MUC-L 40~ 20 I “This document consists of ... ‘5__ : pages and / figures . ] =9 | o (NoesGe of f4...copies, Scries..d 2 ndeddomgiioflfpes g LEETING OF JULY"6319%, & ”wh £ g sty 4. Coordinate With: : ~9:00 |- 10:30 Eck - 209 6. Classified Information Bracketed Reume |7, Other (specify): o1 CHRRED gy EE\SS\Y \oAT Present: Messrs. Seitz, Hogness, Allison, ¥zfl ; YW Wér}gg{, Wein Smyth, Cooper, Creutz and Ohlingen - //i? ik - Slehey N /2/ Mr. Seitz presented a very interesting report on Riz @ sit; {he| Ceneral FElectric Company at Schenectady to discuss turb: a-f?ys%'gms/afid in parficuls new mercury turbine and mercury-vapcr processgs / ¢ A / / e SRS This subject is of interest to u.'g( cause, first, the mercury"topping! system is the most modern and efficient power mduqt?gffi"éyis and, second, it presents samething new and dfifemn{*ifl%@gmfi on—-the uss of’ 1iquid metal at high temperatures. The latter particular interest to us because of' its application to certain of the potential pile designs involving the use of liquid metal at high temperatures. The mercury-vapor process is based on the fact that to increase tharmo- dynamic efficiency, one should obtain the maximum possible workiag temperature or rather the maximum possible differential temperature. The mercury system which is a "topping" system would operate between two temperatures T; and T, to pro- duce about 1/3 to 1/2 of the total power while the steam system would operate between tempsratures Tp and T3 to produce the balance of the power, about 243 to 1/2, Most of the mercury-vapor systems in use now, have the temperature Tp established according to the top temperature available in their existing steam system, with the mercury system added to bring the top temperature up to Ty. The engineers at Schenectady would much prefer to lower the value of Ty and recomrend that new systems which are designed provide for a lower T in order to give a better overall efficiency. ' The mercury-vapor process is a binary system for producing power from fuel with groater thermal economy than is possible with the steam cycle =2lons. The mercury cycle can also be considered as & steam producer in which, for a given amount of fuel, nearly as much steam is produced as in a steam cycle and, in addition, the by-product power from the mercury turbine generator is cbteined et nearly the mechanical equivalent of the thermal energy. The advantags of the mercury over the water system is that one obtains &s high temperature with merc vepor as with water vapor at only 1/10 the pressure. One disadvantage of the mercury system is that the weight and volume of mercury required is larger than that of the water required in a water system. In a water system oporated at about 9509F, the entropy per pound is 1.546 BTU/OF/1b and the volune of vaper par pound is 0.3538, while in a mercury system operating at about 105C to 11C0°F, the entropy is 0.1193 and the volume per pound is 0.3998. Trom this we see that a mercury system requires about ten times the werking volume of a water systom. The present msrcury units are designed to produce about 20,000 kw in the mercury system alcne and one unit uses about 400,000 pounds of mercury. A%t the . . R 3 — . - AR - - . » - - v - B R » ~ - M ~ . . i f - - . . . . -~ .. P . - ‘ .- . . - ’ - A - . I . . - . ‘ o K - . « B v rea T i B e R e ey YTREUTAL Ty v s deld S e mm . oAy e i AT eVt v TR QReat febd); e ' , RN e CIRBLOT ORI CLEHO(5G ' ’ wi ! l l. o S ‘.~- £ pecisanysq { f W st g B e QUi TS “QLoausT P! - i i 7 - tor ot et e yowmsos poEcregsme § o ’ vhiomads e Lo ALE gEsRaeuinggag 107 : SR S e T PoeEmptace eENes L o T T A - - . . . 1% . - - B o B850 527 Aramemeney (Gics j!zgzywps;}{e}gz DT DELVELUTHL OF THEUSA DECIYR2MRICYLION SBAEM | - »® --""“:‘f,,‘\‘ - . ':j‘ l ) . o T present market cost of mercury of around $2,00 per pound, this means an outlay of nearly $1,000,000 for mercury for one unit, The known world deposits of nmercury are large and with a production no greater than the present top yearly production, as much as 1,000,000 kw in cambined mercury-steam plants could be installed each year. Whereas these binary units might be installed on large ships, at present they do not look very practical for smaller power requirements of & mobile natwre such as trains, etc. Although the figure above shows the utilizaticn of 20 pounds of msreury per kw, the eagineers at Schenectady believe