - Elute the uranium with 50 ml of 1 M HCI. Determination of Uranium: 1. 2. Prepare an aqueous 0.1% solution of arsenazo III. Evaporate the uranium-containing elute to dryness on a stea= bath. ‘Take up the residue in 5 ml of 9 M hydrochloric acid (added in portions) and transfer to a 50 ml wide-neck Erlenneyer flask. Add exactly 0.550 g of zinc and cover the flask loosely Wwith a stopper. Shake the flask carefully until all of 2= zinc is dissolved. Immediately add €.15 g of oxaric acid and 0.5C ml of the | arsenazo III solution. _ Measure the absorbance of the solution of 665 nm against a reagent blank prepared in the same manner. Prepare a calibration curve (1-13% pug of uranium range) and obtain the sample uranium conceintration by comparison. Note: The absorbance will remain constant for at least 30 minutes. The following articles contain related information on this preccedure and its development: "Deterzination of Uranium in Geologic Specimens after the Separation of the Uranium by Anionic ' Exchange™ by J. Korkisch and I. Steffan, Mikrochimica . Acta, 1972/6, 837-860 (1972). T"Determination of Small Amounts of Uraniun after Coricentration by Extraction and Anionic Exchange in & Tri-n-octylphosphine Oxide Solvent System”™ by J. Korkisch and ¥. Koch, Mikrochimica Acta, 1973, 157-168 (1973). "Anicnic Exchange Separations of Elements which are Extractable with Tributyl Phosphate VII™ by J. Korkisch and ¥. Koch H;krochxnlca Acta, 1973, 865-875 (1973). Robarts/Choppin/Hild page 28 PRCCEZCURE S Uranium Analysis. by Liquid¢ Scintillation Counting Source: W. J. McDowell, J. F. Weiss, Health Physics, 32, 73-82 (1977). Sample Type: Bone and tissue samples. (This procedure can be adapted te other sample types; these modified procedures are referenced). Procedure: Sample Preparation: 1. A. For small bone or tissue samples (<25 g), dissolve in concentrated nitric ac*d with a smell amcount of 30% H,0, added. | B. Heat gently until a clear sclution is obtained. (In samples with small amounts of residual salts, do not allow to go dry). | 2. A. For large samples (>25 g), dissolve by repected treatment ‘with HNO, {(conc.) and 30% H,0,, evaporating to near dry- ness between each treatment. B. Heat the sample to 450°C in a furnace cvernight. C. If the resulting ash is not white, repeat the acid - digestion and heating until a white ash remains. D. Dissolve the ash in a suffirnient volume of 2 M HHO, . 3. Depending on the cocunting method to be used, further treat- ment at this point varies: A. For samples to de treated by anion exchange separatiqn, dilute or treat the sample solution accordingly to give the desired nitric or hydrechloric acid concentration. B. For high activity samples to be cocurted with an aqueous- phase-accepting scintillator, dilute the sample to a known volume and add an aliquot to the scintillator. C. TFor samples to be counted with an extractive scintillator containing HDEHP. addé sufficient perchloric acid to the sample solution to give & final solution which is 0.1 - 0.2 M HC1l0, and in which all metal ions have been converted to perchlorate salts. (Observe the usual precautions for adding HC1lC, to 2 solution containing small amounts of organic material). The nitric acid is evapoirated at slightly higher heat (150-170°C} in order tc leave only e —— e et e Rob:rta!ChoppinlEild page 29 the perchloric acid and salts. Add 2 =zl of saturated £1(KO,), per gram of sample to the hot scluticn and adé witér to make 3 ml of volume per gram of sample. Counting in All-Purpose Scintillator: 160 g naphthalene 10 g PPO 72,5-ciphenyloxazole) | 8.1 g POPC> (2,2-p~phenylene-bis-S-phenyloxazole) 385 m1 =wylene | 385 ml dioxane 233 21 ethyl alcohol 180 m»l Triton X-100 Up to 1 ml of aqueous sample sclution mfiy be taken up in the scintillator (volume approximately 15 ml). The alpha peak of interest must fall within the pulse-height range observed. This can be determined two ways: ~A. The peak may be located by counting through a narrow-ra:; e window and scanning across the entire available .range. B. A smultichannel analyzer can be connected to the scintilli- ation counter. (This technique has the additional benefit of allowing visual differentiation of the alpha and beta-gamma spectral. Unless each sample has a very similar matrix, the alpha peak position must be determined for each sample tc maintain reproducible counting efficiency. Typical background count rates run about 20-30 cpm with an additional 10-20 cpm (from %0K) per each gram of tissue in a sample. The practical lower limit for counting should be 2 total count of at least twice the background. Counting in an Extractive Scintilliator: Extractive Scintillator: 1 161 g HDEHP (di{2- ethylhexyl)phosphorlc ac1d) 80 g naphthalene b g PBBO (2-u'-biphenylyi- 5-phenylbenzoxazole) or S g PPO (2,5- dlphenyloxazole) | _ liter toulene | Transfer the sample (prepared as described under part 3.C. of the sample preparation section) to a standard 20-ml scxntlll- ation vial. o Roberts/Cheppin/Wild psge 39 Add 16 mi of the extractive scintillator and shake for L o 1 minutes. - ' ' Allow zhe phaseé to separate (removal of the aqueous ph&se is not necnssary, however) and place the vial in the counter. A background count rate of 15-20 counts/ainute from external sources is generally the lower limit for the extractive - scintillator proceduve. _ Alpha energies differing by more than 1 HeV may be dzstinzuxsh- able since typical full peak width at half maximum peak height is typically 0.9 - 1.0 MeV. Note: The