EIR - Bericht Nr. 252 EIR-Bericht Nr. 252 Eidg. Institut flr Reaktorforschung Wirenlingen Schweiz Thorium, Uranium, other Metals and Materials from Earth’'s Crust Rocks M. Taube Wiirenlingen, April 1974 Abstract The general use of the rocks of the earth's c¢rust as a source of nuclear energy (from thorium-uranium extracted with 30% efficiency), and a source of metals {aluminium, iron ete.), a source of ceramics {cement, glass, quartz) and other ma- terials is discussed. The proposal is to use their source to meet the needs of a future stable civilization requiring a unit power production of some 20 kw per capita and source material supply of 1 tonne per capita per year (additional to recycling). The impact of this on the philosophy a reactor development is also discussed. I. General Iemargs The aim of thie paper is to cubline and discuss the poasible future sources and flows of energy in the next 50 to 200 vears, in the world as a whole, and more especlially in Switzerland. It iz a conbinustion of the well known ides of &, Weinberg of rooks burningt, It can be debated that any numerical or guantitative evalu~ ations on these toplcs have 1little value at the present {ime, but the author iz of the firm opinion that such an evalu= ation could have an impact on the philoesophy of reactor deve- lopment especislly in the gqualitative cholice of reactor type. Since it seems to take some 20 years from paper studies o full reactor operations {of a new type} and a further 30-HQ years of 1ife, then the minimur tinme scale we ghould congi- der i3 of the ordey of 50 yvears. II. ¥World energy development, and the csse of Switzerland It is well known thabt the number of prognoses for the future development of cur civilization is egual to the number of papers on the subject. Here the following sssumptions have been made, 1. The world population increases conbinuously to 9=-10 x 109 people after 200 yvears and then reducss bto a 5tabla level of 8 x 109 pecple {(for Switzerland - today & x lflfi pecple, in the next 50 years 8 x 106 and then stablilization},. The The abundance of available energy sources is the mogst important factor in the development of any civilization. The regeneration of the natural environment is one of the most important factors in considering the transfor- mation of matter into energy. Qur civilization achieves a steady state level in approx 200-250 years and this level will have the following characteristics - production of fresh materials (from ores ete.) would be a factor 2-3 times lower than at present. - recycling will, therefore, be greatly increased. - the spectrum of material use will be drastically altered. - the free energy available for these needs will be increased per capita mean by approx 10 times. size of the fissile material requirement The for calcualtions are made on the following basis: 1 MWA(t) E 1.1 g fissile nuclide (F.N.) 1 MWyear (e) 1.0 kg fissile nuclide (F.N.) 112 and therefore e 400 ton FN 0.4 ton FN 1 TW(t) year 1 GW({t) year 1} the far distant future, for the steady state case: World: 8 Giga people x 20 kw per capita gives 160 TW{t) % 6L4'000 ton FN/year 4 Fig. 1 Energy Growth: World and Switzerland 8 — T 8 World Swiss Population Population Giga Mega Persons Persons - — | Population Q T e — T ; | 0 20 KW per Capita 1 G- Energy Need per Head 0 T T T I C—— 200 - — 200 World Swiss T-watts Gwatts 100 — T—100 Total Energy Need B T T T T i T 1970 2070 2170 Fig., 2 Development of new World Enerpgy Sources in the Future 200 7 Energy 150 7 il TW l(/r_ 4// Sun/Satellite? A 