EIR-Bericht Nr. 238 EIR-Bericht Nr. 238 Eidg. Institut fir Reaktorforschung Wirenlingen Schweiz High Temperature Reaction of Uranium Carbides and Transient Metal Chlorides in Molten Chloride Media M. Taube, J. Strejcek, F. Dietler Sily Wirenlingen, Juni 1973 EIR-Bericht Nr. 238 HIGH TEMPERATURE REACTION OF URANIUM CARBIDES AND TRANSIENT METAL CHLORIDES IN MOLTEN CHLORIDE MEDIA M. Taube, J. Strejcek, F. Dietler June 1973 Contents page sSummary 1 1. Introduction, objective, principles 2 2. Experimental techniques 12 3. Kinetics: results and discussion 15 4y, Equilibrium: results and discussion U 5. The Impact of the 'inert' metal chlorides 35 6. General remarks 41 Summary The reaction of uranium monocarbide with molten metal chlorides (AlClB, ZnClz, CdCl2, HgCl2, alkali chlorides (NaCl, KCl, RbCl, CsCl and eutectics NaCl/KC1, NaCl/CaClZ) in temperature region between MnClz) in molten 600 to 970 °C in sealed silica ampules was investigated. The kinetics (half time of dissolution) and the equili- brium was measured. In the system UC/MnCl-NaCl for the equilibrium state, the concentrations of uranium in both solid and liquid phases are roughly equal, which permitted to allowed the investigation of the influence of the secon- dary components as small amounts of uranium oxycarbide, uranium sesquicarbide and the impact of different alkali metals ions. The activity coefficient of uranium trichlo- ride in this media was assested. 1. Introduction, objective, principles The aim of this paper is to discuss some particular problems concerning the kinetics and equilibrium of the reaction between uranium monocarbide and transient metal chlorides in molten chloride media in temperature range up to 1000 °c. The reason for such a study is: (1). The development of uranium- plutonium carbide as a solid fuel for fast breeder reactors (e.g. see Schumacher 1971). (2) The possibility that pyrochemi- cal processes might be employed with molten chloride media for f, reprocessing and preparation of uranium carbide fuel (Vogler, Argonne Nat. Lab. 1965, Beucherie 1966, Taube, Schumacher 1970). (3) The investigation of the properties of uranium trichloride in molten chloride media for possible use as fuel or blanket/ coolant material in a molten salt fast breeder reactor (Taube, Ligou 1972) (see also Harder, Long 1969). The most intensive investigation of the chlorination of uranium (or thorium) carbide in molten salt media was carried out using a strong chlorination agent (Ishihara 1964) or electro- lysis (Hansen 1963). In the work described in this paper the use of strong chlorination agents was abandoned since the aim was ‘, the investigation of more subtle mechanisms which can be con- veniently studied near the equilibrium state, in which both in the primary solid phase (uranium monocarbide) and in the secon- dary liquid phase (uranium trichloride in molten alkali chloride medium), the uranium concentrations are of the same order of magnitude. The most appropriate carriers of chlorine for these investi- gations are the transient metal chlorides and especially manga- nese dichloride. The criteria for the selection of the appropriate metal chloride are discussed later. Only one earlier paper, so far as is known to the authors, concerns work which is close to the experiments described here. It is that of Robinson and Chiotti (1964) in which a system of uranium monocarbide in molten metallic zinc media is equili- brated with molten zinc chloride in KC1/LiCl media. The