?' ::.:'Wushmgwn ' DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Page (s) Missing from Original Document e Y TR e e et see L for effect of 1teratzon o_-theffiésiéh:; _ :i$tr1but10n | L B e lcnlatlons for the ARE T'”*Fons for the ABE dy'af v&rzous reflectors w1th two pr0posed ARE cores -;{' ‘Estimated critical mass of the ARE - S o _;_:fthm-ccntrol requlrements_and mlscellaneous data : i ;;Recommendat1on on alternative loading = goRs - Control-rod. effectiveness and heating - i React vi_y,coeff1c1ents and kinetic constants i egrat:on ef nonlinear klnetxc equat1ons G "ff dr the Cr1t1ca1 Experlment ‘t’of:Numer1calfi'rocedures e _-catxon of age theory for sharp resonances_g, | Integratlon of the transpcrt equat1on 1n hydrogeneous;:f-ggf" reacters SRR - . L : ST ;L: e "actar w1th absorb1ng 1nterface between cere an b ,_eluhxllty of nran1um in lzthlum hydrox1de -lf*j iSe1ub111fiY of aranxum in mixtures of‘sodium and.lxthlum " hydroxides ' Phase equxllbrxa in hydroxlde systems - Fuel Beccvery and Regrocess1ng ‘,. edaesw Exgerxm,_zal pracedare S | o ;« ;}§ S e Cfirroszen*by outgassed NaF- BeF UF Malt G £ '._;by pretreated NaF KF UF4 Melt °m”szen by quflid Metals e Thermal~canvact19n loops (harps) S R "7;.” Forceé e“nveetxan (fzgure ezght) loaps.“f:; Chnm e uwmuzm, AND HEAT-TRAN FER RESEARCH 'Z "Stndy Of Free Convpchnn in E.'.'1"1.'11::.d Fuel Elements 'ff ;;f 1'* S o ”a Sodxum Heat-Transfer _oeaficxents Lo ."" _ffBo111ns-L1qu1d Metal Heat Transfer ' Sod1um Hydrox1de Heat Transfer System S | | .'37 Tbanafer af Momentum and Heat in- Annulx and Nonczrcular D “ 4 .i':f iPhys1ca1 Propernxes ' R - ';Qfleat_cagacxty ' .t iff Sapervxs1on cf_L ad Bxsmuth Centracts | 1 Li i‘d_MetaIs Handhook - e fletal co-metal seal - ’ Grapkxte-gas seal FESI .-4.;;f Tkermal Cbndnctxvxty of Steel Wnol and Some Granular Solxds .f : '““' ’AHE Ffiel System Mock Ups L 73_7 S @ e ” F1aw Téstxng | ‘f ;F 3 B i ;F&tcafixtxnguxsher and Ext1nguzsher Mater1als Tésts 13 fiETALLURGICAL PROCESSES M_Fuel Element Fabrxcatxan ' Hechanlcally formed matrix o - Sintering and bonding a loose powder | _Hot-rolled clad fuel piate o ' SRR Eompatlbxlxhy zests of potentlal fuel element materxals-f ..f'- :‘inf-fl'f._ R .: i . 4-“_ —— f_w - M LR & L] 4 S - : d b o Q.O‘_i_.. T - ¢ [T XX e e pmes s A e Eee e ks T . Caeeeeel * : % Caveves rc waldlng _ ormde Fuels_;; 531H m.i;Yklz CYCIGt:en irradiation of fuel capsuleSf?ifff-" o o Analysxs of xrradxated~fue, capsules o iquid-Metals In-Pile Experiment Daterulnutlon uf’Oxygen 1n Sad£§§fw_“. ; o -J_!' "__'_'” | and Ceszum in Sodlum‘: Rt :‘ffiifOKYsen in Heiznm and Argan | B '_ ;_;fH1thTempezgtu§é Reactxan cf Sodxum thh Sadxum Thtraborate 239 _ ' ffiSpecatograph;c Analys:s of So&xum E | “ _ }'Chem;caI Analysxs of Sod1um R K **Anaiytxcnl Servxces-_ : B 21, LIST OF REPORTS ISSUEW 2“2 |22, CHART OF THE TECHNICAL onmxzmou OF THE ANP paom:'r . us - ® Cieseve . Caewee R e Y s ,,;__1351e~2;31__§75’ - .iug : frabIja 2 ‘4;_.. ~;7fl 17l1} Table 2. 5:f1“57“ S flectnr Thlckness dS/df;for Four szferent Beactbfsff_ ?aQ*;5f; "lngalculatlon of keff ‘f?ABE and Uran1um Investment : | etals ,fii,;~UF4-ln 100 hr at. aoeéc e e osion of Structural Metals by Pretreated e Fy in 100 hr et aoe°c e .;afia, Y{Of Varlous Substances _ fSummary of Thermal Conduct1v1ty Studles of Granular_ f _ r anter1ng and Bondxng Table 2 ____ A:L Recovery of Known Amaunts of Oxygen 1n Sodlum 'f. ”.:h :" E o Tablefifiez - "_Qxygen in: Unpur1f1ed Argon S E e o i S ; 233 T ':T§b1é129;325ff, 'React1on of Borax with Scdlum RS fl kJ. .? .":T“ff239f‘ e " Table 20;4fit; ;, Concentrat1on of Mlnor Trace Elements in Sodlum ; N . e Table 20. 5 'S_I'Summary of Servu:e Analyses seses T T R * ) ssnees sanses - Cé_S~PGWer vs o _fffsystem CsF UF '_”fffSyscem PEF, -UF, ““__'_'fmf:NaF BeF UF _ f? SYsaem KF BbF UF ’ &mmepw w "':::':'-SYSt.em KF PbF ._UF - ; System RbF-BeF, -UF, T SYStem_KFuBeFAflUFAVII Excess Fuel e e e SR : Caweses T srew U@ LA R : : Si ~ face Zone nf[304.Sta1nless Steel Aftér 40.hr Ekposure t0 f :ff?f;17fi¢?”:" Sodxnm,ut 1009°C S ciEE S e .tUhxdentxflei“phase in Graln Boundary and Withln Graln Sur~{ €f::.‘ *¥flce Zone*o£:316_8ta1nless Steel After 40 hr Exposure ;o'g_:::;3 fi_: 5J-..:fi. dwmat 1000°C . e . . Mol __enum. Speclmen Aft.er 100 hl‘ Exposure t.o. S _. G ; " Sodiwmat1000°C . 139 "" ;prpearance of Thin’ Molybdenum Specxmen After 100 hr Expesure L _ ___. o & %o Sodxnm 1n_system ontaxnlng 5111con at 10000_ ot ek e ' f¥;fi§;;ii#i Lf,Cémparxson of §'*h_Therma1"Conductxvzty vs'~T%m?¢t!tur°,9fi§ + - wich Data in the Literature Lt e Cen§r _ugal Pump Suctmen Baffle Fig. 1 ,'5[{-L1qu1d Metal Seal for Centrzfugal anp '+ f.?1£- 12:3 fif *m = URANIUM WEIGHT Hiad . ARE, A-1 DESIGN SERIES ihli s aig N o = =< o EE AN NG DR NG RS TR AETS HESED DA piofiotord {1 INCONEL =.02180 FIGURE 218 been 1nitxateda- One snch calculatxan has ff_ddaszgng L (14} &! Smith .I:r . T fiuiun3 M. J. Nielse d R, Cove you, Perturbanan Equatwns for the S R T _ _Emetw Respome of a Liquid Fuel Raasio" AN?-»Gz (Apr 17, 1951). In this report the mon- . lipear equations are set up and the nonlmear ‘terms are assumed to be seceud order and. aegiecte R " These assumptions, made in order “to treat the. probiem analytmaliy, restrict. the results. 3 o smail changes in t:he *s;uatlonary '8 ' ERE N B Yerrhivent THICKNESS® 5.57' 54 BRAEATN R ~oos3s i | PERGENT THERMAL FISSIONING Hin sxi0l | ONE GROUP DELAYED NEUTRONS | CONSTANT INLET GOOLANT TEMP. # o _ STEADY STATE AVG.FLUX = REFLEGTOR (8i3) 6 48 50 52 o 4z as 4 T 2 e 8 r pue b NO MODERATOR EFFECTS | DIAMETER: LENGHT»3' s BEdgshe: JA0kn Gpan rike: thi 1 T 3! i1 34 38 3, i i o 32 1 © TIME (SECONDS) L Ly 4 18 L 24 B! St Lond donde o H gy 18 20 22 LIS Th ey S N ey sriprlecbeiogd L6 g sesm GEER ape - o dad Q- < D g 3 e 4 111 35 2 1o T 111t TaokuEsssssT | VOL. FRAGTIONS | No MODERATION EFFEGTS | CONSTANT INLET GOOLANT TEW TIME SECONDS FUEL TEMPERATURE RESPONSE TO A STEP INCREASE IN REACT! EEmE Gl 18 20 e2 24 26 2 . 