CHAPTER 9 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES* 9-1. INTRODUCTION 9-1.1 The status of large-scale technology. A large number of groups in the national laboratories and in industry have prepared detailed designs of full-scale homogeneous reactors because of the widespread interest in these reactors and the generally accepted conclusion that they have long- term potential for central-station power production and other applications. These designs have, in some cases, been made to compare the economics of power production in homogeneous reactors with other nuclear plants. In other cases, the designs have served as the bases for actual construction proposals. Unfortunately, none of the proposals has yet initiated the con- struction of a reactor, for it is believed that the gap between the existing technology of small plants and that necessary for a full-scale plant is too great to bridge at the present time. Thus the construction of full-scale plants must await further advances in technology which are expected to be achieved in the development programs now under way. The extensive studies of full-scale plants do, however, constitute a body of information vital to the nuclear industry. Tt is hoped that the summaries of the large- scale homogeneous reactors given in this chapter will serve as a guide to those contemplating the building of a full-scale nuclear plant. One of the major problems yet to be solved for a large-scale circulating- fuel reactor is that of remotely repairing and /or replacing highly radioactive equipment which fails during operation of the plant. The various proposed solutions to this problem fall into two categories: (1) Underwater maintenance, in which all equipment is installed in a shield which can be filled with water after shutdown of the reactor so that maintenance operations can be performed from above with special tools and with visibility provided through the water. (2) Dry maintenance, in which all operations are done by remote meth- ods using special remotely operable tools and remote viewing methods such as periscopes and wired television. In either case, remote opening and closing of flanged joints or remote cutting and rewelding of piping must be used to remove and replace equip- ment. A solution of the problem of maintaining flanged joints in a leaktight condition in large sizes has not been attempted, the largest pipe in use to *By C. L. Segager, with contributions by R. . Chapman, W. R. Gall, J. A. Lane, and R, C. Robertson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 466 9-1] INTRODUCTION 467 date being approximately 10 in. in diameter. Remote cutting and re- welding equipment is still in the early stages of development. The technology of solutions systems is in a more advanced stage of development than that of slurry systems because of the design and opera- tion of two homogeneous reactor experiments and the associated develop- ment work. Some of the problems remaining to be solved for large-scale solution reactors include the development of large-scale equipment such as pumps, valves, feed pumps, and heat exchangers; radiation corrosion of materials used in the reactor core; high-pressure recombination of hydrogen and oxygen; and reduction of the number of vital components upon which reactor operation depends. Instruments for measuring temperature in high radiation fields and control of inventory and level are some of the major instrumentation problems for which better solutions are needed. The achievement of a suceessful aqueous homogeneous thorium breeder requires a high-pressure thorium-oxide slurry system. Development work has been under way for several years to determine the characteristics of such a system and to develop ways of handling slurries. The technology is not yet advanced to the point where a large-scale breeder reactor of this tvpe can be built and operated. Slurry problems under study include methods of production, circulation through pipes and vessels, storage and resuspension, cvaporation, heat removal, flow distribution, particle size degradation, internal recombination of deuterium and oxygen, general information on erosion and corrosion effects, and effects of settling on maintenance operations. Extrapolation of small-scale technology to large-scale design presents | Anal.} : ; AR = . | £ Cell¥ | J L: gl ey B3 o e AL TE ol a | . Cooling Pit | o as | | Heat Exchanger b Elevation-Section A-A Fic. 9-2. Plan and sectional elevation of revised Wolverine reactor plant. following section describes the revised reactor design. Iigure 9-2 shows a plan and elevation sketch of the revised concept. The fuel solution of highly enriched uranyl sulfate in heavy water is cir- culated by a canned-motor pump located in the cold leg of the primary loop and pressurized to prevent boiling and cavitation in the pump. The steam generated in the heat exchanger is superheated in a gas-fired super- heater, and the superheated steam drives conventional turbogenerating equipment for the production of eclectricity. The nuclear reactor plant is designed to permit initial operation at 5 Mw with a single superheater-turbogenerator unit. By adding a second unit, the capacity can be increased to 10 Mw. Doubling the electrical capacity is thus accomplished without making any changes to the reactor other than adjusting the operating temperatures and uranium concentration. For 10 MwE operation, 31,000 kw of heat is generated in the reactor under the following conditions: The hot fuel solution leaves the core at 300°C, is circulated through a heat exchanger, and returns to the reactor at 260°C. The heat generated in the reactor is transferred to boiling water, 9-3] ONE-REGION UZ3? BURNER REACTORS TABLE 9-1 DEesiaN DaTa ForR THE REVISED WOLVERINE PRIMARY SYSTEM (10-MwkE OPERATION) 1. Core Configuration Concentric outlet Core diameter: inside thermal shields, ft 5 over-all, ft 6 Wall thickness, in. 3 Liquid volume, liters 2550 Power density, kw/liter Core wall (inner thermal shield) 4 Average for system 6 Maximum 55 Initial fuel concentrations (critical at 300°C), m 1235 0.014 CuS0y 0.02 H2S04 0.02 Steady-state fuel concentrations, m 1235 0.030 Total U 0.034 CuS0y4 0.02 HaS04 0.025 N30y 0.017 2. Pump T'uel flow rate, gpm at 260°C 2750 Head, ft 65 Approximate pumping power, hp 80 {assumes 509, over-all efficiency) 3. Heat exchanger Shell diameter, in. 29 Tube diameter, in. 1/2 Tube waull thickness, in. 0.065 Number 1120 Approximate inside area wetted by fuel solution, ft? 4100 Steam tempcrature, °F 480 Log mean average temperature difference, °F 39 Over-all heat transfer coefficient, Btu/(hr)(ft?) 500 4. Pressurizer Inside diameter, in. 56 Wall thickness, in. 3 Length of eylindrical portion 6 ft 9 in. 476 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHap. 9 TasLE 91 (Continued) Concentric outlet Volume of solution at low level, liters 150 Net gas volume (liquid at low level), liters 1400 Normal operating pressure, psia 1900 Normal operating temperature, °F 570 5. Piping Nominal diameter, in. 10 Wall thickness, In. 1.125 Approximate total volume, liters 850 Maximum velocity, fps 17 6. Estimated power costs (10-MwE plant) Mulls/kwh 31-Mw reactor plant ($8,740,000) Fuel burned 2.83 Fuel inventory @ 4% 0.67 (9000 kg D20 -+ 36.5 kg U235) Fuel processing 2.46 Fuel preparation 0.62 D20 losses 0.30 Depreciation (@ 159 18.72 Operating costs 1.43 Maintenance costs 3.85 10-MwE superheater-turbine generator plant ($1,940,000) Fuel {(oil) 0.69 Depreciation (@ 159 4 17 Operating costs 0.29 Maintenance costs 0.29 Total power costs 36.32 producing 116,000 Ib/hr of steam at 600 psia. For operation at 5§ MwkE, the hot fuel solution would leave the reactor core at 276°C and return at 257°C, produeing 58,000 1b/hr of steam at 600 psi. A pressurizer is connected to the outlet of the heat exchanger to pressur- ize the system with oxygen to 1900 psia and to provide a location in the primary system for the removal of fission-product and other noncon- densable gases. The layout of the primary system is such as to permit heat removal by natural circulation in case of pump failure. A low-pressure system consisting of dump tanks, condenser, and con- densate tanks Is incorporated to handle fluid discharged from the primary loop and to furnish heavy water required to purge the canned-motor cir- 0-3] ONE-REGION U23° BURNER REACTORS 477 culating pump. Tacilities for adjusting fuel concentration and mamntaining a continuous record of fuel inventory are also meluded. Design date. Pertinent design information for the reactor systems and components iy summarized in Table 91 and deseribed in the following paragraphs. Unless otherwise noted, all surfaces in contact with fuel solu- tion are fabricated of type—347 stainless steel. Equipment and system deseriptions. Reactor vessel. The single-region, concentric-inlet and -outlet pressure vessel designed for 2500 psia 1n- corporates two Inner concentric thermal shields to reduce gamma heating effects in the outer pressure vessel. The thermal shields are constructed of type—347 stainless steel and are 1 in. and 2 in. thick with inside diameters of 5 ft 0 in., and 5 ft 5 in., respectively. Backflow through the vessel drain line during normal operation provides some cooling of the outer thermal shield. Primary heat exchanger. The steam generator consists of a horizontal U-shaped shell-and-tube heat exchanger with a separate steam drum. These are interconnected with downcomers and rigers to provide natural circulation of the boiling secondary water. Tuel solution is circulated on the tube side of the heat exchanger, and the boiling secondary water 1s circulated on the shell side. Feedwater is introduced into the liquid region of the steam separating drum. All components in contact with secondary water and steam are to be fabricated from conventional boiler steels. Fuel circulating pump. A single, constant-speed, water-cooled, canned- motor type pump is provided to maintain fuel circulation i the primary loop. The rotating clements are removable through the top of the unit, and may be removed without disturbing the piping connections to the stuator casing or the pump volute. Regions of high fluid velocity in the pump, including the impeller, are titanium or titanium-lined. A purge flow of condensate is fed into the top end of the pump to reduce erosion and corrosion of bearings, as well as to prolong the life of the motor windings by reducing the radiation dose to the electrical installation. In the event of pump faillure, the reactor will undergo a routine shutdown