use of a molten metallic phase in the equilibrium state makes this investigation less important for the present case. In this paper the reaction of uranium monocarbide with metal dichlorides is investigated, which as a first approximation can be written as follows: +% (MeCl) = (UCly) + %(Me) + is solid phase ( ) is liquid solution in alkali chloride medium. The next step may be the formation of metal carbide which is represented by: {Me> + =z {C) = (MeCZ> 2) In some cases a further step of chlorination is possible - the uranium (III) to uranium (IV) oxidation: {Me > 3) ol L 1 (UCl3) - (MeClX) = (UClu) + The uranium monocarbide used is almost always a uranium oxy- carbide which influences reaction 1) in the following simpli- fied manner: y 5 J L ¢uc 0O.> + = (Me Cl ) = (UC1l,) + == e (1-x) % * 7Ty (1-y) 7 r 2 dMe> + <0 ¥) Only in extreme cases is the following reaction of uranium dioxide precipitation also possible U 0. C > + 2 (Mecl) = (U0l + L + - S \S) + EE (o) 5) but a farther conversion of uranium dioxide to uranium tetrachlo- ride is also possible w| = o + Me C1_ = (UClu) + §— 6) The last - but not the least important factor which influences the reactions is the components of the 'inert' media, in this case the alkali metals or the alkali earth metal chlorides. In the present work we investigated: NaCl, NaCl/KCl eutectic, KCl, RbCl, CsCl and particularly NaCl/CaCl,. eutectic. 2 Both the molten chlorides - the substrate MeClx and the pro- duct UCl3 dissolve in this molten chloride media resulting in more or less stable complexes which of course altered the equi- librium of the entire system. This effect can be represented by means of the equation + 'y MCL) + 2 (Me> + A CaCl2 Pu C\ g AGf for 1 mol metal UcC UCls4 UCL3 PuCls > B =====23 Ba Cly Free Enthalpy of formation at 1100 K. A) B) "ITnert" salt compounds Reactive chloride metals 12 Then K_ - p.-pX* 5 . N 9) If we use the following composition of substrates 1 mol UC + Q X\ mol MeCl X then in equilibrium we obtain (L-w) = +w - @ 2 T time of dissolution used In this paper 0.4 MHCL 0.2 M HCI 01 , J'wa'ter " 0.1 1 10 70 100 B Time C hours ] Fig. 3 The roughly estimated kinetics of solution of uranium carbides in water and low concentration aqueous HC1l solutions Specimen 0.5 g UC + 5 ml aqueous solution T 2 100C + 50C t < 70 hours Numbers given represent the molarity of HC1 17 Drying and Drying and Drying of purifying of purifying of ~ 500 mg for Q=1 metal chlorides alkalichlorides ~ 250 mg for Q=5 N Preparation of melt X Reaction - Kinetics and equilibration +3(MeCly) — (UCl3)+3 + T=600 — ~1000°C t=01 —= 24 hrs In sealed silica ampoules v Solution in cold HCl aqueous solution: ~01MHCI ~ 10 cm? t= 20 min -mixing in air ! T=10°C v JZ Centrifuge ~ 5 min l Aqueous solution Undissolved of UCl3 —100 ml and possible other aliquote sample U - compounds v v Amperometric solution of solid residue titration of Uranium in 20ml 0.8 MHCL + HNO3 Boil ~ 3 hrs v Fig. 4 The chemical preparation Amperometric titration of Uranium - ——— e —y———— 18 Where Q = 1 (simply stoichiometry) or Q = 1.5, in the tempera- ture range 700 “%¢ - 900 OC, the dissolution of approximately half of the uranium carbide occured in 10-30 minutes. All the data cited - in fig. 5 - here are roughly interpo- lated from the series of experiments due to the volatility of some of the chlorides, and in sealed silica ampules they are not very reproducible. Fig. 5 gives the results for a temperature of approximately 800 °c against