4 g | 2 : .2.0- . FIGURE 100 ¢ RELATIVE EXCESS ~ FUEL TEMPERATURE OF THE | ~IN REACTVITY OF 0009I25. T . LIQUID FUEL MEAN EXCESS TEMPERATURE Bglu) A PHASE DIAGRAM OF segaa | 1 o ASTISSH MR L m.mcf.. “.:”n.fl .. .m” ._Enn%_@ =58 : Bl sisasRes ”.. £ =t = Biges e weinagee: o Ll g 8 € mod§ o2 @ g @ N @ w6 & W T 2 | 10 . FIGURE 221 T lcatzon constant}[fi erments to dasermxne a(n,Zn) wer ”,ade by HOutermans,:i,?:hg : H; and Teuch_r,fiifl) The sxmllarlty of H' rmans and Busxnof s7i*r "._ ;set-up (an 8- cm~d1ameter sphere of beryllxum in water) to a two-fffl* _:ustlfles the use af mult1group scatterxng theory ta determzne'fv' detail ir Y«Fm‘ss e “F. 8 . : ‘()n the (n Zn} Baactmn in: Berzlihum w:.th Neutrons fro- a Polomum-Berylhu Scurce;" Nachr.d.--il ad. d hss in G&ttmgen, ath -Phys., K}. 52 {1946) (see transiatlen by oo WK Ergen, Y—FZO 12) . 17) L. I. Rnsmov, “Passage of Fas!: Neutrons Through Beryllmm, » Physté Z’. Saw_;etumon 10 219 (1936) _ z 7Jfi Thucher, “‘Primary Spectrum of Fast Neutrons froma (Ra o + Be) Source and Thelr Ine'l' i S .I@acta in Berylhum, B.tsmut:h and Lead,” Z. P ystk 126 410 (1949) : T 0£ beryllium:d _ the :ffmagn1tudea Bes 1ts of thf f _:7;U(n 2n) from 3.”' ' ' he canciuszon‘that the (n 2n) reactzon 1n berylltnn nay? affect the reactzvzty of the. beryllxun uranzum reactor by77 .5upprdx-nately 10% at Ieast thxs passzblllty 1s not ruled out by exlstlng* ::;data and ’hEOPy.“ f' resonance 1n the beryllznm~moderated 1ntermed1ate reactorsi“-‘“ ' co's1dered far the ANP _1 e.; thxs case represents a stronger resonance than {f .? f{}&ny 1n the proposed ANP reactor._ Thus At is apparent that the expected”'“”f ”ffect and hence error in’ present IBM reactor calculatzons due to thlsf{lfi-f :'vThlsfieonclu31on is 1n agreement w1th that of Rcse(lgj_whc has shown thatf ; ;thete E _ Vi;whxch appi | _and ‘& certaln fractlon,-y, af neutrons 1nc1dent on th1s i fl' H ":hlanket escape ahsorpt&an and contlnue ‘on- through tn the refiector. The usuali ' o 'L,assumptxan of flux ccntlnnlty at thxs boundary 13 thus modlfzed Other._' S 'hfassumptxons used for pravlous ANP calculatxens are. retazned Two, calculatlonalf'afffi*? .” lethods have been dev1sed for the solution of bhls problem and are underffz | _;development¢¢ Both menheds change hhg usual boundary cond1t1ons between cure::fff* . and reflector from contxnuxty of rlght and left currents across the boundary . ',,,Jéare "-Iteflectart_:” ' fcore "3;“?ef_lec'§q_r_ FHR n to | | '--'_wcam -’reflector § - "__jfcore _ 7-’ reflecr.er . e :”t? wbere nha agrows 1nd1cate the dxrectxon of the current. . €. B, _ f"The Sf"he,-'tcal Reactar u;th a BQC Layer Betaeen . Y* 13-59 {July 6, 1951) " Fad o R A Cove ou-, Sphe*:. Beis) Rudhehindnci o . ""...f.'fius caicuiafi,_ o repzort s . Beader, ORNL, Y-12 Site, Y-m 53 (Ma}t yz, 1981). ' g ¥ schr“&e"; ».“9531@ af (9 ) _‘Z’o be repart;mi m detax}, m GNL'_ e -*jFlGu R£ 2. 22 GAM MA HEATING OF FISSION PROD UCTS AFTER[_ e e f*swumowm AS A FUNCTRON OF coeume Tl ME (OF’E RATING .ff i e | QNE WATT Pawm LEVEL PER GRAM OF UpgCRIT & Upsz “MILLIGRAMS7 (OPERATIN GURIES /(OPERAT! e eeouns 'rma(navs: | o msuaszzs CURIES OF uw ACTIVITY AFTER SHUTDOWN AS A FUNQ+f-.*F T:ON OF GOOL!NG TIME OPERATING TIMES LESTED OoN. curwzs s ..... HTHL 2t ":’!“fl' TITELT E QFERAT‘!NG T IME (DAYS) '“5'75_:_'j?f_*ffis'aGURE 224 TUTAL NUMBER OF GRAMS or-' Uass -}:i:f_'}PRooucss PER QPERAT!NG WATT AS A "-"{___i;;;::'::}'FUNCTtoN OF OPERmNG TIME .0 58 38 1910 0t T B ISEESHED : SR REEC - : e o e B s o s i 3 e o e T -0 g o B g 1 0.0 0 9 O T - ) 5 5 ] i e §B2HENEG RN EaE U aE a0 i 5 l! & - -lr_lf- I: 0 I 00 3 O £ TR 0 25,800 1 O 0 0 O AT NG WATT AS A FUNCTION OF OPERA rfihe”order of“deécrlptlon k ef ”llzed such that the feactoL } . __ then_fith the outer rzng empty thefg; . '_ and w1thffiwo outer rlngs empty, 0. 727a fg ffi check wit he - _“ cél assembly so thaf;mt would seem perfectly safe to loa¢-i; _ _._edla:&1¥ t ¢-f1rst three rxngs.r The fourth rlng could be. laaded a fourth _fl”fi @ e, :hlm control is worth 6 to 8% 1nuk ffe and the outer }; roup is responsf ”f at1on of prellmlnary reactor assem ; i ‘ h adequat j . _i'* "_;Ithj;heJassembly made crxti al severalr nportant _1on, the assemhly, when crltlcal | uclear prapert ffi Recent contractaral changes 1n the alrcraft reactor program have nece331~ e '“:;tated repiacxng 75% of the staff engaged in the crltical eXPeflments durxng”_". __NIU;.__BS#?_LL;I__M CRITI(:AL SSEMBLY has been tepurted ear11er(1) that the f;rst assemhly had beryll;um as;,;;, ? . f f;madera£ar and had ao reflector. The measured cr1t1ca1 mass was approxlmately. " :36% less than that calculated (seé Secg_Z Part‘D), andwanumber of exper1ments - _"have beeu carrxed ont to determzne 1f the relatlvely law exper:mental mass 13 7 :';due to neuhrons reflected back lnto the core by the floor and structuraI 7 'fifmatetxals*” ]{ '”_ thhese tests neuuron absorbers were placed between the '-j cor3 and ‘the potentxal reflectors.