author describes a high resolution alpha scintill- ation counting system in this paper and the one refer- enced below. With that system, increased resolution of complex mixtures is possible. Reported peak half- width is 0.2 - 0.3 MeV and an energy identification to :p.l_Hev. Related Articleé- W. J. McDowell, D. T. Farrar, M. R. Bxllzugs, Talanta, 21, 1231-1245 (197“) 5. L. Horrocks, Nuclear Instruments and Xethods, 117, 589-595 (187%). Roberts /Choppin/Wild : pame3l PROCEDURE 10 Determination of Trace Uranium in B;ological Haterxals by Heutron Activation Analysis and Solvent Extraction Source: D. A. Beckar, P. D. La Fieur, Analytical Chemistry, us, 1508-1811, (1972). Sample Type: Solid biological materials frocedure: | | Irradiation: l. Lyophilize and sfiorfi-the samples in a dessicator before use. 2. Weigh the samples (200-450 mg) and encapsulate in a cleaned polyethylene snap-cap vial. 3. _.Encapsulate an uranium standard (a solution of NBS Standard Reference materizl No. 950a Uranium Oxide (Uaoa), 99.9u% purity), consisting of 1 ml of 1.02 um U/ml. . Attach copper foil flux monitors to all sanples and the standard for flux normalization. S. Irradiate the samples and standard (the authors used thermal neutron fluxes of 1.3 x 10! ccm *sec ® and S x 10!’ n - cm~ sec ! for periocds of 10 seconds to 5 minutes. Dissolution: 1. Add 100 ug of uranium carrier to the samples. 2. Wet ash the samples with mixed nitric and perchioric acids (observing the usual perchloric acid precautions), and 1-2 mg of vanadium as a catalyst. 1-2 mg of chromium should also be added to indicate when all of the organic matter is destroyed. The green-orange Cr(III) - Cr(IV) color change ‘usually occurs in 6-1C minutes. ' 3. Ccol the samples, and dzlute to 20 ml with 9 M HNC The final sample solution should be ca. 8 M in HN an in HC10,, . - - | Exzraction: Note: The extractions are done in 35-ml polycarbonate centri- fuge tubes using 0.75 M HDEHP. (di-(2-ethylliexy)-phos- phoric acid in petroleum ether. .--J Roberts/Choppin/Wild page 32 Add 10.0 =1 of HDEHP solution to the sanp;e in the centrifuge tube and shake vigorously for 60 seconds , Centrifuge the samples for 2 minutes to separate the phases. 2. 3. Remove the aqueous phase with a disposable pipet and discard. . Wash the organic phase at least once with 8 ¥ HNO, and discard the wash solution. 5; Strip the uranium from the organic phase with 14 M HF, ' shaking vigorously for 1-2 minutes. 6. Remove the aqueous phase {(or an aiiquot, depending on : acti.ity) for courting. Counting: 1. Counting is performed with a large volume Ge(Li) detector and 4096 channel pulse height analyzer to measiurs the 75 keV 239y gazma ray. . 2. A small aliquot (50-250 ul) of the vanadium standard is diluted to an appropriate volume (corresponding to the final volume of the samples to be counted). During this dilution, several milligrams of dissolved inactive wranium carrier should be added to the standard solution to prevent loss of the radiocactive uranium. Yield: 31 + 4%, Slightly higher yields =ay be obtained by using separatory funnels for the extractions - (for lower mechanical losses), bu* this method increases the time required for phase separation. Ecberts /Cheupin/Rild sage 3] PROCEDURE 11 Determination of Trace Uranium by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis Scurce: §S. Katcoff, Fifth International Conference on Nuclear ?EEEOds in Environmental and Energy Research, April 2-6, ‘Sample Type: Solids rrccedura: 1. Seal 0.3 - 0.9 g of solid sample (powdered, granular or bulk) in carefully cleaned high purity quartz ampules 6 mm in diameter. Irradiate. samples, standafds, and blanks for about 4 hours at a neutron flux of 2 x 10!* n/cm? sec, and allow the ampules to cool for 2-3 days. ' Remove activated @mpurigies from the outer surface of the quartz by successively immersing the ampules briefly in E:ffi:ntrtted HF solution, hot concentrated HNO,, and distilled Before counting, placé each ampule in a cylindrical lead shield 3.8" long, with 1.0" thick walls anc¢ a central hole 0.25" in diameter. This shield suppresses low energy gammas which could interfere with counting. ' Count tiie sampie with a Ge(Li) detector connectec to a multi- channel analyzer. A 0.5" thick lead absorber can be placed between the lead sample contairer and the detector head to further reduce low-energy interferences. Uraniun can be. determined by measuring the activity due to the high .i2ld fission products '’?Te (th = 78 hr.) and 188p. (¢4 = 12.8 d}. The '“?Ba decays to !*’La, which emits a 159u-keV gamma. See the following table for relevant nuclear cata. Isctope Crcss | Selected Element Mon.tored Sec-ion (barns) gamna (keV) % decay U - Isipa 0.26 1595 Q¢ 1327e o 0.28 773 79 Note: CEnough cooling time must be allow-+ for !'**La procduced by the (r. ¥} reacticn of lanthanum in the sample to decay away bef:..re counting. ' Roberts/Choppin/Wild page 3u V. New Keptunium Procedures INTRODUCTION Neptunium is usually encountered zs “*7MNp (t4 = 2.1% x 10%y) in acid solutions of uranium reactor fuel elements. Neptu-ium-237 is of relatively little use commercially except, pessibiy, for the production of pure sources of ?*°Pyu (by reactor neutron irrad- iaticn) and of ?°*U (the a-decay granddaughterof 2!’Np). The amount of #*’Np in the environment generally is so small as to be unmeasurable as compared to ?!