the free enthalpy change of the reaction 1). The time of half dissolution t 1/2 (in minutes) is a rather simple function of the free enthalpy change of the appropriate reaction AG reaction (see fig. 5). For NaCl/CaCl, the time of dissolution was too short to be mea- 2 sured. Fig. 6 shows the kinetics of the chlorination by aluminium trichloride. The approx. increase of temperature from 1000 K up to 1170 K that is the inverse temperature from 1 x 10—3 to 0.85 x 1072 k71 results in the half dissolution time t 1/2 for UC falling from 4.5 hours to approx 0.6 hours, that is 7.5 times faster. It must be stressed that the AlCl~3 acts in a different manner than the other metal chlorides and the reaction 4). and probably 5). may also occur, influencing the effective kinetics. The manganese chloride (fig. 7) shows a considerable lower reaction rate, and what is of importance achieves equilibrium in a reasonable time of ~ 18 hours at 730 °C, ~ 2 hours at 900 °c, equivalent to an 9 fold increase of reaction rate in the same o 19 2000- 1000+ t/2| logti/2 5004 2.69 2.5 < 2004 2.3 oo | = = S 1004 2 S Y S 504 1.69 0 S w E — 204 13 104 1.0 0.9 5 1 1 | 1 1 ) 10 200 35 50 100 200 500 Change of Free Enthalpy, AG CkJ /reaction] Fig. 5 Kinetics of 50 % dissolution of UC in molten chlorides media at 800 °C as a function of free enthalpy changes in the in- vestigated reaction. Q = 1 20 50- 0.05- 0.03 T : T - 02 05 1 2 45 10 20 Time [hours] Fig. 6 Kinetics of dissolution of UC in molten AlClB/NaC1 Q = 1,3 T = 730, 900 °C 21 > X e N — sy losses 0.05+ 0.03 I | | 1 | | L} 01 0.2 05 1 2 < 10 20 Time of reaction [ hours ] Fig. 7 Kinetics of dissolution of UC in molten MnCl2/NaCl = 730 © and 900 °c 1 and 5 O =3 " 22 10 5 - ™ UC Q‘ 5 Slo s . 210 24 (n] { 1- S SR UC Q=11 * * ¥ S Fig. 9 The "stoichiometry" of dissolution of UC in molten CdClz/NaCl T = 800 "C; t = 1/2 hour 24 temperature range. The clear achievement of an equilibrium state is shown in fig. 7 where the manganese dichloride was used as the chlorinating agent. Note that the kinetic slopes differ for different temperatures. The kinetics of dissolution of uranium sesquicarbide seem to give the value of t 1/2 a factor 2.5 lower than for uranium mono- carbide when the chlorination using MnCl, was measured (fig. 8). 2 From this it is clear that for manganese dichloride the equi- librium may be achieved in a reasonable time at 1000 K after ~ 20 hours at 1170 K after ~ 2 hours. The larger reaction time is not appreciable due to loss of uranium trichloride probably from the reaction with silica. The correctness of postulated stoichiometry of reaction 1). was measured in the case of CdCl2 which is shown in fig. 9. 4, Equilibrium: results and discussion The simplified reaction represented by (1) must be modified by the assessment of the impact of the metal carbides formation: reaction 2). The metals used in this work as a carrier for chlo- rine have a relatively small value of carbide formation. In the case of manganese chloride the possible reaction as represented by: * uUc > o+ MO J\N — (MnClZ) — (U013) +<(Mn3/2.C> * for a formal stoichiometry, not for chemical individuum. " 25 The manganese / carbon system includes numerous compounds (Pascal 1960), the most probable in our case is the formation of MnBC: the stoichiometry of the reaction given above suggests such a possibility cC) * > 1/2 MnBC + 1/2 C For the temperature 1000 K the free enthalpy of formation (Zefirov, 1965) equals =1 f (1000 K) ~ - 14 KJ. mole