and the fission-product decay heat will be removed by natural circulation through the steam generator. Pressurizer. A small sidestream of fuel solution is continuously directed into the pressurizer, where it spills through a distribution header and drips down through an oxygen gas space to the liquid reservoir in the bottom of the vessel. The pressurizer liquid return line is connected to the suction side of the primary-loop circulating pump. Oxygen is added batchwise to the pressurizer to keep the fuel saturated at all times to prevent precipitation of uranium. As fission-product gases accumulate in the pressurizer, they are vented to the off-gas system, also in a batchwise operation. Fuel makeup pump. Two diaphragm-type high-head pumps (one for 478 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHAP. 9 standby) rated at 3 gpm at a pressure of 1900 psi are provided to add ura- nium to the fuel solution and to fill” the primary system with fluid on startup. Dump tanks. The dump tanks, 48 ft long and 28 in. 1D, are designed to remain suberitical while holding the entire contents of the primary system. An evaporator section underneath cach of the vessels is provided to con- centrate the fuel when necessary, and to aid in mixing the contents of the tank. Containment. The primary coolant system is enclosed in a 40-ft-diameter spherical carbon-steel vessel, lined with 2 ft of concrete, mterconnected with a 12-ft-diameter by 50-ft-long stainless-clad vessel housing the dump tanks. The liner serves the dual functions of missile protection and struc- tural support to withstand the loading of the external conerete. An addi- tional 1/8-in. stainless steel liner 1s furmished to permit decontamination of the primary cell, Sinee these vessels provide a net containment volume of approximately 31,000 ft3, the vaporization and releasc of the reactor contents results In a maximum pressure of approximately 105 psi. Ac- cordingly, the primary-cell containment vessel wull thickness 1s 15/16 n. and the dump-tank containment vessel wall thickness 1s 9/16 in. A spray system 1s incorporated in the design to quickly reduce the pressure within the containment vessel by condensing the water vapor present., A bolted hatch is provided i the top head of the vessel to allow aceess and removal of equipment for maintenance. A bolted manway is also provided to permit entrance into the containment vessel without removing the larger auxiliary hatch. In the event of o major maintenance program, however, the top closure would be cut and removed for free access to the primary cell. Biological shielding. The plant biological shielding is indicated on the general arrangement drawing (IMg. 9-2). The shielding for the primary system, including the reactor core, consists of a 2-ft thickness of ordinary concrete lining the inside of the primary-cell containment vessel and a minimum of 7 ft of concrete surrounding the outside of the vessel, cooled by a series of cooling-water coils located in the 2-ft-thick liner. The top of the primary vessel is shielded with 6 ft of removable blocks of barytes aggregate concrete (average density of approximately 220 ib/ft?) located beneath the removable portion of the containment vessel. A 2-ft-thick water-cooled heavy aggregate thermal shield i1s placed around the reactor vessel to reduce the radiation level to approximately that of the remainder of the primary system. The primary coolant pump access pit, located inside the containment vessel, is constructed of 3% ft of barytes aggregate concrete to permit pump removal after the primary cell has been filled with water and the system drained and partially decon- taminated. During periods of normal operation, the temperature of the 9-3] ONE-REGION U2%° BURNER REACTORS 479 concrete walls and floor of the pit is maintained at 150°F by cooling-water coils. Around each of the analytical and chemical processing cells there will be a minimum of 4 {t of ordinary concrete with a maintenance gallery between these facilities for access to, and operation of, the cells. Tlach of the two analytical cells will be provided with thick glass windows adequate for shiclding. The dump-tank cell will be shielded by a 5-ft thickness of concrete. Remote maintenance. Both dry and underwater removal methods are proposed for remote maintenance of radioactive components in this system, following practices similar to those developed for HRIG-2. All the equip- ment cells are provided with stainless-steel liners to permit the cells to he filled with ordinary water during maintenance operations. I'or removal of the large components it is neeessary to move the container vessel cover through the west end of the building to & temporury storage area. After the primary vessel cover and top shield are removed, the system com- ponents are accessible by crane and operations are performed with specially designed long-handled tools. 9-3.2 Aqueous Homogeneous Research Reactor—feasibility study. A preliminary investigation of the feasibility of an aqueous homogencous rescarch reactor (HRR) for producing a thermal flux of 5 X 10'° neu- trons ' (em?)(sec) was completed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the spring of 1957 [5]. The design considered is illustrative of a homogene- ous reactor capable of producing high neutron fluxes for research and power for the production of electricity. It consists of a 500-Mw (thermal) single- region reactor with 8% enriched uranium as the fuel in the form of uranyl sulfate (10 g of total uranium per kilogram of D»0) with sufficient copper sulfate added to recombine 1009 of the radiolytic gases produced and excess sulfuric acid to stabilize the copper sulfate, uranyl sulfate, and corrosion-product nickel. The system operates at solution temperatures of 225 to 275°C, and a total system pressure of 1400 psia. Under these conditions a maximum thermal neutron flux of 6.5 X 10'> neutrons/(ecm?)(sec) is achieved in a 10-ft-diameter stainless-steel-lined carbon-steel sphere. Approximate power densities are 2 kw/liter at the core wall, 35 kw/liter average, and 110 kw/liter maximum. After correcting for the effect of experiments, a maximum thermal flux of about 3 X 10'° neutrons/(cm?)(sec) and a fast neutron flux of about 5 X 10 neutrons/(ecm?)(sce) are available, To minimize corrosion of equipment and piping in the external circuit, all flow velocities are held to values below the critical velocities. Istimated corrosion rates are 70 to 80 mpy for the Zircaloy-2 experimental thimbles and about 10 mpy for the stainless-steel liner of the reactor vessel (based on a maximurm flow velocity of 3 fps). 480 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHAP. 9 TaBLE 9-2 HRR SteaM-GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS (OnE UniT) Reactor fluids, forced cireulation (tube side) Inlet temperature, °F 527 Outlet temperature, °F 437 Flow rate, Ib/hr 2,730,000 Pressure, psia 1400 Velocity through tubing, fps 10 Steam, natural recirculation (shell side) Generation temperature, °F 417 Pressure, psia 300 Generation rate, 1b/hr 351,600 Heat load, Btu/hr 284,300,000 Heat load, Mw 83.3 Steam generator Number of 3/8-in. 18 BWG tubes 3280 Effective length of tubing, ft 25.9 Heat-transfer surface, ft2 8330 Shell internal diameter, in. 38% Shell thickness, in. 1% Tube-sheet thickness, in, 5 Steam drum Internal diameter, in. 36 Length, ft 16 Wall thickness, in. 13 Height above gencrator, ft 15 Fission- and corrosion-product solids, produced at a rate of approxi- mately 20 Ib/day under normal reactor operating conditions, are con- centrated into 750 liters of fuel solution by means of hydroclones with self- contained underflow pots and removed from the reactor to limit the buildup of fission and corrosion produets. This solution is subsequently treated for recovery of uranium and D»0. The temperature coefficient of reactivity at 250°C is approximately —2.5 X 1073/°C and at 20°C is approximately —9 X 1074/°C, which, in combination with fuel-concentration control, is adequate for operation without control rods. Reactor vessel. The 10-ft-1D spherical pressure vessel is designed according to the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, with consideration given to 9-3] ONE-REGION UZ3% BURNER REACTORS 481 TaBLE 9-3 Key DEsIGN PARAMETERS Reactor type Fuel type Amount of U235 Uranium concentration Total uranium U235 CuS0y4 to recombine 1009} of gas Maximum nickel concentration Fuel-solution temperature Minimum (inlet to reactor vessel) Maximum (outlet of reactor vessel) Average (system) Fuel system pressure Neutron flux (experimental) Maximum thermal Maximum fast in 1-in. diameter cvlindrical converter Power density Maximum (at reactor center) Average AMinimum (at thermal shield) Total heat generated Reactor-vessel key specifications Inside diameter Vessel material Total volume Net fluid volume (approximate) Experimental facilities Horizontal Vertical Maximum inside diameter Material Minimum wall thickness Maximum wall thickness H 2804 to stabilize uranium and copper | - 0.01m ! | UO2SO4 -— Dzo -+ CU.SO4 + I‘IzSOz; Single-region, ecirculating-fuel, homo- genecus 45.8 ke 10 g/liter at 250°C 0.8 g/liter at 250°C 0.02m 0.02m 225°C 275°C 250°C 1400 psi 3-4 X 1015 n/(em?)(see) 4 X 10 to 1 X 10" n{em?)(sec) 110 kw /liter 34 kw/liter 2 kw/liter i 500 Mw 10 ft Carbon steel clad with type-347 stainless steel 14,800 liters 12,000 liters 6 1 6 1. Zircaloy-2 3/4 1. !in, continued 482 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOQOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHaP. 9 TapLe 9-3 (Continued) External system Material Type-347 stainless steel, HRDP speci- fications Fluid volume (external system only) | 34,000 liters Allowable velocities 225°C 10-15 fps 250°C 25-35 fps 275°C 30-40 fps Reactor control Negative temperature coefficient of reactivity, changes in concentration of fuel Heat dissipation Generation of approximately 125 Mw of electrical power the special problems introduced by the heating of the shell from radiation absorption and by the neccessity of penetrating the shell for insertion of experimental thimbles. The proposed vessel is fabricated of a carbon-steel base material with a type-347 stainless steel cladding on all surfaces exposed to fuel solution. The fuel solution enters the vessel through two 24-in. nozzles, sized for a fluid velocity of 10 to 15 fps, flows upward through the vessel, and exits through two 18-in. nozzle connectors in the top, sized for a fluid velocity of 30 to 40 fps. A diffuser screen, serving also as part of the thermal shield, is placed at the entrance to the reactor vessel. A stainless steel blast shield is placed around the reactor vessel to con- tain fragments of the vessel in the event of a brittle failure, and cooling coils are wrapped around the blast shield to control the pressure-vessel tem- perature. Heat exchangers (steam generators). Six heat exchangers of 83.3 Mw capacity each are required to dissipate the 500 Mw of heat generated in the reactor. The design of these consists of a lower vaporizing shell connected to a steam drum at a suitable elevation to promote natural eirculation by means of risers and downcomers welded to the shells. Specifications are summarized in Table 9-2. Pressurizer. The pressurizer surge chamber, constructed of 24-n. schedule-100 pipe provides the necessary 1500 liters of surge volume. Steam is provided in a small high-pressure steam generator physically separated from the pressurizer surge chamber. Space limitations and ac- cessibility problems make this separation desirable. 