CHAPTER 25 ADDITIONAL LIQUID METAL REACTORS In this chapter three other types of Liquid Metal Fuel Reactors will be discussed. The first of these is the Liquid Metal Fuel Gas-Cooled Reactor. In principle this reactor is similar to the LMFR previously discussed, but it has many features that are ditferent; for example, it has a noncirculating fuel, and the heat is removed by cooling with helium under pressure. Advantages and disadvantages of this design over the circulating fuel LMFR will be discussed in the following pages. The second reactor discussed in this chapter is the LAMPRE. Thisis a molten plutonium fueled reactor which is under development at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Although only in its beginning stages of de- velopment, it is conceived as a high temperature (650°C) fast breeder re- actor utilizing plutonium as the fuel. The third type of reactor is based on a liquid metal-TO; slurry fuel. 25-1. Liquip MErar FreL Gas-CooLep REacTor* 25-1.1 Introduction and objectives of concept. The Liquid Metal Ifuel Gas-Cooled Reactor (LMF-GCR) design 1s unique in that it combines inert gas cooling with the advantageous liquid fuel approach. The LMF- GCR concept has a high degree of design flexibility. It is a high-tempera- ture, high-efficiency system that may be designed as a thermal converter, uranium thermal breeder, or plutonium fast breeder; that may produce heat, electric energy, or propulsive power; and that may power either a steam or a gas turbine. The fundamental principle of the LMEF-GCR is the utilization of an internally cooled fixed moderator-heat exchanger element with fluid fuel center. The fuel is circulated slowly through the core to assure proper mixing and to facilitate fuel addition. The core is cooled by gas that is pumped through it in passages that are separated by a suitable high- temperature material from the fuel channels. The many well-known advantages of fluid fuels are thereby gained without the penalties of circulating great quantities of corrosive, highly radioactive fuel-coolant solution and of tying up large amounts of expensive fuel outside the core. *American Nuclear Power Associates: Rayvtheon Manufacturing Co., Waltham, Mass.; Burns and Roe, Inc., New York City; The Griscom-Russell Co., Massillon, Ohio; Clark Bros. Co., Olean, New York; Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inec., Nyack, New York. Reference design by Raytheon Manufacturing Co. This sec- tion 18 based largely on contributions from W. A. Robba, Raytheon Manufac- turing Co. 930 25-1] LIQUID METAL FUEL GAS-COOLED REACTOR 931 25-1.2 Reference design characteristics of an LMF-GCR. Maferials. Internal gas cooling avoids the corrosion and material problems encoun- tered in reactor concepts that require the circulation of liquid fuels or coolants as a heat-transport medium. Helium has been selected as the gas coolant because it is inert and has better heat-transfer properties than other inert gases. Graphite has been chosen for the moderator and core element structural material in a thermal reactor, because of its excellent moderating and high-temperature properties. Its resistance to corrosion by bismuth has been fairly well established, and the operating temperature ix high enough so that energy storage in the graphite should not be a problem. Referenee design. A reference design of an LME-GCR nuclear power station has been produced. A summary of the design parameters is given in Tuble 25-1. Tt is o graphite-moderated thermal reactor employing highly enriched uranium-bismuth fuel and helium coolant. The coolant leaves the core at 1300°17 and is circulated through a superheater and steam generator, where it produces steam at 850 psig, 900°T". Since it is inherently self- regulating, has little excess reactivity, and i cooled by inert helium, it 1s extremely safe. In order that the capital cost of the first plant be low, the reference design ix for a small plant producing approximately 16,000 kw net electrical sutput. However, it is large enough to demonstrate the practicability of i LAF-GCR and provide operational experience applicable to com- mercinl-size plants. By assuming the feasibility of constructing a 13-ft dizneter pressure vessel for a design pressure of 1000 psi, it appears possible 1o desien 2 gas-cooled reactor plant having an electrical capacity of 240 Mo, A U235 fyeled thermal reactor was chosen for the design because it will demonstrate the practicability of the LMEF-GCR concept in a relatively Smple reactor. A breeder is more complicated because 1t requires two sitnilor systems for fuel and blanket solutions. The reactor building and the general arrangement of components as conceived in the reference desien are shown m g, 25-1. The reactor, primary coolant system, fuel system, and steam generator are enclosed in 1 gus=tieht steel containment shell. The reactor core, reflector, internal fuel and gas piping, and pressure vesscl are shown in ig. 25-2. The core, consisting of an array of graphite Clenents, has an active length of 56 in. and a eross section approximating +eirele of 36-in. ditmeter. Fig 25-3 is a picture of a sample section of the core element. The larger rectangular holes are vertical fuel channels that would be 56 in. long in the reactor. The small erosswise slots are for helium coolunt flow. This graphite element, which separates the two fluids, is