- In one other test the quantlty of p9831b1e V_Qreflector was 1ncreased 1n an attempt te exaggerate the supposed reflectlon. .15(1) E Chlllhan. “Crxtxcal Experlmeats,” Azrcraft Ruelear Prapuls;on Pra;ect Qusrterly Progress: Rty Report fbr'Pertod Endzng Hhrch 10, 1951, ANP- 60, P 119 (June 19, 1951 @ *Air-cooled Reactor,” NEPA Pro;ect Quarterlyzprogress Report fbr*thePe.tod’October 1 Decenber 31, ;. ' f-""" ; ERETh 1950, NEPQFIGB9, p 9 (no date o :_regroduciklllty of f.] .:can be made of the' ff£ : In theicurrent expar1ments-m.tT i A ffiwater and graphlte replaces the ifli The] .fifi 3 .prengSSn G 2 mo : ted_that”uranlum 1s:nut,so__ e 'H“yd;o_lde. ‘Lithium hydroxlde andfpotass; ”T“fssolve approx1mate1y 1 and G 5% uran1fim,-respec~f': * se hydroxldes w111 dlssolve even 1arger-quant1tlesjj .7‘" .; ;of the sodlum hydrox1dem~potass1um‘hydroxlde;_' _are be1ng determxned fgfven to the reprocess1ug and; .V . The processing time - in"L 1s ava1lah1ei;_' '*?Leoalnfi srsrfims CLL Brahcher S C J Barton | Studlé' of posszble-llquld fuels'conszstlng of molten mlxtures of uran1um '*LVQtetrafiuorxde thh a numher of other fluorldes have been contxnned durxng the :past qnarter, USIRg the methods of thermal analysxs as . outlxned in. prev1ous 'J_reports 1- 3’ In the course of this 1nvest1gat10n a large number ef two- ‘and | T;three companent fluorlde systems have been examlned in some detall At least :ffxva af the three component systema have been shown to pflssess meltxng pe:nts :-T(I) C J Barmn, B E Moore, J P Blakaly,_andG J Nessle, ”Low Meltmg FIuorxdc Systems .,,.,_" Thermal Analysis” Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Pro; ect Quarteriy Pragress Hepart for Perwd Eudmg © August.3f, 1950, ORNL-858, p. 110 (Dec. 4, 1950). 2 (2) - R. E. Moore, G. J. Nassie. J. P. Blakely, and C J. Bart:on "‘Low-Melung Fluor:.de Systems,_ U0 Adreraft Nuclear Pro ulsion Proj ect Quarter!y Progress Report far Perzod Endmg Decenber 10 1950,, oo ORNL-9 9, p._242 (Fa 26, 1951). _ '{_.(3)_*-.} P Blakel BuB Moore, % 3. Nessle, and C. J. B&rtfin, _“Phase St;uehes of Fluonde Systems ;-_Atrcra,ft Nuc ear Propulsion Pro_; ect Qnarter!y Pragrass chort for Per; d, Ending March 10, 1951 ' 0 ‘27 (June 19, 1951 § PR : : i . : 9 o ent of NaF by RbF in ___f"he' former and of KF by RbF 1n m | _gd.sllghtly lower mlnxmum meltxng 901nts but lzttle:{.:,; _éful concentratlon range._ The NaF-PbF UFA SYStem offers low T . . to 2A : It 1s l.tkel'i, however, that'_:'_:';’_' 31 ; head1ngs hel ;. . SHBidium =g“°ride-0raninm Fluoride.- The hlgh cost and llmlted ava11a~ :' d,cwhliltyiof‘ruhxdxum'flfiorzde requxred that the thermal analyses be done on. a'f~7 -f;;equxlxbrxum dxagram for the HbFnUF‘ system shafin 1n Fig. : ”;th chat for the KF-UF4 system reported prevxausly (3) ,,”. | fifflpolnt in thzsf | low -;fsystem of Intere ' ”?i iam f@r the CsF«UF4 system_ _ L chis: n at 7.5 mole % UF,,_éso# " n __zgh-U'F4 part efithe dlagram makes the locat1on<fi?the 11qu1dus"f _ér'uncertaln.; There is some evxdenee for a compound at 75 or 80 . Pur 'i’fild CsF_?llke BbF dlffuses.through hzgh dens1ty graph1te.? the pr aleh J;:.she:ffi“ tatxon of the cool1ng curve észxcultfi; It seems llkely that a ul;rma& in the range 30 to 45 mele % UF‘, but the compesztlan of? “7fsflnncerta1n.: Above 55 mole % UF‘-the dzagram is more. cen-.“ 5:}ffieat10nal, showxng a deflnxte eutectlc at 752 i 10°C B&rylliun Fluuriée*wfiraniua Fluaride,g A number of mlxtures were run in ;jl37 'thxs system thh somewhat inconclnsxve resalts.. M1xtures containing more than ””-' _ g' 35 mole % Ber showed ‘no not1ceahle break in the caollng curve. Apparentlyi ; ;:m1xtures IB thls regznn form qnxte stable glassese_ The lcwest meltzng poxntf :~ "gfound ln thzs system, at 15 mole % UF‘, was 760 i 19°C | o e Wl . zg 30 | 40 50 80 7° T -;The.meltlng po:ntf3 fi'semhle those 1n thef 1 both systemss shows a mlnlmum at about 45°C IOWerf. 'whlch occurs in the; than xn the'N‘ ¢ .;:system._ The 550°C contour llne covers a sllghtly w1der g”' range of"ranxum conce"tratlens 1n the NaF RbF UF 'otassinm Fiuoridem—nubidxum Fluaride-vranium Flaoride.. The meltzng “" materzai on the has1s of the data that have been abtalned to date._ _ ,'”“*' :_afid ;,Lead Fluuridequranium Fluoride.. Contour llnes for the _" “ ft meltxng polnts in’ thls system are shown 1n Flg 4 7 The 550 C contour llne “ ‘ system (0 to 23 moie % UF ) However,_xt sheuld fie noted thatu "5f_than in the NaF- BeF UF; systemy awlng to the hlgher speclflc grav1ty of thef former.. Some 31 ”tireductxon of lead fluorzde ta metalllc lead was notedgs o 1n these mxxture._% s omposxtlon af the mxxtures 31gnxflcantly Fotassiua Fiuaridewnmead #luoride«»firanium Flnorider Contour llnes for[]* substxtntlan Qf KF . fcr NaF resulted in hxgher meltlng polntsg' Thls system is fluerade system i system. Haweverfi the fact?'fl '"StEm dces not'appear to be very promlsxng for use as a fuel j'~ covars aPPrcxlmately the same range of uranxum concentratxons as 1n the;_“”' 20 mole'% 'F‘ in the NaF PbF «UF4 system represents a: hlgher uranzum den31ty.'g:7 ;_ _ ut'ghe amount of reduct1on was not eneugh to ¢hange thef; . "”'” thxs systems_based on lxmlted data,_are shown 1n Flg 4 8 As usual thewf“ . dec:tdediy less promxs;ng as a fuel mater1a1 tha.n the correspfindzng sodlum'.-':"’""" N b e _ééserylllnm Fluoride—»firanium Flnarlde. Thxs_”w' .H' fmuch,tess pramxslng th”nfithe? W.-}-T” : "n.of 1t does not seem[ _ The berylllum curves cannot at present be-, .. S 'er 79 mole % BeF owmng to the afore mencxoned formatlon of: " 'ncerta1n meiti'gf"”nr of pure herylllum fluarlde ";;under & norma' _"”fsphere an& that the sodlum monouranate formed nnder these:j . *- 'F}condxtlnns glves quxte unstabie suspensxous at YOG“C Data have also been = 3 presented whlch show that the suspenslons beceme less stabie dur1ng agxng at’ "7 :T ?0&“6- No addxtxve has been found whlch wlll prevent thls unde31rahle ag1ng _:: Sl fi_ :thh1am hyéraxlde and pota531um hydroxz&es_on thg other hand are shown to' f”'”": ; §13301?& approxlmately 1 an& 0 5 wt %, respectxvely. uranlum at 709°C Whlle a; .,T_.., AR : : {4) éfiflg Badmaa, L G' Qverholsary and D E Rxcholson,“Systems Conta:nxng Sad:am Hyéroxxdeffo f7””L 858, op.. ett.a P’.;a? _ '{5) D Beéman, L. G Overhalsery and D E fiicholson;“‘Suspensxona of’Uranlum Campounds in Sod1nm:5fl“fi . Hyéroxxda, ORNL.~ 919,_opu cut 22 4 235 o ‘ | G Ltnat s Rt S . ': .f(6) J. D. Re&msn,_L;iGL flver S ANP-60, i Hy&moxxde, A ;_ sod1um hydroxxde sys m A:GOmparlsOn'of the ;ts g1ven 1n Table 4 1 forg;, | fthe sodium’ hydrox1de_L tems at 500 and 700°C also shows that the decrease 1n]*“""" "* gtab1§1tY or growth of? ”:partiCles 1s less pronounced at 509 than at. 700°C5ji”” }'fit 1f these systems are used at the lowe | _5stab111ty ‘and’ (2) less drastlc changes on ag1ng' '_ ' Pe ltles due ‘to the 1ncreased v1sco'1ty and7 e '1perature operatzon,_fl 3?5"'“" URMHUMIEHAHHHG | (%) aat this temperature, however, dissolves ab uranium are, of course, tc f'p.