9-3] ONE-REGION U23% BURNER REACTORS 483 Biclogical Shield Outline Ph Heat Exchangers Crane Rail Cell For Remote ' Operated Tools / Concrete Wall Biological Shield Thermal Shield Circulating Pump Transfer Carriage ‘ressurizer . N 1N Maintenance Building Reactor i Surge Chamber Experimental Thimbles 8 0 B 1624 32 \ Scale in Feet « - Fic. 9-3. Homogeneous Research Reactor layout plan view. System design. Two 17,650-gpm pumps mounted on the outlet pipes of the heat exchanger circulate the reactor solution around the primary cir- cuit. Saturated steam at 300 psia is generated at a rate of 2.11 X 10° lb/hr and is used to generate 133,000 kw of gross electrical power at a cycle efficiency of 26.5%. A net power generation of 125,000 kw will be delivered at the station bus bars, approximately 6% being required for station auxiliaries. Feedwater, consisting of D20 from the condensate tank, is supplied to the steam generator through an economizer by means of a 0.5-gpm feedwater pump. The reactor does not contain a letdown system for separating and recombining radiolytic gases, since 100% internal re- combination will be achieved by means of internal copper catalyst. Key design parameters are summarized in Table 9-3. Conceptual layouts of reactor complex. Preliminary conceptual layouts showing the relation of the items pertaining to the nuclear reactor com- ponents are given by Figs. 9-3 and 9-4. Figure 9-3 is a plan view of the reactor complex, indicating the general relation of the reactor pressure vessel and its auxiliaries to the heat ex- changers and circulating pumps. Shielded cubicles around the reactor provide a means for handling the experimental thimbles. The outer diameter of the containment vessel around the cubicles is approximately 60 ft. Approximately 6 ft of high-density concrete is placed around the reactor area, with an additional 3 ft around the periphery of the contain- ment vessel. 484 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHAP. § _#Crane L Le-Shielded Control Cab For 3 } "’ | — : . Clrculcnng P Crane Operator L s - umw, gzj; Removable Plugs 1 smge s A Ch:razer éfflfl"filprasunzer < 11 FAl i|[Reacto { Concrete Wall Transter Carriage 8 0 8 16 24 32 Scale in Feet Fic. 9-4. Homogeneous Research Reactor layout sectional elevation. A sectional elevation of the reactor complex is shown in Fig. 9-4. The arrangement of the heat exchangers relative to the reactor vessel is such that natural circulation through the system will be promoted in the event of pump failure. Since the centerline of the reactor vessel is located at 30 to 36 in. above the operating-floor level for convenience in experimentation, the containment vessels for the heat exchangers and circulating pumps are above ground. The containment vessel for the reactor is a vertical cylindrical tank. Two separate horizontally mounted containment vessels, each 60 ft in diameter, house the heat-exchanger equipment. The dump tanks are directly below the heat-exchanger containment vessels. Means for limited access to those portions of the dump-tank system which will require periodic maintenance, such as dump valves, is provided. Unique design features. Five horizontal in-pile thimbles spaced equally on the midplane of the reactor opening into cubicles, and one vertical nozzle, opening from the top of the reactor, are included in the design. Figure 9-5 shows the location of the thimbles relative to the containment vessel and cubicles, and the shield arrangement. As shown by Fig. 9-5, piping to the heat exchangers passes through one of the hot-cell working areas. Consequently, this area is not usable for experiments, but contains the pressurizer and other items which must be adjacent to the reactor but removed far enough from the reactor cell to permit maintenance. Maintenance concept. Both dry and underwater removal methods have been mvestigated for the HRR; however, both schemes present difficult design problems. Dry-maintenance philosophy, chosen on a somewhat arbitrary basis, has been followed in the layouts presented herein. Maintenance of equipment in the reactor compartment is expected to 0-3] ONE-REGION U235 BURNER REACTORS 485 Experiment Thimble Thermal Shield Biological Shield Blast Shield Reactor ‘/ Equipment y Cubicle Experimental Facilities Cell Fic. 9-5. Plan view of Homogeneous Research Reactor, showing pressure vessel shielding and cells for remote handling of experiments. be largely confined to the reactor auxiliary equipment and to the experi- mental thimbles and equipment. The reactor vessel itself is designed for the life of the system with thickness for the pressure-vessel wall and corro- sion liner selected accordingly on the basis of existing corrosion data. The handling equipment in the reactor containment vessel consists of a revolving-type crane with a shiclded cab for the operator and provision for remote operation from outside the shielded area using commerecial, remotely operated television cameras. Access from above to any part of the area is thus possible and all flanges and pipe disconnects are faced upward to facilitate removal. A horizontal traveling crane, also with a shielded control cab and remote- operation control, is provided in each of the containment vessels for removal of the heat-exchanger equipment. Flanges connecting the circu- lating pumps and heat exchangers with the main piping are faced hori- zontally in these installations. All flanges are grouped at one end of the area and bolts are removed by means of remotely manipulated tools from a shielded cell. The heat exchangers, mounted on wheeled dollies guided by 486 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [caaPr. 9 tracks, can be moved horizoutally along the track and onto another track section which can move transversely. Trom this section, the heat ex- changer is moved through a large air-lock type of door at the end of the containment vessel to the maintenance area. The circulating pumps are designed so that the pump impeller and motor windings may be removed vertically without removing the pump casing. During any part of the maintenance procedure, the system is shut down and drained and the piping and equipment decontaminated as thoroughly as possible. Shutoff valves of a size and type suitable for the piping of the HRR have not been developed. 9-3.3 The Advanced Engineering Test Reactor. A study was completed in March 1957 by Acronutronic Systems, Ine., to select a reactor system for an advanced engineering test reactor (AETR), with seven major loop facilities providing a thermal-neutron flux >2 x 101% neutrons/ (em?) (sec) [6]. To obtain the required flux level while keeping the power density low, only heavy water-moderated reactors were considered. Comparisons of two heterogeneous and one homogeneous type, and comparison of single and multiple reactor installations, led to the conclusion that a single homo- geneous reactor provides the greatest flexibility and is the most economical system for research at high neutron fluxes. A description of the homogene- ous AISTR reference design by the Aeronutronic group is given below: Description of reactor. The 500-Mw reactor consists of a large core operating at moderate temperature and pressure and containing a D20 solution of 109, enriched uranyl sulfate (10 g total U/liter). The reactor design, which was based upon the design and operational experience of the HRE-1 and HRE-2 and upon a design study for a homogencous research reactor by ORNL, features continuous fission-product removal and fuel addition to maintamn the total contained excess reactivity at an essentially constant level. In the center, or loop region, the unperturbed thermal-neutron flux is approximately 6 X 10'® neutrons/(cm?)(sec). The reactor vessel is a spherical, stainless steel contalner with an internal diameter of 8 ft and a wall thickness of 3/4 in., contained in a eylindrical pressure vessel with balanced pressures inside and out. The design is such that the test loop and coolant circuit tubes emerging through the lid of the pressure vessel can be disconnected, the packing glands at the bottom of the pressure vessel removed, and the entire reactor core vessel can be lifted out of the main container. The thin walls of the core vessel give it a low gross weight, enabling 1t to be lifted conveniently. The cylindrieal pressure vessel, 10 ft in diameter, 123 ft high, and 3 in. thick, is constructed of carbon steel to the specifications of the unfired pressure vessel code for an internal working pressure of 500 psia. Operating parameters of the AETR are summarized in Table 9-4. 9-4] ONE-REGION BREEDERS AND CONVERTERS 487 TaBLE 9-4 Key Desiey Paravierers (ALETR) Type Thermal, homogeneous Total heat power 500 Mw Fuel Aqueous solution of UOgS04 in D20 Fuel content Core 80 kg uranium, enriched to 109 6.5-8.5 kg U285 7500 liters fuel solution System 375 kg uranium 37.5 kg U235 37,500 liters fuel solution Fuel temperature: Inlet 98°C Outlet 153°C System pressure 500 psia Flux (no test loops) : Maximum thermal | 6 X 10' n/(cm?)