C (MnBC > AG In our case the change of the full free enthalpy of reaction 2). may be assessed as approx - 7 KJ/reaction. This value is rather small and does not strongly influence the calculated equili- brium state. This is additionally influenced by the relatively large constraints in the formation of MnSC because in the system under study the metallic manganese and the free carbon are in two separated phases: the carbon (graphite) with a density ~ 2 g.cm-3 is floating on the surface of the molten salt (density ~ 3 g.cm_B). 3 ). and the metallic manganese is at the bottom (density ~ 6 g.cm We must stress here that the change of free enthalpy for reaction 1) is rather independet of the temperature in the in- vestigated region (900 - 1200 K). The data for the calculated values of AG for reaction 1) are given in fig. 10. AG[kJ/reaction] AGLkJI/32mol MnCl2]) AG[kJ/mol UCl3] 26 UCys I\ 600- ut 620 o . A 6604 ® ® ¢ ) ® 700 l . ! 900 1000 1100 1200 Temp (K] 10 Calculated data of the influence of temperature on the dissolution UC and UC A) B) 1.5 Ferris 1972 others (see Ferris 1972) in molten MnCl2/NaCl L P 27 Table 1 gives the values of the distribution ratio for the equilibrium state at 900 °c in NaCl - medium. From equation (9) and (10) one can assess the activity co-efficient quotient Ty = < n no ~ Now we arbitrarly postulate Y(UCl3)Na01 2= 1 (for a more detailed discussion of the activity co-efficient of UCl3 in molten chlo- rides media see section V) in this case we obtain vy (MnC1 = 0.63 2)Na01 But for the hypostoichiometric ratio: % MeClX/UC = 5 4 - we obtain: T = 0.74 and Y (el Y 3)Nac1 The activity co-efficient for manganese chloride equals v (MnC1 = 1,22 2)NaCl Table 1 Value of distribution ratio for equilibrium state 28 T = 900 OC in NaCl - eutectic Carbide Molar ratio: Distribution ratio ucC MeCl2 (precision is roughly Y Q= TC estimated). (nominal) y UC ~ 1.1 0.95 %+ 0.05 s ~2) SeD + 0.3 UCl.S ~ 1.1 0.25 + 0.2 Experimental results: T = 1100 K; AG calcul. = 0; K €q L2 4 < QJ W Dme Dme Nc 1TY measured calc. cale. assessed| calc. 1 ~1 (0.95% ~0.5 1 1 0.5 2 +0.005) 5 3.5 + 0.3 ~0.78 0.305 05 0.78 0.74 The validity of this calculation and appropriate assumptions is shown also for the reaction of manganese chloride with uranium sesquicarbide UC 1.5° a3 According to Potter: 1 5) = = 22240 - 1.96 T[Kcal.mol-l] (1100 =~ 1400)K For 1100 K AG LLU0R (uc £ ) = - 98 KJ.mol T UC LaB 1.5 The possible reaction is represented by: {Mn > + €0 2> AV )= N\ (MnCl2) = (UClB) + RO\ MO\ The calculated free enthalpy change of this reaction sgl100 K o L o g For all other unchanged parameters (activity coefficient etc.) AG = 1100K R Tln K -+ 9 KJ = 2.6 =~ R The calculated distribution ratio is ~— 1R 0.37 (UC, ) = The experimentely measured distribution ratio D 0.25 0.2 U 1.5 The discrepancy between the calculated and measured results is probably due to the oxygen content in the nominal uranium sesqui- carbide in the form of uranium oxycarbide (see below). 