- 3__?raniufiffnfLithium Hydrexide. Suspen81ons of uranlum 1n f:]H}; 'fike similar. preparat_n_s with pota331um hydroxlde,_ G ' 'LUranlum tr1 x1de"' fhoWever, much mcre solubl fgends, to a marked degreag'upon the tem?erature IfiF :g:* Selubility of Uranium in Mlxtures 0f Sleum and Lithium Bydroxides. fThéi€ ." squb1 xty af UGS at ?QO”C 1n a mlxture conslst1ng of 25 wt. % llthaum hy»_ _ ;_ 'drox1de and 75 wt°_% sedlum hydroxxde 1s aboun 0.2 wt % '_sxderably less than that for llthlum hydroxzde but greater than that found for T - This value is conw,?_f:7l ’fabout I wt % uran' ntent shown by 1 equent::f" uffiif the er1g na1 hy&roxzde 1s_§ "’H . g :easurements' | fi u.ma:éfon the cool1ng rates of the strontxum hydrox1de-bar1um hy~ff' "drexlde and lxth1& §hydrox1de—~s0d1um hydroxlde systemsr The apparatus an&flf f . techn1ques emp}oyed are 51m11ar to these used in. studyxng the fluorlde sys=if: '*qtems‘33 except for the exc1u31ve use of n1cke1 for all eQHlpment”lnzcontactf"' '5 11th the hydrox1dey,,;};fjfifi;{;fi** The harlum hydrax1&e,_whlch contazned several percent'waterwfien recelved :' was heated at 200°C Analy51s of tbe materlal followzng thls treatment showedf,fi“ .lt to be essentxally anhydrous. The meltxng poznt for thri"lot af bar1um3 _ ff 3' -x;'s.i 5°C Thls No e 1dence1 ' d1sassemb11ng t_a&: fi :?herent1y appears no permlt a relatlvely quxck ands;w]' "d for the partlal _eeontam1nat1on of the reactor and the recoveryff*afh Atffhe present CIme the use of establlshedjf;'“ rzducts. Aft rfff f&- 've*uranlum c" g_handllng the tocal amount of fuel 1n batches cnnta1n1ng nat overi=_ "1onable matarlal”"feach - If a contlnncus process is ava11able,ff' 'fall dxmenslons are w1th1n the safe de31gn_55;,__fi Hflllmlts for cr1 xcal'ty Tfils probably glves about the same mlnxmum reprocess-g_fi -~ "fi¢ ng txme as for hatch operat:un.-: | The over'll reproeesslng tlme may be reduced by a proposed technane c:si:“:'i ::f&irect fluerlnatxon of the fluorlde mlxture and dxstlllxngcfif the resnltlngfl'” & nran1um hexafluorlde. Thls prccess zs-to be 1nvest1gated B _orr081on th__ '-have}shuwnfthefneceSSItY*f0D w eight Ioups . The first loop has now been in_ _ ;i-senzvm sN mm.s uten sodzum at 1000°C whlch have heenfrun-ln the: -aék; as 1nd1cateé by welght changes and exam1natxon forfi”' of UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ¥-4093 MAG.250X FIGURE 10.2 PREC%F’{TATiGN OF UNKNOWN PHASE IN GRMN . BOUNDARY AND WITHIN GRAIN IN SURFACE ZO fE‘ OF 316 STAINLESS STEEL ALLOY AFTER ‘40 HOUR EXPOSURE TO SODIUM AT !000“6 o i :fa Lo e . fifi e s | was quxte reslstant to attack - . sTATIC mne;sm:, smvafimsm-fmasins -FvEL o :’* f;v1th hct_sa&xum on one szde and the fluorlde eutgctlc fuel on the otherg fiT¥é;¥ ff "-jfftest equxpment consxsts of four wells of ”standnges,- all leadlng from a¢.*5”9 | .aa conta;n sodlum at 1500°F. After a fuel capsule 13 cut=an' __fwelght change, and chemlcalq&ata are-f the problem Qf_chr931on, at. fjf7;LT”” eed not be ser:ous,_ it has,chcwerr’ heen*_j e mlxture frem extraneous mata.";=~“--*- i# progress are deslgned to study the effect of: ’ l'_ ” 3f“P to 1000 hr and at temperatures up to 950°C.. The_ij"““ .:} exP°s“”e5 . G? H-_?f& £urnace contaxneé in a large vacwum chamher., Thls;“ chamber. eneioses a Vol“me °f abOfit 3 .5 ft3 and is held durlug operatlon abf" 1 ; _fi5,§res&ures below 1 p Hg by a 6 1n. dxffnslon pump backed wlth a 25‘Cfm Klnney5 ; “ *fip“mp' The ehamher can ba brought to this PreSSGre 1n a few minutes at the = .”T””start of a run,7 siie fed to the furnaces through spark plng connectzons»""' " | (1) P J. Hageiston “Statxc Corrosxon by Fluoncfe Melts, A;rc,r t Nucleav- Pro alswn Prcject': _ Quarterly Progress Repart far Perzod Ehd ng March Io 195 . «5 g p-“212 June 19, 1951}: 4 .{ A IETJi{i 6f; lfl’n in u(!ie %: . NaFS 25; BeF , 633 UF‘ J : : of these spec1mensg .flTnétssi?f321’andh316 EECflstalnless steelsg 1s_natgléféé f€hg7facc that the '7*The censtructlen'af a secand forced c1rcu1atxen loop (also fer sadlum) 1s_ 'near1ng completlon.' . o S R e N D # m#.a@umm : Thermal- eeavectian Loops (Harps). (E. M. Lees; ANP Dl?lslon) Thé;ANP o " Experimental Engxneerxng-Group has continued testing dynamic corrosion in Lur ----fby Pretreated 5in 109 hr at soe°c : _showed httle evxdence of d -_r.e;c't" | k; around edge, tc depth of from 1 to 3_mls, wera a numbe.,. of voxds some gf ' t ere y»represent . e'phase was | 'urzng polxshlngg volds ‘were non- | _occurrence and were concentrated "y on_one edge ef spec1men than_ o _ ray and R B Bay, Afetallographu Examination af Statac Cor*oswn S"eémenilaf Rgn figested in a Ternary Fluorsde Huture, memcrandum to con;anct;on 'Ith the Metallurgy D1v1slon.f Durzng th1s per1od ”10 convectlon R T e '~_lcops (harps) were taken out of serV1ceL s1x of wh1ch ‘had been operated w1th ~ sodium at_1500°F for 1000 hr. - “are presentiy in operation with sodium at 1509?F( d&rifig _"emquar er;are'presented sznce the support1ng metallographlc examlna-' 5 txons have not been completed Loop materzals tested 1ncluded 316 304 and ’:4Dur1ng the qu LPer the fzgure:élght 1aop was. operated for approxlmately 200 hr{; ;_ ’- with. sodlum at 1500°F The test was termxnated by electromagnetlc pnmp cellfni .:rnptnre whlch resulted ‘in a ser:ous sodxum sp111 Fortunately, the system1; ,$ f' "-'1n“'kel and cobalt-base all°Y L°505 1131__1::_._'---_' o _3stem 1nd1cates stopped lznes, thfireb?fjfijff: 'i;damped satxsfactorlly, and the flre was qulckly ext1ngu1shed A second}. ';;fxgute~exght laop xs baxng assemhled and sheuld be ready for testlng ear1y _: V‘;;gnext quarter.;d?jfjgifg-u-.f H-f ex1st1ng preblems (1) preheater dszlcuitzes resultlng fram the use of wrapai-.flf ' 1~_aroané heaters were. v1rtually elzmlnated bY the ‘use Of 1500“31 sheathed Q' In the course of operat1on, hewever, solutxons were found for some' H;TS?fiiSféctdrY§f pressure through _ As aflrasui_ ef work on the longer‘range studlesg a report “on” analy31s 0£ ' V_heat transfer in some nonc1rcu1ar ducts has been published (ORNL-985). Pra«.. ~11mxnary tests with sod1um have been made in a’ system wh1ch provldes data on S s e thermai entry Iength 'sodlum hydrox1&e system has been redesxgned to ellmlnate the need for pumps; and construction of a small- scale 11qu1d metal bc111ng apparatus has begun Beat capaczty data are belng obtalned at temperatures up to 1000°C on a "routxne basxs. Thermal . conduct1v1tzes of sollds are’ now belng measured overii?'