®Pu, and no procedures were found for separation of Np from environmental samples. ~Neptunium-239 is a transient species in reactor fuel elements, due to its short half-1life (2.35d). It completely disappears shortly after the end of a neutron irradiation through decay to 23%Pu. Neptunium-239 is most frequently used as a tracer to study the chemistry of Np; it can be obtained from the neutron irradia- tion of ?*°U or by milking a sample of **’Am with which it is in equlilibriur as the a-decay daughter. - Two procedures are described for the separation of Kp. The first involves separation of #?°Np from irradiated ?3°U, and the second involves separation of 2?’Np from a solution representing that from a dissolved fuel element. . Roberes/ChonpinfWild pagfi 35 &), Pu(IV) tends to form a hydroxy-polymer which cannot be easlily destroyed and which behaves differently from Pu species in higher acid con- centrations. Methyl red indicator, used for adjusting the salt and acid concentration in the electrc:lating solution, has a pH - range of 4.4-6.0 for the equivalence point color change. If the solution remains tco long at the yellow (basic) color, this hydroxy-poiymer of Pu could form, thus severely reducing the electroplating yield. Tne use of methyl orange (pH range 3.1-4.4) as an indicator might serve to alleviate this potential danger. Much recent research in plutonium chemistry is reviewed in the papers in Refergnce 2. REFERENCES 1. K. W. Puphal and D. R. Clsen, Anal. Chem. &&, 284 (1972). 2. "Plutonium Chemistry”, ed., W. T. Carnall end 6. R. Choppin, ACS Symposium Series 216, Am. Chem. Soc., Washington, D. C., 1983. o Knberts/Choppin/wild page 40 PROCEDURE 1 Lifiuid-Liquid Extraction Sepafation and Letermination o7 Plutoniux Source: R. P. Bernabee, D. R. Percival, and f. D. Hindman, Anal. Chem. 52, 2351 (1980). Sample Type: Soil Samples (1-10 g}, filters, anc water samples (< 0.5 2) which have besn decozposed and leached. The lanthanide-actinide species have been carried on a precipitate of BaS0O, (see :zfs. a and b fecr a description of the Bas , Precipitation procedure), Procedure: l. 2. Transfer the BaSO, precipitate with a suitable amount of Pu chemical yield tracer to a porcelain or platinum crucible. Add 30 2l of 72% HC1l0, and dissolve the BaS0, with a minimum amount of heating. Cool the solution *c room temperature. Transfer the solution to a 60 ml separatory funnel containing 10 ml of 15% HDEHP in n-heptane. Extrac:z for S min. Wash the organic phase twice with 5 =l portions of 72% HCly,. Strip the .lanthanides and actinides frcz the organic layer with two 10 =l portions of 4 M HNO, for Z min each; the first 10 ml portion should contain I ml 3f a 235% NaKNO, solution. Wash the organic layer for 2 min with a solution containing 10 ml of ¥ M HNO, and 2 ml of a hydrazine-sulfamic acid solution (Note li. Strip the plutonium from the organic phase for S min with a solution containing 10 ml of ¥ M HRC.,, 2 a1l of hydrazine- sulfamic acid solution, and § mi of 0.2 ¥ di-tert-butyl- hydroquinone (DBHQ). Repeat the stripping process for 5 min with just 10 m}l of B M HHO3 and 2 ml of the hydrazine-sulfarmic acid solution. Combine“the strip solutions. . Transfer the strip solutions to a second 60 ml separatory funnel containing 10 ml of 15% HDEHP in n-heptane and extract for 2 min to remove minor activities of Th and Pa. Acd S ml of DBHQ solution to the combined orga:iic and aqueous phases in th2 separatory funnel and shake for 5 min more. 11. wa) (b} Rebepesf{Chenpin/Wild poage &k Tranzfer the strip (agquecus)scluticn to e 250 =1 EIrlenmeyer flask containing 2 ml of conc. K,S0,; 100 mg of HaH50,, and S 1l of an equi-volume mixture of ¢ nc KECl and conc. HHOa. Hez< gently until the solution turns yellow. Add an additional S ml of the egqui-~-voclume mixture of conc. HCl and conc. HNC, plus 1 ml of 72% HC1l0, and evaporate the solution to fumes of sto Heat the flask over a Meker burner to a mild pyrcsu.fate fusion. Cool the residue and dissolve in 1-2 ml of 6 ¥ EClL with heating. Add 2 drops of a 1 M solution of the ammoniue salt of di- ethylamznetrxamlnepentaacethc acid {DTPA) and evaporate until only 2-3 drops remain (Kcte 2?!. Transfer the saaple to the electrcplating cell with warz rinses of 4% oxalic acid solution totaling 1i¥% ml. Add 1 drop of saturated hydroxylamine hydrochlorlde solutlon, and 2 ml of saturated NH Cl solution. Stir the solution in the cell and add conc. ammonia drop- wise until a red color persists for 30 sec. Add 3 drops of € M HE. Electroplate for SC min at 0.75 A/cm?, add 2 ml of conc. ampmcnia just before the end of the electrodeposition. Dismantle the cell, wash the planchet with distilled water ané alcohol, and dry the disk on a high temperature hotplate for 5 min to volatilize any. remaining ?'°Po. Determire the Pu isotopic composition and chemical yield by G=-spec- troscopy (Note 3). Kete 1: Prepare the hydrazine-svlfamic acid solution by adding 10 mi of 85% hydrazine to 50 ml of 2 M sulfamic acid sciution. Note 2: The DTPA suppresses the hydrolysis of Pu at the higher pHs. Nocte 3: Chemical yields are typlcallv -90% with decontamin- ation factors of 10°-10° from other a-emitting species. REFZRENCES C. W. Sill, X. ¥. Puphai, ard F. D. Hindman, Anal. Chem. 46. 