that a minimom of 8.25 pounds of mercury/kw can ultimately be achieved. They have set up as a basis of compariscn of efficiencies a figure based on the total overall efficiency frem the heat con- tained in the coal to the power at the busbar. On this basis, the maximum theoret- ical efficiency which can be cbtainad according to the first law of thermodynamics is 3,413 BIU/hr/¥kw. The best overall efficisncy cbtained to date in any of the mercury-steam cambination units is 9,175 BTU/br/kw. The best overall efficiasncy obtained from an all steam unit is 10,039 BTU/hr/iw. This means the 21l steam power plant has an efficiency of about 33% compared to the first law efficisncy noted above while the binary system has an efficiency of about 37% or 4% gain over the all steam plant., The operating temperatures for a typical binary unit are: 1,050°F for the mercury or Ty (this is saturation temparatqre) and 925°F for ths water or Tp (this includes the superheat). Thus the thermodynamic efficiency ccuputed from the temperatures or the second law efficiency would be about 65%. The drawing attached illustrates diagremmatically the mercury-vepor mocess for the production of power. Referring to the drawing, mercury is vap~ orized in a boiler at comparatively low pressure and passed through a mercury turbine which drives a gemsrator. The vapor from the turbine is exhausted to a condenser boiler where its latent heat is transferred to water vhich vaporizes at any desired pressure, The steam formed in the condenser boiler is superheated in coils located in the gas passages of the mercury boiler and is then used in steam turbines or for process work. The top limit to the temperature Ty at present is set by the tubass in the fire box. These are actually located in the hot coal geses immediately above the fire bed and have temperatures on the outside surface of around 1200°F and on the inside of around 1075°F. Under these operating conditions, it is obvicus that the tubes are easily attacked by the gases and slags in the fire box and must have high creep strength as well as stainless properties. The best alloys found to date for these tubes are the Sicromo series having about 1% each of silicon, chromium and molybdenum with the balance iron. ihen bsttor alloys are found, Ty can be raised above 1075°F and the efficiency improved. However, in our type of power production units, we do not require a furnace and so We can better the velue of Ty, P T Keagosirriadt - POAASNY Mercury, as the material for the liquid metal portion of this binary system, is a good material for this purpose because it dissolves very few metals used in commercial high temperature practices, In fact, the solubility of all metals in mercury is less than one part in 10[*. One problem, however, with the use of mercury was the difficulty in obtaining good wetting of the boiler tubes by the msrcury. This is especially necessary in the fire box and condenser boiler to obtain good heat transfer, It was finally found that ty adding 0.5 ppm of titanium and 10 ppm of magnesium as wetting agents, good heat transfer coef- ficients could ba realized. These wetting agenis are probably efiective because they are both good oxypen getters, taking it away fram the mercury and ths ircn. Mercury probably tends to wear awey the iron axide while the titenium and mag- * nesium, in taking the oxygen away from the mercury and iron, help the mercwry in cleaning off the scale and keep the tubes clean and easy to wet. When starte ing up a unit, it takes about ten minutes before wetting occurs but from that time on, no further trouble is encountered if about one pound psr month of titaniun and possibly a very small amount per year of magnesium is zdded. Unfortunately, a small amount of air (about 1 cu ft per hr) leaks into tue mercury turkine at the condensing or low pressure end. This prcbably accounts for the nacessity for ths extra titanium. In an all steam power plant, an entire corpa of chemists is required for constant water analysis and treating to avoid scaling while the mercury system is practically self-meintaining except for the small addition of titanium. Thereiore, in addition to the increased efficiency, the mercury system offers a tremendous reduction in maintenance costs, One great worry in a mercury system is the pessibility of leaks in view of ‘the high mercury costs. In the many operating years