~ e smaller rangee VISCGSItY equlpment and Ilquld—thermal conduct1v1ty apparatus _ihave beefi buxlt and wlll be in operatlon shcrtly L1qu1d densxty eqnlpmentl"'“ “has been bullt and checked w1th sodxum., Agreement w1th1n 1 5% was ob;aznedf ”fFW1th exlst1ng dat3-” ' sllghtly modzfxed ; t1c alloy at power densxt1e31qsto 250 watts/cc ;_57A . Lynch.. Zmola, “Study of Free Convectlon in quuld Fuel Pms il Azrcraft Nuclea" ' %&opaiiaanlggagect Quarterly ngress Report for Perwd E‘ndmg Harch iG, 1951,. _~60, P 232,_. . senmx EEAT TR&NSFER CUEFFICIENTS W B~ Harrzsons_fieactor Tbchnalogy D1v1slou};;u The test section des1gned fer obtaxnlng heat transfer data in entrancaf;3*'”: | ;ireglons w;th sodlum cons1sts of‘a very short (1/16 to 1/4 in.) thlck walled_'fl: "f3COpper cyilnder (3 1n..0 B ). Sod1nm is passed thrcugh a 1/32 1nofd1ameber_ tbf "fhole 1n the center af the cyllnder, and the perzphery is malntalned at can=*i" '_ stant temperature w1th low pressure steam. The 1n1t1al deszgn of the c1rcu«:”"'v: flat1ng system 1ncorporated a cont1nuous recycle of the sodzum hy means of a oo *f ;gear pampg in V1ew cf the pressure requlrements cf 200 ps1 and the flow natef ];fif { f'af only % gpm,. In the last quarterly report(33 it was poxnted out that g]7 ' __..(3) W B. Harnseng “fiz : 'Traasfer Coeffxcxe t e'”._quuJ.d Sodmm' " Wfisflp apa: f the ¢ bar is to be heated by an in - so generated is to be conducted through the bar ¢ ‘tank. Thermocouples are ced in the copper bar 3f3fffipi°t fer czrculgr 5 (6) W Eoffmaa,' “M&m Cc:ndtécx;ance Data Usmg NaOH ”» Azrcraft fiuciear Pro ~ being made. of_”he equlvalent &1ameter-(4 txmes the “fxn the correlat L ffeqnxvaient dlameter corr"lated the experlmental data qulte well :n.cf mom'ntum transfer data '}Anf_-f:ff;{f fT -the resultS"' 3waere in gooé agreement w1th the un1versal Reynolds number-fr1ct10n factor;]l' In'the Reynolds numher reglan af 5000 and beyond : (5) H fia Baffman “Sodm. Hy GXId: fieat~Tr&ns£er Stnches,”_ W«&, op. ctt p 228 ulswn Pro]ect Quarterly.:':-_.-f": | i ?rogress Repart far Perzo' E'm{mg Decuber 10, 1950 (BNL 919 p 184 (%eb 26, 1951) _ :rated anda s:mllar but 1mproved apparatus 1s be1ng desxgned ’agparatuses wxll be in cperatlon by July 15 19 .G, Clatboma, Investzgatwn of the "Equwalent Bwle*er Com.e. 2 for ot _.‘Drap m Ducts of Vamous Flow Crass Seciwns, OBNL CFnSl 46168--_ e_at_-i_?"rmfer _"in_:No;_:ci_rc;:.lar:_l)gzctsc - Part I OIWL 985 ( Ma}r 14, 1?51} | 40-600 -} 0 | soe-1000 | 0.162 | - 900 - 1000 | () R F Beduond mad J. Heat Capacity,” | 'gfithe course o£ bhése runs; the data checked wzth1n 15% those obta:ned byjjfl_” the Naval Research thoratory over the same temperature range. A No. _16'f_ “3 | pI&txnum-wlre weund heater_ls_nowflbe' usedj”and_the sodium runs are being ”;repeated_ - ance scme of tha llquxd metals are tcxzc and hdve apprec1able vapor_ ”_;pressures, &afety cons1deratlans necessxtate use of a seal mare 9951t1ve than ; ¢the lead- hx”' "“'eal now be1ng used A new apparatus is helng des;gned wh1chjgfiF7 .;lfill}“tF;lifism 'e‘377f3ta1nless steel bellows The new. apparatus is expe €a du¢t1v1t1es ef:the f0110w1ng llqulds w111 be deterM1nedfi'T_; "af_Ll, UF »NaF KF (by welght %, 71 5 16 1 12 4)9_Pb Bx?: F,-NaF (by " om. 919, op. ' ”Thermal C&mducuvxt' S e (13) CE. R W. Powell, 'fsxnce anly che the;mal dszusxvxty can he abtaxned fram the exper1ment ';Als_f*“ *jshown are some prelxmlnar *data obtalned on boron carh1de of theoretmcalf;f _urxty. of Sohds " AN?-G{), ap czt R p 243 _ Sérvey of Ex:.stz.ng Dat.a on Thermal and Electncal Oonthictxvlues of Imns am} Steala,’.’ Iran and Steel Institute Specnal Report Sertes Ha 24, Second Report of Allny Staeis el mettee. P 242.5 London 1939 I e N e e o | ' §_(};4) cC Bldweli and C_ L.'-_'- Ho%an, _.“"I'hermal Coudnctzflty of AInmuum, ‘ J App zed Pkys.- 176 } R GRNL QATA ON SESsIETaRanEce) M.U &HNUM . awws:.n.s DATALL m_l,w_m__. e e Pewau_’s mm-soua ;i;n-fgsz'ifs{t- P omnL oata- cnosss;.i-_ *1:haé Been used _5 ” ””f¢_” _icuollng water from the constant temperatur53 th 'f thr0ugh nhe'__ aratus was not glvzng unlform flow°: The equlpment has been ' ma3or companents uf.the falllngnball apparatus for vzscos:ty measurement have ‘.been completa& The vlscasxty tuha 1s mounted and 1nsu1ated and the sus« _yenSLQB rack far zhe detector 1s under constructxon° Radlatlan surveys around the instrument have_been completed -uslng a tantalum piugged quarter 1nch bear1ng ball as the test sourcea Sultabla shleldlng has beé szgned on the‘“"yw'T' U basis of these surveysg to brang_°tray radlat1an down to the normal hackground 'f f1evel outsxde the shzel The lovable melt tank. " _ete and,avallabié for 1mmed1ate aperat1on*p 'as requlred "[W;ff*f_f_ff i;_ :plated glass beads 1s belng pregared far : v1scometrY of 11ght alkaiz'm. F:._ These are. 5 mm pyrex beads Wthh W111 be angh&y are also rebu1ld1ng equlpment far &etermlnatlon offffiflT oaff1c1ents thh lead blsmuth : type appllcahle to.the ABE,,and other'_f;‘-'?