1725 (197&) C. W. Sill, Anal. Chem. 49, 618 (13877). Roberts/Choppin/wild pege &2 PROCEDURE 2. Letermination of Plutoniums in Sedinants'by Solvant Extraction Source: N. P. Singh, P. Linsalatae, R. Gentry, and M. E. Wrenn, Anzl. Chim. Acta 111, 265 (1979). Sample Type: River-bottom sediments. Procedure: 1. Dry the sample in air. “rush to unlform particle size, and weigh out a 20 g aliquo%. Aadd 2-3 adpm of **?Pu tracer (Note 1) to the surface of the sedxment sample in a fused quartz baking dlsh. Heat sample in a muffle furnace at 400°C for 24 h to destroy organic matter; cool to room temperature. Leach the sample with 400 ml of a solution of 3 parts conc. HNOE and 1 part conc. HCl. Filter the sample through Whatman 2 paper. Repeat step 3, combine the. leachat=s, and discard the sedxnent residue and filter paper. . Boil the leachates down to a voluue of 100 ml, cool, and dilute to 300 ml with distilled, deionized water. Precipi- tate iron hydroxxde by the slou, careful addition of concentrated ammonia solution. Centrifuge the precipitate and discard the aqueous supernatant. Wash the precipitate with dilute ammonia solution (-1/20 of congentrated) as many times as is necessary to eliminate so“ as determined by adding BaCl2 to a few rl of the washing supernatants. Dissolve the precsztate in a ainimum volume of conc. HNO,. Add -200 mag of NaNO,, heating the solution gently. Cool the solution to Zenperature and adjust the acidity of the solution to 8 !_by adding conc. HNC,. Transfer the solution to a 500 =l separatory funnel. Add an equal volume of 20% trilaurylamine {(TLA) in xylene, which has bsen preequilibrated with about 20 ml of 8 M HNO,. Shake gently for about 10 min. Separate the phases, remove and set asids the organic phase. Extract twice more with equal volumes of TLA-xylene. Discard the aquedus phase. 10. 1l. 12. 13. 1%, 15. 1€. Roberce/Chappin/iild pege 43 cdmbina the organic phasgs inte the separatory funnel. A44 an equal voluse of 10 M KCl and shake gently for S min to remove treces of Th. Discard the agusous phase. Shake the ofganic phase twice (5 min eech} with equel volumes of 8 M HNO; to remove uranium. Discard the aqueous phases. Back-extract the piutonium with &n equal volume of 2 M nzsou. cabi . shaking gently for 10 min. Repeat twice more and c the aqueous back-extractant soluticns in a beaker. Evaporate fha back-extractant solutibn to dryness &nd cool. Destroy residual organic matter by adding several drops of conec. EHO3 and 20% nzoz; evaporate to dryness. Dissolve the residue in 1 ml of 2 K H SD and transfer to & plating cell. UWash the beaker twice Eore with 1 ml portions of 2 H H,S0, and transfer these to the plating cell. Add 1 drop of methyl red incicator. Add conc. ammonia dropwise until a yellou color appears. Quickly add enough drops of 2 M H,S to restore the red color and electrcoplate at a fi 3f 1.2 A for one hour. Quench the electradeposition with 3-4 drops of conc. ammonia at the end of the plating porcess; rezove the planchet and wash with distilled water and alcohol. Flame to redness over a4 Bunsen burner. Use a-spectrometry to determ;ne Pu isotopic composition and yield (Note 2). . Note 1l: Uranium in the sediment nay accompany the Pu - ' through the extraction procedure in amounts . sufficient such that the 2%°U a-peak at 4.77 MeV may interfere with the %®%py ,0-peak at 4.90 MeV. If this is the case, more %*?Pu tracer than that indicated must be added. Note 2: The average Pu chemical yield for 1l measurements was 35%, with a range of 7 to 71%. Amounts of Pu down to a few pCi per dry kg of sediment can be measured. Robe -t : /Choppin/Wild cage 44 PROCEDURE 3 Radiochemicel Determinati:-n of Plutonium in Marine Samples by Extruction Chromatography Source: A. Della Site, U. Marchionni, C. Testa, and C. Triulzi, Anal. Chim. Acta 117, 217 (1980). Sample Typss: (a) sea water; (b) sediments; (é) marine organisn# Procedure: 1. Prepare two extraction slurries by adding dropwise, with )} stirring, 2 ml of 0.3 M tri-n-octylphosphine oxide (TOPO) in cyclchexane to 3 g of Microthene or Kel-F powder. Add 30 ml of 4 M HNO, and stir for 30 min. Transfer one of the slurries to a glgss chromatographic column. 2. Pretreatment cof samples: a) Seg water: to 50 t, add 10 ml of a solution of S0 mg Fe ?> ml™! in 0.5 ¥ HC1l and -1 adpm of ?*%Pu or 2?¢Pu tracer. Stir and add 200 ml of 2 ¥ NaHSO,, follwed by encugh conc. ammonia to give an alkaline sH. Let the precipitate stand overnight. Siphon off the solution; centrifuge the precipitate, and dissolve it in the minimum- quantity of conc. HNO;. Add 100 ml of 8 M HNO, and S ml of 30% H,0,, and heat the solution to boiling.” Dilute to 1 % thfi 4 M HNOa, add ~-1C g Nafloz in water, and stir for 15 min. - b) Sediments: dry the sediment at 105°C to constant weight. Add -2 adpm of ?*2Py or ?3°Pu tracer to 100 g of sediment and leach by boiling with 50C =1 of 8 M HNO, for 3 h. Filter the sclution and repeat the leaching procedure twice more. Combine the leachings, add 25 ml of 30% Hzoz, and evaporate the sclution tc 500 ml. Dilute to 1 2 with distilled water, and -10 g of NaNO,, and stir for 15 min. : ¢) Harine organisms: dry the sample at 1C5°C to con:tant weight. Add -2 adpm of *“*2Pu or 2?