100 7. =TT | T Fmsipn 50 = 1970 2000 [ ) Switzerland: 8 Mega people x IZ2 kW per capita gives 0.1 TW{ty ¥ U0 ton FN/year Por a period of leb ug say 1000 vears steady civilization & World regquirements: 68 x 107 ton FH 3 Swiss requirements: 40 x 107 ton FH OF course the development of other energy sources will change and may dramatically after the assumptions given above, bub fig. & makes the arbitrary assumptions clear. Here the asswuption of fission energy covers approx 173 of all ensrgy needs and thus the dateg given above are too big onliy by & factor 3 in the worst case. I1T. Uranium=-Thorium sources in ores, granites and the sarbth's crust The most ilmportant assumption made here is that the Pission enargy is the main scurce of free energy not only in the nsxt century but alsc in later periods. AL present uranium is pe~ covered from bthe following ores., USA ores 1800 ppM Canada ores 1100 ppM South Africa ores 250 ppM Other West Hemisphere ores 1940 ppM Mean for West Hemisphere 820 ppM It must be stressed that at the present time the "uranium ores™ have a commercial value of approx. 203% per kg of USOB even if the uranium contents equals only 250 ppM! But as is well known the mean distribution of uranium and thorium in the earths crust is approximatly 12 ppM for hoth elements. The proportion of these fissicnable elements is higher in the granites (typical continental rocks) and reaches 50 ppM. In the basalts (typical oceanic rocks) it is lower at about 1 ppM (see fig. 3). Of course in the continental rocks there are some signifi- cant accumulations of uranium and to save extent thorium. The probable amounts of high and low grade ores are given in fig. Y (rough estimates). IV. Resources of other elements An underlying feature of the arguments developed in this paper is that the extraction of the fissionable nuclides U and Th from the rocks of the earth's erust must be coupled with the extraction of all the utilizable elements from these cources, which must decrease the cost of the recovery of all appro- priate elements, 2 of Earth'is Crust 100 3 Compméitimn of Earth's Crust Barth's erust 16 km mean 0.4 of Zarth's mass = 2.4 x 1019 ton 2 E basalt is granite iz a an oceanic continental rock ook ' Uranium Ores Uranium Thorium con- e s e s centbration - : . ~1 2 ~50 ppM U + Th 50~ ~1000 pp¥ & ) sporadicaly Dy A0 & 20 - Il L3 10 g - . v | Sediment (4%} = ot Carbonate ’ * . oo Maanny Sand 104 $/ke 1000 500 200 100 50 20 Fig. Y U + Th World Reserves o O o P @ L) Basal g (Gceanic) O o 0 . X O Granlkes E {(continental) - [P 0 o = -1 + E ~ o = o [ — o —t— © > P ~ ~ - The future world g demand of U + Th 1 equals ~10°2 ion per year (chp., III) 1000 Uranium . some sedlments ‘ | I8 | | _ I | | | | 10° 107 10° 109 1010 101t 1012 113 (oY 4010 tons U + Th 10 In table 1 are given the sbundance of chemical 2lements in the sarthts crust. OFf course there is some disagreement aboutb tnis data in different referencez bub for our purposes the influence of these uyncertainties is not great. Fig. % shows the distribution of the most sbundant elements {in the earth’s crust) versus the slectronegativity accor- ding te Pauling and periodic table. This gives tne first in- dication conecerning the thermodynamie stability of the possib- le chemical compounds such as sllicates, alumosilicates and 30 DI, We abttempt here to discuss the technical and energetical fegtures of the industrisgl extractions of these components of £he rocks in the fubure. We can make a very simplified caleulation based on the following: Take