--'f _ ]metal seals andfan graphxte gas seals° 3Théff.]ff 're completed Whlch wiflf[” s, etcs. to progre' T;and a canned motor and rotor centrxfugal pump Tn addltlofi fsteps are hexng _-,..:-suhmergad._ The shaft,' = '; §wo rxugs of 1! "J_Jion hzgh %empe¢;tnrfi sodiflm, A ‘new gacklng hox assemhly wh'__ ,110ws fenrffffT7§*:*'° ' 'Trxngs of 1/4&_;-~squara Teflon packxng with f1ve washers '_f1/16 in ?thzck3}1 ” e *m[5Tef10n sheet 1 __5ng fabrlcated for the 1n1t1a1 cperatlon on. sedlumg Thls'¥ frj Ll e pack;ng wxli he aaoled 1nternally and externally as. arlgznally planned ' Zi 12 3e Deialllngin "”rrent Iaop 5 _ 91d streng&h of about 4 kllogausse; Thgiuiz};_,;_. . _ .'ig structure 1s 30 by=27 lnafg _3f the material specl- ” | 'hg'current locp wle ,; ' ”x}and:the_stalnless_ffif'”" : . {W _7Cbe ANP Dx#xsxong'and Ao G- Gr:ndeli Engxne ing -land Maxntenance Dx ;s1on) Shop fabrxcatxon for water tests af the turhxnefi 5 } . l_£ ;Pump has been complftéde Parts have been dellvered but awalt assemhl"' ( ' testlnge ,*Jil' Eanned Bat@r Pfimp :.$f 'B1?1S1Dfl) Durxnthhe'PaSt‘quart (locuhon) AGNEnc" cou.. B B (Iocanon) ' STAGEELECTROMAGNETgC s = ,'CURRENT;-;T.%:_'}. o ::'_'- (iocatlon) S R . :.' (locatmn) g fmpel = 'The hxghest Rxc_hardson, “Canned Botor Pumpg’“ che‘a ‘:'-Naclear Propu-l's.wn P ort far Perwd Eadtng Harch 10, 19519 Al 60 P 257 9_: 1951 . TUPPER RECIRCULATION Im“ LOWER RECIRCULATIGN m "-mcmow e .. UPPER STATOR 'CAN' -_ Lowsa STATOR *CAN' . HPPER STATOR COOLANT INLET - LOWER STATOR COOLANT INLET . UPPER STATOR COOLANT OUTIET ~ = . mwafl STATOR COOLANT OUTLET Ehas eccarred up to 6 ft from the sedxum bath an electrflstatxc ,,, uSfida Operatlon of the prec1p1tator was quzte success___:ffiffg ”falnless steel base plate and a rotab1ng "he:graphite rxng belng between the twa-fl~”" . pr _ eld- the __" 1n placeea When the seal was rotated [;fifi: . fat apPraxzmateIY 1909 rpm i._ as found that a hlgh pressure cn the rotatxng{{ij* '*”” -4fbell canse& “chatterlngm of the ”(”; _f_;: f i":when the pressure was adgustedjf' the sotating § made to correct these annulus between the two fluids. A tes mzm coflfiumvm_;_;_ S u/hr.ftz QF; 1 e L L b e 8 e ”ffjeglfg,i*“ "resarvol_ ?1_£1ssxon5gasa, f henomena._j . ¥regard1ng bubhle formatlon szphanzng actzon rates of fllil““*"etc whlch:f;'*fir”i ~? are ungredictable en the haszs of theory alonee; To 1avest1gate thase and ch&r prohlams conneted -e-_ g - : S ._ three mock h v,ve been pz‘gp@sed . ;nd the brazed spacer at thfzmldupoxnt, and pressnre inf t;before@ The results;’not yet fully analyzed 1nd1':w_,w e rs. in | .-the tube bund1 j §;”“** '”fiapproxlmately 5% Pei - spacers for each tube .sziasodxum fxre,.che AnsflI 15G~1b ext1n8ulsherij;flJfi k.h quum flre. 'The Pyrene CO e: T fdfof CO,) ext1nguxshed 1ta s°;_,_;,? \f?fsxmxiar 1nte :i,?; Met L X aPPGared to be saperzor to other extanulshzng¥§' " n,ag¢nts testad but zt has the dxstlnct dlsadvanCage of corrodlng equlpment=' j;j ';:ff § ' j rzth whxch 1t comes 1n contact-z. e o e g SRR BT e R _ i_§g the holes in a perforated or - mechanlcally deformed matal p ate thh UO2 and claddxng by solxd phase hondxng | fi Pes 1ng a powdel_ ompact and claddzng 1t thh a hot rolllng technxque slmxlar to. that used in. producxng MTR fuel plates. Cof surfaaefprfiparat1on af the base sheet has been shown to be not so. erltlcal_T '21jas expected _150p the substltutlsn of 1ron or nzckel pawder for the stalnless ": mechan1ca1 punchl_gfand embassxng . Fmatrzcesf *7j:fi33meter pu1ghed hole deszgn of the Hendrlck Manuf _gdfmples, runnlng about ?00 per 5 :1éges 1s also beifig_con81dered 51nce thls desxgn can readlly be produced on?_ct " t10ng' *;fvarlous stazaless steelsg molybdenum, electroformed nzckel screenlngQ stalna" V_less steel ware screenlng, and sheets flash electroplated with' coats ofnlckel S 12?011 Iaddxng by hop s as reported 1n the last quarterly repo 'proved tc he a partlcle 31ze‘ enomenon‘ ' g:-fl . uechanieally'Form :;hods for fabrlcatlon of fuel supportlng;;gfi 'furzng Company was f:rstf;';' thls purposea - An 1mprovement 1n__ émployed aif ' n of c1rcular;, A rolled d1am0nd patterr‘nfsharpfl _fa Solld phase weldlng tests were canducted at the chro Metallxc Corpora Twelve 1%-*by 2-in, packets com rlsxng sandw1ched sheet spec1mens o£_ : P and chramlum were trled A éea& welght pressure of approxzmately lA psx (1) Adamsan, “m e Fuei Pla&;e o Alrg:mft Nuclear Prapuls ion Pro}ect Quarter{y Progf"ess Repom ffls Pemod Endmg . a;‘ch 19 1951. _ANP"-GG p 2?8, esp. P 282 (June 19, 1951) aenseR ......"... T G _eVelapment cont1nued durlng th1s quarter onfi¥¢jf¢:,~ i o The perforatlons or deformatlons in the punched and embossed platesf } 5;5:'” Qfiare then fllled w1th UG powder and clad by solld«phase bond1ng{' 0 '“ r9m1s1ng, evea wzth pesszhlef zf”us1on Ia; rss, Further« j;}7“' _fthe Ml“rfi M¢ al11C COP" _t1flfi ié pr1m3r1ly afl f-' ;the tlme, temperature, andf;fgzg' size G 316 stainless carbonyl iron - L e ¢'® e @ seeace sesvve : Lt ° sceser L s . e * {3 £3va0e ® anee s UNETCHED MAG7SX k'tm‘g‘mnsfi TOPPRILATE ' ' _ FOURTH PLATE UNETCHED MAGITSX ETCH AGUAREGA vieus SEVENTH PLATE ‘ BOTTOM PLATE FIGURE 13.2. DIFFERENCE IN SINTERING IN STACK OF ELEVEN 316 , ~ STAINLESS STEEL PLATES WITH BONDED POWDER. : mpat1b1l1ty af ?arlous sslxd materlw ‘ 5 . 1581 h1gh temperature reactar systems are rePOrted 1nf{* “ & ~,313 2& The test p ocedure and objectzves are. the Same as those outlzne&fff- f{ j1n tha Iast ANP quarterly report (23 Appropr1ate comblnatxans of materzals__ _-jfal shapes were selected to glve the contact surfaces. One material, Cob , 0¥ CYllnd ‘ ‘;al fcrm - was. placed in a capsnle of the secondfiV-fl”” __: capsnle was evacnate& and the cuts were sealed by Weldxng,_ The;f3f°' { (2} G Adamson, op. cit., esp.p. 288. o - 3 . & el e ee e ‘eeseme. T Ceweeeei I EERSEEE BRI BNl Ceeeeee; Ceeanes’ e e 'égtzibi;; ¥;;t¥?;f; ;ii;;;;f;i;;ii ;;Lf ? 