®Pu tracer to 300 g cf dry sample and heat in a muffle furnace at ¥50°C for S h. Cool, add 50-100 ml of conc. HNO, and 10 ml of 30% H,0,, and dry under an infrared lamp. Heat again in nufflz furnace at 450°C. Repeat the wet and dry mineral- ization to give a carbon-free residue. Dissolve the ' residue in 500 ml of 8 M HNO,, boil, filter, and dilute t0o 1 £ with water. Add 2.5 of NaNoO, and stir for 1S min. Bokerta/Choppin/Wild page 45 ‘Add the remaining extraction slurry to the sample solution ( -% H in HNO,) and stir for 1 h, Fiiter on & Buchner funnel and transfer i.e slurry containing the Pu(IV) quantitatively to an empty glass chromatographic column. Wash with 50 ml of & M HKC. and elute with 80 ml of 6 M HC1/0.02 M HI at a flow raie of 0.25 ml min™!. Evaporate the eluate to dryness, add a few drops of conc. t0 rexsove iodine, and dissoclve the residue in 20 ml £ 4 M ENC;. Stir for 15 min, add 89 mg of NaNO, in water, and stir again for 15 minutes. Fass the solution through the other -hromatographxc column at 0.25 ml min~!; wash with 50 ml of & and elute the Pu with 80 ml of 5 N NC1/0.0Z M HI. Evapora%e the eluate to dryness. Dissolve the residue in 0.5 ml conc. heat for 5 min. Add 3 ml of distilled water and 2 dropg o? methyl red indi- cator. Add conc. ammonia until the color changes to yeilow. Quickly transfer the soluticn to a plating cell; wash the beaker several times with a total of 5 ml of 1 vol ‘' H SO . Neutralize again with amrmonia; when yellow color occur add just enough HZSO to restore rec color. Electroplate for 5 h at 60C mA; just before the end of the plating procedure, add 1 ml of conc. ammonia to quench the electrolysis. Wash the planchet with distilled water and allcw to dry. Use g-Spectrometry to deternlne Pu isotopic content and chemical vield (see Necte). . Ncte: Average chemical yields for this procedure were: 62.6 + 9.7% for sea water samples, 45.4 + 9.6% for sediments, and 81.7 * 4.5% for marine organisms. Sensitivities down to 1007 fCi per kg of sea water and 100 fCi per g of sediment can be obtained. Roberts/Choppin/Wild page &6 PROCEBURE u The Determination of Plutonium in Environmental Samples by Extraction with Tridodecylamine Source: J. C. Veselsky, Int. J. Appl. Radiation and Isotopes 27, 439 (1976). | ‘ Sample Type: Soils Prcoccedure: 1. 16. Add 10 ml of water containing a suitable smount of #¥%Py tracer to 50 g of air-dried scil in a porcelain dish. After drying the tracer solution, ash the sample at 500°C for several hours (or overnLght). Boil the sample for 3 h with 200 ml of 8 M HNO, including -1 g of NaNO,. Cocl and decant the soiuiiop 1nto a 250 ml centrifuge giass and centrifuge for 10 min. Transfer the nitric acid sclution toc a 500 ml separatory funnel and extract twice (5 min each) with 40 el portions of 25% tridodecylamine (TLA) in xjlene which has been preequxlxhr&ted with § M HNO,. Cozbine the corganic extracts, centrifuge for S min and discard any agueous solution. Transfer the organic phase to a 250 ml separatory funnel &nd wash with 25 mi of 8 M HNO, (3 min). Discard the aqgueous phase. Centrifuge the organic phase for S min and discard any aqueous solution., : Wash the organlc phase 3 times with 25 ml of 10 M HCl (3 min each) in the separatory funnel, discarding the aqueous phase each time. Strip the Pu by shaking the organic phase for $S min each with two 80 ml portions of a solution of 30 ml conc. HCl + 0.3 ml conc. HF in 1 &£ of water. Wash the combined aqueous back- extractants with 50 ml of xylene. Transfer the aqueous back-extractant to a Teflor beaker and evarcrate to dryness under a heat lamp. : Dissolve the residue in § ml conc. HNO,, add 5 drops of 30% H,0,, and evapcrate to dryness again. : Dissolve the residue¢ in S ml of conc. HCl, evaporate to dry- ness, and digzolve the residue again in 5 ml of conc. HCl + t gl of 3.2 E_EH Cl solution. Evaporate to dryness. ll. 12. 13. Roberts/Choppin/uWild page &7 Dissclve the dry NH,Cl residue in 3 =l of water and transfer to an electroplating cell. WYash the beaker with 1 al of : water and add this to the cell. : Add 1 drop of methyl violat indicator and electrolyze for about 20 min at 1% V and 1.5 A. Add Z ml of conc. ammonia solution tc the cell about 1 mir before the end of electrolysis without interrupticn of the current. - Ramove the planchet from the cell, wash with water and dry under a heat lamp. Determine the Pu isotopic content and chemical content by a-spectrometry (see Note). Note: Chemical yields for so0il samples ranged up to 70%; for plant ashes, > 90% ¥ie1d was obtained. Sensitiv- ities down to C.1 pCi ???Pu per 50 g of soil can be obtained. Roberts/Choppin/uWild page 48 PROCEDURE S Solvent Extraction Method for Determination " of Plutoniua in Soft Tissue Source: M. P. Singh, S. A. Ibrahim, N. Cohen, and M. E. Wrenn, Anal. Chem. 50, 357 (1978). Sample Type: Soft Tissue Procedure: l. ac 500-1000 g of tissue in a u L beaker, add 1-2 adpm cf **2py tracer and enough conc. HNO, to just cover the tissue. 3 Heart gently over a magnetic stirrer hot plate until frothing ceases. Ra-se the temperature to 100°C and heat untzl the: volume is ~100 ml. Increase the temperature and add a ‘eu drops of conc. HNOj3 occasionally until the solution is clear Add 200 ml of an equal-voluxe mixture of conc. HNO., and conc. H,SO, and heat vigorously until ail the nitric acid i dfiven off. Add a few drops of conc. HNO, occasionally with constant heating until a clear colorless golutxon is obrained. Remove most of the sulfuric acid by evaporation before pro- ceeding further. Add 3C0 ml of & M HC1l to the clear solution and boil for sege—al minutes. Cool and add 1 ml of Fe carrier (100 =g Fe'?); swirl the beaker for proper mixing. Add conc. ammonia solution gently until the precipitation is complete (pH > 8). Gently heat the precipitate with constant stirring and allow to stand overnight. : Separate the precipitate from the supernatant by centrifug- ation in a 50 ml centrifuge cone. Dissolve the prec;pxtate in a 4¥-5 ml of conc. HH°§ and repreczp;tate the iron hydrox- ide; repeat the process Several times to ensure the complete removal of the sulfate ions (test the supernatant for SO, with BaCl, solution). Dissolve the precipitate in 2 minimum volume of 8 M HNO, and adjust the HNO, concentration to 3 M. Heat the solution gently and add 25 mg of Nafloz. Cool the solutrtion to room temperature. 