first 1 ton of each of the today's commercially impor- tant ores larbitrarily chozen) providing the following eleven matals Fe, 41, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, 3o, Ag, 8&u, b totalling 11 ftons of ores. Commercial ores today contain approx the following amountis of metal e 20%; AL 30%; Cr %0 %; Mn 20%; NI 1%; Cu 0.5%; Zn 4¥; Sn 0,2%; Ppb 2% A 0.0%%; Au 0.,005%. Table 1 1 ton Number A Element 1 8 0 2 16 Si 3 13 Al Yy 26 Fe 5 20 Ga 6 11 Na 7 19 K 8 12 Mg 9 22 Ti 10 1 H 11 15 P 12 25 Mn 13 9 r 14 56 Ba 15 38 Sr 16 16 5 17 6 18 4o Zr 19 23 v 20 24 Cr Z = atomic number (p = 466 277 M o H = = W W o\ 11 2.8 kg/dm°) ~ 357 dm kg* Number 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 21 38 39 * Approx all metals for metallurgy ** Only partially for metallurgy Other metals for ceramics ete. Element abundance in Earth's Crust > Z Element 37 Rb g0 28 Ni 75 30 Zn 70 58 Ce 60 23 Cu 55 39 Y 33 57 La 30 60 Nd 28 27 Co 25 21 Se 22 7 N 20 41 Nb 20 3 Li 20 31 Ga 15 82 Pb 13 5 B 10 90 Th 10 50 Sn 3 Q2 u 2.4 80 Hg 0.08 78 Ft 0.01 Energy carriers 09 0 »+ 0 03 09 O3 09 Q2 09 Q2 O3 09 (Oa 09 (9 On (R 09 O9 o * * + 4+ 5 1 Fig, 5 The 16 most important components of rocks : 4 T Tk G Mo IIT o Pariodie Table Iv Hank v VI Vil electronegativity {eV) 13 The total amount of metals produced from the 11 tons of ores is approx 1078 kg. The mean value of the commercial ores 1s therefore 1073 kg metal §iE 10 % by weight 11000 kg ores The earth’'s crust contains the elements listed 1n table 2 among others. The total amount of metal there is 130 kg in 1000 kg or 13 weight §. Thus the earth's crust taken as a wheole has the same approximately total content of metals as a mean mixture of commercial ores, if the ratios of metals could be changed in an appropriate way. From fig. 6 it can be seen that the ratio of metal concen- tration in commercial ores varies from less than 10 (e.g. Fe, A1) to more than 1000 {Pb, Mo, Ta, Sn, Ag, Au, Hg, Sh) 280 50 T 20 for Uranium + Thorium in the earth's crust. but only % 5 for Uranium + Thorium in granites and only 280 12 {Note: based on the very low, but still commercial uranium ores from South Africa). A rather important conclusion can be drawn from fig., 7. We have arbitrarily assumed that the most metal ~ iron is extracted from the earth in a "resonable"” way - that is pro- protioned to its abundance in the earth crust by assuming the ratio annual world production at 1960 for Fe = 1 abundance in the earth's crust 14 Table 2 Contents of some metals in ores and in earth crust Present in present in earth commercial commercial crust ores ores {weight %) Fe 20 200 50 Zn i 40 0,07 Cu 0.5 5 0.055 Pb 2 20 0.013 Al 20 300 81 Cr 30 200 0.2 51 0.2 2 0.003 Ni 1 10 0.08 Ay 0.005 0.050 0.000005% Ag 0.05 0.5 0.00001 Mn 20 200 1 Metals 1077 kg 130 kg Total Ores 11 tonne 1 tonne weignt 1 I tonge T 10* tones * 13 Note: This table does not give a good picture because the amounts of metal actually used are probably in ancther ratio to the simplest one used here 1°1.1... Weight % Content 1 pqfl 10 PPM lDOlppM Cr in Olivin 1000 ppM apuBpUNgE 18NJI0 8,U3.dI8a SNSISA SaJd) T 9 | 1 | i 10 10 FElements Earth's abundance 2 | 107 104 E per ton of earth's crust T Fig. 7 World Production from 'fresh ores' versus abundance excess production factor 0.001 % 0.001 % 0.01 % 0,1 % 1% 10 % T T y 1 LI T 1 i =2 -1 2 4 5 10 10 1 10 10 103 10 10 Natural Abundance (earth's crust) = el g per Tonne World production 1960 tons/year 91 17 Then we classify the other metals in the following classes: - metals being