Parr 11 MOLTEN-SALT REACTORS 11. 12, 13. 14. - 15. 16. 17. H. G. MacPrERsoN, Editor Oak Ridge National Laboratory Introduction Chemical Aspects of Molten-Fluoride-Salt Reactor Fuels Construection Materials for Molten-Salt Reactors Nuclear Aspects of Molten-Salt Reactors Equipment for Molten-Salt Reactor Heat-Transfer Systems Aireraft Reactor Experiment Conceptual Design of a Power Reactor CONTRIBUTORS L. G. ALEXANDER J. W. ALLEN E. S. BeTTIs F. F. BLANKENsHIP W. F. Boupreav E. J. BruepIiNg W. G. Coss W. H. Cook D. R. Cunko J. H. DEVANN D. A. Dougras W. K. ErGEN W. R. GRrIMES H. INnovyr D. H. JaANsEN G. W, KriLHovtz B. W. Kinvon M. E. Lackey H. G. MacPHERSON W. D. Man~Ly L. A. ManN W. B. McDoraLp H. J. METz P. PATRIARCA H. F. PopPPENDIEK J. T. ROBERTS M. T. RoBINSON T. K. Rocur H. W. SavacE G. M. SLAUGHTER E. Storro A. TaBoapa G. M. TonLsonN F. C. VONDERLAGE G. D. WHITMAN J. ZASLER PREFACE The Oak Ridge National Laboratory, under the sponsorship of the U. 5. Atomic Energy Commission, has engaged in research on molten salts as materials for use in high-temperature reactors for a number of years. The technology developed by this work was incorporated in the Aircraft Reactor Ixperiment and made available for purposes of civilian application. This earlier technology and the new information found in the civillan power reactor effort is summarized in this part. So many present and former members of the Laboratory staff have contributed directly or indirectly to the molten salt work that it should be regarded as o contribution from the entire Laboratory. The technical direction of the work was provided by A. M. Weinberg, R. C. Briant, W. H. Jordan, and S. J. Cromer. In addition to the contributors listed for the various chapters, the editor would like to acknowledge the efforts of the following people who are currently engaged in the work reported: R. G. Affel, J. C. Amos, C. J. Barton, C. C. Beusman, W. E. Browning, N. Cantor, D. O. Campbell, G. I. Cathers, B. H. Clampitt, J. A. Conlin, ALl H. Cooper, J. L. Crowley, J. Y. Estabrook, H. A. Friedman, P. A. Gnadt, A. G. Grindell, H. W. Hoffman, H. Insley, S. Langer, R. E. Mac- Pherson, R. E. Moore, . J. Nessle, R. I'. Newton, W. R. Osborn, 1. E. Romie, C. I'. Sales, J. II. Shaffer, G. P. Smith, N. V. Smith, P. G. Smith, W. L. Snapp, W. K. Stair, R. A. Strehlow, C. D. Susano, R. E. Thoma, D. B. Trauger, J. J. Tudor, W. T. Ward, GG. M. Watson, J. C. White, and H. C. Young. The technical reviews at Argonne National Laboratory and Westing- house Electric Corporation aided in achieving clarity. The editor and contributors of this part wish to express their apprecia- tion to A. W. Savolainen for her assistance in preparing the text in its final form. Oak Ridge, Tennessee H. G. MacPherson, Editor June 1958 CHAPTER 11 INTRODUCTION* The potential utility of a fluid-fueled reactor that can operate at a high temperature but with a low-pressure system has been recognized for a long time. Some years ago, R. C. Briant of the Oak Ridge National Lab- oratory suggested the use of the molten mixture of UI'y and Thly, together with the fluorides of the alkali metals and beryllium or zirconium, as the fluid fuel. Laboratory work with such mixtures led to the operation, in 1954, of an experimental reactor, which was designated the Aireraft Reactor Experiment (ARI). Fluoride-salt mixtures suitable for use in power reactors have melting points in the temperature range 850 to 950°F and are sufficiently compatible with certain nickel-base alloys to assure long life for reactor components at temperatures up to 1300°. Thus the natural, optimum operating tem- perature for a molten-salt-fueled reactor 1s such that the molten salt is a suitable heat source for a modern steam power plant, The principal advantages of the molten-salt system, other than high temperature, in comparison with one or more of the other fluid-fuel systems are (1) low- pressure operation, (2) stability of the liquid under radiation, (3) high solubility of uranium and thorium (as fluorides) 1 molten-salt mixtures, and (4) resistance to corrosion of the structural materials that does not depend on oxide or other film formation. The molten-salt system has the usual benefits attributed to fluid-fuel aystems. The principal advantages over solid-fuel-element systems are (1) a high negative temperature cocfficient of reactivity, (2) a lack of radia- tion damage that can limit fuel burnup, (3) the possibility of continuous fission-product removal, (4) the avoldance of the expense of fabricating new fuel elements, and (5) the possibility of adding makeup fuel as needed, which precludes the need for providing excess reactivity. The high negative temperature coeflicient and the lack of excess reactivity make possible a reactor, without control rods, which automatically adjusts its power in re- sponse to changes of the electrical load. The lack of excess reactivity also leads to a reactor that is not endangered by nuelear power excursions. One of the attractive features of the molten-salt system is the variety of reactor types that can be considered to cover a range of applications. The present state of the technology suggests that homogeneous reactors which use 2 molten salt composed of Bel's and either LiTF or Nal?, with Ul for fuel and ThEy for a fertile material, are most suitable for early construction. *By H. G. MacPherson. 567 568 INTRODUCTION [cHAP. 11 These reactors can be either one or two region and, depending on the size of the reactor core and the thormum fluoride concentration, can cover a wide range of fuel inventories, breeding ratios, and fuel reprocessing sched- ules. The chief virtues of this elass of molten-salt reactor are that the design is based on a well-developed technology and that the use of a simple fuel cvele contributes to reduced costs, With further developnient, the same base salt, that is, the mixture of Bel, and Li7I°, can be combined with a graphite moderator in 2 hetero- geneous arrangement to provide a self-contained Th—U233 system with a breeding ratio of one. The chief advantage of the molten-sult system over other liquid systems in pursuing this objective is that it is the only system in which a soluble thorium compound can be used, and thus the problem of slurry handling is avoided. The possibility of placing thorium in the core obviates the necessity of using graphite as a core-shell material. Plutonium is being investigated as an alternate fuel for the molten-salt reactor. Although it 18 too early to describe a plutonium-fueled reactor in detail, it is highly probable that a suitable Pulis-fueled reactor can be constructed and operated. The high melting temperature of the fluoride salts 15 the principal dif- ficulty i their use. Steps must be taken to preheat equipment and to keep the equipment above the melting point of the salt at all times. In addition, there is more parasitic neutron capture in the salts of the molten-salt reactor than there is in the heavy water of the heavy-water-moderated reactors, and thus the breeding ratios are lower. The poorer moderating ability of the salts requires larger critical masses for molten-salt reactors than for the aqueous systems. Finally, the molten-salt reactor shares with all fluid-fuel reactors the problems of certain containment of the fuel, the reliability of components, and the necessity for techniques of making repairs remotely. The low pressure of the molten-salt fuel system should be beneficial with regard to these engineering problems, but to evaluate them properly will require operating experience with experimental reactors.