10. ll. l2. 13. 1. 1§. 16. 17. 18. 19. Roberts/Cheppin/¥ild page 49 Add an equal volume of 25% trilaurylamine (TLA) in xylene which has been preequilibrated with 3 M HNO, for 10 min (Note 1). Shake gently for 10 min and eentiifuge to separate the phases. : Rezove the aqueous phase into another 50 ml centrifuge cone and repeat the extraction using a fresh portion of TLA extractant. Combine the organic phases and wasi for 10 min with an equal voiume of 10 M HCl. Centrifuge to separate the phasas. Repeat this washing tc insure remcval of Th. Wash the organic phase with 8 M HNO, to remove Fe and U. Strip the Pu from the organic¢ phase with en equal volume of 2 M H,50,, shaking for 10 min. Remove the aqueous phase and repeai the stripping with 2 M stou. Combine the aqueous back--extractant solutions. : Evaporate the solution to dryness. For electroplating, add 1 ml of 2 M H,S0, to the beaker, heat gently, and transfer to the eIthroacposition cell. Repeat with two more rinses of .1 ml of 2 M H,SO,. Acd 1 drop of methyl red indicator and titrate dropwise with ammonia to a yellow color. KRestore the red color with a minimum amount of 2 M H,SO,. Electroplate at 1.2 A for 1 h. At the end of . h, just before the current is shut off, quench the electrodeposition by adding several drops af ammonia. Remcve the planchet, rinse with water and alcohol, and flame to red heat. Determine the Pu isotopic compositicn and chemical yield by a-spectrometry (Note 2). Note 1: The 25% solution of TLA in xylene which has been equilibrated with 3 ¥ ENO; must be prepared fresh each day. Note 2: Pu recévery ranged from 48 to B85% with a mean of 61%. Sensitivities as low as a few fCi/kg tissue can be obtained. ‘Roberts/Choppin/uWild page 50 PROCEDURE 5 Deterzination of Plutonium in Tissue by Aliquat-336 Extraction Source: I. M. Fisenne and F. M. Perry, Radiochem. Radicanal. Letr 33, 259 (1978). Sample Type: Human or animal tissue Procedure: 1. A weighed amount of tissue is wet-Zshed in conc. HNO, containing a known amount of 2*2Pu tracer to achieve destruc- "tion of the organic asterial. Evaporate the solution just to the point of dryness. Ad¢ 100 ml of 8.5 M HNO, to the sample and warm to 83°C to effect coaplete dissglution. Add 25 mg of NaNGC, to convert the Pu to the IV oxidation state. COntinuz warming to remove excess hitrate. Cocl the solution to room temperature. Withdraw a 100 ul aliquot of the solution, add to 25 ml of distilled water, and titrate to the phenolphthalein end point with 0.1 N NaCH. If the HNO. concentration is between 8 ahd 8.7 N, proceed to step 4. Ii not, adjust the concentration to 8.% N with either distilled water or ccnc. HNO,, as required. Prewash a 30 vol % Aliquat-336 in toluene solution three tizes with equal volumes of 8.5 N HNO,. Add two 50 =l portions of the Aliquat-336 sclution io each of two 250 ml separatory funnels. Add 300 mg of Catfloa)zdissolved in 8.5 N HKO, to the first separato-y funnel. Transfer the sample with washes to the first separatory funnel and shake for 3 min. Separate the phases and draw off the aquecus phase into the second separatory funnel. Shake the second separatory funnel for 3 min and separate the phases. Discard the aqueocus phase. Combine the extractant phases into a separatory funnel and wash twice for 3 min each with equal volumes of 8.5 N HNO. and twice for 3 min each with equal volumaes of conc. HCl. Discard all of the acid washes. Strip the Pu from the Aliquat-336 with two equal-volume washes of 1 N HCL/0.01 K HF sclution. Combine the agueous strip sclutions. 10. ll. " Roberts./Choppin/Wild page 51 Evaporate the gtrip solution to near dryness; add 5 ml of conc. EED, and 0.5 =l of conc. H,50,. Heat the solution until denfe, white fumes appear. Add zonc. HNO, dropwise tc the hot soluticon to remeove any residuali orgafiic matter and cool the solution to rooa terperature. Transfor the sclutiorn to an electrodeposition cell which can be 229led in an ice-water bath. Electrclyze the Pu antd 2 ~latinue Cisk for 2 h at 1.2 A. Determine tha Pu Ligte.. comvent and chemical yield by a-spectrometry (gece Hore). Note: Typicel sarples ranged from 17 to 470 g of wet tissue; chenical yields were typically 70-80%. Activities of ¥%?Pu down to 0.1 edpm/kg of tissue can be cbserved. Robercs/Choppin/uWild page 5. PROCEDURE 7 Determination of Trace Amounts of Plutonium in Urine Source: J. C. Vesalsky, Milxochim. Acta, 1978I, 79. Samnple Type: Urine Procedure: 1. To the urine sample (1-1.5 L), add 200 =l of conc. HNOi e -1 adpz of 23€py tracer, and S ml of a calcium hespha carrier solution (Note 1l). Heat the solution to 80-30°C for 3 h. ?reczptafe with 500 ml of conc. an:on;a, decant the supernatant, and centr;fuge the precipitate in a 250 ml centrifuge tube. Dissolve the precipitate in the centrifuge tube in a minimum volume of 3.5 M HNO; and add & ml of 30% H,0,. Evaporate to dryness in a silicone bath. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the salts appear white or pale yellow. Add 0.5 g of solid NzNO, to the residue, followed by 25 =l cf 7.2 M HNO,. Heat in"a siliccne bath until gas evolution ceases. Cooi to room temperature, Pass the solution through a 1 em diam. ion-exchange column of 8 g 100-200 mesh Dowex 1-X2 resin which has been prewashed with 7.2 M HNO,. Wash 3 times with $ ml portions of 7.2 ¥ HNO,, followed by 2 washes with S ml of 10 M HCl. Elute the Pu (see Note 2) with 25 ml of a solution C.36 M in HCl and 0.01 M in HF into a beaker containing S ml of conc. HNO,. Evaporate to dryness. Add ¥ =1 of 3.2 M NH Cl solution to the resxdue. evaporate to aryness. Follow steps 1ll-13 of Procedure u for the preparation of an electroplated sample suitable for a=-pulse height analysis (Note 3). Note 1: The calcium phosphate carrier solution is prepared by dissolving 60 g of calcium phosphate in 150 ml of 8 ¥ HNO; and diluting to 1 L with distilled water. Note 2: Any Np initially present in the urine sample will be eluted 2lso. Neptunium-237 and 2'?Py can be distin- guished by a-spectrometry. . If & Np-Pu separation is required, a reductive elution (using, e.g., 10 M HClIo 2 M HI solution)} must be used. Roberts/Choppin/Wild page 33 Note 3: Pu racovery is usually > 30%; the detection limit is about 40 £Ci of 2?°P4 per liter of urine. Roberts/Choppin/VWild page 5& PROCEDURE 8 Extractive Photometric Determination of Plutonium{(IV) with Aliquat-336 and Xylenol Orange?® Source: J. P. Shukula and M. S. Subramanian, J. -Radicanel. Chenm. 47, 29 (1978). Sample Type: Solution Procedure: 1. Transfer an aliquot of solution corntaining ug quantities of Pu(IV) to a centrifuge tube containing 2 ml of & M HNC,. 2. Extract twice with 2 ml portions o 5% Aliquat-336 in xylene which has been preequilibrated with 4 M HNO,. Extraction time should be abcat 5§ min. 3. Combine the organic extracts; transfer a 0.5 ml portion to a 10 ml volumetric flask. u. Add to the volumetric flask 2 ml of absclute ethanol, 0.5 ml of glacial acetic acid, and 2 mi of a 0.2 w/v § solution of xylenol qrange in methanol. Diliute to the mark with absolute ethanol. 5. Transfer an aliquot to a spectrophotometer cell anéd read the absorbance at 540 nm against a reagent blank prepared in the same manner. Compute the amcunt of plutonium extracted into the organic phase frcm a calibration curve. Note: The extraction of Pu(IV) into Aliquat-336 in xylene (5 w/v § solution) was found to be a maximum and quantitative at 4 M HNC,. The extrlcted Pu complex with xylenol orange obeyed Beer's Law ig the goncen; tr;tion range 1-§ PP&. Ions such as Al s Cu *, . Hoon » Ni ¢, Hn Zn » alkali and alkal;ne earths could be tolerated in levels as ‘much as one thgusand t;mes +greater than Pu, while ions such as Cr °, Fe , and ¥ could be tolerated in smaller amounts. S:gn-fxcant interferences from “a(IV) and Cr(VI) vere obtained. * A similar procedure from the same authcrs using di-n-hexyl sulfox- ide instead of Aliquat-336 is detailed in T'aciochem. Radiocanal. Lett. 37, 77 (1979). Roberts/Choppin/Wild page 55 PROCEDURE 9 Simultanecus Caterminations of Plutonium Alpha- and Beta-Activity in Liquid Effluents and Environmentzl. Samples Source: G. C. Hands and B. 0. B. Conway, Analyst 102, %3« (1977). Sezple Type: Solutions Frocedure: 1. 30. 1l. 12. Transfer not more than 50 ml of the sample solution into a 125 ]l Erlenmeyer flask. Add 3 g of K SOy, ? ml of cone. H,S0,, and 6 drops each of conc. HNO, &nd'80V HC10,. Evaporate the mixture to fumes and fuse over a high-temperature burner (such as 2 Meker). Cool, add 30 ml of distilled water and 2 ml of conc. HH03; heat to dissolve the solids. ¢ 5 ml of 1 M NaBr0., solution and Soil gently for 15 min, xeeping the volume coflsrant by adding water as necessary. Cool and add dropwise 2 mi of 30% H,0,, allowing the reactior <0 proceed gently. Boil the solution for 5 min, add 1 ml of 30% Hzoz, and boil for 5 more min. _ Cool and add 1 ml of 10 mg/ml ng’ carrier solution. Mix and transfer quantitatively into a centrifuge tube. Add 50V NaOH solution until precipitation is complete. Centrifuge; wash the precipitate twice with water. Discard the supesrnatant and wvash solutions. Dissolve the precipitate in 5 ml of conc. HCl. Transfer the sclution to an ion exchange coluan approximately 14 mm in diam, and 150 mm high containing AG 1-X2 resin which has bzen pre- treated with 100 ml of 9 M ECl containing 1 drop of 30% H,0,. Pass the sample through the coluen at 3 ml/min ard wash with 75 ml of 9 M HCl, discarding the eluate solution. Elute iron with 50 ml of 7.2 M HNO and uranium with 10C ml more of 7.2 M HNO,. Discard 'hese eluates. Wash the nitric acid from the column with 10 ml cf 1.2 M ECI and elute Pu with & freshly prepared solution of 50 ml of 1.2 ¥ HC1 and 1 ml of 30% H,0, at 3 ml/min. 13- 1ls. 15. 16. Roberts/Choppin/uild page 56 Transfer the eluate to a centrifuge bottle and add 1 ml of the Mg carrier solution. Precipitate by the dropuise addition of S0% NaOH solution. Centrifuge and wash twice with water, discarding the supernatant and wash solutions. Dissolve the precipitate and wash the solutiorn into a separatory funnel, using a total of 10 ml of 2 g.unos. Add 5§ ml of a 25 vol. percent solution of HDEHP in n= heptane and extract for § ain. Discard the aquecus phase and transfer the organic layer into a2 glass scintillation counting vial. Add 10 ml of scintillant (Note 1), mix, and count in a three-channel liquid-scintill- atior spectromster. Use two channels which have been previously optimized for counting a and B8 activity. Calculate the #*!'Pu activity in pCi/f from the equation (c~b) x 1000 Iv1py activity = 2.22 x Ex V where ¢ is the sample count rate, b is the background count rate, E is the counting efficiency for 2“'Pu and V is the volume of the sample aliquot in mi. Calculate the Pu c activity similarly, using the counts recorded in the a-counting channel (Note 2). Note 1l: For the