extracted more or much more than the ‘*natural ratio!' e.g. Pb, Sn, Ag, Au, Cd, Hg, W, Zn ~ metals being eXtracted in the right proportion Fe (reference) Mn, Cr and U (when taken together with Thorium) - metals being extracted at a too low rate Al (the most important!) Mg, Ti, Zr, Mg, Co. From this we might draw the following coneclusion: if we are to operate a technology of metals use without waste or with the minimum of waste than the ratio of the extracted metals should be in accordance with the ratio existing in the earth's crust. Of course such an alteration in the relative and ab- solute amounts of extracted metals will have a vital impact on the technology. V. Energy Balance for element extraction from the earth's crust The jump from using the classical ores to the use of the earth's crust generally as a source of material clearly means an increase of free energy needed for element (or compound) extraction. 18 Questions to be answered - are the potential energy sources large enough to meet this increased demand? -~ is the increase in energy consumption a fair price to pay and a positive solution from the point of view of environmental policy? The first of these gquestions is discussed here. The second ig discussed elsewhere, As can be seen from table 3, from 1 ton of rock with a mean elementary abundance for complete extraction and trans- formation of all components to free elements requires, if a electrolysis in molten salt media (e.g. chloride) is postu- lated. - theoretically (100% efficieney) = 11 Gigajoules (GJ) ) - practically (20% efficiency) 55 @J {Remark: part of this energy in form of electrical energy, and part of heat) For processing 1 ton of rock per capita per year the free energy requirement almost equals 55 GJd/year 5'15x10? s/year = 1700 watts/capita 19 Table 3 Free energy for extraction from 1 tonne of rocks {simplified earth's crust chemical composition) Ele~ In 1000 kg of Oxide Mol Free ent- Free ent- halpy KJ/ halpy for ment rock Oxygen mol oxide dissociation kg mol (in 1000 kg (@J) (theo- rock) retically) 51 277 10,000 Si02 20.000 700 7.0 Al 81.3 3.000 A1205 ,500 670 2.01 Fe 50 9S00 FeOl 5 1.200 200 0.18 Ca 36.3 880 Ca0 880 530 0.47 Na 28.3 1.200 N320 600 280 0.33 K 26.0 680 K20 340 220 0.23 Mg 21,0 860 MgO 860 540 0.46 total 0 Le6 29.000 =-=-- 28.380 3,68 without 3102 10,68 with Si0_ 2 20 Considering the contents of 1 ton of earth's crust from the point of view of the possible free energy carried (see table 1) we get ™ + U ~12 g {the problem of lithium as a possible source of tritium for cussed here for the reasons given in chapter 1.) He) 3T reaction or 'Li (n,nuHe) 3T is not dis- We assume for the U + Th extraction efficiency a figure of 0.30 (but there no limitation for e.g. a two or three times higher effieciency) which gives: (1 ton earth's crust rocks per year and capita) 12 g/ton x 0.30 x 8.6 x 10°° J/g U,Th . 7 10.9 kW/capita 3.15 x 10 s/year (1 ton granites per year and capita) 1 11 50 g/ton x 0,30 x 8.6 x 10+9 J/g U,Th 41 kW/capita e 3.15 x 10" s/year With these assumptions we arrive at the following coneclusions: Processing of 1 ton per capita/per year of 'earth's crust rock' regquires 1.7 kW (tot) even with only 30% extraction effi- ciency of thorium, uranium produces power of 11 ky or 6.5 times more. 21 The zame calculation for granites {1 ton per year per caplital gives an power of 41 kw per capita which is 24 times mors than i3 needed for the extraction of the metals, or in other words about H.1% of the energy avallable i3 used for mineral extraction. In