(sec) Power density distribution (with no loops): Maximum (center) 220 kw/liter Average 70 kw/liter Minimum (wall) 4 kw/liter 9-4. O~NE-IREcIoN BREEDERS AND CONVERTERS 9-4.1 The Pennsylvania Advanced Reactor U?33-thorium oxide refer- ence design. The Pennsylvania Power and Light Company and the Westinghouse Electric Corporation joined forces in November 1954 to survey various reactor types for power generation. The results of the survey indicated the potential of the aqueous homogeneous reactor to be exceed- ingly encouraging and led to the formal establishment of the Pennsylvania Advanced Reactor Project in August 1955 to study the technical and eco- nomic feasibility of a large aqueous homogeneous reactor plant for central service application having an electrical output of at least 150,000 k. Two reactor plant reference designs were completed, and preliminary equipment layouts and cost estimates of these two plants were prepared [7,8]. In the first design it was proposed to use overhead dry maintenance with the equipment housed in a vertical cylinder 124 ft in diameter and 175 {t long. By incorporating shutoff valves in the system, any one of the four main coolant loops could be isolated in case of an equipment failure to permit the remainder of the plant to continue operation. At a convenient time, the plant would be shut down and the defective item removed and replaced with remote equipment such as heavy-duty manipulators, special 488 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [crAP, © Personnel Access Shielded Equipment Cab Corridor / | iEH:-:w Steel Shell LTJ ’E Personnel Access ~ . Y Corridor Door b T Primary Pump — Surge Tan : TN ! Ifeactor,b\ Auxiliary Pressurizer I Equipment Cells ( Gasfld\i 4 i 7 Separator = . :f vl Iy ) l A4 \A!ir Lock I Access to S'ream—_fl Maintenance Generator Building dry B | Personnel Access - Corridor Personnel Access S h Corridor pAis Steam Line Shielding Window F1g. 9-6. Plan view of Pennsylvania Advanced Reactor Reference Design No. 1A (courtesy of Westinghouse Electric Corp). jigs and fixtures, and television viewing equipment lowered into the com- partment. HHowever, it was concluded that such a scheme would be ex- tremely expensive. Therefore, a new design (Reference Design 1A) was prepared based on the specifications embodied in the following recom- mendations: (1) Elimination of stop valves in each loop and abandonment of the idea of partial plant operation. (2) Compartmentalization of equipment depending on type and level of radioactivity. (3) Use of semidirect maintenance techniques wherever possible. (4) Modification of the vapor container design to permit personnel access in limited areas during plant operation. (5) Increased emphasis on design of components to minimize difficulty of maintenance. Iigures 9~6 and 9-7 show a plan and cross-sectional elevation of Refer- ence Design 1A. In this design, a mixed-oxide slurry of a concentration of about 260 g/kg of D20, corresponding to a solids concentration of approxi- mately 39, by volume, is circulated through the reactor vessel releasing 550,000 kw of thermal power, which in turn yields 150,000 kwE. Leaving the reactor vessel, the slurry branches into four parallel identical loops. 94] ONE-REGION BREEDERS AND CONVERTERS 489 100 Ten Crane Surge Tank Reactor : N SN % Steel Shell Shielded Equipment Cab Bl ~ a7 \ Steam To Shielded Crane Cab _'-' ANy T e T\ ¢~ Turbine ! Tn) o XN . ot 2] Steam Generator Primary Pump v Aa N Gas Separator 4. Personnel o s Access - e Corridor . i > s > - f Ly - L VL - | 7 A % T ak . i' 3 ks 7.7 ae AT = T 1 = F= = ; W ’ R N < — = = = | \ =5 3 = Tk .. » 5 eI o g b e L aka M Frc. 9-7. Cross section through main loops of proposed Pennsylvania Advanced Reactor (courtesy of Westinghouse Electric Corp.). Each loop containsg a circulating pump, a gas separator, and a steam gen- erator. The system is pressurized with 2000 psia steam generated in a DO steam generator connected to a surge chamber mounted in close-coupled position to the reactor vessel. The major portion of radiolytic gases is recombined internally; the remainder (~109;) is left unrecombined in order to purge the system of xenon and other gaseous fission products. These gases are removed from the main stream by a pipeline gas separator to a catalytic-type recombiner. The recombined heavy water is used to wash the primary-pump bearings and as makeup water to the steam pressurizer. A small bleed stream is concentrated in the slurry letdown system and delivered to a chemical processing plant where the uranium and thorium are recovered by a thorex solvent extraction process. The chemical plant 1s designed for a small throughput and low over-all decontamination factors. Although the rates of flow to the auxiliary systems are small compared with the 18,000,000 lb/hr rate of circulation in the primary system, these auxiliary systems contribute the major part of the complexity of the plant and a large fraction of its cost. The reactor plant layout shown in Figs. 9-6 and 9-7 consists essentially of a horizontal steel cylinder 125 ft in diameter and 132 ft long with 7-ft- thick biological shielding walls completely separate from the vapor con- 490 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHAP. 9 T f—"k:?’fi . A . {LY—:* s erepane i Primary Loop bt ER A 41‘ Compartment i . ; < — 1 — . = U ! Mechanical Arm q R i PR L. o1 Y0 7 G — I 7% Retractable Rail r')-’-i‘w /1 ---------- P | Work PO ST R i \ Area SRR Heav *—— Master-Slave Cor;cr;e K Manipulator Purge L Water _Shielding Vent Line Window Control Cooling Console . O Water For o Mechanical A\ Arm — TG ‘L': S —Closed Position 2300 V. Supply e Primary Pump <")/ \/ Discharge N }\.,./// Suction Fig. 9-8. Primary circulating pump maintenance, Pennsylvania Advanced Reactor (courtesy of Westinghouse Electric Corp.). tainer. The reactor vessel is shielded separately; however, the four primary coolant loops are contained in one large compartment with no shielding between the separate loops. Auxiliary equipment is contained in separate compartments, the equipment being segregated according to the type and level of radioactivity after shutdown. All four of the primary coolant loops are designed with polar symmetry to permit any component to be used as a replacement part in any of the four loops, and any special equipment re- quired to be equally adaptable to all four loops. In addition, like pieces of equipment have been grouped to permit the use of relatively permanent maintenance facilities designed into that particular area. Personnel access corridors are provided to permit limited access to certain areas inside of the vapor container during full power operation of the reactor. Dry-maintenance operations are accomplished primarily through the use of a 100-ton, shielded-cab crane which traverses the length of the reactor container. Since the cab can be occupied during operation, the crane serves as a remote tool for handling heavy shield blocks and removing and replacing equipment. The design is based on an all-welded piping system and removal of any item requires a remote cutting and welding machine not yet developed. 9-4] ONE-REGION BREEDERS AND CONVERTERS 491 / Steam Qutlet 7 | _———Steam Separator —~t—— Drain Liquid Levef Connections Feedwater Nozzle U Tubes Shell Drain Slurry Qutlet Slurry Inlet Fig. 9-9. Steam generator for Pennsylvania Advanced Reactor (courtesy of Westinghouse Electric Corp.). Because of the vulnerability of the circulating pumps and steam gener- ators, special modifications are provided to permit these items to be re- paired in place. A maintenance facility for repair of the primary circulating pumps is shown in Fig. 9-8. This consists of two mechanical master-slave manipulators inserted through the shielding wall adjacent to the pump, and a mechanical arm which may be placed on two retractable rails eanti- levered from the shielding wall. Visibility is obtained by a glass shielding 492 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHAP. 9 Steam Generator Periscope Tube Bundle Shielding Window Leveling Jack Periscope Manipulator Fig. 9-10. Facility for remote maintenance of Pennsylvania Advanced Reactor steam generator (courtesy of Westinghouse Electric Corp.). window located bencath the manipulators. The window is designed to be an cffective shield only during plant shutdown, and will be covered by iron shutters during plant operation to provide neutron and thermal shielding. A second shielding wall is located behind the work area to make up for the thin wall at this point. The pump is provided with flanged joints with bolts and all other con- nections at the top for easy accessibility. The low-pressure cooling water connections are easily disconnected with the manipulators. The high- pressure purge line and vent lines, however, must be disconnected through flanges or by cutting and rewelding. The large flange bolts on the pump are provided with centrally drilled holes into which electric resistance heaters can be inserted with the mechanical master-slave manipulator. The heated bolts are easily loosened with a power-driven wrench held by the mechanical arm and removed with the master-slave manipulator. A lifting fixture is then lowered from the overhead crane and attached to 9-4] ONE-REGION BREEDERS AND CONVERTERS 493 the pump flange and pump internals, which are then pulled from the pump volute easing. The pump is reinstalled in reverse order. The steam generator shown in Fig. 9-9 uses inverted vertical U-—tubes and has an integral steam separator. The unit is 6 ft in diameter and has an over-all length of about 40 ft. Because of the physical size and cost, it is not considered practical to use the spare-part replacement philosophy for this component. Instead, the design of the steam generator and the over-all plant layout is such that remote maintenance in place is possible without requiring a prohibitively long shutdown of the plant. Figurc 9-10 illustrates the proposed semiremote method for locating and repairing a leaky boiler tube. The facility consists of a manipulator unit mounted on a horizontal rack which drives the unit through the shielding wall into access holes in the steam generator head. The manipulator is used to carry and position a detector for locating a leaky tube and the necessary tools for plugging and welding the tube. The faulty tube is prepared for welding by a spe- cially designed grinding machine positioned and supported by the manipu- lator. The grinder will automatically shape the tube for a plug and the seal weld which will be made with an automatic welder. This equipment can be moved from one cell to another as needed; thus all four steam gencrator tube sheets can be maintained by semiremote methods. 