credited to mercury-vapcr binary systems, only one leak has occurred. This was brought about as a result of the following process: powdered coal was fed into the top of the fire box while ashes produced thsrefrom fell into the bottom of the furnacs and were swept out by streams of water. In the case of the single leak, water splashed up and caused steam which attacked the tubes with a resulting loss of about one ton of mercury through the leak. Despite ell premonitions, the mercury turbinss have caused no troubls and have operated very successfully without pitting or erosion. The careful da- sign of the turbine to produce impact incidence of the mercury with tho turbine blades at a safe angle instead of perpendicular appears to be the secret for the successful erosion resistance of these turbines, They are made with high carbon steel parts instead of stainless steel as employed in steam turbines. However, at present, the steam turbine is more efficient than bhe mercury surbine based on the overall transfer of kinetic energy in the gas to mechanical energy from the turbine. For & steam turbine the efficiency is about 85% as compared to only 73% for the mercury turbine. The latter figure is lower probably bscause of the tendency of the mercury to condense in the turbine. The operating pressure for the mercury system is around 125 pounds per s in, and for the water system around 1,250 pounds per sg. in. et SR To consider the application of this information to our problem of de- signing a new high temperature pile, we must considor the possibility of a metallic alloy of uranium or plutonium which can be used molten through a pile which would replace the fire box in the above process. There are only two systems giving = eutectlc with uranium (and presumably plutonium) with Low enough melting points to be practical. These are the iron-uranium (or plutonium) alloys and the nickele uranium (or plutonium) alloys. The latter eutectic melts below 75G°C and has about 40 atomic percent nickel, The difficulty with the first named eutectic vis that iron dissolves everything which can possibly be uscd for the tubes. Very little is known about the mercury-urenium alloys which are pyro- phoric. kore data should be obtained on the phase diagrams of this slloy end further information obtained on the nickel-uranium alloys, Of course, the pile need not be operated with the active metal in molten form circulating through the pile but may have another metal in liguid form as the coclant with the uranium or enriched material stationary within the moderator. An example of this type is My, Szilard's bismuth cooled pile, Another problem in using a urenium eutectic is that the fission pro=- ducts will be contaminating the liquid metal constently. At Hanford, this nay take only a few hours. While most of the fission products are good elameébs and might help as wetting agents, icdine and the alkaline metals might interfere with the cleansing action. g . iy, Ohlinger questioned ths supposed reduction in ste Mr. Seitz agresd that there was no roduction n m% the mercwy cystem has been added simply xisting steam plant but that any newly desigaed unit e reduced, it is to be expected that maintenance ~discussion period with a brief discourse cn a : , in which the hot geses would replace the coal gase 3 X ¢ ‘binary system, the active metal would be locatad hroughout the moderator in lumps either of urenium carbide or molten wranium con- ad. - ,_of bery oxide. The furnace in the binary system : ger for absorbing the heat carricd off Cooper's objaction to this scheme was be necessary in order to get sufficient around 10 atmospheres). lMr. \einbarg's exceedingly large because of the high tem— do. In fact, he felt that it would be ~cooled grophite-moderated plant. Mr. Hog- that would be used up in recirculeting of helium. -5 - At subsequent meetings, Mr., Wigner will discuss his "pulsating” pile and those utilizing endothermic chemical reactions and Mr. Szilard will discuss his seed pilas, ' Jdp STEAN y MERCURY VAPOR SUPERHEATER —_— (_J (gh 4 — [ _ U d—— - j[— T e —i ) Nie= DA AR (C— ‘U‘WW \ = —— L x_ | \ \\ { ‘ MERCURY GENERATOR L) Fummace Juuuuuls. TURBINE ) = -— MERCURY CONDENSER | MERCURY BOILER (é:—-b - MERCURY FEED PUMP STEAM ‘ STEAM TURDINE GENERATOR : ( « ,i TAAA AN . WATER A _~SOTEAM CONDENSER —fi J) WATER FEED PUMP - F"Om"ffuflaacfact‘/on_fl of tte /f.f,/f,f.f,'" CED-YC4