CHAPTER 22 CHEMICAL PROCESSING* 22-1. INTRODUCTION The Liquid Metal Fuel Reactor offers the opportunity for continuous removal of fission products from the fluid fuel by chemical and physical processing. By this procedure the poisoning effect of the fission products may be kept to a low level, and thus make possible a good breeding ratio in this thermal reactor. In this chapter, the various chemical and physical processes for removing the fission products are discussed. To simplify the discussion, the fission products are classified into four basic groups ax follows: (1" Gaseous elements or compounds that are volatile at reactor operat- mmg temperature. This group is ordinarily abbreviated FPV. (21 Nonvolatile elements forming compounds more stable than the cor- responding uranium compound. The abbreviation for this group is FPS. (3 Nonvolatile elements forming compounds that are less stable than the corresponding uranium compound and more stable than the correspond- ing bixmuth compound. The abbreviation for this group is FPN. i+ Nonvolatile elements forming compounds less stable than the cor- rexponding bismuth compounds. The abbreviation for this group is NFPN. In the PV group there are four elements: bromine, iodine, krypton, and xenon. Of these, 6.7-hr I35 and its daughter 9.13-hr Xe!3® are the imporrant ones. Xe!33 is by far the most important because of its cross section, 2,700,000 barns. Since this is so large, it is necessary to remove mo~t of the 1odine and xenon as soon as formed. The other major poisons occur in the I'PS group. In calculating the average atomic weight and cross section of these groups, it is convenient to us¢ the fission yield in milliatoms. Normally, it is assumed that two atoni~ of fission products are produced by the splitting of one atom of uranium. Thus, 2000 milliatoms of fission products are produced by fission of one utom of uranium, and 1% yield is equal to 10 milliatoms. On this basix, Tuble 22-1 presents the FPS nuclides with the important informa- tion on their poisoning effect. As can be seen, Sm!*¥ is the most important element to be dealt with in this group. The last group, commonly called the noble fission products, represents a combination of groups (3) and (4} in the above classification. The im- portant polsoning information on all these nuclides is given in Table 22-2 *Based on contributions by O. E. Dwyer, A. M. Eshaya, F. B. Hill, R. H. Wiswall, W. 5. Ginell, and J. J. Egan of the Brookhaven National Laboratory. 791 TasLeE 22-1 Fusep-SaLT SoLusLE Fisston Pronuers [1] Precursors have half-lives less than 5 days. \ I Fission | Cross sec- l Nuclide Hali-life vield y, |tion g, barns yo T.ype milliatoms® (at0.025ev) § poison] Rb#3 Stable 20 (.90 18 3 Rh#0 19d 36 1.0 36 3 RE®7 6.2 X 1010y 46 0.14 6.4 3 Sré8 Stable o4 0.005 0.25 3 Sré¢ H4d 61 110 6,700 2 Sro0 20v 64 1.0 64 .0 3 Y —7r%! 6i1d; (stable) 66 1.52 100.0 3 Xe—(g!33 5.27d 66 29 .0 1,920 3 (stable) (4135 3 X 106y i 70.5 15.0 1,060 3 (Csld7 37y 71.5 2.0 143 3 Bal3® Stable 71.1 0.6 43 3 Lal3® Stable 70.5 8.4 290 3 Ba—La—(Cel40 12,8 40h 68 .5 0.63 43 3 {(stuble) (Ce —»Pri4! 32d (stable)! 61.5 11.2 68K 3 (Cel42 Stable 55.0 1.8 99 3 Pr—Ndi43 13 5d 45.5 290.0 13,200 2 (stable) Ce—Pr—-Ndlit 280d; 17m 36.0 4.8 173 3 (stable) Nj14s Stable | 27 0 52.0 1,400 2 N (146 Stable 200 9.8 196 3 Nd —Pm—Sm!? 11.6d:2 Gy 14.0 60.0 840 2 (stahle) Ndi8 Stable 1.0 3.3 33 3 Smle Stable 7.0 | 47,000 329,000 1 Ndtso Stable 5.0 2.9 14.5 3 Smial 73y 2.6 7,200 18,700 1 Smis2 Stable 1.6 150 240 2 Euls3 Stable 0.9 420 378 2 Smiot Stable 0.5 5.5 2.8 3 Eytse 17y 0.3 | 13,000 3,900 1 ou—(Gdles 15d (stable) 0.2 730 150 2 Gdts7 Stable 0.1 |160,000 16,000 1 Total 30 nuclides 10523 394,010 *Percent vield multiplied by 10; total yvield is 20097, or 2000 milliatoms. 10 avg = 374 barns, fo > 1000 = type 1; o 50 to 1000 = type 2; ¢ < 50 = type 3. 22-11 INTRODUCTION 793 TasLE 22-2 Fusep-Sanr InsoruBLE Fissron Probpucts [1] Fission Cross sec- Nuclide Half-life vield y, Ition &, barns ya T}.’pe milliatoms |(at 0.025 ev)t potson Se’? Stable 0.4 40 16 2 Se’8 Stable 1.1 0.4 4.4 2 Se™® 6 X 104y 2.0 Seso Stable 2.8 0.53 1.5 2 Se82 ~Stable 5.5 0.055 0.3 2 7r92 ~table 67.5 0.25 17 2 Zr93 5 X 108y 68.0 3 204 2 7irtd Stable 67.5 0.08 5.4 2 LN 65d; 37d 660 13 .4 880 2 o | Stable 64 .0 0.05 3.2 2 N i Stable 59.0 2.10 124 2 Mo j Stable 56.0 013 7.2 2 Tt 2.1 X 10%y 48.0 100 4,800 1 SN Stable 35.0 0.2 7.0 2 Rua'™ stable 2060 12 312 2 Rt Stable 24 .0 1.2 29 2 Ruis 40d 88 150 1,320 ! Ru NUIL* Stable 6.2 0.7 4 2 Pifios | Stable 4.6 18 83 2 SRR | 1.0y 3.3 (15)1 (50) (2) P A% 10% 2.2 750 1,650 1 Pt . Stable 1.3 11.1 14 2 A ! Stable 0.9 84 75 2 - P NLTL Stable 0.4 0.4 0.2 2 S Stable 0.3 750 225 1 SR ‘ Stable 0.2 0.03 0.01 2 C i stable 0.2 25,000 5,000 1 b | Stable 0.2 3.86 0.76 | 2 SN T | Stable 0.4 0.2 0.081 2 = =h=Tel?d 10d; 2.7y (stable) 0.6 1.5 (.90 2 T | Stable 0.9 0.8 0.72 2 " Tel ‘ Stable 5.7 0.16 0.91 2 C Tet ! Stable 25.0 0.31 7.8 2 Taotal 33 i 654.0 14,843 .38 *N.I.. not identified as fission product on G.I8. Chart, 1952, T0 e = 22.7 barns. *Assumed from values for daughter, Pd!98. 