0-4.2 Large-scale aqueous plutonium-power reactors. Studies of the feasibility and cconomics of producing plutonium in homogencous reactors fueled with slightly enriched uranium as UO2S804 in D»0 were carried out by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory [9-11], by the Argonne National Laboratory [12-13], and by others [14-15]. The studies were all based on one-region converters constructed of stainless steel utilizing spherical pressure vessels ranging in size from 15 to 24 ft in diameter. The design and operating characteristics of typical reactors considered in the studies are summarized in Table 9-5. The general conclusion reached was that aqueous homogeneous reactors are potentially very low-cost plutonium producers; however, considerable development work remains before large-scale reactors can be constructed. The major problem is due to the corrosiveness of the relatively concentrated uranyl sulfate solutions used in such reactors, which requires that all the equipment in contact with high-temperature fuel be made of titanium, or carbon-steel lined, or clad with titanium. The development of suitably strong titanium alloys, bonding methods, or satisfactory steel-titanium joints has not yet proceeded sufficiently to consider the construction of full-seale plutonium producers. Alternate approaches, such as the addition of LS04 to reduce the corrosiveness of stainless steel by the fuel solution (see Chap. 5), show promise but also require further development. TABLE 9-5 CHARACTERISTICS OF LARGE-ScaALE AQUEroUus PrutoNiuM PRODUCERS Source of Data ORNL-CF- ORNI~1096 ORNIL-835 | ORNL-1096 52-8—7 Rev. Data ANT.-4891 CEPS-1101 Date Oct. 1950 Dec. 1951 Aug. 1952 1955 Dec. 1952 May 1952 Power, Mw (thermal) 1000 2000 1028 2000 1028 1064 Net electric output, Mw 230 470 228 435 211 211 Reactor core diameter, ft 24 15 15 15 15 12 Pressure vessel thickness, in. 5.3 4.5 7 - 7 - Fuel concentration, g U/liter 115 250 250 250 250 290 Initial fuel enrichment, 9, U233 0.80 1.05 1.075 1.08 1.12 1.2 Fuel inventory, metric tons 22 30 35 35 33 53 D20 inventory, metric tons 208 130 105 150 155 160 Plutonium production rate, g/MwD 0.97 1.05 1.09 1.05 1.12 1.0 Liquid inlet temperature, °C 208 206 200 200 210 208 Liquid exit temperature, °C 250 250 250 250 250 250 System pressure, psi 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Steam conditions, °F/psia 480* /200 380,200 385/210 380,200 370/175 382/200 Capital cost data ($ millions) Reactor plant 37 50 36 45 50 49 Turbogenerator plant 15 37 31 60 47 39 Total 52 87 67 105 97 88 Unit costs, $/kwhki 226 185 294 232 460 415 *Quperheated 100°F Po¥ HIVOS-HDUVL SHICNLS HOLOVHY SA0HNADONOH 6 "dVHO] 9-4] ONE-REGION BREEDERS AND CONVERTERS 495 9—4.3 QOak Ridge National Laboratory one-region power reactor studies. Preliminary designs of intermediate and large-scale one-region reactors have been carried out at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the pur- pose of establishing the desirability, relative to two-region reactors, of such plants for producing power [16,17]. A description of the design of a typical large-scale plant with a capacity of approximately 316 net Mw of electricity follows. The uranium-plutonium or thorium-uranium fuel is pumped at 130,000 gpm through a 15- to 20-ft-diameter core, where the temperature is in- creased from 213 to 250°C. Slurry leaving the core flows through four large gas separators, where D and O3 are separated and diluted with helium, O, and D20 vapor, and then to eight 160-Mw heat exchangers. The slurry is cooled in the exchangers and returned to the reactor by eight 16,000 gpm, canned-motor pumps. Gas and entrained liquid from the separators pass through four parallel circuits into high-pressure storage tanks, where the entrained liquid is removed to be returned to the reactor. The D2 and Oz are recombined on a platinized alumina catalyst and cooled in 17 Mw, tubular heat exchangers which condense the 76 gpm of excess D20. The cooled gases are recirculated to the gas separators, and the condensate returns to the fuel through the rotor cavities of the pumps, the demisters, and the high-pressure storage tanks. The slurry fuel is expected to contain 100 to 300 g/liter of uranium as either oxide or phosphate, and thorium as either oxide or hydroxide sus- pended in D»0. Estimates of gas generation rates have been based on the use of UQy3 platelet particles 1 micron thick and approximately 1 to 5 microns on a side. The (p,o value was taken as 1.3 molecules of D20 disintegrated per 100 ev of energy dissipated in the slurry, postulating that 809 of the fission fragments escape from the oxide particles. It is possible that much lower G-values will be obtained in representative experi- ments and that the size of the gas system can thereby be reduced con- siderably. A 15-ft-diameter sphere operated at 1000 psi and 250°C requires a s-in.-thick wall to keep the combined pressure and thermal stress below 15,000 psi. Carbon steel, clad with stainless steel, is specified as the material of construction for the vessel. The thermal shield may be stainless steel or stainless-clad carbon steel, depending on which would be the less costly. The weight of the vessel and thermal shield 1s 150 tons, while 75 tons of slurry containing 200 g U/liter are required to fill the vessel. The estimated cost of the 316-Mw plant was $14-19 million for the reactor portion and $44 million for the power plant scetion, which cor- responds to a unit cost of $185-200/kwkE. 496 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cmaP. 9 TABLE 9-6 OprERATING ConpITioNs—180 Mw ErecTrICAL PranT Core system Blanket system General Thermal power, Mw 360 280 Fluid U02804-D20 sol. ThO2-D20 disp. Concentration, g/liter U233 1.80 8.00 Th232 — 1000.00 Primary system—pressure, psia 1800 1800 Reactor inlet temperature, °C 258 258 Reactor outlet temperature, °C 300 300 System volume, liters 28,760 41,785 Maximum fluid veloeity, fps 33.6 28.7 Loop head loss, psig 58 80 Fuel Total fuel in system, kg, U233 51.8 334.3 Th232 — 41,785 Fuel burnup, g/day, U233 447 332 Th232 (consumption) — 828 Fuel removed grams U?233/day 210 498 kilograms thorium/day — 62.0 liters/day 117 62.0 Primary circulating pumps Number 3 3 Capacity, gpm 11,300 9600 Differential pressure, psi 58 80 Estimated efficiency, % 60 60 Horsepower 650 750 (Continued) 9-5. Two-REGION BREEDERS 9-5.1 Nuclear Power Group aqueous homogeneous reactor. A study of power stations ranging in size from 94 to 1080 megawatts of net electrical generating capacity was carried out by the Nuclear Power Group [18]. The plants considered utilized a two-region Th-U233 reactor. While several plants of different electrical capacities were studied, emphasis was 9-5] TWO-REGION BREEDERS 497 TaBLE 9-6 (Continued) Core system Blanket system Steam generators Number of units ' 3 3 Surface sq. ft./unit 14,800 12,650 Feedwater inlet temperature, °F 405 405 Steam temperature, °F 480 480 Steam pressure, psia 566 566 Thermal capacity/unit, Mw 119 93 Gas condenser Type: Horizontal, straight-tube, single-pass, shell-and-tube ex- changers with internal elimi- nator Number of units 1 1 Surface area, ft2 800 800 Feedwater inlet temperature, °F 405 405 Steam temperature, °F 480 480 Steam pressure, psia 566 566 Thermal capacity/unit, Mw 3.5 3.5 directed toward a plant having a net electrical capacity of 180 MwE. Pertinent operating conditions of this plant are listed in Table 9-6. The reactor consists of a 6-ft-diameter spherical core surrounded by a 2-ft-thick blanket enclosed in an 11 ft 4 in. ID stainless-clad carbon steel pressure vessel with a wall thickness of approximately 6 in. The pressure vessel has a bolted head to permit removal of the concentric-flow core tank if necessary. The fuel solution enters the core through a 24-in. inner pipe and exits through an annulus of equivalent area between two concentric pipes forming the inlet and outlet connections for the core tank. One mechanical joint is required to attach the zirconium core tank to the stainless steel outlet pipe. The slurry enters the blanket through a 24-in. connection in the bottom of the pressure vessel and exits through three 14-in. connections located near the top of the vessel. Thermal shield. The 4-in.-thick thermal shield to protect the pressure vessel from excessive radiation is provided in the form of two 2-in.-thick stainless steel plates. A 2-in. space is maintained between these plates and between the thermal shield and the pressure vessel. Sufficient flow of the 498 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHap. O slurry is maintained between and around the shield segments to ensure proper cooling. Vessel closure. The bolted head closure utilizes two Flexitallic gaskets (asbestos encased in stainless steel), having a low-pressure leakoff between gaskets. The internal diameter of the closure is slightly greater than 6 ft, to allow for the core tank removal. Similar bolted joints are provided in the inlet and outlet piping connections to the core as well as in the core tank dump line. Steam generators. Six steam generator units each consisting of two heat exchangers connected to a common steam drum are required, three for the core system and three for the blanket heat removal. By using U-bend tubes in the exchangers, the need for an expansion joint in the shell or in the connection to a floating tube sheet is eliminated. This adds reliability to the unit, since any expansion joint subject to even infrequent work is a potential and likely source of trouble. Utilizing the compartmentalized concept in the heat exchangers offers added reliability, ease of fabrication, and a means by which maintenance of the units becomes practical. The individual “bottles,” consisting of 19 U-tubes attached to their tube sheets in the eccentric pipe reducers by rolling and welding, can be fabricated and tested as units before installation in the exchanger. The drilling of the “bottle” tube sheets presents prac- tically no difficulty because they are only 52 in. in diameter. Similarly, the drilling of the exchanger head for insertion of the 2-in. inlet and outlet pipes to the “bottles” presents no unusual fabrication problems. Although the goal is theoretically “leakproof” heat exchangers, pro- visions are incorporated for maintenance. This has been done in the compartmentalized concept. Should a leak occur, it is practical to seal off the “bottle” in which the leak occeurs by plugging the 2-in. inlet and outlet pipe connections, rather than remove an entire heat exchanger. Primary circulating pumps. The hermetically-sealed-motor, centrifugal pumps required to recirculate the core and blanket fluids are vertical, with the main impeller mounted on the lower end of a shaft on which also 1s mounted the motor rotor. The motor rotor and bearing chamber are separated from the impeller and volute by means of a labyrinth seal. D50 from the