5 ;-; L e G Caeeese iesosee _;mIQ(NEss ()F BMCTIm LAYER o it , 'i' Be*M§¥ i:'*7:*-"7'1': Lo .:,fi; ;eBe_BfiQ__ o CreMo b 'Cr*N1 . -Cr_lncanel ST e — _Cr-Uaz-. : P ” ='Fh—~316 ataxniaasiateel 3; j;:_a:' | FeSlfacainlessateel | Fo—316 stainleas steel :-5 '*Fc-43G stnlnieszfa;eel;j77 fé~*~ R UO ST _ ZTjIFb-UOQ :__ _ ' M0»1ncone1 7 Mo-incenel . e P “Mo—316 staxnless_steel;f{f:;;fiffm ey o Mo=-316 stalnlnas gtcelfli: - Ni- BeO - | ST : Inconelw-304 staxnless steel . ?f ;Inconel*—316 staxnleaa ateel fa-g'nlncenel -Be C ' ,,?;_jinconel BeO _ wfif,Ih-316 stalnlesa steel ; i S i fi i302 staxnless steel-wslé atalnlg,, Bteei,g ,"f _302 St&ln]ess steglmwuo e S _ [*:302 staxnless steel-UO piin o 304 staxnlesa steelv~316 sta;nleas atggl;; 0 011 [VD 022 .f N° reactxon e -.;=~.-~ 2 J* _Neg11g1ble, 1f at allf“]_j;{_* f' b o0.001 . : M% ”9'066' * ‘;10 003 "'ffNo react:on | No reaction g fijl1ght d;ffusxon sone?f_ff 0. 001 et b - 0.011 - 0.009 - 0.002 :*]f S 1 No reactxon fo& '“ ;f~No reactlon E - No. reactxon -~ 0.003 | _;fNo reactxon Trace 'g“No reactlon 0. 004=z . ,;q-fl‘ ey eoos S e :ffO 006*{QH'[L311;Q_:~fl 5" ] }5'0 014 L A Very slxght raacti':":' -~ Neo reactaon ~'No reaction == -?eNq;rgaecica,;fi]xf' .fi'f'(a) 195 hr at temperature ” e ..__(fi)__Examlngd_gftgr swaging; 0, :000'1 .::::. fis&fii?fix . g 1 ~100 MESH ssee ' ~325 MESH 'una;r§x MAG UIAX Yigoo iOMICRONS FIGURE 134 EFFECT OF | RGN PARTICLE SIZE ON UQ, DISTRIBU- . TION AFTER CLADDING BY HOT ROLLING. e results are | tion layer, the presence of a-gag 3 l:hl_h_témgerature fabrlc__ ,! be attalne' t efflczencles can be ohtaxned hy manuai 1nertv°' -ens showed some ductzlltyg af the order af) rxallwas wéided.‘ It maY be noted thah tefis1le strengths based on t“hefj;;fi fg;ons gf 0. 133 in. 0. B and 0 030 in. wall were ofthfi order of 90 090 psi ;ji K L Wilson, Jr. “‘Nmkel Parumn of A W S 1950 Educ: txonal Lecture Semes, . H’,, Mw;g J &Rfia P 247 fiarch 1951'v L B (4} E 8 Mann, H&ans fa, _ ously. ANP 63 (Apr_.Q, 195}. e an. n u- : 1 _11'1_'.3' with modi f;_éd_ -...iijic::mi:e_l: L L . \ ‘osesee @ e vosn " avevse - .. e = . weesen e ese Cee . . e .4 fiif the fuel Ghemlcal anal'i_pi L... - "s1on samples from the c?_ _.emlstry Dlv:szon and the Isotcpe{ ;3,_ cal methods for hot samples fromfg?t ” the Analytlcal Chemxstry D1vxsxcn at: T %'f: !&Ngfi Z&HEA m@tamwsu TREATVENT A5 ep?gfi ZoNE BT ma,fi X OUTER ZONE - AFTER TREATMENT, ORIGINAL HARDNE S5 aem‘ : INNER 2‘9‘?&{ : s;s“ra:é méif#tni am&m;ffigzfifi,‘m ercn ‘ HOETCH - . . L ; o. BEFORE magméflos,‘ b BEFORE IRRADIATION, UNIRRADIATED ZONE = 20 E 10 BE 183; QiATEfi AFTER IRRADIATION, 4 AFTER IRRADIATION, UNIRRADIATED ZONE' IRRADIATED ZONE Fts_ws‘ 14.5. UNIRRA IATED AND mmmmsfi . GLOBEIRON SAMPLES Py esean . T 0 e - oA O . el - b ef 3 ftfaéc thtough zhz extern sixteenth maximum pamg“;awe:,“ _&aterzais caa be piaasé ffif wsaaareaeats af raézaz;eni of iiawzng hefi Izquzéfi, 0 33 e o & W, The development of chemxcal methods for the determ1nat1on of oxygen 1n I_aodxum is. essentlail'-com lete, and thls meth“drhas been placed in routine . i cparatzon.'” Develoywent oi chem:cal methods for the determxnatlon of corros1cn fchromzum, and molybdenum)“lnf Qactor fuels of the low? 'fiéffidds,;n°€hé separatxon cf l1th1um, potassxum, and 0381um from solutxons of{ i'”“” _ gb&iumimgtél,,xc gppears thgtgac;xvae;on_methcds of.analysxa may ba more - applieable. o el o _ . L . tThe'feactxonwof metallic sodium xlth dectapztatedfl}arhx'at ?45°C results'in'the format;on of elemental boron &nd sed1um ox;de._ The reactlon is nat v1clent at th1s temperature ' The suhstxtut1on of vanadxum for platinum as the 1nternal standard in the- paruu&~cup technzque for the spectrographxc analy31s of sodzum resulted31n_§H T signxfxcant imp. vemefit 1n precxsxan.;,_]_f_‘~ ”f;tina ehemzaal adiapectrngraphxc anelyses Were.Pe_a”.nfd*on_u "'“5.f¢rNEpA) of the 373 samples on hand. (95 held over from the : : "flthe pash quartfir) usano, “""”’*‘“‘ Chenistry—ANP Progran Quar "_ftjf*-Prégz}-e-fs:s m-¥~12 sm, Y-le-zén_(uay 31, 1951) O _rference by uran‘um"ls proportional to the amount7""' Er the determinatlon of each cf the trace metals tYpe 316 Stalnless steel tubey DR M . The results of two determznatlons shewe ¢ 7~ flETER!INATIGN OF 8XYGEN IN SGDIUM J C Whlte and W J Bass§ AnalytxcaI Chem:.stry D1v1s1on The recove fiouse, J. W Rehlnsen, and R. Row : onthly Péggress ‘Beport '-Dwzswn, Y-12, far Penod Harch 1 31 19513 CBNL X 'fid W. J Ross, « Determxnat.:.on af 0xygen in Scd}m ~-.-~A;"~’-craf: Nuv-lea? : '--'.-_Pmpal:wu-'?ra t-,;?sz-terly Progre s'_R t f '::Perwd Ending Harck 10, 1951; ANP: i _"'_(June 19,_1951 ; ein; “Preblem in i CE e F. Ep ss of Mo : o '.;-.-J' Kctallurgy and Ccramcs}.. Issue No. 3,(TID-»67), p; 103 '-(-1949) 1246 (Apr. 12, 1951) e e Q;alkalx metals wxll be present to the ext.wt; :,__, Lo ’”'etalllc sodafim.; Analysxs bY the flame Photometer offers?; T"”' es, but because of ‘the marked 1nterférence of sodxum in th1s schemef' 1 ,f:he sod:um must be removed before analysxs._ A,modzfzci%lan of the_;,.,, S nre of Beukenkamp and Rleman(’? has proved satxsfactory for separacxon[[};;;fi '.T? {¢f so&zum.from potasS1um, and appl;catxen of thxs proeedure to the separac1on'f-f zj '[flfrom lxthlum and ces1um 18 under study : 2‘51 ' {':*.;9;‘. ”Pésikéwit a:i&:; .w. c.f'_- Ja-da;-:«%ne:émimica_ of Sbfiixm 'ssoaoxizée "i'nlsiédiuxa;é”atiéi. :@"é-i;' 22 1233 i | (5) J". Beukenk Fi Rzeman III ‘fietemznatxon of Sodmm and Potassma, Employxng Ionwsxchange : 5_.Z: Septratmn,_ Anal Chea. 22 582 (1950) iR = TR e OXYGEN {ppm)_ | STANDARD DEVIATION _i&;xmre entxrely.bl - o_f_h:tron and N&zfl- i ce. 1eve1 t&at more pr (10) R L. &c(‘ntehen; _- . T ANP- 60, ops c;tH p. 34 samples received May 25, 1951 h: Ab orbmg Int&rface II _:a ANP Reactor | | ; 1 ProPert:les of Metals E:E'tfi':il_a'gsified. Effecl: of Hydrogen on Steels at. H:.gh Temperatures 5 Bfiéla&_sifié& Blatxnum_ge;als and .'I_he_u- Alloys - ‘ L Emmcm. mmsmc -_ ' 'fi!aml Convectmn Ipop Corrosxon Tests w:.th ' . .