794 CHEMICAL PROCESSING [cHAP. 22 under the group heading FPN. As can be seen by examining the column headed yo, none of these nuclides is & very important poison, compared with xenon and samarium. From the data given in these tables, it is possible to calculate the poison level in an LMFR as a funetion of time of operation. Besides the charac- teristics of the fission products themselves, the poison level is dependent mainly on the core fuel volume, the total fuel system volume, and the average core flux. In Fig. 22-1, the poison level is given as a function of days of operation for a 500-Mw LMFR reference design [1] with 600 ppm U233 in Bi. It is assumed that the volatile poisons, FPV, can be removed in a steady-state operation and the poisoning level kept to 19%. The other two classes, of course, steadily increase, based on the assumption of no chemical processing of the core. After a certain poisoning level is reached, the continuous chemical processing will serve to keep the poisoning at a constant value. This level must be chosen by a careful economie optimiza- tion procedure. Figure 22-1 shows that while the FPS group is the most important, as- suming that the volatiles can be removed as desired, the FPN group does gradually accumulate, and after about 400 days of operation has a 1% poisoning effect. Hence, over long-term operation, processing of all the groups becomes desirable if a low poison level is to be maintained. The poisoning in a U?*-fueled reactor is expected to be 10 to 20% higher than in a U#*3-fueled reactor [2,3] depending on the average resi- dence time of the fission products in the fuel. This is due to a shift in the fission product spectrum toward higher cross section nuclides. The cu- mulative poisoning effect of the higher uranium isotopes is also slightly higher for 17233, In connection with this last point, the higher isotopes of uranium grad- ually build up throughout the operation of the reactor. In the calculations used in the reference design of Chapter 24 and in BAW-2 [1], the poison- ing effect of the higher uranium isotopes has been assumed as 2% for a U233 fuel. Since these higher isotopes are chemically the same as the fuel, no provision can be made for a chemical separation from the U233, The gradual buildup of the higher uranium isotope poisons can actually be tolerated over a number of years before becoming important in the eco- nomics of the reactor operation, as is shown in Chapter 24, In all the foregoing discussions, it is assumed that corrosion products contribute very little to the poisoning in the reactor. However, this may not be so. As was described in Chapters 20 and 21, the corrosion rate of the containing metals by the bismuth fuel is rather high. Corrosion products such as iron and chromium at a concentration of 300 ppm in bismuth would contribute a poisoning effect of about 19;,. However, the same processes which remove the FPS and I'PN will also remove all the corrosion products. 22-2] VOLATILE FISSION PRODUCT REMOVAL 795 % Poison, —-"_——- N - - FPN ’—__..__——" - -—/-- - - // /"/ — --——‘-" FPV {Assumed __—“ _______ D SR ST I SRR SISl w— o ekt el WP VRVD sy D P R AR . . | | i I | | ] | 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Time of Operation, Days Fic. 22-1. Poison level after startup vs. time of operation for all fission products. Core fuel volume, 1800 ft3. 22-2. VoraTiLE FissioNn Propuct ReEmovarn [20] 22-2.1 Xenon and iodine removal. For a 19, poisoning level, assuming 1o Xe adsorbed on, or absorbed by, the graphite moderator, the concen- trations of 9.13-hr Xe!35 and total Xe in the fuel are calculated to be 1.5 and 124 ppb. respectively. Compared with the 9.13-hr Xe!35, the combined poi=ouing effeet of all the other FPV’s is negligible, so that the problem of FPV removal is really one of Xe!35 removal. Some typical statistics on the FPV s are summarized in Table 22-3. These figures are based on three w==nmptions: (a) that Xe buildup on the graphite is negligible, (b) that nealicible amounts of Br and I are volatilized with the FPV’s; and (¢) that Ivr wd Xe have the same removal characteristies. Lo Article 20-3.3 it was shown that the actual solubility of xenon in bisrth may well be in the ppb range; McMillan caleulated the solubility .= 10 <. Sinee the amount of xenon generated is probably larger than its