high-pressure condensate tank is injected into the bearing chamber and continuously flushed through the labyrinth, thus minimizing corrosion on the rotor and bearing parts. Both the radial and thrust bearings are of the fluid piston type. The drive motors are induction type, suitable for 3-phase 60-cycle 4160-volt power supply. They have 1m- pervious liners in the stator bore for hermetic sealing, and an outer housing totally enclosing the stator as a sccond safeguard against loss of system fluid. The motor stator windings are cooled by a liquid passing through tubular conductors installed in the stator. All material in contact with the 9-5] TWO-REGION BREEDERS 499 core solution and DO is stainless stecl, except for the impeller, labyrinth inserts, impeller nut, and wear rings, which are titanium. By unbolting the top flange, the entire pump mechanism can be re- moved, leaving only the high-pressure pump casing in the pipeline, thus facilitating maintenance. Shielding and containment. The reactor plant is housed in a 175-t- diameter stecl sphere. Design pressure is 40 psia, which requires a nominal plate thickness of 3/4 in. The sphere is buried to a depth of 50 ft, allowing the reactor vessel to be located below grade for natural ground shielding. Radioactive components are enclosed by a barytes concrete structure which serves both as a biological and as a blast shield. The top of this housing is 35 ft above grade elevation. The side walls are 5 ft thick, and the top shield is 6 {t thick except for an 8-ft-thick section directly over the reactor vessel. Compartment walls are provided within the housing to facilitate flooding of individual component sections. The floor and side walls of each of the compartments are lined with 1/8-in. stainless steel plate to permit decontamination. Stepped plugs are provided 1n the top shield to permit access to the components. The portion of the shielding around the reactor vessel, which is below grade, is 4 ft thick. A slight negative pressure is maintained within the container by continuously dis- charging a small quantity of air to a stack for dispersal. The quantity of air removed is regulated to control the ambient temperature in the com- ponent compartments. Cost analysts This study indicates that a generating station with a net thermal effi- ciency of 28.197, might be constructed for approximately $240.00/kw and $200.00,'kw at the 180-Mw and 1080-Mw electrical levels, respectively. These values result in capital expenses of approximately 4.2 and 3.86 mills/kwh. 9-5.2 Single-fluid two-region aqueous homogeneous reactor power plant. The feasibility of a 150,000-kw (electrical) aqueous homogeneous nuclear power plant has been investigated by a joint study team of the Nuelear Power Group and The Babcock & Wilcox Company [19]. In this concept, the reactor is a single-fluid two-region design in which the fuel solution circulates through the thoria pellet blanket as the coolant. Com- ponents and plant arrangement have been designed to provide maximum overhead accessibility for maintenance. All components in contact with reactor fuel at high pressure are themselves enclosed in close-fitting high- pressure containment envelopes. General description and operation of plant. The reactor generates 620-psia steam at the rate of 2.13 X 10° Ib/hr. 500 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHap. 9 The reactor system is contained in a building 196 ft long, 131 ft wide, and 50 ft high. The equipment is located in a group of gastight cells meas- uring 196 ft X 131 ft over-all. These cells are equipped with pressure-tight concrete lids to facilitate overhead maintenance of the various system components and minimize the radiation shielding required above the floor and outside of the building. All components in the reactor plant have been designed in accordance with this overhead maintenance philosophy. The basic systems comprising the reactor plant are: (1) A primary sys- tem, containing the reactor, the main coolant loops, the boiler heat ex- changers, the pressurizer, the surge tank, and the standby cooler; (2) the letdown system; (3) the fuel handling and storage system; (4) the off-gas system; and (5) the auxiliary systems containing leak-detection and fuel- sampling facilities. The blanket consists of 14 eylindrical assemblies arranged around the periphery of the corc region. These assemblies contain thorium-oxide pellet beds which are cooled hy fuel flowing from a ring header below the reactor vessel. The fuel follows a zigzag path through the pellets and leaves the assemblies through top outlets, flows through the core region, and out the bottom of the vessel. By this means, the usual core-tank cor- rosion and replacement problems and slurry handling problems are mini- mized. By means of devices located at the tops of the tubes extending out of the reactor the assemblies are periodically rotated to minimize absorp- tion of neutrons by protactinium and equalize the buildup of U2?% in the thorium. Replacement of the assemblies is possible through a smaller clo- sure than would be required {or a two-region reactor with a single core tank. The reactor vessel is surrounded by a high-pressure containment vessel which forms part of the containment system described below. Over-all height of the reactor 1s 28 ft 6 in. and the outer diameter of the containment shell is 12 ft 1§ in. The boiler heat exchangers are designed so that by removing the head there is direct access for plugging tubes or for removing entire tube bundles if necessary. These exchangers are a once-through type designed to evapo- rate 959, of the feedwater flow at full load. The reactor fuel flows counter- currently through the shell side of the exchangers. I'eedwater enters the baffled heads and passes through the U-tubes where the steam is generated. The steam-water mixture then leaves the exchangers and flows through a cyclone separator and scrubber to the turbine. These components, with their containment, are 34 ft 24 in. high and 4 ft 34 in. OD. All piping and components holding high-pressure reactor fuel are con- tained in a close-fitting pressurized envelope capable of withstanding the total system pressure. These components and piping are further contained in pressure-tight concrete cells which are vented through rupture disks to a low-pressure gas holder, as shown in Fig. 9-11. This holder has a liquid- 9-5] TWO-REGION BREEDERS 501 Low Pressure Heat Exchanger Reactor Gas Holder L ! ] V 7+ —_ N \ " % P % ‘ T T ) 1 T, & - f f D 2 e < Relief Pipe Fig. 9-11. Schematic illustration of containment system (courtesy of the Nu- clear Power Group and the Babcock & Wilcox Co.). sealed roof which moves up and down in a manner similar to the movement of a conventional gas holder section. The low-pressure components do not have a close-fitting high-pressure envelope but are contained in pressure- tight cells and are vented to the low-pressure gas holders in a manner similar to the high-pressure components. This type of containment permits operation of components for their full service life, reduces or eliminates missile formation and fuel losses, reduces primary system working stresses, and allows equipment arrangement giving maximum access for maintenance. Table 9-7 summarizes the characteristies of the proposed plant. Reactor. The general characteristics of the reactor are illustrated by Fig. 9-12, which shows the annular arrangement of the Zircaloy—2 blanket assemblies around the core region. The thorium-oxide pellets within these assemblies are cooled by the reactor fuel solution, which is pumped up through the packed beds from the supply header. To reduce the pressure drop across the pebble bed, the solution is introduced through a tapered perforated pipe the same length as the assemblies, flows into the bed and by means of baffles is directed back to the center outlet pipe, which is con- centric with the inlet. _ The vessel has ellipsoidal heads, is 9 ft 11 in. ID, and has a cylindrical shell length of 10 ft 6 in. The upper head contains a 3-ft 33-in.-diameter 502 LARGE-SCALL HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHAP. 9 TABLE 9-7 Dusiay Darta rorR THE SINGLE-FLUID Two-RicioNn REACTOR Over-all plant performance Thermal power developed in reactor, Mw 520 Gross electrical power, Mw 158 Net electrical power, Mw 150 Station efficiency, 97, 28 5 General reactor data Fuel solution U0:804-D-0 Operating pressure, psia 1500 Fuel inlet temperature, °F 514 Fuel outlet temperature, °F h72 Area of stainless steel (in contact with fuel solution), ft2 90,000 Total volume of primary system, ft? 2,300 Area of Zircaloy-2 (in contact with fuel solution), ft? 2,240 Core Fuel flow rate, 1b/hr 24 .9 x 106 Velocity, fps 6.3 Volume of core solution, liters 67,000 Letdown rate, gpm 100 Thorex cycle time, days 115 Hydroclone cyele time, days 1 Hydroclone underflow removal rate, liters/day 583 Blanket Assembly diameter, 1n. 18 Fertile material ThO: pellets Thorium loading, kg 17,850 Thorium irradiation eycle, days 744 Thorium processing rate, kg/day 23 Proceésing rate of mags-233 elements, g/day 350 flanged opening to permit removal of the thorium assemblies. The closure is a double-gasketed bolted cover having a monitoring or buffer seal con- nection to the annulus between the gaskets to detect leakage of the fuel solution. The lower pressure vessel head is penetrated by fourteen 7-in. openings through which fuel flows upward into the blanket assemblies from the toroidal supply header. This head has a 3-ft-diameter fuet outlet. The thermal shielding consists of alternate layers of stainless steel and fuel solution. The total shielding thickness is 8 in. over the eylindrical portion and 12 in. at the head ends of the reactor pressure vessel. Boiler heat exchangers. The boiler heat exchanger is a U-tube, vertical, 9-3] TWO-REGION BREEDERS 503 T ||’|l| Double-Gasketed ' fl' Bolted Closures Thorium Oxide Rotation Shaft Pellets 1 > | S Q ABIunt?t Containment Vessel Aj Reactor j Vessel Core Region Thermal Shielding ‘ "1 Fuel Solution g Supply S Header Fuel Solution inlet - 34——-— Fie. 9-12. Single-fluid two-region aqueous reactor (courtesy of the Nuclear Power Group and the Babcock & Wilcox Co.). forced-circulation design in which reactor fuel flows on the shell side and boiling light water on the tube side. By placing the reactor fuel on the shell side, the tube sheet acts as its own shield and is subjected to less intense nuclear radiation, minimizing gamma heating and thermal-stress problems. Such a design permits the use of thermal shields which would also serve to protect the tube sheet from thermal shock due to sudden variations of fuel temperatures. In the event of a failure of tubes or tube sheet connections it is necessary to remove only the faulty tube bundle and leave the exchanger shell and flanged con- nections intact. This is accomplished by removing the bolted head and tube sheet brace and cutting the seal ring weld at the periphery of the tube sheet. The bundle is then lifted out of the shell by the overhead crane. d04 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHAP. O Reactor building. 