30 An important problem arises due to the occurrence of bound oxygen in so called uranium carbide which is in fact uranium oxycarbide. In this case the reaction is as given in equation (4). In the MnCl2 system investigated here the reaction is probably as for equation 4 with X = 0.017 which for the sake of simplicity is taken for stoichiometry and which approximately corresponds with our substrate (see list of substrates) - and y = 0.05 which is here more or less arbi- trarily choosen on the basis of the data of Anselm (see Potter 1972) concerning the U-C-0 system at 1400 °c. (See also the criticism of the U-C-0 system (Potter 1972.) Our substrate is thus an oxycarbide with x = 0.017 (1-x) = 0.983 and the product according to Anselm may be choosen as an oxycarbide with y = 0.05 (1-y) = 0.095 (see reaction 4) which gives U NN 2 C.g 983 O~g.017 * 5 MeCl, »UCL, + For the sake of explanation the following ideal solution is postulated 5 0 = = 0.017 = 2 18 UCO.983 uc + 3 ucC ) 0] tJ s 31 According to Potter (1972) the free enthalpy of formation of hypothetical uranium monoxide can be calculated from the reaction f 1 {4 Y - AG(UO) = 3 AG RT1ln X (1-x)E E = interaction parameter or heat therm for a regular solution; E = O for an ideal solution x = mole fraction of UO in monoxycarbide phase. Here we calculate for simplicity using E = O a value of (1100 K) = U9 .05 ©0.95 120 KJ. mol ™t G The shift of the equilibrium constant may be estimated from £ £ RTln K = - AG - AG U%).05 C0.95 ue 1n k(1100 K) - - - (120 - 107) = =3 - _ 1.y - 8.3 x 1100 9.2 ° * =~ n no () which for otherwise unchanged parameters results in decreasing the distribution ratio for uranium oxycarbide to 0.04 versus approx 1 for hypothetical uranium monocarbide. 32 Robinson (1964) observed a non soluble residue in the (molten)/zn012 (molten salt) a black uranium carbide phase in a zinc matrix without any system UC in Zn in the form of uranium - zinc phase present but with 1.5 % oxygen. The | product of this reaction is uranium oxycarbide (equilibrium time some hours, temperature ~600 OC). The maximum fraction of the uranium in uranium carbide which could have been oxi- dized was 0.91. A high concentration of ZnCl2 in the salt was necessary to accomplish this 91 % oxidation. So the present experiments agree with the general results of Robinson. Some explanation for the case discussed above can be found in the short discussion of the U-C-0 system by Anselm (see Potter 1972) (fig. 11). The chlorination of UC -xox may be represented by two 1 reactions ue 0 > 2UCc + Xuc. 0 0.983°0.017 3 3 ~7’0.95°0.05 A) UC + 2 MnCl. - (UCl,) + s a0 E 5 g 3 2 3 2 . B) UCO.9500.05 t 3 MnCl, =+ 0.95 (UC13) + 0.05 + ... 3 AG = + 13 KJ mol According to our kinetics investigation the reaction A has a higher rate and of course, also a greater equilibrium constant. This results in a faster and more complete chlorination of the e hypothetical uranium monocarbide than that of the monoxy- carbide UC0.95 00.05 (Fig. 11). The reaction between uranium oxycarbide and aluminium chloride may follow the reaction (5) because of the much higher free enthalpy formation of aluminium oxide than that for the chlorides (according to Zefirov 1965) pgf (1100 K) = 450 x 1.5 = - 675 KJ mol T A1l Al1.0_ (AlO ) 273 1.5 AGf(lloo K) . 185 x 3 = - 555 KJ mol T A1l Alcl3 1000 K £ £ -1 AGYy 5 AGA12O3 AGAlCl3 - 120 KJ mol — Al and the same values for uranium (simplified without oxida- tion). AGgélOOO K) = 475 x 1.5 = ‘710 KJ mol T U 1.5 (hypot) AGf(looo K) = 155 x 4.18 = 650 KJ mol © T UcCl 3 3ql000 _ ,of 1000 K _ , £ 1000 K _ _c0 £7 mo1~L @ U UCl3 o, 5 Following equations 5) and then 6) 34 Substrate for these experiments / L{Co.gea 00.017 Direction of Chlorination C ‘ UC1-x Ox+UC1s )/ + + % CO2 Fig. 11 Phase diagram U-C-0 Anseln -~1400 °C (According to Potter 1972) 35 0.017 U0 . 2-0.017 0.017 O.983>+ (AlC1 EE(UCIB) + 2-0.017 5 2-2x 0.017 t{Me> + S5 017 without stoichiometric coefficient for the sake of simplicity + (AlCl.),) = (UCIB) +