{3 Z : _,'[;-mi 245 e : Analytxcal Chemstry mflsmn (Y~12 S;.t.e) Quarterly Progress Report *. Y'ml'i’&& :,Anal}'hcal’:{:hemlstry B’ v'émn Menthly Progress - Report Y‘EI'ZSI Sl The n;&;tyi Bromule ;ðod for the Det:ermmat on ol e n Sc«imm nomde m Sod o 2; Beactor.s g C. D. S_us_ano oD s Emv e 5-16-51 S18s1 AT THE OAK RIDG NATIDNAL. LAaoéATom S v _ L . SO e e 0 el 870841 &flmN!STRATWE AiDE: S : . : : e o B VR R e L B T e g CARDIELL A e e et . . pe—— T S e el ] . CARTER ) i. M. DOGK I -_g._-aA:nuon' sec. N R i : CPROJECTEDITOR " W. B COTTRELL: . S WARMONS L SECL T CSTARFASSISTANT | o . STAFF ASSISTANT U R.Cosiat | o FQRMETALLURGY A | . FORCHEMISTRY - PR R SERP : - CECC Miller oo ol WoR Grimes SR B R e "kREPRoJECTcmE CUCUBuEMEs o fo R W.M.Bumc - _..._RsAcmR vscs ]| [ reoamovomess ] '.GENERAL o e e SO ;;_'. © D.S.Billington® | C.B.Ellis | 3 ‘._BLDG. 9704_‘ :.:_ 1 B : . | 3 w w'bsfor [EXPERIMENTAL ENGINEERING| HEATTRANSFERRESEARCH i METALLURGY STRE R © 0 CHEMISTRY - fe CHEM!CAL ANALYSES Sy ; Sav 5 ; DRSO SR H, F, Po”‘md!.k PO ECRREY SN E‘C- Ml“fll’ R B CHE LW, R. G"mgs RO BH C. Susmo: : RRE CE AR mpe.2000 o] ] RS S B ) '-'fiLDG szdn.!- R DL _awg, 3733 a S : R SRR S S A fl. D Mcnlc_ IR S g et - EL L BASEL g s pee—— : s S UEVE L AME, R R “H. Gy C‘-"!ng"fi : S oS CagmANs U G L BARTON o g P COUGH R b R B AL AKELY gL ow.a. mcxnso'u. R. S0 -_“"“5@‘ DRRTEE Y RREEN - v Wi 5. FARMER . _ ._-asomss 9 R S - PO | ADIRG FRITHSEN, USAF - L BRASUNAS ] B B R GUNED T [ DCL HAMILTON, B CSIREEST T E pl gliHILL, CONS T o B flARR}SQN__ L OBATHEART Ll R R B O METCALFD : DOBA - B R MOORE e T B L (LT St E o e BROSTEN. P e EeroHeLsoN s o elowmeer e b P G OVERHBLSER o L of e o (CONSULTAN SRR | CoworRMAN o ECT0L PRICE, RLP EE L f R L WILLARD, UNTV. MIGH. smewmc; RES__EARCH CEGP thcd ' : :'a@. aozz 4 L Heon_ LU LID TANK . o CGEClifferd swc. sna 2 LOG. 3025 ; -J.--_BRAD.’Y RS CEL S BETTISE: Fi MG LSAR SR P FRARS® RN, 01 TUNE 1 1 - '_'sulm cons._' '1':.:' BEELEY R s.- o :1.,';0.‘,_ ...r G WHTE . AND OTHERS 1 i R NOUNGT I SEC L . WILES i TG .u_n.sucsn;s_ ._._-._cous. . P D. El M e W T M 5. SEC- - CEW W RARKCERSON e ©olsismane oo o) e GENERAL CQESJLTINTS B KL STEVENS RS DR A0 : S B RECE e -R CRlS't cncr.c.- : cmuTERs o e R R T T LS ON Tt e 80, O ARLESTON Lo y S R G EKAG L D _E GREULING. DURE UREV.LY: 1y - ..':._'_us'r. Sic. TR R L NACK L > sounax. g wmuss. séc lx H. ‘islliff 'fb l'. tflil"fifi . ”CQ.G‘.C‘LD P PATRUARCA. oo B R o G M SLAUGHTE& BT O Rt R, VINGIELLD, . R.. P, G B SMETH B BATS WL CLOWHATEEY, R P o L LR s 4. THowas . sec: e n-._j'cuw:u. sec. o[ TSPECTROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS] - MR SIRITR B T as Do REDK : ROCECOLEVERS: oo M; ROBINSON - A i . RO & : a. CURREY ‘DUCT TEST ucruw fIE ) ;;-;32:5:& o b LG E, T T SRR B U e Tscsmcun : _?n_.. Tsnamls e N B o C“EST.!?_* _Ev.__n_._ss_ TR SRk R KAMN RAND CORP 1 v, w. noROHEM, COGRE UMV R SMOLUCHOWSKE:, . o i : : . . i "CARNEGIE n;sr.éicu : v. IR PSR Er I AT e S BN WIGNER! (RRINCETON UNIV.. . recicians : c;i’;z:i::::s b teupseuEL 0 F ] AND OTHERS | L T e : menew DAMAGE - : - M K HULLERES o R, Uifelm : _ T LAl I Fo e - GWK.J"‘IG"!_ .:_c(}spfik R pLol CFAYIES Y n ? '.5__su*r¥ou._szc.' " L i LA : B X : o . R K2 : ; A A SO iR N A ' TECW“CW‘S = S E s Y rgcamieianst 0 b B s rG menarLye [ anD otHERs e o v TECIHMC_I__NIS STRanY FUH HEN S RECALY HEAREY SREE I R R S Bl T R E : S [PV AT EREREICR A TN SR ,m_'n.-_nno\ SUDICRNEEE SRS o o w'.__anncaea_. : ' . commsimaspares : ' :: :‘l: :i:-kzg:ut'-- R TR SN B e M OO AR E s s e T T E R RARRAL L : LML jeNER ! B ST W UEAST : QU AT “'-?Q'I”l : BEER (R IR RS R L . o e B T LML R peee e ULy b eauneRs ol b caRNEGIE INST. TECH. FE. E. STANSBURY. UNIY, TENN: E. €. WRIGHT. UNIY, OF ALA. CO&SULYM&TS P BHOUN. : ERRTES SO oo R ERL chELAND . : S R L DO ?- c. ?‘F’“__ LT RN 3. GRANTLWMT : - Sl T e s D R 8T KoRMLER, NIV OF e CflflTRAC?QES suwm MEMOR £ AL, msfl &‘EC CM?RAQ!' b 5 i o B SR it 1L, €. MACPHERSON, NAT. CARBON]. CURWLTAHTS SEIES ST 6 REV. VAN DE GRAAFF -] __.R..ciggffi{{l;%ems? .TECK ; - M. A, BETHE, CORNELL UMIV. [ o f WMo Gesd? oo o]} T M. BEUTSCH. WIT T He e Willed BT L : R " B GOLDSTEIN. NOAS [SEA EARETNE DN B 1 LIRS TSI A S A CONTRACTORS - RO SPCETICSCRRTIN L ST SRR S SO -7 X1 - EARCIASEREI ovut NQRTH AMERTCAN. AVIATION, INC. CONTRACTORS CELWLUSNYOER L b fn o LABC CONTRAGTOR) : R _ e R e i LU ULHGT R YOCKEY: “METAL WYDRIDES INC, S L EENGINEER S SR PEARLMAN. TS R, P. GiBB DR By GREEN R AND T OTHERS: _ i AND OTHERS L e s PURDUE UNIVERSITY L S L TECHNIGEANS of 0 (AEC CONTRACTOR). .18 F. GOODRICH CORP. sl ey ewrew s fr e B : B e Conmacrom ol L s T ‘QTREJS'ORW'TZ_- SR : : : i et " S S FREIE . AND QTHEfiS . R : . .' TTUBERYLLIGR 1 of oo RIS R : e CRGSfi—SECT[QNS_ B ST S b i HOTE This chort, sKows mly the' §mos of tachnite) cooidination of | T : : S E D Kl SR R T e o b e ANP preject. | The warious. individuale and groups of pccplo hs?od__ S L Co : N R HERES e Ay "““ - b dre engaged sither wholly or poriitime on resecrch ond: design whi " : . S ; B AP AR S ; 8 D S '_.cflaraimahd for thie bengtit of the ANP projsct.in the mongerin : : L0G. 30@5 o] ¥ um the cheets Each gwup, Mcvu, 1% also tesponsible to ita D RN TR P MART N, - o T - Eheet for D.GLOFT, RIS RENSSELIER POLY S ggml} JULY is\;' 1957 : : 31'! UTE' R e '..n nippgs A . ANE OTHERS . REISRES o) & @fimn MECHIGAN COMPANY .- s B GRAFFL L # DAVIDSON - : AND OTHERS - NUCLEAR. DEVELOPMENT - ASSOCIATES, INC. . S sowsrems : ME Rq M FESHBACH® AND QTHERS the ¢ progreds of its research and for adm five mottech, - Porsonnal rom 13 diffarent’ Divisivas of thi Ok R | T Motiona) Loboitesy ond . Enginsering sections of the Y-12 Plont ore f - -_-l_iciwa on fin ehm withaut mnhc md:ccflen ei dwwoflcl hm*- SR Rogid Guk Radgi ‘Schaol of anw Toehnelm.': RIB = R«soarcb Pnrhe:pm! g5 * Paet PERE : :