'The building which houses the reactor plant will be airtight and will serve as a containment for radioactive gases which may be released during maintenance. The building air will be monitored and filtered and will be vented to the exhaust stack. Space 18 provided outside the reactor plant for an off-gas building stack, gas and vapor holders, gas handling building, hot laboratory and shops, waste handling building, and chemical processing buildings. The hot shops and chemical processing building are located as shown to permit mutual access to a crane bay which extends from the reactor building between the two buildings. Both "hot” components and blanket assemblies are trans- ported from the reactor building to the far end of the bay by a low, U-frame traveling crane. At the end of the bay they are transferred to an overhead crane running perpendicular to the bay, and transported to either of the two buildings. With this arrangement, hot materials may be transferred entirely underwater, thereby eliminating the need for bulky shielding and mobile cooling systems. Maintenance considerations. A study of the problem of maintenance of a large-scale homogeneous reactor indicated the following. It appears im- possible to accomplish some repair operations remotely in place and under 20 ft of water. Experience to date tends to indicate that the repair of radioactive equipment may be so difficult that it will be uneconomical to repair anything except such small components as valves and pumps. The larger defective components must be removed from the system and a re- placement installed. The repairs, if possible, can then be made in a “‘hot machine shop™ after the system is back in operation. Removal of components from the cells will require shielding, such as lead easks. Further study is necessary to determine the optimum means of performing this operation. Extensive use of jigs and fixtures in performing maintenance work will be necessary for rapid and safe work. All the jigs and fixtures should be designed and constructed before the plant is put into operation. In many ases it will be advantageous to use the jigs during initial construction to be certain that they will function properly. The estimated annual maintenance cost for a plant of the size considered is approximately $3,300,000, which includes the capital investment of maintenance equipment. This amounts to about 4 mills/kwh at 60% capacity factor or ~3 mills/kwh at 809 capacity factor. The 150,000-kw nuclear power plant deseribed 18 estimated to cost $375.00/kw or $56,400,000, excluding $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 for research and de- velopment. 0-5.3 Oak Ridge National Laboratory two-region reactor studies. In- termediate-scale homogeneous reactor. In October 1952 design studies were 9-5] TWO-REGION BREEDERS 505 Chemical Plant Reactor Entrance Turbine Plant Transformer . Containers Hcfch# = F l@" = = vl T1G. 9-13. Artist’s concept of Thorium Breeder Reactor Power Station. started for a two-region multipurpose intermediate-scale homogeneous re- actor as an alternate to the single-region reactors previously studied [20-22]. Several suggested core vessel arrangements for two-region con- verters were presented. In all designs the core shape approximates a 4-ft-diameter sphere, and a central thimble is incorporated to permit startup and shutdown with a full core containing the operating concentration of fuel. The major interest in the design of this type of reactor is the possi- bility of converting thorium into U2#¥ in the blanket region of the reactor. The principal system parameters on which the design of the two-region intermediate-scale homogeneous reactor is based are presented in Table 9-8. Large-scale conceptual designs. Design work on the two-region inter- mediate-scale homogeneous reactor continued through the fall of 1953, with emphasis being placed on design studies of components and reactor layouts for an optimum design. In the meantime, conceptual designs of large-scale two-region reactors described below were carried out as a basis of feasibility studies. The first design involved a 1350-Mw (heat) power plant containing three reactors [17]. Each of these operated at 450 Mw to produce a net of 105 Mw of electricity. The design of this plant, which is reviewed in the following paragraphs, is representative of the technology as of Septem- ber 1953. 206 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEQUS REACTOR STUDIES TABLE 9-8 [cHAP. 9 DEsIGN PAraMETERS oF A Two-REGION INTERMEDIATE Scante HomoGENEoUs REAacToOr Core system Blanket system Power level, Mw 48 9.6 Fluid [U02504-D20 sol ThO-D30 slurry Concentration, g U/liter 4.8 1000 System pressure, psia 1000 1000 System temperature, °C 250 250 Vessel diameter, ft 4 8 Maximum fluid velocity, fps 22.3 12.3 Pumping requirements, gpm 5000 1000 Steam pressure, psia 215 215 Steam temperature, °F 388 388 Steam generated, 1b/sec 38.7 8.0 In the proposed arrangement, three large cells are provided for the re- actors and associated high-pressure equipment and a fourth is provided for the dump tanks and low-pressure equipment. Iach reactor cell is di- vided into compartments for the reactor, heat exchanger, pumps, and gas- circulating systems. The low-pressure equipment cell contains compart- ments for dump tanks, feed equipment, heat and fission-product removal, D20 recovery, and the limited amount of chemical processing that can be included in the reactor circulating system. Radiation from the cells is re- duced to tolerable levels under operating conditions by concrete shielding. The individual compartments have sufficient shielding to permit limited access when equipment is being replaced. Each reactor consists of a 6-ft-diameter spherical core, operated at a power of 320 Mw (100 kw/liter), surrounded by a 2-ft-thick blanket which 1s operated at o power of 130 Mw (11 kw/liter). Under equilibrium con- ditions, a solution containing 1.30 g of U233, U234 U235 17236 (45 uranyl sulfate dissolved in D20) is circulated through the core at a rate of 30,000 gpm under a pressure of 1000 psia. Iluid enters the core at 213°C and leaves at 250°C. Decomposition of the D20 moderator by fission fragments yields 240 efm of gas containing 28 mole 9 D>, 14 mole 9}, (2, and 58 mole 9 D0, Liquid leaving the core divides into two parallel ecircuits, each at 15,000 gpm, which lead into centrifugal gas separators. There the ex- plosive mixture of deuterium and oxygen is separated from the liquid and 9-5] TWO-REGION BREEDERS 07 diluted below the explosive limit with a recirculated gas stream which con- tains oxyveen, helium, and D20, The gas-free liquid circulates through heat exchangers and is returned to the core by canned-motor circulating pumps. Steam is produced in the exchangers at 215 psig and 388°17. The gas streams from the separators are joined and flow Into o high- pressure storage tank accompanied by about 500 gpm of entrained liuid. After the entrainment is removed In mist separators for return to the liquid system, the Dy and Oz are recombined when the gus passes uto a atalyst bed containing platinized alumina pellets. Ieat liberated in the recombiner increases the temperature of the gas from 250 to 464°C. The hot guses are cooled to 250°C in a gas condenser which has a capacity of 20 Mw and condenses D20 at a rate of about 89 gpm. Some of the D20 is used to wash the mist separators and to purge the pump bearings and rotor cavity; the remainder is either returned to the system through the high-pressure storage tank or held in condensate storage tanks during periods when the concentration of reactor solution is being adjusted. The oax= 1= recireulated to the gas separators by an oxygen blower. Similar gas- and liquid-recireulating systems are used to remove heat from the blanket, which consists of a thorium-oxide slurry m D20 contain- ing 500 to 1000 g Th/liter. The slurry is recireulated by means of a 12.400—gpm canned-motor pump through a gas separator and through a 130-Aw heut exchanger. The reactor is pressurized with a mixture of helium and oxygen which i~ udmitted as required. It is expected that most of the fission-product guses will be retained in the high-pressure gas-circulating systems with only whatever small, daily letdown ig required to adjust the pressures. Caleulations for @ similar system indicate that enough Xe!#5 will be trans- ferred into the gas stream to reduce the xenon poisoning in the reactor by a factor of 5 to 10. The two-region thorium breeder reactor. A later design study was com- pleted in the full of 1954 by the Reactor Lixperimental Engineering Divi- sjon of the Ouk Ridge Nutionul Laboratory [23] for the purpose of de- lineating the technical and economic problems which would determine the ultimate feasibility of an aqueous homogeneous reactor for producing cen- tral station power. The concept of the reactor chosen for study was based essentially on nuclear considerations and consists of a spherical two-region reactor with dimensions limited by economic considerations. Table 9-9 presents the principal reactor characteristics for the pre- liminary design of a 300-Mw station. The power plant complex, consisting of the reactor plant, the turbo- generator plant, the chemical processing plant, the cooling system, and part of the electrical distribution system, is showw n Fig. Y-13. 28 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEQUS REACTOR STUDILS TABLE 9-9 [cHAP. REscTor CHARACTERISTICS FOR PRELIMINARY Desiegy or A 300-Mw STAaTION Electrical capability (each of three reactors), 100 Mw Gross station efficiency, 27.49, Net station ethiciency, 26.09 Operating pressure, 2000 psia Core Blanket Material of construetion Wall thickness, in. Thermal shield thickness, in. Pipe connections Inside diameter, ft Blanket thickness, in. Volume, liters Operating temperature, °C Average Inlet Outlet System volume, liters Fluid composition, g/liter D20O* 17233 U234 'U'235 U236 Thorium Inventory, kg Ds0O U235 4 7233 Thorium Flux at core wall, n/{cm?2)(sec) Power density at core wull, kw/liter Mean power density in reactor, kw/liter Power density in external system, kw/ liter Reactor power, Mw (heat) Circulation rate, gpm Zircaloy-2 0.5 Concentric 5 1855 275 250 300 9740 U02504-D,0-CuS0y 1.88 1.90 0.26 3.00 10,900 2.1 1.10 x 1015 70.0 193 61 313 24,000 2097, stainless-steel clad carbon steel 5.0 4.0 Straight-through 103 27 11,600 280 245 315 13,800 UO 3T}IO 2*]_) 20 3.00 0.17 0.01 0.00 1000 12,000 42.9 14,300 1 x 10 _‘-l < ~1 Tt o Dt *At operating conditions. 