the URBA at the present time the raw matsrial praduction requires 5.6% and electreolysis 1.1% making a total of 6.7% of the total energy consumpbilon. Table Y The efficiency {n)} of metal extraction and metal regyeling in terms of energy {in kW-hr/ton metal) "Fresh? extraction Recyeling frec fres Recyeling: Mstal ENePrEyY snergy efficlency Technology efficiency theovret. pract. n & practimlly % Mg 1208 91000 1.3 1355 75 Al H&O0 R20G0 9 1300 28 be GH1 4500 24 1240 60 {Fe ores) ' Fe = ~ } (Ti ores) Gh7 2HO0 45 G oy 13500 2.5 £30~1500 25=-5 Ti 2885 140000 2 33000 28 Fig. 4 gpives the present and possible future Fflows of mabterial £ the assumptlons made here are correct. 22 Fig. 8 Material Fiows Present Future according this 1 tonne/capita paper Food, plants /////////// b by /////////////////g ™ Sand, Gravel ", 7 v Coal Lignite W Limestone V/// > 5///4/4 Petroleum % Iron Ore /// > Copper ore ,// A A4 Phosphate 3?’ /] Salt a ’/ Total | > 4 fonne/capita 1 tonne 23 VI. Size of present and future material flows One of the future aims of environmental protection among others will be without doubt the reduction in the amount of materials extracted from natural deposits per capita. We include here the waste together with the main products. The present state of material flows seems to be far from the optimal (or rather far from a reasonable minimum). The material flow per capita per year is approx 4 tons without taking into account the large amounts of spoill {open cast mining ete.) moved, loss of agricultural land and disposal off wastes,. VII. Earth's crust rocks as an energy material source To some extent the achievement of using rocks as a source of fissionable nuclides (or fissionable nuclides) depend on the ability to produce metal and ceramic¢ materials as by-pro- ducts of the process. In table 5 is given a very simplified and approximate divi- sion of the earth's crust material for the preoduction of some materials. 24 The results seem to indicate (for 1 ton rock/per capita) Metals total 130 kg/year Aluminium 70.0 kg Iron . 45,0 Magnesium 10.0 Titanium h,0 Manganese 0.9 Zirconium 0.15 Vanadium 0.12 Chromium 0.1 Nickel 0.07 Zine 0.06 Copper Q.05 Cement 100 kg/year Glass 200 kg/year Quartz 100 kg/year "Silicon"-plastics 100 kg/year (C & H from other sources) Other (fillings) 250 kg I'ree oxygen 150 kg Table 5 Earth's crust rocks as potential source of material Element kg in Pure Cement Glass Quartz "Silicons” Other Non 1 tonne metals (semiorga- material metallice nic plastics) (nondefi~ elements ned) Q 466 70 23 90 50 - 143 150 free Si 277 - 12 70 50 50 95 - Al 51 70 3 - - ~ 8 - Fe 50 45 5 - - - - - Ca 26 - 30 6 - - - - Na 28 - - 20 - - 8 - K 26 - - 10 - - 16 - Mg 21 10 10 1 ~ - ~ - Ti 4.4 Y - - - - - -~ H 1.4 - - - - - - - P 1.1 - ~ - - - d.1 - Mn 0.9 0.9 - - - - - - F 0.6 - - - = - 0.6 - Ba 0.4 - - - - - - - S 0.25 - - - - =, - 0.25 c 0.20 ~ - - - 30 Total 130 93 197 100 100 274 150 * From carbonate rocks 62 26 Table 6 Amounts of materials in use per capita Postulated Reeyeling Time of life Amounts in Material production (kg/year) by users continuous use (kg/year) (years) (kg/capita) | 12 times Metals 130 1500 25 37,500 2 times Cemant 100 300 40 12,000 5 times Glass 200 1000 10 15,000 Quartz 100 5 times "Silicons" 100 500 5 2,500 plastics 1 time Other 270 270 100 27,000 VIII TImpact on the philosophy of reactor development From all these developments we can suggest the following as that which might result in the development of reactor technology. - the breeder reactors, both with Unat/Pu-239 and Th/U-233 fuel ecycles could provide a total energy production of approximately 10,000,000 TW years. that is a 160 TW civilization (8 Gigapeople with 20 kw/capita) for about one hundred thousand years even when one ten thoudandth part of the rocks will be burned. 