scintillartor solutien, dissolve 4.64 g of p-terphenyl and 0.115 g of 2-(S-phenyl-oxazolyl)- benzene (POPOP) in 1 L of scintillator-grade toluene. Note 2: Awerag- recovery is 94.0 + 1.8V for *°*'Pu_and 97.6 + 3.8% for *?"Py. Limitsof 1.7 pCi for **'Pu and U.2u pCi for ~21??Pu can be achieved, depending on counter. backgrounds. Roberts/Choppin/tild page 37 V1i. Onidatien Stace Procedures INTRODUCTION Thorium exists in oxidation 1V and the transplutonium actinides are typically trivalent although some use is made of other oxidation states in their separation schemes. Uranium is most comweonly found a&s U(VI) in the form of the divalent U0 . However, neptunium and plutonium exist rather readily in oxgdation states III, IV, V and VI. Since the behavior in nature of these latter two elemerts is dependent on the oxidaticn state or states present in a particu.ear scil or water, a major problem has been the separation of the neptunium and plutonium 3zpecies present in a sample without changing the redox equilibria. The next three procedures are schemes for such separations. : In the first procedure, a combination of selective sorption and solvert extraction is used to separate Np(IV), Np(V) and Np(YiI}). The same procedure works for plutonium. The second procedure uses solvent extraction by TTA with aqueous solutions of different pH values to achieve separation of the IV, V and VI states. Since many nagtural waters are about neutral, a similar procedure has been developed using dibenzoylmethane (DBM) which 1s less scluble in neutral aqueous solutions than is TTA. This is described in Procedure 3 for oxidation states III, IV, V and V¥I. The An(IV) is sorbed on the vessel walls in the first extraction but is pla ed in sclution by the dilute HCl and extracted sub- sequently. hobercs/Choppin/uild page 58 - PROCEDURE 1 Separation of Kp(IV), Np(V) and Np(VI) by Adsorption and Extraction Source: Y. Inone and 0. Tochiyama, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 39, 1uu3 (1977). Sample Type: Solutions Procedure: 1. (a) (b) Adjust an aliquot of the Np solution to pH6é with acetic acid and/or ammoniuz hydroxide at a total volume of 5 ml. Add 100 mg silicic acid powder (100 mesh). Shake occasionally for 30 nig. iThe Np(IV) and Np(VI) are 100% sorbed, leaving Kp(V) in solution. After separation by centrifugation, adjust the pH to 10-ll and add a fresh 100 mg sample of silicic acid. With 30 minutes occasional shaking, the Np(V) sorbs coapletely. To a fresh aliquot of the Np solutxon. add HC10, to cktain 5 ml solution which is 1M in RC10, Prepare a frtsh precipate of BaSO, by mixing 1 ml each of .1 M Ba(NO and 0.2 M Na,SO, After 30 min, remove the supernate afid add the Np so utxon. Allow 310 min for cocmplete sorption of the Np(IV) with no sorption of Kp(V) or Np(VI). Cxidation state differentiation can alsoc be achieved with 40% (v/v) TBP in benzene. From 3 M HCl solution, after 5-10 min, 90V extraction of Np(VI) is obtained with <5% Np(IV) and Np(V). From 6 M HCi solutlon, after 5-1C min, 80% Np(IV) and 100% Np(VI) but no Np(V) is extracted. Note: This method has >=en used Zor pluteonium also. Pu(¥) sorbs on CaC0, (ref. a) and TiO, (ref. D) and can be separated from Pu(Ui) by a modificatidén of the above procedure since Pu(IV) sorbs at lower pH values. REFERENCES E. A. Bondietti and J. K. Trabalka, Radiochem. Radicanal. Chem. Lett., 42, 169 (1979). Roberts/Choppin/uilid page 59 PROCEDURE 2 Separation of Oxidation Stat=s IV, V and VI by Solvent Extraction Source: P. A. Bertrand, G. R. Choppin, Radiochim. Acta, 31, 135 (1982). Sample Type: Solution Procedure: 1. 2. A 0.5 ml aliquot of the actinide solution is added to 0.5 ml of 0.5 M acid (HC10,, HCl, HNO,> to obtain a pH ca. 0.6. This solution (1 ml) is mixed with 1 ml of 0.5 M TTA solution in xylene or toluene and the mixture shaken vigorously for S min. . The phases are separated for counting; the An(IV)+ is %1008 extracted into the TTA soluticn while the An(VI) remain quantitatively (>98%) in the aqueous phase (Note 1). A second (0.5 ml of the original actinide solution is added to 0.5 ml of 0.5 M sodium acetate at pH 4. This solution iy added to 1l ml of the 0.5 H TTA solution and shaken for S min. The phases are separated for counting with essentially 100% of the An(IYV) and An(VI) in the organzc phase and 190% of the An(Y) in the aguecus (Note 2). + An T actinide element Note 1. An(IIl) would remain quantitatively in the aqueous phase. Note 2. An{(III) would be extracted into the organic phase. Roberts/Choppin/Wild page 60 PROCEDURE 3 Separation of Different Oxidation States by Solvent Extraction in Neutral Solutions Source: A. Saito and G. R. Choppin, Anal. Chem., 55, 2u54 (1983). Sample Type: Neutral solutions | Procedure: See flowsheeat FLOWSHETT ample solution (pH-8) 2 mab -YT) a) add 10 me 3.5 M DBM® b) shake for 19 m. prem ] 4) add S mf 0.01 M a) add dilute HCl1l vo acetate solution lower pH to -4-5, pH 5-5.5 b) add S mt 0.2 M DBM b) shake for 2 m. solution c) shake for i0 n. | prganic phase| Bqueocus phase] prganic phase| hqueous phase| An(VI) AnCIII) An(IV) | An(V) #*Chloroform was used as a solvent to allow easy removal of the _organic phase. Procadures: Separation of Bp(IV), NpiV) and Np(VI) by Adsorption and Extraction.............crcccnnccnanannsnann 58 llopu:u:i.on of Oxidation Stlul- 'N V., and Vi by Solwvent Extraction...........c.iiir tiiiiiinicrrrrrenannas 59 Separation of Diffierent Oxidation States by Solvent Extraction im Beutral Solutionms................ . ..60 vii