9-5] TWO-REGION BREEDERS 509 The reactor plant consists of a space 80 ft () in. wide, 300 ft 0 in. long, and 15 ft 6 m. above ground level. At one end of the structure 1s located a storage pool for items {reshly removed from the shield. A gantry crane services the reactors and its runway extends a distance heyond the shield for access to the pool and to provide lay-down space for a reactor-shield tank dome. Three evhindrical shield tanks ure provided to contain each reactor and components. In the event of a line rupture or equipment fuilure resulting in gross leakage of reactor fluids from the reactor system, no radioactive material will be released. This is accomplished by placing the reactor and com- ponents in a ecylindrieal tank, 66 ft 0 m. diameter X 116 ft 0 in. high, apable of withstanding 50 psig. Light feet of conerete are poured around this tank to a height of 45 {1 6 in. above ground level for biological shielding. Ax shown m Ilig. 9-13, each of the container buildings has an access hatch. Items such as circulating pumps, pressurizer heater elements, evaporators, ete,, for which the probability of maintenance i1s high, are grouped on one side of the shield and more or less under this hatch for servicing. No specific procedure for repairing or replacing equipment was developed; however, consideration was given to both wet and dry main- tenance methods, Homuogerneous reactor cxperiment No. 3.* In 1957, conceptual design studies of HRI-3, a two-region homogeneous breeder reactor fueled with 17233 and thorium, were initiated at the Ouk Ridge National Laboratory [24]. This reactor, operating at 60 Mw of heat to produce approximately 19 Mw of electrical energy, will be designed to provide operational and technical data and to demonstrate the technical feasibility of an intermediate-scale aqueous homogeneous power breeder. The power plant will be a completely integrated fucility incorporating (1) the nuclear reactor complex, (2) the electrical generating plant, and (3) the nuclear fuel recycle processing plant. Prelimimary design criteria are given in Table 9-10. As presently concelved, the reactor will bhe of the two-region type with a heavy-water uranyl-sulfate solution being circulated through the inner (core) region, where 50 Nw of heat are produced. A thorium-oxide slurry will be circulated through the outer pressure-retaining (blanket) region, where 10 Mw of heat are produced at equilibrium conditions. The fuel solution and slurry will be circulated through separate steam generators by the use of canned-motor pumps. The fuel heat exchanger will provide 195,700 1b/hr of saturated steam at 450 psia (456°F) at 50-Mw core power, and the slurry heat exchanger will provide 39,100 1b/hr of saturated steam at 450 psia (150°F) at 10-Mw blanket power. The blanket and core regions, operating at 1500 psia and 275°C and 280°C average temperatures, re- *By R. H. Chapman. 510 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENLOUS REACTOR STUDIES [crap. 9 TaBLE 9-10 HRE-3 Drsiax CRITERIA Type Two-region breeder Core U02804 4 CuSO4+ DeSO4 in DO Blanket ThO2 + U0z 4+ MoOgz in D20 Core eritical concentration at 50 Mw and | 4.8 g U233/kg D50 equilibrium 045 g U /kg DO Blanket concentration at 10 Mw and | 1000 g Th/kg D0 equilibrium 4.02 g U233 /kg D10 Average core temperature, °C 280 Average blanket temperature, °C 275 Average core power density for 50 Mw, kw /liter 52.6 Average blanket power density for 10 Mw, kw /liter 1.04 Listimated breeding ratio 1.05 (minimum) Saturated steam pressure, psia 450 Gross clectrical power, Mw i ~19 spectively, are interconnected in the vapor region. Inasmuch as oxygen is consumed by mechanisms of corrosion and must be added continuously, 1t 1s currently favored as the pressurizing medium to provide the over- pressure necessary to prevent boiling and bubble formation. Sufficient homogeneous catalysts will be provided in the solution and slurry to re- combine all the radiolytic gases formed in the cireulating system during operation. In this manner it will be unnecessary to operate with continuous letdown of slurry and/or solution. Purge water for use in the high-pressure eirculating systems will be produced by condensing a portion of the steam contained 1n the vapor volume of the pressurizer. Advantage is taken of the beta and gamma decay energy to maintain the pressurizers at a slightly higher temperature than the remaining portion of the system. The electrical generating plant will be essentially of conventional design. The 20-Mw turbine will operate at 1800 rpm on 450 psia saturated steam with moisture separation equipment provided. The condensing water recquirements are 31,300 gpm, assuming the water enters at 70°F and leaves at 80°F. The generating voltage of 13.8 kv is sufficient to permit direct connection to an existing distribution system. The fuel reprocessing for HRE-3 will consist of concentrating insoluble fisston and corrosion products in the underflow pots of hydroclone sepa- rators, recovery of uranium from the hydroclone underflow by TUO, pre- cipitation, and recovery of D20 by evaporation. The slurry processing operation will consist of D20 recovery by evaporation and packaging the 9 5] TWO-REGION BREEDERS il irradiated ThO, for shipment to the existing Oak Ridge National Labo- ratory Thorex Pilot Plant, where the uranium and thorium will be scpa- rated and reclaimed. The thorium will appear from the Thorex process as a thorium nitrate solution and will be converted to ThO., before being returned to the blanket of the reactor. The maintenance philosophy of the reactor complex has not vet been established, However, it can be said that the reactor system will be designed <0 that all components and equipment will be capable of being removed and replaced, but with varying degrees of difficulty. The choice of under- water, dry, or combination thercof, maintenance techniques has not been made. The major components of HRE-3 are considered to be in the range of sizes which might be used in a large-scale Thorium Breeder Power Plant. Design, development, fabrication, and operational and reliability data are expected to be gained from HRE-3, in addition to maintenance techniques for large-scale aqueous homogencous reactors. A very preliminary cost study indicates a cost of about $29,000,000 for the reactor complex, the clectrical generating plant, and the fuel reprocessing plant. 512 LARGE-SCALE HOMOGENEOUS REACTOR STUDIES [cHAP, 9 REFERENCES 1. Tueopore RockweLL LI, Reactor Shielding Destgn Manual, 1st ed. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1956. 2. W. F. Tavyror, TBR Plant Turbogenerator System Study, USAEC Report CF-56-7-127, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, June 1956. 3. FosTtEr-WuErLER CorroraTiON, Wolverine Electric Cooperative Proposal, Feb. 1, 1956, Report FW-56-004; Sargent and Lundy Fstimate No. 3800-2, November 1957. 4. M. I. Luxpin and R. Vany WinkLe, Conceptual Design and Evaluation Study of 10,000 KW IE Aqueous Homogeneous Nuclear Power Plant, USAEC Report CF-57-12-8, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Dec. 11, 1957, 5. P. R. Kasten ¢t al., Aqueous Homogeneous Research Reactor—Feastbility Study, USAEC Report ORNL-2256, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Apr. 10, 1957. 6. FForp Motor CompraNy, A Selection Study for an Advanced Engineering Test Reactor, Document No. U-047, Aeronutronic Systems, Inc., Glendale, Calif., Mar. 29, 1957. 7. W. E. Joanson et al., The P.AR. Homogeneous Reactor Project, Mech. Eng. 79, 242-245 (1957). 8. WestTiNgHoUuskt ELectric CorrPoraTioN, 1956-1957. Unpublished. 9. J. A. Lane et al., Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1950. Unpublished, 10. J. A. Laxrk et al., Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1951, Unpublished. 11. R. H. BawL et al.,, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1952. Unpublished. 12, J. J. Karz et al., Argonne National Labhoratory, 1952, Unpublished. 13. L. E. LiNk et al., Argonne National Laboratory, 1952, Unpublished. 14. H. A. Onrerex and 1) J. Mavron, Idaho Operations Office, 1952, Un- published. 15. CommonwraLTH EpisoN Company anp PuBLic ServicE COMPANY OF NortaeERN Ivuizors, .U Report on the [easibility of Power (eneration Using Nuelear finergy, 1952, {Unpublished. 16. W. E. Tuomrson (Comp.), Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report for the Period Ending Mar. 15, 1952, USAEC Report ORNL-1280, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1352. 17. R. B. Brices et al., Aqgueous Homogeneous Reactors for Producing Central- station Power, USAEC Report ORNL-1642(Del)), Oak Ridge National Labora- tory, 1954, 18. H. G. Carsox and L. H. Laxpruym (Eds.), Preliminary Design and Cost Estimate for the Production of Central-station Power from an Aqueous Homo- geneous Reactor Utilizing Thoriuwm-Uranium-233, USALEC Report NPG-112, Commonwealth Edison Company (Nuclear Power Group), Feb. 1, 1935. 19. CommonweaLTy EbpisoNn Cosmeany, Single-fluid Thwo-region Aqueous Homogeneous Reactor Power Plant: Conceptual Design and Feasibility Study, USAEC Report NPG-171. July 1957. 20. W. I. Trowrsox (Comp.), ITomogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report for the Period Ending July 1, 1552, USATLC Report ORNL-1318, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1952. REFERENCES 513 21. W. E. Taompson (Comp.), Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report for the Period Ending Oct. 1, 1952, USAEC Report ORNI-1424(Del.), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1953. 22, W. E. Tnompson (Comp.), Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report for the Pertod Fnding Jan. 1, 1953, USAEC Report ORNL-1478(Del.), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1953. 23. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1954. Unpublished. 24. J. C. Bougrer et al., Preliminary H RI-3 Design Data ( Revised to 11-15-57), USAEC Report CF-57-11-74, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Nov. 29, 1957.