27 - the breeder must in the future use both uranium and thorium and, therefore, probably both fast and thermal breeders are of interest {(fig. 9, 10). - the impact of the extraction of U + Th from the earth's crust rocks is small (see table 7). - the use of the rocks for U + Th extraction must be coupled with the complex recovery of other materials, metals etc. - the power production could be totally independant from the suppliers of 'energy carriers' (no monopoly of energy sources), - the large amount of radicactive waste (fission)} need not be stored but rather burned up in a high neutron flux reactor, or an accelerator. - the cost of all these additional processes will be signi- ficant but not crucial. If the so called ‘environmental taxes' (or entropy taxes) pro- posed for the future come into effect then the penalty of these new processes will be small and even negative (a profit). Crust Parth's 28 Spheme of Yideal' energy and material flux anually and per capita in fubure. neat I, ff 1 bonns gieclyrlelLy ffigzzzgzzkwn prod YOI IIE, & L S . — granitfifi;f;ffg” mining Lo Stable F S Power Mo, 2r, W iR, 2. plant ana’ff{;// " N GOV | UeTh System { breeding u "ransformation of and decay j-ms 3 ) o, i Energy Use Dissipation of hi Disgipation without : o o 3 r recycling P ) :‘«*‘ f p&‘: { ) ned’ £, £ New ; P : Products | 4 . 'Mf I 4 Material S Use / d ._\\x§ | ARANNEY, AR NSNS metals, N plags guartz camant othear ~1L ton/yr E 4 . !f SFA ATMOSFHERE COSMIC New Muel 29 Fig., 10 Schematic Reactor Arrangement Granite o~ ~Metals (ff#_hfifi\\ — —— Energy stable NucligEEMaterial - 8 Plant Cement , Glas$ . - Th,U ].J,Tg ete. [ .l AR BT T W T T B N \\1\\ NN \\\\ N RN DN o N a\\ \\x \\\ \\\-\\. IE N . \\ \ \\‘\;\/\\/\“}\j\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \i\ l\\\\\\\ N\ AL EAL TN “\ \:/ Fuel 3 > A o8 \\\\\\/; Reprocessifizf_ | 2 Zi: __J ;;x\ N WA NI BTSN \\\ ? Heprocessing; ::T nd - ;O?\l\ LY % - : \\\‘5//\_‘//\%/,(/ = cfff’,fl(////(/?\ - 30 Table 7 Impact of the extraction U + Th from rocks &) Bj o) Price of plutonium = 10.000 $/kg 1 kg Pu = lflfixlafixfi,fixlflfl Jd = 8.6xlfil§ {tog) = B,Qxlfil3J (el) 3.4 % 1050 T (el) 7 E g 2 10" Kwhr {el) 3,6x10° J/XWhr (el) lflfl$;kgx103 mills/$ Pu cost in 1 Kihr {el) = = & ‘ = 1 mills/ 13" KWhr{el}/kg Pu 1 KWnhr (el) The uranium cost for plutonium synthesis 1 kg U - ~1 kg Pu If the cost of U production rises from 203% to 1000 $/kg the contribution in the plutonium price will be approx 10%, necause: 1Y U price: 20%/kg + 10.000 $/kg Pu 2y U price: 1000 $/kg + 11.000 $/kg Pu The element of plutonium cost in the electrical energy cost will change from 1 mills/KWhr to 1.1 mills/EWhr, so that in the total electrical KWh cost will change from 12 mills to 12,1 mills that is in the order of 0.84%. Table 8 "Classical reactor! Reprocessing plant Nuclear transformation District heat Unterground building Total Capital + operation $/KW(e) 500 100 100 100 100 900 hao 21 Amort + Capital cOSt 12%/year 60 12 12 12 12 108 48 Preliminary costs of power generating Milis KWh (e) 8.5 6.8 Classical fuel cycle out of power station waste storage cooling tower pollution landscap safety tax 32 Remark: because of rather preliminary and rough calcu~ lation of these problems, no references ars given here expliecitby.